
xubuntu105Hello, could I please ask if the Beta 2 release can be updated to "final" when it arrives? Or would I need to re-install?00:46
drcJust update as indicated...no re-install needed.00:48
xubuntu105Excellent, thanks for your time.00:49
drcnp, I'll send you a bill... :000:49
xubuntu874Hi I installed Xubuntu because my machine no longer had enough RAM for Ubuntu. Gut it also does not Have enough memory for the latest version of flashplugin. Is there an older flash version available?00:52
xubuntu874To clarify I dont have enough Video memory for latest flashplugin in Xbuntu (64MB) is there a version that will work for me to see ustream?00:55
xubuntu874OK I guess not  I'll keep trying other places01:00
MokuraOkay, I updated to 12.04b2, and the wireless network indicator doesn't want to change its icon when I select a new theme, and it no longer displays the signal strength in the tooltip.04:28
MokuraNot a deal-breaker, but slightly annoying, and not sure how/where to look for its config.  Looking in home, for starters.04:29
Sysitry running xfce4-panel -r04:29
MneumonicDoes anyone else have a problem where Thunar takes about 20 seconds to start up upon a fresh boot of Xubuntu 11.1004:29
Unit193Mneumonic: Known bug.04:30
MneumonicIs there any workaround for this?  It's not the most annoying thing in the world but it slows work down a lot04:30
MokuraNo change, Sysi04:30
Mokurathe network bars are pretty much the only icon that doesn't change04:31
Mokurapersistent through reboots/relogs04:31
Unit193Mneumonic: Do you use shared network folders?04:39
Mokuragonna try reinstalling the package :\04:41
MokuraWell, that didn't seem to do anything.04:50
MokuraIt's just that applet, it seems.04:52
MokuraDunno why it would stick from an upgrade.04:52
MneumonicSorry I'm back04:54
MneumonicI dont think I use shared network folders unless they are already shared out of the box04:54
Unit193Then you can remove gvfs-backends04:55
Mneumonicdoes it fix the problem?04:56
MneumonicOkay i removed it, gonna reboot and try it04:59
MneumonicOkay that fixed it, thanks!  The only other problem I have with Xubuntu (or regular Ubuntu) is that every time I restart I get a popup that says "network service discovery disabled"  How do i stop this from happening05:01
Unit193Heh, that sounds like bluetooth, no?05:02
MneumonicIt mentions Avahi, not sure what that is05:02
Unit193Not had that myself, but check the startup options in the settings manager.05:02
Mneumonicand says "your current network has a .local domain"05:02
Mokuraoh, I think it's based on the network you're connecting to05:03
Sysiyour ISPs DNS server resolves .local which it shouldn't do05:03
Mokuraalso, I can't seem to find where the nm-applet keeps its settings05:03
Mneumonichow do i fix it?05:03
Sysijust a sec..05:04
Mokuraoh wait, maybe I tried reinstalling the wrong package05:04
Mokurawelp let's try that then05:04
Sysihe needs to edit /etc/default/avahi-daemon05:05
Sysioh, different guy05:06
Mneumonicok I have avahi-daemon open in leafpad05:06
Sysichange 1 to 005:07
Mneumonicwhat does it do?05:07
Mneumonicokay i switched it05:09
Mneumonicgonna relog and try it out05:09
MneumonicSysi thanks, problems are all fixed now.  Xubuntu is a great distro05:13
MokuraRemoving and reinstalling gnome-network-manager didn't seem to do any good either.05:15
Mokura(Also Firefox boots on startup now because I left save session info checked, and I'm not sure how to fix that.  Save a session with no apps running?)05:15
Unit193Remove them from .cache05:30
Mokuraterminal fiddlery gives me this when I try running nm-applet on its own05:30
Mokuraalthough I did find this05:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927393 in gdk-pixbuf (Ubuntu) "GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_width > 0' failed" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:34
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Mordyhi can anyone tell me how to move panel 1 to bottom?07:51
Mordyok I unlock the panel and moved to bottom :D07:58
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newbyI want to know how can I rename Guest account and how to set it's default lang to my native language instead of English10:17
newbyAll I have found on the internet was how to disable it10:18
newbywhich I dont want10:18
well_laid_lawn!ibus | newby10:22
ubottunewby: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus10:22
newbyi know about ibus, but I'm asking how to change language in guest account (account which copies temporary files to /tmp and has restrictions so anyone can use it without messing with my data)10:25
newbyanyone can use my PC10:25
SysiI'm not sure if that covers everything10:29
newbySysi: thanks10:33
