
AlfE_is it a good idea to change to jre701:28
Daskreechwhat's the things that are in question?01:30
sizzis there a more full-featured native kde video player than dragon?03:23
JontheEchidnaI tend to use vlc03:25
Daskreechsizz: Kaffiene ?03:28
sizzyes, i like vlc, but I was wondering if there's a native player that's similar. I'll check out kaffeine03:33
wickedwiccanquestion.  I got all my pannels aranged and on autohide to basicly show JUST my wallpaper.  I put a digital clock widget on my desktop and greatly enlarged it but i see this clear simi transparent box.  Is there a way to make it fully transparent so all i see is the black font that is my time?04:37
Daskreechwickedwiccan: Might depend on the theme04:43
mmmfungogood evening..im having some issues with my usb ports..some are recognized as 2.0, the ones built into the motherboard, and some attached through a front panel controller to motherboard headers are only seen as 1.1...the motherboard and the controller both say that they support usb 2.0 and it looks like they even loaded a different module07:01
mmmfungothis link has the motherboard, the panel, and the output of lspci | grep usb and lsusb..any help in getting the ports to run at full 2.0 speed would be greatly appreciated07:02
mmmfungowhoops, forgot the link hehe  http://tinypaste.com/9b95f09e07:02
Daskreechare the ones on the front a passthrough to the same chip or are they a different chip on the motherboard?07:09
mmmfungoim not sure how to find that out07:09
mmmfungois there something i could look at to find out?07:11
DaskreechUmm Maybe I just didn't know if you could look at the motherboard and see two different chipsets on it07:12
DaskreechEven so I can't imagine anything still shipping 1.107:16
mmmfungohmm im looking at the manual and it says "The desktop board supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports via ICH7"07:16
mmmfungoand thats a Intel 82801GH 1/O Controller Hub (ICH7DH)07:17
mmmfungothe board is getting older now, but its by no means ancient07:17
DaskreechYeah it says 2.0 on that spec sheet07:18
Daskreechdon't know why it would pick it up as that. What drivers are loaded?07:19
mmmfungois it possible for me to force a different module to load for those ports?07:19
mmmfungolsmod makes a huge list, is there any specific ones youre interested in or should i paste it somewhere?07:20
mmmfungopastebin keeps erroring when i try to submit07:23
Daskreechthe hid driver should choose the right section07:44
lordievaderGood morning07:48
mmmfungohmm could it have something to do with the way its physically connected? it uses the 4pin headers and each port uses one07:48
Daskreechpossibly if they have 12v vs 5v power requiements07:49
Daskreech though again I can't think of what would still be shipping with a 1.1 spec07:49
Daskreechhi lordievader07:49
lordievaderDaskreech, hey how are you?07:50
Daskreechi'd probably unload uas and usb_storage but I'd ask in #ubuntu-server to see if they could shed any light07:50
Daskreech or ##linux :) but they can be caustic07:50
Daskreechlordievader: I'm fine07:50
mmmfungothe wiring diagram on the panel and the motherboard are the same and the 4 pins are listed as +5v, negative signal, positive signal, and ground07:50
hyperboreeanGood morning, I am trying to configure my laptop in a dual monitor setup with the laptop's display being LVDS and the monitor CRT (I have an ATI Radeon graphics card). The problem when I configure CRT to be above LVDS is that CRT gets the taskbar, which I don't want. Anyone has any ideas how to fix this ?07:51
lordievaderIf you are on kubuntu you can simply drag the main taskbar to the screen you want.07:52
lordievaderhyperboreean, first unlock it then click the yellow thingie in the right hand corner, and click and drag where it says screen edge.07:53
hyperboreeanlordievader: How? :)07:54
lordievaderhyperboreean, where do you get stuck?07:54
hyperboreeanI have my taskbar on CRT, instead of LVCDS and when it's not very intuitive how to move it to the other screen07:55
lordievaderAre the widgets unlocked?07:56
hyperboreeanI guess I could delete this one and add another taskbar on the other screen07:57
lordievaderhyperboreean, there is no need for that07:57
lordievaderhyperboreean, if it is unlocked there is on the right hand side of the taskbar a yellow thingie (not sure what to call it), if you click it you get some settings for the taskbar, do you see it?07:58
hyperboreeanlordievader: yes07:59
lordievaderhyperboreean, well there, after you've clicked it, is also something called screen edge, do you see that?08:00
lordievaderhyperboreean, with this you can click and drag the taskbar over to the other screen.08:00
hyperboreeanlordievader: ok, got it08:01
hyperboreeanit worked08:01
lordievaderhyperboreean, no problem, glad I could help :)08:01
