
aguitelhow install flash ?00:03
penguin42install the flashplugin-installer package00:03
bjsniderenable parter repo, install adobe-flashplugin00:03
penguin42oh, interesting - when did that change?00:04
penguin42oh nice00:05
Logan_Er, no.00:06
Logan_It's still flashplugin-installer.00:06
Logan_Oh, that's multiverse.00:06
FernandoMiguelnity nite00:07
astraljava$ apt-cache policy adobe-flashplugin -- Candidate: whereas $ apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer -- Candidate:
astraljavaWhat's the difference?00:07
Logan_*I've always used flashplugin-installer.00:07
bjsniderflashplugin-installer is not necessary, is the difference00:08
FernandoMigueldidn't adobe kill flash for linux?00:08
Logan_But flashplugin-installer doesn't require the enabling of the partner repository, bjsnider.00:08
jtaylorin 5 years00:08
bjsniderand that will be the last version available00:09
FernandoMiguelin 5 years we could all be gone00:09
FernandoMiguelthat's a life time in PC Era00:09
penguin42...lets see if youtube works reliably with html video by then00:09
FernandoMiguelit won't00:09
Logan_I'm not counting on it.00:09
penguin42FernandoMiguel: asteroids, mayans, rising sea level, flash not working....00:09
FernandoMiguel_ _ ^ ^00:10
FernandoMiguelbed time00:10
FernandoMiguelI'm up in 6h00:10
* penguin42 has one more day of freedom before back to work00:10
FernandoMigueltomorrow includes cloning 40 Ubuntu machines, testing LTE dongles and preping 20 new emploees00:11
FernandoMiguelfun fun fun00:11
FernandoMigueland I still haven't found a good network bw mesure indicator00:11
FernandoMiguelI miss netapplet from gnome-pannels00:12
FernandoMiguelone more stupid question00:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 962704 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "cursor jumps to screen border when touching trackpad border" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:12
FernandoMiguelhow do I setup SKEL to include gconf changes?00:12
pepeeplease, fix it :(00:12
FernandoMiguelI want to add Skype to Unity-panel blacklist00:12
FernandoMiguelpepee: try #ubuntu-x on a week day00:13
penguin42FernandoMiguel: Ah get the new employees to clone their machines00:13
bjsnideryou seem to know already00:13
FernandoMigueland be super sweet with them00:13
bjsniderjust edit the files in skel00:13
pepeeFernandoMiguel, "bw mesure indicator"   gkrellm00:13
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: but I don't see nothing there :\00:13
FernandoMiguelpenguin42: hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm00:13
bjsniderthere's nothing in skel?00:13
FernandoMiguelpepee: that's not Unity aware00:13
pepeeFernandoMiguel, what is #ubuntu-x ?00:13
* FernandoMiguel looks again00:13
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: nothing about gconf that is00:14
bjsniderubuntu-x is the xorg ubuntu channel00:14
pepeeahh k00:14
pepeethanks bjsnider FernandoMiguel00:14
Logan_FernandoMiguel: Like this? http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/unityindicators-large_003.jpg00:14
FernandoMiguelno Logan_00:15
FernandoMiguelthat one I have00:15
FernandoMiguelI'll keep looking!00:15
FernandoMiguelim not happy till I feel my entire top unity pannel00:16
FernandoMigueland I still have to see if I can get global-menu to work on a while list only00:16
FernandoMiguelmost apps it's just stupid! and it breaks the mouse over :(00:16
ttl-networking stops working after install00:33
ttl-on 12.04 AMD64 daily build00:34
ttl-both wired and wireless stops working00:35
ttl-here is my syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/921108/00:42
buckydoes anyone else have skipping video on youtube, I think it has to do with the ondemand daemon00:51
physically_fitso this afternoon i upgraded my laptop too. and everything is working fine, in general, and the most important for me: the dual monitor support :)00:55
physically_fitthe only one thing is the behavior of the launcher (left panel). it's different in this version, as i said before, like i need to push the cursor much faster to make it appear.00:58
DaekdroomIt's a feature.00:59
physically_fitit's the same in Unity standard and Unity 2D.00:59
DaekdroomTo avoid people mistakenly opening the Launcher when the cursor is near the left edge.00:59
physically_fitDaekdroom, but you never move the cursor near that edge, unless you want to reveal the launcher.01:00
DaekdroomOne might move the cursor there to use whatever is in a maximized window.01:00
physically_fitDaekdroom, i only have that problem when I want to press the left arrow in my browser.01:00
physically_fitDaekdroom, it's taking me quite a lot of time to get used to it.01:01
physically_fitoh, and i forgot to say that i had to purge/reinstall flash too, just like in my desktop PC.01:11
DropsOfSerenityhey guys there is a lag when dragging items because the unity panel tries to be context sensitive, for example, try dragging a link in firefox to your bookmark bar, you won't be able to immediately because unity sidebar has to pop up and that takes about 1 second for it to understand the context, is this a known bug?01:29
DropsOfSerenitynote: this seems to work as intended with dragging pictures from nautilus to gimp01:31
DropsOfSerenitybut is slower when dragging images from the web browser to gimp01:32
spacebug-not sure if I have that problem01:34
spacebug-pretty fast here01:36
DropsOfSerenitytry going to a website01:36
spacebug-images from firefox to gimp is like almost instant01:36
DropsOfSerenityin firefox01:36
DropsOfSerenityand dragging the url01:36
DropsOfSerenityto ur bookmark bar01:36
spacebug-though my unitypanel is always visiable01:36
DropsOfSerenitytry doing it quickly, also hmmm I will test with the always visible setting01:36
DropsOfSerenityyea same thing with always visible01:37
DropsOfSerenityslight lag01:37
spacebug-I could maybe record it but I guess the desktoprecoding itself would be more laggy ;)01:38
DropsOfSerenityhmm it's defintely less so with always showing the unity bar though01:38
DropsOfSerenitymaybe not the biggest deal, but having it not even lag at all would be a nice boost in consistency and feeling in the unity desktop01:39
spacebug-same speed here for me01:39
DropsOfSerenityhmm strange01:39
DropsOfSerenitynvidia or ati?01:39
DropsOfSerenityit only seems to be from doing things in firefox01:40
DropsOfSerenitydragging images from my filesystem to gimp is seamless01:40
DropsOfSerenityit seems to be the fade that's causing it01:41
spacebug-I did a recordning now.. see how that went01:42
DropsOfSerenityi'm also running on a very beefy machine, so I expect no lag at all01:43
DropsOfSerenitygtx260 graphics card, core i3 HT 3.3 GHz processors01:43
bandit5432indicator any way to show date and time?01:45
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: http://spacebug.se/filer/out.ogv check that out. I have a big/hi-res monitor though01:47
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: download it first, dont look from browser ;)01:47
spacebug-bandit5432: is does by default?01:48
spacebug-bandit5432: no indicator at all?01:48
DropsOfSerenityspacebug-, you get a slight lag too01:48
bandit5432no i have the indicator and the time but i want the date to show with the time and not always have to click on it01:48
bandit5432i thought i had a fix saved but i cant find it01:49
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: You mean on the bookmark thing? I think that is more internally in firefox and has nothing do to with unity. Get the same in unity-2d01:49
spacebug-bandit5432: click the indocator, press time and date settings, in the clock tab chose what you cant to se01:50
spacebug-want to se*01:50
DropsOfSerenityFor example when you drag to the bookmark bar, the reason it lags is because the unity bar dims01:50
DropsOfSerenityat about 12 seconds01:50
DropsOfSerenityin the video01:50
DropsOfSerenityyou can see the slight mouse lag01:51
DropsOfSerenity18 seconds01:51
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: you dont get that when dragging to gimp right? and that also dims unity bar01:52
DropsOfSerenityyes it's the same as me though01:52
DropsOfSerenityit causes lag sometimes01:52
DropsOfSerenitybut not other times01:52
DropsOfSerenity18 seconds isn't within your bookmarks bar, it's while your dragging that link01:52
DropsOfSerenityand it exhibits that jumpy lag01:52
DropsOfSerenityalso I love your resolution is that 2650?01:53
spacebug-2560x1600 yes01:53
DropsOfSerenitybut you see what i'm talking about right?01:53
DropsOfSerenity18 seconds exactly01:54
bandit5432spacebug-,  added the clock to the panel i am not going to be able to use indicator all to do what i want am i?01:54
bandit5432taps trism  on the shoulder lightly01:55
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: yes now I get you01:56