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martinphoneafter my turning to a pure xfce machine I need some plug ins to listen to online radio, can you tell me som packages I need?12:43
ochosimartinphone: you could try radiotray12:44
martinphoneochosi, im trying to do that12:44
martinphoneochosi, it works, its just that all ym taiwanese radio stations need a plug in, any idea?12:45
ochosisry, i have no clue about taiwanese radio stations12:51
martinphonemy gstreamer installation is missing a plug in, is that of help?12:58
martinphonefor the radio thing, again12:58
mongymartinphone: you need to have the right url for it, it's not like a web based player13:01
mongywhat is your url?13:01
martinphonethe url of the station I try to use you mean...13:02
mongywhat are you using as the url yes13:02
martinphonedont know, I added a whole bunch of radio stations like a year ago to a file, I dont remeber how I did it, im googling to re find the instructions I followed... its all I can say13:03
ochosimartinphone: so you're missing gstreamer plugins?13:03
martinphoneochosi, thats what radiotray says...13:03
ochosimartinphone: in that case install the -bad and -ugly plugins is what i'd suggest (i always forget which ones are used for mp3)13:03
mongywell if you get the url for it I'll have a look13:03
martinphoneochosi, bad and bad multiverse or just the latter?13:04
ochosimartinphone: i think either of the two should be ok13:04
martinphoneit would really help me to have a clock with different time zones in the tray, is that possible?13:07
martinphonelike back in gnome13:07
ThePendulumThe countdown on xubuntu.org, is that in hours or days?13:09
Myrttidays probably, why?13:10
ThePendulumI guess days, for it says it's less than a month before it will be released.13:10
ThePendulumJust wondering13:10
ThePendulumIt would be a bit silly to state it's less than a month when it's less than a day, obviously13:10
Myrttithe usual target date to releasing a new release is the last thursday of xx.yy13:11
Myrttior there abouts13:11
ThePendulumI didn't know that13:11
holsteinmartinphone: i would just try using the one from gnome2 if its still in the repos13:12
ThePendulumI guess I'm going to pull off a fresh install of Xubuntu13:13
ThePendulumLast time I'll install 11.10 I guess :P13:14
* mongy running 12.04 with no issues thus far13:14
* drc also13:15
mongynot even that blueman applet crash I seemed to always get..even though I don't have bt13:15
ThePendulumThe last time I tried it it wasn't very polished, has it improved a lot?13:16
ThePendulum(since about 2-3 weeks ago)13:16
mongydepends what you call polish13:16
ThePendulumIf I install 12.04 now, do I need to reinstall it as soon as it is released, or does it just update along?13:18
Blackie_hi, can anyone tell me how to remove border from icons on dekstop?13:18
ThePendulumBlackie_: What exact border are you referring to? I don't see any here, by default13:19
mongyThePendulum: only difference between beta and final are package versions.  keep it updated and it will be final.13:19
Blackie_ThePendulum: name of icon have border13:20
ThePendulumDo you mean that text background?13:21
ThePendulumI've wondered this for a long time as well13:21
Blackie_its ugly :D13:21
ThePendulumIt depends on the theme and the background how bad it is, but it very often doesn't match very well13:22
Blackie_what about icons I can't move icon on right edge it's far away from right side13:23
ThePendulum^ This as well. The only 'solution' I've found so far, is setting the icon size so they can move further to the sides13:24
ThePendulumThe desktop icons are 21px here, and I can move them all the way to the sides now13:25
Blackie_I have 72 px icons :D13:25
ThePendulumMother of god.13:25
ThePendulumWell... just scale them up or down until you find the sweet spot :P13:26
mongyyou need to edit your theme's gtkrc file and change the bg_color I think.13:26
mongylet me have a gander13:26
ThePendulumI haven't experimented with themes much, I'd trust mongy more if I were you, Blackie_13:26
mongydon't trust me :)13:28
Blackie_ok I have solved this problem with icon :D13:28
mongyI'm just a tinkerer13:28
ThePendulumIs there any possibility to add a mild drop-shadow to the panels? I am experimenting with adding another panel with nothing but a shadow background, but it overlays the windows which is... horrible13:29
mongythe thing is, I personally need that bg colour for my text to stand out on the backdrop I have13:29
Blackie_any of you using nvidia graphic card?13:30
ThePendulummongy: There often are colours that fit better to the theme yet still make the text easy to read13:30
ThePendulumBlackie_: I wish I was. I god damnit wish I was.13:30
Blackie_I have problem with duplicating monitors13:30
mongyyeah but the one my theme provides is already good enough.  personally.13:31
ThePendulumThat could be13:31
ThePendulumBlackie_: What is it?13:31