Daskreechmmmfungo: Sorry couldn't help mre08:06
mmmfungoi really appreciate what you were able to do for me :)08:06
Daskreechmmmfungo: ##linux might be a good shot if you don't have thin skin08:13
DaskreechThey can be harsh depending on who is there and how much they have had to drink08:14
mmmfungoill give it a shot08:14
DaskreechOk let me know if you get an answer soon08:16
DaskreechWould be interested in knowing what causes that08:16
mmmfungoi will and i sure hope i do hehe08:16
Daskreech;-) 1.1 is painful 12Mb/s ?08:19
mmmfungoyea :( its killing me putting videos and music on things08:20
lordievaderIs that usb 1.1?08:21
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Daskreechlordievader: He (I'm assuming he) has a Motherboard where the frontheaders are running at 1.1 and the rear ones at 2.0 though near as I can tell they have the same chipset version08:27
lordievaderHmm, that is one odd design...08:27
mmmfungoi am indeed a he08:27
Daskreechlordievader: Why?08:27
Daskreechmmmfungo: Thanks. Good to know08:28
lordievaderDaskreech, Well why would a mobo manufacturer make a board with on the front 1.1 if on the rear are 2.0, why not both make them 2.0 they are backwards compatible anyhow.08:28
mokushhey, from what I understand, kubuntu uses js to set up the default panel setup/settings/etc. after the install. is this so?08:29
Daskreechlordievader: They are both 2.0 in hardware. The kernel is assigning 1.1 to one set of headers and 2.0 to the other08:30
Daskreechmokush: yes ish08:30
lordievaderDaskreech, Ah, my bad, I thought it was a hardware issue.08:30
mokushDaskreech: does it only setup the panel and plasmoids? or does it also set up other settings (like the widget style, colors, etc.)?08:31
Daskreechlordievader: http://paste.kde.org/454208/ and http://tinypaste.com/9b95f09e08:31
Daskreechmokush: Just things that would affect screen size.08:31
DaskreechSo no not colours and so on08:31
Daskreechthough there is no reason why it couldn't do that as well08:32
mokushDaskreech: any idea where I could see some of the code?08:32
DaskreechSure, You can ask in #kubuntu-devel but what are you trying to acheive ?08:33
Daskreechmokush: poke08:37
mmmfungoDaskreech: the best answer i heard was "asides from a mobo exposing usb 1.1 headers (unlikely) and wrong *hci module taking control of the chip (I haven't seen this in quite some time), I would think of an electrical problem: iirc, usb2 devices fallback to usb1 when they are unhappy " followed by long cables, bad contact..."08:38
mokushDaskreech: I'm working on a new shell (mostly a set of plasmoids, kwin scripts and a panel setup) somehow similar to gnome shell, on top of plasma, and I'd love to be able to create a simple way to install it, when it's ready.08:38
mmmfungothe cables are in fact extremely long..i might rma it and try again or ask around and see if someone has a known-good one to test on my board08:38
Daskreechmmmfungo: Yeah that is possible USB 3.0 does the same thing08:38
mokushDaskreech: I'm also using qtcurve with a custop setup and custom colors, and some other custom settings on window-beahviour, and would like to also be able to set those up automaticly.08:39
Daskreechmokush: you probably would do better asking in #plasma then08:39
Daskreechmmmfungo: did you show them the lspci ?08:39
mmmfungodo you think it would make a difference if i connected the fifth pin on two of the headers, the "shield" pin?08:39
mmmfungoi showed them everything you saw08:40
mokushDaskreech: I know there's the plasma api, that can help with the plasmoid & panel setup. I was mostly curios if it can also set up the other settings08:40
DaskreechAlright Not sure why it would load that driver that early though even given the cable issue08:40
Daskreechmokush: it should be the same setup. Anything in Plasma or Kwin can be done that way08:41
Skobiyanwhats the best way to make sure my cifs mounts are dismounted during shutdown? unless i manually umount the mounts before shutdown, shutdown will hang. im a n00b and yes, ive googled the hell out of this (/me waves whiute flag)08:52
RiddellSkobiyan: that's a server question so maybe more luck in a server channel?  (or maybe not)08:53
mmmfungoDaskreech: apparently they're working at usb 2.0 speed, even though they say 1.008:53
mmmfungomy first few transfers must have been a fluke or something, its around 9MiB sustained for a couple minutes now08:54
SkobiyanRiddell: how is it a server question when im using kubuntu to mount the cifs drives via fstab?08:55
RiddellSkobiyan: right enough it's not 100% server but they maintain the samba package more than us08:56
Skobiyanas in, im not using ubuntu server, or something08:56
fdovingSkobiyan: i would probably use a pre-down in /etc/network/interfaces for that.08:56
