
CTRLmy cd drive isn't working but it detects01:44
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as benonhardware
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=== benonhardware is now known as M0hi
icerooti am unable to find which package is the "keyboard and mouse" application in the settingsmenu (its not lxkeymap)08:50
icerootlxinput (after greping the menu name in /usr/share) :)09:02
AlesRhi, I lubuntu 12.04 now stable enough to install it on your PC?09:15
icerootAlesR: 12.04 is still a beta-release09:15
* AlesR don't want to wait 19 more days ;)09:15
AlesRiceroot: sure, but is it good for a daily use?09:16
icerootits working fine here but that does not mean that things will not break09:16
icerootAlesR: as i said, its still a beta and betas are not designed for daily use09:16
AlesRis there going to be an upgrade to RC and later to Final version if I install it today?09:16
AlesRor is it better to wait?09:17
AlesRI installed Xubuntu 12.04 beta on my server few days ago and it's working great for now09:17
icerootif you upgrade it later you will get the rc/finale09:17
icerootand again, betas are NOT designed for important systems09:18
AlesRiceroot: ok, cool than I will install it today and upgrade to final when it's out09:18
icerootif you want to use it, you are free to use it of course09:18
AlesRI so don't need to reinstall it later... that's what is important09:19
icerootyes you dont need to reinstall09:19
AlesRI can live with a few bugs until then ;)09:19
AlesRcool, thanks again iceroot for your response09:19
* AlesR downloading latest Lubuntu now09:20
AlesRone more thing... I have an old laptop for this where Ubuntu 11.04 works slow (centino 1.6, 1Gb ram)09:21
AlesRI guess 12.04 would too...09:21
icerooti am running 630mhz, 512mb ram and its very fine09:22
AlesRif you already have Ubuntu on and would like to lighten it up..09:22
icerootthis is lubuntu :)09:22
AlesRis there a Ubuntu -> Lubuntu or something?09:22
AlesRyes, I'm talking about Ubuntu now (while downloading Lubuntu) ;)09:22
icerootso you have ubuntu (gnome/unity) running and want to use lubuntu with lxde?09:23
icerootsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:23
AlesRand that's it?09:23
icerootand on 11.04 imo you need the multiverse repo enabled09:23
icerootyes thats it09:23
AlesRaha, so it is in different repo09:23
icerootbut one package lubuntu-desktop is reffering to is in the multiverse repo09:24
icerootits gecko-mplayer or something like that09:24
AlesRand the uses as much ram as Lubuntu does?09:25
AlesRI would guess more... because of the apps running in background09:25
icerooti am not sure what you mean09:26
AlesRit is still Ubuntu with Lubuntu skin...09:26
icerootits lubuntu09:27
AlesRapps are changed too?09:27
icerooton the login-screen you choose to use ubuntu or lubuntu09:27
icerootif you run the apt-get install command you have then the apps from ubuntu and lubuntu in your menus09:27
icerootbut only the daemons needed for lubuntu are started when you choose lubuntu09:28
AlesRoh, great09:28
icerootif you want to remove the ubuntu desktop and just run lubuntu use this09:28
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »09:28
icerootAlesR: but i would suggest to first install lubuntu-desktop and see if it fits your needs09:29
icerootbefore removing something09:29
AlesRok, good tips09:30
AlesRbtw, what are the differences between Lubuntu and Xubuntu?09:31
AlesRI read Lubuntu is lighter09:31
icerootlubuntu is using lxde, xubuntu is using xfce409:31
icerootyes lubuntu is lighter09:31
icerootxfce4 is something like the old gnome209:31
AlesRyea, I'm not liking it a lot xfce...09:32
AlesRI'm glad that I only access it through SSH ;)09:33
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
criverahow do i kill X? i'm trying to run lubuntu in a VM with terminal only15:44
kanliotcrivera you u using amd drivers?16:00
criverawait, never mind.  not on this machine16:00
kanliotcan you just log out?16:00
kanliotok then do alt-prntscreen +k16:01
kanlioti actually i'm a little confused why you're doing this16:01
kanliotbut good luck16:01
criverai want to create a lightweight vm with our projects development environment16:02
criverait's a pretty complicated setup process so I want to minimize the rampup time for new developers that join our team16:03
kanliotwhy is lxde.org down every week?16:12
phillwkanliot: is it?16:21
Joshunflash doesn't seem to be working on lubuntu16:36
Joshunon chromium it just says it has crashed16:36
Joshunthis is on a fresh install, v11.1016:37
