
LirthI was having trouble with using my headset (Razer Megalodon) in 7.1 mode. It will only work for 5.1 in the settings and I can't even find the 7.1 option. Any idea how I'd fix that? I've tried two things already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1591152 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure00:00
ubuntosmyhero: there is no router it is an adhoc wifi network created from a windows machine00:00
myheroyea...i missed the part....then there is something else coz windows drivers hve no issues with broadcom....00:02
myheron or ad-hoc its got nothing to do with router00:02
myheromayb look at the other machine...00:02
=== Kabiigon is now known as Guest52281
d3vhi, i have a question about irc i using x chat and i want to save my channels when i turn off my pc, its possible? or if not which program should i use?00:03
myheroyea how to save irc chat...00:03
Guest52281i have chameleon as my boot loader00:04
d3vnow i restart pc, and must open all channels that i need, its boring ;/00:04
=== Guest61715 is now known as Dorito
ubuntosmyhero: I have windows and ubuntu in that machine : when sharing from ubuntu evry thing is ok but it is not the case when sharing from windows : it is like aany windows machine could join that network but ubuntu can't00:05
ubuntosmy wifi card : Atheros AR9285 Wireless00:05
myheroso 1stly are u able to join the network or not ?00:06
ubuntosmyhero, I can join any Linux adhoc00:07
Guest52281here is my delema i need to install grub on my ubunutu partition without overriding my chameleon00:07
myherobut not windows ?00:07
myheroare u able to send files in ubuntu ?00:08
=== Guest52281 is now known as Kab
TERRONEDOCbhe merdaccia NON MI OWNI?00:08
ubuntosyes I can00:08
myheromeans ur card n network with the other machine is all fine....no hardare problems...!!!!00:09
myherotry uninstall then reinstalling network drivers in windows...1st nsimplest way00:09
Kabubuntos, whats your problem00:09
ikoniaubuntos: please ignore myhero's suggestion00:09
TERRONEDOCto la merda vede che mi collego qui che lo insulto e si sta zitto nascosto dietro il computer TRONFIO che puo permettersi di rompere il cazzo dietro uno schermo00:10
myheroask ikonia only...n no one else...00:10
ikonia!fr | TERRONEDOC00:10
ubottuTERRONEDOC: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:10
rbrooks_how do i install a deb00:10
ikoniaubuntos: you can ask who you want, but myhero's suggestion is pointless and random00:10
ikoniarbrooks_: what are you trying to install ?00:10
Kabubuntos, whats your problem00:10
beastyrbrooks_: dpkg -i <.deb file>00:10
ubuntosabsolutely no problem the only problem is with widows adhoc networks00:11
rbrooks_i have a deb file it isnt in repo00:11
myheroits not random nor pointless...but ikonia u r pointless person00:11
ikoniarbrooks_: which one ?00:11
ubuntosI can t join any windows created adhoc00:11
rbrooks_hmm ok yeah right thank you folks00:11
crfI have problems with entangle (tethered photography). The program starts but freezes. Ubuntu 11.10. I tried package version and building it from source. Is anyone here running the software?00:11
ikoniamyhero: it is random and pointless, you have nothing to suggest the windows network driver is not working, quite the opposite as the windows network is working00:11
Kabubuntos, thats a windows problem00:11
generalanyone know where to find current drivers for broadcom 4311 wirelesss00:12
TERRONEDOCma guarda sto coglione che se ne sta nascosto00:12
myheroikonia 1st read he is saying ubuntu is working ine n he is having problems in windows00:12
Kabgeneral, what laptop00:12
ikoniamyhero: no, he's saying he can't join a windows adhoc network, that doesn't mean windows isn't working00:12
dlentzgeneral, what version of ubuntu?00:12
ikonia!es | TERRONEDOC00:12
ubottuTERRONEDOC: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:12
generaldell ppo4x00:13
ubuntosI belive not because windows machine can join windows created adhoc but ubuntu cant00:13
ubuntosor at list my ubuntu00:13
TERRONEDOCcoglione tanto lo so che sei qui non fai paura a nessuno sei una merdaccia umana del cazzo WINDOWS ME vero?00:14
ikonia!it | TERRONEDOC00:14
ubottuTERRONEDOC: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:14
LirthI was having trouble with using my headset (Razer Megalodon) in 7.1 mode. It will only work for 5.1 in the settings and I can't even find the 7.1 option. Any idea how I'd fix that? I've tried two things already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1591152 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure00:14
ubuntosok her is my problem : I can't join any windows created adhoc network00:15
ubuntosmy ubuntu cant00:15
generalalso bcm4318  for an old compaq m200000:15
legs139HI all00:16
dlentzgeneral, what version of ubuntu?00:16
Kabgeneral, google bcm firmware cutter00:16
monadisthey guys... is there anyway to retreive the command log, which exists inside a virtual machine? I had a windows ubuntu partition. Windows is not booting up for some reason, but I can access all windows files from ubuntu and back them up. However, I need to retreive the command history from an ubuntu virtual machine that I used to run in windows... how is that possible if i have access to the windows file system from the ubuntu partition00:16
ubuntosI tried with 10.04, 11.04 and 11.10 with no luck00:17
ikoniamonadist: you'd need to boot the ubuntu virtual machin00:17
monadisti cannot boot it from ubuntu..00:17
ubuntosdlentz:I tried with 10.04, 11.04 and 11.10 with no luck00:17
totesmuhgoatshi friends00:17
ikoniamonadist: then you cannot gain access to the virtual machines file system00:17
monadistikonia, the vm existed within windows00:17
totesmuhgoatsi am following this document00:17
Kabgeneral, bcm43xx-fwcutter00:17
ikoniamonadist: unless you can boot the VM, you won't get access to the history file00:17
totesmuhgoatswondering where the gallery root is in ubuntu oneric00:17
totesmuhgoatsthere is nothing for gallery in /var/www00:18
general4311 is running 11.1000:18
monadistikonia, is there anyway i can install virtualbox and get the vm from the windows partition to run on it... what files should i need to copy00:18
ikoniamonadist: what virtualization where you running in windows00:18
Kabgeneral, uninstall the current driver you have now00:19
monadistvirtualbox, latest version on windows 7. It ran ubuntu 64bit 10.04 lts00:19
ikoniamonadist: boot it in ubuntu virtual box00:19
Kabgeneral, sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter00:19
dlentzKab, that's firmware installer (not driver)00:19
monadistfile system is accessible from 10.04 as well00:19
generalboth are actually00:19
Kabit will work00:19
Kabi have done it on my dell and it works00:20
TERRONEDOCto mo che ha fatto la minkiata giornaliera si sente soddisfatto il FROCIO COGLIONE DI MERDA00:20
monadistikonia, how?00:20
ikoniamonadist: copy the image file from windows to ubuntu, install virtalbox in ubuntu, configure a new vm, point it at the image, boot it00:20
ubuntosI have a problem : I can't join any windows created adhoc wireless network00:21
monadistikonia: ok, what extension does an image file have..00:21
Kabhere is my delema i need to install grub on my ubunutu partition without overriding my chameleon00:21
ikoniamonadist: internet says "vdi"00:21
totesmuhgoatsnevermind, i think i've found it00:21
monadistikonia, thanks. will try it out00:22
=== foo__ is now known as virusuy
Kabhow do install grub frm a live cd w/o writing to the mbr00:27
ikoniaKab: why would you do that00:28
ikoniaKab: it needs to be on the mbr for you to be able to use it00:28
Kabi have chameleon00:28
Kabas my botloader00:28
ikoniathen why do you want grub ?00:28
ikoniathen you should write it to the mbr00:28
Kabchameleon wont recognize the ubunutu partition without grub installed00:29
ikoniaKab: grub has nothing to do with chameleon's ability to see the partition00:29
Kabi know it sounds stupid but its not seeing it00:29
Kabill go chameleon thanks00:30
jribhello, does anyone know if there is a way to include a file into my ~/.Xresources ?00:30
D4rthB4n3so awsome
legs139why is kinux mint at the top at distrowatch ubuntu has been #1 forever?00:30
jrib!ot | legs13900:30
ubottulegs139: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:30
Kabikonia, you keep on getting deopped what happen00:30
D4rthB4n3why did i get kicked00:30
ikoniaKab: I do-op myself00:30
ikoniaD4rthB4n3: for spamming rubbish as you are doing in other channels, don't do it again00:31
D4rthB4n3its no rubbish00:31
D4rthB4n3its funny00:31
Kabikonia, ban him plz00:31
ikoniait's nothing to do with this channel, or the others you are spamming it in, don't do it again00:31
D4rthB4n3okok u just dont understand fun00:32
Monotokohey... need to ask you about something, I have a cron job which runs as root and at the end (should) start VLC, however it won't let me because VLC is saying it can't be run as root00:32
ikoniaMonotoko: there you go then00:32
Monotokois there any way to pass to the user once the root part has been done?00:32
ikoniaMonotoko: su -c sudo -c ?00:33
Monotokoikonia, the cron job itself needs to be run as root, it deals with power management00:33
Monotokoand I might not be at the PC when it does it00:33
ikoniaMonotoko: sudo -c is your friend then00:33
jasoncincils -l00:34
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot
jribfor the googlers who also want to know how to include a file in ~/.Xresources, the answer is: read the RESOURCES section in « man X » to discover the syntax of include lines is (similar to C): # include "FILENAME"00:39
Monotokoikonia, -c is an invalid option, are you sure you weren't thinking of BSD?00:41
ikoniaMonotoko: su -c00:41
ikoniaMonotoko: http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/sudo.man.html sudo -c works fine00:42
ikoniaMonotoko: also look at sudo -s00:43
ikoniaMonotoko: and sudo -u00:43
urbancommandosudo -c works for me00:43
ikoniaMonotoko: any combination of those options should allow you to do what you want as flexible as you want00:43
jribikonia, Monotoko: in 11.10 my sudo does not recognize -c (according to man page), but "su -c COMMAND USER" will do what you need and is what you should do for your use-case imo.  You could if you prefer, do "sudo -u USER COMMAND"00:44
=== Xeneth is now known as Xeneth_CCNA
ikoniajrib: always useful to know, looks like a bug00:45
Monotokojrib, ikonia ... yeah I was scanning my man page thinking something was missing...00:45
Monotokobut il use the others00:45
MonotokoI'm on 12.04 beta 2 as well00:45
Monotokoil file a bug...00:45
jribikonia: well the man page you link to says -c is only available on systems with BSD login classes.  Do you have that option on ubunut?00:46
myherohow to save channel chat o irc like this channecl....00:46
ikoniajrib: versions I've used does,00:46
ikoniamyhero: depends on the client00:46
ikoniamyhero: search for the logging settings in your client00:47
myherom using irssi00:47
jribikonia: strange :?00:47
ikoniamyhero: ok, so search for logging in irrsi00:47
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ikoniajrib: some point it must have changed, I rarly use it00:47
JamesJRHAny Ubuntu pastebin admins here?00:48
ikoniaJamesJRH: just state the problem00:48
itaylor57jrib, ikonia -c works on bsd The -c (class) option causes sudo to run the specified00:48
itaylor57                   command with resources limited by the specified login00:48
itaylor57                   class.00:48
=== Zorro is now known as Guest49041
=== adrian is now known as Guest65099
JamesJRHCan anybody remove pastes? They don't expire do they.00:49
JamesJRHikonia: ^00:49
ikoniaJamesJRH: no idea, I think they do expire00:49
JamesJRHReally? There's no date.00:50
ikoniaJamesJRH: I'm not %100 sure, I think they do though00:50
ActionParsnipquiet tonight huh00:52
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
itaylor57ActionParsnip, quiet before the storem00:52
jribActionParsnip: knock on wood immediately, please.00:54
* itaylor57 knocks on forehead00:54
will3032840Excuse me, can anyone help me, I need to change my flash drive's icon in ubuntu00:55
ActionParsnipwill3032840: right click it -> properties, click the icon and change it00:56
will3032840Thanks :D00:56
=== sadskull is now known as SadSkull
LirthI was having trouble with using my headset (Razer Megalodon) in 7.1 mode. It will only work for 5.1 in the settings and I can't even find the 7.1 option. Any idea how I'd fix that? I've tried two things already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1591152 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure01:00
solexiousAny one know of a working soundboard program for ubunut?01:01
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ActionParsnipsolexious: how do you mean 'soundboard'?01:04
=== Xeneth_CCNA is now known as Xeneth
ActionParsnipsolexious: like a board of buttons to trigger sounds01:05
solexiousActionParsnip: yup01:05
=== decksmasher is now known as hello
LaxWhat are the best ways to deal with "unable to enumerate USB device on port X"?  Ive tried disabling ehci_hcd, but no matter what ubuntu will not enumerate my phone when I connect01:07
ActionParsnipsolexious: found this http://www.soundboard.com/01:08
solexiousActionParsnip: thanks, was hoping for a non web based one, but can only find one that wasn't been dev'd since 2010 and is broken :( thanks though01:09
hellolax it might just be it dont work with usb 2.001:10
Laxhello: I think it does because it connect on windows machines with 2.0, but is there a way I can disable and force it to try 1.1?01:11
hellolax you might have to disable ehci_hcd01:11
Laxhello: I did try that, same result01:11
=== lou_ is now known as louiemat
LaxIs there a difference between ohci_hcd and echi_hcd01:13
z1llawhats ohci_hcd?01:14
z1llaor *_hcd?01:14
hellolax try this cd /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ehci_hcd01:14
helloYou will see a file with 0000:00:xx.x format.01:15
hellosudo sh -c 'echo -n "0000:00:xx.x" > unbind01:15
Laxhello: I did that, and I disabled the echi_hcd and it still wont enumerate01:15
louiematI been useing Ubuntu for closse to six months and I have yet to see  Application,Places, System, could anyone tell me what is wrong- I have installed - Linux Mint and ubuntu12.04 help please I have my hands tiede01:16
UnguidedUbuntu desktop and server are the same thing just with different packages installed?01:16
hellolax this might help http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-redhat-centos-kernel-usb-reset-high-speed-ehci_hcd/01:18
Laxhello: thanks.  Im wondering if its even using echi, the dmesg says its trying to use ochi when I plug it in01:20
hellolouiemat; thats becouse its the gnome gui, the new version o ubuntu dosn't have it any more.01:21
helloyour mint version could be flux or kde01:22
ActionParsniplouiemat: the things in those menus are either in dash or the cog menu in the top right01:23
ActionParsniphello: never seen a 'gnome gui'  I've seen gnome desktop...01:23
helloactionparsnip, i have big fingers!01:24
ActionParsniplouiemat: as for mint, i suggest you ask in the mint channels01:25
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=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
notminehi,everyone ,01:32
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notminewhich port is the pop of gmail with tls? sorry ,my english is bad.01:34
moesnotmine, I use 995 with pop01:35
notminemoes: ssl?01:35
hellonotmine.   port 995  but i might be wrong.01:36
mkultra_damn looks like i gotta go to lowes again tomorrow01:37
notminehello: i try to connect the server at 995 with my phone, but it's wrong ,i got01:37
ActionParsnipnotmine: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/01:40
XenethI finally get to come back to linux!!!   I am home  :)01:41
notmineActionParsnip: thx, :p01:41
helloXeneth welcome home,!01:41
gimbalhi. does anyone know why the rhythmbox control applet wouldn't be showing up in the notification area on oneiric? trying to figure that out, or else how to google about it01:44
Daekdroomgimbal, because it's obsolete.01:44
DaekdroomCheck the Sound menu01:44
gimbalDaekdroom: obsolte ... ok. Not sure what that means :}01:44
DaekdroomThe concept of a rhythmbox control applet is not necessary anymore. It was replaced by the sound menu. And it uses tray system, which is not used by default anymore (only a few select apps that need it).01:45
gimbalsound menu ... I'm guessing that's something that would show up in unity?01:45
DaekdroomAnd GNOME, for that matter.01:45
Daekdroom*Classic GNOME01:46
gimbalHm. I'm running E17 with gnome panel on it01:46
DaekdroomAre you using indicators on the gnome panel?01:46
gimbalWell, there's the notification area01:46
gimbalsystray or what01:46
dasuchincan anyone help me with some permissions issues? trying to give multiple users read and write access in /var/www by  assigning them all to the group www-data, but only one user is able to read and write01:47
DaekdroomThat's where rhythmbox would show up in the past. I think you can try to mess up with the configuration within rhythmbox to have it back.01:47
notmineer, i need the infomation of tsl,not ssl01:47
ActionParsnipnotmine: which client?01:48
notmineActionParsnip: my mobilephone01:48
ActionParsnipnotmine: how is this ubuntu related then?01:48
gimbalDaekdroom: I've looked hehe, I don't see any options for it under Rhythmbox's preferences or plugins dialogs. Oh well - was wondering what it was about. Might just switch over to mpd sometime, maybe it'll work out a little nicer for that :}01:49
notmineActionParsnip: er, it's not on ubuntu ,it 's just on my cellphone,01:50
ActionParsnipnotmine: then its offtopic here......this is ubuntu support only.....01:50
notmineActionParsnip: er, sorry, i'm a newbie01:51
ActionParsnipnotmine:  its ok01:51
pcgIs there a way to make the Unity bar work from the rightmost screen edge? I have a dual monitor set-up with one inferiorly positioned and inferior in terms of quality on my left, it is just sued for minor auxilary things and should not host the crucial core piece of Unity UI. Thank you.01:51
pcgit is used*01:52
ActionParsnippcg: there is a PPA for the bottom, it may break things01:52
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pcgActionParsnip: No official support then? I'll look into that. thanks.01:52
ActionParsnippcg: no, its hardcoded on the left, sorry01:52
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
wyldeI converted an aunt of mine to Ubuntu about 6 months ago. Until recently she's had almost no problems and is liking it much better than windows. However, recently when the computer has been on standby, when the mouse is moved etc. it shows a dialogue window with 4 or 5 options. Any thought's as to why this is happening?02:04
wyldeOh right, 10.04 fully updated and has been happening more frequently lately.02:06
Onixsgot an old P4, which version of ubuntu should i install for? will be using the samba service02:07
=== pcg is now known as pcggone
celthunderwylde: server?02:13
fixxxermetHow do I change the screen resolution of the login screen (pre-login)?  It is default to something like 640x480 and is really annoying on my widescreen monitor.02:13
wyldecelthunder: desktop, she's a basic user.02:13
celthunderfixxxermet: xrandr or set it in xorg.conf02:13
fixxxermetThis is 11.10, sorry, so there is no xorg.conf.  is xrandr still relevant?02:14
celthunderwylde: i meant for the samba p402:14
wyldecelthunder: that wasn't my question :)02:14
wyldecelthunder: Onixs asked that02:15
celthunderwylde:  ah sorry just glanced up02:15
wyldecelthunder: no worries02:15
celthunderwylde: so even when shes using it it goes to standby?02:16
Onixsanyone knows which version of ubuntu for P4 ?02:16
wyldecelthunder: no only after being idle for some time. It's the only issue she's having with it.02:16
dmeadows013Is anyone here good with cron?02:16
celthunderOnixs: yeah any... if you intend to run it as a samba server use server and install only samba and core etc02:16
celthunderdmeadows013: no nobody here knows cron02:17
celthunderwylde: ok so turn off the timeouts xset s 0 0 xset -dpms and xset s off or something02:17
Onixscelthunder : im not a linux guy… one question, do i need to compile the kernel since i have an old cpu or use the default one ?02:18
wyldecelthunder: yeah I disabled all the powersave features other than turning off the monitor and no screensaver.02:18
celthunderOnixs: should be fine with stock..though you can edit it nd recompile if you wish02:19
celthunderdepends more on the rest of your hw02:19
celthunderwylde: hmm ok does it do it with things open full screen and what graphics card02:19
OnixsOk then will be reading on how to maximize the kernel on an ol P4 . Thanks alot dude :D02:19
celthunderOnixs: if you want to maximize stuff look at the lfs docs give you a good starting spot02:20
OnixsOH, Thanks!02:21
wyldecelthunder: only when coming back up from being idle. That was before I turned off all the powersave features. I'm hoping that will stop it but just in case I'm browsing her logs(remotely) to try and find the culprit.02:21
wyldecelthunder: and looking for options if the problem continues after the changes I made.02:21
celthunderwylde: probably was the powersave stuff...02:21
bigkittyhzhi all02:22
bigkittyhzi have a question:)02:22
celthunderbigkittyhz: hi02:22
wyldecelthunder: that's what I figured was the likely culprit02:22
dmeadows013celthunder: I thought since it was in ubuntu someone could help.. Any suggestions on IRC channels that could?02:22
bigkittyhzwhy 2121 port is not redirected to
celthunderdmeadows013: i was being sarcastic but #cron or ask in here02:22
jblpHello everyone02:28
wyldeahh ha! Hung GPU ... :\  kernel: [36699.548026] [drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung02:30
ILFROCIOINFORMATciao io sono di napoli e sono una merda umana xo ho i virus che metto nell'hardware e mi sento potente e owno se trovo quelli che hanno appena acceso il pc e riesco a metterglieli, ma ubuntu li supporta i virus per ownare la gente? non ho un cazzo da fare di meglio nella vita che seguire gli sfigati su internet ownandoli, son potente?02:35
bazhang!it | ILFROCIOINFORMAT02:36
ubottuILFROCIOINFORMAT: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)02:36
ILFROCIOINFORMAToh sorry i dont speak english i am from napoli, italy, toto peppino02:37
black_flaghi all02:38
ILFROCIOINFORMATa me mi vien da ridere dovrei essere preoccupato ma mi fa proprio ridere uno sfigato cosi :D solo un italiano mediocre ne sarebbe capace, e dovrei aver PAURA o che? auaauua02:38
wylde!it | ILFROCIOINFORMAT02:39
ubottuILFROCIOINFORMAT: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)02:39
ILFROCIOINFORMATubuntu-it is full of italians, and probably u know, italians sux...02:41
HaltingStatehelp; i have a 30" LCD i just bought, i cannot get it to run on max resolution02:41
HaltingStatemy graphic card supports the resolution; according to spec, but i cannot get the resolution02:41
wyldeILFROCIOINFORMAT: I only speak english, so the last things you said I have no idea what they mean.02:42
ILFROCIOINFORMATue frocio ma come la metti quando riavvio a raffica, l'ownaggio ti va in corto?02:43
hellohi room02:44
bazhangILFROCIOINFORMAT, english only here02:44
bazhangILFROCIOINFORMAT, we've already told you many times02:44
ILFROCIOINFORMATi am from napoli im stupid02:45
Logan_!ops | ILFROCIOINFORMAT02:45
ubottuILFROCIOINFORMAT: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:45
bazhangILFROCIOINFORMAT, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support02:45
bazhangLogan_, ?02:45
Logan_He used an anti-gay slur in Italian. Obviously trolling.02:45
bazhangLogan_, we're right here. its under control02:46
bazhangILFROCIOINFORMAT, if you wish to just chit chat   go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:46
ILFROCIOINFORMATbtw, i have read a lot of fantasy books, and trolls are a serious thing, who is the retard which done this link between an idiot and a fantasy creature :\02:48
bazhangILFROCIOINFORMAT, thats enough. this is support only.02:48
bencchow can I add a script to a user's path so it is always accessible?02:50
cxmuhi i just wanted to stop by and say thanks for removing /dev/dsp and that whoever removed it is a complete idiot.02:50
myris there an audio player that fully supports wma and has cross-fading ? (besides amarok)02:52
bazhangmyr, besides amarok, which have you tried02:52
ILFROCIOINFORMATvlc is the best player ever02:53
generaltroubles with broadcom bcm 4311 drivers here.  completely lost.02:53
Logan_tjf: What brings you here?02:53
tjfLogan_: Openssl brings me here.02:53
hellomyr.you could try audacious02:53
bazhangmyr,  there is no full wma support by anything. depends on the wma file and the codecs you have, not the player02:53
tjfwhen I try to install libssl-dev I get this error:   libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.8) but 0.9.8o-7ubuntu1 is to be installed02:54
tjfE: Broken packages02:54
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Logan_tjf: sudo apt-get -f02:54
Logan_tjf: sudo apt-get install -f02:55
tjfLogan_: still no02:55
generalany one have any insight into these? ive tried a few things with no success02:56
Logan_tjf: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?02:56
tjfLogan_: 10.0402:56
bazhanggeneral, specify the troubles. just "troubles" is way too vague02:57
myrI'll give audacious a try02:57
generalnot working.  not sure why.02:57
mkultra_yeah, its a shit sammich02:58
Logan_tjf: Is your sources.list normal? It shouldn't be trying to install 0.9.8o-7ubuntu1 on lucid...02:58
Logan_!language | mkultra_02:58
ubottumkultra_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:58
bazhang!details | general02:58
ubottugeneral: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:58
mkultra_oh sorry02:58
Logan_tjf: Do you have a PPA or something that is providing that version of libssl0.9.8?02:59
tjfLogan_: not afaik02:59
tjflet me pastbin the sources file02:59
bazhanggeneral, if you dont give detailed info, then no way to troubleshoot at all02:59
sandydtjf: see if theirs anything living in the sources.list.d folder btw.02:59
DanDareHello. I just installed Ubuntu 11, opened a page with firefox thats asking for flash plugin, i have two options now: "adobe flash player from adobe" and "Gnash SWF Player", both works ?02:59
bazhangDanDare, gnash does not03:00
DanDareok, thanks bazhang03:00
Logan_!who | tjf03:00
ubottutjf: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:00
generalok heres the deal.  im running 11.10 on an old dellPP04X.03:00
tjfLogan_: I know how to use IRC :|03:01
Logan_tjf: You might want to comment out backports.03:01
Logan_Then try another sudo apt-get update.03:01
generalbcm4311 wireless.03:01
Logan_tjf: Actually, never mind. Doesn't look like it exists in backports.03:01
* Logan_ thinks.03:02
bazhang!broadcom | here's the fix general03:02
ubottuhere's the fix general: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:02
tjfLogan_: do you want to see the sources.list.d directory?03:02
Logan_tjf: Run another sudo apt-get update.03:02
Logan_And then try installing again.03:02
tjfi did03:02
Logan_And you're still getting that package problem?03:02
tjfactually, let me show you the contents of the files.03:02
Logan_bazhang: Ideas about tjf's issue? :-P03:03
bazhangnot been following Logan_ , sorry03:03
Logan_I have no idea why he's being offered the version of libssl0.9.8 that's not in the lucid repository.03:03
Logan_bazhang: <tjf> when I try to install libssl-dev I get this error:   libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.8) but 0.9.8o-7ubuntu1 is to be installed03:03
tjfLogan_: bazhang: ^ is my sources.list.d03:04
Logan_bazhang: And the version in lucid is 0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.8. His sources.list looks fine and only includes the official lucid repositories.03:04
generalbazhang:  ive tried that , didnt work. its possible that ive missed something03:04
bazhanggeneral, what exactly  "didn't work"; what have you tried, etc etc etc.03:05
Logan_tjf: I don't get it... None of those PPAs have that package either. :-(03:06
generali've installed the drivers.  they were active, still no response from wireless03:06
tjfLogan_: I know :(03:06
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Logan_tjf: Try sudo apt-get check03:07
generaluninstalled the drivers in symantic, then tried cutter. still no response from wifi card03:08
tjfLogan_: nothing out of the normal03:08
Logan_tjf: And maybe sudo apt-get clean :-P03:08
tjfLogan_: still no :(03:08
sandydtjf: is there any response in dmesg?03:09
zykotick9Logan_: in don't ever remeber seening apt-get check before.  from man, "check is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache and checks for broken dependencies"  sounds handy.  thanks.03:09
tjfsandyd: Anything in particular?03:09
Logan_Haha, glad that helped. :-P03:09
tjfor just a response in general03:09
sandydtjf: if there are problems with loading the driver, or confilcts, they should be in the dmesg output03:10
Logan_sandyd: I think you're talking to the wrong person...03:10
tjfI think so too...03:11
myrlooks like i have to compile my own audacious for it to work :[03:11
Logan_tjf: Found a possible solution.03:11
sandydtjf: oops lol03:11
tjfLogan_: was es ist?03:11
Logan_tjf: Do you have synaptic installed?03:11
tjfLogan_: i don't03:11
Logan_tjf: Install it, and then do Edit > Fix Broken Packages.03:12
tjfLogan_: on my server?03:12
tjfno thanks03:12
tjfI'll remain GUI-less :P03:12
zykotick9Logan_: "sudo apt-get -f install" is the generic fix-broken packages tjf03:13
Logan_Well, I recommended that already. :-P03:13
Logan_Didn't seem to work.03:13
tjfzykotick9: didn't do anything03:14
zykotick9Logan_: sorry, i wasn't there...03:14
Logan_No worries.03:14
Logan_tjf: I give up on you. ;-P03:14
Logan_tjf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure03:14
Logan_tjf: Do all that, then paste the output into a new question using the link in Step 6.03:15
zykotick9!cookie | Logan_03:15
ubottuLogan_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:15
tjfLogan_: but... you said that you'd never give me up :(03:15
tjfthis bromance is over.03:15
Logan_!ot | tjf03:15
ubottutjf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
Logan_zykotick9: Hehe.03:15
zykotick9Logan_: !cookie is an under-used factoid in #ubuntu :)03:16
Logan_Especially in a sarcastic context. ;-P03:17
* zykotick9 likes #debian's beer better then ubuntu's cookie ;)03:17
tjfokay, can someone explain how you overwrite the old version of openssl with a compiled binary?03:17
tjfbecause apt-get purge openssl then the regular compiling thing doesn't work03:18
satyanash!botsnack | zykotick903:18
ubottuzykotick9: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!03:18
zykotick9satyanash: #ubuntu's !doesntwork is my fav factoid on freenode.  the quasi "is it on irc all the time" is hysterical for me - 'cause I am03:20
myri have yet to see an audio player matching amarok 1.403:24
urbancommandolooks like itune03:25
urbancommandooops nvm the newer version does03:26
myrclementine looks promising...03:32
|Anthony|does ubuntu have a limit on the number of network connections it can establish?03:32
|Anthony|i seem to be hitting a 256 limit03:32
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels03:32
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels03:33
no-name-how do you get nautilus on gnome2 to *not* show drives as desktop icons?03:33
myr|Anthony|, doubt it but not sure03:34
sacarlson|Anthony|: I think you can set a limit,  not sure if there is one by default or what it might be set to03:34
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels03:34
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels03:34
davidfigueroawill a hp mini 210 work with xubuntu?03:34
no-name-oh, found it03:34
zykotick9no-name-: using fstab will usually prevent nautilus from sticking it's head in03:34
no-name-gconf-editor -> app/nautilus03:34
myrwe have a winner! clementine03:35
|Anthony|alright, well where would such a connection limit be set?03:35
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darkhalo117Have u guys, have you ever flashed openwrt to a cisco wireless router before?03:42
pilotbubTHAT CAN BE DONE!?03:44
urbancommandoto your answer dark03:44
urbancommandobut yes it can be done03:44
urbancommandoI didnt have the balls to do it lol03:44
myrno balls to flash huh?03:45
darkhalo117Lol kinda03:45
pilotbubyou guys can't be serious03:46
darkhalo117I've never done it before so its hard to flash a 60 dollar router03:46
no-name-in nautilus, the "octal permissions" column has a 100 for files and a 40 for directories in front of the standard three octal numbers for owner, group, world ... why?03:46
chris_does anyone in here use gyache improved?03:46
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sacarlson|Anthony|: I'm not finding any limits of connections in ubuntu,  but I do recall seeing connection limit settings in my router,  maybe another place you can look03:47
darkhalo117Pilotbub why is that hard to believe03:47
pilotbubno reason03:48
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darkhalo117Just so easy for you its dumb for me to consider not doing it?03:48
urbancommandoif I had a spare one I would of done it to darkhalo111703:48
|Anthony|sacarlson, i use pfsense... i don't think that there is a limit there but i'll ask03:49
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urbancommandodarkhalo117, what made me stop was the warning lol.03:49
darkhalo117Well if you flash it wrong, you brick your router. I cannot afford to03:50
darkhalo117If I brick it I'll have to set up a pfsense server and but a bunch of hardware03:51
darkhalo117Cause my router got hacked and my wireless and default gateway won't work03:51
chris_does anyone in here use gyache improved?03:53
darkhalo117Yeah its nuts03:53
darkhalo117I don't even know what that is03:53
urbancommandodarkhalo117 reflash it and set set it to the highest encryption03:53
* darkhalo117 is a newb03:53
bazhangdarkhalo117, that related to ubuntu how?03:54
darkhalo117My roommates dumb ass left the damn router password as admin03:54
darkhalo117Gimme the hacking channel on freenode and I can leave ha03:54
bazhang!alis | darkhalo117 have a search03:55
ubottudarkhalo117 have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:55
darkhalo117Thnx man03:55
shawn186is it possible to achieve internet connection sharing in ubuntu 10.04?03:55
bazhang!ics | shawn18603:56
ubottushawn186: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:56
satyanashin ICS your machine acts as the gateway, right ?03:57
overdoseent gig03:57
shawn186first i need to learn if my laptop has the ethernet driver installed aside from the wifi I am using03:57
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sacarlson|Anthony|: seem the limit I did find is 1024 that is the max number of files that can be open by a user.  see ulimit -n ;03:58
|Anthony|yeah i checked that already03:59
|Anthony|thank you for looking though sacarlson03:59
acuwhat is the coolest most hightech desktop theme - environment out there (something like Mr Stark has in Iron Man) ?04:00
