
astromechgood morning everyone05:06
sagaci_ah, kazam screencaster seems a hell of a lot better now06:08
czajkowskihows folks?09:17
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brobostigongood morning everyone.09:29
dwatkinshiya brobostigon09:31
brobostigonhi dwatkins09:31
dwatkinsI got post on a bank holiday, I was very surprised.09:32
dwatkinseven better, it's a game I sent back to lovefilm in error09:34
* dwatkins goes to wash up09:35
* kvarley1 foolishly went to the sorting office and then realised it was a bank holiday. Doh! (dwatkins)09:49
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:58
kvarley1hey bigcalm - how's it going?09:58
=== kvarley1 is now known as kvarley
bigcalmWondering why I'm in the office today09:59
kvarleySetting up Ubuntu Minimal on my new arm board =]09:59
czajkowskibigcalm: why you working it's a bank holiday!10:04
* Laney is working too10:04
* BigRedS is working10:04
Laneyday off in lieuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu10:05
BigRedSyeah, my bank holiday weekend is next weekend10:05
BigRedSand it's five days long:)10:05
czajkowskiBigRedS: sweet any plans ?10:05
BigRedSyeah, lots of helping parents get my stuff out of their houses :(10:06
bigcalmczajkowski: too much to do and Hayley is out for the day with a friend10:07
BigRedSOh, and maybe fixing my brother's bike. I'm in two minds as to whether I want him to have finished it this weekend.10:07
bigcalmczajkowski: what else am I to do? My default setting it to sit in front of a computer10:07
* czajkowski is offline for the rest of the day 10:09
BigRedSczajkowski: you up to much over this weekend? If so, why are you online now? :)10:09
czajkowskitoodles folks10:09
BigRedShave fun!10:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Laneyjust listened to bleeping for 10 minutes thinking that the album was a lot more experimental than expected10:40
Laneyturns out that spotify was just having an episode10:40
gordonjcpLaney: lol10:46
Laneyi was actually in the middle of writing an angry tweet when i checked the one song that i already know :P10:46
bigcalmThe Linux client is still buggy, yay10:50
Laneyproxy support is still a bit faily too10:50
bigcalmTrying to create a new radio station but I can't enter text into the box. Can paste via the context menu though10:51
bigcalmMilkshake by Kelis just started on Spotify11:12
bigcalmSadly, I can only see Peter Griffin performing it now11:12
* bigcalm cranks up the volume and bass11:19
astromechwhat did you get for your birthday popey ?11:33
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bigcalmA broken xbox11:33
bigcalmSorry :(11:33
popeygot a refund for kinect11:38
bigcalmSend the xbox to Apple, see how far their customer support goes11:46
dogmatic69update for 12.04b2 are > 600mb :(11:48
* bigcalm slithers out in search for lunch11:48
bigcalmUpdates are good!11:48
dogmatic69not 600mb+ updates, that is 50mb short of downloading the whole thing again11:49
penguin42dogmatic69: Progress!11:49
dogmatic69penguin42: it is quite buggy. lost of small things11:50
dogmatic69nothing major yet11:50
penguin42dogmatic69: Make sure even the small things get lp'reported11:50
dogmatic69I will try, never done bugs for ubuntu11:50
dogmatic69I also dont know enough to tell if its a PEBKAC, app or ubuntu error11:52
dogmatic69main annoyance atm is copy paste. I used to just highlight in terminal, switch somewhere and ctrl+p. no that only works sometimes11:56
dogmatic69it is quite random how the copy paste behaves now.11:56
penguin42dogmatic69: To report a bug, get a launchpad.net account, then the easiest thing is in a terminal do    ubuntu-bug   packagename     where packagename is your best guess at the package responsible12:02
popeynever used that for paste12:05
penguin42me neither, I'm not sure what's doing that12:07
dogmatic69popey: i meant ctrl+v12:07
dogmatic69was just thinking ctrl + paste12:08
dogmatic69why does launchpad use bazaar, Y U NO HAVE GIT12:11
penguin42dogmatic69: I believe it's historic; I also don't like bzr, but it is quite neatly tied into launchpad in mayn ways12:19
dogmatic69would think with git been written by the god of linux it would be de-facto12:20
dogmatic69565 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded. Need to get 571 MB of archives.12:23
popeyyou'll get more on monday ☺12:24
Laneygit hasn't always existed12:25
dogmatic69anyone know how to take a screen shot of a context menu12:28
dogmatic69without a camera :)12:28
popeysuper -> screenshot -> "grab after delay of "... seconds12:30
popeythen open the menu12:30
dogmatic69how is this12:42
dogmatic69bug 97510212:43
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 975102 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Context menus dont show until mouse over" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97510212:43
popeythats not an xorg bug12:46
popeyalmost certainly compiz12:46
popeyi have seen it too, not recently though12:46
popeywhat version of compiz you using?12:46
popeydpkg -l compiz12:46
