
=== jbroman is now known as jbroman_
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DarxusI just switched to gnome classic for the first time in this precise install, and alt-tab doesn't work?03:08
DarxusAnd I'm apparently not the only one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195379203:13
scientesDarxus, i use gnome-shell04:53
scientesoh wait ur using gnome classic04:53
scientesi thought you said you switched FROM gnome-classic, i.e. upgrade05:20
scientesand were just complaining over the new alt-tab behavior that some people dislike05:21
DarxusNo.  I was looking for a @#%!@# menu of applications to go through to see if they worked with wayland.05:25
DarxusAlthough I do also find the unity alt-tab behavior infuriating, not being able to get back to a specific gnome-terminal without waiting for it to shitf the view.05:26
DarxusBut the alt-tab bug is known: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/97105105:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971051 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "no alt+tab in gnome classic session" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:27
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as benonhardware
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Yaaaaaais it possible to install an oneiric package in precise?06:11
scientesYaaaaaa, yes, but not all packages06:15
scientescause you might break your system06:16
scientesYaaaaaa, what package?06:16
Yaaaaaascientes: gtkpod06:16
YaaaaaaI just found a guide about apt showpkg packagename but there is only the one I have installed available I need the one from oneiric ( the new one just crashes)06:17
scientesYaaaaaa, it wont work with an iPod that has been connected to iTunes at all recently if you do that06:17
YaaaaaaI've never connected it to itunes06:17
scientesYaaaaaa, you should report that bug06:18
Yaaaaaait just crashes all the time. and all the time on "add files"06:18
scientessudo apt-get install gtkpod-dbg gdb06:18
Yaaaaaaoneiric it worked fine.06:18
scientesand then launch it with gdb gtkpod06:18
scientesthen type "run"06:18
scientesand after it crashes type "bt"06:18
scientesand then copy the backtrace and report a bug with a copy of it06:18
scientesYaaaaaa, it doesn't exactly work like that, there are many thing that could be causing it to crash, and they might not be the top lvl binary at all06:21
scientes(although you can try)06:21
scientesit would really help if you got a backtrace06:21
Yaaaaaaworking on it06:21
scientesby fallowing those instruction i gave06:21
scientesit might be doing it itsself if you get that "error happened" window06:22
scientesbut the manual way also works06:22
scientesdont see that one here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkpod/+bugs06:24
scientesso you should report it with "ubuntu-bug gtkpod"06:24
Yaaaaaawhat does it mean?06:24
scientesi cant tell06:24
scientesdoes the program say anything right before or after that?06:25
scientescause libc is giving an error "raise"06:25
scienteswe should get what that error is06:25
scientesthe program might print it when it is dying06:25
Yaaaaaano it just dies when I select the folder I want to add to my ipod06:25
Yaaaaaacompletely closes and prints some crap to the terminal06:26
scienteswhat does it print, paste that06:26
Yaaaaaa7ff3e42c8000-7ff3e4315000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1702512                    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3200.006:27
Yaaaaaa7ff3e4315000-7ff3e4515000 ---p 0004d000 08:01 1702512                    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3200.0Aborted (core dumped)06:27
scientesahh, very none-useful06:27
scienteswell try this http://mirror.pnl.gov/ubuntu//pool/universe/g/gtkpod/gtkpod_2.1.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb http://mirror.pnl.gov/ubuntu//pool/universe/g/gtkpod/gtkpod-data_2.1.0-1ubuntu1_all.deb06:28
scientesand do "ubuntu-bug gtkpod" and then copy everything youve pasted so far into it, along with what you said you did when it crashed06:29
scientes<Yaaaaaa> what does it mean?06:31
scientesthe backtrace says what the program was doing when it crashed, to some degree, helps people know where to look for problems06:31
scientes#9  0x00007fffe77be747 in add_selected_dirs06:32
scientesprecisely what you said :P06:32
Yaaaaaahow do I install that .deb since I have newer ver installed already06:33
scientesuse dpkg -i06:33
scientes*sudo dpkg -i06:33
YaaaaaaI never meant to upgrade to precise early >.< I thought it came out april 1st so Iclicked "update"06:33
scienteswell the only thing that makes it ready to release, is people reporting bugs and getting them fixed06:33
YaaaaaaI don't have a launchpad account06:35
Yaaaaaaor I would06:35
scientesand you dont want to sign up? is covers everything ubuntu06:35
Yaaaaaaim lazy06:36
Yaaaaaathanks for the help :-)06:43
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YaaaaaaI reported the bug06:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975755 in gtkpod (Ubuntu) "when I click add folder it crashes when selecting the folder I want to add " [Undecided,New]06:49
xrdodrxI cannot get middle mouse emulation to work in Precise07:44
xrdodrxFollowing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#A2-button_Mice does not work :(07:44
xrdodrxIt did in 11.1007:45
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xrdodrxBut xinput set-prop "Primax Kensington Eagle Trackball" 257 1 does work07:49
xrdodrxI wonder why?07:49
nonix4which pkg to file a bug against for this? $ sudo pvdisplay /dev/sdb10  #   Failed to read physical volume "/dev/sdb10"    # $ udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sdb10  # ... E: ID_FS_TYPE=LVM2_member09:09
nonix4(so far precise seems to be able to access only about one fourth of storage on this 'puter, rest gives such errors)09:16
nonix4hmm, case of pebcak it seems... user error on my side :)09:57
dodahi folks, till when can i upload localisation from precise?, i just tested the daily build and the installer is missing a lot of strings for my language10:13
jokerdinododa: look into this https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/10:20
dodajokerdino: thanka10:33
MCRAnyone who got xorg-edgers PPA installed on 12.04 and has Intel gfx ?10:34
MCRYesterdays xorg-server update killed X for me. Purging the PPA would mean a lot of work as it suggests to remove loads of installed packages.10:36
astraljavaSadly I just returned the laptop a few days ago. :-/10:36
MCRastraljava: Hi. My 12.04 installation is not blessed :P10:36
astraljavaMCR: Hmm... tricky. Can you pastebinit the Xorg.0.log ?10:36
MCRI am on another physical machine right now, so it would be complicated...10:37
astraljavaMCR: It's also possible that the edgers just haven't kept up, but will do so in a few days.10:37
astraljavaMCR: You don't have ssh access to it?10:37
MCRyes I know. That is my hope. Or my hope was to wake up, make an update and have X back again, but no.10:38
astraljavaOh, this isn't ufoai channel. Heh. :)10:38
htorquepurging the ppa is as simple as downgrading the packages, that shouldn't remove other packages.10:39
htorque"sudo apt-get install foo/precise" will downgrade to the precise version of foo.10:39
MCRhtorque: It suggests to remove many other packages, so I did not do it yet...10:40
