
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest92794
andrejzhi kelemengabor, do you know what is the status of nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu. From my limited testing it seems nightmonkey's database of strings is not up to date07:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899895 in nightmonkey "nightmonkey doesnt show results for oneiric or precise" [High,Fix released]07:25
andrejzthx trijntje07:27
kelemengaborandrejz: right, it is out of work unfortunately07:27
andrejzwhat about the usage? are ddtp translations now used (because i know they weren't at some point)07:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504821 in Launchpad itself "poimport (export)_uses a single long transaction, gets reaped" [Critical,Triaged]07:31
kelemengaborthis is the underlying bug07:31
kelemengaborso the bzr export does not work, which would be used by nightmonkey07:31
andrejzbut this is only true for universe or all packages?07:33
kelemengaborand I'm afraid that it is used for the actual translation files generation, but I have not checked07:34
andrejzdo you happen to know what is the status of gnoem documents translations ? https://translations.launchpad.net/teliute/gnome3.407:37
andrejzdoes this gnome docs get included in ubuntu?07:37
kelemengaborthis? certainly not. what is this teliute project?07:39
andrejzi don't know07:40
kelemengaborgnome-user-docs is packaged verbatim, as it comes from upstream07:40
andrejzthat's why i am asking. I was browsing through which project i should suggest to a new translator and found it by chance07:40
kelemengaborand we know the story of ubuntu-docs, and there is nothing else I know of07:41
andrejzok thanks07:41
andrejzkelemengabor seems like export is working07:42
andrejzit seems like universe.po files are being exported regularly07:44
kelemengaborandrejz: have you translated something in precise main since mid-march?07:45
andrejzno, not really07:46
andrejzi am planning to start and am wondering if it makes any sense07:46
trijntjekelemengabor: is the developer of nightmonkey aware that a problem in launchpad is causing bug 899895?07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899895 in nightmonkey "nightmonkey doesnt show results for oneiric or precise" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89989507:48
kelemengaborhm, may be that is works again... some time ago it had not exported anything aside from a few po files per day when there was more changed07:48
kelemengaboroh, yeah: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/ddtp-ubuntu/ddtp-precise/revision/24 looks like it started to work at this revision :)07:50
andrejzcool, now we just need to stop getting timeouts when using nightmonkey and we might be going somewhere :)07:50
kelemengabortrijntje: no, I don't think so. but I'll ping him07:51
andrejznote timeouts acutally occur on launchpad site07:51
trijntjekelemengabor: thanks! I'd do it myself but I dont understand the problem ;)07:55
icerootwhen i translate directly in launchpad, no review is needed (member of translation group) when i upload a po-file a review is needed. is that a bug?08:11
yurchoriceroot: Just wait for some hours. It will be reviewed and imported automatically. ;)08:12
icerootah, automated, ok :)08:14
icerootno the next question, not all items on lxkeymap are shown in the LP-template (e.g. the menu-headers) what is the correct way to report that? a LP bug? an upstream-bug?08:14
icerootor is there another method?08:14
yurchorThe menu headers can be from Gtk.08:15
icerootbut its strange that "help" is not translated then, guess its a common item which should be handled y gtk then08:16
yurchorIf they were translated elsewhere (check LC_MESSAGES), then you have to report the bug.08:16
yurchorDownload the source and inspect it.08:16
icerootyurchor: the lxkeymap source?08:17
icerootor the gtk-source?08:17
yurchorSurely lxkeymap source.08:17
iceroot:) ok, i will have a look08:17
iceroot#: ../data/ui/LxkeymapWindow.ui.h:808:18
icerootmsgid "_Help"08:18
icerootmsgstr ""08:18
iceroothm, is _Help the menu-item?08:18
icerootwhich is shwon as "Help"08:19
yurchor_ is an accelerator.08:19
yurchoror keyboard shortcut hint if you wish.08:20
icerootah great, then everything is fine and its in the template. thank you for the info08:20
icerootok my translation if complete then. after it was imported into trunk/branche will it automaticly hit the current stable after some time? or the unstable (12.04? or "just 12.10?08:26
yurchorThis project series is sharing translations with lxkeymap in Ubuntu Precise.08:26
yurchorSo 12.04 only.08:27
icerootstill when 12.04 is released and something is added? or then only 12.10?08:28
andrejzyes, but if it's sharing temlate with precise, precise is sharing it with all future versions in ubuntu08:28
andrejzso it will be used for 12.10 too due to message sharing08:28
icerootsorry for all the questions but https://translations.launchpad.net/hardinfo  can you give me a hint there?08:30
yurchoriceroot: hardinfo is not designed for translation. Please report bug against it on the project bug tracker.08:32
yurchorThere is no translation markup in the code.08:33
iceroothttp://wiki.hardinfo.org/BugReports :) 40408:33
icerooti will search the bug-tracker and open the bug there, thanks for the info08:33
yurchoriceroot: http://bugs.hardinfo.org/08:34
yurchorPlease register first. Only the registered users can report bugs08:34
icerooti will do so, i will open 2 LP bugs (urls in the menu wrong, translation not possile) and link them to the two upstream-bugs i will create08:35
icerootand the next one09:03
icerootwhat does that mean? that the complete package is not managed with launchpad?09:04
icerootah ok, apt-get source lxinput is telling me that it is managed with git and not LP09:05
icerootis the .desktop-file ALWAYS translated directly in the desktop-file? or is it normally done with a po-file too? all i cases i found are directly in the desktop-file. so a (debdiff) patch is needed?09:21
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-installer/+bug/975814  hope this is the correct way, next step would e a debdiff09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975814 in ubuntuone-installer (Ubuntu) "tooltips for the ubuntuone menu-entry (ubuntuone-installer) are not translated" [Undecided,New]09:25
gotwigkelemengabor: jo :-)10:09
kelemengaborhi gotwig10:10
gotwigkelemengabor: may I PM you?10:11
kelemengaboris there something secret? :)10:12
gotwigkelemengabor: oh yes10:23
jonohey all20:49
jonowould anyone be interested in helping with Ubuntu Accomplishments translations20:50
jonomore info at http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/07/translation-help-needed-how-to-translate-ubuntu-accomplishments/20:50
=== Guest92794 is now known as benonsoftware

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