Joshunits really strange because it worked fine on ubunu/xubuntu, perhaps there is some other package that needs installing16:37
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Unit193Joshun: You need to install adobe-flashplugin from the partner repo.16:39
Unit193!partner | Joshun16:39
ubottuJoshun: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:39
Joshuni've tried both adobe-flashplugin from partner and the flash-plugin installer packages16:39
Joshunnone of them seem to work16:39
Joshungoogle chrome's built in flash does however16:39
Joshunyoutube on other browsers will just say 'Missing Plugin'16:41
Unit193I have none installed except adobe and working in FF.16:43
Joshunabout plugins in ff reads:16:44
Joshun    File: libflashplayer.so    Version:    Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20216:45
Joshunthe only other installed plugin is java16:45
Joshunif i have to i will re-install lubuntu and see if that works16:46
Joshuni only installed it yesterday anyway16:46
Unit193Shouldn't, but I don't remember how they fixed the issue.16:46
Unit193bioterror: You here?16:47
Joshunit just seems really odd16:47
Joshunworked fine with the same version of flash, same hardware, just xubuntu16:47
Unit193Yeah, but that's flash, not always the best.16:47
Joshunyeah terribly glitchy16:48
Unit193http://www.youtube.com/html5 That may help with youtube videos. :P16:49
Joshunis there a way to debug flash from the command line?16:49
Joshuni need flash for other sites though -_-16:49
Unit193You can open the browser and see output from it.16:50
phillwJoshun: ensure you have enabled lubuntu-restricted-extras, it will pull in the latest flash16:51
bioterrorUnit193, I am16:51
Joshunthere is no output16:51
Joshunnot even with the -g flag16:52
Joshunrestricted extras is installed16:52
Joshuni think16:52
Joshun"lubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version."16:52
phillwJoshun: what does dpkg -l  | grep flash give you?16:52
phillwdpkg -l  | grep flash16:53
Joshunii  flashplugin-installer                     Adobe Flash Player plugin installer16:53
Joshunii  flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound         0.0.svn2431-3ubuntu1                    Adobe Flash Player platform support library for Esound and OSS16:53
Joshunii  get-flash-videos                       1.24-2                                  Video downloader for various Flash-based video hosting sites16:53
bioterrorJoshun, sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"16:53
Unit193sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin16:53
bioterrorif you dont have partner repository already in use16:54
Unit193That first.16:54
Joshuni'll try that16:54
bioterrorand if you dont have and you add that repository, remember to sudo apt-get update16:54
Joshundoesn't work either16:55
bioterrorwhat doesnt work?16:55
Joshun"The following plugin has crashed: adobe flash"16:55
Joshunthe partner one16:55
bioterrordid you restart your browser?16:55
Joshunkilled it to make sure16:56
Joshuni cleared the cache too16:56
bioterrormy youtube problems disappeared with adobe-flashplugin16:57
Joshunfrom chromium: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r20216:57
Joshuni could do a screenshot16:58
Joshun1: http://imagebin.org/20710617:03
Joshun2: http://imagebin.org/20710717:03
Joshun3: http://imagebin.org/20710917:05
Joshuni think i'll re-install17:06
Joshunwith the flash box ticked17:06
Joshunand if that doesn't work install the 12.04 beta17:07
=== smile4ever is now known as Guest61712
kanliotif anyone wants to review my bug report, tell me if i messed up the report please bug 97608817:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 976088 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "volume widget focus, crashing, persistence issues" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97608817:38
smile4everkanliot: i think it's in debian repo's too. :) because I have also a crash when the volume is changed in some situations;)17:39
kanliotty smile17:40
smile4everyou're welcome :)17:41
smile4everwhat? :|17:42
smile4evermplayer disappeared again :|17:42
kanlioti'm willing to put up with bugs when i'm hacking but not when i'm chillaxing17:43
smile4everkanliot: yes. no reason, just disappeared :(17:50
smile4everafter about two minutes after playing the last file it closes :|17:50
kanliotyeah i have had some crashing on precise17:52
kanlioti guess i got used to the crashing.  wierd huh?  how you get used to it17:53
smile4everyeah. ;) crazy things happen. it's normal 9.917:55