Skobiyanaah ok08:56
lordievaderSkobiyan, If you can find a way for the system to run a script on shutdown it will be quite simple. Just that I don't know how to run a script on shutdown.08:56
Skobiyanlordievader: ive been reading a bit about rc0/rc6 scripts, but i wasnt sure if that was the best way to do it08:57
Skobiyanfdoving: i have no idea what that is, but ill check it out on the googles08:57
lordievaderSkobiyan, Neither am I, but that would be something I'd do XD08:58
fdovingSkobiyan: 'man interfaces' - not sure how you manage your network connections. if you use network-manager this isn't a good solution.08:59
Skobiyanfdoving: yeah, just noticed that, only loopback entries in there09:00
SkobiyanRiddell: which # would you recommend?09:02
RiddellSkobiyan: #ubuntu-server maybe?09:07
SkobiyanRiddell: thanks mate09:07
fdovingSkobiyan: actually, on my system, /etc/rc0.d/S31umountnfs.sh should unmount the network filesystems. your problem is probably that you use network manager. it probably disconnects you on logout, rather than later in the shutdown process.09:07
Skobiyanfdoving: that sounds like it makes sense09:08
Skobiyanfdoving: i feel that the if goes down before any umount... if i am making any sense09:08
fdovingSkobiyan: that would be my guess.09:08
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fdovingSkobiyan: try to make your connectin a 'system connection' with network manager.09:12
Skobiyanfdoving: i was just looking at what that did too. i thought it only altered how the wpa passwords and such were stored, but ill give it a go09:13
Skobiyanthanks for the suggestion09:13
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skobiyanfdoving: i could make sweet love to you right now. thats all i had to do, click one damn box. thank you so much09:21
hazamonzo_Hey folks. Im looking for a GUI tools that will let me manage ssh tunnel connections. Save me having to use a terminal all the time. Suggestions?10:05
hazamonzo_gtsm :)10:07
asfyxiaI mean VNC *making more coffee*10:10
coldfireI prefer to use gstm..10:52
BluesKajHey all13:24
arysHi !13:31
BluesKajhi arys13:37
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JMichaelXcould someone tell me how to disable desktop switching with the scroll wheel?15:27
Tm_TJMichaelX: rightclick on desktop -> "desktop settings" -> mouse actions ...15:28
JMichaelXTm_T: ty, i have been looking for it, knowing it had to be someplace obvious15:30
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XabsterHi, just installed from the DVD (64 bit) and the first thing that happened after booting into the installed version is that it tells me ~5 files or folders were missing16:18
XabsterThe notifications faded and I don't remember which files or which folders, but maybe you guys know of this error?16:19
mydogsnameisrudyhave you run the updates16:19
Xabsternot yet, they are under way16:19
mydogsnameisrudyshould find everything you need16:20
XabsterI just now tried to open the software center and it crashed... hmm16:20
XabsterWill that be fixed too after the updates you think?16:22
mydogsnameisrudyits  a new install?16:22
BluesKajXabster, make sure the software center is closed , then open a konsole /terminal and do , sudo dpkg --configure -a , this should clear any left over apps that aren't installing .16:22
Xabsterbeen loaded for less than 10 min16:23
Xabsteri'll do that when updates are done16:23
BluesKajyou said it crashed16:23
Xabsterthe software center crashed, the moun-updater didn't16:23
BluesKajoh the auto default option16:23
Xabsterauto default option?16:24
BluesKajmuon is buggy , so good luck16:24
BluesKajyeah , it auto updates without any commands from the user , on first boot16:24
Xabsterwhat do you suggest i replace it with... and how?16:24
* mydogsnameisrudy waves hi to BluesKaj16:24
Xabsterit does? i started them16:25
Xabsterthe rest of them*16:25
Xabstercause it updated during install too16:25
BluesKajthen you chose auto update16:25
Xabsterthat option didn't say it would auto update, only that it would update during the install16:26
BluesKajanyway once it's finished use a different package manager or the terminal with apt-get16:26
Xabsteri sure hope it doesn't auto update in the future16:26
BluesKaj hey mydogsnameisrudy16:26
BluesKajyou can turn the auto updates off in muon16:26
mydogsnameisrudyfunny muon works good on my laptop but crashes on my desktop16:27
Xabsterwhen you say moun, is that the updater or the software center?16:27
mydogsnameisrudypackagee manager16:27
Xabsterso both?16:27
mydogsnameisrudyuse terminal apt-get that works16:28
Xabsteroh now i remember one of the "files missing" errors, it was related to akonadi16:28
BluesKajthey're the same thing16:28
Xabstermuon is stuck at 41% for last 5 minutes16:29
Xabsterharddisk not working16:29
