
dwatkinsah, I'm only on Oneric, so I can't reproduce that.00:01
dwatkinsare you on 12.04, dogmatic69?00:01
dwatkinsI've observed issues with suspend on earlier Ubuntu versions which manifest as the screen just getting locked. Not seen a logout happen before.00:02
dogmatic69My pc died and figured it was a good time to make the move. When I saw the HUD thing I was sold00:02
dogmatic69ye, it is just like I clicked logout or restart. never suspend00:03
dogmatic69I am glad for SSD and fast boots. hate waiting for startup00:03
dwatkinsyeah, even my hybrid disk seems a lot faster than a HDD00:05
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nifsrry :( mistake04:44
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Myrttimorning seems to have an exciting start, I've just filed a bug for a kernel oops in precise and my nephew broke a mirror in his room.09:17
Myrttilet's see if I could manage to acquire a third degree burn on making tea for myself, and cut myself on the head when tripping on a carpet and hitting my head on a table edge09:18
Myrttilets, even.09:18
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:29
StevenR*sigh* firefox ate half my open tabs due to repeated crashyness :(09:41
dwatkinsMyrtti: time to do backups? ;)09:45
Myrttidwatkins: am at my sisters now and don't have my backup disk with me :-|09:45
dwatkinsMyrtti: bah, I guess you can't just rsync then.09:47
MyrttiI suppose it's time to set up dejadup to ubuntuone for immediate relief09:48
Myrttiwhoop my kerneloops bug has been confirmed10:08
ed3245678anyone uses 3 mobile broadband here?10:13
ed3245678with linux?10:14
brobostigoni sometimes tether my htc dream, which i have with three atm, to my netbook, yes.10:15
ed3245678are u having a problem with porn sites blocked on three?10:16
ed3245678actually I dont really want to browse port but the proxy sites are blocked too10:16
brobostigonyes, but it isnt a problem, it makes sense, as they have no idea, who can get hold of it, and what material they could look at.10:16
BigRedSwith T-Mobile I just had to phone them and ask them to remove the block and they did10:17
BigRedSthat's on a contract, so they know my age10:17
dwatkinsI noticed various sites are blocked from three's tethering or directly from my phone10:17
ed3245678the thing is my laptop is dual boot, I also have xp, with xp I can browse anything, there is no restrictions of any kind10:17
BigRedSapparently it's on by default just to stop people stumbling across it10:17
BigRedSnot, uh, that I was trying to google goat porn10:17
ed3245678this actually has started maybe a week ago, the blocking I mean, though xp still works fine (same dongle and same sim card)10:18
ed3245678anyone know why? and how to fix it?10:19
BigRedSI'd guess 3 are the best people to ask10:19
brobostigonring three, and ask them to remove said block, as suggested.10:19
ed3245678but there is no block when I try to browse using win xp10:20
BigRedSyou seem oddly sure that somebody here will speak up and explain how 3's content filter works...10:21
ed3245678I though people will know how to fool it10:21
brobostigonan ssh tunnel ?10:22
MartijnVdSmove to the Netherlands, we have net neutrality ;)10:22
BigRedSOh, yeah, ssh tunnel's normally the way round that10:22
ed3245678Ok I am a noob, whats ssh tunnel?10:22
brobostigonMartijnVdS: cool :)10:22
BigRedSMartijnVdS: I just tried to come up with a "yeah, but you also have..." and was stumped....10:23
MartijnVdSBigRedS: we have Euros!10:23
BigRedSYeah, that'll do!10:23
* BigRedS laughs at MartijnVdS's currency10:23
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* BigRedS laughs at MartijnVdS's currency10:32
BigRedSoop, wrong up+enter10:32
BigRedSOh man. I just spent about 45 mins debugging a 'return' I'd left in the wrong place last time I worked on this10:44
BigRedSthere should be a way to make Vim show the word 'return' in 40-ft tall neon lettering10:45
MartijnVdSBigRedS: gvim probably can10:54
