
MechanisMHello I'm still having problems with grub-pc update. because of it new linux-kernel not installed and other packages too. always errors from apt coz of dependencies.00:02
demonboywhats an00:02
demonboyRPM installer00:02
ActionParsnipdemonboy: its what redhat, mandriva and suse etc, use00:03
demonboyoh ok00:03
demonboyjre is gonna take an hour to DL00:06
MechanisMguys please help I can't turn of my pc for a week or so just because of some problems with grub upgrade. I'm afraid I can't trurn on pc coz of grub issues00:06
demonboydoes ur pc turn on?00:06
demonboyis it tht u cant boot up or cant turn on?00:07
ActionParsnipMechanisM: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/00:07
MechanisMI'm just don't want to try if I can't. I want to successfully upgrade and then reboot00:07
MechanisMI don't asking tips for grub recovery I wanna solve dependencies for grub and upgrade it00:08
penguin42MechanisM: This is a beta release - there will be problems that may be hard to recover from; if you can't handle that then wait for the release00:08
MechanisMbut I'm just wonder why other ppl don't reported it yet00:09
MechanisMgrub-pc requires older version of grub-pc-bin than I'm already have installed00:09
penguin42MechanisM: There was a grub problem a few days/week ago that I know people did hit, and then got fixed, so I guess it might have been doing an update at just the wrong time00:09
penguin42MechanisM: Or, you might have hit a problem others didn't00:10
MechanisMyep might be I'm upgraded at wrong time00:10
MechanisMso how to fix it?00:10
MechanisMI see upgrades for grub-pc but this new grub-pc requires older grub-pc-bin than I'm already have installed00:11
MechanisMbecause of this grub-pc issue I can't upgrade other packages etc00:12
ZoffixMechanisM, what errors? Have you tried reinstalling that grub-pic?00:15
demonboy64 kills 52 head shots wooo00:15
demonboyoops wrong chat00:15
MechanisMyep I'm tried to reinstall grub-pc00:15
ZoffixMechanisM, if I were you, I'd prepare a live CD, so that if it doesn't boot as you expect, at least you'd have a backup plan.00:16
MechanisMerrors is dependencies problems(grub-pc requires older version of grub-pc-bin than one already installed)00:16
jinjorgeanyone using gnome desktop as opposed to Unity?00:16
ZoffixMechanisM, so what are the errors apt gives you?00:16
jinjorgelooks like there is an issue adding a printer via System Settings00:17
MechanisMCan anyone connect to me via TeamViewer and look at the problem?00:18
ZoffixWhy does that sound like a bad idea :}00:18
MechanisMfor me bad idea was in grub-pc adding as dependency old version of grub-pc-bin00:19
ZoffixMan, why oh why did I update >_+  LibreOffice doesn't want to open my .xls Ecel files. synergy stopped working properly. Lost some work on my last flyer I was making in VirtualBox, and seemingly lost all of my InDesign prefs (don't even know wtf happened).00:23
* Zoffix cries00:23
demonboyto install the jre 7 i use dpkg right00:24
demonboyor is tht only for .deb pakages00:24
epoddemonboy, jsut sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre00:25
demonboyi installed the jdk00:26
demonboyi was told to download jre 7 as well00:26
demonboylook at tht ^00:26
marcoceppiI've got an issue with a 12.04 machine on my network. It can see the rest of the network and get to the internet, but no other machine on the network can get to it00:26
ivanget to it how?00:28
marcoceppiivan: ssh, or any of the cherrypy servers running on it00:29
marcoceppiThis happens with all 12.04 machines on my network, but 12.04 -> 11.10 and 11.10 -> 11.10 is fine00:29
marcoceppiI've tried setting static IPs, restarting networking, and restarting the boxes00:30
marcoceppiAll machine are using Wifi00:30
marcoceppiufw has been turned off on each00:30
marcoceppiNot quite sure where to go from here, I'm willing to provide any logs if necessary00:32
MechanisMnow I even can't uninstall grub-pc and replace it with grub00:48
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mongo_MechanisM: are you running ipv6?00:51
mongo_err sorry marcoceppi00:51
marcoceppimongo_: No, it's only IPv400:51
mongo_marcoceppi: add "AddressFamily inet00:52
mongo_to /etc/ssh/sshd_config00:52
mongo_no "00:52
mongo_just "AddressFamily inet"00:52
mongo_also look at netstat -tnl and see if it is listening to 22 on the ipv400:54
marcoceppimongo_: Nope, and that wouldnt' explain why no ports are accessible00:54
mongo_marcoceppi: iptables -L is blank?00:55
marcoceppimongo_: 8080, 8081, 22, 5000 are all being listened to00:55
marcoceppimongo_: It was before I explicitly added ACCEPT for port 2200:55
mongo_marcoceppi: on :::22 or on
marcoceppiit's ->*00:56
demonboyok im back i got the jre 7 tar ball00:56
demonboywhat do i do w/ it00:56
alketI had no luck booting from USB , is there I way I can make a clean install without cd or usb ?00:58
mongo_marcoceppi: what does ufw status say?00:58
marcoceppimongo_: it's off00:59
marcoceppiBut I don't trust it00:59
* marcoceppi considers uninstalling00:59
mongo_marcoceppi: oh so you use iptables to add 22? to which ruleset?00:59
marcoceppiINPUT ACCEPT00:59
marcoceppihowever, I just did that about 15 mins ago01:00
mongo_marcoceppi: better to use "ufw default allow" than try and fight with it01:00
marcoceppimongo_: good tip, thanks01:00
marcoceppilet me reboot this machine01:00
mongo_marcoceppi: you may want to add net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf as ipv6 can cause issues like this01:01
mongo_if ifconfig -a still shows ipv6 addresses01:02
marcoceppimongo_: thanks, I'll check that in one second01:02
mongo_unfortunatly I have to diable network manager so I can't help try and debug that01:02
marcoceppimongo_: should I restart or just restart networking after disabling ipv6?01:03
demonboyhow do intall tarball...01:04
mongo_marcoceppi: if you add that and run sysctl -p it will be gone01:04
mongo_run ifconfig and make sure you don't have ipv6 addresses01:05
mongo_demonboy: why not install it with apt-get install java7-jre01:07
demonboycause tht means i gotta wait more lol01:07
demonboyi have the install downloaded01:07
marcoceppimongo_: Okay, ipv6 is gone iptables is empty no good. I'm going to restart for good measure01:07
mongo_demonboy: not using packages will make it hard in the future01:08
marcoceppimongo_: no go01:09
mongo_marcoceppi: can you try it wired?01:11
marcoceppiyeah,let me find  cable that will reach. This particular box is mounted to the back of my tv01:11
mongo_demonboy: err sorry java7-runtime01:12
demonboy Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:13
mongo_put sudo in front01:13
demonboymy upgrade process is doin libreoffice so idk y its sayin tht01:13
marcoceppimongo_: wtf! Wired works01:16
marcoceppiwifi doesn't on both macihnes01:16
demonboymongo: what does purge do?01:16
marcoceppimongo_: any idea regarding that?01:18
marcoceppidemonboy: purge uninstalls and removes the cached deb01:20
marcoceppimongo_: fixed it. I went in to Edit Connections, change IPv6 from Automatic to Ignore01:33
OffGridOps12.04 upgrade from 11.10:  So, been having REAL trouble trying to get Unity (the left had side menu).  I have Gnome and it is the only way I can navigate right now.  Is this normal?  Thanx01:40
DaekdroomOffGridOps, try using 'unity --reset'01:46
DaekdroomI think Unity 5.8 broke compatibility with previous compiz profiles.01:46
Daekdroom'There are some upgrade known issues for system installed before precise. On first boot, you will loose your compiz settings and can end up in a session with just the wallpaper, no interface. In that case, just logout/login again (rebooting eventually) and the next login will be fine. ' In the Beta2 Release Notes01:47
OffGridOpsI have it locked up and then then had to ctrl c: nothing seems to work.01:49
OffGridOpswhen i log in i select the gnome, but regardless NO setting brings it up.  my cairo dock doesnt work anymore either and i cant select it so maybe its a bad installl?01:49
DaekdroomWhat is not working and what are you using right now?01:50
OffGridOpsone sec and ill type the list01:50
OffGridOpseverything works except cairo dock (although installed) and unity itself01:53
OffGridOpsi can access everything through gnome as well01:54
OffGridOpsexcept activating cairo01:54
OffGridOpsAs to the beta release notes logging in and out soft/hard boot does nothing.  i have sudo apt get upgrade update etc01:56
DaekdroomDid you try running the command 'unity --reset'?01:57
OffGridOpsSorry got cut off.02:07
OffGridOpsOther things that happen are when I close the lid and try to resurrect the system it is a blank black screen with the cursor only02:07
OffGridOpsmy launchpad acct is the same as my id here and the upgrade triggered half a dozen bugs02:08
OffGridOpsthe only thing i really have issue with is no unity ;)  not that i really like it but if it's not there it seems to me that something is broke somewhere (maybe wrong thinking)02:09
=== Zoffix_ is now known as Zoffix
preludelinuxim having a couple of problems with 12.0402:13
ZoffixJoin the club.02:14
preludelinuxi take it everyone i having problems then02:15
ZoffixWell, it *is* still a beta :)02:15
OffGridOpspreludelinux, probably easiest to just start asking as thats what i do and get LOTS of help!02:15
OffGridOpsgreat crew in here02:16
preludelinuxbeta in linux is still better then most software02:16
preludelinuxwell i had problems with install and the open source nvidia driver with an nvidia 550GTX02:16
preludelinuxyou get a blank screen and hard lock02:17
* Zoffix has no idea how to fix that... *goes to watch TV*02:18
preludelinuxmy latest problem is no display manager loading during boot02:18
preludelinuxboot with nomodeset and blacklist the novoue driver02:18
preludelinuxi have made it past install and installed the nvidia drivers at this point ... only get a display manager if you manually start the service02:20
OffGridOpshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11815508  does this fit your issue?02:21
preludelinuxthat fits the issue i had , i applied that during install and edited the correct files to make grub boot with nomodeset and set video mode too text mode .. and got the system booting ... but only to a command prompt no gui02:24
preludelinuxyou can manually do sudo service lightdm start and get in the gui02:24
