
AlternityI have a 128MB vps, is that enough memory to run ubuntu server + cherokee + php + mysql?00:59
RoyKAlternity: isn't cherokee a java thing?01:31
RoyKAlternity: 128MB is probably the minimum for an ubuntu server, add mysql and an app server to that, I'd double or quadruple the memory01:31
RoyKoh, cherokee, that's that minimal http server...01:32
RoyKstill, with mysql, another small lot of memory would be nice, but 128MB might do01:33
Alternitymaybe i should find a more lightweight distro01:35
Alternityi feel like that shouldn't be impossible.....01:36
RoyKubuntu is lightweight01:36
RoyKthat is, what's lightweight is linux01:36
Alternitycherokee is just lightweight httpd01:37
Alternitylighthttpd might be smaller tho01:37
Alternityisn't there some like 40mb distros?01:38
RoyKno, listen, what uses memory is linux and the base setup01:38
RoyK128MB is somewhat a minimum01:38
RoyKwith gentoo and friends, you can cut that down to 64MB or perhaps 32MB01:39
RoyKbut performance is bound to suck01:39
Alternityye doesn't matter that much tho01:41
Alternityi am only going to run like 2 pages01:41
Alternityto like 10 ppl a day01:41
Alternitybut they are php and mysql..01:41
RoyKwhich will do well on 120MB01:41
RoyK128 even01:41
Alternityokmight try01:45
RoyKit doesn't matter much01:46
RoyKeven apache will do01:46
RoyKnginx is good, btw01:46
Alternityye haven't used it before01:46
Alternitybe fun to setup ^^01:46
RoyKit can be used with fastcgi for php01:56
RoyKand some new stuff, don't remember the name01:56
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zuladam_g: cool03:02
blendedbychrisi'm trying to determine why my system won't boot using a rescue disk… last time i upgraded from lucid to maverick the menu.lst in grub screwed up04:02
blendedbychrisi mounted /dev/sda1 to /mnt/boot and grub seems to have binary files in it instead of configuration files04:03
blendedbychriswhat's up with that?04:03
blendedbychrisbunch of .mod file04:04
qman__that's how grub2 works04:10
qman__the text config is in /etc/grub and /etc/default/grub04:10
qman__which is then built into binary config with update-grub04:10
blendedbychrisqman__: and idea how to fix this? i'm guessing mount /boot and chroot into my other drive to run that junk?04:12
blendedbychrismy other install has a menu.lst04:13
blendedbychrisin /boot/grub/04:13
qman__yeah, reconstruct your / and /boot in a folder, chroot there, fix config, update-grub04:13
qman__grub2 has been default since 9.10, but if you upgraded from a system that had grub1, it kept it unless you manually replaced it04:14
qman__though I don't know about a lucid to maverick upgrade, I've not done one04:14
blendedbychrismenu.lst is grub2 or grub1?04:15
blendedbychrischances are after maverick update i should run grub-update04:16
qman__I stick to LTS whenever possible, I'd honestly upgrade to precise before maverick at this point04:18
blendedbychriswell i'm trying to get to oneiric but i have to follow the upgrade path04:20
blendedbychrisshould i just not "restart" when it asks during the upgrade?04:21
blendedbychris(sounds like a bad idea)04:21
qman__no, you should restart when asked04:29
blendedbychristhis is a vm so i'm stuck either upgrading their image or trying some fancy network boot junk04:29
qman__what type of VM system04:30
blendedbychrisactually i lied it's a dedicated box… heh04:30
blendedbychrisall i have access to is a resculayer because their kvm is no bueno04:31
qman__well, you don't have to restart immediately, you can try to fix whatever it's not doing right first04:34
qman__but don't try to upgrade again or install new software without restarting04:34
blendedbychrisya i'm reloading lts right now to try that04:34
blendedbychriswhat a pain in the butt04:34
imyousufI am trying to use port forwarding along with UFW.04:37
imyousufIn UFW log I can see port forwards to the host I am asking it to forward but UFW blocks the forward request04:37
imyousufMy configuration and log output - http://pastebin.com/ATuCacJk04:37
imyousufNote: eth1 is the public interface and eth0 is private network interface04:38
imyousufI believe I am missing something for which UFW is blocking the packet04:38
imyousufanother note I have 'ufw default deny' set04:39
imyousufcan someone please help me?04:39
blendedbychriswhat's the idea behind using /srv vs /var04:48
