
astraljavaUnit193: I will check later today, might need some sleep before that.03:54
Unit193Could be just me.03:55
knomemicahg, as there any uploads pending?06:24
knomemr_pouit, ^06:24
ochosimicahg,pleia2: nope, in Gtk3 the resize-grip can be activated globally in the gtk-theme06:35
ochosimicahg,pleia2: from gtk2 it was dropped, so it's only in apps that set it themselves06:35
ochosipleia2: thanks for reading through! yes, screenshots would be good for pretty much every method. i just put this draft together yesterday because i suddenly felt motivated and wanted to get things going :)06:36
knomeochosi, btw, you can't add screenshots yourself to the blog..06:44
ochosiknome: oh, is that a limitation of the contributor-mode?06:44
knomeyeah, that's the unfortunate side-effect :/06:44
knomei could just approve you to the website team though06:45
ochosiwell, we can test this for a while like this06:45
ochosibut since my posts will mostly be artwork, they will most likely contain screenshots or pics06:45
ochosibut for now we can leave it as is06:45
knomeok, works for me06:45
ochosithen at least i'm forced to let you review :)06:45
knomei'm going to be off from about 13utc today till 10utc sunday06:46
ochosibtw, i guess i have to rewrite parts, if pleia2 had a hard time understanding it, then i probably wrote gibberish06:46
ochosimkay, yeah, i'll also be away over the weekend06:46
knomei can review now if you want06:46
ochosialthough only from tomorrow till sunday evening06:46
ochosiyeah, please06:46
knomedo you mind if i just edit it?06:47
ochosias long as you don't change the meaning of things too much06:48
knomehehe, won't06:48
ochosiknome: could you also check whether the keyboard-shortcut is right?06:53
ochosi(i mean alt+f11)06:53
ochosii think i changed it on my system06:53
knomei can, after i've gone through the article :)06:53
ochosiah, it's alt+f806:56
ochosiat least on my gf's laptop and i think i didn't change it here06:56
ochosiknome: please verify that on your system and then change that as well in the article ^06:57
knomewell i'm on an updated system06:57
knomei probably should check this from the spec ;)06:58
ochosior: bbiab06:58
knomeok ok06:58
knomeochosi, ehm, we deleted the resize-window shortcut!06:59
knomebut i'm in favor of the mouse-methods anyway07:00
knomesaved new version @ xubuntu.org07:01
micahgknome: not planning any for xubuntu until next week07:01
knomemicahg, ok :)07:01
micahgochosi: there were resize distro patches that were dropped, idk if that was for GTK2 or 307:02
ochosiknome: why did we delete that shortcut?07:15
ochosiknome: ok, updated the post according to that07:23
knomedunno, maybe because we thought it was redundant07:49
knomeand because people can always readd it07:49
ochosihmm :/07:49
ochosiyeah, i put that in the article07:49
ochosiit's fine as well07:50
knomeand there's the window menu07:50
ochosigood point07:50
ochosiyet another method07:50
knomewhich has the resize-link07:50
ochosimind adding a paragraph about that?07:50
knomei don't know how to open that :D07:51
knomei think i have somewhat messed up shortcuts07:51
ochosiyou can set a shortcut for opening the window-menu07:53
ochosibut, you can also use the menu-button (downward-pointing arrow in the left-top-corner of the window)07:53
ochosior simply right-click the window-titlebar07:54
knomethat's right :P08:01
knomei was looking for the menu icon, but i don't have that08:01
ochosiyou must've removed it, it should be there by default08:02
mr_pouito hai08:33
mr_pouitno upload pending, although a new one for xubuntu-artwork might be needed, there's a missing icon in simple-scan according to a bug report08:33
mr_pouitknome: ^08:33
ochosimr_pouit: where's that bugreport?08:35
knomemr_pouit, in the app menu? i have that icon08:36
knomealso, in the interface, i don't see missing icons08:36
ochosiah i see the br now08:37
knomebr ?08:37
ochosibugreport :)08:37
ochosii'll quickly test this in my oneiric install08:37
* knome checked in precise08:38
ochosioh, ok08:38
ochosithen i'll spare myself the reboot for now08:39
knomeyeah, i upgraded to precise not a long time ago08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 974549 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Simple Scan application menu missing icon" [Undecided,New]08:44
knomenope, shows a stamp-icon for me08:46
ochosiok, i'll check it...08:47
knomethat's the installtion media08:47
ochosihmm, i can confirm the bug :(08:50
mr_pouitif you don't want people to send photos by mail, it's a proper icon though08:51
ochosibtw, i just realized there might be a tiny glitch in greybird-gtk3 :/08:52
ochosithe radio-buttons in menuitems have dark fg08:52
mr_pouitscreenshots before/after?08:53
ochosilook at "photo": http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-04062012-105305am.php08:53
ochosibefore/after what?08:53
mr_pouitit's still posible to upload if it's critical08:53
mr_pouitbefore/after your fix :P08:53
ochosioh .)08:53
ochosione sec, i think i can really fix that straight away08:53
mr_pouitbut otherwise it'll go to precise-proposed08:54
ochosiit's hopefully trivial08:55
ochosiit just seems that simplescan is the only gtk3 app i have with radios08:56
ochosichecks look ok08:56
ochosiodd, they look ok in gedit08:57
ochositime for a quick reboot09:00
ochosiuse_stock > False :(09:07
ochosiok, fixed it09:12
ochosii'll push the fix to git in a minute09:12
ochosivery weird09:15
ochosiit seems ambiance works around that radio-button glitch by using bright submenus09:15
