
Darxus10:00PM < Darxus> Any idea if Qt5 will make Ubuntu 12.10?02:02
Darxus10:01PM < thiago> we want to release by end of june02:02
DarxusIs that enough time to get Qt5 in Ubuntu 12.10?02:02
smspillazDarxus: today is a public holiday, you are best asking on the mailing lists03:36
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didrocksgood morning05:55
rickspencer3morning didrocks05:56
didrockshey rickspencer3, how are you?05:57
rickspencer3didrocks, I'm feeling a lot better today, been a bit sick for the last week now :/05:57
rickspencer3how about you didrocks?05:57
didrocksrickspencer3: urgh :/ I'm hoping this week will be better for you then! I'm fine personnaly, thanks! :)05:58
rickspencer3didrocks, I guess you are looking at the distro-readiness testing results for Unity this morning?05:59
didrocksrickspencer3: exactly05:59
* rickspencer3 crosses fingers05:59
* didrocks too :)06:00
didrocksI already have two bugs on my list that I sent to the dx team on Friday06:00
didrockshoping there will be no more ;)06:00
rickspencer3RAOF, fwiw, I just assigned a synaptics bug to the desktop team, something about trackpads not working after suspend07:49
rickspencer3seems to be vexing to quite a few people07:49
RAOFHm.  I thought that was happening earlier in the cycle, and we fixed it?  Bah.07:50
xclaesseany idea why language switched from French to english on precise since last week?09:39
xclaessebroken langpack or something?09:39
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bcurtiswxdobey, I updated to libubuntuoneui-3.0-1 (3.1+r151-32~precise1) and i don't get the race condition any more :) \o/12:55
dobeybcurtiswx: great, thanks!13:08
bcurtiswxdobey, thank to you too :)13:10
* didrocks waves good evening17:28
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bjfhave latest precise installed and updated. have openjdk6 installed. can not get java applets to run in either firefox or chrome20:45
bjfneed help20:45
bkerensabjf: #ubuntu is the appropriate channel for support20:46
micahgbjf: you need icedtea-6-plugin :)20:47
mlankhorsthm, chroot ubuntu install still needs my /bin/true version of initctl to work :)20:47
bjfmicahg: thanks20:47
micahgbkerensa: #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel for precise support still :)20:47
bkerensamicahg: I overlooked the precise :P20:48
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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