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: question is if there is a bug and if then in where? firefox or unity or somehting else01:58
DropsOfSerenityyeah I'm not sure where it comes from, my hunch is it's the unity dock fading, something to do with that01:58
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: have you gnome-fallback installed as well? could maybe test if the problem is there also01:59
DropsOfSerenityI don't unfortunately.01:59
spacebug-I have but don't want to logout and close all programs right now01:59
spacebug-gonna try it now in a virtualbox machine but might not be the same as running on host01:59
DropsOfSerenityif it is worse than it shows that it's dependant on processing power or graphics power02:00
DropsOfSerenitywhich means they are doing something wrong for a simple fade02:00
bandit5432virtualmachine it02:00
DropsOfSerenityapart from that and turning off apport, unity 12.04 has been a wonderful experience, I've been on it for weeks now and haven't felt the need to change.02:01
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: it does not seem to happen in gnome-fallback (no effects) in a virtualmachine02:02
DropsOfSerenityhmm so yeah it's gotta be the unity fade02:02
DropsOfSerenitythese little consistency and flow things will REALLY help improve the user experience, even if users don't notice them explicitly their brain does, something just doesn't feel quiet right.02:02
DropsOfSerenityi'll try to see if it's been reported to bugtracker02:03
trismbandit5432: yes?02:05
DropsOfSerenityspacebug-, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/77244502:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772445 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dragging image from firefox/chrome to dock causes lagg/freeze" [Low,Confirmed]02:05
spacebug-DropsOfSerenity: I pressed it affects me and wrote a comment that it is still there in 12.04 beta202:08
DropsOfSerenityspacebug-, I will do the same, thanks.02:09
DropsOfSerenityunity has really been wonderful though, especially 12.04, I couldn't use the 11.04 and 11.10 releases.02:12
spacebug-yeah I like it more and more also02:16
bandit5432sorry i am away02:19
bandit5432trism, quick question can you change the indicator to show the date and time?02:20
bandit5432indicator-applet-complete that is02:20
bandit5432away again will read back through when i get back'02:21
=== bandit5432 is now known as bandit-away
trismbandit-away: gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-date true; In unity you can also use the Time & Date Settings but it seems that won't load in gnome classic02:25
bjsnideris anybody here used to using gecko-mediaplayer?02:42
bjsniderif so, can you test it?02:42
bandit-awaytrism, you are awesome thankyou so much!!!02:56
bandit-awayis there a wiki somewhere with all the gsettings that i can look up so i dont have to keep bothering you?02:57
jtrucksso far beta2 server has been great.02:57
=== bandit-away is now known as bandit5432
trismbandit5432: all of the schemas are in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas or you can install dconf-tools and browse through them with dconf-editor03:01
bandit5432thanks i will start looking around03:02
bandit5432dconf has come a long way since 11.10 i thought it only allowed you to read the settings in 11.10 not change anything03:04
bandit5432trism, is the showing notify-osd notification on scroll volume-change somthing new or does it only work with unity?03:08
trismbandit5432: it will work in gnome classic if you have notify-osd installed and notification-daemon not, indicator-sound checks to see if notify-osd is running and otherwise doesn't show notifications (I imagine because only notify-osd implements the canonical private volume hints)03:10
bandit5432hmm interesting03:10
bandit5432will have to look into that03:10
bandit5432i have the notify-osd installed but its not working will have to google that03:12
trismbandit5432: do you have notification-daemon installed too?03:12
bandit5432but i don have libnotify installed03:12
bandit5432cant remove that though03:13
trismbandit5432: hmm odd that it isn't working, it works here03:13
trismbandit5432: libnotify is the library the apps use to send notifications, so you don't want to remove that03:13
bandit5432i changed something somewhere i am sure that is messing it03:13
bandit5432i break linux less than windows but i can still give it a good try03:14
trismbandit5432: do notifications work at all?03:14
bandit5432printing was03:14
bandit5432let me test downloading03:14
bandit5432does not appear to be03:15
trismbandit5432: is notify-osd running?03:15
bandit5432looks like it when i run ryhtmbox it shows i probably disabled something somewhere03:16
bandit5432no its not running03:16
trismbandit5432: how about notification-daemon03:17
bandit5432notification-daemon is not installed but i will look any way03:18
trismbandit5432: if the notifications have a little X in the corner then it is notification-daemon not notify-osd03:18
trismbandit5432: if not then I'm not sure what is wrong03:19
bandit5432i will look into it03:19
bandit5432i probaly disabled osd in a previous release and now i need it03:19
bandit5432when i use the keyboard shortcut to change the volume i get a big sound icon on the screen that shows the volume03:20
trismbandit5432: that is from gnome-settings-daemon I believe, it doesn't show up when notify-osd is running03:26
seekerFactorykrunner crashing frequently disabling desktop effects. (kubuntu 12.04 beta, kde 4.8.2, kernel 3.0.0-16-generic).03:27
bandit5432hmm notify-send test works03:33
bandit5432really odd03:36
frybyehi - after yesterdays update I get an "error: out of partition" fault report - but then can press any key and the system boots.. how to fix?05:10
ActionParsnipfrybye: have you fsck'd the partition?05:22
frybyere: have used boot-repair but matter does not seem really ok with long boot sequence please take a look at paste.ubuntu.com/921315 and let me hear your comments/suggestions?05:35
frybyeI will be back in a few mins - see ya05:36
frybyere: my boot problems fixed with boot-repair on seccond attempt - using recommended auto-repair...05:47
frybyeActionParsnip: others have submitted multiple bug reports about this "error: out of partition" problem since update yesterday.. I see no need to add yet another..05:57
ActionParsnipahhh, I suggest you add and say "me too" etc05:57
frybyeif you are curious here is the report from the boot-repair device paste.ubuntu.com/92133005:58
frybyeActionParsnip: there are a few variations on the bug - I dont really know enough to sort out how/which and details of such..05:59
frybyeActionParsnip: one of my underlying problems is that there seems to be zombie traces of an old win7 installation on a second harddisk that I use despite have reformatted it - perhaps you can see in the paste....06:00
ActionParsnipfrybye: maybe its a factor, I don't dual boot so not sure dude06:01
frybyeok - have a nice one...06:01
snadgebaked beans, cheese, chilli tuna.. doritos burn chips06:03
snadgevodka, lemon lime bitters ;)06:03
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frybyesnadge: sounds good - goes well with 12.04 I am sure...06:08
snadgethey're complimentary.. yes06:09
sssis flash broken in 12.04 beta?06:13
sssmy flash is not working in firefox06:14
sssits the same in chrome as well06:14
ActionParsnipsss: no issues here06:14
ActionParsnipsss: can you give a pastebin of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'06:15
sssI get a media player icon06:15
ActionParsnipsss: uninstall flashplugin-installer then enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin06:17
sssthe instalation of adobe-flashplugin didnt help :(06:26
sssshould i need to restart my box... I did a browser restart.06:27
ROYALI have an audio issue07:17
ROYALStatic comes out (as well as normal audio) the static is very loud07:18
ROYALI use HDA-Analyzer to must the problematic input jack that is not being used07:18
ROYALBut it resets my settings upon each reboot07:18
ROYALabove typo: I use HDA-Analyzer to must the problematic input jack that is not being used07:21
ROYALI use HDA-Analyzer to MUTE the problematic input jack that is not being used*07:21
robin0800ROYAL: try alsamixer in a terminal m = mute07:23
ROYALI have alsa information:07:25
ROYALI use HDA-Analyzer to must the problematic input jack that is not being used07:25
ROYALugh, sorry for the last message07:25
ROYALYour ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=74a57bf6f2248e37396b650d9eededce10998f7907:25
ROYALthere we go! that wasnt copied to my clipboard the first time!07:26
ActionParsnipChrisk: howdy07:27
Chrisk:P hello07:27
ROYALAlso, I want to include that what I must mute is: Node[0x0c] AUD_MIX07:27
ROYALthe port in that spot i mute is:07:27
dan____window preview compiz plugin is bugged in 12.04, window preview "hangs" sometimes07:28