Xabsteras in, it works, but no load16:29
BluesKajif you change the software center setings that will change the muon settings as well16:29
Xabsterbut how do i deal with my current problems? muon has stopped and i can't close it by pressing the X16:30
BluesKajXabster, in my menu it's called muon software center16:30
Xabsteroki, i didn't see the muon part16:30
mydogsnameisrudythere is muon package manager in mine also  as in both and16:31
Xabstershould i kill the muon updater now? it's stuck and doesn't respond to terminate request16:31
BluesKajXabster, yes , then run sudo dpkg --configure -a in a konsole16:32
Xabsteri just did, said dpkg database locked by another process16:32
Xabsterand muon updater is killed16:33
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:35
BluesKajthen the updater is stil running ,...open the kmenu>apps>system>system monitor , process table tab , right click on the updater , send signal . killall16:35
Xabstergreat, that closed some process and is not configuring dpkg16:36
Xabsterps aux | grep muon did not show the process16:36
BluesKajXabster, the command genii-around gave should have stopped the updater , run dpkg again16:38
Xabsterokay, finished, should i re-try with muon updater or do you recommend me getting some other package manager and doing it in that?16:38
Xabsterhis command ran dpkg too16:38
genii-aroundIt would have finished configuring any half-installed stuff16:39
BluesKajXabster, use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in the termianl ...apt-get is the most reliable method right since muon is so buggy or install synaptic16:39
BluesKajright now16:40
Xabsterurgh, you wrote that 10 seconds after i retried with muon16:40
Xabsternot sure what it's doing right now16:40
Xabsterit just faded to a darker color and then nothing16:40
BluesKajXabster, don't be too anxious :)16:40
Xabsteri'm not really anxious, i might be impatient though16:41
Xabsterso, all over again right? kill the updater, configure dpkg and then get synaptic?16:42
Xabster apt-get upgrade gives me: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)16:44
Xabsterdo i just forcefully unlock it with fuser -vki ?16:45
XabsterCannot stat var/cache/apt/archives/lock: Bad address16:45
Xabstersudo dpkg --configure -a does apparently nothing... no output atleast16:47
BluesKajXabster, that's good , no errors16:49
Xabsteroh ok16:49
Xabsterbut why can't i apt-get upgrade or rather why can't it get that lock?16:49
BluesKajtry apt-get update again16:50
Xabsterdone, and now apt-get upgrade? with sudo ofc16:50
Xabsterstill lock error16:52
Xabsterrekonq does not load websites...16:53
Xabsterrebooting, good thing i got the standard ubuntu as backup on a dvd somewhere16:53
Xabsterupgrade is running now16:56
Xabsterhmm, the muon updater says 3 security updates are available but update/upgrade doesn't fetch them17:00
Xabsteroh and yeah, the updates did not fix the software center, it still segfaults on load17:01
mydogsnameisrudysoftware center = muon?17:03
Xabstersynaptic installed now, gonna use that from now on17:04
mydogsnameisrudymight be good idea to remove muon .. but im not sure if its tided into other apts17:04
mydogsnameisrudyBluesKaj:  ?17:05
BluesKajsoftware center / muon is buggy , don't use it ...I removed all muons using synaptic ...synaptic adds a few gtk apps to your system but it's still the most reliable for reference and removal of unwanted pkges17:05
Xabsterk, i'll remove it... but i briefly looked around in synaptic and i did not see Eclipse for example... is that not in the standard repos for kubuntu?17:05
BluesKajeclipse ?17:06
BluesKajguess not17:06
mydogsnameisrudymuon has it17:07
Xabsterbut synaptic does not...?17:08
BluesKajit's in synaptic too ,but that depends on your sources as well17:08
RiddellBluesKaj: please don't recommend to remove kubuntu software17:08
Xabsteroooh wait, it's me, i found it17:09
BluesKajXabster, make sure you have the canonical partners17:09
XabsterRiddell: why not if it crashed every time i load it?17:09
BluesKajRiddell, if it's not working how can one recommend it  and I merely said that i removed muon , I told him not to use it17:10
Xabstergod damnit, the firefox installer also crashes because of some file lock17:10
BluesKajXabster, language pls17:11
Xabstersorry, i'll call it the "ok browser" from now on17:12
Xabsterclosed the muon updater icon that didn't dissappear by itself and tried again, now i got a little further but it's stuck at 0%17:12
BluesKajXabster, if you are still using synaptic then the FF installer won't work17:12
Xabsteri see, that installer handled that gracefully :/17:13
BluesKajXabster, the dokg system is the base installer for all package managers including synaptic , adept, muon and apt-get and aptitude ...they are merely the vehicle , dpkg is the "wheels"17:15