BigRedSYeah, it did just occur to me that you can make it simply highlight all ocurrences of a search term11:03
* jacobw notes that his speedtest.net result has increased to 12Mbps from ~8Mbps while he has been in France11:23
jacobwI should go to France more often :P11:24
dwatkinsclearly, jacobw11:31
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:53
lubotu3`Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:20
dwatkinsthankyou bot12:22
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Laneylife of brian → quality easter viewing14:06
prenzipHeres a portion of my British collection of coins and bank notes14:08
prenzipthese all hail from your land14:08
OmNomDePlumelol I'm listening to the commentary on Sky Sports and the guy is complaining live on air about the microphone.15:07
OmNomDePlume"I don't care if we're going out live or not, ...*muffled*"15:07
MartijnVdSOmNomDePlume: famous last words :)15:16
MartijnVdSyour evening starts early, jacobw :)15:57
MartijnVdSIt's not even evening here in .nl ;)15:57
jacobwyou're correct15:58
* jacobw wonders how you make this distinction on a day when you're not at work15:59
MartijnVdSjacobw: By looking at a clock ;)16:00
jacobwevening is after work which is morning then afternoon16:00
jacobwhmm, clocks are relative.16:01
shaunotime is an illusion.  lunchtime, doubly so.16:01
penguin42especially when I tend to wake up at about midday when I don't work16:04
* MartijnVdS wakes up around 6am16:05
MartijnVdSevery day16:05
MartijnVdSwithout an alarm16:05
MartijnVdSeven if I've been drinking :(16:05
penguin42the worst part is that having been off for a little over a week now, on Tuesday I'm going to have to get up at 8am :-(16:06
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jacobwpenguin42: teacher?16:43
penguin42jacobw: No, just a softie16:45
brobostigonevening popey18:42
Laneygood day18:44
MartijnVdS</easter dinmer> ? :)18:45
MartijnVdSpopey: you're online twice in my G+/GTalk list19:17
MartijnVdSpopey: one is the account with "I don't check this" written on your face :)19:17
Laneybah, I might give in and migrate too19:17
Laneysome people got my incorrect email address from G+ and as a result I missed their messages19:18
jacobwthat's annoying :|19:18
Laneysuppose I could forward it to my normal address19:18
jacobwForward the address which sent mail that you missed.19:25
Laneyi would rather solve the problem forever than in just once instance19:25
popeyMartijnVdS: I am online in empathy19:45
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bigcalmEvening peeps20:49
bigcalmdogmatic69: suspend works just find for me20:49
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dogmatic69oh there is something new on 12.0422:19
dogmatic69plugged in my iPhone and this happened http://i.imgur.com/bf7EP.png22:21
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bigcalmdogmatic69: I suspended for you22:22
dogmatic69bigcalm: and, it worked?22:22
dogmatic69BigRedS: that did not happen 2 days ago22:22
bigcalmYes, read up :)22:22
dogmatic69must be my tiny swap22:23
bigcalmI accepted defaults when installing22:24
dogmatic69I only have 64gig SSD so did not want to make the recommended 2x ram swap22:24
bigcalmI have a 120gb ssd and it works fine22:25
bigcalmEven on my work station with has a 60gb ssd, I chose the defaults22:25
BigRedSDoes the installer default to swap = 2xRAM?22:52
bigcalmMy swap == RAM22:53
penguin422xRAM is very very old Unix folklore advice22:53
BigRedSOh, good. That'd have made me unhappy.22:53
BigRedSpenguin42: yeah, it's also dumb, which is why I was hoping it wasn't what the installer did22:54
BigRedSdumb in the 'not smart' sense of the term, not as in harmful22:54
penguin42BigRedS: It kind of made sense back in SunOS days when apparently at one stage to allocate memory it actually required a corresponding disc page, and when memories were in the order of 8MB22:55
BigRedSyeah, I know where it came from22:56
BigRedSI've been noisly advocating ignoring that 'advice' for a few years :)22:56
