
UnguidedHello all. Quick question I hope. Ubuntu desktop and server are the same thing just with different packages at install right?01:20
Zebhow do you close a shell window without killing the process that is running?01:28
Unit193Using something like screen.01:29
ubot2screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen01:29
Zebhmm but that doesnt help for something that is currently running if i dont have screen already running01:31
Zebthats ok though01:34
Unit193Correct, if it is already running, that won't help.01:35
Zebso, do you have to do screen every time you might want to do something like this?01:35
Zebis there a way to set it as the default?01:36
Zebprobably in the manual01:36
Fyodorovna"app" & exit  will start it and exit the terminal01:36
ziekNo idea when the ubuntu on android will be open for public?02:03
Unit193I have no idea, nope.02:08
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duanedesign /314:00
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nothingspecialo/ bgs10014:33
nothingspecialhow are you bgs10014:35
nothingspecialwb iggy1914:35
bgs100alright. you?14:36
nothingspecialyes thanks14:37
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ZiekNeed help learning irssi16:54
Unit193http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi not going to get much better than that.16:54
Unit193There's a few more resources, but that's one of the great ones.16:56
Ziekyeah, I've been looking for stuff like that. I know enough to get around but I want to know more.16:59
Unit193http://jonathanbeluch.com/blog/2011/03/remote-notify-irssi-screen/ I use a modified version of that, and someone likes http://niklas.laxstrom.name/page/eng/irssi17:03
Unit193I also find some of these handy http://myrtti.fi/irssi-aliases17:04
ZiekThanks, will look into them17:05
Unit193ubot2: info irssi-scripts17:06
ubot2Unit193: irssi-scripts (source: irssi-scripts): collection of scripts for irssi. In component universe, is optional. Version 20100512 (maverick), package size 684 kB, installed size 3200 kB17:06
Unit193That can also be handy, some of those are great.17:06
Unit193Ziek: I'd guess you already know about tmux or screen?17:08
Ziekyes but not use screen17:13
Ziekshould learn to use it thou17:13
ZiekOne question off topic... Do you know how to configure usb wireless cards in ubuntu?17:14
bioterroryou mean like wifi dongles?17:14
Zieklike a wireless adapter17:15
bioterrormostly plug it in and wish that it works :D17:16
Ziekwell it shows up in terminal when I list usb17:18
Ziekso thats good news17:18
geirhaI bought a wifi-dongle a while back. I made sure it had Tux on the package. Just plugged it in and after a few seconds it asked me what wireless network to connect to.17:19
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bobweaverHello there I am writing a script right now and it need to inject a table into mysql here is a example of the code. How to insert mysql ?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/919228/18:09
bobweaverwith out being root18:09
bobweaverthat is18:09
bobweaverbrb have to reboot18:11
Bhavanhi there good evening18:26
Ziekgood morning18:27
Bhavanhi i need help in sorting out problems with my keyboard in ubuntu 12.04 beta 218:27
Bhavani have recently loaded ubuntu in my laptop and my laptop keyboard does bnot work. i can manage without mouse pad but need the keyboard working to switch on my wifi18:29
FyodorovnaBhavan, you might also try the 12.04 channel #ubuntu+118:30
Bhavanthanks for the suggestion but do you kbnow a workaround for this issue?18:31
FyodorovnaBhavan, is it a laptop or desktop?18:31
Bhavanit is a lenovo y500 laptop18:31
Bhavani have sorked with ubuntu 11.04 in the same laptop before had same problems but managed to get it work but have forgotten how.18:32
Bhavani mean have worked18:32
FyodorovnaBhavan, not really any suggestion, never seen a onboard keyboard not work. Do yoiu have one to plugin to check if it works?18:32
Bhavanyes i have an usb keyboard plugged in and that is the only one which works.18:32
FyodorovnaBhavan, not a clue here.18:33
Bhavani had the same problem with 11.04 and then when i loaded fedora 16 the same problem with that too18:33
FyodorovnaBhavan, what happens with a live cd, just curious really.18:34
Bhavani like ubuntu very much that is why i deleted fedora and loaded 12.04. did not work with the live cd also18:35