BluesKajdpkg system17:15
Xabsteri see17:15
BluesKajalso the removal of packages17:16
BluesKajso 2 pckage systems will conflict since they both call the same program to run17:17
Xabstermany of my standard applications are using some small bad-rendered font under kubuntu - is this a normal issue?17:35
Xabsteri'm talking firefox 11 and xchat so far17:35
Xabsterfirefox doesn't do it with the loaded page, but with the menu items17:36
Mrbjkwhen looking at programs in a package manager, what are the programs ending in "i386"?17:37
genii-aroundMrbjk: 32 bit. The ones ending in amd64 are the 64 bit17:38
genii-aroundXabster: It's a common issue when running GTK apps like firefox, xchat under Kubuntu which is built for Qt apps. There is a unified window decoration called qtcurve which sometimes helps17:41
genii-around!info qtcurve17:41
ubottuqtcurve (source: kde-style-qtcurve): Unified window decoration for KDE and GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.7-1 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB17:41
GirlyGirlXabster: gtk applications?17:45
BluesKajXabster, one can also set up fonts in system settings>application appearance>fonts , there a few options including different styles etc17:45
corversehi to everyone17:49
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corversei want to ask if anybody knows if there's a software in linux do like Hotspot Shield ....i'm here in Riyadh Saudi and a lots of website blocked by government which i want to access to.17:51
Xabsterwhat kind of blocking is it?17:54
XabsterCan't you simply change DNS server to google DNS?17:54
corversexabster, i can't figure out what kind of blocking it is..17:56
XabsterGive me a name of a site that is blocked for you, then I give you an IP to type in to your browser to test17:56
corverseit just says, "Sorry, the requested page is unavailable."17:56
XabsterIf that works it's a DNS redirect and easily circumvented17:56
corversehotspot shield work fine on it in windows but i want to try it in Kubuntu...17:58
XabsterI don't know hotspot shield, but you seem to ignore me17:59
alex__hi all18:04
alex__I have a qvestion?18:04
alex__why when i press 'leave the sysytem' my kdm didn't start, & i have only black screen with mouse pointer on it?18:05
alex__do anyone know?18:06
alex__why when i press 'leave the sysytem' my kdm didn't start, & i have only black screen with mouse pointer on it?18:09
alex__can someone help me?18:10
vit__hola tengo un problema con linux alguien me puede ayudar18:10
vit__es sobre que yo quiero hacer un trabajo por openoffi18:11
alex__sorry, didn't cath that =\18:11
vit__aalguien que hable español que me diga como hacer gracias18:11
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:12
vit__es sobre openoffice.word procesor18:12
vit__a ok gracias18:13
alex__I not understand spanish... T_T18:15
BluesKajalex__, that !es prompt wasn't directed at you18:17
alex__found solution by my self... bye.18:25
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laiamdoes anyone ever actually ask questions on this channel? (besides this)19:13
TSKI do when there's a question to be asked.  I assume a ton o' folk do, considering this is the official Kubuntu support IRC channel.19:14
TSKActually, I have a question I just asked in #kde, but I'ma ask it here, too just in case: I'm on KDE 4.8.2 on Kubuntu 12.04 and have a question about Akonadi (especially in regards to Kjots, but I guess Akonadi in general, as well).  I'm wondering, is Akonadi considered ready to rely on for general day to day usage?  I'm noticing some rather odd behavior in Kjots if I try to rename a "Book" of notes stored under an Akonadi akonotes resource.   It seems to lose19:16
TSKtrack of the folder the notes ought to be stored in (it continues to look in the OLD folder name rather than changing over properly to the NEW folder name that the rename initiates).  I have to restart the Akonadi server entirely (from the configuration tool found in the tray icon) in order to make it see the new folder name correctly.19:16
Xabsterhow do i install from a .deb?19:16
TSKXabster: Ought to be able to just double click on it in your file manager (Dolphin).19:18
TSKXabster: Or if you prefer the commandline, you can use dpkg -i <packagename> I think19:18
XabsterTSK, double clicking opens it with ARK19:20
Xabsteri tihnk it's called19:20
Xabsteri uninstalled the muon package thingy19:21
Xabsterso i guess ark is the fallback to handle such files19:21
Xabsteri got synaptics though19:21
TSKXabster: That's odd.  On my machine it tries to open with the package manager.19:21
TSKActualyl with a QT based package installer, to be more accurate.19:21