darkhalo117That would be sick actually04:01
urbancommandoahaha let me know if you find it acu04:02
acuurbancommando, it should be there somewhere - first I like the voice from Knoppix - that lady's voice - Initiating System Process -04:03
urbancommandoacu I havent used knoppix in a long time, I should have a look at it04:06
User777hey guys04:12
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shawn186how do i remove a WINE installed application?04:22
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machiolateanyone know how to extract multiple files within a folder with 7 zip?04:24
machiolatei got like 30 .gz files all in one folder & trying to extract them all without having to do the command for each individual .gz04:25
sumpygump2machiolate: from a command line try 'gunzip *.gz'04:26
machiolatek thanks04:28
switchkelI have a file in my memory stick called ".mpga" and I used the terminal program to try and track it down.  How do I find this file: .mpga ?  It's not listed in any directory.04:28
switchkelIs there a "ls" command I can use to locate the file?04:29
switchkelIs there a "ls" command I can use to locate the file?04:31
switchkelI have a file in my memory stick called ".mpga" and I used the terminal program to try and track it down.  How do I find this file: .mpga ?  It's not listed in any directory.04:31
r31nswitchkel try ls -a04:33
r31n-aShows you all files, even files that are hidden (these files begin with a dot.04:33
sumpygump2switchkel left04:33
sumpygump2Another thing he could do is 'find . -name .mpga' assuming it is buried somewhere deeper in the file hierarchy. I am guessing he just wasn't used to seeing hidden files.04:34
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mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels04:40
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels04:40
mrd_any cisco channels can any one name the channels04:40
FloodBot1mrd_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
altabq\join #latex04:46
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sumpygump2theprogrammer: welcome04:47
theprogrammeri am having proble in connectting to ssh over a sock prxoy04:48
Mindkontrolgood torrent client for ubuntu?04:48
sumpygump2Mindkontrol: transmission or rtorrent are two that I like.04:49
Mindkontrolsumpygump2: thanks04:49
gr33n7007hI like ktorrent04:49
phibxrMindkontrol, the above two suggestions should cover all your needs. :P04:49
Mindkontrolthanks guys04:49
ramapitecuxI go with transmission04:49
theprogrammertorrent downloader also donot work over proxy04:49
theprogrammeri have tried with many clients but they donot respond04:50
ramapitecuxcan I connect irsii with polipo? or tor?04:50
wylde!alis help04:53
wyldewhoopsy :)04:53
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theprogrammerCan anyone suggest a good bit torrent client which works over proxy04:54
theprogrammerand takes proxy setting itself rather than taking system proxy04:54
ramapitecuxdon't they always go over the proxy?04:56
Lirth I was having trouble with using my headset (Razer Megalodon) in 7.1 mode. It will only work for 5.1 in the settings and I can't even find the 7.1 option. Any idea how I'd fix that? I've tried two things already: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1591152 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure04:58
urbancommandotheprogrammer try qbittorrent04:58
theprogrammerthe transmission does not start04:58
theprogrammerwhen i create a proxy with putty in windows it works fluently04:58
theprogrammerbut on ubuntu i dont know why it does not work04:58
FloodBot1theprogrammer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
theprogrammerurbancommando: k..04:59
urbancommandoit also has a funtion to control over http04:59
dooma09hello. from command prompt creating a directory will set permission correctly to group=rwx. But creating directory from ftp or samba shares the group permission is set to group=r-x which is missing the x execute. How do i correct this? why is there a difference whether I create dir from shell or samba?05:03
theprogrammerurbancommando: thanks... it worked...05:06
CAZ_aucompletely switched from WIN 7 to Ubuntu and im loving it. cant believe i didnt do this ages ago. I still have WIN 7 in dual boot but a rarely use it. What's anyone’s experience with WINE and M$-Office 2010? just wondering how well it works on linux. although i would like to use Libreoffice and the like, i require the full compatibility of MS Office for docx and other "x" files.05:12
Doodieis there any way to disable mousepad accidental clicks while typing?05:13
VGoffYes... what is the window manager you are using.05:14
VGoffwell, clicks, I am not sure, but movement, for sure.05:14
VGoffYes, clicks too...05:14
VGoffDoodie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:16
gr33n7007hDoodie, System >> Preferences >> Mouse >> Touchpad  || untick Enable mouse clicks05:16
VGoffThanks.  (It isn't that on my system, so can't give him that answer..)05:17
Doodiegr33n7007h, looks good, thanks05:17
dijibPsi-Jack: this place one of the learning channels?05:25
Psi-Jackdijib: As long as you don't troll, possibly.05:26
dijibi wasnt trolling about the ##windows thing.. freenode doesnt have that room i take it?05:27
AbuMaiaDoes anyone know of a script, or a program, that will monitor traffic speed and log the changes as I've specified?05:29
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kilopopoi have a problem05:39
kilopopoim running 11.10 and when i open folders in my usb drive it gets unmounted automatically05:39
kilopopohow can i fix this05:40
kaiyinmy system language suddenly changed to Chinese, how can I switch back to English?05:42
kilopopohey please05:44
kilopopohow do i browse my usb drive without automatically closing the folder05:44
kilopopofiles closes automatically05:44
kilopopoplease help05:44
=== S is now known as Guest57945
mobiusstripperhi, i have some harddrive problem now the system cannot boot. I will need to reinstall. But I would like to keep the /home partition, but the /home/my_name folder is encrypted.05:46
mobiusstripperwould it just work if I still have the password that was displayed during my first installation/05:47
wickedwiccan_if i install 12.04 would i need to reinstall when the official one comes out05:51
CAZ_auId recomend reinstalling but i think you can also just use update manager to update to the latest.05:52
wickedwiccan_thanks  im still debating which de i want to use :P05:53
wickedwiccan_I love features of unity but i hate that darn left screen menu bar05:53
CAZ_aua lot seem to dislike it. i love it. im sure theres been hundreds of tweaks to it though posted on the web so you can set it up the way you like.05:54
CAZ_auyou could always go old school Ubuntu Classic but it feels too old for my taste05:55
wickedwiccan_i sorta like xfce its nice and seems to be much easier to configure05:56
CAZ_auhmm, i only seem to like GNOME and Unity. Others seem to dated and KDE looks kool but feels buggy05:57
wickedwiccan_kdi is sluggish ill admit that05:58
_shruhello everyone i am using ubuntu 10.10 and m trying to open a kannada (indian language ) file . i downloaded a rtf file from internet and i changed the encoding scheme to unicode using enconv command after i change it to unicode the text inside the document is unreadable can anybody help me out plz??06:00
Abhijit_shru, please try in ##linux-india or #ubuntu-in06:01
_shruAbhijit : may i know what is ##linux-india or #ubuntu-in?? is it a command? sorry i am new to ubuntu06:02
Yaaaaaahow can I go down in package version for a specific app ?06:02
gabx666i am buildimg a KVM and a litle bit confused about bridge networking. I have set up it, but do not know if I have to disable network manager, as described in certain wiki06:02
Abhijit_shru, they are channel dedicated for indian linux and ubuntu. you can join them by typing /j ##linux-india06:02
_shruoh thank you so much06:03
=== gr0ck is now known as monday
urbancommandocan someone tell me what ubuntu is?06:08
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:08
urbancommandolol jking06:08
urbancommandobut ty06:08
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
bilegtAccidentally  my laptop unplugged while I'm upgrading. Now it says "E: Internal Error, No file name for e2fslibs". wat do I do now?06:13
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CAZ_aubilegt, load up a live cd, backup your data and just reinstall? well thst the simplest "solution"06:18
bilegtCAZ_au: is it that much complicated?06:20
CAZ_auThere might be other solutions but youve screwed up the system and it might be buggy even if you do get it to boot. so grab an Ubuntu CD, boot it up.. backup your data and just reinstall ubuntu.Thats what i would do.06:21
gr33n7007hIs there anyway to convert a txt file from spanish to english??06:23
MonkeyDustgr33n7007h  google.com/translate06:23
gr33n7007hYeah I didn't think of that :)06:24
urbancommandohailmary filename.txt > english filename.txt06:27
DanDareIm using Ubuntu but I dont need/want compiz. What should I do to disable it ?06:31
spectralenplease someone tell me how to fix the driver connection with pulseaudio to recover the volume control and not using gnome alsa mixer to control it...06:33
Elive_user57_enDanDare: which ubuntu version?06:33
DanDareElive_user57_en, 1106:33
DanDareAlso I installed xfce4 but seems it doesnt work If I choose xfce in the login screen06:33
js212buon giorno a tutti06:34
Elive_user57_enDanDare, so you have unity right?06:34
DanDareElive_user57_en, wich unity ?06:35
TaironeHey I have a question06:36
MonkeyDustDanDare  is your screen similar to this, with the bar on the left http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/en/06:37
DanDareMonkeyDust, yeah.06:37
MonkeyDustDanDare  that's Unity06:37
Artemis3!it js21206:38
DanDareMonkeyDust, understand. Thanks06:38
DanDareSo where im able to setup compiz ?06:38
Elive_user57_enDanDare: By Ubuntu 11.04 the default desktop enviroment is unity. And because unity uses compiz to draw its panels, you can't really disable. You can choose to run without unity during login, or, use another D.E.06:38
DanDareElive_user57_en, im trying to use xfce. Where to stop the automatic login screen? I remember it was "gdm" in the past06:39
Artemis3DanDare, could be lightdm06:40
DanDareArtemis3, ok, thanks06:40
Elive_user57_enDanDare i believe gdm have being replaced by..., ahh miss the name now. Anyway. let me check how you can disable the autologin at first.06:41
MonkeyDustgdm is replaced by lightdm06:43
DanDareElive_user57_en, yeah, I have lightdm loaded, as Artemis3 said06:43
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Elive_user57_enDandare: Open a terminal and type: sudo gedit /etc/lightdm/custom.conf06:45
DanDareElive_user57_en, thanks Q06:45
=== flamen is now known as _zeta
Elive_user57_enDanDare, you're welcome.06:46
Elive_user57_enI must be one of a few elive users who helps ubuntu users. The beauty of open source. :)06:48
bazhangrichard_, wrong channel06:53
=== liu is now known as hellokevin
hubsingerHello - I'm running a Nvidia Quadro NVS 290 with 2 Monitors. Would it work to have 3 or 4 Monitors if I plug in a second identical graphics card ? Any opinions ?06:57
Yaaaaaahubsinger: just use a line like         BusID          "PCI:1:0:0" under section device you can find the numbers from lspci06:59
scarleoHi all, I have a VPS with ipv6 connectivity and was looking to set up my own tunnel, it's hard to find any guides though. Any tips or suggestions?07:00
unkrcan anyone tel me how can i edit my gnome Application menu's icon ??07:02
Elive_user57_enhubsinger, i can't see any reason why it woudn't work. For common everyday tasks.07:03
MonkeyDustunkr  try alacarte07:04
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hubsingerElive_user57_en: ok thx, just wanted to ask before starting to  rearrange my desk ...07:05
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=== human is now known as Guest8494
pav5088Hello all...07:15
ShappyHello o/07:16
ShappyI have a quick question. If I have an app that is not installed by any means (package manager, apt-get) then how can I stick it to the top panel? (An example is Eclipse)07:17
ShappyUbuntu 10.04, Gnome07:17
pav5088Shappy, don't have it in front of me...   but does right click give you options?07:18
pav5088(ie. on the top bar)07:18
ShappyOn the top bar right click only let's me "Add Panel..." where I can select from a bunch of already installed stuff. I want to add Eclipse to the panel like I do with an already installed app by going into Applications >[path to app like Games] > right click on app > Add this launcher to panel07:20
=== shadowh511_ is now known as shadowh511
ShappyIt seems I would have to add my application to the Applications menu first. How would I do this?07:22
sumpygump2Shappy: does this help? http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/2.32/gospanel-34.html.en07:23
unkn-error I wish to install a client, and I don't know which one is better for connecting to windows RDP from linux, any suggestions?07:25
sumpygump2unkn-error: try rdesktop07:25
unkn-errorok, thxx :)07:25
Shappysumpygump2, thank you but I got around my problem by installing alacarte (Main Menu) where I can configure the items of in the menu07:26
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a111National GAS A KIKE day07:34
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* Furai test07:50
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* Furai test07:54
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oceanidI need some help on partitioning ubuntu08:00
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MonkeyDustask away oceanid08:03
MonkeyDustgo ahead, ask your question08:03
oceanidI have about 700GB HDD08:04
oceanidI want to start some numerical modeling under linux08:04
oceanidwould you suggest me a good partition sizing?08:05
=== konakuka is now known as omniloquent
oceanidwhich of them is necessary and which is not?08:06
oceanidthank you08:06
MonkeyDust!partition| oceanid start here08:07
ubottuoceanid start here: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:07
oceanidI saw that08:08
oceanidI am installing 10.04 right now and use it to partitioning08:08
oceanidso, I thought that someone can suggest me to create partitions better08:09
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oceanidI have create a 2 GB swap08:09
dcyguys sorry for bugging you, but i have a slight problem on Ubuntu 11.10 x64 - changed motherboard + cpu and i'm now experiencing hard lockups upon booting (ie: nothing works, not even the hardware reset button)08:10
oceanidand I am wondering if a 200 GB root and 500GB home will good or it is better to set a 10GB usr/local too08:10
dcyoceanid: tbh 200 GB / sounds rather large ... got a special need for it?08:11
MonkeyDust200 GB root?08:11
CAZ_auhardware reset button not working, sounds like theres a problem with the motherboard08:12
dcycaz_au: memtest worked flawlessly for 8+ hours08:12
dcycaz_au: something b0rks it .. cpu is i5-2320, mobo is z6808:12
dcycaz_au: if i go recovery mode i can work rather normally (start up networking, start up bind) as long as i don't resume booting ....08:13
dcytried kernels from 2.6.38 over 3.0.0-17 to 3.2.0 ... same thing on all of them08:13
CAZ_auyouve changed a lot of hardware, im no expert but if i change that much hardware i usually reinstall completly.08:13
MonkeyDust!pm| oceanid08:14
ubottuoceanid: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:14
oceaniddo you think that 200GB is not suitable for root?08:15
dcycaz_au: well. technically just the cpu+mobo are changed. the rest is the same. (okay NIC changed but that's no biggy). / is LUKS encrypted and mounted from an md array ... but everything works flawlessly up until some normal services are starting up. suspecting udevd, but can't find anything concrete. and in regards to reinstalls ... it's linux, not windows ^08:15
dcyoceanid: you need to tell us more what you want to run on your box. if it's going to be a desktop, then 200 GB / is way too large.08:16
gnugroceanidZ: 20 to 25 GIB for /root is enough08:16
oceanidmy old system had 115 GB and it is already full08:16
MonkeyDustor less, I have 15 GB root08:16
wickedwiccanwhy is it you can't install pcsx and zsnes at the same time they both run but you can't have both at same time08:16
dcyoceanid: did you have a separate /home partition though?08:17
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dcyoceanid: well, that explains it. your user data was filling up /. you planning to use it as a desktop?08:17
oceanidon my old system I had a 115 root, 190 mirror and 2 swap08:17
dcyoceanid: 190 mirror of what?08:17
MonkeyDust2 swap?08:18
oceanidroot and mirror are about 90% used08:18
CAZ_audcy: yeah but if i took my harddrive out and took it to anther pc i wouldnt exactly expect it to run flawlessly. Try booting a live cd and see if it runs then. if it does i say just reinstall. Its easy enough to backup packages aswell saving the download.08:18
oceanid2GB swap08:18
oceanidyes I have a ci7 desktop08:18
dcycaz_au: frankly. i would expect it to boot up normally... hoped for a dev of sorts to point my nose in the right direction... tried the old noacpi, noapic, nolapic spiel but without luck ... and yes. barring a platform restriction (x86 vs x86_64 or similar) you can actually change hard drives without too much of a hassle.08:19
oceanidI had created a partition named mirror so that install some special program on it08:20
ThorneHow do give the input text as transliterated another Language from English?,  and use a shortcut key?\08:20
dcyoceanid: see. you need to tell us what you're planning to use your system for so we can give you reasonable advice.08:20
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oceanidI want to run a research computational model on my system.08:21
gnugroceanid: the sure thing is that you can't split /root's rights08:21
dcyoceanid: reasonable. can you expect how much space this model will use and do you know where you wish to install it?08:22
oceanidit will solve some equations on an extended grid and will create some output file with size larger than 20GB08:23
dcyand it'll be installed in .. which directory?08:23
thunder1212how do i reflash my bios in the laptop08:24
richardlxc1qub: hello08:24
oceanidas I told you, on my old pc, I had installed in a directory named "model" in my mirror partition08:24
dcyif you don't plan to fill up your /home and will be using the box for a while do a 300G /home, pick a reasonable swap size and stick the rest for / - if you'll be using it mostly for the computations08:24
oceanidand I installed all dependency packages on a directory named OPT in mirror partition08:25
dcywell mate - you answered it for yourself here08:25
dcyeither do a 25 G /, 150 G /opt and the rest for /home + swap. or just forget everything and make a small swap and put the rest into / .... not the best way, but if you can't decide on a partitioning scheme would work out best for you.08:26
dcyso noone with an idea why a i5 sandy bridge + z68 + radeon hd would cause a hard lockup after fsck? :D08:27
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thunder1212sacarlson: hi08:29
thunder1212MonkeyDust: hi08:29
oceanidso, what you think about create a /usr/local?08:29
dcyoceanid: well unless you have a need you haven't told us about i don't see a point in it.08:30
thunder1212how do i reflash the bios08:31
oceanidthank you dcy08:31
dcythunder1212: what motherboard, what os?08:31
dcyoceanid: you're welcome08:31
oceanidbye and have good time dcy08:32
dcybb and enjoy your linux :)08:32
thunder1212dcy: don't know how to check..08:33
gnugrdcy:you sure have "firmware-radeon"?08:34
dcygnugr: removed it cause i thought it was causing the mess.08:34
dcygnugr: think i should add it?08:34
dcythunder: dmidecode, lshw?08:34
gnugri use the  same08:34
thunder1212dcy: how to check ??08:35
gnugri do have "firmware-radeon" and firmware-ralink"08:35
gnugrdcy:check it with "update-inramfs -u"08:36
gnugr"update-initramfs -u"08:36
thunder1212sacarlson: how do i check which motherboard, os i am runnning08:36
dcygnugr: good hint. will try08:37
oceaniddear dcy, I have a dual boot system (win7 - ubuntu) how can I have a safe install so that by repairing one of them, other one can easily load?08:37
gnugrdcy:do you use "apt-file"?08:38
CAZ_auThunder1212: OS = Operating system... Windows, Ubuntu (linux) etc...08:38
dcyoceanid: i usually have a small linux virtual box handy that i can boot up on a windows box ... (but have several pcs)08:38
dcythunder1212: apt-get install lshw ... lshw and look for 'motherboard'08:38
dcygnugr: just started the network and will grab firmware-radeon to see if it changes anything :)08:39
skrapshey can someone give me a md5 checksum of 3.0.0-16-generic this kernel08:39
skrapson a 32bit system08:39
gnugrdcy: to get all list of firmware update your "apt-file" and then do "apt-file --package-only search /lib/firmware"08:40
oceanidso having a /boot is not a solution for such problem?08:40
skrapsplease someone running that kernel give me a checksum its important08:40
dcyboot will just host the kernels + initrd + system maps ... not meant for rescue,but could be 'ab'used for that :)08:41
gr33n7007hskraps, dd7fac8be2fb13eb0712fb805f42e40308:41
skrapsthanx greentooth08:41
MonkeyDust!tab| skraps08:42
ubottuskraps: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:42
skrapsmonkeydust? wth?08:43
MonkeyDustskraps  greentooth > gr33n7007h08:43
Jordan_U!info debsums | skraps08:43
ubottuskraps: debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.49 (oneiric), package size 54 kB, installed size 324 kB08:43
CAZ_auubottu: Nice tip. Thank08:44
ubottuCAZ_au: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:44
=== GabiPurcaru1234 is now known as GabiPurcaru
scientesumm, you dont need debsums08:48
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scientesyou just need to look at the files it uses08:48
DanDareHello. I get "Linux rod-MS-1454 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" if I do "uname -a". How to know im running 32 or 64bit version ?08:49
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scientesDanDare, uname -m08:49
scientesDanDare, you are running 32-bit08:49
scientesthats what this means: i68608:49
DanDareOk, thanks08:49
scientesalso dual core08:50
DanDareI see08:50
oceanidwhere can I install boot loader so it can easily repaired or reload after repairing or reinstalling windows or linux on a dual boot system?08:50
DanDareBecause it output it twice ?08:50
scientesif you want to know if your hardware supports 64-bit do: grep /proc/cpuinfo lm08:50
scientesDanDare, yep08:50
scientes*grep lm /proc/cpuinfo08:51
scientessry about having that backwards08:51
=== companion_ is now known as companion
nrdbsomething is causing <alt>+<Right click> to bring up a menu... how do I stop this?09:00
dcyhm. radeon-firmware loaded still hard lockup ...09:02
Kingkatarihow do i remove Apache2 from Ubuntu 11.10 ( need to remove all traces of it due to corruption ) so i can do a fresh install of it09:02
dcykingkatari: apt-get purge apache-2.209:02
Kingkatarithat will remove all packages related to apache2?09:03
dcyyou thinking about php5 also?09:03
dcyyou'll have to remove it extra.09:03
Kingkatarino just related to the server09:03
gnugrdcy:you may need also to update buildessential with module-assistant09:04
Kingkataricuz on start i am getting error msg's like this09:04
Kingkatarikingkatari@kingkatari:/etc/apache2$ sudo apachectl start09:04
KingkatariSyntax error on line 138 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:09:04
KingkatariInvalid command 'MinSpareServers', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration09:04
KingkatariAction 'start' failed.09:04
FloodBot1Kingkatari: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
dcykingkatari: cat /etc/apache2/httpd.conf | grep -i spareserv09:05
dcyand proof read your setting09:05
=== richardlxc1 is now known as richardlxc
nrdbsomething is causing <Right click> to bring up a menu... how do I stop this?   I need this passed to blender, not intercepted :-(...09:06
Kingkatariis there a way to total remove apache since i am getting an error saying "Virtual packages like 'apache' can't be removed"09:08
MonkeyDustnrdb  System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts09:09
dcykingkatari: do a dpkg -l | grep -i apache09:09
nrdbMonkeyDust, I have looked there ... and couldn't find what was doing it... no item I could find mentioned the <right click> shortcut.09:10
dcykingkatarI. and you'll see the apache packages installed. and that minspareserver directive can be corrected easily. no need to reinstall just for that.09:10
Kingkatarithats not the only reason for the reinstall09:11
dcydid you do a dpkg -l | grep apache?09:11
user_hi all09:12
user_please tell me how to install tar.gz packages using the terminal I'm new to ubuntu09:15
Jordan_Uuser_: Generally, you *shouldn't* install anything from tar.gz files. What are you actually trying to install?09:16
dcyis there maybe a bug in mountall in 11.10?09:17
user_such an application09:18
MonkeyDustuser_  what application and have you looked in the software center?09:18
kingaragonhi :D09:18
ubottukingaragon: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:18
robertzaccourdoes chrome/chromium browser have built in flash that will continue to be updated?09:19
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:19
user_If the program is not the center of the applications on the downloaded file09:20
robertzaccourI read that chrome browser will continue to have the updated adobe flash. does this mean that chromium will as well?09:21
MonkeyDust!tar| user_09:21
ubottuuser_: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression09:21
SomeusWhat`s new in ubuntu?09:21
nrdbthe key combination <right alt><right click> is bringing up the same menu as if I <right click> on the title bar... how do I stop this from happening?09:22
Jordan_Uuser_: tar.gz files are not really installers. How one deals with a tar.gz file depends on what its contents are. What are you actually trying to install?09:23
user_I have a program webcamstudio tar.gz archive09:27
user_it must be installed and how to do it, I do not know09:28
user_it must be installed and how to do it, I just do not know this program is not in the center of the application09:29
dcyUbuntu 11.10, tested kernels 2.6.38, 3.0.00-17, 3.2.0-17 - hard lock up after successfully mounting the crypt_LUKS root partition and just after fsck on all paritions. Even samba mount seems to just make it in before the machine locks up (alt+sysrq don't work).09:29
MonkeyDustuser_  there's a .deb on the webcamstudio website09:29
dcyuser_: is this it? http://www.ws4gl.org/download/installing-on-ubuntu09:30
user_thanks will try09:30
dcyuser_: .deb packages seem to be here: http://code.google.com/p/webcamstudio/downloads/list09:30
dcyThis is hilarious .... now i make it to "Starting mdns/DNS-SD daemon" before the hard lockup09:31
gimmciao a tutti09:32
gimm! LIST09:33
ubottugimm: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:33
=== etotheipi is now known as bunnyrape
xskydevilxIs someone using XFCE on here? I need help with the panels.09:39
bekksxskydevilx: Dont ask to ask just ask. :)09:39
xskydevilxOK. Why does the panel on XFCE like auto align as in I can't move the applets to the very right let's say. I can provide you with a screenshot if that's required.09:41
dcydoes this sound sane? ;D09:41
dcyApr  7 15:40:31 multi kernel: d edn ot 21t  atto!<> 23678]mam edn ot 21t  atto!<6>[  273.986608] Linux video capture interface: v2.0009:41
=== ObiwanHamster is now known as Matrixiumn
ubottukingaragon: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:41
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bekksdcy: Sane in regards to what?09:41
dcyas in legibility. i'll kick my own a** if the reason is the tuner not being properly inserted.09:42
dcyseeing a lot of similar mess:09:42
dcyApr  7 15:40:31 multi modem-manager[1841]: <info>  Loaded plugin Wavecom09:42
dcyApr  7 15:40:31 multi modem-manager[1841]: <info>  Loaded plugin Linktop09:42
dcyApr  7 15:40:31 multi kernel: 6E rtclhnlriiilzd<6>[  274.445624] IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized09:42
dcyApr  7 15:40:31 multi avahi-daemon[1966]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 110).09:42
FloodBot1dcy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
bekks! paste | dcy09:42
ubottudcy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:42
dcythought you guys wouldn't mind seeing that >75% of traffic is join/leave/quit09:43
MonkeyDustdcy  in some IRC clients you can /ignore those messages09:43
KingkatariHow do i get apache2 to allow for php index files? right now when i try to load the page it just wants to download a PHTML file09:44
dcyDirectoryIndex directive iirc09:45
bekksdcy: Wrong.09:45
bekksThat generates an index.html showing the folder content.09:45
bekksFirst, you have to enable php at all.09:46
dcywrong. DirectoryIndex index.php index.html would prefer index.php if it existed beforehand. but yes, in regards to what he said after that addtype php is missing09:46
Kingkatariso where can i enable php at09:47
bekks! php09:48
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html09:48
dcyand in case if somebody was following - the lockup was being caused by the pci tuner (cx20xxx based) that either was not seated correctly or doesn't work properly on my mobo. removed the tuner - everything works. thanks to the people who gave hints :)09:50
comgenKingK re: php give this a read http://www.debianadmin.com/apache2-web-server-with-php-support-in-ubuntu.html09:51
deadbeefguys i'm on a netbook but a specific window does not fit the screen; is there any way to have like a "virtual screen" of which you only see a certain portion on the monitor ?09:53
MorsHi all - have a problem09:54
MorsRecently upgrade to oneiric, my wireless password got wiped out for some reason once the router d/c'd for a minute09:54
MonkeyDustMors  password or WEP/WPA key?09:55
MorsNow the hoe owner isn't here so I can't get the password09:55
hydrox24is it WEP? if it is I would recommend cracking it, should be legal.09:55
MorsNeed the wireless... any way to retrieve fro logs or something09:55
* Mors checks - WAP/WPA209:56
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hydrox24ahhh, how long was the passcode? approx.?09:57
=== Aguay is now known as Goku
Mors8-9 characters09:57
Morsall caps, too09:57
hydrox24ok, well your stuffed on the cracking front, no way your getting into that easily.09:57
Morsso if there's a cracker that can take patterns fror keys ...09:57
MorsAny way I could get the key from old logs?09:58
hydrox24do you remember the pattern somewhat? because you could generate a wordlist. But this is getting into complex stuff now.09:58
dcywell i'd speculate that if after an upgrade a config file was replaced then a backup copy exists - along with the key09:58
MorsWell... I remember it's all alphabets, all caps09:58
comgenMors: if you upgraded and the org config was replaced there should be a backup copy config09:58
MorsWhere can I find that?09:59
hydrox24Mors: are there other devices that connect, because you need to intercept a handshake between the router and a connected deivice before you can start cracking the key.09:59
MorsCurrently, don't think so... house is empty so... :P10:00
dcymors: heretic question - have a windows device that you can boot up to connect to it (with a saved pass?). would be trivial to retrieve then10:01
MorsNo :(10:01
MorsI was planing to connect my phone but haven't gotten around to iy10:01
MorsAnd I never thought ubntu would do this to me :P ... never happened before10:02
MorsBut if upgrading leaves a copy config, where can I find that?10:02
ubottugimm: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:02
robin0800Mors: you can usually find the pass-code in the router setup usually you can also view it10:03
hydrox24is there a button for wifi you can press on the router to allow open connections for a short time?10:03
MorsNo physical access to router10:03
hydrox24try http://code.google.com/p/reaver-wps/ for cracking it if it isn't a totally modern router.10:03
MorsIt's probably a couple of years old10:04
hydrox24Mors: takes 4-10 hours but will probably work.10:04
hydrox24Mors: alright so, run:10:04
hydrox24(as root)10:04
robin0800Mors: you don't need physical access just in a browser10:04
hydrox24airmon-ng start wlan010:05
hydrox24airodump-ng mon010:05
gr33n7007hMors, is it network manager or wicd10:05
hydrox24from that last command, copy the BSSID (MAC address style thing)10:05
hydrox24reaver -i mon0 -b 00:90:4C:C1:AC:21 -vv10:05
Morsnetwork manager applet10:05
hydrox24and replace the bit after -b with the thing you copied.10:06
hydrox24should work if your wifi chip is supported.10:06
hydrox24robin0800: he needs to connect to the wifi in the first place.10:06
Morshydrox24, alright, lemme see :)10:07
comgenMors: give this a read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide/ConfigFiles10:07
robin0800hydrox24: a lot of wifi cards don't suppr10:07
robin0800hydrox24: a lot of wifi cards don't support what you are suggesting10:08
robertzaccourok I installed google chrome, and it still says I need flash for some content. I thought chrome is supposed to be bundled with flash10:09
joginder_how to give the ip address ?10:09
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  type sudo apt-gt install flash-installer10:09
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  type sudo apt-get install flash-installer10:10
robin0800robertzaccour: not the 64 bit version10:10
gr33n7007hMors, Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys to open the keyring. The network keys are held under the Passwords tab10:10
joginder_how to specify the ip address to the system?10:11
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, but I had the impression that chrome has an always up to date flash built in10:11
joginder_how to change the wallpaper?10:11
Morsgr33n7007h, not there - another wireless's network secret is there but not this one10:12
MonkeyDustjoginder_  right click on the desktop10:12
hellokevinhow to specify the ip address to the system?10:12
hellokevinhow to specify the ip address to the system?10:12
hellokevinhow to specify the ip address to the system?10:12
FloodBot1hellokevin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:12
joginder_how i can give the ip address to my system? anybody can tell me plz?10:13
MonkeyDustjoginder_  uou mean a static ip address?10:13
joginder_yes i mean static ip address10:13
MonkeyDustjoginder_  it's in /etc/network/interfaces10:14
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, is there some add on I need to install?10:14
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  type sudo apt-get install flash-installer10:14
gr33n7007hMors, have you got direct access to the router10:14