ActionParsnipChrisk: all you gotta do is extract the archive and copy it to /usr/lib/jvm/07:28
Chriski want the plugins for firefox too07:28
ActionParsnipChrisk: we'll get there, be patient07:28
boumais precise working well with xen ?07:28
ActionParsnipChrisk: then run:     sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_03/bin/java 8107:28
Chriskgive me a second to get java :)07:29
ActionParsnipChrisk: then run:    sudo update-alternatives --config java07:29
ROYALHey, I don't know how this works, Must I wait my turn?07:29
Chriskthen run:     sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_03/bin/java 81  WHAT IS THAT  81 ?07:30
ActionParsnipChrisk: then run:  mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_03/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so .07:30
ActionParsnipChrisk: makes it the bottom-most value, no idea why, it just makes it work07:30
robin0800ROYAL: no but use a name use the tab key to complete07:30
ChriskSO firefox has to be closed..07:31
ActionParsnipChrisk: that's all you need, download, extract and put in the folder then those 3 commands.07:31
ROYAL@robin0800 What?07:31
ChriskOK thank you one more thing07:31
Chriski install a package from a guide on how to install java07:32
ActionParsnipChrisk: no, you can close it after you have finished, then rerun to load the new plugin07:32
ActionParsnipChrisk: java isn't packaged due to license07:32
robin0800ROYAL: this is irc not twitter no @ here please07:32
Chriskyeah unfortunately.07:32
ActionParsnipChrisk: it's oracle, so yeah....07:33
ROYALOk, I was trying to point the message to you. I did not understand what you meant.07:33
ChriskDude The 12.04 is too buggy (anyway still in beta :P)07:33
robin0800ROYAL: names in irc are highlighted automatically07:34
frybyeChrisk: update yesterday shure did my grub2 in well and truely...07:34
ROYALRobin0800, What did you mean about pressing the "tab key"?07:35
bluefrogit auto complete names07:35
robin0800ROYAL: type first fw07:35
ChriskIs there anyway to force a package to be removed? i have tried a command but it does nothing07:35
Chrisknormal uninstall does nothing too. so both are not working.07:35
robin0800ROYAL: type first few letters then tab key07:35
ROYALrobin0800:  very cool.07:36
ROYALrobin0800: Did you see my alsamixer information?07:38
chrisK2Thanx for the help it works :)07:39
ROYALHave I been forgotten?07:43
robin0800ROYAL: no I'm at work08:01
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not currently be installable.08:11
dan____lightdm seems to not use the background set in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf08:19
dan____instead using ubuntu default thingie08:19
ActionParsnipdan____: I thought it now uses the background image of the user you choose?08:24
dan____my user has encrypted home dir08:25
dan____and since wallpaper is stored in homedir (well link to it)08:26
dan____it cant read my wallpaper and uses default one despite greeter.conf points to another08:26
ActionParsnipdan____: ah that may be a thing (not something I've used tbh)08:27
ROYALmy issue is posted here:08:27
dan____no manpage for lightdm08:31
dan____no docs anywhere to find08:31
dan____so no idea how to disable taht behaviour08:31
trijntjewont there be a RC released after beta2, I dont see it on the ReleaseSchedule?08:43
dan___installing lighdm-gtk-greeter and removing it leaves lighdm in a non working state, falling back to console08:53
dan___what should i file a bug report gainst in that case?08:54
xylohi folks.  i'm using a 64 bit ubuntu 12.04 and was trying to install acroread.  however, the package cannot be installed since the dependent package libogg0:i386 conflicts with libogg0.  is this a bug?  what can i do?  i cannot remove libogg0.  too many package depend on it.09:37
mat619hey there. just installed xubuntu 12.04 beta 2 on my girlfriend's laptop, and its intel wireless pro 2200BG can't connect to anything. iwconfig shows a random string as SSID. very strange. is that already a known problem?10:08
mat619tried to find a related bug on launchpad but couldn't find one.10:08
alkisgIs there an ubuntu-12.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso? Will there be one for the final release?10:10
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fishcookermany server build on 10.04 .. will upgrade be smooth to this release?11:43
penguin42fishcooker: Well, there's only one way to find out!11:45
snadgenope.. it will explode and catch fire.. you will curse ubuntu and canonical.. and install centos11:47
penguin42snadge: And as long as the balance of the number of people upgrading from Centos 5-X6 hit the same problem the world is in balance11:48
snadgei havnt had that much to do with EL.. i use centos at work for a few things11:49
snadgebut i wouldn't even try to update from 5 to 6.. thats a re-install.. copy over and reconfigure job11:49
snadgebut since its supported until 2017 or something stupid like that.. *shrugs* ;)11:49
snadgebut anyway thats slightly ot hehe11:51
jpdsfishcooker: LTS-to-LTS upgrade is fully supported.11:52
jtayloronly within main11:53
jtaylorthe rest is best-effort11:53
snadgelts is also only 2 years apart11:56
snadgestill.. impressive11:56
jetsaredimhave there been any reported issues with Chrome beta and 12.04?12:02
jetsaredimI have desktop notifications turned on in Gmail and I've been getting this white rectangle showing up in the upper right hand corner of my screen12:03
jetsaredimnow, nearly all of my left screen (dual monitors) has been taken up by a big white box12:04
jetsaredimcan't see any of the programs running under that area12:04
jetsaredimi even killed the browser since I thought it might be related to that12:05
jetsaredimbut no effect12:05
frybyejetsaredim: try not to hit enter so often - would make your text easier to read...12:07
fishcookerjpds that's quite relieve12:16
krnekheleshjetsaredim: that's a know bug and has been fixed in Unity 5.1012:17
krnekheleshjetsaredim: Unity 5.10 should land in another 3-4 days12:17
jetsaredimkrnekhelesh: ah ok12:18
jetsaredimso just keep killing compiz for now?12:18
krnekheleshjetsaredim: I guess...or try using Firefox for now...I do not face this issue but read a bug report about it12:18
aguiteli have gnome+kde in 12.04,how remove gnome ?12:19
jetsaredimI guess killing compiz isn't as good an option for a workaround as I thought12:30
Zoffix_Hey. Has anyone managed to get samba file sharing to work? I'm on KDE, and I think I installed everything I need, but every time I change user access permissions, they don't seem to remain there (if I reopen the "Share" tab, all users have no permissions, as if I didn't change anything)12:33
airtonixlots of people have "managed to get samba working"12:35
airtonixit's not like it's some monumentally arduos task12:36
Zoffix_Thanks, dick.12:36
astraljavaOk folks, please remember the CoC and act accordingly.12:38
aguiteli have gnome+kde in 12.04,how remove gnome ?12:39
astraljavaZoffix_: Have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba, there are plenty of instructions on how to tweak the installation further.12:39
penguin42aguitel: The normal trick is to find a library most Gnome apps use and remove that12:40
penguin42aguitel: The tricky bit is that you don't want to break say firefox or chrome if you use those12:40
aguitelpenguin42, ok12:40
penguin42aguitel: You could try libgnomeui-0 - might take a few extra things with it :-)12:41
boumais xen with pci pass through working in precise?12:42
penguin42some one was trying to get that working the other day on here, he wasn't having much luck12:43
Zoffix_astraljava, I seem to be missing some component for all the tuts I tried so far. One mentions kdesudo kcmshell4 sambaconf, but kcmshell4 tells me it doesn't have sambaconf module. The one you linked asks to launch kcontrol, but my system tells me there's no such thing as  kcontrol12:43
aguitelpenguin42, try what about this file?12:43
penguin42aguitel: Remove it - it'll take most of gnome out12:43
penguin42aguitel: Becareful, it might take one or two other things out as well :-)12:43
aguitelpenguin42, a ok12:43
Zoffix_Hm, I tried the gnome tool, and it told me: invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/samba not found.12:46
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aguitelis there anyway to install amsn ?12:48
astraljavaZoffix_: /etc/init.d/samba4 comes in samba4 package. What does `apt-cache policy samba4` tell you?12:48
Zoffix_astraljava, not installed.. I guess that's why. When I clicked the "install samba" button on the share tab, it installed something, and I see "samba" package installed, but not samba4.12:50
* Zoffix_ installs samba412:50
Zoffix_Tough nuts: E: samba4: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 112:50
penguin42Zoffix_: Any more text before that - it should tell you what broke12:50