MCRI am trying to get in contact with ricotz, who maintains the PPA - I will wait for his suggestion...10:41
MCRJust wanted to know if I'm alone ;)10:41
astraljavaMCR: "You'll never walk alone..." :D10:42
* astraljava is somewhat of a 'pool fan10:42
MCRThe funny stuff: I am on Linux Mint 9 (Ubuntu 10.04) here now, Docky is working perfectly here and startup time of the system is incredible fast. Emerald worx also, maybe the best solution is to go back :-D10:43
MCRbut I want Unity back :)10:43
astraljavaWell, sure, but it'll only be supported for another year anymore. :)10:43
MCRyes, was just joking.10:44
astraljavaYep. :)10:44
MCRPatience seems to be the key here...10:45
* MCR is not very patient unfortunately...10:45
astraljavaEspecially over the Easter it might be. I believe not many people are working on the release atm.10:45
MCRyep - probably:-/10:46
dodausing a bleeding edgde ppa for xorg on an LTS seems messed up :D10:47
MCRPlease do not hurt me ;)10:47
dodaah, lol, you mean you are on an lts at the moment?10:48
marjorieHi, I have a problem with ia32-libs. How can i delete it?10:59
MCRsudo apt-get remove ia32-libs10:59
OnlyodinHas the default wallpaper changed for Precise?11:17
jokerdinoyes it did Onlyodin11:17
OnlyodinThen I'm not going crazy. Looks like a tinge of the old colour scheme has crept back in11:19
jokerdinoi guess so11:19
MCRyou can now install several ubuntu-wallpapers packages...11:24
AlmindorI just updated to 12.04 beta and am seeing 2 visual issues, wondering if this is known11:28
Almindor1st is that my java/swing application's main menu is themed wrongly (almost invisible now, font of unselected menu is black on black)11:28
Almindorif I select the menu it's white11:29
Almindorsecond is an odd "multiplication" of scrollbacks if I scroll , I noticed this only in the android SDK application11:29
Almindorsystem is x86_64 with nvidia GTS 250 (binary driver)11:29
Almindoranyone else had these kind of visual issues?11:30
OnlyodinAlmindor, have you tried the noveau drivers?11:32
Almindorno, I use 3d capabilities (gaming, development, shaders) which the noveau wouldn't provide11:33
Almindorthe swing menu thing looks like a java/swing theming bug to me tho11:34
OnlyodinUnderstood, but perhaps you should try the noveau driver to confirm it's not that.11:34
Almindorwell I can do a swintcher and see11:34
stegbthhello everybody11:38
stegbthhow does the udev rules work?11:38
stegbththere are some /etc/udev/rules.d/11:38
lucas-arghey guys, im having problems with ubuntu startup, sometimes it stops booting with caps lock key blinking...11:39
penguin42lucas-arg: how often?11:39
stegbthother are in /lib/udev/rules.d11:39
lucas-argpenguin42: pretty often... i have to restart the pc to boot normally11:40
lucas-argpenguin42: i thought i was something related with wifi or something like that11:40
lucas-argpenguin42: im lost11:40
penguin42lucas-arg: And how far does it get before it dies?11:40
lucas-argpenguin42: not too much, ive disable splash screen to try to check where is the problem11:41
Almindorit seems both the visual problems happen with all 3 drivers (nvidia-current, nvidia-updates and the oss driver)11:41
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AlmindorI'm unable to screenshot the tearing of the scrollbar tho11:42
Almindorit refreshes the window on printscreen it seems11:42
lucas-argi think its an ubuntu kernel problem, i havent have this issue with anyother distribution but ubuntu brand... even mint11:44
Almindormanaged to get a screenshot with timeout function11:45
penguin42lucas-arg: Yeh a crash with flashing keyboard lights is normally a kernel panic - it's quite difficult to debug when it only happens sometimes and very early; if you can disable the splash and stuff then you have a chance of being able to catch the text of the panic and that might tell you what it is caused by11:48
lucas-argpenguin42: is there any log file i can check at least paste so someone can find out whats going wrong?? I think its a wifi card issue, since gnome-networkmanager was working awefull for me i had to uninstall it and use wicd11:50
penguin42lucas-arg: That depends how far it gets and how it crashes (and whether it has a chance to write to the disk)11:51
penguin42lucas-arg: You could check /var/log/kern.log or /var/log/dmesg*11:51
lucas-argpenguin42: ill check them when i get the crash....11:52
penguin42lucas-arg: But it's probably best if you try and get the boot to always show you the boot messages so that when it next fails you can see it11:54
lucas-argpenguin42: i deleted quiet splash from the kernel boot options...11:55
penguin42lucas-arg: You might try the nt.handoff= as well11:56
lucas-argpenguin42: whats that option for11:56
penguin42lucas-arg: Not entirely sure, but it's virtual terminals11:57
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maxbBoo, package upgrade uninstalled my current desktop wallpaper12:10
osirisx11hi all.. i am having trouble connecting my m-audio oxygen 8 midi keyboard (by usb) to ubuntu studio.. it is listed in lmms input dropdown but not showing up at all in jack12:16
KyshtynbaiHi everyone! I't trying to build a nautilus script in 12.04 and ./configure returns the following error: No package 'gtk+-2.0' found12:21
astraljavaosirisx11: Hi, could you pastebin what lsusb tells you?12:21
Kyshtynbaiwhat packege should I install to satisfy such dependence?12:22
osirisx11astraljava: http://pastebin.com/u6VM6tJa my lsusb12:22
astraljavaKyshtynbai: Most likely libgtk2.0-dev12:23
astraljavaosirisx11: I'm not sure whether this'll work, I'm not seeing any promising lines from that, but try these instructions: http://ricardocabello.com/blog/post/53312:26
astraljavaosirisx11: Oh, just noticed it's quite outdated.12:26
spacebug-is there no icon for user account indicator for the ubuntu-mono-light theme? Changing from Ambiance to Radiance makes all other icons go dark (since the menu goes light) but that icon is still light and hard to see12:26
astraljavaosirisx11: But the midisport-firmware package seems to be in precise, still, so it's worth a shot.12:27
astraljavaosirisx111: Also, if you stumble into problems getting it work, I found the link @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1603512, there are helpful further explanations on how to use it.12:28
Daekdroomspacebug-, that icon will change when you start Unity again, I believe12:28
Almindorwhat was added in 12.04 that interferes with alt+[q, w or e for example]?12:29
osirisx111astraljava: yeah.. it isn't showing in lsusb.. but i know it is connected to usb because it is powered BY usb and it is on12:29
Almindorit's virtually a game-breaker feature (many games use alt + key for quickslots etc. essential stuff, example one is Heroes of Newerth where alt+q no longer works)12:29
stegbthhm, when i connect a smartcard reader, /dev/ttyUSB0 get owned by group dialout, insteat of pcscd. even when i have 40-libifd-cyberjack6.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/12:30
osirisx111ill try restarting12:30
stegbththere i have ATTR{idVendor}=="0c4b", ATTR{idProduct}=="0100", and lsusb shows me the device as 0c4b:010012:30
spacebug-Daekdroom: hum ok12:31
stegbthwhy does this happen?12:31
Almindorah it's the damn HUD12:31