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, I don't want the Linux version of flash, I just want the chrome "built in" version that will receive updates. Is there something I'm not understanding?10:15
joginder_it is showing permissions denied when  i am trying to give the static ip address . why?10:15
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  flash is a product from adobe, it's not linux10:15
MonkeyDustnot adobe, but macromedia, anyway, it's not linux10:16
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, then how is it always up to date in chrome if it won't be updated for Linux?10:16
robertzaccourI'm trying to understand before I do10:16
joginder_I am giving the static ip address by t he command /etc/network/interfaces why ?10:16
robertzaccoursorry if I'm being a pain, just wanna know exactly what it is I'm doing, thanks10:17
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  cant say how it's done10:17
bekksjoginder_: Thats a file, not a command.10:17
joginder_ why it is showing permission denied10:17
Morsgr33n7007h, no10:17
MorsAnyway, PROBLEM SOLVED.10:17
bekksjoginder_: Because that file is editable by root only.10:17
MorsA guy in another room just came back to the house10:17
comgenjoginder: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces10:17
MorsAnd he keeps the key written down.10:17
joginder_then what should i do?10:18
MorsThanks for the helpv guys, I really appreciate it :)10:18
bekksjoginder_: Edit it as root.10:18
bekksjoginder_: You've just been told how.10:18
joginder_how can i edit it as root?10:18
bekksjoginder_: You've just been told how.10:18
joginder_plz tell me10:19
bekks0407 121748 < comgen> joginder: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces10:19
bekksThere you have been told.10:19
Foxica hey hey10:19
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, so flash will be installed the same but will only be updated with chrome?10:20
shipehttp://netkups.com/?d=4701e4b9e5f8f joginder_10:20
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  i use chromium and i guess flash is no longer updated for linux10:21
comgenjoginder_ : then add something like this: iface etho inet static address netmask gateway
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, its supposed to be in chrome, something different between the chrome and chromium API's?10:21
comgencorrection " eth0 "10:22
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  i guess your question is more for the flash or macromedia channel10:23
szalMoin zusammen10:25
joginder_how to share a file between two computers?10:31
comgenGUI or term10:31
joginder_How we can share a folder between two computers?10:32
bekksBy using SSH, FTP, NFS, Samba, or whatever.10:32
WhiteRus_+OK h0TP30fKlmv/9YX8I/XUDiX110:32
WhiteRus_+OK rHIh41S4ULj/a4c7E1a4OZk1Z/K4s.gKUyk.10:33
joginder_Please tell me that how we can share a folder between two pcs?10:33
bekksjoginder_: BY using o0ne of the above services.10:33
joginder_plz make it more clear10:34
comgenjoginder : https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html10:34
Xabsterbekks, stating protocols doesn't really help - and why not put http in there aswell?10:34
joginder_i could not understand that how we can share the folder?10:34
MonkeyDustjoginder_  you should do some reading about ubuntu10:35
bekksXabster: There are a zillion ways to "share" something between two computers.10:35
joginder_Please tell me that how i can share the files and folders in ubuntu?10:35
Xabstera zillion?10:36
MonkeyDustjoginder_  it's easier if you read a tutorial, you'll learn more faster10:36
bekksXabster: At least.10:36
comgenjoginder_ : start here : https://help.ubuntu.com/  it'll answer every question you have10:37
shipejoginder_ right click on the forlder/file -> properties -> share10:40
=== bitmonk_ is now known as bitmonk
robertzaccourshould I install 32 or 64 bit chrome browser?10:47
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  depends on what you prefer and what your hardware can have10:50
ubu64doesn't really matter much, does it?10:50
ubu64plugins may be available only in 32bit10:50
bekksIf so, beat up the author of the plugin.10:51
junisgreetings fine people .. what's in the upper left frame at that screen http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/Terminal_screen_of_nijaba.png10:51
ubu64you have more ram available for each tab, but a tab using more than 4gig ram is unlikerly :)10:51
derpladeehey i'm using 10.04 lucid lynx10:52
derpladeeshould i upgrade?10:52
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, does flash work in 64 bit yet?10:52
bekksrobertzaccour: Since years.10:52
MonkeyDustderpladee  10.04 is supported until april 201310:54
bekksMonkeyDust: Isnt it supported 5 years?10:55
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  i have ubuntu 64 bit and flash works fine10:55
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)10:55
heliuscronhelo, do I need AV for ubuntu  ?10:55
bekks!av | heliuscron10:56
ubottuheliuscron: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus10:56
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, I meant chrome 64 bit10:56
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  maybe someone else knows10:57
bekksrobertzaccour: Still the above applies.10:57
heliuscronI'd like ot try wine but I'm a total noob to linux10:57
robertzaccourMonkeyDust, I have 64 bit installed but some stuff on youtube says requires flash and I have flash. Maybe I need to remove the 64 bit and install 32? trying to figure out how to remove chrome 64 bit beta11:01
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  no further advice, maybe someone else can help11:03
bekks!flash | robertzaccour11:03
ubotturobertzaccour: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:03
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riex\-Hello, can somebody please help me to fix this error: http://pastebin.com/5HxtQnzE11:11
riex\-I am getting this error when I am trying to run "sudo apt-get update"11:11
hydrox24riex\-: what version of ubuntu are you using?11:12
MonkeyDustriex\-  what's inrelease?11:12
riex\-Ubuntu 11.1011:12
heizmannHi, all.11:13
heizmannI want to understand the xml config file for authoring dvd :-/ but I'm little lost...11:14
hydrox24riex\-: looks like it could be to do with DNS, but how did you install 11.10, was it an upgrade from another ubuntu version?11:15
heizmannI do not understand the XML for dvdauthor... :-S11:15
hydrox24riex\-: you need to respond relatively promptly if you want help.11:18
kinglethello all, i want to install winXP64bit on my virtualbox, but i've got an error: "Attempting to load an x64 os". i am using Ubuntu 11.10 64bit11:19
riex\-I did install the new 11.10 nothing else.11:19
hydrox24ok, then I've got to go now, sorry, but check http://askubuntu.com/questions/91543/apt-get-update-fails-to-fetch-files-temporary-failure-resolving-error out11:21
hydrox24!ask | luis_11:21
ubottuluis_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:21
Xtremehello guys11:23
Xtremeguys i m a total newbie11:23
Xtremewell not total11:23
Xtremewell, i need to configure my boot option11:23
Xtremehow can i go to boot dir in konsole?11:23
Xtremei am stuck in my home directory11:24
auronandaceXtreme: cd = change directory, cd /boot/11:25
Xtremelol i was trying cd..11:25
Unknown0BCHi, using oneiric how can I check where the files were put, after installing a package ?11:25
MonkeyDustUnknown0BC  /usr/bin/if they are installed from the repos11:26
richardlxcor you can use which11:26
Xtremedamn, there is no menu.lst file in grub folder11:26
Xtremeany sugegstions?11:26
MonkeyDustXtreme  try menu.cfg11:27
Rienzillamenu.lst is generated by update-grub11:27
auronandaceXtreme: grub2 uses grub.cfg which you shouldn't edit directly11:27
Rienzillaand since the new grub it's grub.cfgI think11:27
Unknown0BCMonkeyDust, I am trying to figure out where the files were put when I installed openJDK from the repos.11:27
Xtremeso how can i edit it?>11:27
auronandaceXtreme: you are ment to edit the files in /etc/grub.d/11:27
Unknown0BCHi, using oneiric how can I check where the files were put, after installing a package ?11:27
auronandace!grub2 | Xtreme11:27
ubottuXtreme: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:27
RienzillaXtreme: in /etc/grub.d are files where the stuff is generated from11:27
Unknown0BCall the files not just some executable ones.11:28
auronandaceXtreme: also some things are in /etc/default/grub11:28
MonkeyDustUnknown0BC  try locate openjdk11:28
RienzillaUnknown0BC: dpkg --listfiles <package>11:28
Xtremefound the file, grub.bf11:28
Xtremethanks, looking the link u gave :)11:29
Unknown0BCRienzilla, I think that was what I am looking for will try now, thanks.11:29
auronandaceXtreme: that is generated from the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ by issuing update-grub11:29
RienzillaUnknown0BC: btw, it only works if the package is actually installed iirc11:29
Xtremeauronandace: okay, so look like i was doing wrong thing11:31
Xtremeso how can i change my boot menu11:31
Xtremei did it in opensuse 2 years ago11:31
Xtremebut looks like a lot is changed since then11:32
subz3r0if "proftpd -l" does not show "mod_tls.c", can i be sure that tls not working? i've just installed it in ubuntu with apt-get install proftpd-basic11:32
auronandaceXtreme: what do you want to change in the boot menu?11:32
bekkssubz3r0: Just try logging in enforcing TLS.11:32
Xtreme1: default boot OS11:32
Xtreme2: timeout11:32
Xtremetwo things11:33
auronandaceXtreme: both are done in /etc/default/grub11:33
auronandaceXtreme: that file is rather straightforward11:33
subz3r0bekks, its not configured completely. just want to make sure that its working before i even start to config the rest...11:34
auronandaceXtreme: after you edit that do update-grub (or grub-update, i never remember which way around it is)11:34
bekkssubz3r0: Testing a login is part of configuring it ;)11:34
Rods_TigerWhat do I get if I load "Basic Ubuntu server" in Tasksel?11:35
Xtremeauronandace: found it.. changed timeout from 10 to 3, but what about default OS.. how will i know which number is for windows?? coz my sister uses windows, and i need to learn linux :)11:35
subz3r0bekks, uhm well. i just followed the tutorial of proftpd.de. there is mentioned to test it before even start the config. thats why im asking11:35
Xtremein old grub, the list was at bottom11:36
auronandaceXtreme: the number should correspond to the order they are listed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:36
azerthello there11:38
Xtremeauronandace: changed default to 4.. 0 is linux..   now doing update-grub11:38
Rods_TigerWhat kind of server do I get if I select "Basic Ubuntu server" in Tasksel?11:38
azerthow to transfer 54M file from over tftp ?11:38
azerton a remote machine11:39
azerti try to put that file but it says Transfer timed out.11:39
Xtremeauronandace: thanks for the help11:39
Xtremei will be back after few mins11:39
Unknown0BCI am trying to install netbeans on oneiric, but it does not seem to detect the OpenJDK I intalled from the repos.11:40
=== arand is now known as arand_
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TheZizzuhow to backup to an image file the root partition??11:43
bekksclonezilla, dd11:44
Unknown0BCsounds like dd11:44
TheZizzucan i run dd if i am usinf the system??? or have i to do it from live cd???11:44
TheZizzuwould cause some error if i backup the root partition while i am using it??11:45
Rienzillaif your root filesystem is on lvm, you can make a snapshot11:45
Rienzillaand dd that11:46
bekksTheZizzu: Doesnt make sense to dd a running system since the image will be inconsistent.11:46
TheZizzuso i have to use live cd??11:46
Rienzillayeah exactly. The best way imo would be to boot from live cd and make a tar archive11:46
bekksTheZizzu: Yes.11:47
Rods_Tigernever mind, nobody knows.11:47
TheZizzutar arhive of image i take with dd?11:47
Rienzillano, just a tar of the filesystem you want to back up011:48
Rienzillaa tar is much easier to rtestore than a disk image11:48
TheZizzuah tar of all files??11:48
bekksAs root user, since you cant backup all files otherwise.11:48
Rienzillaboot from live cd, mount your filesystem somewhere, run tar -c -f mybackup.tar /mountpoint11:49
Rienzillaoptionally add compression options11:49
Rienzillaif your machine consists of multiple partitions/volumes instead of one big one, make sure to mount those too if you want them backed up11:50
TheZizzuok thank you bye11:51
yossarian_Hi! I'm looking for some help regarding Ubuntu 11.10 and hope I can find some in here. :D12:01
Fair_Friendwhat help12:01
yossarian_My dvd-drive is not working.12:01
Fair_Friendwhat error do u get12:01
yossarian_It doesn't read cd/dvds12:02
yossarian_And is generally not shown12:02
yossarian_in nautilus12:02
Fair_Friendis it enabled from bios?12:03
Fair_Friendworks in other OS?12:03
yossarian_I don't know. Have never tried any other OS on this laptop.12:03
Fair_Friendwhich ver of Ubuntu ure using12:04
AntonisHello folks I was here yesterday about flash not showing up on websites but I had to go :\ I have not fixed it yet but could someone first help me with this problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/918738/12:06
AntonisI am runing ubuntu 11.10 64bit12:06
schnuffleAntonis:  remove the x86 repos12:06
MonkeyDustAntonis  open your source manager and delete one of the duplicate sources12:07
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
Antonishow do I do that? I went to /var/lib/apt/lists/ and removed one but it's still there after apt-get update12:07
yossarian_here's what I get from lshw: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/577434/12:07
yossarian_if that helps12:07
yossarian_I do have a disc inserted though12:08
schnuffleAntonis: the repos are under  /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:08
Antonisschnuffle, I can't find it there..12:08
AntonisI opened the software sources and on other sources it says canonical partners and canonical partners (source)12:08
AntonisI enabled them12:09
schnuffleAntonis: how haveyoutried to find them? sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list?12:09
Antonisand then it says canonical partners added by software center12:09
Antonisschnuffle, gedit12:09
schnuffleAntonis: you need root rights to be able to edit them12:09
curiousxAntonis: run this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/918742/12:09
yossarian_Help, anyone? :D12:10
Antoniscuriousx, what will it do?12:10
schnuffleAntonis: not solve your problem :)12:11
curiousxit will re-add some gpg keys12:11
AntonisI removed the cannonical partners that was added by software-center12:11
schnuffleAntonis: your problem isnot a special repo its that youmixed i386 and amd64 repos12:12
curiousxAntonis: bad idea, only you have to remove those who ouputs "Err GPG... some gpg program"12:12
schnuffleAntonis: as you stated you're running amd64,drop all the i386 repos12:12
Antonisschnuffle, yes but how do I know what repos are i386?12:13
schnuffleAntonis: Paste your sources.list and Ill have a look at it,and paste uname -r as well and all files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d12:14
yossarian_Mhh, it seems to work somehow. But it's really slow with reading the data.12:14
schnuffleAntonis: you can use pastebinit for that12:14
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:15
curiousxye, and also the, sudo apt-get update12:15
Antonisschnuffle, ok12:15
curiousxi didn't see it =(12:15
Antonisuname -r | pastebinit => http://paste.ubuntu.com/918750/12:15
schnuffleAntonis: so your kernel is i386 not amd6412:16
Antonisbut my OS is amd64 :\12:16
AntonisI downloaded and installed ubuntu 64bit12:16
Antonisheres is content in sources.list.d => http://paste.ubuntu.com/918754/12:16
MonkeyDustAntonis  64bit wors on 64bit hardware only12:16
curiousxAntonis: paste me, sudo apt-get update12:17
Antonisschnuffle, and here is the file with sources => http://paste.ubuntu.com/918758/12:18
schnuffleAntonis: what have you done? 100 additional repos? okay 50 because they are all double but it clear that you'llrun into problems sooner or later.Are you sure all that repos are necessary?12:18
Antonisschnuffle, not 100.. :\12:19
Antoniscuriousx, how do I do that?12:19
KyshtynbaiHi eberyone! I'm trying a build a nautilus script in 12.04 and ./configure returns an error No package 'gtk+-2.0' found12:19
KyshtynbaiWhat package shoud I install?12:20
schnuffleAntonis:  sudo apt-get update | pastebinit12:20
MonkeyDust!12.04| Kyshtynbai12:20
ubottuKyshtynbai: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+112:20
curiousxAntonis: like schnuffle wrote12:20
KyshtynbaiOh. I see tahsnks12:20
Antonisschnuffle, curiousx http://paste.ubuntu.com/918766/12:24
thunder1212how can i re flash my bios12:24
dlentzthunder1212, reflash?12:25
curiousxeverything is good12:25
bekksthunder1212: By following the appropriate instructions of the manufacturer of your mainboard/laptop.12:25
curiousxeverything its ok*12:25
himanshu_m786how can i delete history or temp of my ubuntu ??12:26
curiousxAntonis: now you can install programs without issues12:26
schnufflehimanshu_m786:  bash history,browser history....? which temp?12:27
crazyandi86Hi! Can anyone tell be a way to set a fixed minor number for a device?12:27
Antoniscuriousx, ? what do you mean?12:27
AntonisI didn't have problems before either but the flash is not playing on browsers, not chrome nor firefox..12:27
schnufflecrazyandi86: mknod12:28
AntonisI had i386 reopos for canonical partners so i removed one (i386) but it wont play anyway12:28
blithenGood morning from america! :D12:28
crazyandi86schnuffle: like what?12:28
curiousxmmm... what was your issue? PPA repositories?12:28
blithenI was wondering if it's possible to install ubuntu through windows onto unallocated space.12:28
blithenNot using wubi.12:28
schnufflecrazyandi86: mknod can create youa device with the mjaor/minor numbers12:28
crazyandi86schnuffle: my device is created like /dev/ttyUSBX, and i always want to get /dev/ttyUSB012:29
blithenOr is it just the best option to install it normally.12:29
schnufflecrazyandi86:  thats done by udev and you'll need to create a udev rule12:29
crazyandi86schnuffle: okay, i feared that..., can a device be renamed manually?12:30
crazyandi86schnuffle: for example from /dev/ttyUSB1 to /dev/ttyUSB0?12:30
MrPopinjayIf I make a difference to /etc/security/limits.conf do I need to re-log-in for the changes to take effect?12:31
schnufflecrazyandi86: you can seta symlink,like for /dev/crom ->/dev/sdX12:31
crazyandi86schnuffle: hm, you're right, i think will go with that12:32
brainwavei need to access a remote desktop12:33
brainwavebut my computer says12:33
brainwavebut my computer says it will allow only local connections, when i go via preferences->remote desktop12:33
crazyandi86schnuffle: thank's a lot for your help!12:33
schnufflecrazyandi86: udevrules are not that hardto write,I would go that route. A couple of days ago I helped somebody and he managed it not being a pro12:34
MonkeyDustbrainwave  i'm here over ssh12:34
MonkeyDustbrainwave  ssh is an easy way to connect to a remote pc12:34
crazyandi86schnuffle: sorry, but that's not the problem... i need i the device on my nexus s, no udev available there ( at least i don't think so )12:35
schnufflecrazyandi86: aah, okay:)12:35
* comgen is using a Xoom running Android 4.0.4 (IML77)12:35
thunder1212dlentz: my laptop doesn't shutdown, neither on windows, nor on linux..  i wanted to get my system to some defaults..12:37
brainwaveok...but i want to see the desktop12:38
brainwavewill ssh allow that?12:38
brainwavei thought it was text only12:38
MonkeyDustbrainwave  i've never used it, but there's tight VNC12:41
schnufflebrainwave: If youwant to connect to a remote pc,why not just run RDP ( if its a windows pc )12:41
MonkeyDustor rdesktop, if it's a windows pc12:42
Antoniscuriousx, I don't know what the issue is.. I enabled canonical partners repos, I installed flash but it won't play on either chrome or firefox :\12:42
schnuffleAntonis: Firefox 64bit?12:42
Antonisschnuffle, I think so..12:44
curiousxAntonis: Antonis wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz12:44
himanshu_m786<schnuffle> means the recent files... recent music ,vedio,folder .... that i want to remove..12:45
Antoniscuriousx, I mainly use chrome.. is this for chrome as well or only firefox?12:45
itaylor57curiousx, you are giving bad advice12:45
schnufflehimanshu_m786:  can you rephrase Idont get your question12:46
itaylor57Antonis, dont download what curiousx said12:46
himanshu_m786<schnuffle>how can i delete history or temp of my ubuntu ??      means the recent files... recent music ,vedio,folder .... that i want to remove..12:46
curiousxAntonis: for both12:47
schnufflehimanshu_m786: Open a file manager and delete the files?12:47
curiousxAntonis: the version i gove you is, the lastest one12:48
SerythAnyone seen theadmin recently?12:48
himanshu_m786<schnuffle>  and what does the "janitor " does .....12:49
Antonisitaylor57, you have a better advice maybe??12:49
Antoniscuriousx, I am reading through the readme to see how to install it12:49
jonas__hi . help peoples then i start fallout 3 is starting ok and problem is the game stuck then the any npc speak and then finish speak then  the game stuck..12:49
itaylor57Antonis, that is the 32 but flash from adobe12:50
itaylor57you need to run with the repo12:50
curiousxAntonis: just sudo mv /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so.back12:50
* itaylor57 gives up12:50
curiousxand; sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/12:50
Antonisbut I read somewhere there is a 64bit flash12:50
Antonisfor ubuntu 11.1012:50
Antoniswhy should I download and install i386?12:50
curiousxthen restart the web browser12:50
neuling#join ubuntu.de12:50
Antoniscuriousx, why i386??12:51
curiousxAntonis: but you have 32 bits distro12:51
Antonisno I have 64bit :\12:51
curiousxAntonis: uname -a12:51
neulingwie komm ich denn jetzt auf die deutsche seite12:51
schnufflehimanshu_m786: janitor checks for obsolete packages and uninstalls them12:51
AntonisLinux hades 3.0.0-18-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 27 17:47:15 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:52
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:52
curiousxye 64, wait me a minute12:52
schnuffleneuling: /join #ubuntu-de12:52
curiousxAntonis: wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz12:52
himanshu_m786<schnuffle> ok...12:52
neulingbin ich jetzt da?12:53
Antoniscuriousx, mv: cannot stat `/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so': No such file or directory12:55
curiousxAntonis: ok12:55
termenI run ubuntu 12.04 and I have  a problem/bug with my memory. The longer my machine runs, the fuller the memory gets and finally an application is killed to free memory.12:55
termenAnyone knows how to fix this?12:56
MonkeyDusttermen  better ask in #ubuntu+112:56
curiousxdescomprime "install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz" and then:  sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/12:56
ChaoticanarchyXhi all12:57
itaylor57Antonis, you should get it from repo "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer12:57
Antonisitaylor57, I did so12:58
Antonisit won't play flash content12:58
Abhijitis there any devianart channel?12:58
ChaoticanarchyXanybody in here know about video card ID problems and how to fix them>12:58
ChaoticanarchyXor am i in the wrong place for that question12:59
MonkeyDustAntonis  look in synaptic if gnash installed, delete if it is, install if it isnt, sounds crazy, but may help12:59
alexitaanybody there13:02
ChaoticanarchyXI'm here and still waiting for my question to be anwered xD13:03
alexitaAbhijit: can u help me? i need to check if my IP is public or not13:03
alexitaChaoticanarchyX: hey what's ur question?13:04
ChaoticanarchyXMy video card is not being ID'd right and it isnt let me use certain programs cause it wont properly go full screen13:05
mydogsnameisrudyalexita:  did you try www.whatsmyip.org   ?13:05
ChaoticanarchyXits an ATI 920013:06
alexitamydogsnameisrudy: i know that's website, but how can i check if my IP is public or i'm behind a lan13:07
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: what is the version driver?13:07
schnufflealexita:  open a terminal and type: ifconfig13:07
mydogsnameisrudyalexita:  i thought it had some scans on that site.  sorry if it dont help13:08
=== Snowdrift is now known as Guest79522
alexitamydogsnameisrudy:  my Internet Provider used to set all the customers behind a kind of network but since 1 year is starting to assign public IP now i would like to check if i get the public IP13:08
alexitaschnuffle:  done13:08
ChaoticanarchyXim not sure what the version driver is, is there anyway to find out in terminal?13:08
alexitaschnuffle:  now?13:08
schnufflealexita:  it should show the ips of your networkcards13:09
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: in the ati's panel control13:09
schnufflealexita: ifconfig| grep inet might makeit easierto see13:09
raptor67682hello. how to know which driver libhpaio during scanimage uses?13:09
ChaoticanarchyXHow do i acess it>13:10
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: do you install it from "Aditional Drivers"13:10
plouffealexita, were you using a proxy before?13:10
ChaoticanarchyXi think i did, im running the 64 bit version of ubuntu also. 11.1013:10
alexitaschnuffle:  with ifconfig i just can check my router LAN IPs13:10
curiousxwhatever i dont think you have the latest version, so...13:10
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run13:11
schnufflealexita: wrong you check the IP ofyour PC13:11
ChaoticanarchyXi got that packege before but i for my life cant figure out how to install the packages13:11
curiousxdo you have it right now?13:12
ChaoticanarchyXim still a newbie on linux, former windows supporter :-p13:12
schnufflealexita: and your question was,how can I check if i have a public ip13:12
alexitaschnuffle:  take a look http://pastebin.com/JuqheN9t13:12
schnufflealexita: that means your PC has as address13:13
ChaoticanarchyXim downloading it again13:13
alexitaschnuffle:  i'm behind my router, maybe i should connetct my PC directly to the router that the Internet Provider gave me and run the command again ?13:13
alexitaschnuffle: is not a public IP is just my LAN address13:13
MonkeyDustalexita  ifconfig shows the local ip address, not the public13:14
ChaoticanarchyXhow do you install .run packages properly?13:14
schnufflealexita: no,just ask the correct queston. Your router should always get a public IP13:14
alexitaMonkeyDust: how can i check if i have a public IP address ? thanks13:14
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6 dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg013:14
MonkeyDustalexita  www.whatismyip.com shows your public address13:14
schnufflealexita: Just login into your router,normally there'sa status panel that show the publicIP13:14
alexitaschnuffle: right13:15
schnufflealexita: and your router should normally always get a public IP13:15
gulzarPlease help. I was learning file-permissions and messed up my /home. /home is not being recognised as folder so is not opening with nautilus. Which command is to be used?13:15
jribgulzar: what did you do exactly?  Also, what is the output of « ls -ld /home »13:16
biggens1well, have you tried rebooting?13:16
alexitaschnuffle: MonkeyDust: the IP that the router get is different from the one on my Whatsmyipaddress  so  I HAVE NO PUBLIC IP :(13:17
gulzarjrib: I tried various combinations of chmod <no> on /home and now it is not being recgnised as folder13:17
DimitrisGRhello, yestarday i did a apt-get update (ubuntu 11.10) and now my system freezes at the ubuntu loading screen. i tried fixing packages through ubuntu recovery but the problem didn't solve13:17
jribgulzar: what is the output of « ls -ld /home »13:17
schnufflebiggens1: don't advice people about solutions that worked ten years ago for win9513:17
biggens1reboot your pc13:17
jribbiggens1: who are you addressing?13:17
gulzarjrib: drwxrwx--- 3 gulzar users 4096 Apr  7 13:37 /home13:18
jribbiggens1: I didn't ask a question...13:18
jribgulzar: umm, is this ubuntu?13:18
ChaoticanarchyXok i did that command it says im up to date. nothing was added or removed13:18
gulzarschnuffle: nice said :)13:18
gulzarjrib: no.. but I am interested in file permissions13:18
MonkeyDustbiggens1  better put a name in front of your comments13:18
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs13:18
jribgulzar: what distribution?13:18
MonkeyDustalexita  in a terminal, type curl ifconfig.me13:19
schnufflegulzar: /home should be: root:root 75513:19
ChaoticanarchyXsame as before, its at the latest13:19
DimitrisGRhow can i make it not to show the loading screen and see what's going on behind it?13:19
biggens1I fixed my problem by rebooting13:19
gulzarschnuffle: ok.. let's try13:19
jribbiggens1: stop talking about rebooting please; it's not relevant to anything being asked at the moment13:20
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/Oneric13:20
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneric13:20
biggens1ok i am in shame13:21
DimitrisGRcan anyone help me?13:21
gulzarschnuffle: no.. didn't worked13:21
jribgulzar: please use your distribution's channel for support.  chmod 755 /home; chown root: /home;  will likely get you to a usable state, but your distro may have different defaults.  Also, I'd advise you to test things in a virtualizer like vbox so you don't have to worry about breaking your main install13:21
gulzarjrib: Ok..13:22
ChaoticanarchyXsays it cant install it.13:22
schnufflegulzar: have you used ACL13:22
Atlantic777I have a free week to spend with my computers so I want to install 12.04 on all my machines. What will happen with beta->release upgrade? Everything should be ok?13:22
Atlantic777Or it's better to wait.13:22
MonkeyDustAtlantic777  ask in #ubuntu+113:22
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: what did you do?13:23
schnuffleAtlantic777: I should be okay anditsbetter to wait13:23
itaylor57!final | Atlantic77713:23
ubottuAtlantic777: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.13:23
ChaoticanarchyXi typed in the command you gave me13:23
gulzarschnuffle: not yet.. will try it at last13:23
curiousxonly do: sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneric13:23
irenicus09hi...I'm using thunderbird & I wanna know if it's possible to download messages from server using pop3 protocol securely & leave no messages on server13:23
ChaoticanarchyXi did13:23
gulzarschnuffle: just read about it in one guide..13:23
curiousxpaste the outputs13:23
irenicus09I mean leave no copies behind13:23
schnuffleirenicus09:  yes its possible and the default behaviour of POP313:23
ChaoticanarchyXsudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6 dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg013:24
irenicus09shadowe989: but why do i see emails still there when I log into gmail manually13:24
irenicus09schnuffle: I dont want any copies left behind13:24
ChaoticanarchyXthats not the command i wanted to paste13:24
jrib!who | ChaoticanarchyX13:24
ubottuChaoticanarchyX: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:24
schnuffleirenicus09: then check your thunderbird settings13:25
irenicus09schnuffle: I did check but I dunno which one would fix the problem13:25
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx this is what i get gary@gary-desktop:~$ sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run-buildpkg Ubuntu/oneric13:25
ChaoticanarchyXsh: Can't open amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run-buildpkg13:25
gulzarschnuffle: jrib: its done...  Thank you13:25
schnuffleirenicus09: there settings for that but as I'm using only IMAPi can't check13:26
biggens1_schnuffle,you don't need thunderbird13:26
schnufflebiggens1: how doyou know?13:26
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: chmod u+x sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/lucid13:26
irenicus09schnuffle: should I leave "leave messages on server" unchecked??13:26
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sry13:26
biggens1_because i never used it13:26
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: chmod u+x amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run13:26
schnuffleirenicus09: yes, that is the setting13:26
schnufflebiggens1: and why doyouknow that I dont need it?13:27
curiousxno, why 12.2? i gove you 12.3 recently13:27
irenicus09schnuffle: I did but still older mails don't seem to be affected...even the new one that I received right now showed up in gmail13:27
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: this is the link for Catalyst 12.3 ---> http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run13:28
schnuffleirenicus09: older ones wont get deleetd after having changed the setting, onlynew ones13:28
biggens1_because it is only a E-mail reader13:28
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx is it ok if i pm you?13:29
schnufflebiggens1: your statements doesn't make any sense to me13:29
irenicus09schnuffle: okay thnx13:29
curiousxnop, i dont want pm =P13:29
ChaoticanarchyXwell this is what i get for next set of messge13:30
ChaoticanarchyXgary@gary-desktop:~$ chmod u+x sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/lucid13:30
ChaoticanarchyXchmod: unrecognized option '--buildpkg'13:30
ChaoticanarchyXi have that download already13:30
ChaoticanarchyXthe .run13:30
jribChaoticanarchyX: please use a pastebin for multiple-line pastes and please put the nick of your helper in front of your messages to him/her.13:31
curiousxye i know my bad, but you have 12.2 installer and you should download 12.3 which have some improvements13:32
ChaoticanarchyXno, it is the 12-313:32
nokliono ok13:32
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i downloaded it from the link you sent earlier13:33
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i changed the command line from 12-2 to 12-313:33
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ok lets start again, remove the driver you downlaoded and download 12.3 this is the command/link: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run13:34
noklionhow do I install supertuxkart without "permission"\13:35
jribnoklion: you must be an admin to install packages in ubuntu13:35
jribnoklion: (ask your admin to install it)13:35
noklionthanks a lot13:35
noklionok thank you13:36
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx how do you pastebin?13:36
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: http://paste.ubuntu.com13:37
MonkeyDustChaoticanarchyX  [command] | pastebinit13:37
ChaoticanarchyXit had an error and want to paste the resault but someone said use a pastebin13:38
LaykeHow can I check permissions for www-data. I want to make sure that www-data has x permission for / /var/www/ /var/www/website and /var/www/website/public13:39
ChaoticanarchyXgary@gary-desktop:~$ wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86x86 64.run13:39
ChaoticanarchyX--2012-04-07 09:35:57--  http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86x8613:39
ChaoticanarchyXResolving www2.ati.com...