Zoffix_penguin42, yeah, I just read that. Tells me I need to delete /etc/samba/smb.conf, gonna do that and try again12:51
penguin42Zoffix_: Just move it out of the way - you might want to look at it12:52
Zoffix_penguin42, well, it's too late for that, but it's still complaining. Here's the full output from synaptic after the error: http://pastebin.com/U6aVTVwD12:53
penguin42Zoffix_: And you got that even after removing the smb.conf?12:54
penguin42Zoffix_: it looks like you have bug 83246512:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 832465 in samba4 (Ubuntu) "upgradeprovision: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf. Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83246512:56
penguin42Zoffix_: Comment \12 has a workaround - might be worth trying, even if it's a bit nasty12:57
aguitelis there anyway to install amsn ?13:06
jbichaaguitel: no, use a different chat client http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/amsn/news/20120109T101234Z.html13:08
Zoffix_penguin42, hm.. that did the trick as far as installing samba4 goes, but now even if I do ``sudo /etc/init.d/samba4 restart`` it tells me it started fine, but when I try to connect it tells me server timed out, as if nothing were running there :|13:08
penguin42Well, that's one step closer :-)13:08
Zoffix_Well, before I *could* connect, it just didn't like my password lol :)13:10
penguin42Zoffix_: There is probably now  a /var/log/smb or /var/log/samba or something to see why13:14
Zoffix_Ah. Thanks. I'll check those out to see what's what.13:15
* Zoffix_ lols.. just ran `rm *` in ~/13:15
Zoffix_Good thing that wasn't a -fr :)13:15
lun4tichi, does anyone use the gnome-session-fallback? I have two main problems with it. first one is that the menu fonts on the top left are too dark and the second one is that I can add apps starters to the top panel by drag&drop but there seems to be no easy way to remove them13:33
BluesKajhey all13:38
Zoffix_Man, I think this is the longest I've been messing around with something in linux without getting it to work >_<13:45
lun4ticZoffix_: whats wrong?13:46
BluesKajok Zoffix_ I'll bite, what is it ?13:47
Zoffix_Can't get samba server to work. I want to share a folder on my Ubuntu box. I can connect to it, but it just won't log me in. The user seems to be setup, but still no go :S13:47
Zoffix_In the /var/log/samba/samba.log I see this whenever I try to login:  [2012/04/09 09:48:09.994756,  0] smbd/service.c:858(make_connection_snum)        make_connection: connection to BDrive denied due to security descriptor.13:48
lun4ticfrom a windows machine or from another ubuntu box?13:49
BluesKajyou're connecting to an ubuntu pc , from what ?13:49
lun4ticcause windows 7 doesnt have real usermanagement activated by default.13:50
Zoffix_I want to connect from Windows box, but now I'm trying to get it working at least from localhost. So right now I'm connecting by typing this in Dolphin: smb://zoffix@
Zoffix_I get the pass prompt, but it doesn't let me in.13:50
BluesKajZoffix_, can you connect from ubuntu to windows ... I need to get this straight13:53
Zoffix_Bluefoxicy, yeah, I can browse windows shares from Ubuntu13:53
Zoffix_Hm. Just tried something else: I can browse all the folders, except for that BDrive... I'm guessing something's wrong with it.13:53
lun4ticBDrive = Blueray Disc??13:54
lun4ticor just the share name?13:54
BluesKajZoffix_, dunno about W7 to linux ..I haven't been successful , seems to be a one way street for me too .13:54
Zoffix_lun4tic, just the share name.13:55
lun4ticdid you just use the GUI or did you write your smb.conf manually?13:55
Zoffix_I'm using gadmin-samba GUI tool.13:57
Zoffix_I can access the /home/ share, and I see it has %U flag on it in the "Access Allowed", but the one I created doesn't have anything there. I'm trying to figure out how to add something to it.13:57
BluesKajZoffix_, from my recollection , there several arcane share permission levels in W7 that are required before total access is available to and from windows and linux14:08
Zoffix_I'm not using W7, just XP...14:09
Zoffix_And I think I got it working somehow.. Testing now if there's any password protection or not.14:09
BluesKajXP is much more network /linux friendly14:09
Zoffix_It works!14:11
Zoffix_in smb.conf I edited the dir that was working (/homes/) and changed its path to the folder I wanted to share.14:12
Zoffix_Not perfect setup, but it's almost lunch time!14:12
spaceneedleIt takes an excessive amount of time to login to  gnome classic.14:33
atpa8aany word about when the next kernel package going to be "released"?14:43
physically_fitdoes anyone know how to remove the drums sound when i login. in my startup apps there's no Gnome Login Sound to disable (apparent solution).14:43
BluesKajphysically_fit, what about 'all sounds' , is there an option for that on unity/gnome ?14:47
BluesKaj<---kubuntu here14:48
gizeroDuring install I chose custom partitioning. When creating a partition the textfield for the size was not editable, instead one has to use + - buttons to change the size megabyte for megabyte. Is that a temporary solution for some problem, or is it meant to be that way? It takes ages to change size that way; I have to hold down the - sign several minutes to get to the small partition size I wanted.14:49
gizeroIt hasn't been that way for all the Ubuntu versions I've tried previously.14:50
physically_fitBluesKaj, yeah, i disabled that in sound Effects. i was getting a "pop" whenever i increased/decreased my speakers volume, solved that but i'm still hearing the drums.14:50
physically_fitBluesKaj, i found a solution that says to remove the sound file, but i don't want to do that.14:51
FrozenMindphysically_fit: thought about maybe changing the sound file to one with no sound at all or something more tolerable?14:55
physically_fitFrozenMind, maybe i'll rename it, i dunno.14:56
FrozenMindphysically_fit: that is how i used to do it for windows... or freaking out people by removing the sound file and then jacking up the volume and messing with their IE controls that would give them a video when loaded to any website :P:P so the logic might apply here :)14:59
NateWHmm.. Filed a bugreport that has to do with Nvidia + Xorg segfault. It got flagged as incomplete with high priority and I was asked by Bryce Harrington for a backtrace. Added it and its almost been 1 week and it's still marked incomplete. I know the canonical guys have a ton of stuff on their plate, but is it usually this long to get the status changed?15:02
BluesKajphysically_fit, personally i just turn off all sounds , most of them are annoying anyway , visual notications are enough for me.15:11
penguin42oh, it would have been useful if natew had told us the bug number15:15
atrusis wine not installable under precise 64 bit? wine depends on wine1.4. so far, this is all in universe. then wine1.4 depends on wine1.4-i386, which isn't available....15:36
penguin42atrus: You should be able to install the 32bit packages15:36
atruspenguin42: which ones, and how?15:37
atrusso far i'm just trying to use apt-get, which is failing miserably :/15:37
penguin42atrus: What happens if you install wine1.4:i38615:37
penguin42(I don't use wine, but that's a general thing that on precise you can install most 32bit packages on 64bit system)15:38
atrusE: Unable to locate package wine1.4:i38615:38
atrusi'd rather not install a 32 bit version if a 64 bit version is supposed to work...15:38
atrusit seems like a package just shouldn't exist in ubuntu (even in universe) if its dependancies aren't in ubuntu anywhere...15:38
atrusbut it seems like something that basic (if it were the case) would be filed as a bug already.15:40
atrusso i'm wondering if i'm just missing something obvious.15:40
penguin42atrus: Upgrade or new install?15:41
atrusbut wine isn't installed currently.15:43
LoRezwhat's the InRelease file for and why is it not available on archive.ubuntu.com for precise?15:46
PiciLoRez: Do you see an error regarding that file?15:51
jaimeHey all15:54
LoRezPici: yeah.  sorta.  apt is bitching that it can't find Release.gpg, but approx knows better and it's only 404ing on the InRelease file15:56
jaimeI have the simple and ordinary problem on connecting on wireless. It's not giving me any access points. Any solutions?15:56
LoRezapt is version 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu715:57
LoRezactually, it's aptitude 0.6.6-1ubuntu1 whining15:58
LoRezsays it can't connect, when it clearly can and does get 404's for those files15:59
topylijaime: there is nothing 'simple and ordinary' about most wireless problems. either it works or the problems are subtle and annoying :)16:00
PiciLoRez: Have you tried using a different mirror? or is this one of the main *.ubuntu.com mirrors?16:01
LoRezPici: approx: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/InRelease: not found16:01