stuntman_danso... you guys probably get this a lot but... is there anyone that could point me to a tutorial that undoes what compiz settings changes I've made? Basically I installed gnome as I really don't like unity, and as I used compiz back in 7.10 I installed it. I clicked on 'use compatibility for gnome' and then my titlebars disappeared02:25
stuntman_dansooo silly me I used a command I remembered from a couple years ago 'metacity --replace'02:25
preludelinuxnvidia driver installed and working .... adding any of the display managers leads still to a text with manually needing to launch the display login managers ...02:26
stuntman_danaaand it hasn't really fixed anything... all I really want now is to get rid of compiz and have gnome back the way it is supposed to be but I'm not sure where to begin. anyone have any experience dealing with this?02:26
OffGridOpsstuntman_dan, i may be wrong here but i remember its something --reset  maybe unity --reset or something maybe google it or wait for a coder to answer as i am not one and waiting on an issue of my own02:32
stuntman_danoffgridops would that work in gnome?02:33
stuntman_danor would that just be for unity02:34
OffGridOpsi really dont know02:35
OffGridOpsi can't get unity to load so i have no clue02:36
preludelinuxthats not bad ( not getting unity to load )02:37
OffGridOpsyeah it might not for some but it worries me as this is a basic function type program and it makes me wonder what else is broke02:40
OffGridOpsverything in gnome works02:40
OffGridOpsi have googled everything and NOTHING comes up w/an issue like no unity02:40
demonboytyping that #sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer returns this ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com/916897/02:42
demonboyplease help02:43
stuntman_danhey guys, anyone know how to launcher icons that I've placed on the bottom bar of gnome? if I right click it the only options I get are launch or properties, and if I drag it somewhere it just makes a copy02:44
stuntman_dansorry, should have said how to remove** launcher icons02:44
MechanisMhello again. where I can get paid support?02:51
demonboylol y mechanism02:52
MechanisMwhat? I'm bored with this upgrade and dependencies problems and noone can't help. My pc running for weeks for now and noone cares02:54
preludelinuxoh whats going on ?02:54
MechanisMI can't upgrade my system coz grub-pc requires grub-pc-bin with version older than I'm already have02:55
stuntman_danmechanism support might be slow now but come the end of the month when 12.04 support moves over to the main #ubuntu channel I think you'll have a little more luck!02:55
preludelinuxhopefully with not all the bugs02:56
MechanisMafter I'm saying 12.04 everyone says ubuntu+1 so noone is wants to deal with 12.04 in #ubuntu02:56
demonboytyping that #sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer returns this ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com/916897/02:57
preludelinuxhmm is that because the installer is not a .deb02:58
preludelinuxyou could always try to manual install it02:59
MechanisMhow can installer be not deb if it's via apt?02:59
MechanisMdemonboy I have special ppa for sun-java packages02:59
MechanisMif I'm not wrong package name is sun-java* not oracle-java03:00
preludelinuxoracle bought out sun recently03:01
stuntman_danjust on a sidenote.. I've been doing some reading and wonder what ppa actually stands for...?03:01
MechanisMbut package name not changed yet03:01
Logan_!ppa | stuntman_dan03:02
ubottustuntman_dan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge03:02
MechanisMat least for me03:02
stuntman_danah I see03:02
demonboyi need oracle mechanism03:02
demonboynot sun03:02
preludelinuxmanually install ?03:02
demonboyhow... i have the tar ball03:03
stuntman_danI was reading about getting my switchable ati graphics to work and a lot of the people using 11.xx had to try ppas but it seems to work pretty well in 12.04 aside from a few things I have yet to figure out03:03
demonboybut no one wants to tell me how they all say do it via tht command03:03
mongo_demonboy: the free version of java doesn't work for you?03:04
mongo_there is how you can install it but I would recomend not doing so if you can use the free version03:06
=== mongo_ is now known as mongo
MechanisMnow I'm getting debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process I'm opened location and don't see any lock files03:06
demonboymongo arent u the one tht said to install it via terminal not the tarball?03:08
stuntman_dananyone able to explain to me how to delete launcher icons in gnome03:17
stuntman_danif I try to drag it into the trash it just says that it can't be moved to the trash, but I can delete it. but when I try to delete it it says no such file or directory03:18
stuntman_danI guess it's saying that because there's nothing in the .config/gnome-panel/launchers directory03:21
stuntman_danbut why would that be?03:21
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glosolianyone using Gnome Shell with ATI here03:59
hylianno sorry.04:00
hylianafter i installed gnustep, i have no option for logging into it in the login menu.04:00
hylianglosoli, i do use gnome 3 in "old mode"04:02
hylianso what's going on?04:02
hylianhas anyone here ever used gnustep?04:03
glosoliI don't04:04
Rivierahylian: why do you ask?04:04
hylianglosoli, well, thanks for the answer. myabe I can help you?04:04
hylianRiviera, well, i have 12.04 beta installed, and i was thumbing though desktop enivornments and windows managers, and saw gnu step, and thoght I would try it out. after successfully installing though, it does not show up in the login manager screen.04:05
glosolihylian, don't think so, some problems with Gnome Shell and ati driver for having very high cpu, brb, need to reboot trying some configs...04:06
Rivierahylian: ah, in that case I cannot be much of help.  I only used GNUstep briefly to compile Emacs with "nextstep bindings," to see how it looks like, but did not really use GNUstep outside of that experiment :)04:07
hylianRiviera, am i wrong in believing it is a desktop environment? it sure looks like one...04:08
Rivierahylian: according to the GNUstep guys it appears you are, yes:  http://www.gnustep.org/information/aboutGNUstep.html04:08
Rivierahylian: ("GNUstep is not...")04:09
hylianRiviera, i think i get it. i am tired. i thought it said desktop, not developemtn... my fault04:09
Rivieraah :)04:10
Rivierahylian: IITC there was a GNUstep live CD somewhere, have never tried it, no idea what it "did."04:10
hylianRiviera, thanks for the help!04:10
Rivierahylian: http://debian.uni-duisburg-essen.de/misc/GNUstep/LiveCD/04:11
glosolinah still the same :( 20-40 percent of cpu usage when doing nothing04:11
hylianI am going to remove gnustep, and then pass out.04:12
glosoliany of you guys ever used Gnome Shell ?04:14
glosolido you experienced lately gnome shell using a lot of cpu ?04:21
EvanCarrollwhere is the launchpad page for kernel bugs for 12.04, for the live of me launchpad UI has gotten so bad I can't find it.04:22
preludelinuxgnome shell usually runs 1,000 times better then unity04:22
glosolipreludelinux, yep, but dunno why, maybe it's the updates or something it using FGLRX drives, causes me very high CPU usage04:23
preludelinuxati card ?04:23
glosoliit was fine before04:24
preludelinuxopen drivers or closed drivers ?04:24
preludelinuxmaybe the driver got updated ?04:25
glosolimight be04:25
preludelinuxati cards tend to give problems with any of the eye candy from time to time04:25
glosolidoooh.. anyway maybe04:26
glosoliupdates will fix it04:26
glosolior something04:26
glosoliI don't want go back to Unity04:26
preludelinuxno one wants it .....04:27
glosoliit's fine, just compiz is not  that good,04:28
preludelinuxim about to have all my user base complain cry and go back to windows04:28
glosolitried going back to linux yesterday04:28
glosolididin't last more than 6 hours04:28
glosoliafter going back to Ubuntu04:28
glosoligtg bye :)04:29
EvanCarrollI rmemeber when lauchpad was a little intuitive system that was easy to use.04:30
EvanCarrollnow it's worse than fucking bugzilla.04:31
preludelinuxsounds about right04:35
pepeehi. rt73usb driver won't work well with power management enabled, and IIRC it breaks the pm script. so, how do I disable the power management when I connect the device?04:43
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=== ThomasBoxley\ is now known as ThomasBoxley
pepeethe touchpad cursos jumps :/05:23
lotuspsychje!info kazam05:46
ubottukazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB05:46
voozeDid gnome 3.4 end up comming in 12.04?06:10
demonboywill someome help me i been playin around with the terminal and jre tar ball i think i got it installed but how do i make my browser see it?06:19
demonboy# jave -version ----> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b04)06:20
demonboyim not sure if thts it but i did have the jre-7u306:21
demonboyinstall tar.gz file06:21
BigWhale!info kazam06:28
ubottukazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB06:28
lotuspsychjecool isnt it06:28
BigWhale824kB! zomg!06:29
ubuntu64bitubuntu 12.04 seems a little more refined the videos and pictures only thing i can see wrong with 12.04 is mouse pointer fades in and out during video play06:44
jayprowhen does ubuntu server come out of beta?06:47
osirisx11hi.. i am using gnome classic and i cannot do alt-tab anymore after upgrading to +106:47
ubuntu64biti'm using gnome unity and my alt-tab works fine06:49
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:50
osirisx11maybe it is because i have a bluetooth keyboard06:50
ubuntu64bitanyone else having problems with the mouse pointer fading in and out watching a video or tv06:51
Ian_Cornejaypro: ^^06:51
osirisx11my tab key works, and my alt key works, but alt-tab does not06:52
ubuntu64bitidk osirisx11 maybe someone left it out for gnome classic gnome unity it works fine for me06:53
osirisx11no thank you, i don't care for unity06:54
ubuntu64bitcan't say i blame ya osirisx11 but i like it for some reason06:55
ubuntu64bitunity is designed for touch screen right?06:56
osirisx11interestingly inside the keyboard settings / shortcuts  tab, alt-tab is listed for switch applications, and i re-set it to alt-tab with no problems, so the OS sees it fine06:57
osirisx11it just is ignoring the request06:57
osirisx11ctrl+super+d hides all windows as intended06:58
ubuntu64bitthey seem to be asleep hopefully someone is watching our posts to correct issues07:02