AlmindorI'd suggest you disable the thing by default, or at least don't catch ALT while fullscreen games are running (if at all detectable...)12:31
osirisx11didn't work.. still does not show in lsusb! what could cause it to not show up at all in lsusb?12:33
astraljavaosirisx11: Have you tried another USB port? Otherwise, I have no idea, sorry.12:34
osirisx11i've tried two ports12:34
astraljavaosirisx11: tail -f /var/log/syslog when you stick it in, maybe you will find some clues there.12:35
* astraljava steps out the door for a bit12:35
stegbthmy battery is gone. i will try reconnect from an other machine12:36
termenHi all, I run ubuntu 12.04 and I have  a problem/bug with my memory. The longer my machine runs, the fuller the memory gets and finally an application is killed to free memory.12:58
penguin42termen: If you open the system monitor and look for things using lots of memory does something in particular grow over time?13:00
jstto install latest gnome 3.4 shall I add any ppa, or the packages in the repository are sufficient?13:01
jsti mean gnome shell 3.413:02
penguin42jst: Think it's in the main repo13:02
termenif i close all applications, memory is not freed13:03
termenmemory is "lost". no application is using it.13:03
termenwhen I restart my system i have ~1GB free. Then I use my system and after some time, there is arrount ~100MB free. (I use top watch my processes).13:05
penguin42termen: OK, so if you are using top, get it to sort by memory used and see which process is growing13:06
jstpenguin42, actually it is, but some packages are still 3.213:06
jstback to ubuntu after 4 months of arch :)13:06
jstubuntu is so relaxing :)13:06
penguin42haha, not tried Arch13:06
jstpengui42, actually it's very good... I enjoyed very much using it and learned a lot... but Ubuntu simply works :)13:07
itaylor57jst, well i went to freebsd myself13:07
jstitaylor57, that will be the next step :)13:07
termennone specific. top says have plenty of unused ram:13:11
termen23% java, 11% firefox, 5% empaty, 4% rytmbox, 10* <2%. total <1GB used.13:11
termenfree reports:13:11
termentotal mem: 2GB13:11
termenused mem: 197528813:11
termenfree mem: 7511213:11
termenshared: 013:11
termenbuffers: 3185613:11
termencached: 2367513:11
termenso somehow the memory is disappearing, isnt it?13:11
penguin42termen: Please use pastebin for pasting large stuff!13:11
termensorry. I will do so in future.13:12
penguin42termen: So your 23% in Java seems quite a bit, the interesting thing is to get the same figures in an hour or so when it's nearer to being full and see what's grown13:13
termen@penguin42 as you can see from above free output, its almost full. i have only 100 mb free ram (plus 200mb cached), but applications use only about 1GB. That means, about 700MB of ram was "lost".13:15
termenwithin 4 hours of usage.13:15
penguin42termen: Can you pastebin the whole of 'free' for me?13:16
Atlantic777Hi! How safe it is to upgrade to 12.04 now? I need to do the upgrade on all of my machines but can't wait (I have a free week now...). Should I wait?13:25
penguin42Atlantic777: Mostly it's OK but still hit a few things now and again and it could still break horribly13:28
penguin42Atlantic777: I'd work one machine at a time starting with the one you'd least have a problem with if you had to fix it13:29
penguin42Atlantic777: Are they all similar hardware?13:30
Atlantic777penguin42: no, netbok (intel atom), amd64 mobile laptop, and amd64 (full) desktop13:31
Atlantic777desktop is father's it has to work - always, there's 10.04 now13:31
penguin42Atlantic777: Haha yes I know what you mean, I did my fathers machine a couple of days ago13:32
Atlantic777I was about to start the clean install on all three.13:32
penguin42Atlantic777: Do one at a time I'd say, it'll probably OK unless you hit a hardware-specific issue13:32
Atlantic777penguin42: there's no some exotic hardware. I'm just worried about beta->release transition.13:33
termenAtlantic777: I would not upgrade you fathers machine, because of unity.13:33
penguin42Atlantic777: Oh the release transition isn't normally a big problem; the bigger problem is whether there are still bugs being fixed that occasionally break something again13:33
Atlantic777my bad, it's 11.04, with unity13:33
Atlantic777that's not a problem13:33
penguin42termen: Hey it always depends on the father :-) I gave him 12.04 install but put the MATE Gnome2 clone on it - he's happy13:34
Atlantic777I should try MATE then... :)13:35
termenAs always, it depends ...13:35
Atlantic777well, after 2 years on gentoo, how horrible can it be with 12.04 bugs? :D13:36
penguin42Atlantic777: Heck oh it'll be easy :-)13:36
Atlantic777Then the problem is solved. Thanks. :)13:37
dodayou don't need mate, gnome classic works fine13:37
termenis gnome classic still available in 12.04?13:38
penguin42doda: Tried it, it's still not as classic as 213:38
termenpenguin42: do you have an idea how to fix this memory issue?13:41
penguin42termen: Sorry, missed your pastebin - just let me look at ti13:41
penguin42termen: That 'free' isn't actually too bad  - a lot of the memory is in the buffers/cache which will automatically free itself when needed, so don't worry about it; from the top it looks like the Java is the big boy, but repeat the same thing in a little while and see what's growing13:43
topyliafter your machine runs for a while, linux will happily use all available memory and even swap some. it's not a problem13:48
penguin42topyli: Yeh but he's getting some out-of-memories - and that shouldn't happen!  So the trick is to figure out the figures that are important13:49
topylisure, the kernel might have all kinds of memory management issues, but that's how it's designed to be. when it doesn't work, *then* there is a problem :)13:51
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jaison1How do I add shutdown to dash again?  I think yesterday's updates removed it.14:11
john_892Depending on what update you did...shutdown and restart are no longer in dash14:34
maxbHmm. Mounted removable drives don't seem to be showing up in my launcher any more, either14:38
maxbto CCSM!14:38
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maxbWeird, my "Show Devices" setting had ended up on Never14:41
DaekdroomShutdown and restart aren't in Dash anymore because they're available through HUD14:44
pangolinWhere do I put the libflashplayer.so file I got from Adobe?14:46
astraljava$ ll /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so14:50
astraljavalrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Mar 29 18:57 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin14:50
astraljavaAnd then that points to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer14:51
pangolinthank you14:53
CJKayFor future reference, anyone that uses an Intel HDA soundcard, specifically on the Dell L501X, should refer to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel14:56
CJKayWorked for me, after trying out just about every other supposed bugfix on earth14:57
MCRxorg-edgers PPA for intel gfx is fixed again15:20
ubuntu1004buona sera!15:20
atpa8ateach me some linux :P15:28
atpa8alatest kernel fails and reboot with xen... how can i capture the output?15:28
penguin42atpa8a: I thought you could get a text console with one of the xen command line tools; years since I used xen though15:57
atpa8apenguin42: the error happens when xen loads the kernel or initramfs15:57