ChaoticanarchyXConnecting to www2.ati.com||:80... connected.13:39
ChaoticanarchyXHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found13:39
ChaoticanarchyX2012-04-07 09:35:57 ERROR 404: Not Found.13:39
ChaoticanarchyX--2012-04-07 09:35:57--  http://64.run/13:39
FloodBot1ChaoticanarchyX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:39
noklionthis is another problem i am a PXE server with four PC's and VirtualBox will not work13:39
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: copy the error and paste it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com then copy the resultant link, and paste it here13:39
ChaoticanarchyXgary@gary-desktop:~$ wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86x86 64.run --2012-04-07 09:35:57--  http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86x86 Resolving www2.ati.com... Connecting to www2.ati.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2012-04-07 09:35:57 ERROR 404: Not Found.  --2012-04-07 09:35:57--  http://64.run/ Res13:40
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx thats what its giving me13:41
MonkeyDustChaoticanarchyX  please use pastebin13:41
ChaoticanarchyXisnt my last post from pastebin?13:41
curiousxye 404 error not found, i can download it let try something, or lets install 12.2 as you like13:42
abeli have printer that is atached to ubuntu 10.04 and i have alradey teset to print directly it works fine but i would like to print from another  window and ubuntu computer computer  but when i try to add the shared networked computer it doesnt apear can you help me?13:42
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: login as root13:43
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx no lol i dont wannt to install 12-2 xD  I want the lastest driver installed. bear with me on this im really trying not ot be a pain.13:43
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx in terminal login?13:44
root__hi, i'm trying to install a new graphic card,13:44
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: echo "" >> /etc/resolv.conf ; echo "" >> /etc/resolv.conf13:44
root__and i'm almost there, but running nvidia-xconfig returns13:44
Mart1n_Hi, I have ubuntu 11.10 with nouveau driver installed. As I want 3d support, I installed libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental but nothing happens. Ubuntu Classic Desktop still don't show window animations13:44
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ye, do: sudo su, and you will be root13:44
Mart1n_I restarted desktop afterinstallation13:44
root__WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.13:45
root__New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'13:45
abeli have printer that is atached to ubuntu 10.04 and i have alradey teset to print directly it works fine but i would like to print from another  window and ubuntu computer computer  but when i try to add the shared networked computer it doesnt apear can you help me?13:45
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx says no such directory exits13:47
ChaoticanarchyXim logged in as root in terminal13:48
ubu64abel: can the computers ping each other?13:48
skurceyyou re not supposed to log as root13:48
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: nano /etc/resolv.conf  and append "nameserver"  without quotes13:49
himanshu_m786how can i use EMACS as python ide13:49
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: then below append "nameserver" without quotes13:50
scorpion19abel awnser the question that ubu64 asked you...13:50
abelubu64:yes it works13:51
scorpion19the two PCs and the printer are connected in the same switch or hub?13:52
abelscorpion19:it pings each other13:52
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i did the nano /etc/resolv.conf nameserver and it brought up GNU nano 2.2.513:52
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i mean 2.2.613:53
abelscorpion19:yes they are connected in the same hub13:53
abelscorpion19:by the way sharing of another folders are working proporly13:53
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx in that "terminal" window do i put in the nameserver
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ye13:54
scorpion19the pc that works fine with the printer lets call it pc113:54
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx ok i did that now what?13:55
scorpion19and the pc2 its the one that doesnt work as you describe in the problem right?13:55
curiousxnow press "Ctrl + o" and then "Ctrl + x"13:55
scorpion19you can share documents between pc1 and pc2 right? as you mentioned of course...13:56
scorpion19and the pc2 can ping the printer properly?13:56
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx ok done that13:56
abelscorpion19:yes it pings each other13:56
scorpion19but, does the printer got a ip address?13:57
curiousxnow: put this link in a web browser: http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run13:57
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i does the sound like i cant do something (the dog bark)13:57
skurceya networked printer yes13:57
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: or: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run13:57
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx ok re-downloading it now13:59
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx ok done13:59
curiousxdo you have it? 12.3?14:00
oooaaaooo1hey guys, when is 11.10 LTS coming out again?14:00
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx yes14:00
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:00
CAZ_au11.10 is out. 12.04LTS comes out April 26 201214:00
scorpion19oooaaaooo1: nice one!14:00
curiousxok, so: chmod u+x amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run14:00
MonkeyDustoooaaaooo1  you mean 12.04, april 2614:01
abelscorpion19:are with me14:01
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx how do i get out of the GNU nano?14:01
abelscorpion19:am waiting you14:01
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx type exit?14:01
scorpion19abel: dude14:01
curiousxpressing Ctrl + x"14:01
scorpion19abel: did it work?14:01
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: the control key bindings are at the bottom of the nano screen14:02
abelscorpion19:sorry isayed before sharing documents each other are work14:02
CJKayHaving a problem with audio at the moment. It used to work fine, then it started deteriorating, and now sometimes Pulse just doesn't even pick up that I have a sound card14:03
CJKayOddly enough when I login I get the drum sound, but after that... no sound whatsoever14:03
CJKayHad this problem on 11.10, thought updating to 12.04 beta might help the problem, and yet it persists14:03
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx its still asking me in GNU file name to write. and then is giving me things at the bottom, should i do the M - A Append?14:03
scorpion19abel: isayed???14:03
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: what is it you are actually trying to do with nano?14:04
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: press "Y"14:04
CJKayUsed to be able to fix it by restarting the pulse daemon, but now no such luck14:04
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: then press <enter>14:04
abelscorpion19:i can't print document from pc2?14:04
* curiousx should tell you about gedit instead of nano =(14:05
mneptokcuriousx: or ne.14:05
scorpion19abel: what is the ip address of your printer and which one got your pc2....?14:06
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx it says error writing14:06
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: what is it you are actually trying to do with nano?14:06
=== Han_ is now known as Guido_1
curiousxmneptok: whatever you already have the driver, just close the terminal and its done14:06
curiousxexcuseme i meant ChaoticanarchyX14:06
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: e.g. "edit ______ so that i can _____"14:06
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok i dunno, im trying to resolve a video card issue and am only trying to do what im told to try to correct it14:06
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: what is the issue?14:07
abelscorpion19:fro pc1 which is connected to printer( for pc2(
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok my video card isnt initalizing right and alot of programs that require full screen will not even start because the video card isnt being ID's right14:08
scorpion19abel: ok the pc1 got the ip address and the pc2 got the right?14:08
Guido_1Hello, In the moment i have a problem with ubuntu. If i want to open a media file it opens totem media layer, but it does not start playing. a moment bevore it worked just fine. beween this 2 i had restrtet ubuntu 10.04. during the restart it wanted to chek the haddisks, but it stoped during it so i pressed "i". sadly i can't see what the other options are. which letter can i press with...14:08
Guido_1...which effecht?14:08
CJKayAny ideas, anyone? This has been pissing me off for a week14:09
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: chmod u+x amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run14:09
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: be aware that installing the AMD proprietary drivers will then create a host of other issues. like needing to reinstall that driver manually every time you get a kernel update.14:09
scorpion19abel: and again the PRINTER which IP address have?14:09
mneptokscorpion19: the printer is shared by one of the computers. it does not need its own IP14:10
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok im still in the GNU nano, trying to save whatever curiousx told me to do but it wont let me save it, it keeps sayin theres a writing error and that the directory doesnt exsist14:10
igorkohave question about compiling under ubuntu. I can't run app, built under 11.10 in 12.04. How to make it "universal"? Linux is POSIX compatible afaik14:10
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: close the terminal window without saving.14:10
Guido_1so which options do i have during the haddisc controlle?14:11
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok ok done14:11
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok I've started it again14:11
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: "lsmod | grep adeon"14:11
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: pastebin that output14:11
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok done14:12
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: OK, what's the URL?14:12
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok URL? none came up if thats what it was supposed to do14:13
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: "lsmod | grep adeon"14:13
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: pastebin that output14:13
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: then give me the URL to the pastebin you posted.14:13
curiousxlsmod | grep adeon | pastebinit -a ChaoticanarchyX -b http://paste.ubuntu.com   =P14:13
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok opps sorry i type the command wrong14:14
scorpion19abel: as i told you a i got to restart my pc, but im will be back you should read this and try it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu14:14
scorpion19abel: see you later!14:14
scorpion19abel: but im coming back, seriusly...14:14
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok gimmie a sec installing the pastebin now14:16
Guido_1so which options do i have during the haddisc controlle?14:17
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok ok i did the pastebin14:17
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: OK. URL?14:17
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: OK, so right now you are using the Free "radeon" driver for your AMD graphics. i do the same. which apps are not working correctly?14:19
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok fusion is one of them, certain games trying to run in wine that ran with an Nvidia 64 mb card that stopped working when i put this card and another 32 mb ATI video card in14:21
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: the "radeon" driver does not have support for 3D acceleration.14:21
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok i get that but fusion is an emulator for sega14:22
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: so ... your choice. games and such, or a stable system. because installing that proprietary AMD driver is not without issues of its own.14:22
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: my guess is that Fusion uses OpenGL14:22
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok i dont doubt it has bugs of it own, but even youtube videos dont even play/show up right14:22
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: so you are prepared to manually compile and re-install that driver every time you see that you are getting a kernel update?14:23
curiousxpropietary works very well now with 12.3 and the beta 12.4 have some important improvenments i don't remember but ill search it14:24
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok like if i try to watch a video on youtube in full screen mode it gets laggy and in video in general i get that "tearing" effect. Sir im ready to go all in for linux. I was on windows for 10 years and im ready to jump into a better ship.14:24
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: http://youtube.com/html514:24
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: that is not because of the video driver. it's because of Adobe's utter crap Linux Flash plugin.14:25
=== Taftse is now known as Taftse|NL
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok my firefox is up to date14:25
mneptokcuriousx: uhhhh .... 12.3?14:25
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: it does not matter.14:25
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: the Flash plugin for Linux is a known resource hog.14:26
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok so reinstall it?14:26
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: Flash?14:26
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: one last time. FLASH. ON. LINUX. IS. CRAP.14:26
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: this has notjhing to do with reinstalling. it has nothing to do with Firefox being updated. it has to do with Adobe MAKING A CRAP PRODUCT14:27
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok no doubt (probably the reason Mr Jobs didnt bother with it in the Iphones and Ipads14:27
mneptokcuriousx: there is no Ubuntu 12.314:27
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: http://youtube.com/html5  <----- go enroll in the HTNL5 beta. THAT will improve things.14:28
curiousxcatalyst 12.3, and 12.4 beta has this improvements "AMD Catalyst 12.4 OpenCL"14:28
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok ok i did that14:28
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: try a random YT vid14:28
curiousxthis is 12.4 beta with OpenCL support http://download2-developer.amd.com/amd/APPSDK/OpenCL1.2betadriversLinux.tgz14:29
ubottuJessy: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:29
mneptokcuriousx: ah, a Catalyst rev. #. gotchya.14:29
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx so how do i install this when its downloaded14:30
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: chmod u+x amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run14:31
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok it improved the video slightly (better then what it was)14:31
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: 64-bit or 32-bit Ubuntu?14:31
paopaosorry, wrong place...14:32
curiousx64 but he has ia32-libs14:32
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok 64 bit Atholon 2 gig14:33
Guido_1i also can't se the options after i klicked on restart (restart and cancle) iet's just a blank window14:33
scorpion19abel: dude...are you here?14:33
mneptokChaoticanarchyX: wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run && sudo sh ./amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run14:33
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok supriseingly single core14:33
skurceyi had problems with official drivers14:33
* mneptok tootles off for moar coffee14:33
ChaoticanarchyXmnetok ok its downloading14:34
=== cassio is now known as Guest88955
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx what should i do when its done downloading, he kinda just up and left xD14:34
curiousxfor 4 time: chmod u+x amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run14:35
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx its installing14:36
curiousxstop that14:36
synapsewhen is Precise going to be stable/relase?14:36
curiousxits recommended that you generate the .deb packages for yours ubuntu distro14:37
xanguasynapse: /join #ubuntu+114:37
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx it stopped anyway, it detected an older version and stopped it and told me to uninstall it and and then install the new driver14:37
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx how do i generate the deb14:38
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx never mind i relized that it gives me that option14:39
=== synapse is now known as sin
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-3-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/oneric14:39
ChaoticanarchyXits generating the package now14:40
ChaoticanarchyXeven though this may not be done yet i want to say thank you to you two14:40
ChaoticanarchyXi really want to get all in on linux14:40
TheZizzuis there a way to move unity bar at bottom??14:41
ChaoticanarchyXtakes awhile to generate the package eh?14:41
TheZizzuis there a way to move unity bar at bottom??14:43
BuiltToLastbonjour, hi i have trouble with flashplayer 11 can someone help me?14:43
Seryth!ask | BuiltToLast14:44
ubottuBuiltToLast: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:44
TheZizzuis there a way to move unity bar at bottom??14:44
jean_brathi i am running ubuntu studio. all the apps like synpatic pacakage manager opens with root password, but its not working in Terminal or Cterm14:44
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx it saying something about saving the X Window config file, how do i do that14:44
jean_bratwhere i am trying to install catalyst driver.. su and the root password14:44
jean_bratits not taking14:45
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: this way sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak14:45
VespakoenHey guys! anyone got a dualboot Mac OS X Lion + Ubuntu ?14:45
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Serythjean_brat: What do you mean, you can't open synaptic from terminal?14:45
curiousxbut, maybe wont find it =P it doesn't matter14:45
jean_bratno.. my root password works for all the apps.. but its not working in terminal\14:45
OGNINOIAis there a way to move unity bar at bottom??14:45
=== arnsa is now known as giant
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: just do this: sudo aticonfig --initial -f14:46
=== giant is now known as arnsa
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: excuse me14:46
OGNINOIAwhy dont they set an option to put the damned unity bar at bottom???14:46
VespakoenAnyone got any experience with reFit?14:46
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: first you have to install it so: sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb14:46
BuiltToLast! ask trouble with flashplayer 11 and ubuntu 11.10. I cant play videos (they're white)14:48
ubottuBuiltToLast: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:48
jean_brati have a run file downloaded from AMD website. but the terminal says i should be root.. but i have not given any root password. and my user name itself is an administrator and seems to work for all the other GUI applications14:48
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx saying removing all DKMS modules14:48
jean_bratmy password does not work in terminal14:48
xanguaOGNINOIA: do you people ever research a little¿ http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/install-ubuntu-unity-bottom-launcher.html14:48
sjoshi-xAnyone awake ?14:49
curiousxwhat was the last command yoy did?14:49
sjoshi-xNo command , was just checking if anyone was there to give some help14:49
curiousxBuiltToLast: 32 or 64 bits?14:49
ChaoticanarchyXsudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb14:49
OGNINOIAresearcing mean i have to use my mind and every time i try it do some strange rumors then black out14:49
BuiltToLast32 bits curiousx14:49
compdocjean_brat, use the command sudo, and use your personal password. never set a root password14:50
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ok, so now: sudo aticonfig --initial -f14:50
sjoshi-xhaving problems installing java on 64 bit ubuntu desktop , broken dependency at javabridge14:50
curiousxBuiltToLast: wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/licensing/linux/install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz14:50
jean_bratcompdoc, sudo <password> ?14:51
dariebihi all14:52
BuiltToLastthanx curious. how do i install it?14:52
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx its saying that aticonfig command is not found14:52
compdocjean_brat, no, sudo command, then it asks for your password once14:52
test_Hi, does anybody know how to make skype sound on all devises when someone calls? I have a usb headset and it only sounds on them and not on the pc speakers.14:52
compdocjean_brat, you can also modify /etc/sudoers so that it never asks for your password14:52
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: so you didt install the .deb packages14:53
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i thought i did, whats the command again>14:53
curiousxBuiltToLast: tar xvzf install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz14:53
zenmasterSo I have this issue, where it seems like my server is going into power save mode or something. But it has not options like that on?14:53
BuiltToLastthanx curoius i try that. cheers!14:54
test_I am trying to turn away from using windows, but stuff like this I can't use Linux because it isn't automatic. Like if I disconnect the usb headphones, I have no sound at all until I adjust it.14:54
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ls | pastebinit -a ChaoticanarchyX -b http://paste.ubuntu.com14:54
curiousxBuiltToLast: just move the "libflashplayer.so" in to "/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/"14:55
VespakoenIm trying to install Ubuntu on my mac (dual boot) with reFit, I got it installed but it doesn't boot, looks like my MBR is not good (http://pastie.org/3744999) when i try to sync it (on boot with the partition tool) i get an error "not found returned from gptsync.efi" anyone got a clue?14:56
jean_bratcompdoc, sudo <password> ?14:56
compdocjean_brat, no, sudo command, then it asks for your password once14:56
compdocsudo whatever-the-command14:56
BuiltToLastcuriousx i had an error message : "tar (child): install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz : open impossible: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:56
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb14:57
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i14:58
jean_bratnope it doesnt.. compdoc  it gives me multiple options14:58
curiousxBuiltToLast: so do a double click on the archive then click "Extract" and finally move "libflashplayer.so" in to "/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/"14:58
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx i did that allready, should i try it again>14:58
compdocjean_brat, what is the command youre trying?14:58
[zman]Vespakoen: you could try rebuilding your partition table, I don't remember how to do that though >_<14:58
compdocno, the full command14:58
BuiltToLastok curious! thanx14:58
VespakoenAnyone knows how to rebuild a partition table? =P14:58
compdocwhat are you trying to do?14:58
jean_bratit gives me sudo -h sudo -v .....14:58
Vespakoen(thanx [zman]14:58
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curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ye this command will geneta a xorg config file: sudo aticonfig --initial -f14:59
compdocjean_brat, I think I see. try su14:59
jean_bratcompdoc,  i am trying to enter to root user i gave sudo <mypasswrd>14:59
jean_brati tried that too14:59
jean_bratsu: Authentication failure15:00
jean_bratfor some reason terminal is not taking my password15:00
compdocjean_brat, what command do you need to do to install the download?15:01
jean_bratbut however.. if i open update manager or synpatic manager it takes my password15:01
jean_brati need to change the permission15:01
oCeanjean_brat: use sudo with a command, like  sudo apt-get install packagename15:01
jean_bratand ./amd...........................15:01
compdocjean_brat, an easy way to do that is type:  sudo nautilus15:02
compdocthen use nautilus to change permissions15:02
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx Its still saying this: sudo: aticonfig: command not found15:02
oCeancompdoc: jean_brat for graphical applications, use gksudo, not sudo15:02
jean_bratthis is really weird ... its not taking my password in terminal.. and xterm but it does in all other gui apps15:03
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: idk was wrong dude, that is the last step =P, do an uname -a15:04
curiousxwhat was..15:04
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx This is what i got with that command: 3.0.0-17-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 8 20:45:39 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:05
jean_bratLinux Darkstar 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:05
geirhajean_brat: What are you running?  sudo apt-get update  ?15:05
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx Should i just restart see what happens?15:05
jean_brati am just tring to run my already downloaded amd driver15:06
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ok do it, restart, otherwise you can unistall the free drivers and then run the .run package15:07
geirhajean_brat: And how are you trying to run it?15:07
ChaoticanarchyXK..... let's see if this works..15:07
jean_brati have done this many times with different distros .15:08
jean_bratjust change the permission with chmod -x15:08
oCeanjean_brat: and still you have not told us WHAT you are actuall doing15:08
jean_bratand then simply ./,filename.run15:08
geirhajean_brat: chmod +x, you mean15:08
jean_bratsame geirha15:09
geirhajean_brat: chmod +x ./filename.run && sudo ./filename.run15:09
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=== AN is now known as Guest95863
ubuntu1004buona sera!15:13
ubuntu1004e buona pasqua a tutttiii!!15:14
geirha!italian | ubuntu100415:14
ubottuubuntu1004: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:14
chillpill_ Translation (it|en): | Ubuntu100415:14
ChaoticanarchyXcuriousx still not finding the config, thanks for at least being patient and trying to help me out. Much appreciate it15:16
curiousxChaoticanarchyX: ok, np, sry15:18
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danesis it possible to avoid a maximized youtube video being minimized in a extended desktop when active screen losses focus?15:23
ActionParsnipdanes: tried a different browser?15:24
danesActionParsnip, not really, which one would you recommend?15:25
ActionParsnipdanes: what have you tried?15:25
danesActionParsnip, firefox15:25
ActionParsnipdanes: chromium maybe, its in the repos15:25
danesActionParsnip, is it a simplified version of google chrome?15:26
ActionParsnipdanes: no, its the open source ne which chrome is based on (chrome adds a lot of proprietary lumps)15:26
ubottuAngesius: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:26
danesActionParsnip, ok, thanks15:27
ActionParsnipdanes: and no tracking stuff :)15:27
ubottuAngesius: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:27
danesActionParsnip, excellent! that was my main concern. I always avoided chrome for that reason15:28
CharminTheMooseIs it possible for me to specify cronjobs such that cron.daily/.weekly/.monthly run in about 4 hours from the time crond starts?15:28
MonkeyDustCharminTheMoose  try with sleep15:31
ActionParsnipCharminTheMoose: you could add a script in /etc/rc.local     to run:   sleep 14400; command        the script should be backgrounded so that the boot doesn't hang15:31
ActionParsnipCharminTheMoose: add the script above the exit 0 line15:31
danesanyone knows what difference makes to set permissions in the httpd.conf file vs dav_svn.conf file? while configuring an svn repository15:32
Ali1_apacI have got a old version, (9) of ubuntu. I want to install bridge-utils, whcih first requires apt-get install updates. Because this version of ubuntu is so old, updates fails. if there a manual way to install bridge-utils?15:33
DavidJFulde-cellHey all.15:33
DavidJFulde-cellI have a questi15:33
DavidJFulde-cellOn for you all15:34
Unknown0BCHi, how can I check which package is SuPPose to provide javac ? Becausew when installing OpenJDK 6 on oneiric javac is not present ( very weird, not a path problem NOT present !)15:34
Unknown0BCfor those who writes java programs :)15:34
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: neither Karmic or Jaunty are supported anywhere now, they are EOL15:34
Ali1_apacActionParsnip: Can I run a sudo apt-get update or wont that work either?15:35
DavidJFulde-cellI am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on my mac (early 2009) and it just hangs on a screen that OS black with a blinking underscore.15:35
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: I suggest you wipe clean and install a clean Oneiric or even Precise which is the next release out in a few weeks and is LTS15:35
DavidJFulde-cellHelp? Ha ha15:35
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: no, the repos for Karmic and Jaunty are disabled15:35
wylde!nomodeset | DavidJFulde-cell15:35
ubottuDavidJFulde-cell: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:35
ActionParsnipDavidJFulde-cell: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise support please15:35
Unknown0BCHow do you check which packages provides something ?15:36
Ali1_apacI cant update the current system to those newer versions over the net?15:36
Unknown0BCsomething you are looking for.15:36
wylde!info apt-file15:36
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB15:36
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: if it's installed then:  dpkg -S filename     will show you15:36
DavidJFulde-cellThanks, and sorry for the wrong channel :)15:36
Ali1_apacActionParsnip: ...cause I dont have physical access....15:36
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: its not supoprted dude, channel policy15:36
Unknown0BCthanks guys15:36
Ali1_apacHmm, ok15:36
Ali1_apacwas 9 karmic or Jaunty?15:37
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: there is no "ubuntu 9"15:37
ActionParsnipAli1_apac: there is 9.04 which is Jaunty and 9.10 which is karmic15:37
myr9 refers to 2009, the year of release15:39
ActionParsniphi atpa8a15:44
Xtremehello guys,15:44
Xtremehow can i change password using command line?15:44
myrXtreme, with passwd15:45
ActionParsnipXtreme: passed    on its own will change your password, you can use:  sudo passwd name     to change another users password.15:46
Xtremethanks :)15:46
Xtremeand create user?15:46
myrXtreme, useradd15:47
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo15:48
jneukhi, I have a lvm raid1 and want to check it for errors, is fsck -y /dev/md0  the correct command?15:48
ikoniajneuk no15:48
ikoniajneuk: that would be the meta device, not the logical volume15:48
jneukikonia what else should I check then?15:49
Xtremeawesome :)15:49
Xtremethanks guys :)15:49
chiiphhi, is there any libunity or ubuntu related development irc channel?15:50
ikoniajneuk: the logical volume device15:50
ikoniajneuk: why do you think there is a problem ?15:50
jneukikonia, ubuntu tells me so at boot up but says I have to do it manually15:50
ikoniajneuk: what does it actually say15:50
jneuksomething about option -p and option -a15:51
Xtremeguys, i need to update firefox.. so can i using apt-get?15:51
ikoniajneuk: please make a note of the error properly15:51
ActionParsnipXtreme: yes, it will upgrade to the latest version on the repos15:51
ikoniaXtreme: if there is an updated package availabe, update manager will offer it to you15:51
scorpion19Xtreme: yes, and also synaptic can help you15:51
juha_hi, is there a way to logout/suspend/hibernate on a certain inactivity time in 11.10. timoutd doesn't work here.15:52
Xtremeapt-get firefox returns invalid operation firefox.. i already installed konversation using aptget..15:53
Xtremecrap sorry15:53
Xtremeapt-get install firefox15:54
Xtremedone :)15:54
jneukikonia, where can I find the right error?15:54
Xtremeit says its at the latest version15:54
Xtremebut latest version of firefox is 1015:54
Xtremeand i have 5 installed15:54
ikoniajneuk: you're telling me you are "seeing" the error, so write it down properly and tell me what it says15:54
FloodBot1Xtreme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
ActionParsnipXtreme: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc15:54
XtremeActionParsnip: lucid15:55
ActionParsnipXtreme: and what version of firefox do you want15:55
ActionParsniplucid == Ubuntu 10.0415:55
ActionParsnipok let me search what the latest is. I don't use firefox15:55
XtremeActionParsnip: i am on it..15:56
XtremeActionParsnip: version 11 :)15:56
ActionParsnipXtreme:  ok let me se15:56
XtremeActionParsnip: my sister is waiting for me to join her at dinner table.. can we please continue after some time? i am sorry.. i got to go or she will should15:57
MonkeyDustXtreme  i have 10.04 in vbox, it uses FF 1115:57
ActionParsnipXtreme: try:       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable15:57
ActionParsnip!info firefox lucid15:58
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 11.0+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.2 (lucid), package size 17138 kB, installed size 32232 kB (Only available for any all)15:58
ActionParsnipXtreme: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade15:59
myrif he wants to upgrade everything16:01