osirisx11sometimes i get a windows that doesn't go away and is all gray, small rectangle on top left of my screen07:32
georgelappieshi all, just updated my kubuntu precise, now after I enter my credentials at the login screen and press enter I go to a black screen07:55
phani2georgelappies :   what happens if you login via console ?07:58
georgelappiesphani2: i can login then, I pressed 'ctrl + alt + f1' and login08:00
georgelappiesthen I 'sudo service kdm restart'08:00
georgelappiesit restarts fine no problems, but as soon as I enter my details and press enter to login into KDE it looks like it wants to starts loading but then only shows black screen08:01
phani2if you can login via console , can you get me the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log file or .xsession-errors ?08:02
georgelappiesso system it self is running, problem is with KDE login somewhere. I used 'mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old'08:02
georgelappiessure, X starts fine though08:03
georgelappieswill get it to you, just need to reboot as it is on this same laptop and I am in win7 atm :(08:04
georgelappiesunless you can point me to ext4 drivers for win7 64bit:)08:04
snadgehow do you install ubuntu onto an imac?08:06
snadgethe official instructions dont appear to work ;)08:06
snadgetrying to get it to load off usb08:06
snadgetried from os x.. it said.. the device is unaccessible08:15
snadgetried usb creator under linux, the mac can access it.. but wont see it when it when i hold alt during boot08:15
snadgenow im trying lili from windows :/08:15
snadgeso the 64bit install should work on macs?08:19
georgelappiesphani2: here you go with .xsession-errors   http://pastebin.com/VV44XCks08:20
georgelappiesphani2: here is the Xorg.0.log        http://pastebin.com/1A7Mxtfp08:22
georgelappiesphani2: all was working 100% until I did the updates just now...08:23
georgelappieslast updated last night, about 10 hours back before this update08:24
phani2ok i am looking into the log08:24
glosoliWhen I installed Gnome Shell my max min close buttons went to right in any windows,08:25
glosolihow to restore them to left ?08:25
snadgeturns out its a core duo mac.. not a core 2 duo mac.. meaning its 32bit :/08:43
snadgefinally got it to boot the usb stick by using reFit08:43
snadgethen says.. your cpu cant run x86_64.. fail :p08:43
gain_any way to manage unity fonts?08:50
napsyHello. I have troubles installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer ... it hangs when trying to download the fonts. No URL works just hangs in 'HTTP request sent, waiting for response..." Any ideas?09:29
georgelappies does rsync work for the daily images as well?09:35
georgelappiesis there a way to uninstall the last installed updates?09:36
siretartgeorgelappies: there is a very painful way that involves calling dpkg on earlier versions by hand09:38
RedBunnycan someone tell me why i keep looking my title bar on my programs like folder and ftp ,... they keep disapearing and i cant move them,....?09:38
georgelappiessiretart: damn cause after the update this morning I cannot boot into KDE anymore on kubuntu with precise :(09:39
georgelappiesand i just downloaded the ubuntu-alternate daily ISO but checking the disk gives errors and I am windows 7 with limited bandwith09:40
georgelappiesso I cannot download it again09:40
georgelappiesi installed cwrsync in windows but it gives me this error when trying to rsync09:41
georgelappiesssh could not resolve hostname :(09:42
glosoliwhy system language is in English(UK) and I can't change it to US ?09:44
RedBunnyyou can change it in system steetings09:44
glosoliseems like I can't09:44
RedBunnyi thinkwith gnome tweak09:45
glosolipure gnome tweak depends on Gnome Shell.09:45
RedBunnyand its not in the system language settings09:47
glosoliwell in language settings there is ENGLISH in list which I can't choose09:47
glosolimight be a bug09:48
RedBunnyyeah czuse thats where i chose it i think09:51
Myrttiglosoli: it's a drag list09:52
Myrttinot an option list09:52
Myrttiglosoli: drag the languages in the order you prefer09:52
glosoliI feel so stupid now09:53
Myrttidon't worry, took me ten minutes to read the small print too09:53
glosolithanks anyway, I remember it being option list before ?09:53
RedBunnycan someone tell me why i keep loosing my title bar on my programs like folder and ftp ,... they keep disapearing and i cant move them,....?09:56
georgelappieswhy is this rsync not working??? C:\ubunut_rsync>rsync -v "rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20120405/precise-alternate-amd64.iso" precise-alternate-amd64.iso09:58
georgelappiesit gives error: @ERROR: Unknown module 'daily'09:59
georgelappiesrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1503) [receiver=3.0.6]09:59
vhdirkhi all10:08
vhdirkit seems APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH=1 does not work anymore in precise. I really liked that...10:09
scientesvhdirk, what does it do?10:13
scientesgeorgelappies, @ERROR: Unknown module 'daily'10:14
scientesgeorgelappies, that means your syntax for entering the url isn't right10:14
scientescause that word is out of the url10:14
vhdirksciences: it just ignores it and puts the menubar in the panel10:15
vhdirkthe thing is: I don't really want the globalmenu. I'd much rather have each application having its own titlebar and menu. Displaying the appmenu twice was a something I used since I cannot get rid of the applications min/max/close button in the panel10:18
vhdirkeven better would be that I can discard this global menu/applets thing altogether, but that seems even less possible10:19
RedBunnyhow do i close a program withought a tittle bar ,...?10:29
RedBunnyor move them10:29
taxman01or apt-get?10:31
glosoliIn CompizConfig-Settings-Manager there is OpenGL plugin and option for: Texture Filter10:32
glosoliwhich would make the system work faster  ?10:32
glosoliTexture Filer: Fast, Good or Best ?10:32
XinulRedBunny: For moving, try ALT + drag10:38
XinulFor closing, try xkill and click10:38
FreeRunhow to disable "F10" shortcut?10:50
FreeRuncompiz + unity10:50
vhdirkFreeRun: what does f10 do? Doesn't seem to do anything10:51
FreeRunin my config working as right click of mouse10:52
FreeRuni have to disable in gconf any variant of F10 shortcut but nothing happens10:53
vhdirkFreeRun: maybe this helps? http://askubuntu.com/questions/37313/how-do-i-deactivate-f1-and-f10-keybindings10:54
spacebug-oh I found this help now for F10 / mc in gnome-terminal. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1017546#p1017546   works great ;)11:01
FreeRunfirst solution don't work... and i'm checking second11:13
OffGridOps12.04 upgrade from 11.10:  Been having weird stuff go one.  Posted a bunch in here and launchpad (same name).  Hoping someone familiar with Unity (the left vertical menu bar) is in here11:13
OffGridOpsso no unity (i guess that's what its called it starts with the dash search square and goes to the trash), system crashes to black screen if i close my laptop cover and cairo will not run11:15
OffGridOpsi have fired it up in ubuntu, ubuntu 2d, gnome without and gnome with.  the cairo options are just blank white circles11:15
OffGridOpsshould i consider a new install?  thanx11:15
spacebug-FreeRun: see my link that works11:20
spacebug-FreeRun: you have to close all gnome-terminal windows after!11:20
lapionstrangely enough if I do ps -auxw the console locks up, ctrl-c ctrl-d nothing seems to work11:26
lapionwhether I do it in a vt on xwindows or a vt on alt-f111:28
FreeRunsecond solution also do't works11:31
OffGridOpsIs there a more appropriate IRC to ask the questions?  I don't code a lot so I really didn't know.  Thanx!11:32
lapiontop works fine only ps  freezes up11:33
spacebug-FreeRun: are we talking about the same thing? F10 in gnome-terminal brings up same menu as right mouse button does?11:34
lapionnvm it was a temporary thingy11:47
georgelappiesaah cool, finaly came right with cygwin and zsync!11:49
* penguin42 yaaawwwwnnnns - was up til 3.30am debootstrapping my dads machine11:49
Dr_willisive had such weirdness with cygwin in the past..11:49
georgelappiesthe alternate-cd can install from usb right?12:13
sacarlsonwill 12.04 have gnome-shell and cinnamon as options or at least access to them in ppa?12:17
penguin42sacarlson: gnome-shell is there12:17
sacarlsonpenguin42: cool good enuf12:17
penguin42sacarlson: There is a ppa for cinnamon, I don't see one for precise yet, but I suspect it'll arrive, and for added goodness MATE (aka Gnome2ish) is availalbe in a repo for 12.0412:18
sacarlsonpenguin42: oh mate I have seen that before never tried it and that's more what I like the gnome2ish thing12:19
penguin42sacarlson: seems to work12:19
sacarlsonI'm now just awaiting a window when my network is slow to download at least what we have so far in 12.04 to give it a try12:20
* penguin42 installed a 12.04+mate for my dad last night12:21
* nonix4 ponders how to post a bug report about snd-hda-intel needing "pasuspender alsactl init" from time to time to work...12:29
penguin42nonix4: Run ubuntu-bug audio12:29
penguin42nonix4: Follow it's instructions and then in the text of the bug explain what you need to do12:29
gain_hi guys12:48
gain_anyone uses eclipse, here?12:48
gain_<gain_> anyone uses eclipse, here?12:50
penguin42gain_: Yeh I do12:52
gain_penguin42: installated from repository? any trouble? it say me that "Application "org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench" could not be found in the registry." and doesn't start12:53
penguin42gain_: I was about to tell you it was all peachy - which it was 2 or 3 days ago - but just tried it again and it's giving me Could not load SWT library.12:55
penguin42gain_: I'd installed it from the Ubuntu package and told it to let it do upgrades; I'm using the Java 6 packages12:56
sacarlsonpenguin42: somebody must have been working past there bed time again12:57
penguin42sacarlson: I don't think this one was me, even if I was up until 3.30am12:58
sacarlsonpenguin42: no I ment the ones that must have changed it12:58
gain_penguin42: openjdk-6-jdk12:59
penguin42gain_: No, I'm using Sun java 613:00
gain_penguin42: ok, I'll try it13:00
penguin42gain_: Having fixed those problems with some symlinks, I'll admit it's not happy - I don't know if the problem is whenever eclipse gets updated from the ubuntu packages it confuses the heck out of any updates Eclipse itself bought in13:03