blendedbychrisi think /srv is more "correct"?04:48
mgwdoes anybody have replication working in cobbler/orchestra?05:46
blendedbychriswhat cluster config sync do you guys recommend?06:15
SpamapSblendedbychris: "cluster config sync" ?06:35
koolhead11hi all06:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #974966 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.28-1.1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97496609:06
Oxygen02Hello guys. I Having a problem with qemu/kvm. I don't really know where the problem relies. but this is the error. I also asked at #qemu.09:23
Oxygen02error: Failed to start domain hk-mysql209:23
Oxygen02error: operation failed: failed to retrieve chardev info in qemu with 'info chardev'09:23
Oxygen02running ubuntu
Oxygen02Did someone have the same problem?09:24
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imyousufI am running a Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS in VirtualBox environment11:29
imyousufI want access "Safe Mode" during startup, but no grub menu is showing up11:29
qman__imjustmatthew, hold left shift down during the boot process11:29
qman__oops, imyousuf ^11:30
imyousufqman__: Tried but does not help, but trying again11:30
qman__that's definitely how grub is accessed, trying to think if there's an option to make it always show11:31
imyousufqman__: It happens so fast that I does not register the event in remote desktop mode :(11:31
imyousufI keep the left shit key down from the moment I see VirtualBox logo, but nothing happens11:32
imyousufit shows me the login prompt11:32
imyousufFinally worked :)11:33
qman__you want the timed display mode, looking up how to set it11:33
imyousufI had to reboot like 10 times to see it :)11:33
RoyKyou can enable the menu in the grub config too11:35
qman__here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring_GRUB_211:36
qman__edit that file, remove grub hidden stuff, and add grub timeout11:36
qman__then sudo update-grub to apply the changes11:36
chmacI upgraded mysql-5.5 on oneiric from a ppa, I'm trying to downgrade, but getting "version not found"12:00
chmacThe previous version is showing as superseded in the ppa package list12:01
qman__remove the ppa first12:02
chmacqman__: I want to downgrade to the previous version in the ppa though12:03
qman__alternatively, download the .deb manually, remove the existing version, and dpkg -i the version you want12:03
qman__then hold the one you want so it doesn't upgrade12:04
chmacqman__: Ok, sounds like that's what I'll need to do12:04
chmacOk, thanks, I'll do that12:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #975074 in mysql-5.1 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.58-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97507412:11
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uvirtbotNew bug: #975085 in nova (main) "nova mysql DB can't be restored from backups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97508512:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #974959 in nova (main) "nova daemons are not conforming to the LSB standard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97495912:24
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imyousufI have defined 'Host_Alias HOME =' and '%admin HOME = (ALL) ALL' using visudo; this blocks sudo from every IP. Can someone please help me in what I am doing wrong?13:53
chmacimyousuf: I'm not very familiar with sudo config, what are you trying to achieve?14:08
imyousufI want to allow sudo command to server if user logins from certain host/network14:10
chmacimyousuf: Spacing issue? Does it need to be LAN=(ALL) ?14:10
imyousufbut not from untrusted network14:10
imyousufchmac: tried that too14:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #975167 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97516714:11
imyousufjust tried again chmac, doesn't help14:13
chmacimyousuf: How about just LAN=ALL instead of (ALL) ALL ?14:14
imyousuflets try14:14
chmacimyousuf: Actually, probably a red herring14:15
chmacI'm reading up on sudo host aliases14:15
imyousufdoes not help chmac14:16
chmacimyousuf: How about commenting out the 3rd line, where you reference two host aliases within another host alias14:16
imyousufok trying that too14:16
chmacI'm really just guessing though :-(14:16
imyousufdeleted it :)14:16
imyousuflets see14:16