ActionParsnipwhich I imagine is true...16:02
sebokieis there a way to disable HDCP with nvidia drivers?16:06
lucaspengI am trying out 12.04, when ever I try to change or create keyboard shortcut, system setting crash. Is this normal?16:10
xangualucaspeng: #ubuntu+1 for pangolin16:10
ActionParsniplucaspeng: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise support16:10
Twinkletoes|HI can mount an admin share from a windows box OK using the mount command, and can see the contents.  However, when using autofs (and testing with autmount -f -v), the directory is mounted, but not showing any contents.  There are no errors either.16:10
Xtremehello guys. i am updating apt-get now :)16:14
decksmasherhi room16:17
XtremeActionParsnip: thanks bro.. i updated apt-et16:17
Xtremeand then apt-get install firefox. and it is updating my firefox now16:17
irenicus09hi guys anyone knows what's the best way to ssh into my box that's behind a router?16:21
Xabsterforward the port?16:21
irenicus09ya im looking into that atm..having difficulty :(16:22
ubunt231i'm a begginner i tried to install ubuntu on a partition16:22
MonkeyDustirenicus09  both pc's are not in the same network?16:23
XabsterMonkeyDust, it's behind a router16:23
ubunt231but i coudn't restart my system ubuntu and windows16:23
Xabsterthat's what he said16:23
ubunt231is there any body who faced the same problem16:24
ubunt231or know something about it16:24
Guest29656which problem...?16:24
oooaaaooo1hi guys was wondering what the advantage of software center over synaptic is?16:24
Xabsterdid you try plugging it in to the power ?16:24
Xabsterubunt231, turn on the power16:25
ubunt231i restart the system of course16:25
ubunt231i think that i formatted a wrong partition16:25
bilal_hi am a new ubuntu user....i want to participate in open source project related to bioinformatics16:26
bilal_can any one help me out16:26
ubunt231but the parttion wich contains my data on windows c: is intact just i can't start windows16:26
ubunt231even ubuntu16:26
bilal_can any one help me out16:27
Xabsterubunt231, are you going to tell us the error or what?16:27
Xabsterbilal_, with what?16:27
tensorpuddingubunt231, what actually happens when you boot16:27
decksmasherubutu231 u need to install grub again16:27
ubunt231windows begins to start but it dosn't go on it take me to the recovery mode16:28
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bilal_xamaster , any other open source project which develope bioinformatics tool....like i am interested in developement of lipinski filter16:28
ubunt231ecksmasher how?16:28
ubunt231decksmasher how?16:28
brianp1992is there an client so i can play music from my UPnP serever?16:28
tensorpuddingubunt231, windows going into recovery mode has nothing to do with ubuntu, if it finds windows then ubuntu has done its job properly16:29
tensorpuddingubunt231, what happens when you try to boot ubuntu?16:29
brianp1992is there an client so i can play music from my UPnP server?16:30
decksmasherIM wrong i apolagize16:30
abdo921hi guys16:30
ubunt231i don't have a double boot i just used the cd ubuntu to install it and tryed to get double boot for windows and ubuntu but it dosn't worked ubuntu is not installed and i can't run my windows system anymore16:31
tensorpuddingubunt231, if you didn't install ubuntu nothing happened, so why are you asking here?16:32
ubunt231because i faced the problem while installing ubuntu!16:32
tensorpuddingyou just said you didn't install it16:32
decksmasherubuntu231 you might need to use some sort of windows medic to look for registry errors16:32
ubunt231and i want to install it properly and have my windows also16:32
decksmasherubuntu231 you can do this with a live cd16:33
ubunt231i tried to manage the disks from gparted but it dosn't work also16:34
ubunt231yes i'm using ubuntu withj live cd now16:34
ubunt231how can i do that decksmasher16:34
georgelappieshi all, when my screen goes into standby mode (switches of) one of the cores of the laptop starts running at max, as soon as I log back in it drops to normal. How can I determine what this process is thats doing this?16:34
decksmasherubuntu231 just press the install icon on dektop16:35
ubunt231decksmasher i want to have double boot for ubuntu and an other for windows how can i do that16:36
ActionParsnipgeorgelappies: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:36
=== aatish is now known as Guest52286
tensorpuddingubunt231, during the install process you'll need to repartition16:37
=== Guest29656 is now known as NGP
decksmasherthe live cd does it all just read the instructions when downloading it16:37
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
tensorpuddingthere's probably a guided repartition option that will help you16:38
=== nanimo_ is now known as Tourette
decksmasherUbuntu231 have them side by side16:38
=== notsure is now known as oligophrenia
=== Otacon22_ is now known as Otacon22
itgeohi guys i just install iReadMail as mail server on my ubuntu, i can receive mail only for users of my server. But I cant send an email to myself on my gmail account, or receive an email from  my gmail account to my email server. Is there something that I had to setup ?16:40
=== oligophrenia is now known as oligophrenic
decksmasherUbuntu231 there are people in here are much more qualified than me at this subject, i will help where i can but i might miss some thing.good guys in here there all here to help16:40
ubunt231tensorpudding wht i did is that i formatted sda4which was a fat32 partition into an ext3 and i mount it to the /16:40
tensorpuddingsounds like you hosed your windows partition16:41
ubunt231no i can see my documents from ubuntu live cd16:41
=== NGP is now known as ANUb
tensorpuddingare you sure you formatted the right partition16:42
ActionParsniphi moonshield16:42
tensorpuddingwell whatever16:42
ubunt231i didn't formatted the c: on windows which is sda2 here just an other partition16:42
tensorpuddingyou format it and install ubuntu on it, and it should boot fine16:42
ubunt231no i'm not sure :/16:42
bru`Hi! Could you please tell me the name of unity's dock? I'd like to install it (standalone)16:42
moonshieldooo wassup ActionParsnip16:43
ActionParsnipbru`: do you mean the lefthand panel?16:43
ubunt231but i'm sure that i didn't touched my c: on windows16:43
bru`ActionParsnip:  that's it!16:44
Doonzhey guys, anyone here familiar with force10 networking switches?16:44
ActionParsnipbru`: unity-2d-panel for the 2D one....16:44
bru`thank you16:44
pangolinDoonz, ##networking probably is16:45
moonshieldCan I tell tor not to use the hostnames that end with *torservers.net?16:45
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ActionParsnipmoonshield: how do you mean 'not use' as in not access16:45
moonshieldYes, I mean, I want it to pick the other hostnames16:45
ActionParsnipDoonz: how is it related to Ubuntu?16:45
ubunt231tensorpudding i'm not sure that i chose the right partition ut i'm sure that i didn't touched my c: on windows16:46
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Doonzif by related to ubuntu you mean the systems connecting are running it then yes16:46
aguitelhow install flashplugin ?16:47
moonshielddont' install flash, its frustrating16:47
aguitelall page need it16:47
ikoniaaguitel: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" - that's it16:47
moonshieldooo ikonia is here16:47
moonshieldLooks like somebody has a contract with adobe16:49
ikoniamoonshield: what ?16:49
ActionParsnipDoonz: then you can access it via telnet, ssh or web interface. Whichever is enabled16:49
moonshieldikonia, nothing16:49
ikoniamoonshield: stop being stupid please.16:49
moonshieldikonia, watch your mouth16:49
ActionParsnipaguitel: can you give the output of:   uname -m16:49
ikoniamoonshield: no, please stop being stupid, no-one has a contract with adobe or anything like that16:49
ikoniait's a support channel, the aim is to help people not make stupid comments to put them off16:50
moonshieldikonia, stfu then16:50
moonshieldnot again16:51
ubunt231i have problem is there any one here good on partitining who can help me16:51
ActionParsnipmoonshield: doesn't that tell you something...?16:51
ubunt231nedd help16:51
ubunt231need help16:51
abdo921hi guys can someone guide me to install skype plz16:51
Logan_!anyone | ubunt23116:51
ubottuubunt231: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:51
abdo921hi guys can someone guide me to install skype plz16:51
ActionParsnipubunt231: do you have some details??16:52
Logan_!skype | abdo92116:52
ubottuabdo921: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:52
ANUbskype on ubuntu...?16:52
ActionParsnipabdo921: its in the partner repo, or on the skype site itself16:52
tensorpuddingubunt231, what about it?16:52
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:52
ActionParsnipANUb: sure, why not16:52
moonshieldActionParsnip, when he calls me stupid, its ok but and when I do it, its not ok? nice...16:52
ANUbon skype website u can see it16:52
MonkeyDustabdo921  activate the 3rd party repos and then sudo apt-get install skype16:52
tensorpuddingubunt231, you should tell us what's on all your hard drives16:52
tensorpuddingubunt231, so we can help you decide how to partition16:52
ANUbive it on my ubuntu16:52
abdo921i will try16:52
ANUbworks like a charm16:52
ActionParsnipmoonshield: he didn't say you were stupid, just what you said.16:53
ActionParsnipmoonshield: there is a difference16:53
moonshield"<ikonia> moonshield: stop being stupid please." Whats this then?16:53
ikoniaI suggest you drop it16:53
ActionParsnipmoonshield: look, just be cool and calm and nobody has an issue. That's all it is. ok?16:54
moonshieldsure, because you don't worth it16:54
ubunt231there are the partitions on my hrd drive sda sda1,sda2,sda3, sda416:54
moonshieldok AP16:54
ActionParsnipmoonshield: cool :)16:54
ikoniayeah "I don't worth it"16:54
ubunt2312 sda are nfs and the 4th is fat3216:54
moonshieldyou dont16:54
moonshieldanyway, does anybody have an idea about my question?16:55
ubunt231i formatted the sda4 fat32 on ext316:55
ActionParsnipubunt231: you can resize your NTFS in the liveCD, if you use Windows7 it can resize it's own partitions16:55
ANUbmoonshield:,.......wats ur question..?16:55
MonkeyDustubunt231  what's the outcome of blkid ? use pastebin to show us16:55
tensorpuddingubunt231, why do you have so many partitions anyway16:55
moonshieldI want Tor not to pick the hostnames end with "torservers.net"16:56
moonshieldIs it possible?16:56
tensorpuddingwhich one do you want to erase to put ubuntu on?16:56
ANUbSry no idea16:56
ActionParsnipmoonshield: no idea, never used tor16:56
moonshieldok cool16:56
moonshieldbut in tor channel nobody is repsonding, thats why I am asking it in here16:57
ikoniaI suggest waiting for a response in tor's support16:57
ikoniaraptor67682: yes it works16:57
ubunt231i erased the sda4 but i coudn't start my windows system any more16:57
ActionParsniptor - pandering to paraoia since 200216:58
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tensorpuddingubunt231, what was on sda4?16:58
ubunt231i wrote fdisk -l and i coudn't see the partitions16:58
moonshieldtor - protecting innocent people from egoist moderators since 200216:58
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ubunt231tensorpudding fat3216:59
tensorpuddingno, what content was on it16:59
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ubunt231i though that it was empty!16:59
moonshieldubunt231, you made my mistake17:00
tensorpuddingubunt231, why would you think that?17:00
tensorpuddingwe're grasping at straws trying to understand what you did17:00
ubunt231because i didn't touch the sda2 which contains the c:17:00
ActionParsnipcould just wipe clean and plan partitions, then restore user data from your backups17:01
ubunt231i think that i formatt the backup disc17:02
Doonzhttp://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130677305627&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en#ht_3469wt_881 <-- can someone tell me if this is a good buy to set up a 10gb backhaul network between 10 of my servers?17:03
decksmasherubuntu231 it get worse...17:03
hauxI was deleted some files from my desktop, then this happened: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/haux/Screenshot-04072012-120140PM.png ... any ideas?17:03
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hauxAll of my desktop icons lost their arrangement, the background disappeared, and the File System link is gone.17:03
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ubunt231the only good point is that i can see all my documents from the live cd17:04
ActionParsniphaux: press ALT+F2 and run:  nautilus17:04
raptor67682ikonia: thanks17:04
decksmasherhaux dont delete try and fix it, will learn more .17:05
hauxActionParsnip, doing that opens up my home directory. I forgot to mention, my home directory came up on startup.17:05
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ubunt231which is the cmd which list th partitions17:07
moonshieldhow can I connect to irc dot oftc dot net via xchat?17:08
moesubuntu231  Run gparted and pastebin the results17:09
ubunt231gparted dosn't work :/17:09
xxxcurriterxxxQUIT: LEAVING17:09
hellyeahbuenas dias17:10
auronandaceubunt231: sudo fdisk -l17:10
geirhaubunt231: fdisk -l  is one17:10
ubunt231i tryed fdisk -l but it shows me just the help of fdisk17:11
overshifta programing chanel ?!17:11
ubunt231fdisk: option requires an argument -- 'b'17:11
auronandaceubunt231: you need to use sudo fdisk -l17:11
auronandace!alis | overshift17:12
ubottuovershift: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:12
ubunt231Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System17:12
ubunt231Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.17:12
ubunt231Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.17:12
Jordan_U!pastebin | ubunt23117:12
ubottuubunt231: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:12
Jordan_Uubunt231: Please run "sudo parted -l" and pastebin the output. Note, I really want the output of "sudo parted -l" and *not* the output from fdisk as parted will tell me about possible problems with your partititon table.17:13
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ubunt231Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/919159/17:16
tje2Howdy all....17:19
dlentz*crickets chirp17:20
tje2Any suggestions as to a replacement for KAudioCreator?    I've got Kubuntu, but I've installed most/all of the GTK libs, so it can be a GNOME util if it's good stuff.17:20
tje2Looking for a CD-ripper w/ CDDB and mp3 support...  Strong preference for being KDE-native, but, again, I can use GTK tools if needbe.17:20
dlentztje2, tried audex?17:21
tje2dlentz ..  nope, haven't even heard of it as best I recall.    Let me check that out.   Thanks.17:21
DJFiremanBring question: Buyung my first laptop with ubuntu in mind. Looking at an HP pavillion dv6.All I see are problems with certain things about it through google searches. Any input on this model? can post link to model if needed.17:22
kaziwebHi I'm facing problem17:22
dlentzDJFireman, dv6 is a whole line of laptops, please be more specific with model number17:23
auronandacekaziweb: what problem are you facing?17:24
DJFiremandlentz, http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/computer_series.do?storeName=computer_store&category=notebooks&series_name=dv6zqe_series&a1=Category&v1=High%20performance17:24
abhinav_singhi am upgrading from ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 and i am getting this error.. how do I fix it http://postimage.org/image/9i9azufo1/    ?17:24
DJFiremansorry if links aren't cool here17:24
kaziwebwhenever I click on cairo doc's application applet Ubuntu software center opens at the same time. can any one help me? I'm using 12.0417:25
DJFiremanabhinav_singh, looks like internet connection problems to me17:25
scuthow i can find other machines on my lan network ? example i have a mac laptop and pc with ubuntu17:25
auronandace!12.04 | kaziweb17:25
ubottukaziweb: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:25
abhinav_singhno man ..net is working fine for me DJFireman17:25
Jordan_Uubunt231: OK, looks like there are no problems with the partition table, but that means that GParted (which shares most of the important code with parted) should have no trouble either.17:26
kaziwebic. thanks auronandace17:26
scutanyone  ? :)17:26
scutvia console ofc17:26
Xtremehello guys.. guys, i just created new user17:26
Xtremeand when i logged in. my taskbar is half of my screen how can i increase its size?17:27
bobweaverXtreme,  what version of ubuntu is this ?17:27
DJFiremanabhinav_singh, try sudo apt-get update17:28
dlentzDJFireman, if it comes with hybrid graphics, that's a bad idea17:28
auronandaceXtreme: what desktop environment?17:28
Xtremeauronandace: KDE17:28
abhinav_singhyup apt-get update is working fine for me ... but when I upgrade I am getting this error DJFireman17:28
bobweaverXtreme, right click on the thing at the right bottom (looks like windoz show desktop) then go to more options and pick nax table17:30
Xtremebobweaver: thanks bro.. thanks :) fixed :)17:31
scutany way how to flush / refresh fdisk ?17:31
jamjamhi guys! why can't 11.10 & 12.04 recognize my radeon hd 5570? I'm unable to install ubuntu.. :/17:31
Xtremeand second, it is always asking for password. is there computer administrator and normal user groups in linux too as in windows?17:32
scutit seems it detects my previously attached usb17:32
DJFiremandlentz, what about upgrading to the Radeon 7690M? would that still be bad?17:32
bobweaverXtreme,  there is what is called a wallet in kde that holds some password17:32
dlentzDJFireman, i thought that the 7690 was in addition to the igp, but maybe i read it wrong17:33
Xtremebobweaver: how to access it? and how to give my current user root previlegis?17:33
bobweaverXtreme,  it is used for system resources  like connecting to wireless17:33
bobweaverXtreme,  type in wallet into the search bar17:34
jamjamubuntu logo shows up on installation but hangs showing random pixels17:34
hylianXtreme, ubuntu is designed so that you never use, or are, root.17:34
auronandace!sudo | Xtreme17:34
ubottuXtreme: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:34
Xtremebobweaver: wallet, no items found ;(17:35
bobweavertry password stuff like that Xtreme17:35
DJFiremandlentz, I apologize for this, but I am really lost. Ive never worried about hybrid graphics before and I wouldnt know the difference between them. Would you suggest just to forget this laptop and look for something else?17:35
bobweaverin the menu ^^ ?17:35
hylianXtreme, wallet is used to hold passwords for programs and websites. if you are doing something that requires root priveleges, i.e. installing new software, you will be required to give your password.17:35
Xtremebobweaver: nope, not there17:36
Xtremehylian: thanks..so there is no option to disable it?17:36
auronandaceXtreme: you don't want to disable it17:36
bobweaveryou dont want to17:36
dlentzDJFireman, the problem is that a lot of systems come with hybrid graphics these days, except ones with just intel graphics17:37
Xtremeactually i want to.. coz i am the only one using linux..everyone else windows17:37
auronandaceXtreme: disabling it would be the equivalent of saying to everyone: "do what you like on my machine"17:37
bobweaver!root > Xtreme17:37
ubottuXtreme, please see my private message17:37
sylow-Hi, still running hardy, would it be safe to install libc6 ?17:38
hylianXtreme, in an average day of use you will probably not even have to use the password. I am set to auto login, no password there, and the only time i need to enter it is if i step away from the machine for a while, then it locks itself. you can even tell it not to do that. you will find that unless your installing or updating software, you won't be needing it.17:39
mirakis there a channel for ubuntu one ?17:39
sylow-nm, checking some things17:39
bobweaver #ubuntu-one ?17:39
zambahow can i get a list of all applications installed?17:40
zambaor packages?17:40
mirakbobweaver: thanks17:40
Fyodorovnasylow-, end of life releases are not supported here basically.17:40
scut_how do i refresh fdisk ?17:41
hylianisn't hardy heron 10.04? i thought that was noe eol until april 26th...??17:41
auronandaceFyodorovna: 8.04 is still supported on server isn't it?17:41
sylow-Fyodorovna: I understand.. should do some upgrades17:41
auronandacehylian: hardy is 8.0417:41
hylianauronandace, i think so.17:41
bobweaverzamba,  dpkg --get-selections   ?17:41
hylianauronandace, ahh, i do tend to get the animals mixed up.17:42
auronandacehylian: i prefer the numbers17:42
sylow-Fyodorovna: before I try that I should get a new hd to backup the whole system, disaster prevention17:42
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bobweaverzamba you can filter it put with grep like   dpkg --get-selections | gnome-terminal17:42
bobweaverzamba   dpkg --get-selections | grep   gnome-terminal *17:42
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Fyodorovnaauronandace, one more year apparently I'm surprised.17:43
sontekDo I have to do anything special to enable a touchscreen for ubuntu? Its an nvidia video card if that matters17:44
sontekprobably the monitor matters more than the driver?17:44
hylianso the server versions run on 5 year spans?17:44
auronandaceFyodorovna: yup, 5 years on server, starting with 12.04 both desktop and sever are 5 years now17:44
bobweaverSontek sould work out of the box17:44
sontekno events happen when xev is running17:45
bobweaversontek,  does for me at least :)17:45
hylianauronandace, that's a good thing in my opinion.17:45
sontekbobweaver: it worked on the lenovo touch screen but isn't working on the sony17:45
auronandacehylian: i concur17:45
bobweaversontek,  mine is also lenovo17:46
bobweavernever tried on sony17:46
mirakwith ubuntu one, if i share a folder X on computer A, then i go to computer B and share X wich already exists and contains data, then what will happen ?17:46
bobweaversontek,  you have read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Blueprints/Touchscreen ?17:47
Xtremehttps://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-default-browser.html  > prefered application option does not exist17:47
Xtremewhat can i do?17:47
sontekbobweaver: I will check that out17:47
Xtremesorry guys, they changed the name..17:48
Xtremeits oaky17:48
bekksmirak: Then you will have two shared named B, from two different computers.17:48
hylianXtreme, i'm glad, because i never use that...17:48
Xtremehylian: which browser you prefer?17:48
sontekI don't need multitouch either17:49
sonteksingle touch is fine17:49
hylianXtreme, chrome seems to work the best on Ubuntu.17:49
hylianXtreme, unless your talking cli, in which case i like links. but most people don't surf the web from their command line.17:49
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mirakbekks then why ubuntu one propose sincyng with folders defined on A ?17:50
sontekbobweaver: I will check that outs "no calibratable devices found"17:51
sontekgrr my mouse scrolled me17:51
sontekxinput_calibrator says no calibratable devices found17:51
bekksmirak: because you can sync as much shares as you want with Ubuntu One.17:51
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mirakbeeksm maybe you didn't uderstood my question17:52
mirakthe goal with syncying is getting files modifed on A , on B, without any manual operation17:52
hylianmirak, in bekks defense, i also tryed to figure out that question... it was uniquely worded.17:53
bekksmirak: You have to manual do something. Only iCloud does that kind of sync operation you want.17:53
mirakhylian: the fact the maybe you don't know also possibly contribute to that17:53
mirakbekks: ha17:54
Xtremeis ubuntu satanic a better version of ubuntu or just graphically moded ubunut?17:54
mirakbekks: that's disapointing17:54
auronandaceXtreme: its an unsupported joke17:55
mirakbekks then why do i have a message like "the contents of your cloud folder will be merged with yout local folder "X" when subscribing"17:55
Jordan_Umirak: Try asking your question in #ubuntuone.17:55
mirakJordan_U: i did, it's dead there17:55
nexus__hi all i am facing user authentication failure.. it is strange that i could login to the system with the same password but can not do sudo bash, My system has only one user account which is in sudoers list. Any help please?17:55
hyliannexus__, any chance you bumped the caps lock, num lock or something else that would have otherwise allowed you to log in, but then bumped the control, and now you have password failure?17:57
mirakbeeks by the way my Ubuntu One folder is really synced. It downloaded the files on my computer17:57
nexus__no, i am certain that i am typing the correct password in correct case.17:57
sir_tyrionWhy would 'memached' not be in my repository?17:58
sir_tyrionI can't search for it in 10.0417:58
sir_tyrionsorry memcache17:58
hyliannexus__, hmm. sorry, i have never heard of that before... you can log in with your password, but you can't sudo apt-get update, for instance?17:58
marsfligthI am having a serious problem with 'ext3' file system. I made a check in reading mode, but honestly I don't what to choose. Please, can you give a look to my short log? http://pastebin.com/NvnYCgQN17:59
mirakbekks hylian so i have my answer now. in fact when files are conflicting, the conflicting files are getting and extension .u1conflict17:59
mirakan extension17:59
mirakso stuffs are automatically synced, then you have to choose manually what you want to keep18:00
hylianmirak, interesting, so what causes the confliction.. same file name size and date of last entry?18:00
nexus__hylian, Yes this is quite strange for me and i am sure that i am  not mistyping because i have only two character password on that machine18:00
mirakhylian yes exactly18:00
mirakhylian similar to a merge with source code18:00
hylianmirak, wow, my first guess was right. that's a one in a lifetime situation.18:00
hyliannexus__, wow that's bizarre. i'm going to do some diggin to see if anyone has ever had that problem before...18:01
hylianMaria_, hello18:01
Maria_can somebody help me with an issue?18:01
mirakhylian, so what it does is good. i am happy with how it handles the situation. you don't lose data18:01
irulehi, do I need to restart cron or something after I add text to /etc/cron?18:01
bekks!ask | Maria_18:02
ubottuMaria_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:02
bekksirule: No.18:02
Xtremeghost is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.  Ghost = my username. :(. how to add it?18:02
iruleedit /etc/sudosers18:03
hylianmirak, good to know. i don't use the cloud much, but atleast my data is safe, thanks.18:03
auronandaceXtreme: are you trying to edit the sudoers file so that you don't need to enter a password?18:03
bobweaverHello there I am writing a script right now and it need to inject a table into mysql here is a example of the code. How to insert mysql ?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/919228/18:03
Maria_I just installed ubuntu 11.10 64-bit version n my laptop and the network interfaces are not able to connect to the internet18:03
bekksXtreme: sudo visudo18:03
ruumhey guys I have a relatively easy question18:04
Maria_they seem to be functional if i run ifconfig18:04
Xtremebekks: same error18:04
Acei have a problem, i'm phoneless, and google-talkplugin won't download in ubuntu software system or the terminal.18:04
ruumwhen you do a wget, how to do download the contents of that file into another local file18:04
mdkMaria: wired or wireless?18:04
Acealternative ways of downloading it?18:04
ruumfor example18:04
bobweaverMaria run dhclient i     in terminal  are you connected ?18:04
bekksXtreme: Then use the user account that has sudo permissions (the account you created while installing ubuntu).18:04
Maria_mdk: both18:04
hyliannexus__, type su, then your password, and then see what you get. we usually don't use su...18:04
bobweaversorry    dhclient             Maria18:05
Maria_bobweaver: i tried it once but nothing happened18:05
bobweaverMaria can you ping google ?18:05
Xtremebekks: is there any way to log into root without logging out from ghost?18:05
Xtremeusing console?18:05
reCAPTCHA_Hey, I am running ubuntu 10.04 and I keep getting a segmentation fault when trying to run software center.18:05
auronandaceXtreme: are you trying to edit the sudoers file so that you don't need to enter a password?18:05
ruumwget http://dowloaddomain.com/globalfile.txt >> localfile.txt18:05
Maria_bobweaver: nop, bobweaver i study computer engineering so the most obvious ways to check something have already benn done18:05
hylianXtreme, using tty, or a terminal emulator?18:06
Xtremeauronandace: nope, i am the root.. remember i created one more account. well i am using that account now, coz some irc ban root18:06
bekksXtreme: Sure, use the user having sudo permissions.18:06
Xtremehylian: konsole18:06
bobweaverMaria lets see a    lspci -nn | grep Net*       paste it using paste.ubuntu.com18:06
auronandaceXtreme: please tell me you aren't using backtrack18:06
ruumI thought that the >> should create the file, and then put contents of the downloaded file into the local one.18:06
* dlentz wonders how many test pings google gets in a day18:06
bekksXtreme: please pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a".18:07
wickedwiccananyone have any luck getting the xbox 360 controller to work on ubuntu 11.1018:07
Maria_bobweaver: i just mention it to narrow ideas down18:07
bekks!paste | Xtreme18:07
Xtremebekks: lucis18:07
ubottuXtreme: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:07
bobweaverMaria_,  lets look at card then at drivers18:07
hylianXtreme, not simultaneously form the same window ofcoarse, but you should get a new window with control shift t. from there you should be able to sudo su or soemthing, then log into the account you want. this idea is frowned upon.18:07
bobweaverMaria_,  sometimes the linux kernel does not get the right mod (driver) for the network card aka it loads the wrong one18:08
reCAPTCHA_Hey, I am running ubuntu 10.04 and I keep getting a segmentation fault when trying to run software center.18:09
lonnieI'm having difficulty playing yahoo chess in 12.04. I complains that I don't have flash 7 or later:  http://games.yahoo.com/games/login2?page=ch&ss=118:09
Xtremebekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919241/18:09
lonnieYet, I can watch youtube videos..... any suggestions?18:09
Xtremehylian: nothing happens when i press ctrl+shift+t18:09
AcidRain2012has ubuntu fixed the add user with password remote shellcode exploit?18:09
bekksXtreme: Then open a terminal.18:09
ruumso can anyone help me with my simple problem?18:09
hylianlonnie, hmm, never tried yahoo games on ubuntu. let me see what happens...18:09
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lonnieThanks hylian.18:10
bekksruum: You havent told us about a problem yet.18:10
auronandaceruum: man wget18:10
bekksruum: You just told us what you did, not what happened.18:10
hylianXtreme, well, i am not familiar with konsole. but there should be a way to either open another konsole session, or to get konsole to give you another tabbed window like a browser.18:10
Xtremehylian: i started another konsole, but it is getting logged in as ghost only. login command also doesnt work, it required root access18:11
AcidRain2012no one knows? does ubuntu even care that their OS here lately has been extremely exploitable?18:11
wickedwiccananyone know how to get the xbox 360 wired controller to work in ubuntu 11.10.  I hook it up and all the green lights keep flashing telling me something is wrong.18:11
bekksAcidRain2012: Please prove your statements or at least provide some links to what you really talk about.18:11
AcidRain2012bekks: hang on18:12
auronandaceAcidRain2012: you waited 2 whole minutes and come to the conclusion that nobody cares? wow, thats thorough18:12
Xtremehylian: i can log into root the normal way. can u please tell me what can i do next?18:12
ruumwell bekks, when I did this command: " wget http://dowloaddomain.com/globalfile.txt >> localfile.txt " it downloaded the file and created the other file, but left the local file empty18:12
AcidRain2012bekks: http://www.exploit-db.com/shellcode/18:12
bekksruum: Because you are using wget wrong. "man wget" will tell you how to use wget.18:13
hylianlonnie, that's actually not a problem based on flash, but java. you will have to install java from oracle, the version installed (open jdk and icedtea6-plugin) will not work.18:13
AcidRain2012bekks: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18585/18:13
lonnieOk, thanks Hylian!18:13
bekksAcidRain2012: And now you are expecting us to test out every "exploit" there and find out what you are talking about? At least for me, that not interesting enough to care about.18:13
hylianXtreme, well, once you get another terminal window open, typing sudo su (and password) will give you pthe root account.18:14
Maria_can anyone else help me with my problem???? it is mentuoned above18:14
AcidRain2012bekks: ... considering anyone in this channel could root your box in less than 1 minute. its something to care about18:14
auronandacehylian: the proper way to get a root terminal is sudo -i (sudo su will not set up the environment properly)18:15
ruumthanks guys18:15
hylianauronandace, thanks for that. I am a pretty old ubuntu-er. those old commands are stuck in the old noggin.18:15
ANubMaria: does ifconfig command shows any interfaces..?18:15
iamnossGuys, I'm having a small issue. I just migrated my Wubi install to a new partition, but now the Windows Loader option is missing from GRUB, how do I add it back?18:15
bobweaverMaria_, sorry about that I had to reboot to complete my upgrades18:16
auronandaceiamnoss: how did you migrate?18:16
AcidRain2012my biggest concern with ubuntu is the exploit that allows remote writting to any writable file18:16
hylianiamnoss, wow, never heard of anyone doing that before... i'd have to research it.18:16
AcidRain2012i cant believe yall just put this aside like a windows user and ignore it until it happens to you18:16
ANubMaria: does ifconfig command shows any interfaces..?18:17
jribAcidRain2012: what exploit...?18:17
iamnossI did it using the script from the ubuntu forum, Hey, simple question here. The Windows Loader option is missing from GRUB.18:17
jamjamhi, why does 11.10..12.04 install hang on my radeon hd 5570? though listed as supported hardware.. ?18:17