penguin42gain_: I've been trying some Android dev and it was working a couple of days ago13:03
penguin42ah, there we go - there was an eclipse ubuntu package update yesterday13:08
spacebug-strange. Setting default applications from within system settings->details->default applications dowa not work for me anymore13:17
jabba_is it somehow possible to remove the starter from my second monitor?13:45
CyLHi, I was pointed here to ask about the release schedule of 12.04. Is there a release date already set up?13:47
jtaylorsee the topic13:47
CyLjtaylor: Sorry, I had a CTCP notice from Chanserv that I was interpreting as the topic13:48
Daekdroomjabba_, yes.13:48
scotty^Can one of the Ubuntu packagers please take a look at bug 933495?  It is filed as a gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg bug but is beginning to look like a gnome-codec-install bug.  It is specific to x86_64 installations.13:48
DaekdroomPower indicator > Screens...13:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 933495 in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "gstreamer unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93349513:48
jabba_Daekdroom, nice :)13:49
jabba_really. i think the second starter on a machine with 2 display-setup is just anoying... must be possible to remove ist13:50
AprogasI have a dualboot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu (actually Kubuntu 12.04 beta 2). With EasyBCD I installed GRUB 2 to some file in C:\NST and added it to the Windows bootloader. My BIOS is picky about the contents of the MBR and I dare not write GRUB to the MBR.13:50
AprogasWhich grub packages do I need and which can I remove in the Ubuntu installation? During a full upgrade, grub asked to which partition to install, but failed to install to /dev/sda5 (/boot) so I just skipped it (like I did in the original install).13:51
Daekdroomjabba_, that's a very recent change :P13:52
jabba_ever had a virtual-box session on the second display with the starter? lame13:52
jtaylorscotty^: why would gnome-codec-install want to install i386 plugins?13:53
jabba_i'd love to know the sense of this recent change...13:53
DaekdroomNo, I mean, in early development of 12.04 they had it always have a 2nd Launcher. Then a few weeks ago they gave us the possibility to choose.13:54
scotty^jtaylor: That's what I was wondering.  Must be an error, right?13:54
jtaylorscotty^: how can I reproduce the issue?13:54
jtaylorthe i386 is not installable due to a non-multiarched dependency13:55
jtaylorand its a bit late to change that now13:56
scotty^jtaylor: On a fresh install of 12.04 64bit, try to play back an .mp4 or .flv file, or something else that needs a codec that is not shipped by default.13:56
jtaylorat least without a good motivation why its needed13:56
scotty^not sure I understand you there.13:56
CyLHow is the record on the upgrade process between major LTS releases (server flavour)? Is it usually clean?13:58
jtaylorjust the explaination og the output, what needs to figured out is why wants to get installed in the firstplace13:58
jtaylorCyL: probably depends on the packageset you have installed13:58
jtaylorthe more you deviate from the default the higher the risk of a failure13:59
gnomefreakldm is still default login for gnome?13:59
scotty^OK, thanks.14:00
ratcheerIn the daily updates, are the new kernel packages being held for everybody, or just me?14:00
scotty^jtaylor: OK, thanks.14:01
jtaylorI haven't got a fresh installation handy to see what goes wrong14:01
CyLjtaylor: Actually I plan to deploy a plone application server on it. That's probably not an issue, since the prefered way of plone deployment is using a self-hosting structure, that doesn't compete with system packages14:02
gnomefreakok what is the default login theme. i have neither ldm nor gdm installed14:02
ratcheergnomefreak: I belive that is lightdm14:02
gnomefreakthanks ratcheer14:03
gnomefreakit is14:03
jabba_Daekdroom, it's still possible! i misinterpreted your instructions.14:06
jabba_it's still in System-Settings->Screens->position of launcher (my native lang is german)14:07
jabba_..and i was blind :)14:07
penguin42gain_: I seem to have just about got Eclipse working again; I needed to nuke my .eclipse directory14:16
ratcheerIn the daily updates, are the new kernel packages being held for everybody, or just me?14:24
gnomefreakmine upgraded fine. use dist-upgrade or you can install them14:25
gnomefreakapot-get install kernelpackages14:26
ratcheerThanks, gnomefreak14:26
gnomefreakbrb smoke14:27
MCRPackages of UFO:AI v2.4RC have now been updated and tested working on Precise. Download from http://ufoai.org/wiki/index.php/Download#2.4-dev14:36
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spaceneedleThe system monitor uses a high amount of cpu when it is opened.14:46
DaekdroomI think it's been that way for quite awhile.14:47
* gnomefreak really hates ubuntu software center14:52
topyliyeah the software center is probably the slowest piece of software i've seen since nokia pc suite for windows14:56
topylino offence if someone here wrote it :)14:56
ironhalikits still much faster then it used to be ;>14:57
topylii mostly blame apt-xapian-index though, and that's debian's fault14:57
topyliof course, i might be completely wrong14:58
* gnomefreak sticks with smart15:01
topylignomefreak: what is smart?15:01
gnomefreaktopyli: smartpm its another packagemanager15:02
gnomefreaklight weight and fast :)15:02
* topyli looks15:02
gnomefreakalso handles rpm too15:02
topylilooks interesting! i've been just using wajig and concentrated on being happy15:05
atpa8ayeah... i'll use cli instead of software center 99% of the time15:06
gnomefreakme too but i just reinstalled so i have to get everything back and its easier to use package manager15:07
atpa8asmartpm looks good15:11
atpa8aupdate is slower then cli tho15:13
topylismart seems to have a very nice cli. looks a lot like yum15:16
atpa8ai like yum15:18
atpa8asmartpm seems to do dist-upgrade tho...15:18
topylii find yum slow and generally repulsive, but perhaps that's because i've spent too much time on debian and ubuntu :)15:19
topylithe only thing i like is that it reports progress (when there finally is some) better than apt15:19
gnomefreakatpa8a: run smart in cli than it uses gui and cli depending on your needs/wants15:20
gnomefreakatpa8a: smart will work packages as aptitude does when needed15:20
gnomefreakyum is extreamly slow15:20
topyliyum was created for sysadmins paid by the hour15:22
* gnomefreak hasnt found anything appealing with yum in all the years i used fedora/susie/redhat15:23
topyli(developers: "i'm compiling!" - admins: "i'm doing upgrades!")15:23
atpa8asusie doesn't use yum15:24
atpa8ayast is repulsive15:24
gnomefreakwhat does it use than. i could have sworn last time i ran it it used yum15:24
gnomefreakah that is it15:24
topyliyast :(15:24
topylithere was something similar in AIX, but i forget the name15:26
jessieHow the heck do I add a new bug on launchpad? I am not seeing any, 'Create new bug' buttons.15:27
gnomefreakjessie: `you can use ubuntu-bug packagename15:27
gnomefreakjessie: example ubuntu-bug firefox15:27
jessieOkay, thank you very much gnomefreak.15:28
topylithere's a 'new bug' button too though, but using ubuntu-bug is better because it collects your system info automatically15:28
gnomefreakbutton is too easy :)15:29
|Anthony|does precise have support for HDMI out of the box? i'm using an nvidia gt24015:31
* gnomefreak off to read i hope15:31
Dr_willis|Anthony|, hdmi video works for my nvidia cards.16:20
leoquantsudo lsof -i -n -P on 12.04 gives dnsmasq, never seen this before. can this be removed on the ubuntu desktop envr.?16:21
Dr_willisdnsmasq is a new default thing in 12.0416:22
Dr_willis!info dnsmasq16:22
ubottudnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.59-4 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 117 kB16:22
Dr_willissomeone was asking about it in here a few days back.16:23
leoquantok, def. something new in 12.04. thx Dr_willis16:23
BarkingFishAfternoon guys, I wonder if someone would be kind enough to help me out. I've upgraded to Precise beta, and for some reason, ndiswrapper doesn't seem to be available in the kernel, I have all the headers installed, but without ndiswrapper, I can't get on the net, I've fallen back to 3.0.0-18 to get on. Any ideas?16:30
penguin42BarkingFish: I see there is a ndiswrapper-dkms package16:31
BarkingFishpenguin42, I don't normally use dkms, ndiswrapper is normally available in the headers without the need for dkms16:32
BarkingFishthere is no module for ndiswrapper, the last one I have is the one from -18, and that's it.16:33
penguin42BarkingFish: I've not used ndiswrapper for years, so I don't know - any reason you don't use dkms, it normally solves this type of problem?16:33
BarkingFishyes, there is a reason.  I've never found any need for it, because what I've wanted has always been available16:34
trismBarkingFish: from the changelog for 3.2.0-17.26: * Drop ndiswrapper, not quite sure why yet16:34
BarkingFishwell that's just dandy.16:34
BarkingFishThat screws me for getting on the internet16:34
penguin42BarkingFish: Put the dkms in then - it should sort you out16:35
penguin42BarkingFish: Out of interest, what hardware?16:35
BarkingFishSiemens Gigaset USB 108 wifi adapter, Atheros AR5523 chipset16:35
BarkingFishthe question of course, trism, is if they don't know why they're dropping it, why drop it? :|16:37
trismBarkingFish: no sorry, that part at the end was me, I don't know why16:37
penguin42BarkingFish: Should be able to track it back to the commit which removed it with some effort16:37
trismBarkingFish: it just says "Drop ndiswrapper"16:37
BarkingFishso who would I complain to in order to get that put back in the kernel?16:38
penguin42BarkingFish: I'd say you should find out why it's been removed first, then you need to explain sanely why -dkms doesn't work for you16:39
BarkingFishuntil there's native support for the whole atheros chipset, ndiswrapper is a lifesaver.  it shouldn't have been dropped16:39
BarkingFishok penguin42 - then who do I need to speak to in order to find that out?16:39
penguin42BarkingFish: Good question, you could ask (nicely!) on #ubuntu-kernel to see if they can point you to the reason for removal16:40
FernandoMiguelgood afternoon16:40
