
micahgsince gecko-mediaplayer is seeded for lubuntu, is anyone interested in fixing bug 935501?02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935501 in gecko-mediaplayer (Ubuntu Precise) "gecko-mediaplayer version 1.0.4-2ubuntu1 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93550102:31
Maximotowhy does my screen has some lines in the center of it when i am doing stuff on my pc?03:44
tokarevmy first hour on lubuntu06:59
tokarevawesome experience06:59
=== cezar is now known as cezar-b
folohey guys09:25
folowhats the command to download java?09:25
foloor open jdk09:25
foloor icedtea browser plugin?09:26
foloanyone there?09:27
bioterror!java | folo09:29
ubottufolo: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:29
bioterrorfolo, sudo apt-get install  openjdk-6-jre icedtea6-plugin09:31
folonothing comes up on package install09:31
bioterrordpkg -L |grep openjdk09:32
bioterrordoes it prompt you something?09:32
folothen i click launch application09:32
foloand chromium comes up09:32
folowith google homepage...09:32
bioterrordpkg -l |grep openjdk09:32
bioterrordoes it prompt you something?09:34
foloin terminal?09:44
foloit doesnt give any options or anything tho09:44
bioterrordpkg -l |grep openjdk09:44
bioterrorwhat does it say?09:44
bioterrorpaste it09:44
foloii openjdk -6-jre09:45
folothen on the right09:45
folo6b20 thing09:45
bioterrorthen it says you have openjdk installed09:45
folodoesnt say installed anywhere09:45
bioterroryes it says09:45
fololet me try it09:46
bioterrorwe queryed the package manager for installed software and wanted to see only openjdk09:46
bioterrordpkg -l |grep icedtea09:46
bioterrortells you if you have it installed too09:46
foloye i got that09:47
foloso sudo apt-get install openoffice09:47
foloto download openoffice?09:47
bioterroropenoffice is bad09:47
bioterrorwe use: libreoffice09:47
foloi cant find libre office in office09:48
foloi only see09:48
bioterrorsudo apt-get install libreoffice09:48
foloit says09:49
foloe: unable to locate package libreoffice09:49
bioterrorfolo, lsb_release -rd09:49
bioterrorwhat does it say?09:49
foloubuntu 10.1009:49
bioterroroh dear09:49
bioterrorit came around 11.04 to ubuntu09:50
bioterrorwhat kind of internet connection you have?09:50
folowhat do you mean09:50
foloi have a wired connection09:50
foloim on a computer09:50
bioterroryou could upgrade your lubuntu 10.10 to 11.1009:50
folocommand for it?09:52
bioterrorsudo do-release-upgrade -p09:52
folois it still as good as 10.1009:52
folospeed wise09:52
bioterroreven better09:52
folowhere can i find the release notes?09:52
folowhy is it taking so long to calculate changes09:55
bioterrorthere's lots of changes09:56
bioterrorfolo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Announcement/11.1009:56
foloisnt this 11.04 u gave me?09:57
folodo i have to reboot10:12
folowhen its finished10:12
bioterrorI would suggest10:12
bioterroras probably your kernel gets updated a little newer one10:13
bioterrorand hal gets removed10:13
folowhats hal?10:13
bioterrorhardware access layer or what was it10:13
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.10:13
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)10:13
bioterrorabstraction !10:13
folohow long will it take for me to upgrade to 11.0410:50
foloits still going lol10:50
foloits up to all fonts downloaded10:50
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:52
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.10:53
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.10:54
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.10:54
foloyou there?10:57
foloanyone here?10:57
jvhhello to everybody11:30
jvhmay I ask a little help?11:30
icerootjvh: sure11:40
jvhiceroot: thanks, I noticed that 3d acceleration is not workng on my videocard11:41
jvhiceroot: even if the card is supported. ow can I enable it?11:41
icerootjvh: what card are you using11:42
icerootjvh: normally the "problem" is that you are using the open-source driver which is not supporting 3d11:42
jvhit's a mobility radeon 970011:42
iceroot!ati | jvh11:42
ubottujvh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:42
