
JoseeAntonioRkevin: Hi!00:38
JoseeAntonioRkevin: Hi03:04
kevinu still onhere03:04
JoseeAntonioRkevin: Yes03:05
kevinu know alot about ubuntu03:05
JoseeAntonioRkevin: Can't say lots, many people know more than I do. But is there something I can help you in?03:06
kevinwell copy and paste dont work anymore inthe terminal03:06
kevinand the terminal freezes03:06
JoseeAntonioRkevin: You should use Ctrl+Shift+C to copy, and Ctrl+Shift+V to paste.03:07
kevinthat dont work either03:08
kevinhow do i see the code that controls it03:08
JoseeAntonioRkevin: What are you trying to copy/paste?03:09
kevinwell alot of times i want show terminal out put or copy from a website and imput it into terminal03:10
kevinany idea03:14
JoseeAntonioRkevin: I recommend you use "<command> | pastebinit", without quotes, where <command> is the actual command that the user gave you, so it will give you a link for the person who is helping you to verify.03:19
kevinwell i do know of that but i want to right click copy and then paste03:19
kevinpastebinit dont cover everysituation03:20
JoseeAntonioRkevin: Really, I don't know what may be happening.03:37
kevinok then thanks03:38
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kevinhighlight my name please i want to see something10:29
kevinthanks can u highlight me one more time10:35
jdmcancerCan anyone help me to check if my machine has a virus?14:15
holsteinjdmcancer: are you running linux? ...probably not14:16
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holsteinyou might have infected files that could infect other machines... i would check out some live CD's or just run some scans14:17
jdmcancerYes I am running Ubuntu Linux Oneric Ocelot14:17
holsteinAVG even has a live CD that is quite handy14:17
duanedesignyeah i have never heard of anyone getting a virus on linux14:18
holsteini mean, never say never or whatever... but it *never* happens ;)14:19
jdmcancerThis is what is happening....my monitor works and displays everything like it should while the computer is booting but after the computer finishes booting the monitor goes black and has a message "out of range".14:19
jdmcancerAnd I just hooked the same monitor to a different machine and it worked perfectly on the other machine.14:20
holsteinjdmcancer: thats not a virus14:21
holsteinjdmcancer: thats a graphics card issue14:21
holsteinjdmcancer: i have seen that before.. the card is displaying something the monitor cant handle14:21
jdmcancerMy machine doesn't have a separate graphics card just whatever is built into the motherboard.14:22
holsteinjdmcancer: i usually just experiment around and get that sorted out.. i would plug another monitor in and set it to something *really* generic, like 800x600, like i suggested last time14:22
holsteinjdmcancer: doest matter where the device is physically located, troubleshooting will be similar14:22
jdmcancerLast time after I talked with you the monitor went back to working for a while like it was solved but now it's doing it again.14:23
holsteinjdmcancer: there are ways to "reset" the graphics, you can also make a custom xorg.conf, but in these cases, i usually try and just take the path of least resistance... i would just plug another monitor in and mess with the settigs in the GUI til the offending monitor gets a config it likes14:23
holsteinjdmcancer: cool.. it'll be the same deal.. its likely an upgread that is breaking things14:24
holsteinjdmcancer: you dont *have* to upgrade all the time, though doing kernel updates is a good idea14:24
jdmcancerSo I make these changes in the settings on the monitor itself or in someplace on the computer?14:25
holsteinjdmcancer: the monitor likely wont accept any changes like that14:25
holsteinits hardware, and "does what it does"14:25
holsteinjdmcancer: the card is what is trying to create a signal that the monitor cant handle14:25
holsteinjdmcancer: when i say "card" i mean, your graphics chip... even though its not on a seperate "card"14:26
jdmcancerSo do I go to settings for display or graphics or something like that?14:26
holsteinjdmcancer: where ever you are comfortable changing the configuration of your grahpics14:27
holsteini suggested the GUI, since thats likely something you have used before14:27
jdmcancerOK I'm just new to this but is the GUI the same as the terminal?14:28
holsteinjdmcancer: i was talking about using another monitor and clicking on "monitor settings", but that is just to get to what i feel would be the easiest for you14:29
holsteinjdmcancer: i have to run... good luck :)14:29
jdmcancerOK thanks14:29
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Sourcecodecurrently builing a home server for ftp and web hosting would it be wise to use the current version of ubuntu or wait for the v. 12.04?18:30
philipballew_Sourcecode, try 12.0418:30
philipballew_it has a longer support time18:30
philipballew_id personally try it now18:30
Sourcecodewould it be a hassle to switch to 12.04 from 11.1018:31
philipballew_set up ssh and sftp on it and it should be good even now18:31
philipballew_not really18:31
Sourcecodecan i install the os on a 64GB ssd as a primary boot drive18:33
Reisshey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my windows 7 machine using the windows ubuntu installer, and I'm having some issues, can anyone help me?23:32

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