trismpenguin42: good point, should have checked there first: http://paste.ubuntu.com/917654/16:41
penguin42BarkingFish/trism: There you go - that's the reasoning16:41
BarkingFishthank you :)  at least I know why it vanished now.16:42
penguin42BarkingFish: If you can give them a good reason why -dkms breaks for you then you might be able to get it back; the other thing which might be a valid bug is that if it was an upgrade as opposed to a reinstall, then if you were using ndis it would have made sense for it to have installed the -dkms for you16:43
BarkingFishdkms didn't break anything for me, penguin42 - the reason i'd never used it was because ndiswrapper and most of the other stuff i used was always there, so i never needed to install it16:43
penguin42BarkingFish: Fair enough16:44
BarkingFishi just hope ndiswrapper still configures in the same way, I'd just about got the hang of it :)16:44
BarkingFishand that now means I can run off the correct kernel, since I'm using the beta it makes sense for me to use the kernel which came with it16:45
bluefrogthe who command shows me only one user logged in while there are two. bug?16:50
|Anthony|Dr_willis, were you able to install from dvd with only an HDMI connected screen?16:53
|Anthony|it seems to be an issue for me16:53
penguin42bluefrog: how are the two users logged in?16:54
penguin42|Anthony|: Please report the bug - it may be quite video card specific16:54
bluefrogpenguin42, ssh and gui. has to be a bug. does it on an upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04. native 12.04 gives a correct result.16:54
|Anthony|penguin42, I'm going to switch to a dsub out first. There might be something else going on16:55
penguin42bluefrog: Which one is the one that's missing?16:55
bluefrogpenguin42, gui user16:55
SahdarHi there, using Ubuntu 12.04 and have some troubles with adope flash player. When i try to start an flash application, he asks me for some more storage at harddrive. But I can't click anything at the menu. :( so I can't click okay and give him more storage.16:57
penguin42bluefrog: yeh, sounds like a bug16:57
GremlynTabhello, got an issue while doing my 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade17:00
BarkingFishHi again :)17:00
bazhangGremlynTab, what issue17:00
GremlynTabfirst I see an error thrown from udevd about my Android rules file, then I am told that / is either not present or ready17:01
bazhangGremlynTab, that lts to lts should be once 12.04 is released17:01
GremlynTabmanual recovery option goes to the ro shell just fine17:01
|Anthony|ok... same issue using a vga connection. Trying to boot the live cd. It goes to the Ubuntu splash screen with the progress bar, finishes that and then the screen gets all distorted. and system is unresponsive.17:01
BarkingFishRight, the ndiswrapper-dkms module is working, penguin42 - there is one small issue with it which I'd file as a bug if I could find out where - and that is that I have to modprobe -r ndiswrapper, remove the device and modprobe ndiswrapper before the system picks up wlan0 as an interface.17:01
|Anthony|how do i use no modeset during boot from live cd?17:02
penguin42BarkingFish: I think I'd file it against ndiswrapper-dkms - just do  ubuntu-bug ndiswrapper-dkms     assuming you have a launchpad.net account17:02
GremlynTabbazhang, beta 2 page has removed the warning about issues while upgrading, I knew the risks going in, but now I need to find a way out17:02
BarkingFishyep, I do. OK then, that will get done now :)  And thank you, I was on the point of pulling my hair out.  It was an upgrade, so I'm surprised I didn't get the dkms package, but whatever. It's practically fixed :)17:03
penguin42BarkingFish: I'd file that as a separate bug17:03
penguin42BarkingFish: IMHO when doing an upgrade you shouldn't lose networking, so it should install the -dkms for you17:04
GremlynTabobviously I can you're up the 12.04 live CD, either try to fix if it is a broken package or something our fresh install, but if this is something that is a bug and I can capture data, I figured it would be worthwhile to come here and ask about it17:04
BarkingFishI didn't lose my networking, it was only lost after the upgrade completed and I rebooted17:05
GremlynTabcan load up* (autocorrect, using tablet)17:05
BarkingFishThankfully, I don't remove my old kernel versions, so I could still fallback to an old one to get on the net17:05
=== ferni_ is now known as ferni
BarkingFishI've got kernel headers on here going back to 2.6.38-11 :D17:05
|Anthony|hold shift during boot from install media to access nomodeset, right?17:08
sacarlsonI wonder how far back of a kernel would still function with this next ubuntu 12.04?17:08
penguin42sacarlson: Depending on your video card probably quite a long way17:08
sacarlsonI still have a kernel that worked with my old ibm webcam that no longer works now in even as new as ubuntu 10.0417:09
sacarlsonpenguin42: my video card is an old nividia so as long as those drivers work then I can still link into libs for ubuntu 12.04?17:10
sacarlsonso what is lost by using old kernels then if your drivers are all working on your old kernel?17:11
GremlynTabany suggestions for me? currently downloading the live CD, and I think I will do a fresh install...17:11
sacarlsonGremlynTab: I suggest you do it...17:12
GremlynTabI mean in terms of info collection for bug reporting17:12
penguin42GremlynTab: The thing about / not being present - is that all? Any details? Tell us about your PC - anything odd?17:12
sacarlsonGremlynTab: I personaly do my fresh installs in my spare expermental boot partition so I can always backup to the last one17:13
GremlynTabimmediately prior to that message, udevd throws an error regarding my Android rules file17:13
BarkingFishpenguin42, Does this make enough sense to be understandable please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/97532217:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975322 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "ndiswrapper does not detect wlan0 on startup, even when configured" [Undecided,New]17:13
penguin42GremlynTab: I've seen udevd files break boots before; more normally they just moan a lot17:13
GremlynTabsacarlson, figures I would give the upgrade a shot side beta2 dropped the upgrade warning, knowing that my fallback would be a fresh install17:13
penguin42GremlynTab: You said the rescue boots ok?17:14
GremlynTabyeah, I can get the ro root shell17:14
penguin42BarkingFish: Sounds reasonable17:14
BarkingFishok, cheers17:15
penguin42GremlynTab: OK, exactly what does that say - is that the initramfs prompt?17:15
GremlynTabafter I get the mounting error, I hit m for manual recovery17:15
GremlynTabI assume this is the on error mount as ro in my Gustav17:16
penguin42GremlynTab: Hmm OK, I can't quite remember the details there - so from that ro can you look at your /etc/fstab and see if it makes sense? Also look at /proc/partitions17:16
GremlynTabfstab looks good to me, let me check /proc/partitions17:17
GremlynTabI see sda/sda1/sda2/Adam17:18
penguin42Adam ?17:19
GremlynTabdamn autocorrect17:19
* penguin42 rotfls17:19
GremlynTabwhich is my swap17:19
penguin42GremlynTab: And which one is your root ?17:19
GremlynTabSda2 appears to be nothing, 1 block17:20
penguin42and is it listed in the fstab by uuid or as /dev/sda1 ?17:20
GremlynTabsda1 is /dev, sda5 is you'd17:21
Dr_willissda5 is not a uuid. :)17:21
GremlynTablisted by17:21
penguin42ok, so run   blkid    and see if it matches what it says in fstab17:21
GremlynTabyep, it does17:22
penguin42GremlynTab: Well ok, so the fact you're in a ro shell and it can see your filesystem means it can't be too confused - right?17:22
GremlynTabthat is my hope17:22
penguin42GremlynTab: So anything odd in dmesg?17:23
GremlynTabudevd converting plus udev database17:24
SteevcaI had a problem with ubuntu 12.04 and network manager,it couldn't detect my network,so someon on the forums seid that i can install wicd,and that is better.So i am asking can i install 11.10 on my pc,then remove the network-manager and upgrade to 12.04 via live cd and keep the wicd instead of network manager? :D17:24
GremlynTabplus = old17:24
penguin42GremlynTab: Hmm, so does mount -o remount,rw /      work?17:24
GremlynTabinit: mountall main process (366) terminated with status 317:25
webm0nk3`so i am experiencing bug #97309517:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973095 in Ubuntu "GRUB error: "out of partition" after a kernel update" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97309517:25
webm0nk3`I have no idea which package to select17:25
SteevcaAnyone? :D17:25
GremlynTabappears to have pensioners17:25
GremlynTablol, so much autocorrect fail17:26
* penguin42 giggles at GremlynTab's autocomplete17:26
penguin42GremlynTab: what should that be?17:26
penguin42webm0nk3`: I'd go for grub-pc17:27
GremlynTabyour username17:27
penguin42ah :-)17:27
penguin42GremlynTab: I'm nearly 40 but not a pensioner yet!17:27
GremlynTabso no network connection to be had...17:28
webm0nk3`penguin42: thx17:28
penguin42GremlynTab: Well, if it's letting you mount there - hmm, I'd try removing your android udev file17:28
=== webm0nk3` is now known as webm0nk3y
GremlynTabjust thinking that17:28
GremlynTabmoving it to .bak will be enough, right? add in udev specifically looks for .rules17:29
SteevcaWill i lose my software if i upgrade via live cd from 11.10 to 12.04 ? Will wicd be replaced with network-manager? xD I realy need an answer fast. :P17:29
penguin42GremlynTab: Not sure17:30
GremlynTabwe shall find out I guess17:30
penguin42Steevca: Well, you know what things are like, it's a beta, it's an upgrade, *anything* might happen17:30
GremlynTabsteevca, if you do an upgrade, no, fresh install yes17:30
SteevcaOk,thanks for the answers.17:30
SteevcaI am going to try if it's ok it's ok if not then i ll just reinstall 11.10 again. :P17:31
GremlynTabok yeah, with an upgrade you shouldn't loose anything (that is compatible)17:31
GremlynTabbut it is a beta17:31
=== ccmonster is now known as Guest97304
GremlynTabreading udev gives me the message 'specified group 'colord' unknown'17:33
penguin42GremlynTab: Got an old rule that's trying to make something owned by colord (what ever that is - obviously missing a u....)17:34
GremlynTabI agree on the I ;)17:36
GremlynTabonly the rules in there, can't be hard to find it17:36
GremlynTaband that was 'i agree on the u.17:36