jvhok so tried lspc -nn | grep VGA as in the guide, and the card is recognized11:44
jvhbut LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo gives me software rasterizer11:45
jvhcan I do something to it?11:51
icerootjvh: you installed the non-free ati/amd driver?11:55
jvhthe fglrx?11:56
icerootif i am correct its done with the program "jockey-gtk"11:56
jvhah no never tried it11:56
jvhI'll try it now11:56
icerootfglrx seems to be the non-free driver (never used ati/amd cards)11:57
jvhjockey seems to be for gnome, does it work even on lubuntu?11:58
jvhok installed jockey-gtk12:01
jvhnow how should I use it?12:01
smilehi :p12:01
jvhI'm trying fglrx, need to reboot12:10
jvh_I installed fglrx but the control panel can't be opened, it shows an error12:15
jvh_any suggestion?12:15
=== danstone1 is now known as danstoner
Libertadcan somebody call me if you can change the menu set-up, like to make it transparent or anything else16:25
bioterrorseems like we are not calling to him16:50
milen8204How can I upgrade Lubuntu 11.10 to Lubuntu 12.04 ?17:17
smileI wouldn't advice to do that :p17:19
smileBut if you want to, you have to wait for the official release of 12.0417:19
smileat the end of april 201217:19
milen8204I have some bug that I can not solve and I think they may be solved in Lubuntu 12.0417:21
smilemilen8204: hmm, I would  recommend fresh install :) had some trouble while upgrading previous releases :p17:38
milen8204i can make bootable USB17:47
milen8204I got error masage: No defaulf or UI directive found17:48
milen8204i have made folders syslinux and syslinux.cfg, and  syslinux.bin but didnt start again17:48
milen8204USB starts on my laptop, nut didnt on my PC17:49
herpyLubuntu won't let me log into fluxbox18:00
Sarahi all i am Sara18:15
Sarahelp me i am instal lubuntu18:16
Saramake irssi and xchat18:16
Saraand update18:16
Sarais all ok ?18:16
herpyHelp you with what now?18:17
Saraadd me http://www.facebook.com/sara.devilwitch18:17
swapdiskyou look pretty hard core :)18:23
herpyI need help18:24
Skater-AOA150I'm need to make a USB key that I can install Ubuntu server to my desktop on.18:26
Skater-AOA150I have the USB key, and I have the ISO.18:27
bioterrorSara, you have lubuntu installed or what?18:31
Skater-AOA150Sara, are you running off the LiveCD or is Lubuntu installed?18:43
herpyLubuntu will not let me run anyothger wm or de18:44
Sarai am instal for disc18:44
herpyI need help, lubuntu will not let me change my desktop enviroment19:01
Skater-AOA150Hm.  What desktop environment are you trying to change it to?19:01
herpyI tried to change it to fluxbox and e1719:01
herpyit just blinks and sends me back at the login screen19:02
Skater-AOA150I'll try it out to see if it's your computer19:02
Skater-AOA150herpy: did the exact same thing19:05
herpyis it a bug?19:05
Skater-AOA150I'm not sure19:05
Skater-AOA150I just tried fluxbox19:06
Skater-AOA150it won't let me use KDE-openbox or Gnome -openbox either19:06
herpyHold on19:07
herpyHere is the fix19:10
herpysudo apt-get install numlockx parcellite19:11
Skater-AOA150ahh okay19:11
herpyI tried that now I'm in Fluxbox19:11
herpylet me know if it works for you19:11
Skater-AOA150sure thing.19:11
Skater_2015seems like it's working so far19:13
Skater-AOA150and i'm in lubuntu with unity19:14
herpyYay it's fixed19:15
Skater-AOA150I'm going back to lxde19:15
Skater-AOA150Looks like i might have to uninstall numlockx, because i'm on a keyboard with no true numberpad.19:18
herpyI though all keyboards came with a numpad19:19
Skater-AOA150Not all, unfortunately19:19
Skater-AOA150in order for me to use it, i have to hit fn+f1119:20
herpyI see19:20
Skater-AOA150The second part of my nick is my laptop model19:20
Skater-AOA150Acer AOA150, also known as Aspire One ZG519:21
herpyI just pulled my name out my ass and it stuck with me XD19:21
Skater-AOA150nice xD . I came up with Skater when I was 10ish.19:22
Skater-AOA150In 13 days i'm gonna be 1519:23
herpyAh a young linux user, nice19:23
herpyI started when Ubuntu Jaunty was out19:24
herpyI was like 12 or 1319:24
