
Tm_TMyrtti: I'm ok for being a guinea pig, no need to be sorry (:07:04
=== mrmist_ is now known as mrmist
ubottuIn #ubuntu, vectorshelve said: ubottu: mine is ubuntu 10.0409:40
ubottuIn ubottu, vectorshelve said: ubottu edit request is not there09:40
U_Crazyhey all...10:50
Paddy_NIHello people, long time no see10:50
Paddy_NIFlannel, Are you available to talk?10:51
U_Crazyi just any problem!!!10:52
MyrttiPaddy_NI: looks unlikely - his idle is over four hours10:55
Paddy_NIMyrtti, Ah I see, thank you anyway10:56
Paddy_NIPerhaps I'll try later10:56
MyrttiU_Crazy: how can we help you?10:56
Myrttiyeah, you're not getting back into our IRC channels10:57
Myrttigo away.10:57
FuchsMyrtti: lovely sidenote, szal is +b in the german ubuntu channels for a duration of SYS.MAXINT years12:14
MyrttiFuchs: oh... not entirely unsurprising12:16
Fuchsnot for such links, though.12:16
Fuchs(He did those as well, and it was annoying. But he did worse, so we had to remove him. I hope he doesn't continue in the english channels now)12:17
MyrttiFuchs: you have my permission to thwap him on the head if he continues in the true freenode catalyst way12:18
Myrttiand I'm sure nobody else disagrees either12:18
Myrttihe is getting a bit tiresome12:19
Fuchs\o/   *gets his rubber mallet*12:19
FuchsMyrtti: well, he started to spread racist and antisemitic bs in the german channels. The bunch of image links (with questionable content) was annoying, but not a good reason for a long ban. The other stuff was.12:19
Myrttiso, I've been gaining a few karma points in launchpad lately by filing in unity/aptdaemon etc bugs.13:01
Myrttifun times.13:01
pangolinMyrtti, you can apply for membership soon :P13:02
Fuchsisn't she one already?   *looks at cloakie*13:02
MyrttiFuchs: sarcasm is wasted on you since you're not in THE CABAL13:02
FuchsMyrtti: we could apply on the same date, and then tell them how horrible the other one is13:02
* Fuchs feels left out and goes to corner13:03
* popey lights a fire in the corner13:03
* pangolin gets the marsh mellows out13:04
Myrttiseriously though, I wish the omnibar clock would reappear13:04
MyrttiI lost mine13:04
elkyi wish i could put load indicators in my panel again13:05
pangolinyou can13:05
Myrttielky: you can, I have13:05
elkypangolin, HOW?13:05
pangolinelky, there is a network0indicator package13:06
MyrttiI wonder what it is I'm using13:06
Myrttinow it's launching the stupid system monitor app13:06
elkyhow does network indicator tell me when my mem or disk is thrashing?13:06
MyrttiSystem Load Indicator © 2011 Michael Hofmann13:06
pangolinthat one ^13:07
elkyok i installed it. do i have to dig through somewhere to make it actually show up?13:08
pangolinprobably just want to log back in13:08
pangolinI'm on kubuntu right now13:09
pangolinalso, this is not a support channel, please seek help in the proper channel/forum and don't idle in here. kthxbye13:09
Myrttiarp arp arp.13:10
* pangolin gives elky a hug13:10
* popey stopped using indicators that update the screen reguarly when he figured it eats batter because it keeps waking up a redrawing the screen13:11
Myrttiyeah, battery isn't my main concern since the battery is pretty much done for by now anyway13:12
Myrttiit's the loads that are more interesting13:12
elkypopey, i want it for my work pc, i don't have to care about battery there, but i do like to see why everything stops responding13:13
oCeanI hear in 12.04 will be ubuntu-one qt client, now on kubuntu I use the gnome/gtk client13:15
oCeanhave not tried 12.04 yet!13:15
bazhangat the sound of the tone, please re-ask your question13:46
bazhang<MarKsaitis> how do I know whether I have desktop or server ubuntu?13:47
bazhanghe was claiming not to have xubuntu installed, when his pastebin showed it was13:48
bazhangis marksaitis even running ubuntu? asking about sysv in 11.1014:17
ikoniawho knows14:17
topylii'm suddenly getting support requests pretty much every day though launchpad14:24
topylithe irc-council list is getting some as well14:24
topyli"sound is broken and i don't even like motörhead" or something14:25
topyliwell the problems are more sane than that, but still :)14:25
mneptok"If you don't like Motorhead, go run OSX and listen to your Michael Buble. Linux is for boil-faced metal gurus."14:28
topyligood template for a reply, that14:28
* mneptok fires up "Dancing On Your Grave"14:28
bazhang<MarKsaitis> Who told me that I cant upgrade 11.04 to 11.10?!!! In openvz?14:37
bazhangwould that be a factor?14:37
ikonianot going to help14:40
ikoniahe had this explained to him in detail yesterday for 12.0414:40
topyliyes, in +114:42
bazhangwonder why he was talking about lubuntu / xubuntu and wanting only server, yet cannot discern if he is using a server14:42
bazhangthis was in #ubuntu14:42
bazhangyet has at least two DE installed14:43
topyliyesterday he was in +1, wanting to (eventually) upgrade to 12.0414:43
bazhanghe first came into #ubuntu with a giant rant14:44
topylioh, ok14:44
ikoniahe had this explained to him in pretty solid detail, now he's upgraded despite being told not to....shock horror, it doesn't work14:44
bazhanglxde is horribly broken the devs are idiots, bugs are never fixed etc14:44
