
ronnocDaskreech: For an organization the size of Mozilla, it would seem like not to much to ask to provide a kde-optimized version of Firefox instead of leaving it up to the various downstreams to deal with. 01:06
ronnocDoes that sound un-reasonable?01:07
Daskreechronnoc: You presume that they care about Linux at all much less one subset of people on it01:10
ronnocDaskreech: hmmm. Interesting perspective. I'd like to think that wasn't true, but there's likely some truth to it. 01:33
DaskreechWhy would they care about Linux?01:36
Daskreech Firefox is a Windows program01:36
DaskreechFor almost all intents it's the engine that runs Mozilla and they almost by extension care more about the Windows Landscape than they do anything on Linux01:37
ronnocDaskreech: I would think they would care about "users" and not solely "platforms". The necessary tweaks aren't much as far as I can tell. I agree they would care about Windows more, of course. 01:52
Daskreechronnoc: Users are not equal02:11
DaskreechAnd they care about platforms a great dea;. The most important one of course is the Web platform02:12
DaskreechFor the most part that has support in many other platforms but very few actually pose a threat to Web02:13
DaskreechKDE is in a fairly good position (as is all of Linux) to embrace the standards and openess of the Web. Windows is the "other" that poses the greatest threat to the Web and thas's where they focus02:15
DaskreechThey will rewrite the core within a month to get onto Windows 8. They will not take on patches that will slow down the efforts on where they focus02:16
ronnocDaskreech: interesting. At the end of the day I can't complain too much. They are one of those "gateway" apps that do draw people to open source. 02:26
DaskreechAnd they did that by attacking IE on it's own ground. It's where they have the most leverage and in reality can do the most good02:30
DaskreechHaving KDE integration is nice. I've no doubt they do not oppose it but they will not pursue it if it hampers where they can be effective02:31
ronnocDaskreech: well said 02:33
ronnocThe only counter point to that is that having happy campers be your champions is a very good thing in a market as competitive as the web browser one. 02:34
ronnocBut that's secondary to your point02:35
Darxus10:00PM < Darxus> Any idea if Qt5 will make Ubuntu 12.10?02:36
Darxus10:01PM < thiago> we want to release by end of june02:36
DarxusI guess this channel is more appropriate for the question, is that likely ot make Ubuntu / Kubuntu 12.10?02:37
Daskreechronnoc: That's why they outsource as much of the work as possible. Extensions, themes etc. It's something that KDE really should do more of 02:39
DaskreechIt has a decent framework but needs to build a secondary community around that instead of core development02:39
JontheEchidnaDarxus: It hasn't really been discussed. You'll see more discussion irt Qt5 at UDS: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries02:40
DarxusJontheEchidna: Thanks.02:41
DaskreechJontheEchidna: Does Kubuntu maintain Qt? that doesn't seem to jive 02:41
JontheEchidnaDaskreech: Currently it's kind of in a three-way with Debian Qt-KDE, us, and the Ubuntu Desktop Team02:41
DarxusAh good, qt5 is listed.  Prominently even.02:41
DaskreechI suppose that makese sense02:41
DaskreechJontheEchidna: Ha ah :)02:42
DaskreechJontheEchidna: Need to get Qt into Ubuntu Server ;-)02:42
DarxusDaskreech: I ended up here because the libqt4-dev package lists:  Maintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>02:42
DaskreechDarxus: welcome ;)02:43
DarxusMy interest is entirely wayland support.  And qt5 supports wayland.02:43
Daskreech!info wayland02:44
ubottuPackage wayland does not exist in oneiric02:44
Daskreech!find wayland precise02:44
ubottuFound: libwayland-dev, libwayland0, libwayland0-dbg02:44
Daskreechhmm ok02:44
DarxusNot familiar with wayland?02:44
ScottKThere's been packages in the last few Ubuntu releases:02:45
ScottK wayland | 0.1~git20110214.e4762a6a-0ubuntu1 | natty/universe | source, amd64, armel, i386, powerpc02:45
ScottK   wayland | 0.1.0~0.2-0ubuntu3 |       oneiric | source02:45
ScottK   wayland | 0.85.0-1ubuntu2 |       precise | source02:45
Daskreechbut ubottu doesn't know it?02:47
DaskreechDarxus: Quite familiar 02:47
micahgDaskreech: no binaries in oneiric02:48
micahgor rather no "wayland" binary02:48
Daskreechmicahg: Ah Source paackages02:48
Daskreech cAn ubottu list those?02:48
DaskreechScottK: where are you pulling that from?02:54
