=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest92794 === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:50] hello guys [18:50] hi hi [18:53] I have a question. Xubuntu version 12.04 LTS will be include xfce 4.10? [18:53] no [18:54] xubuntu 12.10 will have xfce 4.10 [18:54] but i think there will be a ppa with xfce 4.10 for 12.04 [18:57] baizon. Thank you. you are very helpful. [18:58] your welcome [19:08] i love xubuntu. and i hope that the new version of xfce will be more stable and still userfriendly. =) [19:09] ...unlike the new versions of GNOME and KDE? *smirk* [19:09] xubuntu072: http://xfce.org/download/changelogs/4.10pre1/ [19:10] there you can read all the changes [19:10] astraljava yea? u are right [19:10] thx for link. [19:11] xubuntu072: I'm just kidding, though. It just sounded like that. :) [19:12] Don't mind astraljava, he hasn't taken his meds today. [19:15] baizon> the new version have lots of changes and looks good ^ ^ [19:15] yes indeed [19:16] window tilling and xfce appfinder is very nice [19:18] gtg. peace to everyone and bb === Guest92794 is now known as benonsoftware