Laneybug #976198 is remarkably annoying22:56
lubotu3Launchpad bug 976198 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "touchpad does not work after suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97619822:56
ravibnHi! I need help with a C++ program I am running Maverick23:17
ravibnanyone here pl respond23:18
BigRedSravibn: respond to what? You've not asked a question :)23:19
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:19
BigRedSI might well not be able to help, but we wont know until you let us know what the problem is23:19
ravibnBigRed5 : Here is my http://pastebin.com/qQvhg5Fz c++ prog23:19
ravibnBigRed5 : it is suppose to core dump, but I am just getting a floating point execption23:20
ravibnBigRed5 : is there some place I need to look for the core dump ?23:20
ravibnBigRed5 : usually it core dumps to the same directory where I have the executable23:22
BigRedSwell, you're dividing by zero23:22
BigRedSbut, in short, I really don't know23:22
BigRedSIt may be worth trying #ubuntu, or something more c++ oritentated23:22
BigRedSor just here during the day :)23:22
ravibnBigRedS : Alright save your breath23:24
dogmatic69penguin42: when I was running 10.10 the default installed with 24gigs of swap23:39
penguin42dogmatic69: Thing is it's surprisingly hard to come up with a generic good rule of thumb; for something with a small amount of RAM, 2xRAM isn't a bad guess - but once you get to many GB of RAM it gets silly23:41
BigRedSdogmatic69: what!? How much ram did you havE?23:41
* penguin42 guesses 12 ?23:41
BigRedSI thought we noted that the installer was less drunk than that?23:41
dogmatic69I think because I has / as 1TB + masses of ram, installer figured SWAP ALL THE THINGS23:41
BigRedSyeah, but more swap is not a *good* thing23:42
dogmatic69BigRedS: same system as now, just new hdd. 8 gigs23:42
BigRedSenough to comfortably hibernate into23:42
dogmatic69ye, that is why I told it no, and made it 4gigs this time. I think 10 would be right23:42
dogmatic69so it can hibernate the entire 8gigs plus some breathing room23:43
BigRedSyeah, but another 16GB of breathing room?23:43
dogmatic69I know. that was 10.10 installed around the day it came out23:44
dogmatic69not beta, the actual 10.1023:44
dogmatic69oooh. that is nice23:45
penguin42once you're more than 1GB into swap you're machine is probably going to be grinding like hell anyway - unless it's just a gentle slow leak23:45
dogmatic69did not like the old pastebinit23:45
dogmatic69penguin42: I know that. but I cant hibernate now with 4gigs of swap.23:45
penguin42dogmatic69: Can you hibernate with a swapfile?23:46
dogmatic69With 8gigs of ram, if you are swapping you are doing something wrong23:46
dogmatic69penguin42: I have read hibernate puts the contents of ram into swap23:46
dogmatic69well tries.23:46
penguin42dogmatic69: I occasionally hit swap on my 8GB machine; only if I'm doing something very heavy; like big 3d stuff23:47
BigRedSI get the feeling we're all going round in circles emphatically agreeing with each other23:47
penguin42dogmatic69: But swapfiles should let you do that?23:47
dogmatic69BigRedS: same :D23:47
BigRedShm. 12.04 is released on my mum's birthday23:53
penguin42pressy sorted then23:53
lubotu3Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:55
hamitronwhat day? ;)23:55
* hamitron needs to make sure he reserves some download limit23:56
BigRedSsee if I can 26th23:56
BigRedSno, just '26th'23:56
dogmatic69will it be easy to update from 12.04 to 12.10 and 13.10?23:58
BigRedSI imagine so23:58
BigRedSthough not for a while23:58
dogmatic69I am not a fan of being locked into outdated apps :D23:58
* hamitron isn't a fan of having to change23:59
dogmatic69same. if it was not for the HUD I would still be on 10.10 or looking at mint etc23:59
dogmatic69was happy with the non mac clone type UI23:59
hamitronbe my first experience of Unity23:59

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