BarkingFishuhoh. I just discovered one more problem, I just realised I have no sound.  Mixer is present, but I have no audio at all.17:37
penguin42GremlynTab: Did you have some colurimeter or similar calibration thing?17:37
GremlynTabnot that I can remember17:37
GremlynTabcould always try making the group to try and fix it I suppose17:37
trismcolord is installed by default now, since oneiric17:37
trism!info colord17:37
ubottucolord (source: colord): system service to manage device colour profiles -- system daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.16-2 (precise), package size 88 kB, installed size 472 kB17:37
penguin42GremlynTab: I have  colord:x:136:   and scanner:x:137:colord17:38
penguin42would be surprised though if that's the thing stopping your boot17:39
GremlynTabmight not stop it, haven't tried again since moving the Android rulea17:39
GremlynTabmight be related to my scanner17:40
GremlynTabthe colord17:40
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BarkingFishback in a tick, going to reboot and check why I have no audio17:40
GremlynTabok what is the flag for cat to show the start of the file?17:40
penguin42GremlynTab: Don't use cat, use head17:41
GremlynTabI grep-ed for colord and got nothing17:42
GremlynTabit is also not in /etc/group17:43
pepeethe touchpad cursos jumps around :/17:43
GremlynTabrebooting, lets see what happens17:44
GremlynTabhtm, still not working17:45
penguin42GremlynTab: I'm not really sure what to suggest next, there are some logs in /var/log/upstart but if it's not mounted rw yet it won't help17:46
GremlynTabseems this is the issue I am seeing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1180029817:47
GremlynTabnote the Android udev error is gone, I see the plymouthd error too17:47
xushi internet friends !17:48
xusdo you have any recommendations for system usage widgets on unity?17:48
Dr_willisxus,  the askubuntu.com site has a listing of various indicator-applets that may cover what you want.17:49
GremlynTabpenguin42, thanks for your efforts none the less17:51
pepeeGremlynTab, add a new group called colord?17:52
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
GremlynTabwell the live USB boot is ready, lets try to fix this18:01
pepeeGremlynTab, add a group called colord?18:06
GremlynTabtried it, no dice18:06
GremlynTabdid get rid of the error though18:06
pepeeor reinstall colord, I suppose that the package is the one that will add it18:06
GremlynTabno network through the remounted recovery shell18:06
pepeewhat error are you getting now?18:07
pepeemost, if not all problems, can be fixed by using dpkg/apt18:07
GremlynTabdid the link I posted come through?18:07
pepeeGremlynTab, yep18:08
GremlynTabplymouthd error, the same as in the first part on that thread18:08
pepeeah k18:08
GremlynTabhow can I run dpkg/apt from the live CD? I believe it is possible, right?18:09
pepee_GremlynTab, uninstall plymouth, IIRC you don't really need it18:12
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
GremlynTaboh yeah? with a shot18:13
GremlynTabapt-get purge didn't need internet, right?18:14
GremlynTabexcept now it isn't giving me the option of the recovery shell...18:16
GremlynTaboh there we go18:17
pepeein grub, edit the linux command, and add init=/bin/bash18:17
pepeetry fixing things in apt18:18
GremlynTabnot letting me remove Plymouth, tells me there are unmet dependencies18:19
GremlynTablooks like the live CD repair will be the way to go18:20
pepeethen don't do it18:20
pepeenope,  I think better option is to repair things from there18:20
pepeerun apt-get --fix-broken18:20
GremlynTabI have no network connection in the shell though18:20
GremlynTabif I mount and chroot from the live CD, it will accomplish the same thing, no?18:21
GremlynTabyeah, wifi, will wired work?18:21
Dr_willis_wired would be easier18:22
tuxflash update a few mins ago has disabled my flash on some sites18:22
tuxsaying im using an older one..18:22
GremlynTabI just figured networking wasn't present18:22
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pepeeGremlynTab, do you know how to use ifconfig/iwconfig?18:22
GremlynTabnot well18:23
pepeehmm you can install wicd-curses, but without internet, you can't do much :/18:26
GremlynTabfound a repair guide for chroot using the live CD, going to give it a shot18:26
GremlynTabI can get internet that way easily18:27
pepeethe touchpad cursos jumps around. can someone help me with it?18:31
Zoffix_Hey. I'm using KDE, does anyone know if there's a way to disable window moving with ALT+Drag when window is maximized?18:32
GremlynTabtouchpad or clickpad?18:32
pepeewhat's a clickpad?18:32
GremlynTabnon physical buttons18:33
pepeeit does have buttons18:33
GremlynTaband has multitude18:33
GremlynTabmessed with the sensitivity settings?18:34
pepeethe cursor jumps if I select some text and then move the cursor18:34
pepeebut I didn't do a thing18:34
GremlynTabis it something that happened immediately after the upgrade?18:35
GremlynTabI know mouse stuff was tweaked, it's possible that the default is just wrong for your mouse18:36
yofelZoffix_: there is in the oxygen settings18:36
GremlynTabthough I have really only been paying attention to the clickpad the last couple of years18:36
pepeeit could be a "feature", but is really bad...18:36
yofelZoffix_: press alt+f2, run 'oxygen-settings' and on the general tab change the setting for the drag mode18:37
pepeeI do this: select text, move the mouse up so I can select more text. one second after that, the mouse jumps to the top18:37
ScG^Dedicatedhi there, I have updated my laptop to 12.04 a while ago but seem to have a terrible terrible internet connection with it, has there been any bugs that have caused this lately?18:38
GremlynTabI seem to remember a similar problem many years ago when I first started using Ubuntu, though what it was put the food is far gone from memory... :(18:39
Zoffix_yofel, sorry, to clarify: I do want to keep Alt+Drag for non-maximized windows. I just don't want it on maximized ones because that causes window to de-maximize, and I often have brainfarts when working in Windows in VirtualBox.18:39
pepeeScG^Dedicated, yeah, power management could be the problem18:39
yofelZoffix_: ah sorry, misunderstood18:40
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, any way to check/fix it?18:40
GremlynTabScG^dedicated, define terrible? wired or wireless?18:40
penguin42Zoffix_: You can add 'window rules' I'm not sure if you can do that on 'all maximised' windows, but you can certainly do it on all your VirtualBox ones18:40
pepeeScG^Dedicated, what card?18:41
Zoffix_penguin42, doesn't look like I can do 'all maximized', but it's definitely better than nothing (for VirtualBox should work). Thanks.18:41
ScG^Dedicatedno idea it's a new laptop and I am pretty new to Ubuntu18:41
yofelyeah, adding a window rule should work18:42
pepeeScG^Dedicated, run iwconfig , and paste the output in pastebin18:42
Zoffix_Yup, did the trick, window rules did the trick.18:43
Zoffix_yofel, penguin42 thanks for help18:43
* Zoffix_ leaves back to work18:43
bitplane-Hi all, anyone know much about java? /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk is empty while my openjdk is actually /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd6418:43
bitplane-jvisualvm can't find my jdk because it looks in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk18:44
bitplane-shouldn't /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk be a symlink to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64?18:44
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, lol even sending an email to this pc with the iwconfig info fails18:44
pepeebitplane-, check if oracle-java7-installer is installed18:45
pepeeScG^Dedicated, use pastebinit18:45
bitplane-pepee, doesn't look like it (dpkg --get-selections | grep oracle-java7-installer)18:46
pepeebitplane-, ls -l /usr/lib/jvm/18:46
pepeegotta go, sorry :/18:47
bitplane-all openjdk there18:47
lgp171188Hi, I just updated my precise installation and find that the flash player plugin is removed and the flash videos are not working. Is there any reason why that could have happened? After a recent update previously, I was experiencing smurf effect on youtube flash videos.18:47
bitplane-should I raise as a bug against jvisualvm?18:47
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, this is my pc, I want to send the iwconfig info to this pc by mail but I cannot receive nor send mail18:48
yofelbitplane-: it should, and is here18:48
yofeltry reinstalling maybe, I've seen java upgrades for multiarch mess up sometimes18:48
yofelbitplane-: does /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk exist on your system?18:48
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, it is a really weird issue18:48
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, can't ping google either18:49
ScG^Dedicatedit all used to work18:50
ScG^Dedicatedit said google is unknown host18:50
bitplane-yofel, yeah it is, but it's an empty dir that looks like it was created when I upgraded to precise18:50
yofelhere the link is owned by default-jre-headless, maybe try installing that18:51
bitplane-ok thanks :)18:52
ScG^Dedicatedwhere's the link?18:52
pepeeScG^Dedicated, iwconfig shows the network interfaces. tell me what interfaces you have18:53
ScG^Dedicatedpepee, IEEE 802.11gbn18:53
ScG^Dedicatedyou need that?18:53
pepeeScG^Dedicated, something like wlan018:54
pepeeahh k18:54
pepeeare you using wifi?18:54
ScG^Dedicatedpower management off18:54
ScG^Dedicatedyes wifi18:54
pepeeahh :/18:54
pepeethen power management is not the problem18:54
ScG^Dedicatedlink quality 60/70 signal strength: -50dBm18:54
yofelScG^Dedicated: does your /etc/resolv.conf have a nameserver line?18:54
ScG^Dedicateduhm how can I check that?18:55
* yofel has his own connection issues right now18:55
* patdk-wk hates 802.11gbn18:55
pepeeScG^Dedicated, run: lspci | egrep -i 'net|wireless'18:57
ScG^Dedicatedwhat should that do?18:58
ScG^Dedicatedi did the command but doesn't look like anything is happening18:58
pepeeit shows what adapter are you using18:59
ScG^Dedicatednothing happens..18:59
pepeeusb wifi?18:59
ScG^Dedicatedwell it worked before without problems18:59
pepeerun lspci18:59
ScG^Dedicatedagain nothing18:59
ScG^Dedicatedwhen I want to close it19:00
ScG^Dedicatedit says a process is still running19:00
ScG^Dedicatedbut there's nothing19:00
pepeein a terminal?19:00