penguin42dogmatic69: Still, good for filing the bug!12:47
popeyyes, totally ☺12:47
popeyheh, not updated my nvidia desktop for a while, 715 packages to upgrade, 548MB :D12:49
dogmatic69popey: it was a 'best guess' 1:
dogmatic69popey: I can change it, i think12:56
dogmatic69updated the ticket, added the dpkg -l compiz12:57
popey☺  dogmatic6912:57
LaneyRick's AMA is (going to be) fun :-)13:20
BigRedSczajkowski: aren't you supposed to be offline enjoying the bank holiday? :)13:22
* popey is getting tired of the 'ubuntu kernel' verses 'linux kernel' that keeps coming up after zonkers blog post13:24
* Laney thinks he didn't mean totsay "the sun has set on Gnome"13:26
* Laney giggles13:26
Laneys/totsay/to say/13:26
popeythat comment answers it13:28
dogmatic69oooh, found another bug13:36
dogmatic69having 2x gedit windows open only shows one arrow on the launch icon.13:37
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popeydogmatic69: have you logged out and back in since you updated unity/compiz?13:38
dogmatic69its still going13:38
dogmatic69updates crashed at some point and had to start over13:38
popeyi wouldn't file any more bugs until you have fully updated and logged out and back in13:38
dogmatic69ye, I will hold out13:38
popeybecause updating unity causes odd launcher behaviour13:38
popeymight still be a bug of course ☺13:39
MartijnVdSThat's a bug in itself, imho13:39
dogmatic69was just going to say the same thing13:39
popeyfile it ☺13:42
* Laney has discovered ebook-convert13:48
Laneyspecifically that it can convert LWN into mobi13:48
czajkowskiBigRedS: chatting to other half he's on irc14:03
czajkowskiplannign when and where I am to collect him later14:03
BigRedSczajkowski: Oh, alright then. I'll let you off14:03
LaneyI wanted to claim my cool Ubuntu flair on Reddit14:18
Laneybut I cannot comment on http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/l5b3x/members_and_canonical_employees_claim_your_flair/ — can anyone else? is it closed?14:18
BigRedSLaney: yeah, I can't comment14:19
Laneyperhaps 6 months is some kind of limit14:19
BigRedSOh, there's a couple of posts I can reply to14:19
BigRedSctrl-F for reply14:20
Laneyanything < 6 months14:21
dogmatic69updates done \o/14:22
ubuntuuk-planet[Gareth France] Big Bens car boot sale  1st April 2012 - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=14614:31
dogmatic69popey: updated and restarted and still the issue with context menus15:37
popeydogmatic69: I'd do "ubuntu-bug compiz"15:38
dogmatic69I changed the ticket, would that not make a new one?15:39
popeyoh ok, fair enough15:40
ali1234hmm an update for flash but it cannnot be installed15:44
ali1234and firefox has crashed15:44
Azelphurali1234: flash full screen works for me now :o15:46
Azelphuron the downside, everything is blue15:48
Azelphurand it keeps overlaying itself on top of other applications15:48
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dwatkinsAzelphur: sounds like bug 96848916:03
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 967091 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #968489 Wrong tint with Nvidia after upgrading to 11.2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96709116:03
ali1234the new 12.04 wallpapers are somewhat uninspiring :(16:15
AlanBellI like the brown one with the pangolin on it16:16
ali1234that's probably the best one16:16
ali1234i particularly dislike all the macro photography ones16:16
ali1234now browsing /wg/16:17
ali1234the trouble with all the photos is they don't tile on multimonitor16:18
ali1234and they are too busy16:18
ali1234also the way the launcher tries to blend doesn't work very well with photographs16:18
popeyali1234: i think there's a bug in the colour matching16:23
popeyi think it's known about16:23
popeyshows up badly on the puke desktop16:23
ali1234the puke desktop?16:24
ali1234you mean the pink and orange one?16:24
popeyaubergine and orange yeah16:24
* popey squints16:24
Myrttipink mentioned16:24
ali1234all it needs to do, is do exactly what it does now, and then make the clour about 20% darker, and it will look fine16:24
ali1234at the moment it looks like a neon sign whenever it pops out16:25
TheOpenSourcererEvenin' all. Had a nice Good Friday everyone?16:26
ali1234there's no way to make the wallpaper fill both monitors16:26
ali1234this sucks16:26
ali1234it used to be possible16:26
ali1234why you have to rewrite everything and make it worse?16:26
TheOpenSourcererI am just about to cook up some smoked salmon, cream & chive carbonara to serve with pasta.16:27
ali1234oh wait, span still works16:29
ali1234image just isn't quite the right size16:29
Azelphurcan bank to bank transfers be reversed?17:08
DJonesAzelphur: Very occasionally and not easily, probably 99 out 100 can't be cancelled17:16
DJonesI do a lot for work using online bank systems, to cancel, you have to ring the bank and they can try to cancel it, but I don't think I've seen any that have been cancelled in the last 18 months17:17
MartijnVdSWow.. that bad?17:18
MartijnVdS♥ Dutch banking :)17:18