Blackie_when I do Twine option on 1 screen resulution goes crazy and on another monitor is fine13:32
ThePendulumWhat's twine? :(13:32
ThePendulumOh, I just use xrandr :P13:33
martinphoneback in 2 hours13:35
voozeIs there a way to change the full name of a user in xubuntu?13:35
voozemade a typo during install :/13:35
ThePendulumvooze: Yes, 1 second13:35
ThePendulumMenu > System > User and groups13:36
ThePendulumYou'll see your name their, with Change... on the right of it13:36
ThePendulumAbout that, is there a way to change my photograph? I look derpy13:37
voozeah, i just figured it would be in "normal settings" like gnome i guess ;) thanks alot13:38
ThePendulumNothing fancy about it indeed :P13:38
mongyThePendulum: does it use the .face file like gnome?13:39
ThePendulummongy: Eh... I don't know that!13:39
mongywell is there a .face in your ~ then.13:39
ThePendulumI just read that as a real-life sentence13:40
ThePendulum"Well, there's a face in your *beep* then."13:40
ThePendulumOh, I see it now indeed13:40
ThePendulumWhat kind of image file is it? Jpeg, png?13:41
mongypng I think.  I don't know for sure I never have one13:41
mongynor did have in gnome13:41
ThePendulumI am trying to demolish a Logitech keyboard13:43
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ThePendulumWhat is the latest 12.04 version?15:12
ThePendulumI've got 12.04 Beta2 from 26/0315:12
bazhangThePendulum, #ubuntu+1 for that15:14
baizonThePendulum: kernel 3.2.0-22 is the last one15:30
martinphonei got rid of all kubuntu stuff, but plymouth shows a kubuntu screen, not xubuntu...15:34
mongymartinphone: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth15:42
mongysudo update-initramfs -u15:42
martinphonethx mongy15:50
martinphonemongy, its now updating kernel, but im logged in with due to segfaults on .18, will the second command work on any kernel I choose?15:52
martinphoneI mean, once executed, xubuntu screen will appear no matter what kernel I choose, right?15:52
mongyit should work for whatever kernel you boot.15:54
martinphonedoes anybody here 64 bits?16:04
martinphoneis it faster than 32 bits? I mean, noticeably?16:08
martinphoneonly marginal benefits?16:09
mongyI can't really say, it's been ages since I used 32bit.  I doubt it would be noticeably faster anyway.16:09
martinphonespeed is the main reason im leaving 32 bits, are there other reasons?16:10
mongyI've read there is slight performance gain over pae kernel if you have 4gb or more16:15
mongyI tend not to think about it, I just install what my hw supports.16:16
mongythere's no reason not to use it these days.16:20
magerquarkhi, i have two sound devices in my netbook, xubuntu uses the internal soundcard, but i want to use the usb-device, thx in advance for your help17:00
Sysimagerquark: install and use pavucontrol17:00
magerquarkSysi, thank you very much for help, it works strike17:02
Os_Maleushi all! can You tell me an open-source vector graphic program for LinuxÜ17:03
magerquarkwell, enjoy your day, i am off to a network session now17:04
SysiOs_Maleus: inkscape17:04
Os_MaleusSysi: thanks! that one looks suitable. :-)17:06
martinphonehow much can a 8gb ram memory cost?17:06
Os_Maleusmartinphone: at which corner of the world?17:07
Sysiin rather expensive nordic country, 54€17:07
martinphoneOs_Maleus, just wanted to compare prices with poor portugal17:07
Os_Maleusmartinphone: www.idealo.de www.gaizhals.at ... for German and Austrian market.17:08
martinphonedanke Os_Maleus17:10
martinphonecant I donwload 12.04 64bits beta2 in a torrent?17:11
Os_Maleusmartinphone: You are welcome!17:11
martinphonebist du nicht deutsch?17:12
ThePendulumIs there a way to make a panel hide behind windows, yet not autohide when there's no cursor nearby?18:11
baizonThePendulum: no18:11
baizonadeskbar can do this18:11
baizonits calld intellihide18:12
Sysiwell, you can set in config files panel to be 1px from border when it behaves like that18:12
ThePendulumbaizon: I'd say Window Dodge would be what I'm looking for18:12
baizonhmm ok18:12
Mord_hello I have urgent case here I have installed latest nvidia drivers and restarted pc but now it freezes at logo screen / progress bar? can anyone help18:18
martinphonei cannot mount external HDD. they appear with their correct names in file manager, but if I click on them, file manager closes. I can open a terminal and cd to it, files are there19:26
martinphonesudo mkdir /media/usb; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb doesnt work, it is already mounted19:26
martinphoneautomount problem?19:28
baizonso its not a mount problem19:29
baizonwhen you can access it within the terminal19:29
martinphone... ok19:30
baizonits not working with thunarr?19:30
baizonwhat filesystem is it?19:31
martinphoneim sorry, thunar = file manager?19:31