imyousufNo improvement chmac14:17
chmacimyousuf: You are logging in from the machine to test right?14:17
imyousufgood question, let me check :)14:18
chmacimyousuf: Or do you want Host_Alias LAN = ?14:18
imyousufHost_Alias specifies network address should be and I want to achieve it for a single host first14:19
chmacimyousuf: You can list multiple hosts within one alias like `Host_Alias LAN =,`14:19
chmacimyousuf: I'm seeing /24 notation here http://onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/12/Big_Scary_Daemons.html14:19
imyousufchmac: I read it from - http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/sudoers.man.html14:20
chmacimyousuf: Both might be accepted...14:20
imyousufyes chmac, that might be the case14:21
imyousufbut why ain't single host working? strange14:21
chmacYou're logging in from and you're in the admin group but not the sudo group?14:21
imyousufyes the user is in admin group and I am logging from 1.114:21
imyousufanyway to confirm from where I logged it?14:22
chmacimyousuf: anything in the logs?14:27
imyousufchmac: auth.log only gives Apr  6 20:27:08 vmguest4 sudo:   sample : user NOT authorized on host ; TTY=pts/2 ; PWD=/home/sample ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/ls14:27
chmacimyousuf: Not sure what else to suggest, this stuff is all double dutch to me :-)14:28
journeemanHi all. I am running MaaS on precise beta2 and the text in the web interface appears some 20 seconds after the page has loaded. Anyone knows the reason for this?14:34
ROmeyrohello guys, i m about to install a mail server on my ubuntu, on which i already ahve a webserver, do you guys have some tips or advise for me14:35
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html14:36
ROmeyroubottu: thank you :)14:41
ubottuROmeyro: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:41
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journeemanseems to be happening only in chrome14:50
Cygnus-X1ROmeyro: Actually, you might want to look at iRedMail.  I've only used it on CentOS, but it works like a charm on that platform.  That will save you a ton of heartache.14:56
ROmeyroCygnus-X1: oh thanks, actually I already started with postfix, but if its not going good, i ll try iRedMail. But can i use SSL/TLS with that ?14:57
qman__never heard of it before, but that looks like exactly the software I use anyway14:58
mcloyhi, i want to learn about how to send email by (postfix or any other) but while configuring the server (on which postfix is installed) and having a proper setup by which the email will be send by me@MYDOMAIN.COM  . i think will need to setup dns and rdns ? where can i read in detail....! ?14:58
qman__LAMP, postfix+dovecot, roundcube, and all the extras14:58
rvbajourneeman: I can't reproduce your problem.  I tried with 0.1+bzr415+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (version in precise) and with the latest dev version.15:00
rvbajourneeman: is your problem happening just with the homepage?15:00
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koolhead11ikonia, :P15:02
journeemanrvba: our versions of chromium are different looks like. it happens with all the pages. not just the home page.15:09
rvbajourneeman: I use chrome 18.0.1025.142.  The versions above are maas' versions.15:10
roaksoaxrvba: what's the issue?15:11
roaksoaxah I read it15:11
journeemanrvba: maas and chromium versions are the same15:11
roaksoaxrvba: that's weird15:11
journeemanfirefox works fine though15:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #960547 in cloud-init "Chef provisioning fails if validation_cert not defined" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96054715:12
roaksoaxjourneeman: try cleaning your chromium cache and try again maybe?15:12
* koolhead11 hates css15:12
rvbaroaksoax: my first idea was that this was a js problem related to the dashboard… but if it happens on all the pages it can't be the problem.15:13
journeemanroaksoax: there would hardly be any cache in it as MaaS is the only thing I have opened after installation15:13
roaksoaxrvba: yeah but hanve't really experienced any issues with that rev...15:13
roaksoaxjourneeman: woudl you be willing to try a newer package version?15:13
journeemanroaksoax: um.. i am trying to get openstack running right now. later, i guess.15:14
mgwhas anyone tried installing cobbler 2.2.2 on oneiric?15:15