jaimeSimple and ordinary as in it's my cliche problem everytime I get a new distro lol16:02
topylioh so you have fixed it many times before. that's a good sign :)16:03
necois there any way like a pth to solve the iommu problem in kernel 3.216:03
jaimeNo matter how many times I fix it it always likes to pretend it's a fresh problem in my head and I never know what to do16:04
PiciLoRez: Do you get the same error if you use apt instead of aptitude?16:05
LoRezPici: yep16:05
topylijaime: i'd figure out what wireless chip my machine has and whether or not there is a driver present. also, that wifi is not simply turned off either in hardware or the network manager16:05
LoRezPici: it seems to be more of a new apt-http issue than any one archive.  or at least, a desync between what apt-http expects to be there and what ubuntu puts on their archives.16:05
jaimeHere's the new part for me. This is my first time putting Linux on a Mac. Good because it's ridiculously simple to find out what my wireless chip is. Hard because I don't know where to get the drivers if I need them16:07
jaimetopyli: Any thoughts?16:12
PiciLoRez: The comments in this bug suggest that we don't use the InRelease file, but again, that seems weird to me too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/94710816:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947108 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "InRelease security issue" [Medium,Fix released]16:13
LoRezPici: why would there be old InRelease files if ubuntu doesn't use them?16:15
PiciLoRez: I suspect it meant that we don't use them on our official mirrors, but other repositories are free to use them as they see fit.16:15
OffGridOpsLoving 12.04:  ? about Rhythmbox it seems the only way to have coverart is to be online and then you have to give access to LastFM to your stuff.  Is there any way around this?  Thanx.16:19
jaimeGetting wireless working on Macbook Pro? Anyone?16:19
OffGridOpsI ask as rhythmbox is default16:19
linux-ninjaDoes the new release supports magny cours CPUs?16:22
penguin42linux-ninja: I'd be surprised if it didn't16:23
LoRezPici: a lucid apt-get update --print-uris doesn't include requests for InRelease16:24
LoRezPici: this seems to be a new fail since the april 6th apt upgrade16:24
topylijaime: works fine on my old macbook, but i didn't set it up. the mac was given to me with linux aready on it16:30
topylijaime: seems to be more reliable with wicd than network-manager however16:31
jaimeIt's all greek16:31
jaimeI'll figure it out. Just waiting on the 397 updates for the file I burned yesterday16:32
dubioswhy so many bugs in 12.04?16:32
topylidubios: because it's not ready16:34
jaimeActually yeah. It's telling me the firmware is missing. Gosh darn it.16:36
FrozenMinddubios: because betas like to tease people with what they could look like16:39
mfilipe_hi! I'm using 12.04-beta2 and I choose the option to crypt my home folder but the installer crypts my swap area! how do I do to uncrypt the swap and crypt my /home?16:57
jtaylorwhy would you want an unencrypted swap?16:59
mfilipe_jtaylor, why would I want an encrypted swap? I can't hibernate my laptop for this17:01
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jtaylorhibernating with unencrypted swap defeats the point of encrypted home17:02
penguin42jtaylor: Arguably though having / unencryted is almost as bad17:04
jtaylorif you're serious about it its full disk encryption or none at all17:05
penguin42I guess at least with encrypted home/swap you can't easily read the data if you just walk off with the laptop; but you could still inject something into /17:05
jtaylorif you do that not even full disk encryption helps you :/17:06
jtayloryou need UEFI for that17:06
penguin42or TPM boot17:06
jeremiah_how do i check for hdd errors? then how do i fix them?17:06
mfilipe_my ssd doesn't support FDE, so I want encrypt only my /home through software17:07
penguin42jeremiah_: If you do    udisks --dump    and then look for your hard drive there is a table of attribute /value/type values - and those are the failure information on the drive17:07
mfilipe_I don't see advantage about encrypt swap area17:07
penguin42mfilipe_: At hibernate all your data in RAM is copied out to swap17:08
penguin42mfilipe_: If you don't encrypt the swap then that can all be read out17:08
mfilipe_penguin42, do you encrypted your swap?17:08
penguin42mfilipe_: On my work laptop I encrypt everything except /boot17:09
mfilipe_encrypt /? why? in my / has only packages, libs and configs, nothing about personal data17:10
linux-ninjaI try installing the latest beta (12.04) of ubuntu server, my server won't even launch the installer...probably too many bugs in the installer or seomthing else17:10
penguin42mfilipe_: Well it means I can be sure that logs and temporary directories don't get *any* confidential information - even accidentally17:10
jeremiah_penguin42, i did it but have no clue on what to look for. can i pastebin it to you?17:15
penguin42jeremiah_: Sure17:16
penguin42give the pastebin to the channel17:16
jeremiah_penguin42, http://pastebin.com/qxzyrJ3f17:17
penguin42jeremiah_: That looks good - the block starting raw-read-error-rate ... is the SMART data - that all looks excellent, a new drive, no reallocated sectors etc17:18
jeremiah_penguin42, then why does my lappy randomly freeze? someone told me because of hdd errors...17:19
penguin42jeremiah_: doesn't look like that to me - so describe the freezes, does the whole thing stop? Does it do it while you're doing something in particular? Does the capslock key or mouse still work?17:20
jeremiah_penguin42, when it freezes, everything stops except the mouse.nothing in particular. don't think capslock work....17:21
GirlyGirlHi how can I completely remove libreoffice from Kubuntu precise17:22
penguin42jeremiah_: You say except the mouse - so that still moves?17:22
penguin42GirlyGirl: Try removing libreoffice-common ?17:22
penguin42jeremiah_: OK, so there are two things to do, when you reset  you can have a look around the logs in /var/log to see if there was anything just before it died; the fact that the mouse cursor still moves means the kernel hasn't completely died17:23
jeremiah_penguin42, so i do what?17:24
penguin42jeremiah_: The other thing you could try is when it crashes try hitting ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a text mode console; then if you're lucky you might be able to log in and see what's going on - which takes a bit of experience to figure out why17:24
jeremiah_ya.... and i don't have much17:24
penguin42jeremiah_: It's a bit difficult to figure that type of stuff out - random hangs aren't easy to find17:25
jeremiah_so how do i find logs?17:25
penguin42jeremiah_: Most are in /var/log17:27
Gremlynhello all! question on the Messaging Menu... It appears to not be working :( I'm only seeing the statuses, which are greyed out, and the Clear button17:27
jeremiah_penguin42, were is that???17:28
GremlynI have Pidgin up and running, and when I first got 12.04 running, pidgin showed up in there17:28
Zoffix_Hey, so it seems I found the perfect desktop manager, E17, except for two things: don't have a task bar, and have no luck compiling one, and I have no idea how to set the compose key. Anyone have any experience with it, or should I try the E17 channel?17:28
GremlynI did remove some components, like gwibber and empathy because I have no need of them17:28
penguin42jeremiah_: /var/log/dmesg, syslog and kern.log are probably good ones to look at - they have times on them see if something bad looking appears in them at about the same time as the hang - then come back and ask someone on here what the message means17:28
penguin42jeremiah_: They're just files on your filesystem17:29
jeremiah_penguin42, ok. found kern.log but i have kern.log and kern.log.1 do i look in both or what??17:31
jeremiah_and what am i looking for?17:32
penguin42jeremiah_: kerne.log.1 is the one before the current one, and kern.log.217:32
penguin42jeremiah_: Something that happened at about the same time as your hang17:32
jeremiah_don't have kern.log.2 only one17:32
jeremiah_can i just pastebin them both to you?17:33
penguin42jeremiah_: It's ok, the higher the number the older17:34
penguin42jeremiah_: Yeh pastebin one of them and I'll have a quick look17:35
jeremiah_hang on....17:38
jeremiah_errg. i exceeded the limit.17:40
hetrinity0Good afternoon, everyone... Might someone be able to assist me with a question?17:42
hetrinity0Good afternoon, everyone... Might someone be able to assist me with a question?17:43
PiciDon't ask to ask, just ask.17:43
genii-aroundhetrinity0: The question itself first might be helpful17:43
jtyskahello guys17:43
hetrinity0Oh... 8P17:43
jtyskai've upgraded my ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 using the update-manager -d command17:43
