
rbelemRiddell, ScottK, i uploaded kde-workspace with kwinactive changes to ninjas :-D01:01
ScottKrbelem: Or not.  It failed to build.02:04
rbelemScottK, i forgot to uncomment some lines in debian/rules02:14
snele_JontheEchidna: thanks for explanation. Because 4.8.4 will end up in official repositories, an average user (who doesn't use apt-get) will be stuck with muon. When that time comes, maybe it will be nice to post on official site/forums about using apt-get instead of muon :)04:08
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rbelemRiddell, ScottK, kde-workspace built fine :-D12:32
yofel_rbelem: 13:44
yofel_Unpacking replacement kde-window-manager ...13:44
yofel_dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.8.2a-0ubuntu2~ppa2_i386.deb (--unpack):13:44
yofel_ trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/kde4/kwin4_effect_builtins.so', which is also in package kde-window-manager-common 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu113:44
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yofel_please add breaks/replaces when moving files around13:45
rbelemyofel_, oh! sorry i didnt know about that13:46
rbelemyofel_, should i fix that or could you do that? :-)13:47
yofel_rbelem: could you please? I'm on a crappy connection here, and your changes aren't in bzr13:52
rbelemyofel_, oki13:53
rbelemyofel_, but i'm not sure how it will look. It would be something like Package: kde-window-manager\n breaks: kde-window-manager-common (<< 4.8.2a) ?13:55
yofel_almost, Breaks: kde-window-manager-common (<< 4.8.2a-0ubuntu2)13:57
yofel_you need the packaging rev here too, as this is a ubuntu1 -> ubuntu2 change13:57
rbelemyofel_, how about the replaces?13:57
kubotuyofel_: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"13:58
rbelemyofel_, for the same package?13:58
rbelemyofel_, thanks for lesson :-D14:00
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rbelemi will fix that now14:00
rbelemyofel, i move libnvidiahacks to its own package also. it was in common14:04
rbelemyofel, should i add breaks replaces for it?14:04
yofelhm, I was wondering why that didn't fail14:05
yofellibkwinnvidiahacks is empty here14:05
rbelemoh! i forgot the install file14:06
rbelemyofel, i forgot to move it from the old 4.8.214:07
rbelemyofel, how about the so version14:09
yofelalso, if you have a file called libkwinactivenvidiahack.so.414:09
yofelthe package it's in is libkwinactivenvidiahack4, not libkwinactivenvidiahacks 14:09
rbelemyofel, should i use 4?14:09
rbelemyofel, thanks :-)14:09
* yofel swears something about 40% packet loss14:09
rbelemyofel, should i bump ppa version or ubuntu version?14:35
yofelppa, unless someone already uploaded it to the archive14:38
rbelemyofel, so it will breaks/replaces in 4.8.2a-0ubuntu114:40
rbelemyofel, :-)14:42
BluesKajhey folks15:32
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ronnocStupid question, I'm sure, but why is the backport repository not enabled by default? I mean, who doesn't like updates? 23:26
ronnocI understand the reasoning behind it. I just think times have changed and development is too fast now not to have it on by default.23:32
JontheEchidnawhat harm is there waiting 6 months to update?23:35
JontheEchidnapeople are expected to wait 2 years from LTS to LTS23:35
JontheEchidnaand most people honestly don't really care about the bi-annual KDE updates23:35
JontheEchidnathey care about a system that works23:36
JontheEchidnareliably and regression free23:36
ScottKBackports is enabled by default in Oneiric and later.23:46
JontheEchidna(with the caveat of the user having to manually upgrade the packages he wants newer versions of)23:59
JontheEchidnabut this doesn't apply to the backports PPA, which is more of what I was talking about23:59

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