ronnocDaskreech: I imagine at the end of the day, if it bothers someone that much, they just use Chrome / Chromium02:55
ScottKDaskreech: rmadison02:56
ScottKrmadison [packagename] (can be source or binary)02:56
DaskreechScottK: ok. I did a search on the p.u.c for it02:58
ScottKThat should work too.02:58
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Riddellgood morning06:52
DaskreechKood morning06:55
Riddelldebfx: I was going to add the fix to qt for calligra compile but I see you've got there first so I'll upload that now07:57
Riddelleveryone is on holiday today!08:52
Riddellwhy does nobody else take the same holidays as me? :)08:52
nigelbRiddell: haha.09:06
nigelbIf it makes you feel any better. I worked through the entire weekend.09:06
Riddellah I should have remembered my cultural bias, only everyone in non-calvinistic-christendom is on holiday09:08
RiddellScottK: thanks for doing release team on friday11:13
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Splash Screen Testers Needed | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! |http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce |wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | Milestoned beasties http://goo.gl/9iyUD | KDE SC 4.8.2: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | package: kde telepathy, plasma NM 0.9.0 http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.co
Riddellhmm, topic too long11:28
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | package: kde telepathy, plasma NM 0.9.0 http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.co, Calligra 2.4.0
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | package: kde telepathy, plasma NM 0.9.0 http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.co, Calligra 2.4.0, 4.8.2 l10n
ScottKRiddell: No problem.11:49
BluesKajHey all13:24
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | package: kde telepathy, 4.8.2 l10n
* Riddell onto calligra and uploaded NM13:42
ScottKRiddell: It looks like there's a U/I change in the NM upload in knmserviceprefs.kcfg.  I'm going to go ahead and accept it, but please check if we happen to cover that in the docs anywhere.13:57
BluesKajRiddell, I'm quite happy with kmail/akonadi/mysql ,now that I did a clean install to both / and /home ..all seems to work well so far , so i'll stop bad mouthing akonadi etc ...glad to have kmail back :)13:59
RiddellScottK: will do14:00
RiddellBluesKaj: yes I get the impression most of the problems are on upgrades not new installs14:00
BluesKajRiddell, teah , I finally concluded my set up was at fault and the config file errros from mysql and akondi finally convinced me to clean up the mess 14:02
* ScottK upgrades the main laptop to precise ...14:10
BluesKajScottK, precise seems pretty stable right now 14:11
* ScottK hopes so.14:11
ScottKIt's been fine in my netbook.14:11
BluesKajScottK, you might need to run an upgrade on bootup ... I had a problem yesterday with a partial upgrade that didn't show until i booted up in the morning 14:13
ScottKSeems to have worked.15:19
ScottKBTW, I was able to upgrade my oneiric kmail to precise.  It took a slight bit of configuration fiddling, but it seems to have survived.15:45
BluesKajScottK, cool , my probs with kmail went all the way back to 9.10 or was it 9.04 when kde4 arrived ?15:46
ScottKI was never able to get an upgrade to oneiric to work, so I'd started ~over there.15:50
ScottKHey, the little pop-ups in LO are no longer all black.16:20
sneleScottK: yes it is fixed :) It is fixed in oneiric too with LO from ppa :)16:22
yofelScottK: from my experience upgrades for kmail2 are fine (i.e. kdepim 4.6+). The only thing that ends in a mess usually is the migration from kmail116:41
yofelI did some test upgrades from lucid, and the migration itself seems to work, but akonadi ends up misconfigured pretty often16:42
yofelwhich reminds me of bug 92318916:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923189 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "akonadi fails if backend is switched because of dependencies" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92318916:42
yofelanyone against me making the mysql backend a hard dependency? (i.e. throwing the alternate dep on the other 2 out)16:43
Riddellother 2?16:44
Riddellsqlite?  what else?16:44
yofelit's currently depending on mysql | sqlite | postgres16:45
Riddellah yeah, go ahead16:45
yofeland if there's even a slight dependency problem with mysql I've seen apt installing sqlite and throwing mysql out. That in turn breaks akonadi as you need to switch the backend by hand in the config16:46