Skater-AOA150Might as well learn to work with various operating systems while you're young, especially because I wish to become a network adminstrator.19:24
herpyTrue true19:24
herpyI switched to linux cause I kept getting Blue Screens19:24
Skater-AOA150Ah, i see.19:25
herpyWas back when Vista was the newest windows19:25
Skater-AOA150Vista... yuck.19:25
herpySo I put Linux on my computer then I get new computer with win7 on it19:25
herpysame thing19:25
Skater-AOA150Ah, ok19:26
milen8204Could I curse Vista too :D19:26
herpyecept this time it was fake anti malware rouges19:26
herpylike thinkpoint19:26
Skater-AOA150We probably should move to #lubuntu-offtopic, since this is for pretty much support only :P19:26
swapdiskhello all19:37
swapdiskhas anyone tried installing lubuntu from debootstrap?19:37
swapdiskinstead of using ubuntu-server base install?19:37
swapdiskwould it work? do I have to be on the watch for something in particular?19:38
swapdiskthis is for a dell x200 :: Pentium III 800Mhz, 320MB ram, 40GB HDD19:38
swapdisk<swapdisk> hello all [15:37] <swapdisk> has anyone tried installing lubuntu from debootstrap? [15:37] <swapdisk> instead of using ubuntu-server base install? [15:38] <swapdisk> would it work? do I have to be on the watch for something in particular? [15:38] <swapdisk> this is for a dell x200 :: Pentium III 800Mhz, 320MB ram, 40GB HDD19:58
fox1ho un problema con lubuntu20:08
fox1e sembra pure piuttosto serio20:08
fox1italian or english?20:08
fox1ah ok :)20:10
fox1i'll try to explain my problem in english20:10
fox1when i want to refresh repositories with update-manager20:10
fox1it shows an alert message20:11
fox1saying something that connection with daemon has "died"20:11
fox1i think he talks about aptdaemon...20:11
fox1if i write "sudo apt-get update"20:12
fox1it doesn't do anything20:12
fox1terminal comes back to prompt...20:12
Skater-AOA150That's odd.20:12
fox1what's the problem?20:12
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
Skater-AOA150I honestly don't know.  Mine has a lot of lines after i type that. then it goes back to my prompt20:13
fox1my terminal has no line and comes back to prompt20:13
Skater-AOA150I honestly don't know why it's doing that20:14
fox1if i launch aptdaemon, it SEEMS working normally20:14
fox1until it crashes when i try to make a refresh on update-manager20:14
fox1showing me that error20:14
Skater-AOA150That's odd20:14
Skater-AOA150I'm new to Lubuntu so  I really don't know20:15
fox1the error in detail is "it seems that the daemon died."20:15
herpycopy the error message20:15
herpyand paste it here20:15
fox1i kill the daemon with a knife or a gun? :D20:15
fox1i try to translate the entire error message in english20:16
fox1"Connection to the daemon has been lost. Probably the daemon in background has gone in crash."20:17
fox1this is the error that update-manager shows me20:17
fox1and if i click on "Detail"20:17
fox1it says "It seems that the daemon died."20:17
fox1no more...20:18
fox1ah, this is lubuntu oneiric20:19
Skater-AOA150i'm using lubuntu oneiric and it's not doing that for me20:20
fox1i'm happy for you :)20:20
Skater-AOA150you may have to reinstall lubuntu20:21
fox1mmm… that's a good news20:22
Skater-AOA150you could just "upgrade" and hopefully it would work20:23
fox1already done20:23
fox1ah wait20:23
fox1upgrade you mean: sudp apt-get upgrade?20:23
Skater-AOA150it might work,20:24
fox1ah ok20:24
fox1just done20:24
fox1nothing :(20:24
fox1ok, don't worry20:25
fox1thank you for you help and your patience20:25
fox1bye bye20:25
n-iCehow much ram and proccesador do I need to run lubuntu?21:18
n-iCehello, anyone around? I am really confused21:37
n-iCeThese versions are suitable for most people. Do not try to install 64 Bit on a 32 Bit machine. Installing 32 Bit onto 64 Bit is totally safe. The official versions are available as a Lubuntu 11.10 Standard. A secondary iso server is available at Lafibre.21:37
n-iCeThese versions are for those computers with less than 160Mb of RAM (A guide line is 192MB if you are using internal graphics) and / or with less than 4.3GB Hard Disk. Head over to Lubuntu alternate for the alternate suite. The alternate versions are different during installation and they can not run in live mode, but the finished system is the same as when using the standard desktop ISO.21:37