=== smile4ever is now known as smile
jarnosHello. I just installed 12.04 alternate dev i386 and it can not start the desktop, but I can log in a virtual console.18:03
kanliotthanks for reporting that.  you should file a bug and i cna help u18:04
wxloh eayh i just had a volume icon crash. never had that happen before.18:06
smilejarnos: try startx? :)18:07
phillwit should be startlubuntu for a lubuntu installation18:09
kanliotwow i just learned what zsync does18:11
phillwkanliot: it's a very useful command18:12
jarnoskanliot, so is there some template for such a bug report?18:12
smilekanliot: cool isn't it ;)18:13
kanliotjarnos, make sure you get the right package in the bug report, and list everythign you need to reproduce18:13
smileI needed an Xubuntu image. Took ubuntu one and zsynced it :D18:13
phillwjarnos: take a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Bugs18:14
phillwlet us know if there is need for more information & we'll get it put on.18:15
phillwsmile: yeah, zsync is pretty impressive :D18:17
smilephillw: I found it to difficult to use a few months ago :p18:17
smilebut a week ago I needed Xubuntu18:17
smileso I learned zsync in one minute ^^18:18
phillwI found the description at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage to be enough for me :)18:18
phillwI've even got it on a CentOS server where I mirror the Lubuntu Iso's :)18:19
jarnosI installed using automatic partitioning, using entire disk, using encryption. There is some complaint about encrypted swap in boot.18:19
smilephillw: how to use zsync i google'ed :)18:19
phillwsmile: I ensured it was put on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing  Our one stop shop for all things to do with testing :)18:20
smilephillw: i ctrl+D'd it ;)18:20
smilelove firefox 14 8)18:21
smilephillw: Maybe I'll get involved later. :)18:21
phillwjarnos: I've never used encryption, just let people know that if you loose your p/w... you're up the creek minus paddle.18:21
smilephillw: Please have a look at Linux Mint Debian Xfce, it's done like LXDE with many more features and stability :) I'm using a few LXDE packages, though18:22
phillwsmile: the final RC for all the 12.04's will land a couple of days before release day.18:22
smileCool ;) And that's in mid april? :p18:22
smileI'll try it, but now i don't like it :( atm ;)18:23
phillwI think we get 7 days to check the RL.18:23
Maximotois 12.04 out yet?18:23
smilenot yet ;)18:24
smileRelease candidate 9.918:24
phillwMaximoto: see my post above, it's due 26th18:24
* smile is leaving. good night everyone! :)18:24
phillwMaximoto: the Beta 2 is available from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/210/builds18:25
phillwtc smile18:25
smilephillw: you're welcome18:25
Maximotophillw: 12.04 is releasing on the 26th you say18:26
phillwMaximoto: http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com.es/2012/03/lubuntu-countdown.html :D18:27
phillwMaximoto: the beta 2 is so stable, we are expecting (and certainly hoping for) a smooth transition to final release.18:28
kanliotseriously is lxde.org not down for you europeans?18:28
phillwkanliot: it's down for me in UK18:29
Maximotophillw: oh would like to see it has a better interface and functions in term of the browser18:31
phillwkanliot: there **is** a snapshot at http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://lxde.org/18:31
kanliot                                        18:31
phillwMaximoto: as we use Chromium by default, that is what you get :) But, you can install any browser you prefer :)18:32
phillwsome of us have been playing with xxxterm Browser, pretty lean.18:33
phillwkanliot: I'm not sure if Mario is involved with the lxde.org hosting. If not, he would most likely know who is. feel free to ask him :)18:35
kanliotyea i know18:36
kanliotreally i havent' built a relationship with mario at all18:36
kanlioteven though he was kind enough to chat with me a week ago18:36
kanliotam i wrong to assume that i have to be the one to get the lxde.org website online?18:37
kanliotand i don't expect you to either18:37
kanliotbut i am the kind of helpful person18:39
kanliotjust last week i was out on a walk18:39
kanliotand i knocked on a persons door to let them know the headlights were left on on their truck18:40
kanliotlorry for you brits18:40
jarnosI still don't know how to report about this specific bug.18:40
kanliotit was a problem with the graphical stuff not starting after a new install right?18:40
kanliotreally I'd rather ask phillw about what package18:41