TSKWell, ark ought to open zip files and other archives, but while a .deb is an archive also, it's a special kinda archive that ought to be handled by a package manager.19:22
Xabsteryep i know, but muon is uninstalled19:22
Xabsteri got synaptics19:22
TSKXabster: I don't think muon is required tho.  One sec.  Lemme see if I can find which app is opening .deb files on my machine.19:24
TSKXabster: Looks like on my machine (running Kubuntu 12.04, but I'm fairly sure the prior version did this too) double clicking on a .deb file opens it using qapt-deb-installer19:25
Xabstermine does not19:25
TSKSo, what you wanna do is right click on a .deb file, get the "Properties" window, click on the little wrench button, and move qapt-deb-installer to the top of the preferred apps list, above ark.19:26
TSKThat SHOULD solve your problem for ya.  :)19:27
Xabsterthere's no qapt-deb-installer19:27
TSKLet me check whether that's in a package of it's own or if it's a muon thing.19:27
TSKIt's a package of it's own19:28
TSKsudo apt-get install qapt-deb-installer19:28
TSKThen you should be able to double click .deb files to install them.19:28
TSKOf course you should be sure you're using .deb files packaged specifically for your version of Ubuntu if at all possible, but you prolly already knew that.19:29
BluesKajqapt-deb-installer is installed by default in 12.04 , not so in 11.10 iirc19:31
TSKBluesKaj: Dunno.  I just know that I've always been able to double click on .deb files as far back as I can remember, and when I look currently at what it opens with, that's the app it uses.  :)19:32
TSKIn the past tho, it's always opened with a gui installer similar to QApt and offered to install the package.19:32
BluesKajTSK yes, it was probly part of the software center package/muon which some ppl are removing  since it's so buggy19:33
BluesKajqualifier :on 11.10 , not so on 12.0419:34
TSKBluesKaj: Yar.  I do remember muon always bein' a shade on the buggy side.  Kinda a shame really, cause it totally looks like a KDE/QT version of Synaptic.19:35
TSKMost of the time I just use apt-get as I tend to know the name of the package I want already anyhow.19:35
BluesKajTSK, well looks can be deceiving , I still use synaptic and have been for 7 yrs now19:36
TSKBluesKaj: Oh yar.  I totally agree with ya on that one.  Synaptic is still by far the best package manager at the moment.19:36
TSKI used to really like SmartPM, at one time, too, but it's been kinda bitrotting for a while now.19:36
TSKQuite a long while, actually.19:37
BluesKajyeah , synaptic is a great reference for info and removing packages related to each other that apt-get will leave behind19:37
BluesKajbut apt-get is still my default install app , TSK19:38
TSKThe bummer is that while it's obvious visually where Muon got a lot of it's ideas from, it's just not on par feature-wise with it's sources of inspiration.19:38
TSKOh yar.  If you know the package name already, apt-get from a YaKuake is the fastest way to get something installed.  :)19:39
BluesKajTSK, there seems to be a problem with muon leaving dependencies behind during the install procedure and locking up when they appear to be unavailable19:40
XabsterTSK, thanks, had a phonecall but it's running now19:40
TSKBluesKaj: Well, that's just a cryin' shame.  I guess that makes me glad I don't need the GUI package manager very often then.19:40
TSKXabster: Congrats.  Glad to hear it.  :)19:40
Xabsteri'm curious though, why is skype not in the repos for kubuntu like it is for regular ubuntu?19:41
TSKSkype is proprietary software.  I don't think I've ever seen it in the regular repositories?  (I may be wrong there, but I've always had to grab it from the Skype website.)19:42
BluesKajupdates using muon are terrible in some cases. lately , and was chastised for telling ppl to remove (which I actually didn't say to do), but I complained about it to the devs with acknowledgement so far.19:42
TSKBluesKaj: I've never yet had troubles with Synaptic tho.  It's been rock solid for me for years now.19:42
BluesKajyup, especially now that MS has taken it over19:43
BluesKajskype that is19:43
TSKYar.  I'm not real thrilled by that.19:43
BluesKajyup , synaptic ftw:)19:43
Xabsteri installed it from the software manager in ubuntu without adding extra ppa's19:43
TSKI'm fairly certain it's only a matter of time before Skype plain don't work at all on Linux anymore.19:43
Xabsterbut now that i downloaded the .deb it's been saying "installing dependencies" for a long time and no load on hdd19:44
Xabsteri really looks like it's crashed... does qapt-deb-installer have anything to do with muon?19:44
BluesKajppl can use google tak , it's aot easier to setup anyway19:44
TSKIf you got to http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/skype/ and look you'll see that Linux isn't even mentioned at all under "Get Skype" even though it's still listed on the SKYPE website.19:45
