
jonohey sagaci00:38
sagacicandidates and benevolent are mispelt00:48
sagaciI'll fix it this afternoon00:49
icerootdo someone has a hint how to find what package is contains a specific error-message? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/97641508:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 976415 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "gnome-disk-utility has a missing item in the translation-template. Error message is not translated" [Undecided,New]08:07
icerooti guess searching all packages is the only way?08:08
trijntjeiceroot: grep -ri "error message" /usr/share/locale*09:51
iceroottrijntje: thank you09:51
backtrackmobilehi guys, happy easter12:30
backtrackmobileis there a way to translate in a mo file, using gettext , a single line that isnt a function ?12:30
backtrackmobilei mean "hello how are you" with "ciao come va?" from the po file? in the binary file, the "hello how are you"isnt a function12:32
artnaykelemengabor: I had an old version of ubuntu-docs and therefore those sentences "were missing"18:31
kelemengaborartnay: so they aren't missing anymore? :)18:31
artnaykelemengabor: not from dpm's site18:32
kelemengaborgood, because I can't find them in yelp neither18:32
artnaykelemengabor: I've found quite a many errors from ubuntu-docs (and reported ofc), just wondering if the translators will have time in case the docs team fixes those.18:33
kelemengaborgood question...18:33
artnayand actually I wonder if the translators actually _test_ the instructions they're translating *g*18:34
artnayI mean, translating docs is the best time to catch most of the errors18:35
kelemengaborin theory, the first langpack update (2 weeks after release) will be a full one, we can perhaps arrange with the docs team an upload for that, if we cannot finish in time18:35
kelemengaborartnay: I always have a tomboy note open to collect obvious problems, that I forward to bugzilla after finishing the doc translation :)18:37
artnayI always "ubuntu-bug" almost instantly, otherwise I'll forget18:38
artnaykelemengabor: should those ubuntu-docs bugs be marked affecting ubuntu-translations as well?18:45
artnayin case those strings/sentences will change18:46
kelemengaborI don't think so. Once they are out, we translate them, but nothing else is needed from our part, so it wouldn't help much.18:48

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