
safinaskarhow to download/checkout/clone remote repo?03:32
safinaskari understand :)03:33
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maxbThe UDD importer appears to be stuck23:37
maxbjames_w: Hi, what's the status of the UDD importer? (Since you seem to have its crontab open for editing)23:39
maxbpoolie: Do you know anything about the UDD importer being stuck/stopped?23:40
pooliehi maxb23:40
pooliei did see some errors over the weekend23:40
poolie(we had a long weekend)23:40
pooliei don't know anything specific about what james is doing23:40
pooliehe did have a lot of outstanding patches which i think he was going to merge and deploy23:41
poolieso perhaps it's connected to that23:41
maxbIt looks like it was shut down, but failed to update the sqlite db during shutdown, so the status page claims jobs are still running23:44
pooliejames_w, don't suppose you're up?23:49
pooliemaxb, so i suppose our options are to either just start it, or wait for a reply from james23:53
maxbpretty much23:53
maxbwe do seem to have a rather large backlog at the moment23:53
maxbmax_threads is also set to 4 currently, which is lower than I'm used to seeing23:54
maxbI've just run a single package because I wanted a branch up-to-date for my own purposes - no problems observed23:56

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