
ScottKcyphermox: It looks like updating network-manager-openconnect from Debian before release might be a good idea.  Would you mind having a look at it?03:19
ScottKmicahg: Would you please have a look at the most recent Debian blueman upload in relation to your Ubuntu upload?  It looks like there might be some useful things to pick up, but I'm getting lost in it due to differing tarballs between the two distros.03:43
micahgScottK: tarball diff is bad, I pulled what was upstream...I will have a look04:29
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ScottKmicahg: Thanks.11:50
krnekheleshI have a question,...if a package does not have debian/source/format folder ... I am guessing quilt cannot be used11:58
krnekheleshif so, how do I generate a patch?11:59
krnekheleshpreviously I did quilt push -a, but now quilt can no longer be applied11:59
jtaylortry edit-patch, if it has a common patch system it will use it12:02
jtaylorif its your package, just change it to 3.0 quilt12:02
krnekheleshok..I am trying to patch something in ubuntu software center12:05
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ScottKkrnekhelesh: Quilt can be used, but you have to integrate it into debian/rules.12:08
juliankkrnekhelesh: That's a native package, they don't have patch systems12:08
ScottKI think he meant a package he found via software center, not software center itself.12:10
ScottK(but I could be wrong)12:10
krnekheleshScottK: No I am talking about the Ubuntu Software Center itself12:10
ScottKOK. Then what juliank said.12:10
krnekheleshScottK, juliank: I am trying to add keywords to the .desktop file12:11
krnekheleshonce I am done, do I just commit it instead of creating any patches?12:11
krnekheleshjuliank: since it is a native package, do I add the keywords to the .desktop and then commit the whole package instead of creating patches?12:13
juliankkrnekhelesh: It depends on what you want. If you want to contribute, you'd usually take the bzr branch of software-center, do your commits, and then push it somewhere and request a merge.12:15
krnekheleshjuliank: thnx, I get it now...this is what I normally do but in other non-native packages I was requested to create patches...that's why I asked12:16
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cyphermoxScottK: yes, it was the plan13:23
ScottKOK.  Thanks.13:23
cyphermoxScottK: I'm not well today but I'll try to finish filing the FFes for the vpn plugins, would you be able to review them?13:25
cyphermoxI already have bug 973775 for vpnc13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973775 in network-manager-vpnc (Ubuntu) "[FFE] network-manager-vpnc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97377513:27
ScottKcyphermox: Yes.13:34
hyperairScottK: ping.13:53
ScottKhyperair: pong13:53
hyperairScottK: banshee-community-extensions just got 2.4.0 released (the one in precise is 2.2.0, the previous stable). should i request an FFe for it, or should i just cherry-pick the bugfixes over?13:54
hyperairthere's a new extension included13:54
ScottKI think an FFe is reasonable.  Up to you.13:55
hyperairokay, thanks.13:55
hyperairScottK: bug #977236 ← here be the FFe14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977236 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge banshee-community-extensions 2.4.0 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97723614:12
ScottKhyperair: Approved.14:13
cyphermoxbroder: ping?14:26
gizeroDuring install I chose custom partitioning. When creating a partition the textfield for the size was not editable, instead one has to use + - buttons to change the size megabyte for megabyte. Is that a temporary solution for some problem, or is it meant to be that way? It takes ages to change size that way; I have to hold down the - sign several minutes to get to the small partition size I wanted.15:23
mneptokgizero: have you checked Launchpad to see if others have reported the same issue?15:31
gizeromneptok, No, I haven't.15:37
mneptokgizero: that's probably the best place to start15:38
gizeroConsidering that + - buttons have been added I'm sort of afraid that this is one of those "it's more user friendly this way" Ubuntu deals:-)15:38
mneptokgizero: i can assure you that no such buttons exist in the -alternate installer. AFAIK, the text-mode debian-installer doesn't see a lot of tweaking in Ubuntu.15:41
ScottKjbicha: Would you be able to have a look and see if gedit-latex-plugin should be updated from Debian?16:14
jbichaScottK: yes we should sync it from Debian16:20
ScottKjbicha: Would you please see if there's an FFe needed and request it, if so?16:20
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smosercjwatson, around ?16:45
smoserour recent cloud-images build shave become unable to boot.16:45
smoserwe see : error: no such device: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-TEMP0FS0UUID.16:45
smoserlooking at the menu entry we see:16:46
smoser search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 00000000-0000-0000-0000-TEMP0FS0UUID16:46
slangaseksmoser: that's not a template that I find anywhere in the grub2 or grub-installer code; it would appear that this was the actual UUID of the filesystem at the time grub was installed?16:50
smoserslangasek, digging/16:53