penguin42atpa8a: How do you know?15:58
atpa8aby the messages... also 3.2.0-20 does load fine, but 3.2.0-22 fails15:59
penguin42pastebin the messages?15:59
atpa8athat's what i need to figure out :)15:59
atpa8afor 3.2.0-22 it prints the panic (i think) and reboots16:00
atpa8aquestion is how can i capture that16:00
penguin42oh, before you have the chance to capture it?16:00
penguin42atpa8a: How are you starting it?16:00
atpa8axen hypervisor then the kernel16:01
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penguin42atpa8a: what command are you using?16:02
atpa8ayou mean? it's just grub16:02
penguin42atpa8a: Hang on a sec, is it the host that's rebooting or a xen guest?16:04
atpa8athe host16:04
penguin42oh ok, sorry16:04
atpa8anp :) good thing it works with 3.2.0-20 and i can even start a couple of guests16:05
penguin42atpa8a: Try adding panic=120 to the command line, that should wait a couple of minutes before reboot16:05
atpa8acool, will try16:06
atpa8anow... http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Assign_Hardware_to_DomU_with_PCIBack_as_module16:06
atpa8atrying to translate that to ubuntu16:06
atpa8acreated /etc/modprobe.d/install-mpt2sas.conf16:06
penguin42atpa8a: You're trying to pass the RAID card to the guest?16:06
atpa8atrying :) not sure will do that16:07
atpa8adidn't work with other distros16:07
penguin42I'd get the rest to work solidly first!16:07
atpa8ajust thought i've a guest setup, so might as well test it16:07
atpa8apenguin42: it all seems good, on a 3.2.0-20 kernel16:08
atpa8asoftdep mpt2sas pre: xen-pciback16:09
lucaspengI am trying out 12.04, whenever I try to change or create keyboard shortcut, system setting crash. Is this normal?16:12
DaekdroomIt shouldn't happen.16:13
lucaspengI am using a fresh install beta2.16:13
DaekdroomLet me check if it happens to me too16:13
DaekdroomTry updating16:13
lucaspengalready update to latest using main server.16:14
Daekdroomthen it's not a fresh install ^o)16:14
DaekdroomOh wait. I see what you mean.16:14
DaekdroomWell, it didn't crash for me.16:15
lucaspengI meant I installed beta2 and then update.16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932644 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #932551 gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [High,Fix released]16:17
atpa8apenguin42: note tho... that the modprobe.d stuff doesn't matter for the kernel crash16:18
penguin42atpa8a: You mean it crashes with or without it?16:19
Daekdroomlucaspeng, that bug is a duplicate for a bug report that is marked as 'fix release'16:19
Daekdroombut it is possible it started happening again after other update.16:19
atpa8apenguin42: yes, but only 3.2.0-2216:19
atpa8apenguin42: 3.2.0-20 works with or without16:19
atpa8athe modprobe.d trick itself doesn't seem to work16:20
AlfE_i can't set usb storage devices to automatically mount everytime i plug them in16:20
atpa8ai've a hunch that it's somewhere in initramfs but update-initramfs doesn't seem to bring that module config into it16:20
penguin42atpa8a: OK, so add that panic=120 thing and see what 3.2.0-22 does16:20
Peace-intel 945gm , unable to get 3d16:21
Peace-name of display: :016:21
Peace-X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation16:22
AlfE_in xsession-errors it says plasma-desktop(3255)/plasma StatusNotifierItemSource::refreshCallback: DBusMenu disabled for this application16:24
atpa8apenguin42: didn't work if i add it to the kernel... let's see if it helps if i add it to the hypervisor16:24
penguin42atpa8a: I can't remember the details of how xen boots, you're probably best asking in a xen channel16:27
atpa8ai am :)16:27
atpa8adidn't help for the hypervisor either16:27
atpa8apenguin42: any comment on modprobe.d stuff?16:27
lucaspengDaekdroom, I found the reason. I tried to use keybinding like Ctrl-Alt-Q, but windows manager interpret it as ctrl-q, so the window close.16:27
penguin42atpa8a: Nah, I've never tried to pass a device through16:28
atpa8abut just in general... am i doing it right?16:28
lucaspengDaekdroom, but I always use this short cut in previous version.16:28
atpa8apenguin42: just the modprobe.d stuff :) not the specific modules16:29
penguin42atpa8a: I'd be tempted to add ' around the (...) bit, I've never used the softdep bit16:30
atpa8apenguin42: even install mpt2sas /sbin/modprobe etc. didn't work16:31
atpa8awouldn't mpt2sas driver initialized in the initrd?16:31
atpa8aand thus before the modprobe gets into the picture?16:31
penguin42atpa8a: I'd think it would get pulled in in initrd, but I think update-initrd pulls various bits of config in, now where it pulls in the module config from I can't rmeember16:32
atpa8aok :) penguin42, thanks a bunch16:33
atpa8ai'll see if i can make some sense out of it16:33
atpa8ait did pull my modprobe.d into the initrd...16:34
penguin42atpa8a: So is this what broke your .22 ?16:38
atpa8ait wasn't working before i started messing with modprobe.d16:38
georgelappieshi all, when my screen goes into standby mode (switches of) one of the cores of the laptop starts running at max, as soon as I log back in it drops to normal. How can I determine what this process is thats doing this?16:38
penguin42georgelappies: Can you login remotely via ssh?16:38
atpa8apenguin42: i got it i think! needed to add xen-pciback to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules16:40
penguin42atpa8a: Ah yeh, so it'll generally add all the modules you think you'll need to get your root and any other critical filesystems16:41
atpa8aand now! tada!16:43
atpa8a sudo xm pci-list-assignable-devices16:43
ssfdre38hey how can i give my java more ram?16:43
georgelappiespenguin42: good idea, let me set that up16:43
atpa8assfdre38: -Xmx, google it16:43
penguin42georgelappies: Then just watch top remotely16:43
Monotokohey guys16:45
Monotokohow do I set a screensaver in 12.04?16:45
atpa8asame result tho...16:47
atpa8ai can see the scsi card in the guest but a PV on the raid is not recognized16:48
penguin42atpa8a: Can you see partitions or other data on it?16:48
penguin42or for that matter do the discs show up in /proc/scsi/scsi in the guest or /proc/partitions?16:49
atpa8anothing in /proc/partitions16:50
atpa8a/proc/scsi/scsi is empty16:50
penguin42does the mpt sas module load in the guest?16:50
atpa8ashows loaded16:50
penguin42anything in dmesg from it?16:50
penguin42(in the guest)16:50
atpa8ampt2sas0: _base_event_notification: timeout16:51
atpa8ampt2sas0: failure at drivers/scsi/mpt2sas/mpt2sas_scsih.c:7628/_scsih_probe()!16:51
atpa8ano worky :( same as with another distro host16:51
penguin42atpa8a: If I had to guess I'd guess at problems with interrupting mapping into the guest - it's not trivial16:52
atpa8aalright :) scratch that idea then16:53
atpa8ajust wanted to retest in ubuntu16:53
penguin42atpa8a: It might be possible, don't know - things like some of the VT extensions on the hardware are supposed to help - but never tried to do it16:53
atpa8aseems like it's at best untested to pci passthru a scsi controller16:54
atpa8apenguin42: i've all the VT-d stuff in the hardware and iommu is enabled16:54
penguin42atpa8a: You've made sure the host hasn't loaded the mpt sas controller?16:54
atpa8awith the other distro (i think Arch) that i tried i got the same result16:55
