
ricotzMCR, i havent updated all my systems yet, but here on nvidia blob it runs fine11:15
ricotzMCR, you can follow that to get a trace of your problem https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing#Backtrace_with_gdb11:15
ricotzSarvatt, hi, xedgers server 1.12.1rc1 problem on intel ^11:16
MCRThx a lot for your help.11:17
* ricotz hopes it isnt a screwed up patch11:18
ricotzjcristau, hi13:30
ricotzjcristau, maybe you could take a look at this if you are around http://paste.debian.net/162432/13:31
ricotzSarvatt, MCR, i uploaded a new xserver with a patch which fixed the problem on my intel box13:35
jcristaulooks like a driver bug to me13:36
ricotzjcristau, yeah, but you see the workaround in the first place13:37
jcristaui'm not sure what you want me to do about this13:37
ricotzwhich actually needs to be done in the second place too imo13:37
ricotzjcristau, i am kind of considering you upstream ;)13:38
ricotzbut i also wanted an opinion about it13:38
ricotzjcristau, this doesnt happen with an older xserver 1.12 checkout though13:39
jcristauhow about http://paste.debian.net/162433/ instead?13:40
ricotz(all other things are the same)13:40
ricotzyeah adding the comment makes the problem more clear13:41
ricotznot sure about removing the first try though13:41
ricotzbut i guess it should be the same screen in both cases13:41
ricotzjcristau, would be great if you can get this upstream13:44
jcristaui won't13:44
jcristauif you want it upstream you can test it and send it to xorg-devel13:45
ricotzi see13:46
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MCRricotz: 8-) thx a lot. will try soonish and report here then. :)14:43
MCRricotz: I hoped to get back from bleeding edge to cutting edge, but there is no update to find in your PPA yet ? Or is it my fault ?14:50
MCRricotz: Oh, I can see the upload on launchpad though: http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,4540.msg36732.html#msg3673214:51
MCRsry wrong link: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=precise14:52
MCRricotz: Finally it updated. Seems although I was aborting ppa-purge it still removed the xorg-edgers ppa, but without downgrading the packages. So I had to add it again.15:13
MCRricotz: There is still a small unreported problem with the xorg-edgers PPA: If you add it the file contains 3 lines, but the 3rd line consists just of "ain", which then throws an error ofc.15:14
MCRricotz: The PPA user has to manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xorg-edgers-ppa-precise-list and remove the 3rd line to make it work. This bug happened on Precise repeatedly, maybe it could be fixed also... (but not a big problem for me, just FYI)15:17
* MCR is rebooting 12.04 now15:17
* MCR is happy to confirm the xorg-edgers PPA is working again15:19
MCRricotz: Thx a lot for not making me debug X ;)15:19
ricotzMCR, ncie to hear it worked, so it seems you got the same problem i found15:32
ricotzMCR, your screwed up source.list.d is probably caused by using ppa-purge/add-apt-repo somehow15:32
ricotzthe ppa itself isnt responsible for that15:33
MCRricotz: Are you sure that not the PPA is causing it ? I had this "ain" problem 3rd line several times...16:03
MCRricotz: That is why I reported it.16:03
MCRricotz: Good to know that you have some Intel gfx machine, too...16:19
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horstledoes anybody know why glxinfo doesnt show the version of the driver under oneiric?20:20
SarvattRAOF: hmm nvidia-textire-tools is in the archive now, looks like a green light for libtxc-dxtn0 to me :)20:52
Sarvattand in debian, surprised it was allowed20:54
Sarvattthen again --enable-texture-float in mesa is way riskier than s3tc support since that patent is actively enforced21:05
Sarvattwow xbmc uploaded to ubuntu directly too, crazy21:13
Sarvattcrazy awesome that is, i just have nightmares about actually looking at the packaging in the ppa version a few years ago21:15
bjsniderSarvatt, what do you think about this: http://pastebin.com/RH7kG2Wf21:33
bjsniderit looks like nouveau loads, but vesa does too and takes over21:33
Sarvattbjsnider: nouveau doesn't work without kms21:35
Sarvattyou've got nomodeset there21:35
bjsnideri see21:36
bjsniderthis guy says nomodeset is what allows it to boot21:37

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