
jribwow pastebin gets full of spam...00:50
ikoniaanother resource abused by idiots00:51
jribfake passports and porn links...00:51
jriband tons of boot info script output00:52
jriboh and an fbi backdoor, how neat00:53
Jordan_Ujrib: Where are you seeing this?00:54
jribJordan_U: i'm just decrementing the url :)00:54
jribctrl-x ctrl-x ctrl-x00:54
jribthis boot-repair script kind of ruins the fun of it though00:55
Jordan_UIs there any benefit to these spammers other than views from crazy URL decrementing jrib's?00:59
lenovofunda indealver no fault...no.  endeavor light quanta rounds justs superhighhand eda02:16
lenovolog no circular no02:17
lenovofunda33i i3doci6doci9 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 all enclosed i pas02:20
lenovoi loaf i Endeavori302:34
lenovooff sas02:34
bazhanglenovo, hi02:35
lenovochannelA2i0 and follows i off bye to yours02:35
bazhangthat almost made sense02:36
lenovo1038 I dog off02:37
lenovoShuttle337,23496,1436 all paid already To:02:39
bazhanglenovo, hi02:39
lenovoi A-Log=Draw02:40
bazhanglenovo, care to discuss your ban in #kubuntu ?02:40
bazhanglenovo, for Chinese, go to #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw02:40
lenovobye no dog02:40
bazhangperhaps some #kubuntu op could change this to a straight ban; he seems disinterested in discussing ban removal02:41
ubottuLogan_ called the ops in #ubuntu (ILFROCIOINFORMAT)02:45
lenovodone deal thank you sir i still A-Log=Draw bye the same02:45
lenovobye sensen02:52
lenovobye poku theirs02:54
bazhangTm_T, Mamarok ^^ care to change lenovo to a simple ban instead of ban forward to here02:55
lenovoO2O9O3O7 mou ching'02:56
bazhang!cn > lenovo02:56
ubottulenovo, please see my private message02:56
lenovobye log light quantum the same02:56
lenovotracer is light quanta'ed the same function iss offport logoff bye beckto03:00
lenovogood wills03:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:00
lenovoreport233 3319~i 3ii7draga 2336iss letgo237 ofPort236 wireless439 outerspace yui~03:05
lenovo23396 232 278 non of03:13
lenovobye log joined03:14
lenovocode endeavor 33678 1439 2 beck windle273 1 sene03:18
lenovoAus833'143967"1431Report2II23143_2_13outerspace bye teco23603:31
lenovodouble imarge functions report to iss's beck03:37
lenovoteco 83319341 231 234site`peco';,.......03:46
lenovo88316dense not2 exact good luck. sorry bye platform,no argue .logoff03:50
lenovodouble image` is the earth nasa,bylog i off logoff03:52
Guest95863hello there15:37
Guest95863i cant type messages in #ubuntu......15:38
Guest95863#freenode guys say its 'cause ive webchat15:38
Guest95863Ive also got Empathy.....but dont know how to get IRC in it15:39
ikoniaI don't believe it is, but one moment15:39
Guest95863can someone guide...:)15:39
ikoniaone moment please.15:40
ikoniaGuest70227 could you please "/part" ubuntu15:40
ikoniaGuest95863: could you please "/part" ubuntu15:40
pangolinthis is why I gave up15:41
pangolincan't follow simple instructions15:41
ikoniaooh, have you tried before ?15:41
pangolinstarted in #freenode but the choir there seemed to know better15:41
Guest95863that command quit my window...:(15:42
pangolin/part #ubuntu15:42
ikoniaGuest95863: you typed it in the wrong window15:42
ikoniaGuest95863: what sort of connection are you on, a home connection ?15:42
Guest95863aaaaa......actually i'm not an IRC guy15:43
Guest95863so dont know yet wat to type where15:43
ikoniaGuest95863: that's fine, don't worry, we should be able to srt this15:43
ikoniaGuest95863: are you on a home connection ?15:43
Guest95863so now wat to type and where...?15:43
Guest95863yeah DSL15:43
ikoniaGuest95863: there is currently another user using your connection in #ubuntu15:44
ikoniausing the nickname AN15:44
Guest95863thats was me......but somehow that nick was changed to wat i currently have15:44
ikoniaok, I'm going to remove it from the channel to keep this simple15:44
Guest95863AN ......is what i use to give feedback on ubuntu software center ......u know15:45
ikoniaGuest95863: could you please select a nickname "/nick your-nickname" so it's easy to follow15:45
Guest95863"/nick AN"15:46
Guest95863i'm typing "/nick AN" without commas but nothing changes15:47
ikoniaGuest95863: can you please rejoin #ubuntu and try to talk15:48