atpa8apenguin42: yes, the pv/vg disappeared from the host16:55
atpa8a#xen said then that it's very untested16:55
atpa8athey mostly passthru vga cards and some such16:55
atpa8awhich i imagine is a lot different then scsi controllers16:56
penguin42atpa8a: It looks like someone has managed it on KVM http://www.mail-archive.com/kvm@vger.kernel.org/msg14124.html16:57
penguin42atpa8a: There are two challenges, the address mapping and the interrupt mapping16:57
penguin42anyway, time for some TV16:59
atpa8athanks for your help17:00
georgelappiespenguin42: it is compiz, as soon as the screen blacks out it maxes one of the cores at 100%17:01
hellyeahis someone know how can i take file from ftp address in browser to my home folder17:01
georgelappiespenguin42: i was running proprietary amd driver, just uninstalled it and will reboot and test again17:05
Monotokohmm.. any way to set a screensaver in 12.04 guys? I can't find it :c17:07
hellyeahwhy 12.04 executes application late17:09
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kaziweb whenever I click on cairo doc's application applet Ubuntu software center opens at the same time. can any one help me? I'm using 12.0417:28
georgelappiesok confirmed it, when using the ati proprietary driver, compiz maxes at 100% usage when screens dims out. Using the kernel Mesa driver this doesn't happen.17:36
bjsnider!find /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxul.pc17:40
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxul.pc does not exist in precise17:40
jamjamhi, why can't 11.10 & 12.04 recognize my radeon hd 5570? ubuntu logo shows up on installation but hangs with random pixels :/17:44
davidFhey all. I have a quick question. I am trying to install 12.04 and I keep getting a black screen Help?17:48
davidFnote: I am on my phone. sorry for any typos17:49
davidFif I use nomodeset I can boot in, but then when trying to go through the actual install I get an error17:50
davidFi am using an early 2009 iMac17:51
FreeRuni have problem with "F10" shortcut, cannot to disable17:53
FreeRunsolution with adding file in gtk3 folder17:53
FreeRundon;t work coz i don't have such folder17:53
FreeRunany oher options in keybord, gconf and compiz preferences don't work17:53
penguin42atpa8a: One of the things in that message I pointed you to says they were using MSI - if you can persuade the guest and host to do the same it might be a better bet17:58
davidFany help from anyone? :(17:59
penguin42davidF: What error?18:02
davidFi do not recall off hand. I deleted the partition and am now retrying.18:03
davidFfrom scratch18:03
penguin42always good to get the exact error!18:05
davidFha ha ha  okay. new error.18:07
Wolfsherzhello, someone else having problems with the close button on the top left in fullscreen applications? it is not round but looks somewhat wierd, cannot describe it well, because my english is not that good. the button should be round, but it looks like two buttons overlap just a few pixels...18:08
davidFpartition 1 on dev/sdb have been written but we have been unabke to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use. As a result18:09
davidFthe old partitions will remain in use. You should probably restart before makibg further changes18:10
davidFhiw can i restart in the middle ofinstalling?18:10
penguin42davidF: Hmm it shouldn't do that - were you running the installer on it's own or from the 'try ubuntu' bit ?18:10
davidFFrom try ubuntu. because of the  error i got before, which was just a black screen woth an uunderscore, i found a tutorial to fix it by turning off... something, i forget it verbatim, but then it said expicitly to use try ubuntu18:13
penguin42davidF: OK, make sure before you run the installer you haven't got any of the partitions on the disk mounted18:14
davidfoops ha ha18:17
davidfoha! this is the error i got!18:17
davidfexecuting 'grub-install/dev/sda' failed This is a fatal error18:18
davidfis this related to the black screen i got earlierk?18:19
penguin42davidf: Don't think so; the black screen sounds like a graphics problem (given it was fixed with nomodeset), that sounds like a problem with grub/efi or something similar being a Mac - please file a bug18:20
davidfand then i get a x"installer crashed" notification.18:20
penguin42davidf: So assuming you have a launchpad account, open a terminal and run    ubuntu-bug ubiquity   and it'll file the install logs18:21
davidfi will file a bug later. My internet is borked for awhile lol. whoch os why my Is are not capittalized and there aee letters next to punctuation18:22
penguin42davidf: OK18:22
penguin42 ZfoodX18:22
Wolfsherzhello, someone else having problems with the close button on the top left in fullscreen applications? it is not round but looks somewhat wierd, cannot describe it well, because my english is not that good. the button should be round, but it looks like two buttons overlap just a few pixels...18:32
trismWolfsherz: probably bug 927441 looks like it will be fixed in 5.10.018:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927441 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Far left character in panel (and launcher popups) distorted" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92744118:38
Wolfsherzoh many thanks trism  :)18:39
plut0i just upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 and the bootup process never finishes, i'm stuck at the ubuntu screen, i can however ssh in to troubleshoot. dmesg: http://pastebin.com/fhMzjP4D18:48
penguin42plut0: OK, so it seems it doesn't like the graphics driver - please bug report that, and then I think your best chance is probably to try installing the Nvidia binary driver if it supports your card18:53
atpa8apenguin42: i noticed that too19:03
maxbWhat on earth is apport doing when I click "SHow details" on a crash?19:11
maxb>10 seconds to merely bring up the details of a crash report on modern hardware seems ... excessive19:11
atpa8apenguin42: tho... don't seem to be able to enable msi in the guest19:14
penguin42atpa8a: Hmm, not sure what to suggest then - I'd ask a xen specific channel19:15
atpa8apenguin42: found something19:20
atpa8apenguin42: no luck :(19:30
ggreerthe 11.10 installed had an option to encrypt the / partition. I don't see that in the 12.04 installer20:00
ggreerif I want everything encrypted (not just my home folder), how do I do that?20:00
ggreer*11.10 installer20:00
astraljavaggreer: You have to use the alternate installer.20:02
lgp171188When I open emacs in a X window in my up-to-date Ubuntu Precise 64-bit installation, I find that emacs window doesn't have a menu bar or a toolbar which I am sure were there in emacs on Oneiric. Is this expected behaviour or a known issue?20:22
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BarkingFishevening guys. trying to install a flashplayer plugin for kubuntu 12.04, flashplugin-installer is installed but won't run, and can't get it from adobe's site - any ideas?20:24
MrChrisDruif!restricted | BarkingFish20:26
ubottuBarkingFish: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:26
MrChrisDruifShould get you along I think, it *should* have been updated for precise20:26
BarkingFishThank you MrChrisDruif - I know how I'm supposed to get it, what I'm saying is, I can't :)20:26