roaksoaxjourneeman: sure, it should affect you in any way though. So, as soon as you available just let me know and I'll point you to a newwer version15:15
journeemanroaksoax: cool15:16
koolhead11mgw, whats the issue15:17
mgwwith 2.1.0?15:18
mgwkoolhead: or with installing 2.2.2?15:18
mgwkoolhead11 ^15:18
koolhead11mgw, are you hitting any bug?15:19
mgwkoolhead11: cobbler replicate seems broken15:22
mgwIt eventually works after running a few times and restarting cobbler between runs15:22
koolhead11mgw, please file a bug with the logfile, it would be really helpful15:23
TonyTheTigerI'm trying to install opsview as outlined in http://docs.opsview.com/doku.php?id=opsview-community:ubuntu-installation but when I try to install the package I get the error "depends: libperl5.10 (>= 5.10.1) but it is not going to be installed." what do? i'm running 11.1015:23
mgw(I just installed 2.2.2 on a dev system from the 12.04 repo, and it seems to work fine, no special dependencies)15:23
mgwdon't know yet if it solves the replicate problem15:24
mgw2.1 is also a dev branch of cobbler… cobbler folks say shouldn't use it in production15:25
mgwanybody from the orchestra team have input on that?15:25
qman__TonyTheTiger, according to the site you linked, 11.10 is not supported by them, only 8.04 and 10.0415:26
qman__in all likelyhood it wants an older version of libperl than is available in 11.1015:26
TonyTheTigerok, that's kind of what I thought, the only reason we're using 11.10 is because we're trying to run it on hyper-v (derp), I guess we'll have to either find another virualization method for this or just run it on a physical box. thanks15:28
koolhead11mgw, on 12.04 we have maas15:33
mgwkoolhead11: no more orchestra?15:37
mgwanyway, i'm mostly interested in cobbler for now15:38
koolhead11mgw, its a bigger better version of orchestra, thats wht i can tell :)  <-- roaksoax15:38
roaksoaxmgw: if you could file a bug it would be great!15:44
mgwroaksoax: I'll capture the output next time I try to replicate15:45
mgwSo there've been no other reports of replicate breaking?15:45
mgwI have to run twice to get all profiles (sub profiles don't come in first time)15:46
mgwthen restart cobbler15:46
mgwthen I can sometimes replicate the systems15:46
mgwroaksoax is there any inherently bad thing about running 2.2.2 on oneiric?15:47
mgwit's all python, right?15:47
mgwI seemlessly installed the precies python-cobbler, cobbler-common and cobbler dpkgs on an oneiric dev machine15:48
roaksoaxmgw: yeah there shouldn't be any issues15:48
mgw(I did this b/c #cobbler says to avoid 2.1)15:48
roaksoaxmgw: and TBH we haven't test the replicate feature ;)15:48
mgwI seem to recall reading a bug on it somewhere15:48
mgwthat's been fixed15:48
mgwin the fedora project15:49
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mgwok, i'm going to upgrade to 2.2.215:49
mgwif the bug is fixed, i'll let you know that as well15:49
roaksoaxmgw: so if you find that link and the path to it I'll be more than glad to apply it15:49
mgwthis is part of it15:53
mgwand this15:54
journeemanrvba: roaksoax: koolhead11: seems to be an http proxy configuration problem. thought i didn't need to set up proxy for chromium as i had to access maas on localhost. works fine now.15:54
rvbajourneeman: cool, thanks for the heads up!15:54
roaksoaxmgw: cool, could you please file that bug and paste those link. It would help me a lot15:54
journeemanrvba: sure :)15:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #958831 in samba (main) "Samba rebroadcasts information it should not" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95883117:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #972603 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.5-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97260317:15
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andrew___please how can I install php 5.4 on ubuntu server? I've done aptitude versions php and there's only 5.3.10. Do I have to build it or is there 5.4 package somewhere hidden? Thanks19:33
patdk-wkdownload the .tar.gz file, and compile it19:43
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andrew___patdk-wk: ok, thanks. I'll try19:47
excalibourhi how do i know what ftp daemanon is installed on a pc20:52
ikoniaexcalibour: what version of ubuntu ?20:55