martinphoneit doesnt wor with thunar then19:31
baizonwhat version of xubuntu?19:32
baizoni would recommend to update your os19:33
baizonto 11.1019:33
martinphonecrap, sorry19:33
martinphone11.10 in the machine19:33
baizonwhats dmesg saying?19:37
baizonanything unusual?19:37
martinphonewhat command do I have to write? just dmesg?19:38
martinphonelast lines of dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/917896/19:40
martinphoneThere is another line somewhere in the middle of the output19:40
martinphoneim looking for EXT4, do you need the whole output?19:40
baizoni would recommend to report it as a bug19:41
martinphonewould they need the whole output?19:41
baizoni think so19:42
martinphonebaizon, have you read "maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended" ?19:42
baizonyou can try to do it19:43
martinphonehttp://openfsg.com/index.php/Using_e2fsck._File_System_Check makes me be cautious19:44
baizonyeah it will delete the broken blocks and the data will be lost19:46
baizonthats "normal"19:46
martinphonethat was for leo-unglaub19:55
baizonmartinphone: have you checkd it?19:55
leo-unglaublike i never heared that one before19:56
martinphonebaizon, no cause Id prefer not to risk any loss of data. what bothers me in this case is that ALL of the 2 external HDD and 2 USB sticks I have plugged in show the same error at the same time, since I migrated from ubuntu to xubuntu...19:56
martinphoneso, bist du deutsch?19:57
baizonhmm so that will be a thunar bug :)19:58
baizonsend a bugreport to launchpad or the thunar team19:58
martinphoneill wait till tomorrow when I but a new external HDD and read what happens19:58
martinphonehow do you americans or british differenciate between but and butt (shen speaking)?19:59
baizonany ideas? my xchat-indicator isnt working like in this picture http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4054/4270057604_3494448067_o.png20:03
baizoni installd the xchat-indicator package20:03
ewe behöver hjälp med ljud och video på min laptop, nån som har lust att hjälpa?20:05
CarlBearcoonCan somebody help me with a sound problem?20:26
xubuntu046hi there, I need help, please23:22
babblego ahead and ask your question, xubuntu046 - if anyone knows, they'll answer.23:24
xubuntu046This my first installation and my screen are all black, can't access anything except Firefox23:25
xubuntu046how much time will it take xubuntu to install...23:25
babbleit depends on several factors, among them the speed of your installation media and the speed of your computer.23:25
babbleif you're installing from CD, plan on an hour or so.23:25
babble(on slow-to-midrange hardware)23:26
xubuntu046its a Pentium 4, 1.8Ghz, 640mb RAM, 40GB HD23:27
babbleif you're installing from cd, probably 30-45 mins.23:28
babbleso budget a bit more for fiddly things23:28
xubuntu046it's been circa 80 minutes23:28
babblehow far along are you? where's the install at?23:28
xubuntu046my screen is black and fool of me i move the install screen to another work place so now I cant view at all...23:29
babblewell, hmm.23:29
babblethat presents a problem.23:29
babblean hour and a half sounds like something may be stuck.23:30
xubuntu046can't see the dock neither the clock or anything else23:30
babbleare you installing on a second partition? anything that will die horribly if you reboot now?23:30
xubuntu046well no... im using the hole HD for installing Xubuntu23:31
babbleis this a new install? No user files to worry about?23:31
martinphonelogging in I see a kubuntu plymouth, logging out a xubuntu one. sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth has been checked twice as 8 (xubuntu) whats wrong?23:32
xubuntu046Nothing at all, in fact this the second try...  first one erased Win XP but got an electric problem... so I retry (this one) so no file to worry about23:33
babbleI'd guess the installer is stuck, but without seeing it there's probably not an easy way to tell.23:33
babbleif it were me, I'd reboot the machine and try again.23:33
babble(don't move the installer off your workspace this time. hehe)23:34
xubuntu046yeah... just i got desperate...23:34
babbleif it's a clean installation, there's nothing to really worry about losing.23:34
babbleshort of harware issues, I guess, if you had a power outage or something, but that's not awfully likely23:34
xubuntu046well so you think it is best to  do the re install?23:35
xubuntu046or do you know any hot keys that allow me to view again the menus and anything else?23:37
xubuntu046'cause when I move my mouse cursor outside Firefox its seems like been procesin', but my cd drive is like stopped...23:39
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xubuntu046babble, thanks a lot pal... I'll retry the darn installation thanks for your time23:42

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