BarkingFishThe adobe site has an apt for Ubuntu 10.04 and higher, but firefox won't open it as it doesn't know how, and the flashplugin-installer doesn't work. It won't install anything :)20:27
MrChrisDruifShouldn't that apt be opened by the software center?20:28
BarkingFishI use apper, but either way, Firefox won't touch it, and I have no idea how to configure it :)20:28
yofelBarkingFish: if you have partner enabled, install adobe-flashplugin instead20:29
yofelthat's what I use + adobe-flash-properties-kde20:29
BarkingFishyofel: I don't think I have partner enabled in my pools, I'll check :)20:29
BarkingFishwhat would be the line for that, yofel? I tried deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise partner - do I need to include the main universe etc?20:32
Dizzi_hey all. I am having a wierd issue20:36
Dizzi_I just installed 12.04 beta 2 (first install in a long, long time) and my screen resolution can not go higher than 1280X76820:37
Monotokodoes anyone know how I can have a screen saver in 12.04? My TV is a plasma so it may burn in without one :c20:37
Dizzi_when my monitors actual resolution is 1920X120020:37
bjsniderDizzi_, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:39
JeruvyMonotoko, you don't get burn in on plasma's.  You may suffer from persistance. But it goes away.20:40
bjsnidersince when?20:40
MonotokoJeruvy, would still rather have a screensaver...20:40
Monotokothat's what they are for isn't it?20:40
BarkingFishyofel: I think Houston has a very big problem.  Somewhere on one of our pools, the precise-security pool, there's a Sources file which is shot.20:41
BarkingFishI don't know who needs to sort this, whether it's me (something bogged at my end) or if this is a pool issue, I suspect it's the other end.20:41
JeruvyMonotoko, you could try this, http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/enable-screensavers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/20:41
yofelBarkingFish: define "shot"... hash sum mismatch?20:42
BarkingFishI'l PM you the error message20:42
MonotokoJeruvy, thank you... do you know why they removed screen savers? Are they planning to put them back or not?20:42
JeruvyMonotoko, I advocated eliminating them, so I couldn't say with any certainty.  Feel free to keep asking :)20:43
Dizzi_bjsnider how exactly? >_> been a long, long time20:43
bjsniderDizzi_, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log from a terminal20:43
MonotokoJeruvy, reasoning? I thought they looked quite nice (not after a flame war or anything, just curious)20:43
JeruvyMonotoko, I think they are a waste of resources.20:44
MonotokoJeruvy, human resources or machine resources?20:44
JeruvyMonotoko, machine :)20:44
Dizzi_lokay bjsnider I've done that... what am I looking for?20:44
Jeruvyprobably human also tho ;)20:45
bjsniderDizzi_, just pastebin it20:45
MonotokoJeruvy, I see... I'd just rather see something other than a blank screen when I press the ctrl+alt+L key  - is there any way to set it so it just shows the prompt for the password?20:46
Dizzi_bjsnider http://pastebin.com/Dvedpg7n I can see that it is reading my resolution right20:46
Dizzi_but it is just not displaying it correctly20:46
JeruvyMonotoko, you're asking the wrong guy. Sorry.20:46
bjsniderDizzi_, you're using the vesa graphics driver, is what the issue is20:47
bjsnideruse a real driver20:48
Dizzi_Okay. is that because I'm on a macintosh? or just because it is a brand new install?20:49
bjsniderhow old a mac is that?20:49
bjsnidereven an old one should have underlying hardware that offers something better than vesa20:50
ggreerlooks like plasma displays suffer from burn-in20:50
Dizzi_okay. hwo would I change/update them?20:50
bjsniderDizzi_, pastebin this command: lspci20:51
Monotoko... how do I take a screenshot? I'm trying to report a bug, pressing the print screen key and nothing is coming up... has it changed from how it used to be? (I ran 10.04 up until a few days ago... so I'm trying to learn my way around, bear with me!)20:53
Monotokoahhh... it won't print screen while I'm right clicked -.-20:54
bjsnideroh good. they picked nvidia and broadcom. no issues there...20:54
bjsnideri thought they used all-intel20:55
Dizzi_late 2009 uses all intel I blieve, with the i5 processors etc.20:55
Dizzi_mine is early 0920:55
bjsniderwell, the preferred driver for that stuff is nouveau. no idea why it isn't being autoselected20:55
bjsniderit should be in the aforementioned log, but you only pastebinned part of it20:56
Dizzi_nope. that's everything that came up20:56
bjsnideryou used cat20:57
bjsnideruse gedit or something and you'll see all of it20:57
Dizzi_unless I need to do cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log and then lspci in the same window?20:57
ggreerI'm trying to use the alternate installer and I get an error about no kernel modules found21:03
Dizzi_okay. so; how can I fix this issue bjsnider?21:04
Dizzi_Would simply installing something from the software centre work?21:04
Dizzi_I tried installing "firmware for nvidia graphics cards'21:05
ggreerthis is the 12.04 beta 2 for i38621:06
Dizzi_going to try rebooting21:06
bjsniderDizzi_, first pastebin the entire log21:07
Dizzi_well... That didn't work at all21:13
Dizzi_so, when installing: I had to use the 'nomodeset' command. and I need to do this every time I boot. Is this a part of the issue?21:14
Dizzi_bjsnider Any other suggestions?21:16
bjsniderpastebin the whole xorg.0.og21:17
Dizzi_I did :S21:18
Dizzi_that was everything that is in the terminal21:18
bjsnidergedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log select all copy paste into pastebin21:22
ggreerwow, unetbootin will report success if you unplug the usb stick while it's copying files21:25
Dizzi_that's a bug 0_o21:25
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 0 could not be found21:25
ggreerwell until recent versions it wouldn't even detect usb drives on OS X21:26
Monotokolol ubottu21:26
ggreerso... it's gotten better over time21:26
Dizzi_yeah, I'm on a mac right now and having some wierd issues21:27
Dizzi_but my harddrives will be read simply21:27
mongohrm, shouldn't a kernel upgrade call m-a scripts?21:30
mongothe last kernel upgrade didn't kick off openvswitch-datapath-dkms21:33
scientesmongo, openvswitch is very new21:33
scientesmongo, therefore, its probably a bug21:33
mongoscientes: ya, trying to track it down, it may be due to ubuntu backporting vs. reving kernel version21:34
scientesyeah i thought vswitch was a 3.3 thing21:35
scientesand precise uses 3.221:35
mongoscientes: it's in the mainline in 3.321:35
mongobut it works fine in 3.221:35
scientesa workaround could be to use the mainline kernel ppa21:36
scientesand track the 3.3 kernel instead21:36
mongona, no apparmor in the mainline kernel21:36
bjsniderDizzi_, nomodeset is the problem21:36
mongoit works fine, I just have to run m-a21:36
scientesmongo, apparmor has been merged into mainline21:36
Dizzi_ah. if I don't use nomodeset ubuntu doesn't boot...21:36
mongoscientes: ubuntu's doesn't work with the mainline aa21:37
scientesmongo, 3.4rc1 and 3.3rcX worked fine with precise for me21:37
scienteswith no errors21:37
scientesunlike what i got with 3.2rcs on 11.10 before21:37
mongoscientes: did you have the ubuntu special sauce?21:37
scientesmongo, no, pure mainline21:38
scientesDizzi_, are you using nouveau, radeo, etc?21:38
Dizzi_I don't think so?21:38