jtyskanow, i arrive to the login screen, but when i choose my main (and unique user) and set the passwd, the screen blinks and i the login screen appears again17:44
jtyskasomeone can help me with this?17:44
hetrinity0Well, I tried this beta version out yesterday, but Ubuntu Software Center didn't show the two things I'd bought in 11.10, to download and install in 12.04. Is this a bug, or, is that how it works?17:44
hetrinity0Well, I tried this beta version out yesterday, but Ubuntu Software Center didn't show the two things I'd bought in 11.10, to download and install in 12.04. Is this a bug, or, is that how it works?17:52
jtyskaanyone could help me?17:53
jeremiah_penguin42, http://pastebin.com/YHwt3Tcv first half....17:54
hetrinity0I would if I could... I'm still relatively new to linux in general... 8(17:54
Picihetrinity0: Much like most of the stuff in Canonical's partner repository, they usually don't show up until after release.17:54
penguin42jeremiah_: So that's all at one time - all when wifi was doing something17:55
jeremiah_hang on. not fin.17:55
hetrinity0Ah, I feared that may be the case... It's only a month to wait, isn't it?17:55
penguin42jeremiah_: You cna use pastebinit to put a wholefile up17:56
jeremiah_kern is so long i would have to give it in like ten peices17:56
penguin42jeremiah_: The interesting question is is there anything in there at the time around when it crashed;     if you have pastebinit installed then do    pastebinit -i filename17:56
hetrinity0Thanks for the help, guys.. Loggin back outta here...17:57
BluesKajjtyska, at the login page , ctrl+alt+F1 , then after login , do , sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ...there are some partial upgrades that didn't get thru , that happened to me yesterday . Then reboot17:57
jtyskaBluesKaj: ok, tks. I'll try that17:58
AceJasQuestion? Does The Ubuntu notification system check for Thunderbird e-mails if THunderbird is not open?18:00
jeremiah_penguin42, pastebinit will not install for me. i will have to talk to you later because i have to go. thanks for helping up to here for me.18:00
penguin42no problem18:00
penguin42jeremiah_: I probably won't be around here later - but I'm sure someone will help18:00
jeremiah_ya ok18:03
carnau¿Where I can look for PP reported bugs? I have one in Rhythmbox so I want to know if it's reported.18:08
krnekheleshAceJas, no unfortunately the messaging menu notification cannot check emails when thunderbird is not running...18:08
krnekheleshAceJas, you should install unity-mail, a light weight running daemon which checks for new mail18:08
Gremlyndoes anyone know if removing empathy/gwibber is not recommended?18:09
Gremlynwondering if removing them broken my messaging menu18:09
trismGremlyn: you are free to remove them if you like, if their remove does break anything that is a bug, although I just have pidgin and liferea up there and it seems to be working fine18:10
Gremlynwhen I first got up and running, messaging menu worked with pidgin, but now it is only showing the status icons (greyed out) and clear18:11
jtyskaBluesKaj: It did not any update18:11
jtyskaand i figured out that the problem is with my user18:11
Gremlynguess I should try reinstalling to see if it fixes18:12
jtyskai created another user and i got login18:12
carnauAnyone can confirm me that in rhythmbox some letters are vertically trimed (j,g,q,p) in the song info top block?18:13
BluesKajjtyska, did you try updating as a diff user ?18:16
carnauExample: http://tinypic.com/r/e9hts6/518:16
sconstantinehelp with make error on 12.04?18:22
trismsconstantine: pastebin the error18:22
jbichacarnau: sure I can confirm that, do you have a bug report for it?18:24
carnaujbicha, no i haven't18:25
trismmaybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/97669218:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 976692 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox cuts track title letters when displaying below play pause next commands" [Undecided,New]18:25
carnaujbicha, never done a bug report.18:25
jbichacarnau: ok, cool. In some apps like Rhythmbox, it's easy. Just click Help>Report a Problem from inside Rhythmbox18:26
jbichaor you could run ubuntu-bug rhythmbox18:27
jbichawhich would work even if the Help>Report a Problem menu item wasn't added to the app18:27
carnaugrrrr, i hate my laptop touchpad. jbicha , good to know it, thank you. trism, yes, this is what i'm looking for, thanks.18:28
sconstantinehelp with make error on 12.04:   http://pastebin.com/5K8AS5BH18:29
trismsconstantine: hard to say without knowing what ./vsf_findlibs.sh does18:30
Picisconstantine: Is there a reason you're trying to make vsftpd from source? Version 2.3.5 is in the repositories.18:32
sconstantinegood question, 2.3.5 changes the chroot behavior of user dirs and breaks all my stuff :(18:33
sconstantineso i think my only options are either need to go back a rev or recompile 2.3.4...18:34
sconstantinecontents of:  vsf_findlibs.sh added to paste - http://pastebin.com/5K8AS5BH18:34
PiciOh :(18:34
sconstantineyeah :( killing me18:34
penguin42sconstantine: Ah, cheesy, hacky and broken18:36
trismsconstantine: oh the debian/rules from the vsftpd package manually passes the libs18:36
sconstantineseems like i'm just missing a dependancy or link in the make?  I guess I'm only encountering this issue because I'm at 12.04?18:36
trismsconstantine: make LIBS='-lwrap -lpam -lssl -lcrypto'18:37
trismsconstantine: I would also make sure you run: sudo apt-get build-dep vsftpd; first18:37
sconstantinetrism:  doing now, thank you18:37
jtyskamy problem is something like this18:37
jtyskabut in my case, when i type unity --reset i get another errors18:38
trismsconstantine: sorry I forgot -lcap18:38
sconstantineok, adding to make parameter;  brb18:39
jtyska(process:6632): GConf-Warking **: Client failed to connect to the D_-BUS daemon18:39
sconstantinetrism:  wow, if i had only knew how amazing this place was last night before braindamage...  thank you, i'm much closer;  make suceeds!18:43
trismsconstantine: happy to hear it18:43
sconstantinetrism:  build-dep had no actions.  make command was:   make LIBS='-lwrap -lpam -lssl -lcrypto -lcap'18:43
sconstantinetrism:  can i ask a more n00b question now?  :-/18:44
trismsconstantine: ask away, although ask the channel I may not know18:45
sconstantinemake install fails with cannot create man files, i currently have newer build from repo loaded, can i safely ignore and manually copy compiled file or how best to proceed?18:46
ttoineI am using Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio18:55
ttoineand would like to test The unity 2D desktop18:55
ttoineI just installed the Unity-2D package, but once restarted, I can't see it int the list at login18:55
ttoineis there a tweak I missed ?18:55
trismsconstantine: you can of course just copy the vsftpd binary to /usr/sbin/, although I think it would be better to take a look at the vsftpd packaging and rebuild the package with the version you need (and eventually get the newer version fixed so you don't have to keep doing this)18:56
GirlyGirldohb: what gpu is it?19:00
buckyttoine, dpkg -s unity-greeter    is it installed?19:00
trismttoine: do you have gnome-session installed?19:01
trismbucky: you don't need unity-greeter to log into the unity2d session19:02
roothorickmy system will be fine, I'll go to close a tab in Firefox or something, and then all of a sudden, all of X grinds to a near-halt. I'll get mouse control back if I wait a little while, and can bring windows into the foreground, but they'll appear corrupted after a second or two19:04
ttoinetrism, no, I only have the default xubuntu session manager19:04
roothorickwhere do I even begin troubleshooting this?19:04
ttoinebucky, I check that now19:04
buckyttoine, listen to trism19:04
ttoinebucky : ok...19:06
ttoinetrism, will gnome-session  replace the default xubuntu session manager ?19:07
dohbGirlyGirl: ATI Mobility FireGL V5250 is my graphics card19:08
trismttoine: it shouldn't19:10
ttoinetrism, ok I try that.19:11
trismttoine: but it will add the xsession files you need to log into unity-2d19:11
ttoinetrism, ok, thanks a lot !19:16
buckyI had a terrible time with youtube skipping, went through my ondemand daemon step up quite a few times then finally found a post that said to delete ~/.pulse and log out/log in.... that fixed it!19:22
bucky*snoopy dance*19:23
trismsconstantine: oh this may be of interest too: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vsftpd/2.3.4-1ubuntu2 (it is commit 37 in lp:ubuntu/precise/vsftpd), so the work may already be done for you19:23
Gremlynanyone know what, if anything, i can remove and reinstall to reset the Messaging Menu?19:26
ironhalikhmm, anyone noticed broken flash?19:33
ironhalikinterestingly, both in firefox and chrome19:33
trismironhalik: I had to: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer; on my desktop after the update yesterday19:34