TSKThey mention every OTHER platform there, but childishly enough they omit Linux from the list entirely.19:45
TSKYar.  When my current Skype subscription runs out I'ma prolly switch to Google's services myself.19:46
Xabsteri couldn't install the deb, the installer just crashed (stop responding)19:48
Xabsterso, that's it for me... the kde desktop looks good but i had too much trouble with the basics already :(19:48
TSKXabster: qapt-deb-installer is not related to muon as far as I know.  Fairly sure they're different animals entirely.19:48
TSKXabster: I have Skype on my machine and it works, so mebbe try one last thing.  You feel brave enough to try installing the package from a commandline?19:49
TSKIt's rather simple to do if you wanna give it a go.19:49
TSKdpkg -i skype<whatever>.deb I believe ought to get you rollin'.19:49
TSKSorry.  Prefix that with "sudo"19:50
TSKsudo dpkg -i skype<whatever>.deb19:50
Xabsterinstalled in less than a second19:50
Xabstergot it running now, but there are no start-menu shortcuts to it19:51
Xabsterand it's running via konsole19:51
TSKIt SHOULD have created shortcuts.  It might take a few minutes for them to show up tho.19:51
TSKThey ought to be there for certain after your next login.19:51
Xabstertimed indexing or something?19:51
TSKYou could try running kbuildsycoca4 under your regular user account.19:52
TSKThat sometimes refreshes stuff like that for me.19:52
TSK(That's kde build system configuration cache version 4 in case you wonder what kbuildsycoca4 is...)  ;)19:53
Xabsteri see, thanks, didn't help though19:53
TSKXabster: One sec.  I can prolly help you solve that detail, too.  I know for a fact I have a menu entry for Skype on my machine, so if worst comes to worst, I could just pastebin the contents of it for ya.  It's a basic text file, so easy to create if you absolutely gotta.19:55
Xabsterinstalling Synapse now (that very lightweight launcher)19:55
Xabsteri always use that, maybe it sees it and then i got no problem19:55
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TSKSynapse, eh?  Hmmm...  Don't think I've tried that one yet.  You know about Alt-F2 under KDE tho, yar?19:56
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* TSK installs Synapse to have a look.19:57
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XabsterYep, i know - i configured synapse to activate on SUPER+space19:57
Xabsterit's ctrl+space but i use that for developing19:57
Xabsterand it sees skype for me19:57
Xabster(and on a sidenote, synapse did not make a shortcut in start menu either)19:58
TSKI'm sure Skype will show up in your menu sooner or later, too.19:58
TSKOkay, THAT is just a bit odd.19:58
TSKIt'll prolly turn up sooner or later too tho.  Something behind the scenes might have gone belly up on your desktop that'll reset itself after your next reboot or logout/login.  I rarely have that sorta thing happen anymore, but it used to be that way a lot in earlier variants of KDE4.19:59
XabsterAlright, you saved me from a OS-install... I'll keep using kubuntu for a while atleast =)20:00
TSKXabster: Actually, from about 4.5 on, KDE has been pretty decent overall.  The latest variants (4.7 and 4.8) especially.20:01
Xabsterwhat version do i have with the image i got from the site?20:01
TSKMebbe by KDE5 it'll be as rock solid and perfect as KDE3.5.11 was...  ;)20:01
TSKXabster: Which Kubuntu you running?  11.10 or 12.04 beta?20:01
TSK(Personally, I just updated to 12.04 beta and I'm lovin' it so far.)20:02
BluesKajXabster, unfortunately kubuntu is becoming more like MS , with more reboots required for apps to show up in the their expected places20:02
Xabsterindeed, i had to reboot 3 or 4 times so far20:03
Xabsterthat's not a big problem for me though20:03
TSKXabster: Well, if you've run all your updates, you should be in the KDE4.7 series I believe.20:03
Xabsteroki, and 4.8 is for the 12.04 ?20:03
TSKBluesKaj: You noticed KDE becoming more MS-alike, too?  I been sayin' that ever since 4.0 and folks been callin' me crazy.  :)20:04
TSKXabster: Yar, the 12.04 is on the KDE4.8 series20:04
BluesKajjust lately TSK , since 11.0420:04
TSKXabster: You can actually add PPAs to 11.10 to get it updated to the most recent KDE tho if you want.20:04
Xabsteri think i'll stick with what i have for a while but i'm very much considering upgrading to 12.04 soon20:05
TSKBluesKaj: Oh, the thing that initially got me feelin' KDE4 was headed down a MS-alike path was that initial attitude of some of the KDE devs toward the users' reactions to the crashtastic KDE 4.020:06
TSKSome of them took an early attitude of "If you don't like it, go use Gnome".  That didn't sit too well with me, so for a while I DID use Gnome.  (Never could get entirely happy with it tho.)20:06