scientes<Dizzi_> I tried installing "firmware for nvidia graphics cards'21:39
mongoscientes: check to see if it did actually load profiles, mine would not as it wanted 3.2 compat21:39
Dizzi_I did21:39
scientesAFAIK only radeon has a strong need for non-free firmware21:39
scientesmongo, well, i used bootchart and i apparmor parsing was very big cpu user21:39
scientesotherwise i dont really deal with apparmor21:39
bjsnidernouveau will not work unless kms is enabled21:39
scientesbut i know some part of it got merged into mainline, and unlike 3.2 on maverick, i don't get any errors booting anymore21:40
skelwith virt-manager / libvirtd, I used to be able to connect without root privs (ie. as my standard) it seems thats changed in 12.04. anyone know how I can get back to that config?21:40
Dizzi_so, bjsnider, cann I enable kms with nomodeset ?21:40
scientesDizzi_, no21:40
Dizzi_well darn21:40
scientesDizzi_, because nomodeset means "turn off kms"21:41
bjsnidernomodeset is telling the kernel kms=off21:41
Dizzi_guess I'm SOL them21:41
mongoskel: add the user to the libvirtd group21:41
Dizzi_ah. gotcha21:41
bjsnideryou'll have to find another way to boot that kernel21:41
Dizzi_it will not boot with nomodeset on and I'm not experienced enough to know what to do ha ha21:41
scientesDizzi_, you could try nvidia propritary, which doesn't use modesetting21:42
bjsniderDizzi_, there are ubuntu wiki pages regarding special issues with crackbooks. you might find one for your flavour21:42
bjsnidereg, macbook 2,121:42
mongoI have iPXE booting net installs working on my local apt repo :) pretty sweet21:42
scientesmongo, i like apt-cacher-ng better21:42
mongoscientes: well I don't have the power to put files on the world repos21:42
scientesmongo, apt-cacher-ng just mean you dont have to download the whole thing21:43
mongoiPXE uses relitive paths so it has to live in the netboot tree21:43
mongobut yes if I had the power to put a single text file on the repo http net installs work great21:44
scientesmongo, again, just use apt-cacher-ng21:44
mongoscientes: it doesn't let you add files to the repo scientes21:44
scientesDizzi_, did you see my suggestion? use nvidia propritary instead of nouveau, that might work21:44
skelmongo: same deal after usermod -G libvirtd <myuser>21:44
mongoI so use it for my hosts21:44
mongoskel: did you log out and back in?21:44
Dizzi_no I didn't. I'll try that scientes21:45
ggreer"no packages matching running kernel 3.2.0-20-generic-pae in archive"21:45
scientesskel, yeah you have to log out and in, its annoying, but you have to do it21:45
skelmongo: completely or just open a new shell?21:45
skelhmm o21:45
ggreerI'm getting that with the 12.04 alternate installer :/21:45
Dizzi_I'm assuming that is is "NVidia binary X.Org driver ('current' driver)"21:45
scientesskel, also realize, that adding yourself to libvirtd and then installing lxc is a massive security hole21:45
scientes(maybe i should report that)21:45
scientesDizzi_, yes, nvidia-current21:47
Dizzi_sweet. downloading21:47
agoodmvery interesting21:47
scientesDizzi_, that is propritary, which has alot of its own problems, so you should also report a problem with nouveau21:48
mongoscientes: http://pastebin.com/5jUhCEJP21:48
scientesagoodm, what?21:48
agoodmxorg-edgey ppa intel driver and related files provide MUCH better graphical performance on this x220, only one issue encountered so far21:48
mongoif that file existed as the url shoes (self ref) you can install via http and pxe boot21:48
Dizzi_where do I report the problem?21:48
Dizzi_first time using linus in years21:48
scientesmongo, whats even cooler, is booting the livecd over PXE/nfs21:48
mongoscientes: nfs requires nfs ;) this is all http :)21:49
Dizzi_(And the first time I did not know what I was doing and wiped my sisters comouter ha ha... ha)21:49
scientesagoodm, xorg-edgers is great :P21:49
scientesmongo, i think i've done it with http with the fedora liveCD21:49
skellibvirtd group add helped, thanks guys =]21:49
* skel salutes21:49
mongoscientes: ya fedora/rhel allows a method= arg21:50
agoodmpeople suggested id run into severe problems and shouldnt use it unless I wanted to break my install, but ive experienced the opposite so far21:50
scientesskel, note what i said, adding to libvirtd can break your security, esp if you install lxc21:50
scientes...which im wondering whether i should report21:50
Dizzi_okay. I installed the nvidia drivers. should I reboot or is that all?21:50
scientesDizzi_, yes, reboot cause you have nouveau module loaded, and thats the easiest way to unload it21:50
Dizzi_okay. great. Fingers crossed!21:51
Dizzi_and I won't need to use nomodeset correct, scientes?21:51
ggreeralso, guided partitioning in the alternate installer creates no swap21:51
ggreerand the boot partition is tiny. only 250MB21:51
mongoggreer: how much ram did you have?21:52
mongo250 is ok for boot IMHO21:52
scientesDizzi_, well, you should never need nomodeset, but yes, nvidia wont try to use kvm, as it doesn't support it21:52
ggreerwith enough kernel upgrades it gets full21:52
ggreerand with a 160GB hard drive, why not be safe and make 512MB for /boot? it's less than 1% of the size of the drive21:53
ggreer*less than one half of one percent21:53
mongoya, they should be marking them obsolete21:53
* scientes doesn't use /boot21:53
scientesunless you want dm-crypt21:53
ggreerI do21:53
ggreerthat's why I'm trying to get this alternate installer working21:53
mongoggreer: when you have 100's of guests that adds up :)21:53
scientesggreer, there is also ecryptfs, which doesn't slow down programs the same21:53
scientesggreer, which is what the regular installer supports21:54
ggreerthe regular installer only let me encrypt my user directory21:54
scientesggreer, ecryptfs can be setup other ways21:54
scientesggreer, but yes, home direcyory only usually21:54
scientesggreer, but with the evil maid attack on the kernel still open, it doesn't really make much difference21:55
scientesunless you keep sensitive stuff in your /etc or /var21:55
ggreeror swap21:55
ggreerit's really easy to leak data out of your home directory21:55
mongoto be fair apps shove lots of sensitive stuff in /etc and /var21:55
scientesggreer, if you use encrypted home it will encrypt your swap21:55
mongolike pain text passwords21:55
mongoerr plain21:55
scientesand the big gain on those is ptrace protections21:55
scienteswhich ubuntu now has with the mainlines yama security module21:56
scientesotherwise programs can just sniff the passwords out of another apps's ram21:57
scientese.g. firefox passwords would be accessable to any process running as the same user, even if you set a master password21:57
scientesbut not anymore with ptrace protections (if you use a master password, or maybe integration with seahorse(?))21:57
ggreerI thought you have to be root to read another the address space of another process21:58
mongoscientes: I just confirmed that the mainline kernel ppa is not enforcing aa profiles21:59
Dizzi_It worked! thanks people!21:59
scientesggreer, man ptrace21:59
scientesggreer, certain programs can disallow it explicitely22:00
scienteswhich openssh does for example22:00
scientesbut the yama says you can only ptrace child processes, unless you are root22:00
scientes(or some CAP_SYS)22:00
scienteswhich means that strace FOO, and ltrace foo, and gdb foo, still work22:01