Xtremehylian: auronandace: both sudo su and sudo -i are asking for ghost password only. and then with msg incidance will be reported.. anyways, i will just relogin18:17
iamnossMy windows partition is definately still there and working, just can't boot it from grub.18:17
AcidRain2012jrib: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18379/18:17
nakcan anyone see this18:17
hylianXtreme, sorry man..18:17
AcidRain2012all i want to know. is where does ubuntu tell us that these exploits have been patched?18:17
jribAcidRain2012: link to ubuntu bug tracker?18:17
auronandaceAcidRain2012: can you demonstrate the exploit? if so file a bug report18:18
auronandace!bug | AcidRain201218:18
ubottuAcidRain2012: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:18
nakcan anyone see this?18:18
auronandacenak: yes18:18
Xtremehylian: please dont. u are helping me a lot.. i am new to linxu and if it wasnt for you guys, i would have already quit it.18:18
Xtremethanks you all very much18:18
hylianAcidRain2012, if i understand what you are asking, you are asking for the date a exploit was patched?18:18
AcidRain2012auronandace: ok. ill run ths particular exploit. but it should have been reported by now.18:18
AcidRain2012hylian: yes18:18
tableshow do i fix this:18:19
iamnossNevermind guys, I just had to type sudo update-grub and it found it!18:19
iamnossThanks anyways.18:19
bekksAcidRain2012: Then "test" it, and search for a related bug in the bug tracker before accusing people of not caring about it please :)18:19
auronandaceAcidRain2012: if it should have been reported have you searched through the bug tracker to find it?18:19
tablesThe upgrade needs a total of 58.0 M free space on disk '/boot'.18:19
compdocglad we could help18:19
tableshow do i fix that?18:19
tablesi have an encrypted disk18:19
hylianiamnoss, that's great!18:19
bekkstables: You still need 58M on /boot. You have to free up space there.18:19
compdoctables, look in boot and see how many kernels are installed18:20
tablesthere's a bunch18:20
tablesshould i delete em?18:20
compdocno, not delete.18:20
AcidRain2012<bekks> ...... At least for me, that not interesting enough to care about.18:20
bekkstables: Uninstall old kernels.18:20
compdocyou have to uninstall them18:20
tablesbekks, how?18:20
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bekksAcidRain2012: You are obviously ignoring the first pasrt of my sentence to have me telling what you want to hear.18:20
compdoctables, this is one site from google:   http://jaypeeonline.net/tips-tricks/howto-remove-old-ubuntu-kernels18:21
AcidRain2012no not really. i gave you a direct link. an u refused to acknowledge the fact that it could possibly be a ongoing exploit18:21
AcidRain2012some of us run servers18:21
R34v3Danyone know why the transparency slider in xchat won't move? I know metacity is running for sure.18:21
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auronandaceR34v3D: transparency slider in xchat?18:22
R34v3Dyeah, the transparent background in Effects18:22
iamnoss_Back, sorry for the sudden exit, had to go check if it was definitely working.18:22
R34v3Din preferences18:22
iamnoss_Is there a way to change the background of the Grub menu? Mines stuck at some Debian one, I think a program changed it.18:23
bekksAcidRain2012: You gave a link with a couple of whatever and did not tell us what exactly you refer to on that page.18:23
auronandaceR34v3D: wow, never noticed that before18:23
jribAcidRain2012: you realize first of all that this exploit doesn't claim to do what you claimed?  Anyway, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn is where security notices go up18:23
compdoctables, if synaptic package manager is not installed on your system, here's another way:  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/11/remove-old-kernels-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/18:23
hylianAcidRain2012, hmm, i did a quick google, and i think it would depend upon which version... 10.04, or 12.04 beta? (just a guess)18:23
bekksAcidRain2012: Anyway, I'll just wait for you to finally test the exploit you are talking about and then wait for you to search the bugtracker.18:23
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jrib!away > Tourette-away18:24
ubottuTourette-away, please see my private message18:24
R34v3Dauronandace: yeah, mine is stuck at "Transparent" - I sent my background color to 25% grey and it is good enough. Just wondering if anyone had dealt with it before.18:26
DelphiWorldhello folks !18:26
DelphiWorldplease how do i remove my desktop?18:26
DelphiWorldi don't want it i want only shell18:26
compdocyou can use ubuntu server18:27
compdocthat only has shell18:27
R34v3Dcan't you also stop gdm from starting?18:27
DelphiWorldcompdoc: yeah i can't install aguin18:27
Xtremehello guys18:27
Xtremeback as root18:27
L0opis it normal i dont have a files messages in /var/log? also is it normal gnome-system-log is empty??18:28
Xtremeauronandace: bekks: back, and logged in as root18:28
Xtremenow how to give ghost sudo previliges?18:28
bekksXtreme: visudo18:28
leelloHey, I am having trouble installing ubuntu with wubi. After the installation inside windows, i am asked to restart but when i do i get an error saying that the file system wasn't closed properly or something wasn't removed properly. Can anyone help ? ps : using win 718:28
sontekAny of you guys know anything about the evtouch or nextwindow modules? I need those but not seeing them in apt18:29
bekksXtreme: And you should NOT use the root account like you are doing it, for security reasons. It has a disabled password by default.18:29
mbeierlI have a laptop where the HD died.  I'm trying to get a persistent USB install working, but neither unetbootin nor usb-creator-gtk seem to be doing the trick. I've downloaded lubuntu 11.10 (just to keep it light and avoid swap), but unetbootin just gives me a live cd with no persistence, and usb-creator just leaves the boot at a flashing cursor and no grub menu18:29
Xtremebekks: okay, i wil redisable it.. and it is opened.. now should i add ghost name to it?18:30
bekksXtreme: You should edit that file like you want18:30
Xenethmbeierl: When partitioning the usb drive, you marking it to be bootable?18:31
Xtremeadded ghost ALL=(All) ALL18:31
Xtremebekks: how to save vi?18:31
mbeierlXeneth: I'll check.18:31
jribXtreme: you don't need to use sudoers to add a user who can sudo.  You should just add the "ghost" user to the "admin" group with: sudo adduser ghost admin18:31
jrib!helpme | DelphiWorld18:32
ubottuDelphiWorld: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude18:32
DelphiWorldjrib: thank you18:32
Xtremejrib: done. so it should do all?18:32
leelloIs there a channel just for wubi ?18:33
bekksXtreme: :wq18:33
mbeierlXeneth: odd - I just plugged the USB stick back into my 11.10 ubuntu box where I formatted it (also where this is running from) and now I can't even alt-tab or change focus.  Gotta reboot or something.18:33
Xtremejrib: done. bekks: i did that sudo command. should i still save edited file?18:33
bekksXtreme: Which sudo command?18:33
Xtremesudo adduser ghost admin18:34
bekksThats an invalid command, according to "man adduser".18:34
jribbekks: no it's not...18:34
RiXtEr-Homeshouldnt there be a -G in there?18:34
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
RiXtEr-Homeadduser ghost -G admin18:35
jribXtreme: you don't need to save your modifications to sudoers, you should abandon them18:35
Xtremebekks: wq doesnt work18:35
jribRiXtEr-Home: no18:35
bekksXtreme: Thats why i wrote :wq18:35
jribXtreme: use :q!  to exit without saving18:35
bekksBut do as jrib tells you.18:35
jribbekks: by default on ubuntu, members of the admin group have sudo privileges18:35
bekksjrib: ack18:35
MonkeyDustwhat's ack?18:36
Xtremeack = acknoledged :)18:36
jribMonkeyDust: syn18:37
Xtremebekks: jrib: done. brb18:37
Xenethmbeierl: WB18:37
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mbeierlXeneth: rebooted, and stable again. OK, the flags are boot, lba.18:37
Xenethmbeierl: I have had issue with persistance.  How I got around that is by partitioning the USB into 2 drives, OS on one, use the second for storage.  That would allow you to save what's needed until you get HDD back up.18:39
Xtremebekks: auronandace: jrib: sudo stuff SOLVED18:39
Xtremethanks guys18:39
mbeierlXeneth: hmm.  But how to you tell the OS to persist onto the second?  When I put the image on it using unetbootin, it's a non-persistent install, even though I tell it to reserve space for persistance\18:40
* proudN00b would love an answer18:40
Pl3nar1usIs there a difference between the sudo and su commands?18:40
jribPl3nar1us: yes18:40
Pl3nar1usjrib: Thank you.18:41
Xenethmbeierl: It will not be persistant, it will just give you a place to save.  It's a temp fix.18:41
auronandaceproudN00b: perhaps you should ask a question18:41
mbeierlXeneth: but, I thought Ubuntu had a persistent USB option somewhere?18:41
proudN00bis there any other software than wubi that does an installation inside windows ?18:42
bekksproudN00b: no.18:42
bekksproudN00b: You could use virtualbox.18:42
jribproudN00b: you could just use ubuntu virtualized18:42
auronandaceproudN00b: not to my knowledge no (unless you count virtualisation)18:42
proudN00bi tried but i couldn't find a way to attach my wireless adapter18:43
proudN00bto the VM18:43
FyodorovnaproudN00b, the virtual wont use  a wireless adapter it runs from the guest.18:43
ayambitI want to replace ALT+K keyboard combination with UP key. I would do this with xmodmap, but I don't know how to replace shortcut.18:44
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ayambitAny ideas?18:44
auronandaceproudN00b: why do you need access to the wifi from the vm?18:44
Xenethmbeierl: it's tricky.18:44
Fyodorovnahost that is actually proudN00b18:44
CharminTheMooseHey all, how do I remove everything gnome related?18:44
FyodorovnaCharminTheMoose, you want what then?18:44
proudN00bauronadance : aircrack works on ubuntu , nothing illegal don't worry18:44
auronandaceproudN00b: ask in #vbox about bridged networking18:45
CharminTheMooseFyodorovna, Just to remove it, I'm running flubox as my window manager now and I don't use the gnome stuff.18:45
FyodorovnaCharminTheMoose, chances are you will loose a bunch of apps your using.18:46
Xenethmbeierl: It's possible, and usefull if you want to run from USB long term, but as I said, tricky18:47
Fyodorovnaif you removed gnome completely18:47
auronandaceCharminTheMoose: removing all gnome related stuff will be difficult, it would be a lot easier and quicker to just reinstall from scratch with the mini iso and choose only what you want18:47
plut0i just upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 and the bootup process never finishes, i'm stuck at the ubuntu screen, i can however ssh in to troubleshoot. dmesg: http://pastebin.com/fhMzjP4D18:47
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proudN00bauronadance : thank you very much, another question : i keep getting 'file system not closed properly' error when i try to install with wubi, ideas ?18:47
plut0looks like nouveau driver has a bunch of errors18:47
auronandace!12.04 | plut018:47
ubottuplut0: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:47
mbeierlXeneth: well, it didn't use to be so tricky :(  And it's what usb-creator is supposed to do, but apparently doesn't work.  So, I'm stumped18:47
aciculaUnless you are really short on hard drive space you dont need to uninstall gnome, just install another wm and start that from the login manager18:47
plut0ubottu: thank you18:48
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:48
Xenethmbeierl: I've been a bit out of the loop, and at work, so cannot help in detail.  Just thought of the boot option.  GL18:48
plut0auronandace: thanks18:48
auronandaceplut0: no worries :)18:48
mbeierlXeneth: thanks!  It's probably something like that, but I just don't see it.  Perhaps grub needs to be redone or something. Anyway, thanks!18:49
CharminTheMooseWell yes, but it's just taking up disk space and I mostly use firefox, xchat, libreoffice and bluefish, which I don't think should have any dependencies on Gnome.18:49
proudN00bawesome channel thanks everyone !18:49
auronandace!tab | proudN00b18:50
ubottuproudN00b: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:50
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=== Tourette-away is now known as Tourette
FyodorovnaCharminTheMoose, there are very small linux distros I qwould go there myself.18:52
seangibbzHow does one add to the ubuntu wiki?18:52
Fyodorovnaseanbright, the ubuntu wiki?18:53
auronandaceseangibbz: wouldn't you need an account?18:53
seangibbzNever mind, i found the edit button (and yes, i hae an account)18:54
yourlunchableat all?18:54
bakedpotatoi have a quick question; is it my home directory that gets unmounted when the last user logs out, and is it doing so because it's encrypted?18:55
auronandaceyourlunchable: ??18:55
CharminTheMooseWell, I guess what I'm asking is, is that considering that ubuntu-desktop is a dependancyy of all the gnome stuff, and it says 'it's needed for upgrading', does that mean if I upgrade to 11.10 without that metapackage installed, it borks the system possibly?18:56
CharminTheMooseI do have the ubuntu-minimal metapackage installed though18:56
Xtremeguys something is wrong, my speaker volum is too lop18:58
Xtremei am using laptop18:58
Xtremeand volume is set to maximum in right hand bottom corner18:58
MonkeyDustXtreme  in a terminal, type alsamixer18:59
mbeierlXtreme: my turn :)  For some reason, the volume "goes up to 11" on recent ubuntu's.  Right click on the speaker icon and choose properties19:00
mbeierlXtreme: sorry - sound properties19:00
yourlunchablehey guys, I need some help on something. I'm a bit new to Ubuntu (running 11.10 64bit) and I want to know if there is any way to make my ubuntu stay better. extentions, programs, etc.19:00
MonkeyDustyourlunchable  "stay better"?19:00
eerikswhy is there a clamAV and a klamAV, is that i difference or is there something spooky with one of them ?19:00
mbeierlXtreme: take a look at the Output Volume slider at the top. It goes > 100%19:00
yourlunchableAs in using Ubuntu.19:01
MonkeyDustyourlunchable  what exactly do you mean by "stay better"?19:01
yourlunchableAs in using Ubuntu, like, i'm sort of sampling Ubuntu and seeing if I like it.19:02
Xtremembeierl: i set it at 90. but still no change19:02
yourlunchable(Awesome so far)19:02
mbeierlXtreme: slide it all the way to the right, like 200%19:03
aciculaCharminTheMoose: there are meta packages for other window manager systems like xfce etc19:03
CharminTheMooseacicula, yep, I'm aware, but I don't have those installed.19:04
Xtremembeierl: there are only veritical bar.19:04
aciculaCharminTheMoose: could be that you see issues with graphics drivers or sound daemons, but the base system should upgrade.19:04
Xtremeone was at 110, no written value, but above horizontal 10th line19:05
Xtremei set it to 9th line19:05
XtremeMonkeyDust: opened. now what to do?19:05
aciculaCharminTheMoose: but im just guessing here, you could install the standard meta package and just purge afterwards if you have to ?19:05
Xtremeguys done19:06
Xtremealsamixer at top, and output is normal :)19:07
Xtremethanks :)19:07
mbeierlXtreme: Sorry, what version of Ubuntu are you using?19:07
sully_Hello everyone. Would anyone be able to help me with KDE desktop and widgets?19:07
mbeierlXtreme: oh, ok!19:07
CharminTheMooseacicula, I probably could yeah. But what I don't know is if I were to remove the ubuntu-minimal metapackage, would sudo (which is a dependancy of ubuntu-minimal) still get upgraded, for example?19:07
wylde!ask | sully_19:07
ubottusully_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:07
MaxximusHello everyone19:07
aciculaCharminTheMoose: yeah i would not remove the ubuntu-minimal package19:08
sully_My bad, just seeing if anyone would help.19:08
Praxiif I wanted to make a script to sync my home folder and a windows user share, what should I even be looking at?  I know for windows/server I would be doing a robycopy on a schedule19:08
sully_I've got KDE installed with Kubuntu 11.10 I think, the newest, and I installed a new monitor and now the widgets and desktop icons and wallpaper won't show.19:09
aciculaCharminTheMoose: idunno, i would guess the system upgrade installs updates for all packages and dependencies, so it should upgrade sudo19:09
sully_It is all black, and new activities don't do anything.19:09
aciculaCharminTheMoose: meta-pacakges just pull in a lot of packages19:09
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CharminTheMooseCool, yeah, I'm just curious is all if the system would start having seizure if I remove the ubuntu-desktop package, and still have a few 'resiidual' things that are dependencies of that package.19:10
aciculaCharminTheMoose: if you remove it all it does is remove  a package that does not install files, but just requires a number of packages of version x.y.z to be installed19:10
aciculaCharminTheMoose: no, it would just upgrade packages that are otherwise not used19:11
sully_No thanks for the help.19:11
itgeohi guys i just install iRedMail as mail server on my ubuntu, i can receive mail only for users of my server. But I cant send an email to myself on my gmail account, or receive an email from  my gmail account to my email server. Is there something that I had to setup ?19:11
CharminTheMooseOh cool!19:11
rhizmoeThe program 'traceroute' is currently not installed.19:11
rhizmoeoh ubuntu19:11
aciculaCharminTheMoose: though honestly there is little reason to remove such packages unless you are so short on hd space that you need to scrounge 100M's worth of files19:12
* rhizmoe checks to see if vi has to be installed specially, too19:12
acicularhizmoe: vim yes vi no19:12
MonkeyDustacicula  was faster ;)19:12
scut_how is the tool called in ubuntu for creating bootable usbs ?19:13
aciculascut_: unetbootin19:13
scut_NO !19:13
aciculaoh you mean the ubuntu tool19:13
codemaniacUSB creator19:13
codemaniacwas it ?19:13
aciculaits in one of the two administration menu's i think19:14
rarogПривет всем! подскажите по русски на каком канале можно пообщаться?19:14
aciculaidk, never used it19:14
acicula!ru | raror19:14
ubotturaror: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:14
Xtremeguys, how to disable grouping of windows in tastbar?19:14
Xtremecrap, there is a toption in other box19:14
Xtremefound it19:14
acicula#ubuntu, just posting enlightens you19:15
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts19:15
acicularhizmoe: in all fairness, the minimal install is pretty minimal. think it comes with nan as the default19:15
aciculanano even19:16
aciculaactually it doesnt, i cant purge nano because its not installed19:17
Xtremeguys i need to set terminal to win+t19:17
Xtremehow to do that?19:17
auronandaceXtreme: when you are asking these types of questions it is important to include what desktop you are using19:18
auronandaceXtreme: i don't use kde so i can't help19:18
Xtremeauronandace: okay, i will remember it. and thanks.. i played with it and figured it out.. may i know which desktop u using. gnome right>?19:19
auronandaceXtreme: xfce is my favourite, never liked gnome2, and don't like unity and gnome319:20
urbancommandoxtreme in gnome you go to system > preference > keyboard shortcut maybe kde has something simular19:20
sontekdo you guys know if its possible to define an input's x and y in xorg.conf?  I have an input thats working but it didn't detect my screen is rotated19:21
sontekso when I pull up it goes sideways19:22
user82can someone tell me how to rename all files in a folder via shell...to a random name(yes a random name dont ask why ^^)19:22
bekksSecurity through obfuscation? :)19:22
mbeierluser82: randomize each name?  or just to a random directory?19:22
Xtremeurbancommando: yup, done it :)19:22
user82randomize each name mbeierl19:22
Xtremeauronandace: looking into xfce19:23
=== irdxafk is now known as irdx
mbeierluser82: in the shell, you can do a command over and over per file with: for name in *.ext ; do echo file name is $file ; done19:24
wyldeXtreme: there's also #kubuntu which is kubuntu specific support :)19:24
FirartixHey guys :) Trying to run an Ubuntu LiveUSB but it's not working anywhere, i tried with Ubuntu's Key maker and Unetbootin but it's just not working19:24
FirartixI could get to boot on it from GRUB prompt, but all i get is a tty & busybox19:24
mbeierluser82: you would then need to have it generate a random name per file.  Is there a common extension and did you want to preserve the extension at all?19:24
Anom01yhi just wondering if this is a good computer to buy ?19:24
Anom01yAsus P5Q3 Deluxe19:25
wyldeuser82: you might find some help on the in #bash.19:25
user82mbeierl, to explain those are mp3 files on a player that does not shuffle(china 4$)...so i want to do it that way19:25
user82of course only once..19:25
mbeierluser82: ok. gimme a minute and I'll come up with a one liner for you.  Are there subdirectories too?19:25
Praxiif I wanted to make a script to sync my ubuntu home folder and a windows user share, what should I even be looking at?  I know for windows/server I would be doing a robycopy on a schedule19:25
MonkeyDustuser82  there's PyRenamer19:25
user82mbeierl, no all in one folder. thanks for your help!19:26
FirartixSo anyone can tell me how to properly boot on Ubuntu LiveUSB from GRUB prompt ?19:26
mbeierluser82: np.  I just need to decide on a good randomizer :)19:26
mister2is there a way to adjust brightness beyond the fn keys? it's kinda bright in here and i'd like to be able to see better.19:26
bakedpotatohello. i'm currently using ubuntu server 11.10, and it seems that it's unmounting something once the last user logs out. is there a way to prevent that?19:27
MonkeyDustuser82  is this helpful? http://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-bulk-rename-files-in-linux-in-the-terminal19:27
user82MonkeyDust, i am looking into your suggestions...thanks for the link19:27
urbancommandombeierl that would be difficult to do it all in one line? dont you have to verify if the name isalready been used?19:28
user82it is helpful pretty much..because i need to learn it myself no matter if it helps me right now(think mbeierlis doing a good script for now)19:28
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=== Guest71083 is now known as metcalfc
mbeierlurbancommando: true.  It'd be a long line.  I might end up pastebin'ing a script19:28
mister2where do you go to adjust brightness?19:29
MonkeyDustmister2  system settings > screen19:29
urbancommandoclose your eye lid in increments19:30
mister2monkeydust i'm in gnome classic, not unity19:30
MonkeyDustmister2  me too19:30
mister2helpful urbancommando19:30
mister2monkeydust i don't see anything called 'screen' or 'system settings'19:30
MonkeyDustmister2  top right19:30
urbancommandominster2 if your using a laptop you can use your function key19:31
mister2there's something called 'system' which has 'preferences' and 'administration'19:31
mister2urbancommando if you'd seen my original question the fn keys aren't doing as much as i need them too ;)19:31
mister2monkeydust there's something called 'system' which has 'preferences' and 'administration'19:32
MonkeyDustmister2  what ubuntu version and window manager?19:32
mister2gnome 2.32.1 and 11.0419:32
MonkeyDustah, that's not ubuntu classic, thats gnome 219:33
mister2well when i log in the setting i have is 'ubuntu classic'19:33
mister2so idk what to tell ya19:33
auronandaceMonkeyDust: classic is gnome2 in 11.0419:34
mister2actually, classic (no effects)19:34
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity19:34
MonkeyDustauronandace  mister2 yeah yeah, confusion ;)19:34
mister2mk, so where would i go to change brightness settings in gnome2 ubuntu 11.04?19:34
mister2i don't see it in system; anything19:34
=== rich__ is now known as rimasu
mister2jamjam; not helpful, as i'm on gnome2, not unity, and have no 'system-settings'19:38
bakedpotatomy posts *are* visible to you guys, right?19:38
mister2yes bakedpotato19:38
urbancommandominster2 the only way to configure it the way you want is to install  compizconfig19:39
mister2what was it you needed help with?19:39
LirthMy computer has started freezing randomly and the only way I have found that can fix it is through restarting. Any idea why this is and how to fix it?19:39
mbeierluser82: with thanks to urbancommando for making sure I did not over-write any existing names: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919388/19:39
mbeierluser82: but, because it's reading /dev/random, it's not the fastest thing in the word.19:39
bakedpotatoi'm trying to find out if it's my encrypted home directory that's getting unmounted when i log out.19:39
mister2urbancommando; again, why do i need to change the shortcut key?19:39
mister2bakedpotato have you looked at the mount command with it? i have no idea how you woul19:40
mbeierluser82: Sorry - you need to add the actual "mv" command to the script.  Right now it just echos out what it's going to do19:40
=== martins is now known as Guest72696
mister2urbancommando; why do i need to change the shortcut key? i want to adjust the brightness beyond what i have now. if compiz will do that then i'll install it19:41
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mbeierluser82: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919399/19:41
urbancommandominster2 you can keep the same short cut keys you are just going to use a different software to adjust your brightness19:41
=== pejjj is now known as grezev
mister2urbancommando; but it has the capacity to change the settings i want to change? i have terrible internet so this will be a prolonged download i assume, as i recall compiz being fairly large19:41
fisixinternets is excellent19:42
mister2oh, it's tiny19:42
urbancommandocheck out link i gave you the user is having the same issue as you are having19:42
mister2fisix yes, it is, but not when you get throttled to 10>19:42
bakedpotatoi can only tell that it's trying when i log out of one instance on the actual machine and it says that it's not unmounting it since there's still a user logged in (me on ssh)19:42
mister2urbancommando; uh, no they aren't. they change the key to use...19:43
mister2bakedpotato; isn't ubuntu set up to automatically unmount encrypted filesystems on logout?19:43
Kingkatariis there anyway that apache is blocking access to my webserver that i dont know about because my pc firewall and router firewall are down and my ISP is not blocking the port but i still can not access the page from the web19:43
mister2kingkatari; you have port forwarding in place?19:44
bekksKingkatari: You cant access your own public IP from inside your local lan.19:44
bakedpotatocould be, i dunno, but wanna know :D i guess i should put my minecraft server somewhere other than my home directory...19:44
mister2bakedpotato; usually servers are best stored elsewhere...19:45
^MikeHow can I add parameters to the grub2 boot command that gets selected by default?19:45
mister2urbancommando; compiz doesn't directly change the settings, it only changes the BUTTONS. not what i'm looking for, i want to change the setting.19:45
Kingkatariwhat do you mean bekks19:45
bakedpotatomister2: thanks.19:46
user82mbeierl, thank you!19:46
mister2^mike can't you do that by directly editing the file in your grub folder?19:46
bekksKingkatari: That you cant test it from your own PC.19:46
mister2^mike as root, i mean (or with sudo, whatever)19:46
mister2bakedpotato np19:47
^Mikemister2: Yes, but it'll be overwritten when that file gets regenerated. There's another config file where you can add stuff to be permanent, I can't remember where19:47
mbeierluser82: you're welcome.  Not sure how long it'll take though.  I need to think if there's a better way to get a random number...19:47
mister2^mike ah, i was not aware of this so i have no idea19:47
^Mikemister2: Also, I'm not exactly certain what variable to add the parameters to if i want to append them to the kernel line19:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:47
Pl3nar1usWhere is a good site for a tutorial on setting up a raid system in Ubuntu 11.10? I looked on google, and was hit by information overload!19:47
=== jao is now known as Guest3320
Guest3320FAQ: i would like to ask on how to read in dd a ceartain sector not just the boot sector as an example i want to read the content of the sector 5000 and redirect it to hex dump/editor19:49
jamjam@mister2 http://ubuntuguide.net/change-screen-brightness-with-fn-key-in-ubuntu-11-0410-1019:49
ubottumirc635ita: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:49
Guest3320i know how to redirect to a hex dump, i dont know the dd to go to a certain sector and read it..19:49
mister2jamjam; no, it works. it just doesn't make it bright enough.19:50
urbancommando<Kingkatari> did you configure your router to foward the correct port?19:50
ubottumirc635ita: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:50
Guest3320i know how to redirect to a hex dump, i dont know the dd to go to a certain sector and read it..19:50
Guest3320FAQ: i would like to ask on how to read in dd a ceartain sector not just the boot sector as an example i want to read the content of the sector 5000 and redirect it to hex dump/editor19:50
rumpe1Guest3320, man dd: skip=BLOCKS19:51
ruumhey guys19:52
rajivkGuest3320: and also something like count=119:52
Kingkatarii have the system with the web server setup in DMZ19:52
ruumto replace words via commandline is sed or the grep command better?19:52
mbeierluser82: replace the very first "random=" with this: random=`md5sum "$file" | cut -d\  -f1`19:52
mister2kingkatari can you try it from outside your network? ie take a laptop and connect to the neighbour's wireless?19:52
rumpe1ruum, grep doesn't replace anything (afaik)19:52
Kingkatarican someone try for me19:52
ruumok so would sed ?19:53
rumpe1ruum, it sure does19:53
ruumrumpel ?19:53
urbancommandowhat the url19:53
Kingkatarikatari.madhacker.biz and see if anything comes up19:53
mbeierluser82: like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919417/19:53
rumpe1ruum, it's syntax is just a bit... well... it's sed. :)19:53
=== me is now known as Guest41221
Guest3320thanks rumpe1 rajivk: in addition lets day i want to read the last sector of the second tracks how to read it just only display the last 512 bytes sector..19:53
Kingkatarior ip
urbancommandowith that url i dont want to try it now lol19:53
Guest3320of the second tracks19:54
Kingkatarilol urban19:54
mister2don't be a pansy urbancommando19:54
mister2kingkatari trying to open now19:54
urbancommandook i get something that says simplecoin.us19:54
mister2seems to have worked? i opened it in lynx19:54
mister2yeah itto19:54
Kingkataridid you try the IP or the worded URL19:55
Kingkatariok it works then19:55
Guest3320as an example "dd if=/dev/sda skip=62 bs=512 count=1 |hexdump -C" will read the last sector of the first track, but how about the last sector on the second track..19:55
urbancommandoyeah its working i see your name rank19:55
mrdebwhat is better, dd or shred19:55
Guest3320am i right with my example..19:56
kasiihi all19:57
kasiiam ask for keyringpassword19:58
kasiianybody who knows keyring password19:59
bekks! ask | kasii20:00
ubottukasii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:00
auronandacekasii: its whatever you made it20:00
urbancommandois that your pc kassi?20:01
xio3is there something i can install to create a usb flash drive that lets me boot from multiple iso images?20:01
Pl3nar1usHow do you find a remote monitor's display info. Example: firefox --display=DISPLAY ?20:01
xio3* i don't use microsoft windows20:01
urbancommandoxio3 do you work?20:02
urbancommandoin an office?20:02
kasiiauronandace, just tell me cuz  iwas never made it before  but am just wonder ubuntu asking keyring password20:02
xio3urbancommando: Yes, although not with Microsoft Windows or Mac.20:02
urbancommandoxio3 they dont have windows at all?20:03
xio3urbancommando: Nope.20:03
xio3urbancommando: i don't work for the fsf either.  lol  :)20:03
auronandacekasii: you must have made it otherwise it wouldn't be asking for it20:04
xio3urbancommando: there is a way to do this form linux. i just can't find the damm instructions because of all the bloody windows users playing around with linux.20:04
urbancommandoxio3 there is something out there but i forgot what its called20:05
xio3urbancommando: me too.20:05
kasiiauronandace, may be tell me what is that20:05
urbancommandoi have to find one of my usb20:05
urbancommandoi have to many20:05
kasiiauronandace, that keyring password20:06
urbancommandoxio3 ahh found it20:06
auronandacekasii: nobody can tell you what password you used, you used it, you made the password, we can't read your mind20:06
bekkskasii: It is a password you have set before. You must have done that, because otherwise there is no way to set it automatically.20:06
urbancommandogive you a menu20:06
xio3auronandace: it just show happens I'm a mind reader. his password was password.20:07
=== Lo0p is now known as L0op
Pl3nar1us0000, maybe?20:07
nitinabI am not exactly sure how, but my preferences have changed so that the default application for opening folders is Audacious instead of nautilus, even xdg-open folder_name starts a Audacious instance, and i can't seem to find where to change the setting back to normal :(20:08
urbancommandoxio3 did you get the url?20:08
kasiibekks, auronandace  i never made it what i made is only password during ubuntu installation  but even when i enter that it fails to  accept20:08
xio3urbancommando: yes. thanks. i'm going to try it. hope it works.20:08
urbancommandoit will20:09
fisixjoin us now and share this software http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BH7poMtPVU20:09
fisixyou'll be free20:09
fisixhackers, you'll be free20:09
guntbertfisix: stop20:10
xio3urbancommando: it has been such a long time since i've used microsoft windows. i think a version of windows from 1998 was the last one i had installed on any system.20:10
bekkskasii: You made it. There is no other technical way it could have been set.20:10
fisixnot a fan of the free software guntbert?20:10
gr33n7007hkasii, http://askubuntu.com/questions/65281/how-to-recover-reset-forgotten-gnome-keyring-password20:10
scienteswhat package has the gnome help?20:10
Pl3nar1usHow do you find a remote monitor's display info. Example: firefox --display=DISPLAY ?20:11
kasiibekks,  auronandace   okay tell me how to reset it20:11