TSKThen for a while I used KDE Trinity (the KDE3.5 fork).  Then when KDE4 stabilized a bit (around 4.2 or so) I came back to give 4.x another chance.20:07
BluesKajhehe, yeah, I was grieving over the changeover for quite a while , even ran ubuntu/gnome for a few weeks , but the fixes finally came in on kde4.0 , so i switched back20:07
TSKIt's been getting a lot better recently.  The 4.8 series has been a LOT more stable (though still more bugs than I'd wish for).20:08
BluesKaj4.8.2 here quite stable , altho kmail was crashing abit this morning when I chose html view20:09
TSKKjots notepad is just one example of a still buggy app (although I suspect that's more related to the underlying Akonadi framework than to Kjots itself.)20:09
TSKOh man...  Kmail's been another one of the buggy beasts for me.20:09
mdkHow can I know the version of KDE I'm running?20:10
TSKAn email app ought not to be so prone to crash as Kmail is.20:10
XabsterHow do I change my default browser?20:10
TSKmdk: It's usually in the "About KDE" window under the "Help" menu of any KDE app.20:10
mdkThanks, TSK!  I'll check it out.20:10
TSKXabster: There's a couple ways you can do that.  You wanting which browser as default?20:10
TSK(It's easier with some browsers than others.)20:11
BluesKajTSK, I had to doa clean install to/ and /home to get rid of the corrupted akonadi and mysql config files ..kmail just would ot work , cntantly getting errors , but's much better now20:11
mdkCool!  I'm on 4.8.2, too.  Just trying the 12.04 beta.20:11
TSKXabster: Okay, for Firefox you will want to start by using Firefox's internal checks for default browser, but then you also want to set it in the KDE preferences tool just to be certain it's really a systemwide change.20:11
TSK"System Settings > Default Applications > Web Browser"20:12
TSKAnd then set "In an application based on the contents of the URL" and it ought to then open web links in Firefox by default.20:13
Xabsterdone, thanks20:13
TSKmdk: Yar.  The 12.04 beta is lookin' pretty nice so far.  :)20:13
TSKBluesKaj: I'm on a completely clean install of 12.04 right now, so mebbe I'll give Kmail another chance.  If it fails again tho, I'm right back to good old reliable Thunderbird.  :)20:14
mdkYeah, I really like it, and it feels solid for me.  I know it's still a beta and might have bugs, but so far so good.20:14
TSKYay, Mozilla!  \o/20:14
BluesKaj12.04 talk is supposed tobe in ubuntu+1 . but we're getting close to the release date so more and more ppl are trying it and finding it quite rewarding20:16
TSKI'm runnin' 12.04 on a GeForce 6100 motherboard right now and it's really running surprisingly smoothly.  Better'n 11.10 ever ran on this same motherboard.20:16
TSKOnly 2 gig of RAM and it's still runnin' circles around Windows on the same ezzact hardware upstairs.20:17
TSKAnd that machine has TWICE the RAM.20:17
BluesKajTSK, this pc is 4 yrs old now , 3G RAM , small 2core amd cpu and it's fine with my old nvidia 7600gt :)20:19
BluesKajconnected by dvi/hdmi to our plasma TV20:19
TSKBluesKaj: Oh, yar.  I have a newer machine with dual core and dual GeForce 8600's in SLI mode that throws Kubuntu around like it's nothin'.20:19
BluesKajTSK, nice ! :)20:21
TSKOOoooooSWEET.  I can install packages from the menu search bar or from Alt-F2 (krunner) via qapt-batch-installer.20:39
excognachi all. I just would like to apologize: over the past 3 months I was uselessly taking your time for asking help in quite a few problems.  The solution was: System setting>Desktop effets> Advanced>Scaling Method should have been set as "Smooth" and not accurate20:41
TSKexcognac: Congrats.  :)20:43
MrbjkI just can not get conky to work, tried setting it up for the first time today, when I run it, instead of the program poping up I see a jittery collage of the windows I have open... ideas?20:43
excognacTSK: shhh xD20:44
BluesKajexcognac, does one have to reboot to see those smooth scaling effects20:46
TSKPoor Radium seems to be havin' some troubles...20:46
BluesKajTSK, yeah some of the networks in India aren't very reliable , something like their consumer electric power services20:50
excognacBluesKaj: no, it's not about reboot but many other driver and other issues. sure you don't need to :)20:56
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MujiXxHello, how can i check if i have 32 bit or 64 bit of kubuntu?23:01
joshwinesMujiXx: run 'uname -a' - you'll see x86_64 if running 64 bit, otherwise i686 i'm guessing if on 3223:02
MujiXxah okay good, i have 64 bit23:03
chusfilincan somebody read this23:27
chusfilinI am new with this quassel.... what ever23:27
yofelchusfilin: yes, you're here23:30
BlouBlouchusfilin: we can read you perfectly23:31
chusfilinthanks for reply23:31

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