
bachello.  echo, echo.11:14
benjiecho, echo, echo...11:37
bacso you're working today benji?11:43
benjiI'm going to give it a shot.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to.11:44
bacso no recovery over the weekend?11:51
benjiMaybe a slight recorvery.  There are some other people at my church that seem to have this and it's taken them a week to significantly improve.12:05
gary_posterbac benji call in 212:08
gary_posterand hiya12:08
bachey gary_poster would you want to do a pre-review of the memcached fix i came up with as a sanity check?  https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/python-memcached/bug-974632/+merge/10114812:38
bacas an alternative to what i did, the readline() method could be changed to do the retry12:38
benjibac: ok the lpbuildbot branch is merged12:42
bacbenji: cool12:42
gary_posterbac, looking12:59
gary_posterbac, I like the simplicity of this change, instead of the retry approach.  "self.port = int(hostData.get('port') or 11211)": do you have any knowledge of when the port is explicitly None?  If not, no biggie, just curious.  I'd be somewhat tempted to remove the docstring fix (lines 8 and 9 of the diff) just to keep the patch to upstream as small as possible, but now that you've included it, keep it.  I can't think13:03
gary_poster of anything else to say about it. :-) Do you want me to write some of this actually on the MP, or leave it alone?13:03
* bac is back14:19
bacgary_poster: the port problem showed up when i used the --do-linux (sp?) flag.14:20
gary_posterbac, ok.  doesn't mean much to me out of context.  cool, thx14:20
benjiWhy does Curtis hate my inbox? ;)14:37
benjigary_poster: did we ever get the testr trunk straightened out?  Should I be using a branch someplace instead?14:56
gary_posterbenji, I am not sure.  :-/14:57
benjigary_poster: well, the tests on the testr trunk don't pass for me (don't even start, I get an exception)14:57
gary_posterbenji, I'd have to compare the released version in precise with the version in the branch.  oh ok.14:57
gary_postermaybe the dpkg -l info for testr could be compared to...something?14:58
gary_postermaybe Robert tagged a branch, Gary said somewhat unhopefully?14:58
gary_posterbenji, https://launchpad.net/testrepository/trunk/0.0.5 ?14:59
benjiI'll try that branch.15:00
benjigary_poster: I can't find a branch that corresponds to 0.0.515:04
gary_posterbenji, r13515:05
benjigary_poster: oh, wait: -r tag:0.0.515:05
gary_postershould be same yeah15:06
benjimaybe it should be, but bzr: ERROR: No such tag: 0.0.515:06
benjiI'll use r13515:06
gary_posterbenji, r139 has this commit message: "* A horrible thinko in the testrepository test suite came to light and has been15:06
gary_poster  fixed. How the tests ever ran is a mystery. (Robert Collins, #881497)" :-/15:06
_mup_Bug #881497: Cannot run testr tests <Testrepository:Fix Committed by lifeless> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/881497 >15:07
benjigary_poster: yeah, I saw that but the trunk still doesn't run15:07
gary_posterbenji, even on r139? :-(15:07
gary_posterbenji, try talking to jml15:08
gary_posterI think he knows where the bodies are buried on this project15:08
gary_posteroh, I think he's probably out today.  checking15:08
benjigary_poster: yep, r139 (and r135) both fail (when I run ./testr run) with http://paste.ubuntu.com/921908/15:09
gary_posterbenji, jml is out today on nat. holiday15:09
gary_posterbenji, I'm down to randomly flailing on thoughts you've probably already had.  * are there any other documented ways of running the tests? * Have you tried with Python 2.6, like on lucid? * have you tried seeing what module Python is complaining about and seeing if it is a quick fix?15:12
benjigary_poster: I'm going to take an early lunch and attack this after recharging a bit.15:12
gary_posterbenji, cool.15:12
gary_poster"CI for the project is at http://build.robertcollins.net/job/testrepository-default/."  That does not resolve for me15:17
gary_posterrobertcollins.net does not either15:18
bacgary_poster: i've exercised gmb's script and there are some problems.  i think he mentioned the output of 'juju status' changed recently but i don't think the copy of charmhelpers is current to handle them15:20
gary_posterbac, ok.  what do you want to do to resolve?15:20
bacgary_poster: i can fix charmhelpers but i wonder if he has already done so but forgot to push15:21
gary_posterbac, dunno.  is it trivial?15:22
bacprobably.  i'll have a look.15:22
bacargh, curtis is bored and is spamming me by doing lots of LP gardening15:34
gary_posterme too15:45
bacgary_poster: i'm waiting on my slave to come up.  i've pinged sean r. about py-memcached but am waiting for him to come on-line.  going to eat and pick up my battery16:00
