
EvilResistancewho's in charge of #ubuntu-classroom's events and management?08:27
MkaysiEvilResistance: Are you wondering those weird questions there outside events too?08:56
dax(search engine query: "ubuntu classroom team", second result)08:57
GirlyGirlI can't send to #ubuntu ... any ideas why?09:04
GirlyGirlI get the following "== Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu"09:04
daxGirlyGirl: #ubuntu-ops is the correct place for op questions for #ubuntu. Please be patient.09:05
GirlyGirldax: Ok , I wasn't sure if it was an op issue09:05
GumballWattersonI havnt been on for a while,  I think I'm ready to be unbanned  now10:29
GumballWattersonand yes I had a different nicj10:30
GumballWattersonany ops of #ubuntu-uk free to resolve this10:31
GumballWattersonany ops of ubuntu UK free now?10:34
* popey arrives and says "He's had way more chances than anyone else, and I have the opinion that he shouldn't be let back in"10:43
DJonespopey: +1 to that11:04
elkypopey, he also demonstrated his compulsive lying in #defocus earlier.12:12
popeyah. i am not in #defocus anymore12:13
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Bennlucky7hello can i request ubuntu cloak?23:48
daxBennlucky7: are you an Ubuntu Member?23:48
Bennlucky7yes i am https://launchpad.net/~benni-lonely-boy23:49
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership23:50
dax"Ubuntu Member" means something specific, I don't see the group for it on your LP profile. Check out that URL ubottu mentioned :)23:50
Bennlucky7okay thanks23:51

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