Bhavanimy dvd drive was not read by the system. tried an external drive still no luck18:35
Bhavanso had to use usbnetbootin to load the installation from usb drive and that worked18:36
Bhavanas soon as i loaded ubuntu it gave a suggestion to load my wifi drive which was missing. i did that but cannot get it on since the external keyboard does not have Fn keys in it!!18:37
bodhizazenIf you are having a problem with 12.04 -> bug report18:51
bobweaverHi Bhavan_18:54
Bhavan_hi bob18:54
bobweavertry this open terminal and enter18:54
bobweaverrfkill list all18:54
bobweaverthen use paste.ubuntu.com to paste to us18:54
bobweaveror tell us if there is a no18:55
bobweaverlike Soft blocked: no18:55
bobweaverif there are yes and not no then there is a block going on we can fix that by doing a18:55
bobweaversoft block = software    hardblock= hardware18:56
Bhavan_hi bob have doene the paste18:56
bobweavercan you give us the link please18:57
bobweaverrfkill unblock all18:57
Bhavan_did that nothing happened18:58
bobweaverlets see18:58
bobweaverlspci -nn18:58
Bhavan_did lspci do you want the ouput pasted18:59
bobweaverlsmod | grep b4319:01
bobweaverdo you get anything with that ^^19:01
bobweaverif not please let us see a19:01
bobweaversudo rmmod wl19:03
bobweaversudo apt-get --yes install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer19:05
bobweaversudo apt-get --purge  remove  broadcom-sta-common  broadcom-sta-source19:06
bobweaverthat is fine19:06
bobweaverdo the commands posted above please ^^19:06
bobweaverno need to post19:06
bobweaverthanks thou19:07
bobweaversudo modprob b4319:07
bobweaverdo you have wireless ?19:07
bobweaverif not please run19:07
bobweaverdmesg | grep b4319:07
bobweaverand paste19:08
Bhavan_do i do it one by one or dmesg | grep b43 like this19:08
bobweaver dmesg | grep b4319:09
Bhavan_coz i get no response when i do dmesg | grep b4319:09
bobweaversudo apt-get --yes install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer19:09
bobweaver0 installed 0 removed ect ???19:10
Bhavan_ok then19:10
Bhavan_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 109 not upgraded.19:10
bobweaverlsmod | grep b4319:10
bobweaveranything ?19:10
bobweaversudo modprobe b4319:11
bobweaverlsmod | b4319:12
bobweaveranything ?19:12
Bhavan_command not found19:13
bobweaverlsmod | grep b4319:13
bobweaverforgot grep sorry19:13
Bhavan_want the paste?19:13
bobweaverit shows up19:13
bobweaverrfkill unblock all19:14
Bhavan_no move19:14
bobweaverrfkill list all19:14
bobweaverpaste ^^19:14
bobweaverdmesg | grep b4319:15
bobweaverpaste ^^19:15
bobweaversudo -i19:17
bobweaverecho "wl" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf19:18
bobweaversudo reboot19:19
bobweaverand we will see you soon19:19
Bhavan__hi bobweaver i am back after reboot19:22
bobweaverwireless ?19:23
bobweaverif not lets see19:23
bobweaverrfkill list all19:23
Bhavan__not yet. i tell you what the laptop indicatin shows numlock and caps lock on. i feel the keyvboard is frozen19:24
bobweaveryou can not type into terminal ?19:25
Bhavan__i can since i use an external usb keyboard19:26
bobweaversudo apt-get install numlockx19:26
Bhavan__done do u need the paste19:27
bobweaverto use numlockx we just do /usr/bin/numlockx off      or     /usr/bin/numlockx on     from terminal to turn number lock on and off19:28
bobweaverbut back to wireless19:28
bobweaverrfkill list all19:28
Bhavan__no change19:29
bobweaverrfkill unblock all19:29
bobweaveralso try19:30
bobweaversudo rfkill unblock all19:30
Bhavan__yes tried all no response19:30
bobweaverpaste ^^19:30
bobweaverarghh the dang wl                   2646601  0     is still there19:33
bobweaversudo rmmod wl19:33
Bhavan__done no response19:33
bobweaveralso the b43 is not there19:34
bobweaversudo modprobe b4319:34
bobweaverpaste ^^19:34
bobweaverwhat kinda keyboard is this that does not have a fn key ? mac ?19:37
Bhavan__yes it has fnkey not mac19:38
bobweaverwhat is brand of computer ?19:39
bobweaverdell ?19:39
bobweaverpress fn+f4 if dell19:39
Bhavan__it is a lenovo and for wifi it is fn +f4 but no key works and there is no fn key in external keyboard so i am stuck up19:40
bobweaverwhat is the brand & model  of the external keyboad please19:41
Bhavan__it is a cheap usb keyboard not a branded one i have a bluetooth keyboard also i can try that if it will help19:42