scientesbut not strace -p PID, gdm -p FOO, etc22:01
ggreerthe manpage says it only works for child processes?22:01
mongo(Kernel needs AppArmor 2.4 compatibility patch.)22:01
scientesggreer, "              Since Ubuntu 10.10, PTRACE_ATTACH is not allowed against arbitrary matching-uid processes. The traced "child" must  be22:02
scientes              a  descendant  of  the tracer or must have called prctl(2) using PR_SET_PTRACER, with the pid of the tracer (or one of22:02
scientes              its ancestors).  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf.22:02
scientesthats been mainlined22:03
ggreerthis alternate installer is driving me crazy. I'm trying to select "physical volume for encryption" and it silently selects "do not use the partition"22:04
agoodmI wish the dash search thing was a bit faster22:08
scientesagoodm, use "locate"22:08
agoodmpresently when I hit super syn and press enter ive pressed enter too fast for it to realise I want synaptic (the first result) and have to press enter again...22:09
scientesgord, works with gnome-shell22:09
agoodmif I do it slower it works first time22:10
agoodmlike I just installed gconf editor and cus I wasnt sure if id get the right result I was slower22:10
agoodmsuper gconf enter and bam in there22:10
ggreeranother bug in the installer: I can only select US time zones22:17
agoodmim more frustrated by the mouse acceleration situation :(22:17
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spacebug-where is the config for my icons on the launcher?23:04
physically_fitso, how do force Precise Pangolin (12.04) to be installed via command line?23:09
physically_fitdo I23:09
spacebug-physically_fit: checkout do-release-upgrade23:10
spacebug-might have to install that pacakge first23:10
physically_fitspacebug-, thanks but it does nothing23:11
Fyodorovnaphysically_fit, do you mean upgrade?23:11
physically_fitFyodorovna, yes23:11
Fyodorovnaphysically_fit, from what?23:11
Daekdroomdo-release-upgrade -d23:11
Daekdroom'-d' makes it look for a development release23:12
physically_fitFyodorovna, from 11.1023:12
Fyodorovnaphysically_fit, ^^^ the command from Daekdroom is the one from alt-f223:12
physically_fitDaekdroom and Fyodorovna thanks you both, that seems to be working23:13
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ActionParsniphi guys, If I log into Unity2D and run:  compiz --replace     the dash doesn't appear.Has anyone seen this?23:29
spacebug-compiz is not used in unity-2d right?23:32
Daekdroomspacebug-, you can use it.23:32
ActionParsnipspacebug-: no, but it appears Unity isn't an option in my login screen23:33
DaekdroomTo be honest, I think unity-2d is compatible with almost any window manager.23:33
ActionParsnipspacebug-: and compiz etc runs ok23:33
DaekdroomIt's not a plug in to metacity like Unity is to compiz.23:33
ActionParsnipjust a sec23:34
wolfslordI just updated my ubuntu 12.04 and Gogle Chrome stoped running Flash23:34
spacebug-hum ok23:34
wolfslordany clues why?23:34
wolfslordalso Firefox is not running flash, even with the plugin23:34
DaekdroomI had that issue with Flashplugin earlier, but there was an update to the package that fixed it.23:35
Myrttiwell there is an update ^23:35
Daekdroomand by earlier I meant today.23:35
Myrttimy chromium just complains "boo no plugin"23:36
wolfslordmine was working just fine, then I updated23:36
wolfslordand stoped working23:37
wolfslordi'm trying to reinstall the plugin to see if it works, but as Google Chrome doesn't use the plugin I don't know what to do23:38
ActionParsnipscrew it, I'll stay 2D, it's faster anyway23:39
wolfslordSo,  does anyone knows what can I do to make Flash work again?23:40
spacebug-wolfslord: reinstall flashplugin-installer23:41
lenIs is safe to upgrade to 12.04 beta2 if you're using fglrx drivers?23:41
ActionParsnipwolfslord: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'23:41
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scientesActionParsnip, i don't know about you, but i have a hard time trying to be 2D23:42
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ActionParsniplen: i'd uninstall them first, then upgrade then reinstall them23:42
wolfslordok, i just reinstalled flashplugin and firefox is working again23:42
wolfslordlet try with chrome23:42
spacebug-ActionParsnip: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop That should install the files again if they are screwed. Look in /usr/share/xsessions to see all you have installed23:42
wolfslordyeah, working too23:43
ActionParsnipspacebug-: I'm fine with 2D, it runs better anyway, plus no junky compiz breaking stuff :D23:43
ActionParsnipwolfslord: nice23:43
spacebug-oh well ;)23:44
ActionParsnipspacebug-: Unity session is available, had to reinstall unity package but boots to wallpaper only23:44
ActionParsnip2D is fine23:44
spacebug-I run 2D in virtualbox to get better performance23:44
spacebug-on desktop is not unity I would probably run gnome-fallback and cairo-dock23:45
wolfslordi shouldn't make diference since chrome (as i read) doesn't use flashplugin, but its working again. Strange23:45
ActionParsnipwolfslord: it will use it if it's available23:45
wolfslordwell, that explains something23:45
wolfslordalso in my gedit the name of the Go language is being tranlated to portuguese "Ir"23:46
wolfslordit should stay untranslated23:47
DaekdroomFile a bug report.23:48
ActionParsnipwolfslord: same in all editors?23:48
ActionParsnipwolfslord: tried leafpad?23:48
wolfslordwell I only use gedit23:48
wolfslordand its the only gui one I have here23:49
ActionParsnipwolfslord: I gave another to try, see if its only affecting gedit....23:49
wolfslordok which should I install to test it23:50
ActionParsnipwolfslord: well....yeah23:50
wolfslordwhich one?23:50
wolfslordI only know gedit23:50
wolfslordlet me do it23:50
Q-FUNKhowdy!  various commands keep on complainging about not being able to find /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/libc.so.623:52
DaekdroomQ-FUNK, are you on 64-bitS?23:52
ActionParsnipQ-FUNK: I dont have that in 32bit or 64bit23:53
spacebug-I have that lib under a 64bit directory23:53
ActionParsnipI do have /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.623:53
spacebug-actually in three places23:53
wolfslordActionParsnip: i installed leafpad but it doesn't do syntax highlighting23:56
spacebug-Q-FUNK: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&arch=any&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=libc.so.6  this is the packages that file is in23:56
ActionParsnipwolfslord: yes but is the language correct?23:56
ActionParsnipQ-FUNK: that was 64bit, here is my 32bit install: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919739/23:57
wolfslordand so it is in gedit23:57
ActionParsnipwolfslord: yes, we have now isolated the issue to gedit23:57
wolfslordgedit is trnalating wrong only the name of the Go prgramming language23:57
wolfslordwhen I choose syntax highlighting it is showing the name translated to portuguese (which is my systems language)23:59
ActionParsnipwolfslord: sounds like a bug23:59
wolfslordbut it should stay untranslated23:59
spacebug-Q-FUNK: try reinstalling libc623:59
wolfslordin fact there is a bug with the same issue for Scheme, Ruby and other languages23:59

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