BluesKajthat damn muon is still buggy in 11.1016:55
Riddellbest not to slag off programmes to their developers16:57
RiddellGirlyGirl, DWonderly: what's the status of the docs package again>17:34
GirlyGirlGirlyGirl: Docs package?? what do you mean17:35
GirlyGirlRiddell: I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I'm not doing any work on Kubuntu. No time for that at present. Did you mean "littlegirl" who is working on documentation?17:38
RiddellGirlyGirl: well DWonderly was going to package the kubuntu docs so we actually have it on the CD17:38
Riddelloh yes, good point17:38
Riddellmy mistake GirlyGirl 17:38
Riddellmust be time to give up for the day, I'll just backport calligra, should be a 5 minute job right?17:39
Riddellcalligra needs qt of course...17:39
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/akonadi] Philip Muškovac * 43 * debian/ (changelog control) make akonadi-server require the mysql backend. It's the only one really supported upstream and as the default backend has to be installed. (LP: #923189)17:40
debfxRiddell: the kubuntu-active package has zero dependencies17:50
Riddelldebfx: oh foo, that's a common issue, easily fixed17:55
Riddellsomething to do with seed name being active and family being -active17:55
rbelemheya Riddell 17:58
Riddellhi rbelem 18:00
rbelemRiddell, would you take a look in the kde-workscape pkg that is in ninjas?18:06
DWonderlyRiddell: You want the just english version packaged?18:07
Riddellrbelem: yeah although I don't know if I'll have the energy today, but else tomorrow18:07
RiddellDWonderly: I do think that would be safest18:07
DWonderlyRiddell: Okay, I'll package them tonight and toss them in my PPA18:08
DWonderlyRiddell: and I'll toss you the link for it.18:08
DWonderlyOr, unless you want me to upload it somewhere....18:08
Riddellanywhere I can get hold of it to check and upload to ubuntu would be great18:09
DWonderlyRiddell: My ssh key is in my LP18:09
DWonderlyRiddell: I'll get that today.18:09
Riddell?  why do I want your ssh key18:09
DWonderlyLike I said, if you had a place you wanted me to upload. 18:09
DWonderlyBut the ppa works.18:10
DWonderlyRiddell: Oh, I got aproved for a devel account with KDE.18:11
RiddellDWonderly: what are you going to do with it?18:11
DWonderlyRiddell: Upstream Docs...18:11
Riddellnow there's a big task18:11
DWonderlyIt's part of my big plan that I'm building for UDS.18:12
Riddellgosh, people with big plans18:12
Riddellif you need sessions mind and add them to the wiki page18:12
DWonderlyI will.18:12
DWonderlyI'm doing one and I think one of the nights I'm going to host a web-workgroup 18:12
DWonderlyIt's a change but, it will be less work for kubuntu in the long run.18:13
yofelRiddell, rbelem: I'll take a look at workspace, some of the dependencies for kde-workspace-dev aren't right (it's held back here)18:13
DWonderlyRiddell: Did you ever hear back on the copyright stuff?18:14
Riddellyofel: oh cool18:15
RiddellDWonderly: copyright stuff?18:16
Riddelldo you mean trademark?18:16
DWonderlyMy bad... :D18:16
Riddellthe guy I was pointed to got back to me asking for more information18:16
Riddellso I gave a few more examples18:16
ScottKyofel: Can you just use ${allLibraries}?18:16
yofelScottK: maybe, iirc we dropped that because of GLES, I'll check18:17
Riddellafiestas: your webaccounts package isn't building?18:42
afiestasRiddell: nope18:42
afiestasI have to create a new repo with the debain folder, and merge it in the recipe18:42
Riddellah yes18:43
Riddelldo ask if you need help18:43
afiestasRiddell: tomorrow morning? :p18:43
Riddellhmm maybe18:43
yofeljust ask, there's several people in here with recipe experience18:43
yofelrbelem: why did you add seperate package for the libraries again? to save space?18:54
rbelemyofel, because of differences between kwin and kwinactive libs19:32
rbelemand to save space19:32
rbelemthanks yofel 19:33
yofelrbelem: and there's no problem with having  the normal, gles and active libs installed at the same time?19:38
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Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/454484/  I don't have a clue what this is about20:26
BluesKajneural networks ...  creating cyborg bots or some such ?20:36
* yofel wouldn't be surprised if a bot wrote that - using a neural network ^^20:36
Riddellhi toscalix 20:42
* Riddell out21:32

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