ikoniaexcalibour: if you do dpkg -k | grep -i ftp , you should see the ftp version you are using20:56
excalibourty ikonia, tryying right away20:56
ikoniaexcalibour: dpkg -l sorry20:57
ikoniaI made a typo, I didn't notice20:57
ikonianot -k , -l20:57
excalibouryep :) returned an erro :)20:57
excalibour dpkg -l | grep -i ftp20:58
ikoniathat's better20:58
ikonia-l is correct20:58
excalibourii  ftp                                 0.17-19build1                                   The FTP client20:59
excalibourii  proftpd-basic                       1.3.2c-1ubuntu0.1                               Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - bina20:59
ikoniathere you go,20:59
excalibouri didnt understand virtual hosting thingy but it says proftpd i guess20:59
ikoniait's just wording20:59
ikoniathe daemon is proftpd20:59
excalibourhas different versions? like basic/pro..,etc?21:00
ikonianah, don't worry about that21:01
ikoniait's "proftpd"21:01
excalibourty very much ikonia, i needed to know that as i cant ftp to my WWW21:01
excalibourlemme go to phase B, is it user permissions that s unabling to upload to www21:02
ikoniawhat's the actual problem ?21:02
excalibouri can ftp to my test server but cant upload via ftp21:04
ikoniawhat's the error21:04
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excalibourperm denied error on filezilla21:05
ikoniaok, so there you go "permissions"21:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #950193 in cobbler (main) "[FFe] [MIR] Cobbler" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95019321:06
excalibouri guess so, i think it s because settings i ve done before to harden security21:06
excalibouras a newbie21:07
jdstrandadam_g: hey, can you point me to docs on how I might setup horizon to work with my openstack? (MIR review)21:07
adam_gjdstrand: sure21:10
adam_gjdstrand: actually its very straight forward, just modify /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py , set OPENSTACK_HOST to the address of your keystone host, restart apache and you should be good21:10
jdstrandoh, hey21:11
jdstrandthat'll work :)21:11
adam_gjdstrand: the dasboard is essentially just a web-front end to the various openstack client libraries21:11
adam_gjdstrand: oh, also, you should probably 'apt-get install python-memcache memcached' and set CACHE_BACKEND='memcached://' in local_settings.py as well, otherwise you'll have to re-login a lot21:12
jdstrandI'll add this to the wiki page when I get it working21:14
adam_gjdstrand: cool. let me know if you have any problems21:15
jdstrandadam_g: thanks!21:16
excalibourikonia>> can u have a look at my conf file @ http://pastebin.com/7QUteC7c21:19
Davieyadam_g: Please can i see a diff of your horizon change for juju support before you upload please?21:21
adam_gDaviey: yeah, i wasn't planning on applying before getting an OKAY21:25
adam_gDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/918025/21:26
adam_gDaviey: actually thats a lot bigger than it should be21:26
Davieyadam_g: oh, i knew that.. but wanted to give it a smoke before you did :)21:28
Davieyadam_g: good to see there is a test.. Do you think this would be accepted for Folsom ?21:28
adam_gDaviey: actually that test is just cp'd from the ec2 panel, in fact the whole juju panel is. :)21:29
adam_gDaviey: im not sure there'd be interest in having such a deployment-specific add-on21:29
Davieyadam_g: is it viable to use inheritance better, if there is duplication ?21:30
Davieyadam_g: yeah, i think you are right.. it opens upstream to having to support everything.21:30
adam_gDaviey: could be, this was my first crack at ever even touching django. ill see if i can squash some of the dupe21:30
adam_gDaviey: right, plus i think the idea is that deployers would customize the dashboard to fit their offering21:31
Davieyadam_g: Yeah21:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #975519 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97551921:31
zuladam_g: thats a rather large patch21:46
jdstrandadam_g: worked great. that was easy! :)21:48
zulDaviey: arm session has been accepted21:49
adam_gjdstrand: nice :)21:49
adam_gzul: as i said, that diff is larger than it needs to be21:49
hazmathallyn, i was trying out the lxc ubuntu-cloud template.. it documents a userdata parameter (-u/--userdata) but the getopt invocation doesn't include it so it barfs if you try to pass it in21:52
