
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest92794
=== Kereltis is now known as Che
=== Che is now known as Guest95652
=== Guest95652 is now known as kereltis
c7phello all :)16:56
KereltisHi guys :-)16:56
hanniehey c7p_17:01
hannieThis was the meeting hour, am I right?17:02
Kereltishey hannie17:02
hanniehi Kereltis17:02
hannieI will have a look at the agenda17:03
c7p_who many of you are here for the meeting17:04
hannieKereltis, do you have another nick?17:05
hannieah, that explains it17:05
KereltisI nearly always use kereltis though17:05
hannieGuevarra is your uncle ;)17:06
hanniec7p_, we won 't get more people I'm afraid17:06
c7p_ye maybe17:06
c7p_what should we do ? we are only 4 people17:07
hannielet's follow the agenda. Others can read the minutes later17:07
hannieYou can begin with #startmeeting17:08
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Apr  7 17:09:24 2012 UTC.  The chair is c7p_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:09
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:09
c7p_#topic Current project openings  http://tinyurl.com/crslb7w17:09
c7p_i think we should start with this topic17:10
hannieright, I have opened the spreadsheet17:11
c7p_you can see current openings17:11
c7p_till now we got fair feedback from oneiric authors17:11
c7p_but still there are some authors that haven't asked our mails17:12
c7p_how long do you think will we have to wait for their response ?17:12
hanniedo Kereltis and herat have any comment to add (as they are authors)17:12
Kereltislooks like we are about half way there17:13
hanniec7p_, I think we need to address each author of Oneiric individually17:13
KereltisYeah, maybe send them another mail17:13
c7p_i have sent email to every single author17:13
hannieAh, you have already. Then maybe a reminder?17:14
c7p_maybe a missed someone, i'll resent them a mail17:14
heratI have a suggestion: we can use omgubuntu to attract more people to this project as omgubuntu has quite a lot of readers. And many of them will help in writing.17:14
Kereltisgood idea17:15
c7p_ye good idea17:15
c7p_generally we send mails to blogs,  including omg and use social media when we need new authors, editors17:16
c7p_the issue now is how long we'll have to wait for the response of the authors17:16
hannieI would say one more week17:17
hannieAnd then we can start asking for authors17:17
Kereltisand try for a post on omgubuntu and maybe iheartubuntu17:18
c7p_so i'll resent the mail to authors17:19
c7p_and then we'll wait one week17:19
hanniec7p_, perhaps you can ask them if they would be so kind as to answer before next week17:20
hannieend of next wee17:20
c7p_#action <c7p will contact oneiric authors to see if they want to maintain their section. Waiting time up to one week..>17:21
meetingologyACTION: <c7p will contact oneiric authors to see if they want to maintain their section. Waiting time up to one week..>17:21
c7p_is there anything else you want to discuss on this topic ?17:22
Kereltisno, that about covers it i think17:22
c7p_now what topic goes next ?17:23
hannieWho will be in charge of index and glossary ?17:23
c7p_i think we can't set deadlines, there are only 3 authors here17:24
hannietoo early for that17:24
c7p_#topic <Who will be in charge of index and glossary ?>17:24
hanniesame goes for index/glossary. This is something that needs to be done at the end of the project17:24
Kereltisyes, we'll need to wait for more  people17:25
heratKereltis:  agreed17:25
hannie    Complimentary content on the website, such as videos?17:25
c7p_i think this needs a person devoted to the index and glossary from the start17:26
c7p_we haven't set a person to do this job during oneiric series17:26
hannieDo you want to ask who wants to take care of index/glossary via the mailinglist?17:26
c7p_and generally index and glossary was kinda out of date17:27
hanniec7p_, I can do this if you like17:27
c7p_ok do it17:27
hannie    Complimentary content on the website, such as videos?17:28
c7p_#action <hannie will send a mail to the list in order to find out who is willing to maintain glossary and index>17:28
meetingologyACTION: <hannie will send a mail to the list in order to find out who is willing to maintain glossary and index>17:28
hannieDoes this come from you, c7p_17:28
hannieI think it as no priority17:29
c7p_yap we need someone to present it17:29
hannieso, posponed?17:29
c7p_i think so17:30
c7p_is there anything else you want to discuss ?17:30
hannienext point on the agenda17:30
hannieFind new authors/editors/editor-in-chief/developers17:30
hannieWe have talked about new authors. The same goes for editors, editor in chief and developers?17:31
c7p_#topic <Find new authors/editors/editor-in-chief/developers>17:31
Kereltisyes, give it a week17:31
hannieTry to find people through social media as from next week?17:31
c7p_i haven contacted only authors17:32
Kereltisyes, we start posting it everywhere17:32