sconstantinetrism:  thanks for link;  sadly it is already at 2.3.5 and not working.  so i'm able to make fine, but running it complains:  SSL support not compiled in19:34
sconstantinetrism:  do those make link parameters disable openssl includes?19:34
trismsconstantine: the package has a patch that enables ssl support (debian/patches/01-builddefs.patch)19:37
sconstantinetrism:  thanks, i'm sorry I don't quite know what to do with that information?19:37
trismsconstantine: you may want to try one of the builds from the 2.3.4-1ubuntu2 link above (you can find them if you click your architecture under the builds section) and see if that works19:38
sconstantinetrism:  ok, i think that was where i sourced the tar, but i'll try again19:38
trismsconstantine: I mean one of the prebuilt debs19:38
sconstantinetrism:  ahh19:39
ironhalikthanks trism19:40
trismironhalik: did it work? I think the new update-notifier hooks are having a few issues19:41
sconstantinetrism:  prebuilt deb worked great, YDFM! so happy it's all working even to don't understand why manual build won't work... happy dance19:43
AaronCampbellWhere can I check what package versions are in 12.04?  Specifically I'm curious what version of Subversion is packaged19:45
trism!info subversion precise | AaronCampbell19:45
ubottuAaronCampbell: subversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.17dfsg-3ubuntu3 (precise), package size 286 kB, installed size 1172 kB (Only available for any all)19:45
trismAaronCampbell: you can /msg ubottu info package or check packages.ubuntu.com (or also the launchpad page for the source package)19:46
sconstantinethank you freenode geniuses!19:46
AaronCampbellThanks though19:46
trismAaronCampbell: might also be interested in bug 94914319:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949143 in subversion (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] Provide Subversion 1.7.x in the Ubuntu Software Repo" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94914319:50
AaronCampbelltrism: Thanks again!19:52
sconstantinetrism:  thank you again for your help, you guys really saved my bacon19:56
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trismsconstantine: you're welcome20:00
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kaziwebHi, is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?20:20
jbichakaziweb: have you tried empathy? you probably want to install empathy-chat too (I don't personally use yahoo messenger chat)20:27
jbicha*sorry, empathy-call*20:28
kaziwebjbicha: does empathy support voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?20:30
cjohnstonFor 3 days now, after an update, I am unable to use Chromium.. I start it from the icon (or command line) but the browser never appears.. When I run top I have atleast 10 instances of chromium-browse that appear in the list, however nothing ever shows up.. Anyone have any idea why it isn't finishing with the startup?20:34
hellyeahis there anybody there20:35
guntbert!ask | hellyeah20:37
ubottuhellyeah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:37
DJRWolfif I install 12.04 beta 2 on an external 2.5" HDD, will I be able to update it to full release when that drops using just the update manager?20:37
hellyeahokey i am using 12.04 ubuntu when i boot windows i took error like hd1cannot get c/h/s values how can i solve that20:37
jbichakaziweb: I don't know, I don't use yahoo messenger20:37
kaziwebjbicha: Thanks dear.20:38
hellyeahis there any response about that20:40
nathwillkaziweb, no i don't believe it supports yahoo voice/video chat20:40
guntbert!final | DJRWolf20:41
ubottuDJRWolf: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.20:41
DJRWolfok, thanks guntbert20:42
kaziwebnathwill: Actually I've converted 5 windows user to Ubuntu. They are asking any solution to do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users. All of them used to chat in yahoo b4. I'm looking for a a way to help them.20:43
nathwillkaziweb: maybe running yahoo! messenger in wine, but i've never found a solution other than using google20:44
DJRWolfwhat do you get for killing and Enderdragon?20:44
nathwillkaziweb, ages ago, there used to be a native *nix client for y!im, but... it's gone now20:44
nathwillkaziweb... i'm gonna look into this a bit and try to get back to you...20:45
kaziwebnathwill: from google can they do video chat with yahoo users?20:45
kaziwebnathwill: this will be a gr8 help dear! pls pls!20:46
nathwillkaziweb, no. yahoo! msgr uses its own protocols as i understand. google uses xmpp20:46
nathwillkaziweb, i can ask some folks on yahoo! messenger. i'll be back with info soon20:46
kaziwebnathwill: I'm waiting dear.20:47
topylii don't think yahoo and google can even exchange text chat, let alone video20:57
freezerafter removing nvidia-current and reinstalling it a little later, it's not working anymore20:57
freezerthe module is loaded,20:57
freezerbut Xorg.0.log says 14.948] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)20:58
freezerrebuilt the initramfs several times etc20:58
freezerjust wont work :(20:58
nathwillkaziweb: yeah, hate to break it to ya... all out of luck21:06
nathwillkaziweb: it may be worth looking at running the official y! msgr in WINE, but i wouldn't count on great success21:07
kaziwebnathwill: I found one "Gyache Improved" and I've installed it. I can do chat only but not voice and video. If u want I can give you the link.21:10
nathwillkaziweb, almost all the nix IM clients support chat21:10
nathwillempathy/pidgin, etc21:11
nathwilli know of none that support vid/audio :(21:11
kaziwebu r right.21:11
kaziwebDon't know wt to do? I don't how I'll support my new converts.21:11
nathwillkaziweb, begin inculcating them with the ethos, open platforms21:13
nathwillsucks, not an easy sell, but...21:14
nathwillbest in the long run for everyone.21:14
kaziwebnathwill: I don't know about ethos. Let me check.21:14
nathwillkaziweb: the philosophy of openness... sorry for the poor choice of wording21:15
kaziwebNathwill: It's a nice idea. I must try.21:16
kaziwebnathwill: thanks for your effort.21:16
nathwillkaziweb, glad to inform, sorry i could not resolve :)21:17
kaziwebnathwill: it's okay. don't be sad. we all are trying.  Thanks again.21:18
topyliwhat i did i just logged off all yahoo and msn, and told my friends how to reach me if they want to chat. those with real need did, and those who just wanted to bother me with nonsense stopped doing that21:19
topylieverybody wins :)21:20
scar3crowhelp with sun java 7 pls21:24
scar3crowyeah, 2 different repos fail to install java for me :(21:30
mouth1Are optional PPA's secure?21:36
micahgmouth1: yoúre giving root on your system to the uploader of these PPAs21:36
mouth1what does that mean please?21:36
mouth1i am giving administrator rights to the uploader of the PPA?21:37
Ian_Cornemouth1: that you're installing binary packages21:37
Ian_Cornewhich could do anything21:37
mouth1that's not good21:37
micahgmouth1: just for the duration of installing the package though21:37
mouth1i noticed a lot of themes require PPAs21:37
mouth1is that bad?21:37
mouth1coming from windows and problems with malware i am afraid :(21:38
Ian_Cornemicahg: even afterwards, i could install itself als a service running as root..21:38
micahgIan_Corne: right, but my point was, yoúre not giving them an account, but a one time access which could install malware though21:38
Ian_Corneyou give them everything :p21:38
Ian_Cornethey could create an account21:38
mouth1are there any known trojans for linux?21:39
atrusi'm sure there have been some21:40
mouth1well my problem is that on windows when installing a program you have to be afraid that it will spy on you21:43
Ian_CorneYou have to be equally as vigilant on linux21:43
mouth1i understand that programs on linux usually never contact any server for updates as that is managed through sources (great idea!)21:43
Ian_Corneit's just good practice :)21:43
mouth1so can programs spy on you on linux?21:44
mouth1from the repos for example21:44
Ian_Cornefrom the official repo's21:44
Ian_Cornethere's very little chance21:44
Ian_Corneit's all opesource (except the grafics drivers)21:44
mouth1why would a program not be in the repos and require an optional PPA?21:45
Ian_CornePPA's often supply the latest bleeding edge versions21:47
Ian_Corneand it's not that easy to get into the official repo's21:47
Ian_Corneyou need to have some quality21:47
mouth1so things like "gnome-tweak-tool" are secure because it is in the repos21:47
mouth1here is an icon set21:47
mouth1requires a PPA :/21:47
Ian_Cornethe ppa contains the theme actually21:48
Ian_Cornenot gnome-tweak-tool21:48
Ian_CornePPA's aren't evil, you just have to trust the creator21:48
BarkingFishdoes anyone happen to know if help is needed triaging bugs with the 12.04 beta please?  I filed a bug almost 4 days ago, it's not been triaged, so I'd guess that there's either an influx of bugs, and the triagers are swamped, or we're simply short of people to triage them :)21:54
