InHisName | I got this while update my system: . . . . . . . . . installArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 00:12 |
InHisName | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: . . . . LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "None.None" / . . . . .. . . are supported and installed on your system. | 00:12 |
InHisName | Where and how to fix those settings? -->export blahblah="some line or other " ? | 00:14 |
jedijf | | 00:21 |
PennBot | Title: Locale - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at | 00:21 |
Gethro_ | Hello... | 01:05 |
waltman | damn, MutantTurkey is gone. I've got just the tool for him. | 01:34 |
waltman | Oh well. He'll be back. | 01:36 |
JonathanD | Morning. | 08:04 |
rmg51 | morning JonathanD | 09:03 |
rmg51 | your way to early this morning | 09:03 |
JonathanD | Morning rmg51 | 09:05 |
JonathanD | Whats up? | 09:08 |
rmg51 | besides us? | 09:21 |
rmg51 | not much | 09:21 |
rmg51 | just reading the paper online and getting ready for work | 09:22 |
rmg51 | my usual weekday morning | 09:22 |
JonathanD | :) | 09:33 |
JonathanD | I need to go to the store. | 09:33 |
JonathanD | But it's still a bit early. | 09:33 |
rmg51 | just wait outside till the doors open :-D | 09:44 |
JonathanD | hah :) | 09:44 |
JonathanD | Depending on which store I go to, that could be a while ;) | 09:44 |
JonathanD | I'm going to aldis. | 09:44 |
JonathanD | and also walmart to pick up my glasses. | 09:44 |
JonathanD | aldis doesn't open til 9. | 09:45 |
JonathanD | walmart is open, I suppose, but I seriously doubt the eye people are there. | 09:45 |
rmg51 | walmart opens at 6 if I rememberright | 09:46 |
JonathanD | I don't think ours closes. | 09:46 |
JonathanD | Pretty sure I've been there before 6 before. | 09:46 |
rmg51 | could be | 09:46 |
JonathanD | KOP is 24 hours. | 09:47 |
rmg51 | I think the one around here opens at 6 | 09:47 |
JonathanD | plymouth meeting opens at 7. | 09:47 |
rmg51 | then why did you get up so early? | 09:47 |
JonathanD | rmg51: looks more likely to be 7. | 09:47 |
JonathanD | All of them appear to be either 7 to midnight or 24 hour. | 09:47 |
JonathanD | Except audubon... which is 7a-11p, or 7-midnight, or midnight to 11p... depending on the day? | 09:48 |
JonathanD | Strange. | 09:48 |
JonathanD | rmg51: I got up to get a drink and just didn't go back to bed. | 09:49 |
rmg51 | dang drunks ;-) | 09:59 |
JonathanD | hah :p | 10:00 |
JonathanD | A drink of WATER. | 10:01 |
JonathanD | I think I'll go to Andy's this morning... | 10:01 |
JonathanD | | 10:02 |
PennBot | Title: - Breakfast (at | 10:02 |
JonathanD | yum | 10:02 |
rmg51 | I think I'll just hit the kitchen as usual :-D | 10:13 |
JonathanD | rmg51: but andys will make me a cheeseburger! | 10:16 |
JonathanD | For breakfast! | 10:16 |
JonathanD | :D | 10:16 |
rmg51 | if I wanted to take the time I could do the same thing | 10:24 |
rmg51 | I just don't have any rolls :P | 10:25 |
* passstab says hi to everyone who is up at 6:30 | 10:31 | |
rmg51 | o/ | 10:33 |
Gethro_ | Question: Which torrent client do you think is better - uTorrent or Transmission or another client not mentioned? And why? | 11:13 |
waltman | *YAWN* | 11:31 |
jedijf | waltman: share the tool, @later tell him | 11:44 |
jedijf | Gethro_: i use uTorrent | 11:47 |
waltman | | 11:49 |
PennBot | Title: GNU Parallel- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (at | 11:49 |
jedijf | babka, not bad | 12:34 |
jedijf | starvation helps | 12:34 |
passstab | utorrent isn't free | 12:41 |
passstab | Transmission and deluge are the two i've heard about | 12:42 |
passstab | i use transmission | 12:43 |
passstab | but i never tryed anything else | 12:43 |
InHisName | same here, it came with Ubuntu and never gave me a lick of truble | 12:45 |
passstab | is it possible to add files i'v already torrented back into transmission? | 12:49 |
InHisName | yes, but I haven't done that yet | 12:49 |