bekkskasii: You just have been told.20:11
guntbertfisix: don't advertise here - keep to ubuntu support20:11
kasiibekks,   see  gr33n7007h   link20:13
kasiibekks,  thanks20:15
bekksWhatever "gr33n7007h" means.20:15
user82mbeierl, its working right now...nice20:17
=== dmogle is now known as Guest30996
nitinabok people, does anyone know how i can change the default application that opens my folders ?20:18
briMestone_homehey guys.. im using FFmpeg to dump a video to a raw codec and then from that to a specified codec. my question is how do i send the output of the first ffmpeg to the input of the second ffmpeg task to skip the intermediate file ( large file )20:19
briMestone_homeso something like piping the output of the 1st one to the input of the second ffmpeg20:20
user_113hi all20:20
nitinabhello user_113 , got a question ?20:20
Pl3nar1ushello all20:21
user_113questions have not20:22
nitinabso care to answer mine ?20:22
Pl3nar1usI have a quick question.20:22
user_113есть 1 вопрос вы че чурки что ли все тут сидите?20:23
nitinabenglish... :|20:23
=== [Derek[]p is now known as [Derek]
auronandace!ru | user_11320:23
ubottuuser_113: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:23
auronandacePl3nar1us: i hope you get a quick answer20:23
Pl3nar1usHow do you find a remote monitor's display info. Example: firefox --display=DISPLAY ?20:23
Pl3nar1usI hope so too!20:23
user_113how can I remove ubuntu?20:24
auronandaceuser_113: delete the partition and replace the bootloader?20:25
guntbertPl3nar1us: the best way for remote X is via ssh -X ...   (no guesswork, no hassles, better security)20:26
user_113how do I do?20:27
Pl3nar1usguntbert: Thank you. I'll give that a shot.20:27
guntbertPl3nar1us: no problem :) - you'll like it20:28
user_113HELP ME20:28
auronandaceuser_113: use a livecd with gparted and then install whatever you want to over the mbr20:28
Pl3nar1usguntbert: Is there anything that I need to do to the recieving machine's x-config?20:28
urbancommandocrap, I need to go to the  bathroom anyone wants to hold my hand?20:29
guntbertPl3nar1us: no, with -X ssh creates a tunnel and sets the appropriate variables20:29
user_113and how do I do?20:29
Xabsteruser_113, you delete it20:30
Xabsteror format the drive20:30
Pl3nar1usguntbert: Thank you so much!20:30
simion314hi all, i got an old laptop and the HDD is broken, it has 1.2GHz and 512 RAM, what distro I could use from a live cd/dvd? I would prefer one with flash installed and maybe some games(want to let my kid play with it)20:30
user_113I do not know how?20:30
guntbertPl3nar1us: have fun20:31
Xabsteruser_113, what is it you really want to do?20:31
Lyte101could someone help me setup a wireless card?  It's not getting noticed on "ifconfig"20:31
Pl3nar1usguntbert: I certainly hope to  :)20:32
user_113Yes, I really want to do it20:32
Xabsteruser_113, do what exactly?20:33
Xabsterwhat are you gonna do when you have deleted it?20:33
guntbertPl3nar1us: just for fun: the first app you could start remotely is  xeyes :-)20:33
urbancommandosimion314 try ubuntu 10.4 and http://theindexer.wordpress.com/2010/03/21/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-10-04-aka-lucid-lynx/20:34
user_113remove ubuntu20:34
urbancommandoyou dont have to install everything20:34
Xabsteruser_113, what are you gonna do when you have deleted it?20:34
user_113I install windows 720:35
wickedwiccanwhy is it i'm having to login twice in ubuntu 11.10.  I start at the login screen and enter my password then it goes black pops back at login screen and i do it a second time and logs me in instantly to unity20:35
Lyte101is there an alternative to ndisgtk?20:35
bekksLyte101: Whats that?20:36
Xabsteruser_113, then just install windows - the installer has options to format the drive20:36
urbancommandolol i was going to say that20:36
urbancommandouser_113 just pop in the windows 7 dvd and install it from there20:37
urbancommandofrom boot up20:37
user_113ок thanks20:37
mbeierluser82: glad it's working.  Just a note: the change I made to that script uses the MD5 hash as the target name to make it quicker. However, if you run it again and the MD5 hash file name already exists, it will fall back to the slow version and generate a random name by using /dev/random20:38
scientesuser_113, dont leave usssssssssssssssssssssssss!20:38
wickedwiccanLOL funny let him install windows :P he tried linux so he will come back20:39
akaidekewhat is thebest here?20:39
wickedwiccanany info on how to stop ubuntu requiring me to enter password twice to login?20:40
urbancommandolog in first20:41
urbancommandowhen it blacks out and ask again20:41
guntberturbancommando: stay helpful please20:41
urbancommandothrow it out the window20:41
wickedwiccanwow seriously you wasted that time typing that LOL you sir need a life20:42
guntberturbancommando: you are not funny at all - in a support channel20:42
guntbertakaideke: stop that20:42
guntbertwickedwiccan: try the following - press ctrl+alt+F2  to get  a "virtual terminal" - can you login there normally?20:43
wickedwiccanguntbert, I can login to unity it just makes me enter the password twice20:44
dwatkinswickedwiccan: what's the second password prompt, is it your keychain?20:44
scienteslaunchpad is having issues20:44
[v-8]_jupiterhi all. Please help me.How can be text colour changed to black in theme Ambiance?20:44
bekksscientes: Which issues?20:45
excalibourhi what is my best option to make my pc a musicbox(10.04 installed) ?20:45
guntbertwickedwiccan: yes, I saw that,  please try what I suggested at the "first" login window20:45
scientesbekks, time out on that link20:45
bekksscientes: Works fine here.20:45
wickedwiccanguntbert, yeah but its easier to just enter the password a second time  than to go into a terminal screen.20:45
bekksuser_113: Stop that please.20:45
Lyte101bekks, just having issues with wireless card.  do you know of an alternative to ndisgtk?20:46
wickedwiccanwhy are you calling us a dick20:46
user_113ебать копать20:46
wickedwiccani know russian you idiot20:46
user_113хуй соси20:46
bekksWould some op please stop user_113 now?20:46
wickedwiccanhe just spiting out curse words20:46
user_113иди нахуй чурка ебаная20:46
wickedwiccanLOL must be mad that Putin won the election again LOL20:46
guntbertwickedwiccan: you were asking how to get rid of that - I don't own a powerful crystal ball so we have to find out what might be wrong - but I'm just as happy if you don't want to try :-)20:47
user_113путин пидорас20:47
excalibourhi what is my best option to make my pc a musicbox(10.04 installed) ?20:47
user_113и ты пидорас20:47
wickedwiccanПолучить жизнь20:47
guntbertwickedwiccan: better stop that20:48
L0oplol remember me an alien language in an old videogame20:48
guntbertL0op:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:48
wickedwiccanLOL all i told him was to get a life, i'm not the one calling people a fag20:48
dwatkinsuser_113: we answered your question, do you still have more ubuntu related issues?20:48
urbancommandowickedwiccan are you using gnome and have setup keyring?20:48
urbancommandotry removing it20:48
wickedwiccanhow do you ignore people with xchat anyone know20:49
Jasonxxtyr /ignore nick20:49
user_113путин вас всех уничтожит чурки сосите у обамы его ниггерский хуй20:49
FloodBot1user_113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:49
* dwatkins sniggers and adds user_113 to the ignore list20:49
user_113иди нахуй бот ебаный20:49
skiwithpetehey, how - from the command line - can I change the computer name?20:50
wickedwiccanLOL he just talking about how putin will destroy us then he called obama the N word, where is the moderators20:50
bekksskiwithpete: Yes, using "hostname".20:50
wylde!ops | user_11320:50
ubottuuser_113: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:50
guntbert!hostname | skiwithpete20:50
ubottuskiwithpete: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:50
thomasbHow do I set up a channel on Freenode??20:51
user_113обама пидор20:51
skiwithpetewhoa, that sounds complicated.20:51
user_113и вы чурки сосите хуй у ниггеров20:51
skiwithpeteI need to change it twice?20:51
bekksskiwithpete: No.20:51
bekksskiwithpete: Just once :)20:51
auronandacethomasb: /join #channel (ask about support in #freenode)20:51
Fuchsthomasb: see http://blog.freenode.net/2008/04/registering-a-channel-on-freenode/20:51
Fuchsthomasb: make sure to read http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming  before20:51
skiwithpete!hostname | bekks20:52
ubottubekks: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:52
skiwithpeteI want to do it permanently, so I need to change both?20:52
user_113путин мудак вы у него будете все хуй отсасывать20:52
bekksskiwithpete: Notice the "or" in that sentence.20:52
[v-8]_jupiteruser_113: мож хавтит))20:53
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skiwithpeteI want to do it permanently!20:53
user_113нихуя че эти чурки выебываются20:53
user_113хуйта не русская20:53
bekksskiwithpete: Then follow the way mentioned after the "or" :)20:53
user_113вам сосать хуй у негров всю жизнь блять20:54
guntbertbekks: I think you are reading that statement (!hostname) wrong20:54
FloodBot1user_113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:54
[v-8]_jupiterТак на канал ubuntu-ru там же русские)20:54
Fuchs!ru > user_11320:54
ubottuuser_113, please see my private message20:54
user_113убунту хуйта20:54
user_113а вы чурки тупые сидите тут20:55
FloodBot1user_113: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:55
xangua!ops | user_11320:55
ubottuuser_113: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:55
wickedwiccanLOL I never thought my years studying russian would be solely to translate obsene comments in the ubuntu support room20:55
bekkswickedwiccan++ :)20:55
finnhello, I have had a problem upgrading ubuntu 11.1020:55
MonkeyDustis there no op?20:55
user_113ХУЙ СОСИТЕ У ПУТИНА20:55
DJones!ru | user_11320:55
ubottuuser_113: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:55
finnI think it's a problem with the kernel...20:57
wylde!details | finn20:57
ubottufinn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:57
wickedwiccanYAY the crazy russian is gone :P20:58
finnubottu, sorry I lapsed then :D will post info in a sec20:58
ubottufinn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
finnwylde, here are the details:20:59
dwatkinsTalking russian is a bit pointless, I have to paste it into google translate to have any idea what's being said.21:00
finnubottu, what are your capacitys?21:00
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
dwatkinsfinn: ubottu is a bot, but there are humans here too21:01
dwatkinsfinn: if you have some error messages and they're more than a single line, feel free to pastebin them21:01
finnI knew he's a bot21:01
finnhang on, will do ;)21:01
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finnI prefer to work in the terminal as it's faster, but pastebin wouldn't load in lynx :/21:04
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finnso I gotta boot up chromium :P21:04
wylde!pastebinit | finn21:04
ubottufinn: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:04
wyldeI really think that should be installed by default in Ubuntu. Makes helping people in irc that much easier.21:06
MonkeyDustwylde  the line must be drawn somewhere, even synaptic is no longer installed by default21:07
dwatkinsI tend to agree, wylde - not sure how many dependencies it has, but I can't imagine it has a large footprint in total21:07
finnhow do I paste into irssi ?????21:07
MonkeyDustfinn  ctrl insert21:08
dwatkinsfinn: you can copy and paste if you're running an application inside screen21:08
wyldefinn: pastebin your info, or install and use pastebinit.21:08
MonkeyDustfinn  it's shift insert21:08
wyldeMonkeyDust: true, it just seems to be an invaluable tool for irc support.21:09
finnhttp://pastebin.com/U3magkLG - this happens everytime I try to install anything21:10
finnthanks by the way21:11
MonkeyDustfinn  what's that in human language?21:11
finn* http://pastebin.com/U3magkLG -this happens when ever I try to install anything via apt-get21:13
finnand software center21:13
wyldefinn: have you used 'sudo apt-get -f install' ?21:13
cowboydrenI'm having trouble with a system after using the 11.10 Alternate installer. My Wifi adapter is listed as "not managed" and I can't manually add the network, either.21:14
Barnabasfinn, sometimes aptitude can fix dependency issues21:14
Barnabastry aptitude full-upgrade21:14
finnokay, going to try it now21:15
cowboydrenhow do I go about troubleshooting my wifi adapter?21:15
jbrksgood news people.. the latest nomachine nx (beta) works amazing with ubuntu 11.10 finally.. (the audio playback is even flawless-- quite amazing)21:16
finn:P Oo-er21:16
finnit says aptitude is not installed21:16
jbrks`prixon, aye21:17
excalibour how do i unistall subsonic on ubuntu 10.0421:17
mentocIs there a way to keep a persistent image of an ubuntu install similar to how online gaming stores re-image their computers on startup?21:17
finnBarnabas, It says aptitude isn't installed21:18
finnshould I install it???21:18
Barnabasyes you have to21:18
Barnabasaptitude search is also a great tool21:18
aziwhich VPN do i need to set up in order to get the same VPN as on windows?21:18
azii have a VPN account that i only add in windows and it works, but somehow the same account doesn't go through on ubuntu21:19
finnBarnabas, okay, It's installing aptitude now21:19
excalibouranswer : sudo aptitude remove subsonic21:19
`prixonI'm using 11.10 and I had 11.04 on another partition (on the same HD as the 11.10). I deleted this filesystem partition and formatted it to ntfs because I coudln't access/write to that partition, but unfortunately that didn't help. now I still have a partition that I can't write to. I tried using some advices from forums and sites, but to no avail. what can I do?21:19
ee99eeI am having a problem with syslogging. The default rsyslog config seems to want to write default messages to /var/log/syslog -- however, this file is empty (0 bytes)21:19
ee99ee/var/log/messages is also empty21:20
ee99eeI have verified rsyslog is running, and it is21:20
ee99eewhat gives?21:20
* Barnabas thinks aptitude sould be standard on Ubuntu21:20
ee99eethis is Ubuntu 11.1021:20
`prixonI tried something like "sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition" and "sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition" but nothing changes. I still have no permission to write to this empty partition21:20
finnBarnabas, what was the command again?? :P21:21
Barnabasaptitude full-upgrade og fullupgrade21:21
Barnabascant remember21:21
Barnabascheck the man page21:21
`prixonthe diskutility app says that the usage of this partition is Filesystem. could this be the problem? how can I change the permissions? loading nautilus with sudo also didn't help21:21
Barnabasif that does not fix it try the fix from excalibour21:22
mkultra_i <3 grun21:22
ee99eedo I have to do something specific to enable general sys logging?21:22
mkultra_its there for me when the systems is broke21:22
finnokay, it's running now21:23
finnit = aptitude full-upgrade21:23
mkultra_im installing aptitude21:24
mkultra_why not21:24
mkultra_is it like gdebi?21:24
darbeI have 2 ubuntu one of them can change grub but otherone cannot change aniting about booting. Is there anyway to do it?21:25
ee99eeI also tried commenting out the lines in the config to send messages to /var/log/messages, but nothing21:25
ee99eehere is my /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf: http://pastebin.com/VvuBzCqh21:26
finnBarnabas, I don't think aptitude solved it: http://pastebin.com/Ta0WeQkr21:26
finnBarnabas, could you highlight your name please? It's getting hard to see when you've replied :/21:27
finnBarnabas, thanks in advance21:27
Barnabashighligt my name? most channels do not alow that kind of hokus pokus21:28
finnxD :/21:28
Barnabascorrect me if I am wrong here21:28
finnyou're name was highlighted before :/21:28
Barnabasby your chat client then21:28
finni believe :/21:29
wyldeBarnabas: it will highlight for finn if you include his name in your responses.21:29
cowboydrenfinn if Barnabas mentions you does it highlight his name?21:29
wylde!tab | Barnabas21:29
ubottuBarnabas: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:29
XabsterIt's not his nick that is highlighted, it's your own nickname, finn21:29
Ali1_apacI dont need to do anything special to turn on ssh on ubuntu do i?21:29
Barnabasarh ok ..21:29
finncowboydren, yep21:30
MonkeyDustAli1_apac  i use ssh, what do you want to do21:30
wyldeAli1_apac: ssh client or server?21:30
wyldeAli1_apac: then you need to install open-ssh21:30
wylde!open-ssh | Ali1_apac21:30
MonkeyDust!openssh| Ali1_apac21:31
ubottuAli1_apac: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:31
Ali1_apacwylde: what port it use by default?21:31
wyldeAli1_apac: sshd defaults too port 2221:31
finnBarnabas: hello? :/21:32
Barnabasfinn yep here21:32
ee99eedoes anyone know what the "-" in "-/var/log/syslog" (in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf") means?21:33
ee99eewhy the -, I mean21:33
finnBarnabas: what do you think I should do?21:33
wyldefinn: have you tried 'sudo apt-get -f install' ?21:34
finnwylde: not yet, no. I forgot about that :P21:35
finnwlyde: will do21:35
Barnabasfinn (and others) what about uninstalling linux-generic linux-image-3.0.0-17-generic linux-image-generic21:35
Barnabasyou are bound to have the previour kernel defined in grub21:36
Barnabasyour boot loader21:36
Barnabasthen boot that one and try to do a clean apt-get update / upgrade - because it seems the install of that kernel did not complete sucessfully21:37
finnBarnabas: yes, the previous one was
Barnabashave you tried to boot that one ?21:37
Barnabaspress shift when booting and select that one21:37
Barnabasand then remove the 1721:38
finnBarnabas, haven't tried that21:38
finnwlyde: it gives the same output as before21:38
filipehello, anyone here can help me with my dvd driver? it won't play any dvd, a am on a unbuntu 10.1021:38
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finnO.o gotta go in 3min :/21:39
wylde!dvd | filipe21:39
ubottufilipe: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:39
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101021:39
cowboydrenirc bots are cool :]21:39
MonkeyDustis 10.10 still supported?21:39
coolstar-pcMonkeyDust: read the topic21:40
filipei don't know if it is still supported...21:40
coolstar-pcfilipe: read topic21:40
filipei will read the topic on the links...21:40
Ali1_apaclooks like I cam make 9.10 work by going to http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1895629.html21:40
finnbarnabas, wlyde, gotta go in 3 mins21:40
Barnabasfinn there is no 3 min fix to your problem21:41
wyldefinn: did you run sudo apt-get -f install?21:41
MonkeyDusttopic was off-screen21:41
finnBarnabas: it doesn't show multiple kernels at boot21:41
ee99eeI am having a problem with syslogging. The default rsyslog config seems to want to write default messages to /var/log/syslog -- however, this file is empty (0 bytes)21:41
finnwlyde: yes, it didn't fix the problem, it gave the same errors as in the pastebins I gave21:41
ee99eeI know there are some things that should be logged, but they are just not21:42
finnBarnabas: I will try uninstalling the kernel, how do I do that?21:42
Barnabasfinn apt remove the packages21:43
wyldefinn: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.0.0-17-generic21:43
Barnabaswylde, exactly21:43
wyldefinn: or perhaps sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.0.0-17-generic21:43
Barnabasthen it would absolutely be gone21:44
Ali1_apacIf i have 9.04 ubuntu and want to upgrade from the command line, cause I dont have physical access, is this possible?21:44
Ali1_apacI have shell21:44
Barnabasi think it is --purge21:44
finnokay, thanks! will try that !!!21:44
skiwithpeteAli1_apac, I don't know, but that's a cool question!!!21:44
coolstar-pcAli1_apac: apt-get distupgrade21:45
wyldeAli1_apac: should be, but you're taking chances if something breaks during the update with no physical access.21:45
coolstar-pcAli1_apac: wait...it's "apt-get dist-upgrade"21:45
Ali1_apacwylde: yeah, is it just apt-get distupgrade ? will it auto auto reboot when done?21:45
wyldeAli1_apac: I'm not sure this is the recommaneded way but 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' will do it21:45
coolstar-pcAli1_apac: and you need to run that command as root21:45
coolstar-pcAli1_apac: to reboot just enter "reboot"21:46
* coolstar-pc loves UNIX shells21:46
wyldecoolstar-pc: it sudo reboot ;)21:46
coolstar-pcwylde: or it can be "su root -c reboot"21:47
cowboydrenI'm a big fan of `sudo su -` ;)21:47
Ali1_apacAm I likely to retain access during the dist upgrade?21:47
wyldecoolstar-pc: not in ubuntu, you have to have the root password to use su and ubuntu root account has no password by default.21:47
coolstar-pcAli1_apac: yes21:47
Ali1_apacand I need to sources.list to point it to old repos to get the updates first21:47
wyldeAli1_apac: you should yes, as long as you remote session doesn't get interuppted.21:48
wyldesudo -i is the preffered ubuntu method I believe21:49
Ali1_apacI really dont need to upgrade but just need to install bridge-utils, but the repos for 9.04 a EOL21:49
Ali1_apacunless I get bridge-utils to install from 'old-verions' archive repos21:49
robertzaccouron youtube it says I don't have flash installed but I do but it keeps saying I don't. Any suggestions?21:50
Ali1_apacwhen creating a bridge between eth0 and ra0 on this pc, will I be able to retain access?21:50
wyldeAli1_apac: I honestly don't know.21:50
Ali1_apaccause ra0 is the wireless link to the pc21:50
grylosrobertzaccour: i suppose that you have restart your browser? which browser do you use?21:51
filipewell i did what the topic asked, restarted and nothing, i will see if it is a region set problem...21:52
robertzaccourgrylos, I already did that I closed it and opened it again. In Ubuntu software center it clearly shows flash is installed. I closed the browser opened it again and youtube still says i need flash21:53
robertzaccourgrylos, I use firefox21:53
wyldefilipe: you installed libdvdread4 then ran sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh?21:53
wyldefilipe: you may also need to 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'21:55
Ali1_apacalso, if there is a device on a diff subnet, you can add this as a secondary net?21:55
Ali1_apacto eth021:55
filipedoing it now!21:55
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filipeubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.21:56
wyldefilipe: if you need a media-player that handles just about anything you can throw at it VLC is great :)21:56
filipegot this message...21:56
wyldefilipe: hmmm, ok21:56
filipei have vlc installed21:56
robertzaccouron youtube it says I don't have flash installed but I do but it keeps saying I don't. Any suggestions?21:56
filipei use it to play downloaded videos, bu it is not able to open dvd either...21:56
wyldefilipe: that's odd. hmmm...21:57
filipei can see my drive in disk utility, and it opens data cds...21:57
hauxI was deleting some files from my desktop, then this happened: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/haux/Screenshot-04072012-120140PM.png ... any ideas?21:57
hauxAll of my desktop icons lost their arrangement, the background disappeared, and the File System link is gone.21:57
wyldefilipe: beyond a possible region code issue I don't have any other ideas. sorry.21:57
filipei will try to set the area code then....21:58
filipehow do you suggest i should do that?21:58
wyldefilipe: using the method on the !dvd link.21:59
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:59
robertzaccourOh I found out how to fix it myself22:00
robertzaccourinstalled the Gnash shockwave whatever plugin and now works fine22:01
wylde!cookie | robertzaccour22:01
ubotturobertzaccour: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:01
drounsewhere can i find xubuntu 12.04?22:01
filipei get this message when i try to us VLC to play dvds : Playback failure:22:01
filipeDVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".22:01
filipeYour input can't be opened:22:01
filipeVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.22:01
robertzaccour!wylde way to be a smartassssss22:01
FloodBot1filipe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:01
ubotturobertzaccour: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
grylosrobertzaccour: try to install a flash from firefox addons22:02
robertzaccourgrylos, I figured it out thanks anyhow22:02
grylosrobertzaccour: what was the problem finally?22:02
hauxdrounse, http://xubuntu.org/news/the-countdown-is-on/22:02
wyldefilipe: moment22:03
drounsehaux, what? cant you download the beta?22:03
robertzaccourgrylos, I had to install the Gnash shockwave whatever it is plugin also22:04
ruumhey guys, do you know how to find out how many words and characters are in a file?22:04
robertzaccourgrylos, do you know if flash works for 64 bit browsers as well?22:04
hauxdrounse, http://xubuntu.org/news/precisebeta1/22:04
ruumis that grep too?22:04
hauxBut the download link gives me an error22:04
grylosrobertzaccour: d' accord22:04
robertzaccourruum, right click and properties?22:04
robertzaccourgrylos, huh?22:04
robertzaccourwhats d' accord?22:05
grylosrobertzaccour: d' accord = ok22:05
robertzaccouroh ok22:05
ruumno I mean from the commandline dude22:05
robertzaccourgrylos, so flash works fine in 64 bit browsers?22:05
filipefilipe@BlackBuble:~$ sudo regionset22:05
filiperegionset version 0.1 -- reads/sets region code on DVD drives22:05
filipeERROR: Could not open disc "(null)"!22:05
filipePlease ensure there is a readable CD or DVD in the drive.22:05
ruumrobertzaccour:  so do you know how to do that from the commandline?22:06
hauxI was deleting some files from my desktop, then this happened: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y270/haux/Screenshot-04072012-120140PM.png ... any ideas? All of my desktop icons lost their arrangement, the background disappeared, and the File System link is gone.22:07
wyldefilipe: what happens if you run 'mplayer -v dvd://1'22:07
Luigi2012SM64DSHello, i have sound problems22:07
coolstar-pc!sound Luigi2012SM64DS22:08
coolstar-pc!sound | Luigi2012SM64DS22:08
ubottuLuigi2012SM64DS: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:08
robertzaccourruum, I don't, but right-click should work fine22:09
USClukehow can i found out the mountpoint (/dev/...) of my USB-Stick ?22:09
drounsedoes ubuntu have anything like the arch build system?22:09
coolstar-pcUSCluke: enter "mount" in the terminal22:10
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Luigi2012SM64DSi cannot bealive my fix was right infront of me22:11
USClukeand if the USB-Stick is not mounted ? just pligged in ?22:11
scientesdrounse, yes22:11
wyldeUSCluke: sudo fdisk -l will also work.22:11
filipemplayer -v dvd://122:11
filipeNo stream found to handle url dvd://122:11
deadbeefgnome vs kde22:11
FloodBot1deadbeef: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
scientesdrounse, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/build.en.html22:11
deadbeefoh and happy easter of course22:12
ruumwell robertzaccour you can use wc22:12
drounsescientes, thanks22:12
scientesdrounse, the easy command for build depends is apt-get build-dep $PACKAGE22:13
robertzaccourruum, whats wc?22:13
scientesrobertf, word count (right?)22:13
drounsescientes, ok i have to reinstall ubuntu, but ill do that22:13
scientesdrounse, why?22:13
USClukethe problem is i want to mount an usb-stick but i dont know how ... i made a directory (/media/usb1) and then: mount /dev/xxx /media/usb1 ... but what du i have to type for xxx22:13
drounsescientes, i currently am running opensuse22:14
scientesdrounse, oh, gotcha22:14
drounsescientes, it sucks22:14
MonkeyDustUSCluke  type sudo fdisk -l with the usb plugged in22:14
SDrhi guys,22:14
scientesdrounse, if you use alot of software from ubuntu's "universe" i recommend debian22:14
SDrwhile trying to access one of our websites on a ubuntu server, I'm getting session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: open(/var/lib/php5/sess_5768dbcfc244c477f83d9b5b281c7f6c, O_RDWR) failed: Read-only file system (30)22:15
grylosrobertzaccour: i don't know, i have 32bit OS22:15
USClukehaha thanks MonkeyDust22:15
SDrssh connected 2 hours ago, went: -bash: /etc/profile: Input/output error22:15
SDrthen failed to connect at all22:15
drounsescientes, ive tried debian, im not a fan22:15
scientesgrylos, what is your problem?22:15
scientesdrounse, ubuntu is better on the core packages22:16
SDrthis is on a dedicated server; am I correct in assuming hard drive failure?22:16
escapeplanDo we have any Synthesizerplayers here :D ?22:16
SDrif so, in what other ways might we be able to access it?22:16
drounsescientes, yea22:16
`prixonI'm using 11.10 and I had 11.04 on another partition (on the same HD as the 11.10). I deleted this filesystem partition and formatted it to ntfs because I coudln't access/write to that partition, but unfortunately that didn't help. now I still have a partition that I can't write to. I tried using some advices from forums and sites, but to no avail. what can I do? I tried something like "sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition" and22:16
`prixon "sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition" but nothing changes. I still have no permission to write to this empty partition. the diskutility app says that the usage of this partition is Filesystem. could this be the problem? how can I change the permissions? loading nautilus with sudo also didn't help22:16
scientesdrounse, but also, distros change alot if this was a long time ago, i got pushed from debian to ubuntu because of the lack of a debian installable livecd, but now it has one22:17
scientesfor example22:17
Popopobien!!! este es el xchat que yo conocia!!!22:17
scientes!es | Popopo22:17
ubottuPopopo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:17
ruumrobertzaccour:  wc, it counts the amount of words in a file also lines and characters22:17
drounsescientes, i tried a few months ago, i just prefer ubuntu, if i want something super stable ill use debian22:18
grylosscientes, no prob all fine22:18
Popopoaaah sorry22:18
Popopono problem22:18
Popopohello to everyone22:18
schnuffleany problems Popopo22:19
agoodmis there a way to permanently disable mouse acceleration and set sensitivity in ubuntu/unity?22:20
agoodmevery time I turn on my computer I must xset m 0 0 to get the mouse to feel right to me22:20
agoodmand every time I undock it from the docking station22:20
Luigi2012SM64DSOk so i rebooted after i did the sound thing. it didn't work again so i tried what i did before but its not working this time.22:21
kasiiis there any application for remote  distant pc in ubuntu just like tea viewer22:22
kasiiis there any application for remote  distant pc in ubuntu just like tea viewer22:23
scienteskasii, we hear you, look into ssh -X or vino (VNC)22:23
Luigi2012SM64DSI have sound problems again22:23
scientesLuigi2012SM64DS, can you paste the output of lspci?22:23
kasiiscientes, where22:24
kasiiscientes, where cani look for that22:24
Popopoyou can use teamviewer into ubuntu22:24
Luigi2012SM64DSscientes: all of it?22:24
Popopoin fact I have used some hours ago22:24
scientesvino does the same thing22:25
kasiiPopopo, , where can i  look for that22:25
scientesyou just im the person, and you can select it in empathy22:25
Luigi2012SM64DS0:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS480 Host Bridge (rev 01) 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS480 PCI Bridge 00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS480 PCI Bridge 00:13.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI IXP SB400 USB Host Controller 00:13.1 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI IXP SB400 USB Host Controller 00:13.2 USB c22:25
PopopoI don't know vino. Is it compatible with another software?22:25
scientes!paste | Luigi2012SM64DS22:25
ubottuLuigi2012SM64DS: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:25
Luigi2012SM64DSthere is a 0 i forgot in the beginning22:25
scientesPopopo, it is compatible with all VNC software22:25
PopopoKasii, in the same website of teamviewer, download section, you can find a version for ubuntu22:25
scientesssh -X is compatible with all UNIX-like operating systems22:26
scientes(and windows with xming, but i've never done that)22:26
kasii team viewer needs license22:26
Luigi2012SM64DSok i pasted now what?22:26
Luigi2012SM64DSkasii: team is free22:26
Popoposcientes, that's nice, but compatible with windows OS? because I have to work with multiples OS's22:26
kasii Popopo team viewer needs license22:26
scientesfree != freedom22:26
schnufflescientes:  cygwin X works fine under windows. I use it on a daily basis22:27
scientesPopopo, vino is compatible with windows22:27
Popopono kasii22:27
Popoponot for personal purpose22:27
scientesbut as schnuffle said you can also use ssh -X22:27
kasiiLuigi2012SM64DS, team viewer needs license22:27
scientesPopopo, https://live.gnome.org/Vino22:27
PopopoI used it on the morning between ubuntu and Win7, and it worked pretty well22:27
Popopono registration22:27
Popopoand on win7 I didn't need to install it22:27
Luigi2012SM64DSkasii: only if you chose for commercial use22:28
Popopokasii, you can use teamviewer for free22:28
scienteskasii, ^ + https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding#Forwarding_GUI_Programs22:28
PopopoI have it. and I use it freely22:28
scientesLuigi2012SM64DS, thats not acceptable for most people22:28
scientesFOSS software with source is much better22:28
Luigi2012SM64DSum this this ok?22:28
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scientesesp when plenty of FOSS alternatives exist22:28
filipeCan anybody help me? CAN'T PLAY dvds, i can open data cds with no problem, but i am not able to play dvds, already installed libdvdread4.22:28
Popoposcientes, ok... I don't know this other software, maybe it is great, but I only tell what I know. And I know it works well22:29
schnufflePopopo:  If ouy have broadband VNC is alright, for small lines I wold recommend FreeNX which does a goood job even on a modem line22:29
scienteskasii, you get those links https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding#Forwarding_GUI_Programs https://live.gnome.org/Vino22:29
simplewubuntu haves kde?22:29
scienteskasii, boths are installed in ubuntu by default22:29
schnufflesimplew: yes but its no more supported officially22:30