bobweaveris this a laptop or desktop ?19:42
bobweaveralso does the bluetooth keyboard have a fn key19:43
Bhavan__yes it has a fn key19:46
bobweaverhere is what we have done so far 1 you had the wrong driver loaded for you wireless card (wl) 2) we put the right one in there (b43) 3) we tried to blacklist the wl mod (driver)::::: What needs to still happen 1) need to make sure that the b43 loads on start not the wl  2) get a keyboard that has fn key so we can turn on19:46
Bhavan__yes now the wireless keyboard works but the fn key on it is setup for volume up an down by default in this keyboard19:46
bobweavergo to settings --> keyboard --> shortcuts19:48
bobweaversound and media19:48
bobweaveryou can now set the hot key to something else from here19:49
bobweavermake sure that you find what ever is setting fn+f4 and change it19:50
Bhavan__ok wikk try that19:50
bobweaverthen once we get the wireless running we will get into making it run the right one on boot19:51
Bhavan__thanx for the time u spent with me i now have to step out for some time will be back soon.19:51
wijhi, the applications icon is gone from my launcher (ubuntu 11.10)21:13
wijanyway to get it back?21:13
geirhaapplications icon? you mean the menu bar, Applications, Places, System?21:17
geirhaThey replaced the gnome-panel with Unity in 11.0421:17
wijyeah, but in the launcher previously there was an icon called 'applications'. in 11.10 it's gone. so now i can't seem to get to things like 'system tools'21:23
holsteinwij: you can always fire up the live CD and look around in there.. see whats missing... OR make a new user account... i typically just add everything and see what is what21:29
wijholstein: ok, will try it. in the mean time, how can i get to 'system tools'21:38
holsteinwij: what are you trying to do?21:38
wijlong story, starting with not being able to turn off hardware accel in flash player, over trying to switch to unity 2D21:41
holsteinwij: you choose unity2d at login21:41
holsteinwij: AFAIK, there are no such configuration settings in flash for linux21:41
holsteini would suggest trying chrome, as that is likely to be our best source for flash in linux in the coming years21:42
wijwell the reason for this long story is that in chrome since 2 wks the hue in  youtube vids is off21:42
wijand one of the workarounds i saw is turning off hardware accel21:43
wijbut that's not clickable for me21:43
bioterrorwij, I cant play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1veQocaigWQ&feature=share21:44
wijand i saw that in unity 2d i should be able turn it off21:44
bioterrorAw, snap!21:44
bioterrorlovely chromium + flash <321:44
holsteinwij: you just install unity 2d, and choose it at login21:45
holsteinusing unity2d will not have 3d acceleration21:46
wijholstein: ok, i'll try. but was i dreaming or is there no 'system tools' in ubuntu??21:47
holsteinwij: sure.. but none of those settings are there21:48
wijbioterror: in that vid the hue is OK. how come?21:48
wijholstein: so how can i access 'system tools'?21:48
bioterrorwij, my 12.04 using chromium doesnt want to show. it just crashes21:49
holsteinwij: i dont know how to tell you to get that to open... but if you say "im trying to do X" i'll tell you where to go21:49
wijholstein: nothing in particular, as I said, i remembered there were more tools then i can access via system settings. and i also remembered an icon 'applications' in the launcher which is now gone. strange things, and i'm not even using drugs :-)21:54
holsteinwij: you can always just make a new user, login, and see what is what.. find what you are looking for21:54
wijno, i can't find it using a new user either21:58
wijare you using unity?21:58
holsteinwij: i dont use unity... but you should be able to just type what you are looking for in the search area22:01
geirhatap the windows key and type   system tools22:01
wijtried that, but doesn't give any results22:02
holsteinwij: i wouldnt worry about "system tools" just try and find what you "need"22:03
geirhaMaybe you're looking for System Settings?22:03
holsteinbe vague.. type "system" and look through the list... type "settings"22:04
wijno system settings i can find.  Anyways, i'll look some further tomorrow. thanks for the help all!!22:10
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