
mimcpherazend: Wayland is available in 12.04!  It's really not ready yet, though.02:00
mimcpherI'm going to spend some of my free time this summer working on Wayland02:00
azendYeah I heard that02:01
azendI'm just more surprise that there hasn't been more talk about it lately02:01
azend<mimcpher> I'm going to spend some of my free time this summer working on Wayland02:02
johanbrazend, I don't think Wayland is even close to being ready for replacing xorg02:08
azendjohanbr: I'm sure it isn't02:09
azendthat's why I haven't tested it out yet02:09
mimcpherGTK3 stuff is starting to work on it.02:16
mimcpherGet Firefox, a decent terminal emulator, and a PDF viewer? Then I'm 80% of the way ready to switch.02:16
DarwinSu1vivoranyone know if they've changed their mind about supporting remote-x? That's a no-go feature requirement on my end.04:20
mimcpherWhat do you mean by supporting remote-X?  They want some remote protocol, but it won't be X.04:23
mimcpherSupporting X as a remote protocol would just be dumb.04:23
mimcpherThe whole point of the project is to kill X with fire: It makes a bad local display because of too many layers of indirection, and it makes a bad remote protocol because it's performance sucks.04:24
DarwinSu1vivormimcpher: if it's not compatible with X, it's going to take a LONG time to catch on, event if Canonical pushes it.04:26
mimcpherDarwinSu1vivor: you can run X on top of wayland for compat purposes, locally.04:26
DarwinSu1vivorThe only workaround I've seen so far resembles RDP which is NOT a solution04:26
mimcpherRemoteness hasn't been solved, but it's not at that stage.04:27
DarwinSu1vivorat this point remote-x is a very well established standard. even the n810 can run apps from remote machines (though not in revers oddly enough)04:28
mimcpherIt can do VNC too!04:30
mimcpherArguably even better established.04:37
mimcphernot that VNC is particularily good -- it's a pretty naive protocol.04:38
DarwinSu1vivorvnc is not much better than rdp. I don't want to view the entire desktop to run 1 applications.04:50
mimcpherWell, vnc is worse than rdp in most ways :P05:25
mimcpherViewing the entire desktop versus individual apps is an orthogonal, implementation-dependent problem though.05:25
DarwinSurvivorI *much* prefer individual apps over entire desktops. uses less bandwidth and allows me to use MY window manager :D05:26
mimcpherRight, but that's completely seperate issue.  You can have a VNC client that only forwards 1 app05:27
mimcpherAnyways, this is a silly theoretical argument since nobody's made a wayland remote server yet :P05:27
DarwinSurvivorlol, very true05:29
DarwinSurvivorand also one of the reasons I'm not holding my breath for it.05:29

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