hannieok, by next week I suggest we start looking for the whole lot17:32
c7p_i think Kevin is interested for the Editor in Chief position17:32
hannieoh, that is good news17:33
c7p_regarding developers we can't though an anounceent17:33
c7p_first we have to see what the needs are17:33
c7p_what's our plans for the website17:34
c7p_as it was said on a previous meeting17:34
c7p_this issue is a whole meeting on its own :P17:34
hannieWho is going to decide what is needed17:34
hannieWe might discuss about it on the mailing list17:35
c7p_ye of course17:35
c7p_and also we have to arrange a meeting only for this purpose17:35
c7p_ok anything else ?17:36
hannieDefine tasks authors/editors17:36
c7p_who wrote this ?17:37
c7p_hannie ?17:39
Kereltisno idea, we can't really define tasks until we have more people17:39
hannieI did.17:39
Kereltisthen we can assign editors to authors17:39
hannieLast week we decided authors are responsible for their chapter, screenshots included17:39
hannieI do not know if authors agree about this17:40
hannieKereltis, we can start discussing this with you and herat17:40
hannieI see that you have no objections to the plan17:40
heratme neither17:41
hannieWe can ask others if they agree via the list17:41
c7p_any other topics of discussion ?17:42
hannieNext meeting when?17:42
Kereltisa week from now?17:43
c7p_i don't know17:43
hanniec7p_, perhaps we need 2 weeks from now to give people some time17:43
c7p_i think it's better in 2 weeks17:43
c7p_in the meanwhile we can discuss though the list17:44
hanniec7p_, will you arrange the agenda and doodle?17:44
c7p_for the next meeting ?17:44
c7p_i'll do it yes17:44
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Apr  7 17:45:33 2012 UTC.17:45
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-manual/2012/ubuntu-manual.2012-04-07-17.09.moin.txt17:45
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-manual/2012/ubuntu-manual.2012-04-07-17.09.html17:45
c7p_thank you guys for coming17:45
heratI have a question:  fedora project has : http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/index.html17:45
heratand ubuntu also has : http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/index.html17:45
heratCan't we use content of this project on ubuntu's doc website?17:45
Kereltisthanks guys17:46
hannieherat, the ubuntu docs already exists in Oneiric17:46
hanniethanks for coming, Kereltis17:46
c7p_hannie can you send the meeting minutes to the list ?17:47
hannieYes, I will do that17:47
herathannie: oh my bad didn't see it.17:47
hannieherat, about the docs: they are not meant for beginners like our manual is17:47
hannieof course you can also look into them as a beginner17:48
c7p_btw guys, you can start gathering content from now17:48
herathannie: ok got the point. c7p_: That's a good idea.17:48
c7p_i think precise is quite stable now17:48
hanniec7p_, that is a good remark. I for one will do that17:48
Kereltisyep, i'm running 12.0417:49
hannieKereltis, do you see much difference?17:49
ajmontagHey guys, so I just volunteered to author/edit, I was wondering what the expectations are at this time for me, or am I just waiting for an assignment?17:49
c7p_oh great17:49
hanniehello ajmontag17:49
hannieI'll give you a link:17:49
Kereltishi ajmontag17:50
c7p_ajmontag: what you can do is to follow our list and the meetings17:50
KereltisHannie, not really, a few little things like the video lense17:50
c7p_we'll announce the openings in a week from now17:50
c7p_so you'll be able to choose the section/chapter that you like17:51
ajmontagsounds good, just wanted to keep up to par. Thanks!17:51
hannieKereltis, I think the step from Oneiric to Precise is not as big as from Natty to Oneiric17:51
Kereltisnope, but it is way faster on boot time17:51
c7p_@herat, Kereltis ajmontag: in this period you can play around with latex17:53
meetingologyc7p_: Error: "herat," is not a valid command.17:53
manualbotc7p_: Error: "herat," is not a valid command.17:53
c7p_herat, Kereltis ajmontag: in this period you can play around with latex17:53
hannieand gather material, of course17:54
c7p_ Style Guide: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/style-guide.pdf17:54
c7p_kevin wrote this guide17:54
hanniethe information about screenshots will be updated17:54
c7p_ajmontag: if you find latex too complicated you can submit your work in libreoffice document17:55
c7p_herat, Kereltis ajmontag: if you have any question post it to the list17:56
ajmontagI need to start using latex anyway :P17:56
heratc7p_:  ok17:57
Kereltissame here17:57
c7p_guys i got to go17:58
c7p_thanks for coming17:58
Kereltissame here, thanks all17:58
c7p_if you want anything post a mail to the list :)17:58
Kereltissee you at the next meeting17:59
c7p_cheers !17:59
ajmontagthanks, bye17:59
heratthanks bye guys.17:59
hanniebye herat Thanks for coming17:59
=== Guest92794 is now known as benonsoftware

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