gary_posterok bac, good luck16:00
bacTIP:  buy from advance auto on-line for in-store pick up and save $20!16:00
gary_posterheh, good to know :-)16:00
gary_posterOK, I completed my miscellaneous tasks. (Finally was able to test RT 50773! unfortunately the test failed.)  I'm blocked by the kanban cards.  I'm going to have some lunch myself, and then see what I can do.16:03
gary_posterbac and benji, please let me know if I can pair with you.17:34
bacgary_poster: ok.  i'm still looking at graham's script17:43
baci left it running over lunch but my slave never did come up17:44
benjigary_poster: if you're still available, I just got the testr tests passing and could use a partner in crime17:44
baci think now it is an intermittent error bringing up the slave.  will try again.17:44
gary_posterbenji awesome17:46
gary_posterbenji https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhorde ?17:47
benjigary_poster: sure17:47
bacgary_poster: i couldn't get an environment to come up using gmb's script, so i ran in debug mode (dry-run) and then tried the commands by hand18:42
bactrying to bootstrap i get:18:42
bac2012-04-09 14:34:46,324 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'ec2-testing' (type: ec2)...18:42
bacError Message: The requested instance type's architecture (x86_64) does not match the architecture in the manifest for ami-4bad7422 (i386)18:42
bac2012-04-09 14:34:49,452 ERROR Error Message: The requested instance type's architecture (x86_64) does not match the architecture in the manifest for ami-4bad7422 (i386)18:42
bacodd, thing, is the environment file does not specify an image-id18:42
bacjust default-instance-type: c1.xlarge18:43
baci think that error is getting swallowed and that's why the instance is not starting18:43
gary_posterbac hm.  the 386 is default.18:46
gary_posterif you want 64 you have to specify it18:46
gary_posterthat's a juju thing, at least as I remember it18:46
bacso if i say c1.xlarge i must provide an AMI?18:46
gary_posterso the error is not a surprise to my expectations, but gmb thinking it works without an AMI is a surprise18:47
gary_posterI have18:48
gary_poster    default-series: precise18:48
gary_poster    juju-origin: ppa18:48
gary_poster    default-instance-type: m2.4xlarge18:48
gary_poster    default-image-id: ami-b5ea34dc18:48
bacbut if i provide an image-id (AMI) why specify a default-instance-type.  an AMI implies default-instance-type, no?18:48
gary_posterit specifies 32 vs 6418:48
gary_posterbut there are many 64 bit flavors18:48
bacer, ok18:48
gary_posterdoes that make sense?  Or maybe I'm barking up wrong tree?18:49
baci need to read up on the different instance types18:49
bacbut i am surprised this script worked for gmb but i cannot get it to do squat18:50
gary_posterI wonder if he did not commit most recent progress18:52
bacthat crossed my mind for the script and charmhelpers18:55
bacat this point, i think it best that i provide him a summary of my experience and let him see what's going on.  i hate to try to solve a bunch of problems he may have already fixed.  agree, gary_poster?18:57
gary_posterbac, a sad +119:04
gary_postersort of a mustache19:05
bacgary_poster: actually, the error i got was b/c the environments had been morphed to c1.xlarge for the slave but i was trying to do a bootstrap19:14
bacgary_poster: do you have a second to compare what happens with the script vs. by hand?19:57
gary_posterbac yeah one sec19:57
bacthis is what i see when i run the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/922372/19:57
bacyou'll note the slave has no instance-state and the instance-id is not set19:58
bachere is the status after starting a master and slave by hand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/922365/19:58
bacthe consequence of the first is that wait_for_machines() never returns as the slave instance doesn't come up nicely19:59
gary_posterbac, is that consistent?20:01
bacit is repeatable, is that what you mean?20:01
gary_posterbac ^20:02
bacyes, it is repeatable20:02
gary_posterbac, weird.  I had something like that in canonistack today (by hand).  it may be a juju timing issue of some sort.  I don't have an idea beyond that though.  You may want to take it to #juju.  I don't think gmb's script is doeing anything too odd there20:06
benjibac: were you able to do a run with my subunit test statistics parsing code?  I'm curious as to whether it worked or not.20:26
bacbenji: i did not20:27
baci never got a run to completion20:27
benjiif you'll let me know when you get one to that stage, I'd appreciate it20:28
bacbenji: ok.  i don't think it is going to happen today.20:29
benjino problem20:29

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