hallynhazmat: pls talk to utlemming about that, i have no idea21:54
utlemminghazmat: looking21:54
hazmatutlemming, thanks21:55
hazmati'm running out to dinner, bbiab21:55
utlemminghazmat: real fast, can you give me  paste of what your seeing?21:55
Davieyzul: schweet21:56
excalibour can u have a look at my conf file @ http://pastebin.com/7QUteC7c i cant upload to my WWW folder22:06
adam_gzul: have you seen this test failure before?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/100498070/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.glance_2012.1-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:10
zuladam_g: thats new22:10
adam_gzul: yeah, passed fine on the last glance upload22:11
zuladam_g: just rebuild it22:11
adam_gdisabling tests for now on the PPA, will look at getting the test suite passing again once i verify my fixes22:12
zuladam_g: ubuntu5?22:12
adam_gzul: im testing a bunch of changes in a PPA22:18
zuladam_g: when you put it in to proposed compress the debian/changelog into -ubuntu2 please though22:19
adam_gzul: yup22:20
tech936would anyone like to help run a server with a couple of friends?22:20
tjfdumb question, how do I update libssl without actually removing it?22:28
tjfcan't I just compile it and overwrite the current version?22:28
tech936u wanna just update yeah22:30
tjfopenssl, I guess22:30
tech936well theres a simple way22:31
tech936sudo apt-get update22:31
tech936then sudo apt-get upgrade22:31
tjfthat doesn't work.22:31
tjfit just uses 0.9.822:31
tech936what version you got?22:31
tech936openssl version22:31
sbeattietjf: perhaps the better question is, what problem are you trying to solve?22:32
tech936hmm you tryed this ? "  cd /usr/src22:32
tech936hold on cba to type the whole thing heres a link for you http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=163&page=122:33
tjfsbeattie: a bunch of root@techessentials:~/openssl-1.0.1# openssl version22:33
tjfOpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009 (Library: OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010)22:33
tjfa bunch of packages I want don't work because the version of OpenSSL I have is too old.22:34
tech936anyone looking for a server to help monitor? as im currently working on a server and looking for people to help maintain it?22:35
tjfso my question is, how do I overwrite the library I already have with the one I just compiled?22:36
tech936why not save your self the Hassel dude and just re install the entire thing22:37
tjfthat won't work.22:38
tech936what server you running?22:42
tech936cause the last problem i had with OpenSSL i just ran sudo apt-get purge openssl then, sudo apt-get install openssl22:42
tech936and walla everything was working fine and dandy, the reason why some Packages may not be working with yours will mainly fall down to the fact you havent kept upto date with package updates22:43
tjftech936: when I try to install libssl-dev it says...22:46
tjf  libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.8) but 0.9.8o-7ubuntu1 is to be installed22:46
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
hazmat utlemming http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/918189/23:34
utlemmingk, I'll look at that23:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #975616 in nova (main) "package nova-compute-uml  not installed  failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite  /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf , which is also in package nova-compute-kvm 2012.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97561623:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #975617 in nova (main) "package nova-compute-qemu  not installed  failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite  /etc/nova/nova-compute.conf , which is also in package nova-compute-kvm 2012.1-0ubuntu1 (dup-of: 975616)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97561723:50
hazmatutlemming, looks like its one line fix to the getopt invocation.. options=$(getopt -o a:hp:r:n:Fi:CLS:u:T:ds: -l arch:,help,path:,release:,name:,flush-cache,hostid:,auth-key:,userdata:,cloud,no_locales,tarball:,debug,stream: -- "$@")23:55
hazmathmm.. maybe not23:56
hazmatthat parses the args, but it doesn't seem to actual use the provided init23:57

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