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smoserwell, slangasek i just opened bug 97735717:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977357 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "12.04 cloud-images do not boot (no such device: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-TEMP0FS0UUID)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97735717:02
smoserit has more information.17:10
smoseroh gah!17:11
gemacan anyone help me finding all the binaries that were previously installed by ia32-libs? my understanding was that I could install ia32-libs-multiarch and get it, but it doesn't seem to be there17:27
gemaor point me to some documentation that actually says how to use it17:28
sbeattiebinaries, meaning libraries contained therein? dpkg -L ia32-libs-multiarch should do it17:30
gemathey are not there, sbeattie , for precise AMD6417:31
* sbeattie looks17:31
sbeattieoh, weird. That would seem to be a bug to me.17:32
gemasbeattie: you see it too, right?17:32
sbeattiegema: yes, I see that the package is empty.17:33
gemasbeattie: ack17:34
sbeattiegema: looking further, though, apt-cahce show ia32-libs-multiarch shows a bunch of dependencies17:34
sbeattieI *think* because it's an i386 package, the dependencies will pull in the :i386 versions of those dependencies17:35
sbeattiegema: I'd verify with slangasek whether that's how it's functioning now.17:35
gemasbeattie: it's not functioning, java is not finding the binaries17:35
sbeattiewhich java?17:36
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gemasbeattie: proprietary jvm that comes with an altera product17:36
gemadoesn't really matter17:36
gemasbeattie: we seem to be breaking compatibility with all the products out there that ship their own jvms17:37
gemasbeattie: I will discuss with jibel tomorrow17:37
gemaafter looking a bit deeper into it17:37
gemasbeattie: thanks17:37
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slangaseksmoser: glad you got it sorted :)18:11
micahgslangasek: any chance of having Bug #929219 fixed for final?18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 929219 in eglibc (Ubuntu Precise) "chromium-browser crashed with SIGSEGV in __nscd_get_mapping()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92921918:49
slangasekmicahg: yes, it's on infinity's list for this week18:51
penguin42micahg: Interesting, I've had some chromium startup crashes - I've never had it fail if I start it from a terminal, only if I start it from the panel button and then only sometimes18:52
slangasekI suppose I should set the rls-p-tracking tag on that18:52
micahgslangasek: please :)18:52
micahgpenguin42: I have had it crashed in both ways, also I"m not sure this will fix all of the crashes, but should fix a nice portion of them18:53
infinitymicahg: It's on my list, but I can't, for the life of me, reproduce it, which makes it hard to test various upstream and distro patches that purport to fix it. :/18:57
infinitymicahg: Can you reliably reproduce it?18:57
infinitymicahg: If so, I'll use you as a testing guinea pig this week, if that's cool.18:57
micahginfinity: no, I can't reliably reproduce19:05
micahgif I launch it from a new session though, I usually get a crash the first time (not sure if it's every time)19:06
brodercyphermox: pong. this is re: vpnc?19:10
infinitymicahg: Well, scratch reliably.  Can you reproduce it at all, and to the point where you're fairly sure you could determine if it were fixed? :P19:10
infinitymicahg: (I can't actually reproduce it AT ALL, so it's not even a matter of launching 1000 times in a loop and calling it fixed, cause I could do that today without changing anything)19:11
micahginfinity: first launch in a new session doesn't crash for yoủ19:11
infinitymicahg: Nope.19:12
infinitymicahg: Also, way to compose.19:12
infinityI had no idea that character even existed.19:12
slangasekis that a breath mark?19:12
micahgxchat seems to have compose on for me and I can't turn it off19:13
* micahg should just restart the app19:13
cyphermoxbroder: yup.19:13
cyphermoxbroder: where you waiting for some kind of upstream input to upload or something?19:13
broderthat would certainly be nice. i also just switched jobs though so free time has been at a bit of a premium19:14
cyphermoxthe n-m-vpnc parts landed today, the NM stuff landed a few weeks ago19:14
cyphermoxoh ok19:14
cyphermoxI can always take it from there19:14
broderthat might be best19:14
cyphermoxbroder: you tested it and things were good?19:14
cyphermoxif I can ask, what config where you using on the VPN boxes, so I can replicate and test it here? I've been having some issues triple-checking this on my ASA19:15
broderuh, not totally sure - our IT guy told me in an e-mail but i don't have access to that anymore. i think it was just split-dns foo.com, bar.com or whatever19:16
broderwhere foo.com and bar.com weren't the actual domain name19:16
cyphermoxalright, then that's pretty much what I'm using19:17
cyphermoxbroder: thanks19:17
cyphermoxbroder: ok, checks out on my end as well (just being thorough)19:23
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mintsoupIs this a good place to ask about the panel notifications in unity (notify-osd?)? Where is the code for this? Looking in the Unity bzr repo, I don't see an obvious directory in the plugins/unityshell dir.22:35
azeem_notify-osd is its own project and independent of unity, AFAIK22:36
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mintsoupazeem_: thanks--found the appropriate launchpad22:41

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