Guest95863is it like "/join #ubuntu"......?15:48
ikonia /join #ubuntu15:49
Guest95863ok......lemme try15:49
pangolinthere you go. working15:49
Guest95863wat was the issue15:50
ikoniathe web chat client15:50
Guest95863but i'm still using webchat client15:50
ikoniaand we've just fixed it15:50
Guest95863so in the future it will again create problem....?15:51
ikoniashouldn't no15:51
pangolinit shouldn't15:51
Guest95863now if i want to have Empathy help to use IRC.....shld i switch to ubuntu channel...?15:51
ikoniaI'm sorry, pardon ?15:52
Guest95863yeah...me too.......didn't understand wat i typed15:52
Guest95863i mean15:52
Guest95863if i want to use IRC using Empathy....how can i do it...?15:52
Guest95863will u guiys help....or some other channel15:53
ikoniaconnect to freenode, then join #ubuntu15:53
pangolinGuest95863, best suggestion is to install xchat from the software centre and use that for irc15:53
Guest95863yeap ive read it on Ubbuntu site...................15:54
Guest95863but i dont want to have multiple chat clients15:54
Guest95863besides that i want to use Empathy............just to avoid problem that i just encountered15:55
pangolinthink of a dedicated irc client as a tool and not a "chat" client15:55
pangolinanyway, #ubuntu is the support channel and if there is a better channel for your query someone there will direct you to the right place.15:56
Guest95863just figured out how to use Empathy .......for IRC15:57
Guest95863lemme chk15:57
pangolinsuper, now that your issue is resolved we would appreciate if you not idle in this channel.15:57
Guest95863can i use nick "AN" to connect right now using Empathy15:58
Guest95863and then i'll close webchat client15:58
pangolintry it15:59
Guest95863it logged in.....but i couldn't identify in 30 sec.....:(16:01
Guest95863how to do it...16:01
Guest95863sry.........but i said....i'm not familiar with IRC comnds16:02
pangolinchange your nick to the one you want and retype the identify command16:02
pangolinthis FAQ may be useful https://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ16:04
Guest95863i think i'm in16:05
Guest29656but my name is not being shown16:06
Guest29656although it show "AN on freenode"16:06
Guest29656why nick change command is not working....?16:18
ikoniaGuest29656: ask #freenode - they control webchat16:18
Guest29656i'm on Empathy now16:18
Unit193Because the nick is either someone elses, or you haven't logged in.16:19
Guest29656that is my nick........and i'm logged in.......:(16:20
ikoniayou can't be....16:21
ikoniayou are not "AN" so you can't be logged in as AN16:21
Guest29656:).........i'm AN............16:21
Guest29656and ive loggen in Empathy using that nick16:21
Guest29656and passwd16:22
ikonianot on freenode you've not16:23
ikoniaAN is not a valid nickname16:24
ikonia17:24 -!- Nick AN is temporarily unavailable16:25
ikoniaask freenode why it's unavailable16:25
ikoniaGuest29656: as you don't need any more help from us in this channel, can you please /part #ubuntu-ops16:29
Guest29656ok ..........thnx for the help16:35
bekkswould someone please stop use_113 from cursing all around in #ubuntu?20:48
bekksThanks in advance :)20:48
bekkshi Fuchs20:49
ubottuwylde called the ops in #ubuntu (user_113)20:50
Fuchsany of the ops awake? regarding a possible issue in #ubuntu20:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from user_113)20:55
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (user_113)20:55
Fuchsright, I quieted him in the meantime20:55
Fuchssince he neither reacted on bot calls nor anything else20:56
bekksthank you :)20:56
Fuchsand it seems that what he wrote was cursing only20:56
bekksYes, it was cursing only.20:56
* Fuchs pokes elky with a pointy stick20:57
FuchsPricey:  +q *!*@dnm.   << this21:02
FuchsPricey: several reports from multiple users, and FloodBot also kicked in. Due to no reactions after quite a while and him continueing I quieted.21:02
PriceyFuchs: ack21:04
FuchsI leave that to you guys and gals then :)21:04
kevinisexploiterhey y am i still banned from #ubuntu23:58
kevinisexploiterits been like a month23:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:58

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