bitplane-lspci returns nothing?!19:01
pepeelike, it's still working?19:01
ScG^Dedicatedwhen I press enter nothing happens I think19:01
ScG^Dedicatedbut when I want to close the terminal it says something is still running19:01
bitplane-it should list all the devices plugged in to PCI sockets19:01
pepeeScG^Dedicated, run killall lspci19:02
ScG^Dedicatednow it works19:02
FernandoMiguelanyone been keeping tabs on http://zfsonlinux.org/ ?  kklimonda19:02
pepeerun lspci again19:02
JoseeAntonioRHello! I would like to know if ubiquity is going to change for the final release, as I will make some guides and I need some screenshots.19:02
ScG^Dedicatedbig list of stuff shows up19:02
pepeeany wireless device listed there?19:03
ScG^Dedicatedethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI E xpress Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)19:04
ScG^Dedicatedohh that's not the wireless19:04
pepeebtw, that one is problematic19:04
ScG^DedicatedAtheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adaptor (PCI Express) (rev 01)19:05
ScG^Dedicatedthat's the one19:05
kklimondaFernandoMiguel: nope, I don't really care about FS that can't be mainlined into the kernel19:05
pepeehmm, same as mine, and it works perfectly :/19:05
* ScG^Dedicated smacks his forehead and screams DOH XD19:06
FernandoMiguelkklimonda: yeah :\19:06
kklimondaFernandoMiguel: how is btrfs nowadays?19:06
ScG^Dedicatedpepee I did add some rules to ufw but I have it inactive19:07
pepeeScG^Dedicated, hehe19:07
FernandoMiguelkklimonda: haven't used it in almost a year19:07
jeanpaulhi everybody19:07
ScG^Dedicatedand I added the mvps hosts file to my hosts file19:07
pepeehi jeanpaul19:07
ScG^Dedicatedthat's about all I did on my laptop so far19:07
jeanpaulI'm trying to locate the package responsible for keyboard shortcuts, and the window tiling shortcuts in particular19:08
jeanpaulto clarify (maybe unnecessarily so), I mean within Unity19:08
ScG^Dedicatedpepee I shall go afk for a bit19:09
SorinanMy system doesn't boot anymore at 3.2.0-22 (it doesn't ask for root partition crypt password), while it boots normally with 3.2.0-21. What can I do?19:09
jeanpaulI've noticed that what I'll call "vertical tiling" (aka putting 2 windows next to each other with a vertical split) doesn't work properly with the shortcuts19:09
jeanpaulhorizontal tiling and tiling into quadrants work fine, as does full-screening19:10
pepeeScG^Dedicated, http://blog.homelinux.org/?p=32719:11
jeanpaulI'm looking for the package but if anybody can tell me the more general matter of linking specific features to specific packages I'll happily take that as well19:12
jeanpaulI'm asking because I'm currently checking out the Precise daily live cd of today and toying around with it, and if this is indeed a bug I'd like to try and fix it19:15
jeanpaulTiling is important to me :)19:15
trismjeanpaul: what would be the shortcuts for the vertical tiling, ctrl+super+left/right?19:19
ScG^DedicatedI am doing what that link said19:20
ScG^Dedicatedbut have no idea how to save a file in the terminal19:20
pepeeScG^Dedicated, ctrl+x19:20
ScG^Dedicatedty :)19:21
jeanpaultrism: almost. it's supposed to be ctrl + alt + <keypad left> and ctrl + alt + <keypad right>, if I may interpolate from the other keybindings19:22
trismjeanpaul: ctrl+alt+left/right changes workspaces, I believe they did change several default keybindings in precise, I am getting ctrl+super+left/right for moving a window to the left/right grid areas19:23
jeanpaulShouldn't Unity be able to detect whether <kp left> and <left> is pressed? Besides, ctrl + alt + <kp up> does tile the window correctly to the upper half of the screen. A similar issue should arise if that were really the case19:26
trismjeanpaul: oh I don't know, I don't have a keypad on this machine19:26
jeanpaulbtw, I just tried ctrl + super (I'm assuming it's what most keyboards label as the 'windows' key) + <left> (constrast that to <kp left>) and that does indeed work19:27
jeanpaulbut it's incredibly counterintuitive. If the 'normal' arrow keys are used my opinion is that they should *all* be used, no just <left> and <right>19:28
jeanpaulfailing that, it should all be configurable19:28
jeanpaulwhich is why I'm looking for the package19:29
trismjeanpaul: it is configurable, in ccsm, on the grid plugin. I also checked the schema, and it would appear the defaults are ctrl+super+left/right for left right, ctrl+alt+kp8 for top and ctrl+alt+kp2 for bottom19:29
trismjeanpaul: the source package would be compiz-plugins-main19:30
pepeewell, this is the bug I have: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/96270419:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 962704 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "cursor jumps to screen border when touching trackpad border" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:30
bitplane-Hrm... I've just updated and i've got a bunch of packages held back19:31
jeanpaultrism: that's indeed what I've found. My problem with those bindings is the counter-intuitiveness, which seems to clash with the rest of the spirit in Unity (I'm a first-time user of it, btw)19:31
Dr_willis_perhaps do a dist-upgrade19:31
bitplane-should I force 'em, or is that naughty?19:31
Dr_willis_during beta - ive often had to force, or dist-upgrade things.19:32
bitplane-Dr_willis_: yep that works! thanks :)19:32
jeanpaulI'll check it out. Thanks for the info19:32
AlfE_remmina is quite unstable under kubuntu 12.04 beta 219:33
trismjeanpaul: I believe this is the bug that made the change: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/96923519:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969235 in Ayatana Design "Keyboard shortcuts - Update some window management shortcuts to use "Ctrl + Super" instead of just "Super" " [Critical,Triaged]19:34
AlfE_had to revert to krdc and putty19:34
Dr_willis_!info remmina19:35
ubotturemmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 130 kB, installed size 360 kB (Only available for any all)19:35
jeanpaultrism: thank you for that link! I'll provide my input there, see what happend19:36
bitplane-how do I get the ownership of a file with dpkg?19:41
bitplane-ooh found it -S19:41
bitplane-ok so I reinstalled default-jre-headless and /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk is still an empty dir19:45
bitplane-is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk an empty dir for anyone else?19:45
bitplane-and should I raise a bug with jvisualvm or with java?19:45
stegbthhello everybody19:45
stegbthi'm trying 12.0419:46
stegbthlooks already pretty good19:46
stegbthbut i have two problems19:46
bitplane-hi stegbth, what's the problems?19:46
stegbthfirst in empathy i cant select SIP as protocol19:47
stegbthsecond i have a smartcardreader (ReinerSCT ecom), it get discovered, but /dev/ttyUSB0 belongs to dialout instead of cyberjack or (pcsc)19:47
bitplane-stegbth: do you have telepathy-sofiasip installed?19:48
stegbthwhen i check the smartcardreader the testprogram says "PC/SC-Interface not available"19:49
bitplane-I don't know much about usb serial thingies19:49
stegbthbitplane-: no, i dont have this packages, at least synamptic does not find it19:50
stegbthno i dont have sofiasip19:50
stegbthsorry searched wrong19:50
bitplane-I have sofiasip and can select SIP in empathy, I guess installing that is the answer19:51
bitplane-do you have a /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk dir, and is it a symlink/empty? need to see if my problem is with my system or java19:53
AlfE_Dr_willis: thanks, i know about remmina, but the latest version on 12.04 beta 2 crashes quite often (have to do a killall)19:54
AlfE_plasma-desktop also crashes quite often and restarts automatically19:55
stegbththank you, i can now also select SIp19:57
bitplane-hellllp pleeeeeeeeease20:04
bitplane-someone please "ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk" and let me know what you get20:05
spacebug-bitplane-: empty20:06
trismbitplane-: I have java-6-openjdk-{amd64,common}, not that directory though20:06
bitplane-excellent thanks20:07
pepeebitplane-, that folder is linked to -amd6420:07
bitplane-hmm maybe if I remove it then reinstall the java headless package thing?20:07
bitplane-yep that fixed it. so I guess the upgrade messed up. report bug in default-jre-headless?20:09
jo-erlendhmm. I'm experiencing radically reduced wifi signals. I have no particular reason to think it's related to software, but then I have no good way of excluding it. Has there been many complaints about it?20:15
mongojo-erlend: make sure you are in the correct regulatory domain20:16
mongoI don't have a computer with wifi right now to check but the command iwlist should show you the current power settings20:17
jo-erlendbut if the cause is in software, won't that be reflected there as well?20:18
jo-erlendthere might be lots of other reasons for bad reception. I won't spend large amounts of time searching for software issues if the reason is other networks or something else I can't control. That's why I'm asking if this is a very frequent complain that has started very recently. Say during the last two weeks.20:20
pepeejo-erlend, could be power management20:24
pepeejo-erlend, what adapter/driver?20:24
bitplane-spacebug-/trism: can you try installing visualvm and running it (jvisualvm in console), if it fails to start clicky-click your support here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/java-common/+bug/97546920:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975469 in java-common (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk is an empty dir after upgrade to precise" [Undecided,New]20:25
jo-erlendlisten. I'm _not_ looking to troubleshoot this. I'm asking if this is a very frequent question here since 10-14 days ago.20:25
pepeewell, I've been a couple hours in this channel..20:26
bitplane-jo-erlend: I've been in here on and off over the last few weeks and haven't seen anyone complain about it20:27
pepeebut I myseld had to fix my connection (pm bug), and some people had asked about it here and in #ubuntu20:27
bitplane-not sure if this channel is logged, but if it is then maybe you can grep the log to see how common it is?20:27
pepeeI've seen two kind of problems: power management, and hwcrypt20:28
jo-erlendif noones seen a large number of people  suddenly complaining about it, then I'm sure it's not software.20:28