n-iCeDesktop CD21:38
n-iCeThe desktop CD allows you to try Lubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 384MiB of RAM to install from this CD.21:38
n-iCeSo I need 384MB of RAM in order to run the Desktop CD?21:38
n-iCeI have 256 and it is Pentium 321:38
n-iCeis Alternate install CD what I need?21:39
herpyI would go with alternate21:43
n-iCeherpy: you use lubuntu?21:45
Skater-AOA150I use lubuntu, and i would probably go with alternate21:46
n-iCeOk, I have 10GB hdd and 256ram is P3 can the installation take more than 1 hour?21:46
n-iCeOr just got frozen21:46
kanliotyah the isntaller locks up for a while sometimes on <400MB of ram21:49
n-iCeok, so I download the alternate .iso, can I just use unetbootin to install it in the usb flash memory and boot from it?21:49
kanlioti think 5 hours is the limit21:50
n-iCe5 hours?!21:50
kanlioteither that or wait for it to unfreeze21:50
n-iCeWindows Xp runs fine in that machine21:50
n-iCeand takes like 40 minutes to install21:50
kanliothow long did it lock up 4 u?21:50
n-iCeAll I want to try is to see if runs better than XP21:50
kanlioti really don't know how long it takes for a 256 MB machine21:51
n-iCehow much ram you have?21:52
n-iCep3 as well?21:52
kanlioti run lubuntu on 8GB21:54
n-iCeand why would that be useful?21:54
kanliotreally if you can chill for a few hours, just wait for the installer to finish21:54
kanliotand let us know exactly how long it took21:55
kanliotwell only cost $5021:55
kanliotfor the RAM21:55
kanliotI probably should have bought 16GB for $9021:55
n-iCethere is a limit of ram you can add21:56
n-iCeto a machine21:56
kanliotno real limit for servers right now21:56
kanliotthey can have ridiculous amounts of ram21:56
kanliotfor running mysql server21:56
n-iCeand you run one? or a home machine21:57
kanlioti built a new pc in february21:57
kanliotbut i'm still doing stuff on the old machine, like running bittorrent21:57
kanliotand really I haven't needed more than 4GB for anything except maybe vms21:58
n-iCeI have an old machine in the office21:59
n-iCeI just need to run a browser to surf21:59
n-iCeI won't even run any other app21:59
n-iCeyou think lubuntu is the option to me?21:59
kanliotchromium is a memory hog21:59
kanliotyou might have problems opening more than 5 tabs22:00
kanliotbut you should definitely try it22:00
kanliotyou might like it22:00
n-iCehas chromium built in?22:00
kanliotbut i use firefox 1122:00
kanliotfirefox seems to handle lots of tabs better22:00
n-iCewhat about opera22:01
n-iCeheard uses less resources22:01
kanlioti donno about opera22:01
kanlioti'm sure there's a linux version if you prefer it22:01
kanliotyou ever used synaptic package manager?22:01
n-iCewill try out tomorrow22:01
kanliotgood night22:02
Maximotocan i restart lubuntu to the date i install it?22:42
Skater-AOA150You have to set your BIOS in order to do so22:42
Skater-AOA150That splash screen before you see the bootloader22:43
Maximotoset to what22:44
Skater-AOA150You either have to hit F2, or Del to see it.  It's a blueish screen with words on top of it.22:44
Skater-AOA150Read up on your computer to see what key you have to press22:45
Maximotoi know it's the both of them22:45
Skater-AOA150ah ok22:46
Maximotothen what next if i may ask22:46
Skater-AOA150to set the date it's usually under Basic / Standard system settings.22:47
Skater-AOA150I know it's not under advanced.22:48
Maximotowait, i am not talking the date i am talking resetting the os as it was the date i got it22:49
Skater-AOA150Ahh, then you'd have to reinstall Lubuntu22:49
Maximotohow to22:49
Skater-AOA150You have to use your livecd22:50
Maximoto:D don't have one22:50
Skater-AOA150Or your liveUSB22:50
Maximotooh what do you know i still have it22:52
Maximotoskater-AOA150: what do i do with it22:54
Skater-AOA150you have to plug it into your computer, and go to install lubuntu, probably do erase disk23:03

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