passstab | how? | 12:50 |
PennBot | I guess how is user diff from seen ?>, passstab | 12:50 |
passstab | PennBot, fu | 12:50 |
PennBot | Dunno, passstab. | 12:50 |
passstab | what is that guys problem? | 12:51 |
jedijf | passstab: isn't there an "Add" button? | 12:51 |
jedijf | fu is <reply> bar | 12:51 |
jedijf | PennBot: fu | 12:52 |
PennBot | bar | 12:52 |
passstab | i see how to make a new torrent | 12:53 |
passstab | but how do i add to one already in progress? | 12:53 |
InHisName | already in progress ? | 12:55 |
InHisName | Just add another one | 12:55 |
passstab | no i mean there is a torrent of only whispering | 12:58 |
passstab | i want to seed | 12:59 |
passstab | i already have the file | 12:59 |
InHisName | only if it is byte identical to what is being torrented. See the 'index' value of torrent. Not sure how to align that up. | 13:01 |
passstab | i torrented it before | 13:02 |
InHisName | from same 'index' ? Then torrent again for a few bytes. then stop transmission. remove small temp file and copy the final file there and start transmission. It should recognize the file and start seeding it.l | 13:03 |
passstab | ok | 13:04 |
passstab | it downloads to fast for me to stop it :P | 13:06 |
passstab | XD | 13:06 |
passstab | why dosn't IA use torrents? | 13:10 |
InHisName | IA? | 13:13 |
passstab | internet archive | 13:13 |
passstab | oh i was wrong | 13:17 |
passstab | it detected automaticaly | 13:17 |
passstab | cause it is in the right folder | 13:17 |
passstab | the xfce notifications are SO much better then the gnome 2 ones | 13:21 |
passstab | :) | 13:21 |
InHisName | glad you are happy | 13:23 |
passstab | no more hide and seek | 13:23 |
passstab | what login manager do you prefer? | 13:35 |
MutantTurkey | connecticut | 13:56 |
InHisName | I got this while update my system: . . . . . . . . . installArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 15:00 |
InHisName | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: . . . . LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "None.None" / . . . . .. . . are supported and installed on your system. | 15:00 |
PennBot | I already had it that way, InHisName. | 15:00 |
InHisName | Where and how to fix those settings? -->export blahblah="some line or other " ? | 15:01 |
jedijf | [2] | 15:20 |
PennBot | Title: Locale - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at | 15:20 |
ChinnoDog | hi PennBot | 15:39 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: hi is <reply> hi | 15:39 |
PennBot | Got it! | 15:39 |
ChinnoDog | hi PennBot | 15:39 |
ChinnoDog | I don't think he really got it | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | oh | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: forget hi | 15:40 |
PennBot | I hear ya. | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: hi PennBot is <reply> hi | 15:40 |
PennBot | Gotcha! | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | hi PennBot | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | hi PennBot? | 15:40 |
PennBot | hi | 15:40 |
ChinnoDog | lame | 15:41 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: forget hi PennBot | 15:41 |
PennBot | I hear ya. | 15:41 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: PennBot? | 15:41 |
PennBot | No idea! | 15:41 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: PennBot is <reply> sup | 15:41 |
PennBot | Gotcha! | 15:41 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: jawn? | 15:42 |
PennBot | Dunno! | 15:42 |
ChinnoDog | jawn is a Philly thing | 15:42 |
ChinnoDog | PennBot: ChinnoDog? | 15:43 |
PennBot | Somebody said ChinnoDog is not going to have them call me ChinnoDog. lol, ChinnoDog | 15:43 |
JonathanD | Hello | 16:58 |
rmg51 | o/ | 17:24 |
=== Joe_CoT is now known as SlowPoke | ||
=== SlowPoke is now known as Joe_CoT | ||
ChinnoDog | hi JonathanD | 18:41 |
JonathanD | hi ChinnoDog | 19:28 |
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