bazhangI doubt most of what he has said after yesterday14:45
topyliway to get support14:45
ikoniaI will be no longer helping him14:45
bazhang"someone" told him not to upgrade, but it was a breeze14:46
ikoniayeah me and iceroot went through why he shouldn't upgrade and the issues it may cause14:46
bazhanghe's been removed once already for a big rant about how easy it is to everything in Windows14:46
ikoniadon't really want him removed, but it's pointless trying to help him when he does the opposite then comes in complaining his system is broke14:47
topyliyeah upgrading over two versions like xp - vista - 7 must be trivial14:47
ikoniatopyli: the issue he had was around openvz and how his host had locked the shared components down14:49
* mneptok inserts an invalid product key into topyli's ignition14:49
topyliikonia: you told him to talk to his provider, i don't know what else to say14:50
ikoniatopyli: the provider can do it easy for him though14:51
ikoniathat's why I don't understand the problem, only takes a few minutes14:51
topyliyes, but we can't14:51
bazhangI think Lars everytime I see Larss14:57
ikoniayes, I did at first14:57
bazhangmcloy? or marksaitis15:02
bazhangah ok another issue15:03
mneptokjrib: be aware, MarKsaitis changes his story about what is and is not installed as suits the need. i don't think it's possible to get 100% straight answers.15:05
bazhanghe was told to purge not to remove15:06
jribmneptok: it is early in my irc day so my patience is high fortunately :)15:07
ikoniajrib: kudos15:07
bazhangmneptok, he just said he was on 11.10 moments before15:26
bazhangnow its 11.04?15:26
ikoniabazhang: he's changed his story as he knows the upgrade he'd been advise not to do has messed his system up15:27
mneptokjrib caught it. and it's more him anyway, as he got version info.15:27
ikoniaI'll bet a done of his issues are down to this upgrade, because of the issues with openvz15:28
bazhangand no one called him a fool15:28
mneptoki'm looking for a GUI sftp client. this is Ubuntu server with no GUI. i use XFCE. on Mint. how do i add Backtrack repos from the command line with Synaptic?15:33
jribikonia: you can't do * * * * *?15:34
ikoniajrib: not for what he's wanting to do15:34
jribmneptok: is that all one question?15:34
jribikonia: oh15:34
ikoniahe was in earlier in the week,15:34
ikoniathen asking in ##linux15:35
bazhangmneptok, plz command to install oracle jave from cli15:35
ikoniaI'm out there are too many people in today not listening and asking the same thing over and over again15:36
bazhangthere was actually someone who aske d that, and did not know wget15:36
ikoniajrib: has the golden command15:36
ikoniait's all about to become clear15:36
ikoniajrib: wow, it's almost as if thats the wrong kernel.....15:37
oCeanthere it is :(15:37
bazhangthats not 11.10's kernel15:37
mneptokbazhang: my ipod is not recognized by the default OpenBSD media player. what Fedora yum repository will fix this?15:38
ikoniaor an 11.0415:38
bazhangyum rockbox --emerge iTunes15:38
mneptokbazhang: no GUI way?15:38
mneptokBOOM HEAD SHOT15:39
bazhangmneptok, ouch!15:39
mneptokthere really is a secret language we can speak to each other ;)15:39
jribis there a page that catalogs the ubuntu versions and the kernels available in each?15:39
h00khow do i  shot web15:40
ikoniajrib: that's a redhat kernel,15:40
ikonia(incase you didn't notice)15:41
jribikonia: oh, didn't expect that...15:41
jrib<-- never used redhat15:41
jribwhat's el5?15:41
ikoniajrib: yeah, it's an openvz server with parital root15:41
ikoniajrib: which is why he was instructed specfically not to upgrade15:41
oCeanjrib: el is enterprise linux15:41
ikoniajrib: which is why he's ignored it and having problems15:41
ikoniabazhang: Red Hat Enteprise Linux15:41
bazhangand he comes to #ubuntu for help with rhel?15:42
ikoniabazhang: it is ubuntu15:42
bazhangikonia, yeah I know15:42
jribseems to have become quiet15:42
ikoniabazhang: it's a virtualised redhat hypervisor15:42
bazhangikonia, yes openvz15:42
ikoniaso he is running ubuntu15:42
ikoniabut it has some pretty big limitations15:42
ikoniaahh ok, you're up to speed15:42
bazhangso lies from the start15:42
ikoniawell, missleading certain]15:43
ikoniawho -r would get him the info he desires on his setup15:43
popey16:40:47 <+ikonia> jrib: that's a redhat kernel,15:46
ikoniapopey: you should be a script writer15:47
h00kpopey: that's GNU/LINUX to you!15:47
* h00k ducks, scurries off15:48
jriboh we have an on-call helper now :)15:48
h00koh, that's nice15:49
LjLi'll be away until monday, happy whatever you celebrate17:39
pangolinhappy easter LjL17:40
pangolinhave a great weekend17:40
LjLthanks, you too17:41
pangolinthank you.17:41
Tm_TLjL: happy thursday! (:18:15
pangolinTm_T, Today is Friday18:15
Tm_TI know, but LjL said "whatever you celebrate" (:18:16
pangolinoh, right. Happy Thursday to you too18:17
zykotick9timothy in #ubutu "jen you r a faggot" could be an issue23:30
guest-ov02Wjwhy am i here?23:39
Jordan_Uguest-ov02Wj: Probably because you were banned from... Gotta love patience.23:40
Jordan_UI need to watch some eggs I'm boiling. If they pop in again could someone try to quickly ask them not to leave?23:44

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