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ali1234the state of blu-ray support on ubuntu is really awful17:34
ali1234k3b desn't work at all17:35
ali1234brasero only works with BD-RE and not BD-R17:35
ali1234there's no way to make a real blu-ray file system17:35
ali1234and no way to actually play a blu-ray without transcoding it first17:35
ali1234and no way to play the menus at all17:35
=== RDash is now known as mh0
ali1234so i can burn a blu-ray ISO authored on windows, but only to a rewritable disc which cost £5 each, and then i've no way of testing it afterwards17:37
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 975336 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b refuses to erase or overwrite a blu-ray rewritable" [Undecided,New]17:42
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 975342 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b does not recognise a valid blu-ray ISO" [Undecided,New]17:50
ali1234wow 8 bugs in under 10 minutes17:50
ali1234er, 617:51
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Drawing a Wooden Cabinet in a GTK Application - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/06/drawing-a-wooden-cabinet-in-a-gtk-application/18:01
Lukan27Hello. I need critical help on Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. Anyone?18:55
Azelphur?ask | Lukan2718:55
Azelphur!ask | Lukan2718:55
lubotu3`Lukan27: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:55
Lukan27Okay.. I was on my laptop on Skype (texting), playing some music and updating. Went out to make a cup of coffee, and suddenly BAM, black screen with underscore in top-left corner. Hard reset, and now it won't boot (stuck at loading animation). Error checking fails.18:58
AlanBellthat sounds bad :(19:00
popeyLukan27: at the loading animation if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 do you see a text based logon screen?19:00
popey(I get this on my desktop sometimes)19:00
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Pope] Fun things to do at Easter  Unity Testing - http://popey.com/blog/2012/04/06/fun-things-to-do-at-easter-unity-testing/19:01
Lukan27@popey: Nope, it clears the screen from letter etc.19:03
popeyits completely blank?19:03
Lukan27@popey: Yes, completely black/purple screen.19:06
Lukan27BTW, I'm fine with a complete reinstall, I just need some of the data on the disk to be saved. I got a Live USB and can boot it, but I don't know how to get permission to my harddisk/home folder.19:09
popeyLukan27: to be honest you're better off asking in #ubuntu19:15
Lukan27popey: Ok, how do I change channel?19:15
Lukan27Oh, nvm ;)19:15
brobostigonohdear, i put pink floyd live, on, and my dad closes the door, :'(19:15
ali1234brobostigon: isn't that the wrong way around?20:28
ali1234unless you're like 6020:29
brobostigonali1234: agreed, should be. but wasnt.20:29
directhexremember when you were young20:30
directhexyou shone like the sun20:30
* brobostigon still loves shine on.20:30
directhexshiiiiiiiiiiiine ooooooooon you craaaaaaaaaaaazy (you crazy) diaaamond20:30
directhexba na NAAAAAA na na na20:30
brobostigoni am in a way, the diamond that was once great, and withered. similerly to that song.20:31
* dwatkins wonders how many Pulse album boxes are still blinking20:32
ali1234i could never get into that whole genre of music20:33
ali1234i don't like the who either20:33
dwatkinsI was never paricularly into Floyd, although I liked some of their stuff20:33
dwatkinsThe Who make amusing songs for CSI ;)20:33
ali1234or rather YEEEEAAAAAh20:34
dwatkinsor maybe, CSI was made for them... *dons glasses* YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH20:34
brobostigoni like the philosophy of their music, rather than direcrtly the music.20:34
dwatkinscurry time :D20:38
directhexi love Wish You Were Here20:49
gordonjcpis there an easy way to get apt to simply not install a dependency?21:00
gordonjcpI notice that the Ubuntu jackd packages are somewhat broken, in that they force installation of the whole 2TB of Qt21:01
gordonjcpsince for some ungodly reason they require qjackctl21:01
ali1234install wanted deps manually then use dpkg to install the one package ignoring deps21:01
Azelphurgordonjcp: lemme know if you find out, I have an app that requires wine1.2 -.-21:01
ali1234or fork the package and edit debian/control21:02
kvarley1How can I install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi in oneiric? I'm trying via apt-get but it says it has no candidate.21:10
ali1234i did a fresh reinstall and updated it this morning and i still don't see skype in the dash or software center21:13
ali1234also, this morning = 4pm21:13
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=== AppleJ is now known as mh0
bigcalm6 new updates since I last updated 2 hours ago21:41
bigcalmOh, and another 3 just now21:42
bigcalmI guess somebody doesn't have the day off21:42
Laneythe US21:44
penguin42the easter bunny22:26
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
BigRedSjoin #ubuntu-server23:07
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