kanliotwould the right package be to file this bug be "lubuntu-desktop" ?18:43
jarnoskanliot, can you help me reporting the bug?18:44
phillwjarnos: can you describe the bug? As in what installation you have and what happens. Best place it to mail it on lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com it can b quickly reviewed by people more knowledgeable than me :)18:44
kanliotare you running the installation that didn't install right now?18:45
phillwjarnos: if the desktop is not starting (from my reading history on here), you would report it against lightdm18:46
jarnoskanliot, installation finished without errors.18:46
kanliotcan you open a web browser on that faulty machine?18:47
jarnosphillw, well, display manager starts and lets me give password, but it will not login to lubuntu desktop.18:47
kanliotif you can, you can just use the terminal to type "ubuntu-bug"18:47
kanliotok you're stuck18:48
phillwjarnos: where do you end up logged in to?18:48
jarnoskanliot, I can not run graphical web browser there.18:48
kanliotopen that18:48
phillwor do you get thrown back to login prompt?18:48
kanliotand "report a bug" against it18:48
phillwis this the install with the encryption?18:49
jarnosphillw, yes18:50
phillwjust encrypted /home?18:50
jarnosphillw, I chose encryption in the installation process. It may use also encrypted swap besides /home. I don't know.18:51
Maximotohow do i get the desktop panel to change wallpaper and no it's not on the screen18:52
jarnosphillw, yes, I get thrown back to login screen18:52
kanliotmax, can you right click on desktop and select destop prefs?18:52
Maximotokan: not there i have to use alt- f218:53
kanlioti mean, the background18:54
kanliotcan you right-click on that?18:54
kanliotyou should get something18:54
phillwjarnos: that sounds like an issue with the encryption. I suggest asking on #ubuntu-beginners to see if anyone on there is familiar with encrypted /home, it's a bit quieter than #ubuntu for support. I really do not know about encryption over what it says on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome18:54
phillwnormally we'd reset your .ICEAuthority, but I no idea how to do that on an encrypted area.18:56
kanliotso it's not a lightdm bug then, is it?18:57
* kanliot masters the obvious18:57
Maximotokan: and again it's not ther18:58
kanliotmax:   please explain why you can't right click on the desktop19:00
Maximotokan: the menu lists comes up instead19:01
kanliotopenbox menu?19:01
kanlioti got ya now19:02
kanliothold on a minute i have to google19:02
kanliotjarnos: i tested the daily build and encrypted home whatever works. on my vm19:03
bioterrorMaximoto, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Right-clicking_on_desktop_pulls_up_a_menu_that_is_missing_the_.22Desktop_Preferences.22_option_and_now_I_can.27t_change_my_wallpaper19:04
kanliotmax try this let me know if you need more help19:04
kanliotdammit bio19:04
bioterrorI did not start that faq for nothing ;)19:05
phillwbioterror: and like fankensteins monster, it's getting bigger :P19:06
bioterrorphillw, luckily we have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in it ;)19:06
bioterrorguide and work-a-rounds ;919:06
Maximotoisn't helping19:07
bioterrorwhat's not helping?19:07
bioterrorMaximoto, you said you get wrong menu when you right click the desktop and you cannot change wallpaper19:10
bioterrorand that should help you19:10
bioterrorit has been tested many times19:10
Maximotocan't see it19:11
bioterroryou cant see what?19:12
bioterrorthat pcmanfm --desktop-pref ?19:12
jarnoskanliot, strange that it does not work here. Did you use automatic partitioning, use entire disk?19:12
Maximotoyes it's the one i couldn't remember19:12
kanliotyeah, i did19:12
kanliotdid you use encrypted llvm?19:13
kanliotand i gotta ask, did you use beta 219:16
Maximotobio: in what file do i find the different wallpapers?19:16
bioterrorMaximoto, /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers19:16
Maximotobio: when yopur in desktop preferences and click advanced and unmarked the option there it doesn't work here19:21
bioterrorworks here19:22
Maximotonot there19:22
Maximotonot here19:22
bioterrorunmark it19:23
bioterrorand hmm19:23
bioterrorrestart your graphical environment19:23
bioterrorsudo service lxdm restart19:23
Maximotooh ok19:23
bioterrorif that doenst help19:23
bioterrorthen we have to think what's really broken19:24
kanliotmax what version of lubuntu are you running?19:24