scientes(well, openssh-server needs to be installed to allow remote ssh -X access in)22:30
Popopommmm interesting schnuffle , because very often my AB is really small22:30
AdzyCan anyone help, Im connected here through the web client, everytime i try to connect through xchat it hangs when trying to connect to irc.freenode.net22:30
kasiiscientes, ;ets try22:30
simplewschnuffle: hu?!?22:30
scienteskasii, if you are doing desktop support vino is much better as it has access stuff integrated into empathy (the IM program)22:30
kasiiscientes, lets try22:30
simplewkde thats the majo WM is not supported?22:30
schnufflePopopo: Then try it, its a very handy Tool, uses ssh for security22:30
simplewand its not a WM but a DM22:31
scientesLuig left....22:31
simplewso ubuntu uses which DM?22:31
PopopoI will schnuffle , but not today, if something work... I don't want to change it till the time when I need to.22:31
scientessimplew, lightdm, if you mean desktop manager22:31
schnufflesimplew:  up to natty kubuntu had the official support from cannonical, apparenlty they dropped it. My advice for a good KDE distri is OpenSUSE22:31
Popopomaybe you can give me a advice... about broadcast... stramming22:31
Popopostreaming I mean22:32
scientessimplew, and unity-3d is compiz, unity-2d uses metacity, and gnome-shell is its own, also wayland wont have a window manager, but only a compositor22:32
schnufflePopopo: stramming?22:32
PopopoI want to show a video by internet.22:32
Popopoin real time22:32
PopopoI am trying it with VLC22:32
scientessimplew, kubuntu is still supported as long as ubuntu LTS22:32
schnufflePopopo: So you look for a streaming server?22:32
simplewscientes: so whats kubuntu?22:32
Popopobut ... I don't know why I can not do it succefuly22:32
scientessimplew, its just kde for ubuntu, its part of the same stuff, but branded differently22:33
Popopono no, I Want my own computer serving the video22:33
Popopoon real time22:33
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde22:33
Popopoin real time22:33
Popopodo you understand it?22:33
schnufflePopopo: What do you use for the moment?22:33
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scientesPopopo, vlc has great streaming stuff22:33
Popopoprotocol HTTP22:33
scientesPopopo, and you can install vlc in ubuntu22:33
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:34
simplewscientes: but you didnt said that kde is no longer supported?22:34
kasiiscientes, teamviewer fails22:34
Popopokasii, teamviewer works22:34
scientessimplew, canonical isn't supporting it, but the community has promised to support it as long as canonical supports the "main" repo22:34
kasiiPopopo, fails even to installs22:34
Popopopretty well. If it fails the reason could be that you have not installed wine (i think it requires it)22:34
filipe Can anybody help me? CAN'T PLAY dvds, i can open data cds with no problem, but i am not able to play dvds, already installed libdvdread4.22:34
scienteskasii, well, i dont know what teamviewer uses, but VNC is the "standard" for remote access22:35
scientes!dvdcss | filipe22:35
scientes!libdvdcss | filipe22:35
ubottufilipe: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:35
simplewscientes: do gnome its the default DM?22:35
Popopokasii, check the requires packages.22:35
filipei did everything on that link, still wont work...22:35
scientesfilipe, basically there is a cartell of legal threats22:35
Popopobut it requires WINE if I am right22:35
kasiiPopopo, i take linux  32bit22:36
scientessimplew, gnome is the default desktop ENVIRONMENT, but the display manager is lightdm22:36
Popoposo... streaming... VLC is ok, I read many manuals about it, but still I could't do it work.22:36
Popopoonly sound, no video22:36
PopopoKasii me too22:36
kasiiPopopo, http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx22:36
scientesPopopo, he doesn't want to use the propritary teamview apparently22:36
Popopowait wait Kasii22:36
simplewgnome?!? why was chosen gnome when kde its far more complete and better???22:36
Popopolet me open the site22:36
scientesPopopo, there are alot of differn't stream methods in vlc22:36
PopopoI am using ubuntu22:37
scientesPopopo, i've done it successfully, its pretty awesome22:37
simplewi really dont get this22:37
kasiiPopopo,  does ubuntu posses any of the remote application22:37
AdzyAnyone know why any of my irc clients wont connect to this server/channel but i can through html22:37
scientes!ask | l_r22:37
ubottul_r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:37
l_rwill ubuntu 12.05 have gcc5.7 by default?22:37
Popoporeally scientes ? please teach me how to22:37
scientesAdzy, could be a corporate or other firewall22:37
Adzyso should i open say port 6667 on router?22:38
scientesPopopo, it was a long time ago, but you just look through the advanced open menu, and the little drop down at the bottom and stuff22:38
scientesAdzy, are you using xchat, that is recommended (by me)22:38
Adzyscientes: so should i open port 6667 on router? yes using xchat22:38
Popopokasii, I have not too much experience with ubuntu, I tried it with ubuntu software but  i couldn't work with it, so I installed teamviwer and then it started to wrok22:38
scientesAdzy, no, you dont need to have incoming connections working, you just need outgoing22:39
schnufflesimplew:  its hard to debate about taste. I prefer KDE as well but that a question of taste22:39
Popopokasii, I am opening this site22:39
* scientes uses gnome-shell22:39
scientesl_r, no, gcc 4.622:39
Adzyscientes: So how do I get outgoing working?22:39
scientesAdzy, well you should turn off your firewall22:39
Popopokasii, did you download ubuntu 32bit version?22:40
Popopoand... do you have installed WINE?22:40
kasiiPopopo,  yes 32 bit22:40
scientesPopopo, you dont have to install wine if they have an ubuntu version22:40
Popopoanyway you have the version 5 with the software centre of Ubuntu.22:40
scientesPopopo, even if it uses winelib internally22:40
ActionParsnipl_r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919667/22:41
kasiiPopopo, when i  open it with ubuntu software center it tell me reinstall22:41
Popoposciente. I have no a correct answer for this, but it for me needs it22:41
Popoposo already you have it installed kasii22:41
Popopodon't you?22:41
l_ris there any way to have gcc4.7 without needing to recompile it from scratch (it takes hours) ?22:41
ActionParsnipl_r: however: http://paste.ubuntu.com/919669/22:41
excalibourhow can i install vlc for web based home media server on 10.0422:42
scientesl_r, l_r http://packages.debian.org/experimental/gcc22:42
simplewschnuffle: should i download kubuntu or ubuntu?22:42
ActionParsnipexcalibour: enable the interface in the advanced preferences22:42
l_rit looks i ll have the change to install it22:42
ActionParsnipexcalibour: you'll need to edit the vlc .hosts file to allow your network subnet22:42
codezombiehey, what are the required permissions for using real time scheduling with ionice?22:42
scientesl_r, i'd just install it from debian experimental22:43
codezombieI'd like to use it as non root, but doesn't seem to want to cooperate22:43
schnufflesimplew: I would go for ubuntu. In my opinion its better integrated. But as it has Unity and I don't like it I moved to lubuntu22:43
l_ris it possible to mix packages from debian?22:43
kasiiPopopo, it ask  me to reinstall but it fails to insa22:43
ActionParsnipl_r: its possiblebut will break your OS22:43
scientesl_r, oh wait, its in sid, only sometimes22:43
bekksl_r: Possible, technically, but you will break your system most likely.22:43
PopopoI see22:43
kasiiPopopo, it ask  me to reinstall but it fails to install it repeat for many times22:43
scientesl_r, http://packages.debian.org/sid/gcc-4.722:44
excalibourActionParsnip where is the hosts file, and how will i start the server afterwards? would editing make me have a web based control?22:44
Popopoif it fails maybe something wrong with the packages. Don't you think?22:44
PopopoI See22:44
simplewschnuffle: unity???22:44
Popopoopen a shell and write teamv+tab22:44
Popopolet's check if it works on this way22:44
ActionParsnipexcalibour: /etc/vlc/lua/http/.hosts22:45
kasii Popopo how  do i open shell22:45
ActionParsnipexcalibour: yes, enable the remote control and web control interfaces, then restart vlc.You can now connect to it via http://ipaddress:808022:46
Popopo... 2 options... or praying22:46
Popopoor in menu... tools, check for shell22:46
excalibourmaybe allready installed, lemme try first22:46
eertregoodday to all, anyone online here?22:47
excalibouri think so as 8080 port yielded a blank page, so there must be something22:47
ActionParsnipexcalibour: you'll also be able to control it via apps on smartphones22:47
eertrecan i get some help, please !?22:47
excalibourActionParsnip where s the file to edit?22:47
eertreshould i get a ticket!? :p22:47
kasii Popopo are u there22:48
bekks! ask | eertre22:48
ubottueertre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:48
eertrebekks u real or bot ?!22:48
PopopoI am writing you in a private22:48
Popopoand by here too22:48
bekkseertre: Some say this, some say that. Just ask you question. :)22:48
kasiitell me Popopo22:49
eertreso, i am on win 7, i had made a partition design when i installed system ... i want to erase win 7 and install ubuntu ... what do i do then about format and partitioning?22:49
kasiihow to get remote control application for pc22:49
Popopokasii, I can tell you that you ... really you don't know how to open a shell?22:49
eertreif i choose erase windows from install menu, i get only one partition, the one where the ubuntu will be installed?22:49
excalibourjust seen sorry22:49
Popopolet's start22:49
kasiiokay Popopo22:49
bekkseertre: Just insert the install cd, and partition like you want - or just choose the default, and let the installer do that work.22:50
Popoposuposly you have teamviewer already22:50
ActionParsnipexcalibour: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/Screenshot%20from%202012-04-07%2023%3A49%3A00.png22:50
Popopobut it doesn't work22:50
aJacomAre there any real (performance) issues when using a Wubi ubuntu installation? Is there any reason why it is preferrable to partition the HD for installing it? Thanks.22:50
Popopoand we don't know why22:50
ActionParsnip(23:45:09) ActionParsnip: excalibour: /etc/vlc/lua/http/.hosts       THAT is the file to edit22:50
Popopowhen you try to re-install it, it make mistakes22:50
eertrebekks, u are not helping me, if u have the patience to help me good, if not i will ask someone else22:51
FyodorovnaaJacom, a little slower, and just a file in windows....you do the math.22:51
Popopoyou already downloaded last version from the site22:51
eertrewhat u told me i already knew ...22:51
eertrehow do i do it ?!22:51
PopopoI guess you installed it22:51
Popopodon't you?22:51
eertrethis process - format, partitioning - is different from windows22:51
PopopoWhich ubuntu are you using now?22:51
bekkseertre: You can just choose "Automatic" in the installer.22:51
bekkseertre: And the installer will do it for you.22:52
excalibourActionParsnip>> sorry but mine is server, btw i dont seem to have lua folder under vlc but http. under http there s nothing, no files/folders22:52
fooI'm trying to install dropbox, and it says this:  written to stdout [15794278/15794278] - where can I find something if it's written to sdout? I used these intructions: https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx22:52
kasiiPopopo,  ubuntu 10.1022:52
ActionParsnipexcalibour: try:  sudo updatedb; locate hosts | grep vlc22:52
eertreis anyone here who is really a helper?22:52
ActionParsnipeertre: many22:52
Popopognome? or another windows interface?22:52
Fyodorovna!help | eertre22:52
ubottueertre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:52
eph3meralis there a multi-paste clipboard somewhere in ubuntu?22:52
eph3meralI use XFCE22:52
eertretell me one who isnt to lazy to talk22:52
eertreActionParsnip, can i ask u?22:53
ActionParsnipeertre: just ask the channel22:53
Fyodorovnaeertre, your loosing helpers every post you make by not following the channel parameters.22:54
aJacomAre there any real (performance) issues when using a Wubi ubuntu installation? Is there any reason why it is preferrable to partition the HD for installing it? (Sorry if I already posted this...)22:54
itaylor57eph3meral, xfce has a clipboard plugin22:54
excalibourActionParsnip>> canu have  a look at : http://pastebin.com/BPNaNtx822:54
AdzyAnyone know how to make a VM a DMZ through router when I cant find a local ip in router?22:55
FyodorovnaaJacom, read what the wubi designer says. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/22:55
eph3meralitaylor57, cool, installing now thanks22:55
eertreso i am on a 750 GB HDD, i have 3 partitions C - 350 gb D - 200 gb E - 150 gb, on C i have windows 7 ... i dont need anything from this harddisk, i want to format it all, and want to install ubuntu ... how do i format from ubuntu ?! can i do it when i install ubuntu!? when i click on ERASE WINDOWS from install ubuntu setup i dont see any option for format ... will ubuntu install keep my22:55
eertrepartitioning or do i need to make it again?22:55
ActionParsnipexcalibour: ok, edit those in turn and you will see networks and you can uncomment / edit a line to allow your network to connect. The default is to only allow localhost22:55
eph3meralitaylor57, do you use XFCE?22:55
itaylor57eph3meral, yes22:55
eph3meralcool, I love it :)22:56
ruumhey guys do know how to download all the image files from a URL folder -- example wget http://somedomain.com/images/ to a local directory?22:56
ActionParsnipeertre: do you want to dual boot?22:56
excalibourActionParsnip>> still no file under http, somewhere else?22:56
eertreno, i dony want anything from the harddisk22:56
eertrejust a new fresh installed ubuntu copy22:56
eph3meralI was soooo pissed at both Unity and GNOME322:56
ActionParsnipexcalibour: did you edit the file, then restart the app?22:56
* scientes likes gnome-shell22:56
ruumdoes anyone know?22:57
excalibourActionParsnip there s no file to edit, sorry, with ls i get a blank prompt under http22:57
ActionParsnipeertre: the installer will make the partitions for you, if you set to use the whole drive it will delete Windows and install Ubuntu for you22:57
eertreActionParsnip, how does the installer know how i want the partition to be?22:57
ActionParsnipexcalibour: the command outputted some file names, edit those with nano to enable the local subnet22:57
beaglebr1athHow do you execute a command and have it execute from another /dev/pts/# ?  i.e. execute clear from /dev/pts/2 but executes on /dev/pts/322:58
excalibourisnt it weird that şs doesnt show files?22:58
eertreyou really dont want to pay atention to my problem, because if u read carefuly u will understand what i am saying22:58
ActionParsnipeertre: it will make a partition for swap and the rest for / (includes all folders), if you want to setup your own partitions then choose manual partitioning (something else) and set it up how you wish22:58
eph3meralitaylor57, XFCE is like what GNOME2 should have been :)22:58
eph3meralso, I have been having some weird theme issues with XFCE22:59
eertrewhere or when can i do that22:59
ActionParsnipeertre: its part of the installation, read the screen22:59
eph3meralsome programs have the "regular" "nice" GTK theme that I would expect, and some have this really old GTK1.x looking square theme22:59
gr33n7007hbeaglebr1ath, clear > /dev/pts/*22:59
eph3merallooks almost like tcl/tk but not quite as ugly22:59
eertreno, u dont want to listen to me, serious ... can i private you?22:59
eph3meralspecifically rhythmbox was looking weird23:00
ActionParsnipexcalibour: sudo nano /usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.hosts23:00
eertrewhen u choose ERASE WINDOWS, i have no option to format or partitioning harddisk23:00
eph3meralI installed Clearwaite (i think is the name) which has a GTK3 component, but now synaptic looks ugly! lol XD23:00
eph3meralanyone know what's up with this theme wonkiness?23:00
ActionParsnipeertre: YES It will set a default set of partitions of it's own choosing. Like I already said23:00
excalibourActionParsnip>> i vim ed to /etc/vlc/http/.hosts23:00
excalibourtryuing your alternative now ActionParsnip23:01
blzeph3meral, you should probably check with whoever made the theme.  Also, you still haven't really told us what's wrong.23:01
eph3meraland or, how would I check, using the command line, what GTK theme(s) are currently active for each version23:01
ActionParsnipeertre: so I have no idea were you are getting that I am not reading your replies23:01
xtremoxhi there23:01
eertreso when i choose ERASE WINDOWS, it will FORMAT and RE-PARTITION my harddisk on his own choose?23:01
eph3meralblz, uhh, sorry, I thought I did - some programs have the "regular" "nice" GTK theme that I would expect, and some have this really old GTK1.x looking square theme23:01
stevenmeyerI used to have a program sort of like lanmap however it worked off of showing you a real-time 2d display of selectable protocols. The program would map out a network and show usage. I think I had it in some distro a few years back but cant remember for the life of me what it was called. Any help would be appreciated.23:02
ActionParsnipeertre: yes, it will determine the partitioning for you and format them appropriately23:02
eph3meralthe implication being that what is "wrong" is that I don't want any apps to have the old GTK1.x looking square theme when I know they should look like the nice/latest theme23:02
ActionParsnipeertre: like I ALREADY said23:02
beaglebr1athgr33n7007h: thanks, but clear doesn't accept any other arguments.  I've got the redirect output from one pts to another figured out.  but now I'd like to have a command execute from a different /dev/pts. :)23:02
blzeph3meral, A screenshot would help.23:02
ActionParsnipeertre: ALL partitions will be removed.23:02
eertreActionParsnip, i understand, and it will partition based on what?  on a 750 gb how it will look like ?!23:02
ActionParsnipeertre: so WAS I reading what youo wrote?23:02
gr33n7007hstevenmeyer, is it etherape23:03
eertreyou probably read, but u didnt wanted to talk in many words so u can give ma complete response :pp23:03
ActionParsnipeertre: so where does "(23:59:40) eertre: no, u dont want to listen to me, serious ... can i private you?"  come from?23:03
blzeph3meral, and you generally want to check with the theme developer to know what the dependencies are.  Sounds like you're probably missing a library of some sort.23:03
ActionParsnipeertre: when it's clearly not the case23:03
stevenmeyerThank you so much!!!!23:03
ActionParsnipeertre: if you give me any sort of attitude when you are clearly WRONG, I will not hesitate in making you look like a complete ASS.23:04
eertreActionParsnip: u rule, u listen, u the best helper, u are a god of helpers ... but tell me please, if i decide to do my own partitions, where and when and how can i do it?23:04
eertrelol ...23:04
ActionParsnipeertre: the partitions will be 1x RAM for swap and the rest in Ext4 for /23:04
* blz gets lawn chair and popcorn23:04
Guest4600I would love some popcorn.23:05
Ali1_apacabout how long does it take toi install 11.10?23:05
eertreActionParsnip, and the23:05
eertreso the swap will be 4 GB, and the rest will be formated in ext4 ?!23:05
FyodorovnaAli1_apac, about 20 min here depends on your download speed and if you run with updates included.23:06
ActionParsnipeertre: if you want something more extravagant (like a seperate /home partition) you will need to select to do something else, write a new partition table then setup the partitions as you need23:06
eertreAli1_apac, a few minutes23:06
ActionParsnipeertre: yes, if you have 4Gb ram you will get 4Gb swap (for hibernate etc) and the rest for / formatted Ext423:06
gr33n7007hbeaglebr1ath, I don't understand what you mean23:06
Barnabaseertre, basic partitioning considerations23:06
eertreso this way i will only have 2 partitions ?!23:06
bitpimpneither version of eclipse I have is able to download packages in ubuntu 11.10 although they could in the past... they are essentially not able to reach the internet... I've tried the obvious settings in Eclipse so now I turn to ubuntu... any suggestions?23:07
spacebug-where is the config for my icons on the launcher?23:07
blzeertre, by default, Ubuntu will create two partitions:  /  and swap23:07
Barnabasbitpimp, are you able to reach the internet from a regular console?23:07
blzif you change nothing, that's what you'll get23:08
ActionParsnipeertre: if you select to use the whole drive, yes23:08
* gr33n7007h is eating Tandoori Chicken23:08
eertreActionParsnip. now i can prove the fact that u dont read what people say to you, and you look like an ASS: <eertre> ActionParsnip: u rule, u listen, u the best helper, u are a god of helpers ... but tell me please, if i decide to do my own partitions, where and when and how can i do it?23:08
eertrei asked u a lot of times to tell me where i can do that23:08
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SDr"cat /proc/mdstat"  says 116414912 blocks [2/1] [U_]   ;anyone knows what the [U_] stands for?23:08
physically_fitwhattup, how do force Precise Pangolin (12.04) to be installed via command line?23:08
ActionParsnipeertre: its part of the installation, just read the screen and you'll be fine23:08
bekksSDr: Your RAID is broken, you only have one disk active.23:08
ActionParsnipphysically_fit: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise support please23:08
`prixonI'm using 11.10 and I had 11.04 on another partition (on the same HD as the 11.10). I deleted this filesystem partition and formatted it to ntfs because I coudln't access/write to that partition, but unfortunately that didn't help. now I still have a partition that I can't write to. I tried using some advices from forums and sites, but to no avail. what can I do? I tried something like "sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition" and23:08
`prixon "sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition" but nothing changes. I still have no permission to write to this empty partition. the diskutility app says that the usage of this partition is Filesystem. could this be the problem? how can I change the permissions? loading nautilus with sudo also didn't help23:08
physically_fitActionParsnip, thankie23:09
eertreis there any video tutorial for this !?23:09
scientesSDr, that is the size of your memory device, aka flash23:09
bekksSDr: thats nonsense.23:09
ActionParsnipeertre: the GUI is massively simple. If you just have a go you'll be fine. You have nothing to lose as none of the data is needed23:09
scientesSDr, wait guess not, my arm doesn't have that, its /proc/mtd on there23:10
bitpimpBarnabas: yes23:10
schnuffle`prixon: how did you mount your partition?23:10
eertrei can lose a well organized hard drive, a well and smooth working of ubuntu for lack of space to work how it wants to do and so on ...23:10
bitpimpBarnabas: web/ping/irc all intact23:10
`prixonthrough nautilus i think23:10
blzeertre, what exactly are you trying to do?23:10
schnuffleeertre: use LVM23:10
SDrhttp://pastebin.com/xpevNJim   -full dump.23:10
bitpimpBarnabas: they were able to download packages at a previous point in this install23:10
scientesSDr, https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/articles/m/d/s/Mdstat.html23:10
SDrquestions: what is gonig on in here? is my raid inactive? and probably corrupt?23:10
schnuffle`prixon: open a terminal and paste the outpout of: mount23:11
OledoleDamn, irc is still alive, back to 1998 :-)23:11
scientesOledole, still works too :P23:11
beaglebr1athI have tmux running with the screen split three ways.  each of the screens are attached to /dev/pts/1 /dev/pts/2 /dev/pts/3.  I'd like to use /dev/pts/3 as a place to issue commands to a variety of electronics attached to the serial ports and have their responces appear on a /dev/pts/2.  I'd also like to issue a command from /dev/pts/3 and have it execute on /dev/pts/2.23:11
bekksSDr: Your raid devices are broken. You have a RAID1 spanning two disks, and in both RAID1 groups you have lost one device.23:11
`prixonschnuffle, here or in private? cause it's a bit long23:12
eertreblz, i have a hard of 750 GB with win 7 on it ... i want to format it all ( ALL ALL - i dont need anything, including windows) and i want to install a fresh copy of ubuntu .. my hard has 3 partitions ... C with 350 D with 200 and E with 150 .. woulnd be good to keep this way of partitioning also in ubuntu ? if yes, how do i do it ?! this was my question23:12
ActionParsnipeertre: the drive will never be lost, unless it mechanically fails23:12
excalibourActionParsnip>> i edited the .hosts file with vim and added 2 lan ips. how do istart service as u mentioned before?23:12
schnuffle!paste | `prixon23:12
ubottu`prixon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:12
ActionParsnipexcalibour: why not just use the netmask, you can do it by IP but using the mask is a bit easier23:12
blzeertre, have you used linux or ubuntu before?23:12
`prixongot you23:12
blzjust wondering, before I dive it =)23:13
eertreyes, but only on LIVEUSB23:13
blzah okay23:13
ActionParsnipeertre: the OS will rarely use more than 6Gb HDD space....23:13
excalibourActionParsnip>> only 2 pc s at the moment so easy to add 2 lines. what should i do now23:13
eertreActionParsnip, i understand ...23:13
blzeertre, Okay, so I'll start with the question "is this a good way of partitioning ubuntu".  The answer to that is "it doesn't sound bad, but it depends on what you want to do"23:13
`prixonSaveDisk is the one i'm talking about23:13
schnuffle`prixon: your disk is mounted readonly23:14
ActionParsnipexcalibour: close vlc, start it up again and you should be ok23:14
SDrbekks, "SDr: Your raid devices are broken. You have a RAID1 spanning two disks, and in both RAID1 groups you have lost one device."   -there should be only 1 RAID1 group23:14
blzas for the rest, the best recommendation I can give you is to start the installer (preferably from a live cd/usb, because the graphical installer is easier to understand) and just play with it.  It's very safe and it'll be fairly obvious23:14
bekksSDr: There are two. md0 and md1.23:14
SDrwhat do you mean by "both RAID1" groups?23:14
`prixonindeed, that's what I'm trying to change23:14
eertrei just want 3 almoust same space partitions where on one i can keep my system, in one i can keep my media and in one i can keep my work ... at least this is how it was on windows23:14
`prixonbut to no avail yet23:14
schnuffle`prixon: to mount it rw unmount it and remount it with folloing command: sudo -t ntfs-3g mount /dev/sdb1 /media/SaveDisk23:15
excalibourActionParsnip>> how will i do that from cli? i am on windows , box is another pc23:15
bekksSDr: both, md0 and md1 are degraded, but still working, with one of two underlying physical disk devices.23:15
blzeertre, fair enough.  In that case, you'll want to name your system partition "/" (without the quotes)23:15
ActionParsnipexcalibour: kill the process and start it how you normally do23:15
blzand you will need to create a swap partition too23:15
schnufflesudo  mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/SaveDisk23:15
ActionParsnipeertre: if you delete one of the partitions, you can install ubuntu there and dual boot :)23:16
blzeertre, i'll pm you so we don't flood the living hell out of this channel23:16
eertreblz, please d23:16
eertrepeople, from where does the CANONICAL LTD. name comes from !?23:16
`prixonI'm unable to unmount it now... I get: Daemon is inhibited23:16
`prixonthat's weird23:16
`prixonjust a sec23:16
schnuffleprixon: any program like nautilus showing the disk?  quit them23:17
ActionParsnipeertre: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/canonical.html23:17
`prixonso "sudo -t ntfs-3g mount /dev/sdb1 /media/SaveDisk" or "sudo  mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/SaveDisk"?23:17
excalibourActionParsnip>>i think i dont a running vlc service. can u have a look at : http://pastebin.com/vdEnb2fv23:17
schnuffleprixon: the second23:18
`prixonI get: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/SaveDisk: No such file or directory23:18
ActionParsnipexcalibour: if the system has no X server, how is it going to display?23:18
schnuffleprixon: or to mirror the option you had before:  sudo  mount -t ntfs-3g -o nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177 /dev/sdb1 /media/SaveDisk23:19
schnuffleprixon: create a directory23:19
excalibouri was thinking server would serve the client web based gui23:19
schnuffleprixon: I'm off for some mintes23:19
`prixonok schnuffle.. I still get a "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/SaveDisk: No such file or directory" for the last command you wrote me23:20
eertrefromm that definition of the term they named their company, ActionParsnip?23:20
excalibourActionParsnip>> like subsonic does23:20
cousteauis `sudo -H some_gui_program` safe?  I know sudo shouldn't be used with graphical programs, however the -H option sets HOME=/root.  Would it then be safe to run stuff with `sudo -H` or could it still cause problems?23:21
cousteau(other than the obvious problems caused by using sudo in a destructive way)23:21
schnuffleprixon: sudo mkdir /media/SaveDisk23:22
ActionParsnipeertre: its what the word means, otherwise not sure23:23
schnuffle`prixon: ?23:24
`prixonhow did that work!?23:24
schnuffle`prixon: what?23:24
`prixonnow when I mount the partition I can create files and folders!23:24
=== Goku is now known as Aguay
`prixonwhat made it work? the create dir?23:24
`prixonor the other commands that gave a msg of not working?23:24
schnuffle`prixon: all together, but i need to leave so somebody else  needs to explain it23:25
pimpekpalahi ppl23:25
`prixonthanks a lot schnuffle!!23:25
pimpekpalawhere you come from ppl23:26
`prixoncan anyone explain schnuffle magic?23:26
scientes!ot | pimpekpala23:26
ubottupimpekpala: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:26
hitttPackage grub is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source23:27
SDrbekks, okay.23:28
SDrbekks, now I'm getting "Bus error" on almost all read operations23:28
SDrbekks, I'd really need to shovel off the files from this system -any recommendations?23:28
wolfslordI'm using Google Chrome and Flash just stoped working after upadating some packages23:30
excalibourActionParsnip>> so isnt it possible to use vlc without installing X11? subsonic i tried didnt have that prerequisit23:30
wolfslordI'm currently using 12.04 beta223:31
wolfslordDoes anybody have a glue of what shoul I do?23:31
ActionParsnipexcalibour: well, what is the VLC doing via remote control?23:32
hitttwolfslord: why don't you run Chrome from a terminal and see what warning/error it pops?23:32
ActionParsnipwolfslord: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise support23:32
wolfslordnot a single error when running from terminal23:33
wolfslordlet me try #ubuntu+123:33
excalibourActionParsnip>> was seeking an alternative to subsonic(home media server with web based gui for clients)23:34
hitttPackage grub is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source <- any suggestions?23:35
hitttDid ubuntu developers mark grub as obsolete?23:36
Fyodorovna!grub | hittt23:36
ubottuhittt: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:36
Fyodorovnahittt, hope that helps grub 2 is the default in many OS's as of now.23:37
hitttyeah but i need grub (Named grub-legacy in the doc)23:37
hitttgrub2 never worked for me23:38
ActionParsniphi saad_23:39
saad_I've been having troubles playing the restriced formats23:39
saad_Hello ActionParsnip :)23:39
ActionParsnipsaad_: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?23:39
ActionParsnipsaad_: and vlc and gnome-mplayer23:40
excalibourActionParsnip>> ty very very much for yr extreme effort to help me, i really appreciate that23:40
saad_vlc and totem yes23:40
ActionParsnipexcalibour: np man, all ok?23:40
bitpimpHow do I install both the jdk 1.6 and 1.7 in ubuntu?23:40
bitpimp(I can then point my IDE to either)23:40
excalibourstill struggling but sidetracked, ty anyway23:41
saad_ActionParsnip: any suggestions?23:41
saad_I am workin on 10.04 LTS btw23:41
PopopoI left23:41
Popopohave nice time everyone!23:41
excaliboursaad trying to run mp3 from the box?23:41
kasii.no popescv23:41
ActionParsnipsaad_: what is the output of:  uname -m23:42
ActionParsnipsaad_: did you install w32codecs from the medibuntu repo?23:43
saad_hmm I dont think so23:43
saad_Gimmie a while sorry23:43
saad_Lol you must be suffering with all these activity(leave-join) happening23:44
ActionParsnipsaad_: my client blocks them23:44
ActionParsnipsaad_: yors probably can be told to too23:44
hitttFyodorovna: WHOOPS my fault i had chroot'ed23:45
saad_yes it can23:45
Fyodorovnahittt, personally never liked grub legacy, grub 2 works like a charm here, can't help with grub legacy really.23:47
`prixongood night23:47
hitttFyodorovna: i un-chroot'ed and used --root-directory instead, i should reboot and check -- grub2 never really worked here, it failed to detect any devices and bricks my installation every 6 months...23:49
Fyodorovnahittt, I suspect you don't understand grub 2 to be honest, you description makes no sense.23:50
Luigi2012SM64DSI apologize for coming 3 times but i sitll need help with my sound23:51
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hitttFyodorovna: it could be just me, but not even the automatic installers understand grub2 either ;) Plus menu.lst is probably a humans best friend23:52
Fyodorovnahittt, you might want to get familiar with the bootscript for ease of travel.23:52
Muelli!sound | hittt23:52
ubottuhittt: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:52
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | hittt23:52
ubottuhittt: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:52
Luigi2012SM64DSubottu, tried that didn't work.23:55
ubottuLuigi2012SM64DS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:55
hitttFyodorovna: i don't really care for the 1ms that grub2 saves. I prefer being able to edit the configurations myself rather than let scripts do it. I am more into efficiency than speed. After all, grub-legacy never had any issue with my setup.23:55
Luigi2012SM64DS*blush* well can someone else help me?23:55
Fyodorovnahittt, excellent welcome to my ignore list.23:56
hitttAhem,,, anyway restarting23:56
jefersonHi !23:59

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