yofelBarkingFish: the bugsquad in #ubuntu-bugs will be happy for any help they'll get (and you usually complain about a bug not being looked at after 4 months, not days ^^)21:56
yofeldepends on the package though21:56
BarkingFishndiswrapper is the issue, which was recently moved from being a kernel module to being supported by dkms, and it's only since dkms this problem has cropped up21:57
mouth1Ian_Corne: did you hear of elementary OS?21:57
BarkingFishyofel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/97532221:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 975322 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "ndiswrapper does not detect wlan0 on startup, even when configured" [Undecided,New]21:58
Ian_Cornebut i'm going to bed21:58
mouth1well maybe anybody else?21:58
mouth1elementary OS seems to use a lot of unual programs, midori for browser, postler for mail21:58
mouth1are they better then the standard ubuntu comes with?21:58
nathwillmouth1, that's probably a question for the elementary irc channel22:01
yofelBarkingFish: any messages in dmesg or syslog when you plug the device in?22:02
micahgmouth1: those apps are available in the archive and you are free to try them and use whatever works best for you22:02
BarkingFishthere are messages in the dmesg, but nothing which indicates any problems, and there are no entries in syslog whatsoever which indicate an issue22:03
BarkingFishI'll bring up the dmesg in konsole and attach those to the bug - i've still not worked out how to copypaste from a TTY, or whether I even can :)22:03
yofelwell, save the output of the command into a file22:04
Debolaz_Meh, the elementary os website left a bit to be desired.22:04
yofeli.e. dmesg > file22:04
Debolaz_A lot of information about stuff I didn't want to know, no information about what I wanted to know.22:04
* yofel just had nouveau fail on him on his thinkpad22:05
BarkingFishyofel: I've added the relevant lines from dmesg concerning ndiswrapper (in fact, all the lines that were there) and also notes about network from the syslog22:13
BarkingFishit may not be much help, but if it is, so much the better22:13
mouth1hm ok thanks22:13
mouth1i can't wrap my head around all that stuff22:13
mouth1midori looks like a great browser ebcause of webkit22:13
mouth1but if its unstable or not secure if you have to add it through a PPA then i think i stick with what ubuntu comes with22:14
BarkingFishisn't midori that thing where you sing and it identifies what you're singing?22:14
* BarkingFish hits himself22:15
BarkingFishnever mind, that's Midomi I'm thinking of :P22:15
micahgmouth1: well, we have a version of midori in teh archive22:15
mouth1thanks micahg but what exactly does that mean?22:15
micahgmouth1: you can install it from the software center without any PPAs22:16
mouth1and then it's surely secure and not spyware or anything?22:16
mouth1coming from windows, sorry...22:17
mouth1another question22:23
mouth1i have a radeon 6850, what graphics driver should i use?22:24
mouth1ati or fglrx or is that even called like that now?22:24
yofelBarkingFish: I don't see anything wrong either there, esp. since network manager seems to see wlan0 fine...22:28
BarkingFishThat's my problem. ndiswrapper sees the USB stick, it even identifies it when the system doesn't show it as an interface, but I have to unload and reload ndiswrapper - disconnecting the stick in between, and putting it back - before it pops up as an interface22:29
yofelreminds me of my thinkpads 2nd battery22:31
xrdodrxBarkingFish, if you use screen you can copy and paste from a tty22:31
yofelthee kernel doesn't see that either until I plug it out/in, or empty it once after boot22:32
yofelcorrection, the kernel sees it, upower doesn't22:32
mouth1hmm, right now what is better "ati" or "fglrx" drivers?22:32
xrdodrxBarkingFish, screen; C-a [, move cursor to beginning, space bar, move cursor to end, space bar, C-a a, nano, C-a ]22:32
xrdodrxthe more you know!22:32
BarkingFishxrdodrx, mind explaining that to me in english? :)22:33
yofelC = Ctrl key22:33
BarkingFishand what is nano?22:34
yofela simple terminal text editor22:34
yofel!info nano22:34
BarkingFishTo be honest, I don't even know what screen is, or how to use it22:34
ubottunano (source: nano): small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico. In component main, is standard. Version 2.2.6-1 (precise), package size 175 kB, installed size 584 kB22:34
yofelBarkingFish: ok, you should read up on screen, very useful thing22:34
yofelcan seem a bit complicated in the beginning, but you don't need all features usualy22:35
yofeland read up on byobu while at it ^^22:35
bjsnidercould someone install firefox-dev and run this command please: pkg-config --cflags npapi-sdk22:35
yofelthat's a nice scripted screen setup22:35
BarkingFishok, will have a read up when I have some time.22:35
yofelbjsnider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/922577/22:36
bjsnideryofel, please run pkg-config --cflags mozilla-plugin22:37
yofel-DXP_UNIX -I/usr/include/firefox22:37
hellyeahi cannot boot windows it said hd1 cannot get c/h/s values what is that23:07
BarkingFishCylinders, Heads and Sectors, hellyeah23:14
BarkingFishwhat that means is if your computer is saying it can't read those values, the disk is probably on the way out23:15
hellyeahbut after ubuntu upgrade it start giving that error23:15
hellyeahi am using 12.0423:16
BarkingFishsame here, hellyeah - but I don't dual boot23:16
hellyeahi need to do dual boot23:16
BarkingFishAll I know is that I've seen the CHS error before when I used to dual boot on another Linux version, and 2 weeks later my drive died23:16
bjsnider!find mozilla-plugin.pc23:27
ubottuFile mozilla-plugin.pc found in firefox-dev23:27
user_anyone avail to help with a query23:49
agoodmsomething during startup of my laptop is causing so much swapping that my system is unresponsive for 4 minutes after boot and I am presently unable to work out what is causing it23:49
agoodmI might be able to help23:49
user_I need to recover my dads contacts for his iphone - can anyone help?23:49
agoodmwhat happened to them?23:49
user_no backups on the itunes computer hold any contact data23:50
user_they were lost during the ios 5.1 update process - the process failed to make a complete backup but resumed anyhow23:50
agoodmgive up; you wont get them back23:51
agoodmmost likely the area of flash they were in has been over written and theyre lost for good23:51
BarkingFishcould I just ask how this is relevant to Ubuntu? :)23:51
agoodmthats what I was gonna ask next :D23:51
user_how do i use this gnome irc to change networks?23:51
user_i have found a way of doing it but it requires ubuntu23:52
BarkingFishwhat are you using now?23:52
user_and access to government and law enforcement tools that are used to gather forensic data evidence from iphones23:52
user_that is the only way i can get the numbers back23:53
agoodmuser_, seriously give up, I promise you a cup of coffee (which you're willing to collect from me if im wrong ;-) ) that theyre gone forever and noone can recover them23:53
user_I'll send you a youtube link23:53
agoodmits almost certain the area in flash they used to be in has now been over writen if you have flashed a new ios23:53
user_if i can get the raw data then deep scan it using a hard drive data recovery utility23:54
agoodmonce the data is over written any hope is totally lost, noone can get the data back23:54
agoodmpossibly but seriously, the amount of data written is massive and therefore almost certainly the data is gone23:54
user_i haven't over written any contacts - user data is separate from firmware data on iphones23:54
agoodmeven if you dumped the phones storage and its not over written i think the iphone encrypts the data; or its not stored plain text...23:55
user_just watch this23:55
user_dads iphone is a 3gs23:57
user_yeah i know old but this shit is amazing23:57
pangolinwhat does iphone have to do with ubuntu?23:57
pangolinuser_, keep the language clean in here please23:57
user_someone please tell me how to join a different network23:58
user_using x-chat in ubuntu23:58
pangolin/server irc.some-network.com23:58
user_thank god for pangolin23:58
=== user_ is now known as SUPREMEBEING
BarkingFishpangolin, how did you get that to go into your irc client without it doing what you asked? :)23:58
pangolinBarkingFish, in xchat you put a slash before the /23:59
pangolinso //23:59
BarkingFishi have enormous trouble trying to show people / commands because I usually end up executing them :D23:59
pangolinin irssi I believe you put a / space /command23:59
mouth1how can i change the default color from orange to blue?23:59
pangolinso / /command23:59

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