ochosiimo that looks terrible: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-04062012-111533am.php09:15
ochosii think we're better off with what we have atm09:16
ochosiwth, when changing the theme (with simplescan running) from Greybird to greybird (the second is a symlink to the first) the radiobuttons are ok09:18
ochosiand they're also ok when changing back to Greybird09:18
ochosii have no clue what is not working there09:19
ochosiprobably a bug in gtk309:19
ochosimr_pouit: btw, if stupid simplescan would use the stock "document-send" icon, we would have no problem whatsoever (that one is contained in the gnome-icon-theme), but they chose to use "mail-send" instead09:21
knomeochosi, how do i have the correct icon then?09:22
ochosii'm suspecting that the gnome-icon theme was slimmed down09:23
knomebut i'm using precise...09:23
ochosican you check what's inside of /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/actions ?09:24
knomelet me upgrade all packages so they are surely the latest09:24
ochosino, wait09:25
ochositell me what you have there now09:25
knomemail-send.png exists09:25
ochosijust to check whether anything else critical got removed09:25
knomeoh well09:25
ochosiso they dropped it09:25
knomei'm already upgrading :P09:25
ochosithis is the content of the directory for me09:26
knomethere's 355 items for me09:26
ochosido you have gnome-icon-theme-full installed?09:26
ochosi(because we dropped that one)09:26
knomelet me check09:26
knomei have, for some reason09:27
knomewhen is that dropped?09:27
ochosiok, we don't install that by default anymore09:27
knomelike, yesterday?09:27
knomeoh right, i'm upgrading09:27
ochosithat is the whole point of having elementary-xfce as a fork09:27
ochosianyway, it's possible that other icons are missing if people decide to install something that doesn't follow any standards but is contained in the gnome-icon-theme-full, but i think we shouldn't care too much about that09:29
ochosiknome: mind to ask sean davis to join the testing team? (the guy reported really a lot of bugs lately, all of them meaningful)09:34
ochosiok, i'm off for now, bbal (be back after lunch)09:44
knomemr_pouit, bug 87599110:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875991 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "Not able to start a xsession with a space in the name" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87599110:55
knomemr_pouit, i know the bug is in lxdm, but..10:56
knomemr_pouit, i suppose it's not without problems if we rename though?10:56
mr_pouitit's ugly11:21
knomelxdm you mean?11:22
knomeor non-space session name?11:22
mr_pouitnon-space ;-)11:22
mr_pouitwe could replace "Xfce Session" by "Xfce" though11:23
knomebut that doesn't fix the xubuntu session, and definitely not lxdm11:24
mr_pouitbut still, it's a string change, so a bit annoying at this point11:24
knomelet's not do it.11:24
knomelxdm must be fixed, seriously11:24
mr_pouitlubuntu uses lightdm, so I guess it's low priority, even for them ;-)11:24
knomei don't think it's eating users from xubuntu/xfce, more likely it's going to eat users from lxdm11:24
knomeyeah, there was just some talk about that in twitter11:25
knomethe more i think about it, the more i think we shouldn't do anything, since otherwise lxdm won't ever fix this, rather, just keep on asking people to use non-space session names11:28
knomeit's probably annoying for those who want to use lxdm and xubuntu/xfce, but they can fix the files on their own + apply pressure to fix lxdm11:29
knomeokay, i'm off! see you again on sunday :)12:02
ochosiawwh, just missed you then12:22
ochosihave a nice weekend knome 12:23
martinphonewhen 12.04 is out, will there be the possibility in file manager to ctrl+something to add tabs instead of having to co ctrl+n to open a new window?12:56
ochosimartinphone: no, thunar doesn't support tabs by design, there have been lengthy discussions about that on mailinglists, forums and irc13:02
astraljavagah, talk about last minute awakenings. :)13:50
ochosiastraljava: you woke up last minute for what?13:55
astraljavarelease meeting mail. :)13:55
ochosioh, right, haven't read that13:57
ochosi(not subscribed i guess)13:58
astraljavaochosi: Yeah it's sent to ubuntu-release@l.u.c13:58
astraljava...although there doesn't appear to be a meeting, so I worried for nothing.14:06
astraljavaThese default apps for media files are puzzling me, see f.e. bug #973654.14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973654 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Audio CDs default to Exaile but gmusicbrowser is installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97365414:30
astraljavaStudio has the same problem, no exaile and no parole either.14:31
mr_pouitthis bug affects only 11.1014:52
astraljavamr_pouit: Oh ok. We just have to fix our own. Thanks for pointing to the correct place!14:54
mr_pouitah indeed, ubuntustudio-default-settings still has: <property name="command" type="string" value="exaile"/>14:56
mr_pouitreplace it with: <property name="command" type="string" value="parole --device=%d"/>14:56
mr_pouitand you're good to go14:56
astraljavamr_pouit: We don't ship parole by default, so we're gonna use something else for it, but yeah, that's the spot right there. We also need to tweak a little more as the current situation with nautilus/Thunar just isn't as it should be.15:00
leo-unglaubochosi: with the last update i got the new clipman icon...looks grat18:42
leo-unglaubthanks !18:42
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