pepeeI'm sure it is20:30
jeanpaulbye everybody20:30
jo-erlendheh... pepee, you're sure it's software related? :)20:31
pepeedriver related, yes20:31
pepeepower management scripts are broken, because the rt73usb doesn't create a file...20:32
jo-erlendyou're certain it's not that the guy next door has purchased a new washing machine?20:32
pepeeno, this one is mine20:32
pepeebtw I can help you fix it20:34
jo-erlendI have many computers in my wireless network. All of them use Ubuntu, and on all of them, I suddenly started experiencing radical drops in reception. I upgraded all at the same time, so it _might_ have been caused by software. But since these computers are very different, that would mean there should be lots of complains about it. In that case, I would look at the software.20:35
jo-erlendif nobody's seen large amounts of complaints about this, then I'm going to exclude software and look for other causes. That's why I asked.20:35
guntbertjo-erlend: did you restart the AP yet?20:36
pepeeyeah, could be related to your router, too20:36
jo-erlendguntbert, I did, yes. And it went from no reception at all and to connectable, but my connections drop constantly.20:36
stegbthgood night20:36
mongojo-erlend: can you put the output from  iw reg get on pastbin20:41
Guest97304there are a ton of updates apparently, but its a partial upgrade?20:43
fernijo-erlend: hmm.. just curious, does the whole connection drop to ap or just the tcp conn to somewhere?20:44
guntbertferni: he is gone20:46
bitplane-is there a command-line tool that uploads stuff to a pastebin via pipe? that would be useful20:48
guntbert!pastebinit | bitplane-20:49
ubottubitplane-: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:49
guntbertof course there is...20:49
mongoFYI the "unknown" or world regulatory setting in linux for wireless limits the power to 100mw, that can be an issue20:52
aguitelhow upgrade kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 ?20:53
Fyodorovnaaguitel, alt-f2 update-manager -d  will give you the update manager ready20:54
mongohrm ya I just checked, 12.04 is defaulted to country 00 on sandybridge20:58
penguin42Where does it get the country from - I notice my work laptop defaults to Ireland20:58
mongojo-erlend: run 'iw reg get' and tell me the country line20:59
TRAVISgI can't get my dual monitors to work in 12.0421:09
TRAVISgNot sure what info to give here21:10
pepeeati/nvidia? open source driver?21:11
jo-erlendmongo, from all my computers?21:11
TRAVISgIntel® 965G x86/MMX/SSE221:12
mongojo-erlend: wel from one would be fine21:13
TRAVISgis that what you are asking?21:13
mongojo-erlend: what country are you in?21:13
pepeeTRAVISg, yes21:13
Yaaaaaadoes anyone here use gtkpod 2.1.1 on precise and have it crash when hitting add folder??21:14
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mongojo-erlend: anyway, if it says 00 try running 'sudo iw reg set US' and see if tha helps21:14
TRAVISgany advise would be great I will leave the chat open but I have to run21:15
mongojo-erlend: assuming that you are in the US21:15
jo-erlendmongo, I just wanted to hear if there were _large_ amounts of complaints. If there were, then I might have something to contribute. If there's not, then it's extremely unlikely that it has anything to do with software at all – since I experience it will _all_ computers, though they are completely different. The whole point was to save time. Please don't try to investigate or troubleshoot.21:15
mongojo-erlend: it defaults to the "world" reg domain, that may limit your power output depending on where you are at21:15
jo-erlendmongo, and that changed the last two weeks?21:16
mongojo-erlend: I just checked a laptop and it was defaulted to the world, which would limit output to 100mw when you can go to about 500mw in the US on the 2.4ghz band21:16
pepeeTRAVISg, http://intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html21:16
mongojo-erlend: I have no idea, didn't look at it before21:16
jo-erlendmongo, well. If there's chance of improvement, of course I'll have a look at it. I'm in Norway though.21:17
pepeejo-erlend, if all of those machines did the same at the same time, try fixig just one first21:18
mongojo-erlend: http://linuxwireless.org/en/developers/Regulatory/Database?alpha2=NO21:18
jo-erlendpepee, ... That would be impossible if it's cased by radio disturbance by a new shop in the city block or something.21:18
mongoya it looks like except up on 5ghz you are limited to 100mw21:18
jo-erlendright. I don't think the router supports 5ghz.21:20
pepeeyou said they did that after an update... isn't the source of the problem obvious?21:20
pepeelook for changes in related packages, then see if you can replicate it21:21
jo-erlendpepee, no, it isn't obvious. Two completely different things can happen at the same time. I'm not going to invest a hundred hours investigating software if it's just that my the guy next door is developing a nuclear weapon – which perfectly well might have an impact on my wifi.21:21
pepeeok, fine21:22
jo-erlendthis is why I wanted to take the shortcut of asking if you'd seen extreme amounts of complaints about this during this week. Otherwise, it is not software.21:22
pepeecould be your ISP updating the routers/modem firmware too21:23
jo-erlend... and that would result in a 60-80% reduction in radio signals? That sounds strange to me.21:23
aguitelFyodorovna, No new release found say21:26
aguitelFyodorovna, No new release found say21:30
Monotokohey... does anybody know how I can disable the guest account in 12.04?21:42
MonotokoI know there isn't really a reason to, as my directory is encrypted and if someone wants in they can just use a liveCD... but it would make me feel far better if the option didn't exist at all21:42
pepeemokoloko, guest account?21:46
Monotokopepee: I'm seeing a "guest session" button on the login page21:47
spacebug-Monotoko: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session21:48
Monotokoahhh thank you spacebug- :)21:48
spacebug-yw ;)21:49
Monotoko_spacebug-: it worked perfectly! Even too well, I was updating when it restarted lightdm21:53
Monotoko_and now I can't get a lock on dpkg to complete the update...21:53
spacebug-kill the app that is locking21:55
Monotoko_I think it's already dead... it was the software updater21:56
Monotoko_kind of got killed unexpectedly along with everything else in my session XD21:56
spacebug-hum ok21:57
Monotoko_...odd, it must be running in the background21:58
Monotoko_"Your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted"21:58
DaekdroomMonotoko_, look at the bright side! No insane package breakage to deal with.21:59
markithi, I'm using kubuntu 12.04 and seems impossible to me set system wide the default home page, pref() that I put in /etc/firefox/syspref.js or /etc/xul-ext/ubufox.js is ignored21:59
markitany tip? I'm becoming mad on this (should be) trivial thing21:59
Monotoko_Daekdroom: true, but I don't know what it's updating or where it is o.021:59
scientesI'm missing those characters, what font do i need to install?22:12
spacebug-hard to say when I don't see them either =)22:13
scientesits vietnamese22:13
mkultra_lol im missing them too22:14
spacebug-scientes: do you see them anywhere on your system/webpage or anything?22:15
scienteswell we are using the same software22:15
scientesits fro mhere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Multilingual_support_%28East_Asian%2922:15
spacebug-scientes: look down on that site and you see what fonts22:16
Belial`http://pastebin.com/v3FXgje2 - i get this error when i try to erase my usb disk to make a bootable iso. anyone else having this problem in 12.04?22:16
LjungmannDoes anyone got experience with UEFI dual booting ? I seem to be affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/807801 but don't really know where to go from here.22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807801 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-update fails to detect windows bootloader on a uefi system" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:16
Caitlin889955Hello world!22:17
scientesspacebug-, it only lists fonts for chinese japaneese, and korean, all which work flawlessly out of the box22:17
scientesits only those 3 characters of the vietnamese part that are borked22:17
Caitlin889955Who here is using wine 1.5.1? in 12.04?22:17
spacebug-scientes: hum ok22:17
scientesmkultra_, OHM22:17
mkultra_does that show up right for you?22:17
scientesyes, everything else on that page works22:18
mkultra_i looked that up + utf 822:18
maxbYikes. Just installed some updates and my Unity launcher background has gone from a background-image-matching neutral brown to a rather lurid shade of purple :-/22:19
mkultra_i modded my flashlight to a 1 watt led, its an old clunker 6 volt big square battery thing that floats.....  tons of battery time with led now22:19
mkultra_i just moved my own image into replace theirs22:20
mkultra_exported my desktop to what ever was loaded's extensions22:20
scientessee, some characters are missing in ubuntu for vietnamese ^^^22:21
scientesthe characters that are showing are probably han-unified characters22:22
pepeeya, I'm not vietnamese, but I can't see some chars too22:22
scientesand ubuntu is actually completely missing vietnamese support :)22:22
scientes(by default, that is)22:23
penguin42scientes: I assume you have the xfonts-intl-asian package installed?22:32
Belial`is the start up disk usb creator working for anyone?22:34
penguin42scientes: I think you should submit a bug for that; I guess since some of the characters work and some of them don;t it's a few characters missing in the font22:36
penguin42(although when I add that package, even after I do an xset fp rehash I don't see the font in gnome/kde apps, but I do see it in xfontsel22:48
scientespenguin42, no its not, as i said, the character that are showing are probably part of the han unification23:22
scientespenguin42, many east asian languages use chinese characters, and these are encoded once23:23
penguin42scientes: Best file a bug on it, Ubuntu tends to like to support as many languages as possible, so I think it would be noticed23:25
penguin42scientes: I'd file the bug against xorg (I'm not sure what would be better)23:28
Aceanyone else have problems downloading google-talkplugin?23:52
FernandoMiguelnot recently23:55

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