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jbicham4n1sh: are you around?18:29
m4n1shjbicha: yes18:38
jbichait's like midnight there, right? I'm having some troubles with Zeitgeist/the Privacy panel18:39
m4n1shyes. go ahead18:40
m4n1shI am free now18:40
jbichaI'm writing a script to automate taking some screenshots of Unity; and so I deleted the zeitgeist history18:41
m4n1shhow did you delete it?18:41
m4n1shfrom the UI or deleted the sqlite file?18:41
jbichawith the Privacy panel, I've also tried rm'ing /.local/share/zeitgeist (is that safe?)18:42
m4n1shyes you can remove that zeitgeist folder18:43
m4n1shyou will lose history and fts index18:43
m4n1shand all user specific information like blacklists too18:44
m4n1shso where exactly you found the problem?18:44
jbichawell one problem is that with Unity 5.8, newly started apps aren't showing up as Recent Apps in the Dash18:45
m4n1shyou deleted the history18:46
m4n1shso Unity does not know about the application usage18:46
jbichabut apps I started after deleting the history should show up18:46
m4n1shyes, they should show up18:47
m4n1shyou can try using lp:zeitgeist-explorer18:47
m4n1shand check if application launches are being logged or not18:47
jbichahow hard is it to script adding a folder to the blacklist?18:47
jbichafor instance I don't want the screenshots folder to be showing, cluttering up the Dash search results18:48
m4n1shyes, just open Privacy18:48
m4n1shand add that folder18:48
m4n1shas filter18:48
jbichasome settings, I can just use gsettings set in the script, but you're not using gsettings, are you?18:48
m4n1shno. no gsettings18:49
m4n1sheverthing is stored in a sqlite database18:49
m4n1shgsettings can't store such complex data objects18:49
m4n1shor if it can do, its too much of work18:49
jbichaa list of blacklisted folders can be stored in gsettings18:49
jbichaI'll just add it to the list of thing to be done manually after creating a new account then, thanks18:50
m4n1shyes, but that is not how it is stored18:50
m4n1shits lot more complex18:50
m4n1shyou can have incredible control over the blacklist18:50
m4n1shusing the blacklist api, you can control that you want to blacklist filter of type avi in a folder18:50
jbichaI also had a problem yesterday where the Privacy panel with Unity 5.10 wouldn't delete the history but unfortunately I didn't save the terminal output18:51
jbichafortunately it's working today18:51
m4n1shor you can even specify to block all logging of videos of type avi in a specific folder only if it is opened by a specific player18:51
m4n1shyes. I think the problem is even more18:51
m4n1shthe history is deleted18:51
m4n1shbut the fts index is not18:51
m4n1shI think that might be the problem18:51
m4n1shby now the index would have rebuilt itself18:52
jbichathe fts index takes a while then on a full home directory?18:52
m4n1shno. the fts index is built using event history18:53
m4n1shwhatever is logged18:53
m4n1shit does not deal with files18:53
m4n1shthe fts search is over usage history  and *not* over HOME18:53
m4n1shwe don't do crawling using inotify18:53
m4n1shor any such method18:53
m4n1shjbicha: anything else?18:55
jbichaok, so I'm back with Unity 5.10 from the testing PPA, I deleted the history & starting new apps doesn't show in Recent Apps18:58
jbichado I have to wait a certain amount of time or what do you think isn't working right?18:59
htorquejbicha: were the apps you started on your launcher? it seems to not show up then.19:17
jbichawell the apps sometimes show up and sometimes don't, here's my WIP script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/91936719:24
jbichaof course that script is trying to open up certain files to fill up the recent files section too19:25
jbichamaybe my script needs more pausing at the right times19:26
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Laneyjbicha: yo, have you seen bug #975686?20:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 975686 in ubuntu-wallpapers "package ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/backgrounds/Bay.jpg', which is also in package ubuntu-wallpapers-extra 0.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97568620:10
* Laney dupes it to a better one20:11
jbichaLaney: wow, I didn't know that package existed20:22
Laneyme neither20:22
LaneyI just got hit by "lost my old wallpaper" and installed ubuntu-wallpapers-*, and then this happened :-)20:23
LaneyI'm doing a diff for the transitional package20:23
jbichaLaney: you lost a wallpaper?20:23
LaneyI had an Oneiric one and it was removed when I got the new ubuntu-wallpapers, yes20:24
Laneyit came back when I installed ubuntu-wallpapers-oneiric20:24
jbichathere were enough complaints when that happened for Oneiric that I thought we should fix it for this cycle20:26
LaneyI don't know what you can do other than handle it in the release upgrader though20:26
jbichawell it shouldn't happen again after Precise though20:26
Laneywhat's seeded?20:27
LaneyI think the wallpaper package is marked as automatically installed so apt is happy to remove it20:27
jbichaoh, I guess it needs a bit more work then, apt should get smarter and not remove ubuntu-wallpapers*20:28
Laneyyou have to get it marked as manually installed20:29
jbichaLaney: how do we do that?20:32
Laneynot sure, perhaps it can be handled in u-m20:34
jbichaLaney: ok I added that note to bug 86350920:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 863509 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Upgrading Ubuntu to new version deletes previous wallpapers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86350920:40
Laneyyou probably want to talk to mvo about how to implement it20:40
maxbsemi relevant aside: I have a removal request for ubuntu-wallpapers-extra pending sponsorship20:43
Laneyyep, thanks for that. I'm just providing the transitional package so that people who previously had that -extra get moved over to -karmic20:44
james_wLaney, jbicha: If ubuntu-wallpapers is moved to the metapackages section then I think the depended-on packages won't be removed22:50
Laneyyeah? That would be good :-)22:51
james_wthat's the behaviour for ubuntu-desktop et. al. at least22:51
james_wso that if it gets removed you don't lose all of the packages on your system22:52
james_wI'm not sure what I can cite as evidence though, except for having a vague recollection of mvo stating this at some point22:52
LaneyI just experimentally verified this behaviour22:53
Laneynot for disappearing packages though22:57
Laneyjames_w: ah, it's Never-MarkAuto-Sections22:59
james_wah, not entirely helpful then22:59
Laneyno no, it /is/ helpful22:59
Laney"// consider dependencies of packages in this section manual"22:59
Laneysee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove23:01
Laneyjbicha: I just pushed ^ to my branch23:10
Laneyit's too late for oneiric, unless you (a) add some kind of hint to the release upgrader if possible or (b) SRU the wallpapers to implement the split with an ubuntu-wallpapers-oneiric package only23:11
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jbichaLaney: I'd rather go with option A23:48
Laneyyou should speak to mvo and see how possible it is :-)23:54

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