[00:35] Huh... compiz process memory usage is increasing about 0,1MiB every three seconds. [02:08] i need some help in fixing a papercut bug. anyone ? [06:08] rAg3-nix: start by sharing the bug number === yofel_ is now known as yofel === apw is now known as apw_ === apw_ is now known as cafetiere === cafetiere is now known as apw === rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti [21:52] testing unity 5.10 on 12.04, how to restart unity? [21:53] (I've tried "unity --replace" and "unity" in the alt-f2 menu [21:54] folf: have you tried it from a terminal? i usually run "(unity &)" and then close the terminal. [21:56] htorque: seems to work ;-), thanks