jarnoskanliot, i did not use encrypted llvm, I used daily iso.19:25
jarnoskanliot, please use my name tag19:26
Maximoto11.04 now because i use the option of previous version19:26
Maximotobio: what you know it did work19:30
Maximotokanliot: what version of lubuntu are you running?19:31
Maximotooh so can anybody tell me what's the differents between them?19:32
kanliotwell when 12.04 is released you should re-install19:33
kanliotmore bugfixes19:33
Maximotoi intend to get it19:33
Maximotoi cant see crap on my screen (words) how do i make them better?19:36
kanliot"customize look and feel"19:37
Maximotohow do i change back 11.04 to 11.10. i already have 11.1020:02
bioterroryou want to downgrade20:02
bioterrorand only way to do it is to reinstall20:02
Maximotowhen the computer is booting up the pass something (can't remember what it is) to change your OS vision(French)20:04
* Maximoto is away: I'm busy20:06
Unit193Maximoto: Please disable that, thanks.20:07
Maximotounit193: huh?20:07
Unit193The public away message.20:08
Maximotowhy does20:08
bioterrorbecouse we do not like it20:08
Maximotowhat is lubuntu all about?20:09
bioterrorproviding a fast and flexible computer experience20:10
bioterrortargetted for older computers20:10
Maximotooh so i am using a 733 MHz is that old20:12
bioterror733MHz P3 is about 10 years old20:13
wxlwhich, in computer terms, is like millenia20:14
wxlwe might as well be talking about the pyramids20:14
Unit193So mine predates the pyramids? Wow...20:15
wxlyep. incan or something.20:15
wxlbefore that, there were only aliens. ancient aliens.20:15
bioterrorwxl, alien vs predators? :D20:16
Unit193The Ancients, we know.20:16
wxlbioterror: you haven't seen the show ancient aliens? go search it.20:16
bioterrorI think I dont want to20:17
Maximoto:D not funny20:35
Maximotoso what's the requirement to run lubuntu and xubuntu20:36
bioterrorsome wackos runs Lubuntu on 433MHz Celerons20:37
bioterrorrigh Unit193 ?20:37
Maximotoand the standard memory to run it is20:38
bioterroryou can install it on 128MB using alternative installer20:39
bioterrorwith 192MB you can use graphical, but I would go with the alternative's text based20:39
Maximotoalternative's text based, what's that20:40
bioterrorit's awesome!20:40
bioterrorlooks like that20:41
Maximotocan you send the pic through file transfer20:41
bioterrorno I can not20:41
phillwMaximoto: text installer is not frightening, all steps are clearly explained,20:42
bioterrorit's just next next next20:43
Maximotosound's good20:43
bioterroractually, when you use text intaller, it's easier to choose to use LVM20:44
Maximotohow do i switch my os back to 11.1020:45
bioterroryou said you have 11.10 and you want it back to 11.04?20:46
Unit193bioterror: Nope, I've got 500!20:46
Unit193(Also have 510M ram)20:46
Maximotono i have both but i am using 11.04 but i want to use 11.10 now20:46
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade -p20:47
Maximotorestarting my computer 1 min20:48
Maximotowow TAIPEI is hard to play :D20:48
bioterrorthat's the brick game where you put those blocks on each other?20:49
Maximotono the one where you match the tiles20:49
bioterrorahhh, it's mahjongg20:50
Maximotomahjongg who20:50
Maximotowhy can't the games maximized21:02
Maximotowho know the game name moppets21:06
bioterrorI do not21:08
Maximotooh this channel is boring, why can't i join the linux channel21:13
wxlMaximoto: try ##linux21:14
wxlnot #linux21:14
Maximotodoesn't work21:15
Maximotowxl: it said ":Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"21:17
ubottuTo setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup21:17
Unit193You need to register to join.21:17
Maximotohow do i21:18
Unit193Link right above.21:19
Maximotooh later, got to go21:20
=== Guest92794 is now known as benonsoftware
Maximotohow do i format my flash drive?23:34
Unit193Gparted isn't bad, if you hit the right one.23:37
Maximotocan't i format my flash drive?23:42
bioterrorinstall gparted and try with that, if that palimpsest doesnt work23:43
bioterrordisk utilyt or what it is called23:43
Maximotoone sec23:45
Maximotono doesn't seen to work (installing) couldn't i just use file manager?23:52
bioterrorwith gparted you can delete the partition ean choose a correct file system23:53
bioterrorand it mostly works without a problem23:53
bioterrorI do all the formats and partition modifications with gparted23:53
Maximotogparted you say23:54
bioterrorbut now I'm off to bed23:56
bioterrorgood night23:56
Maximotooh good night23:58

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