
JoseeAntonioRis there any way to get a longer locking period, for like around 20 minutes? it's pretty annoying having to click preview every 10 minutes00:29
akgranerpleia2, I'm working on it now :-)00:29
bkerensaI dont see any articles for this issue to write summaries for?00:33
akgraneranyone still in the wiki?00:43
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: I'm in the /ES wiki, and seeing the raw text on the EN wiki00:48
pleia2nope, not in the wiki01:16
pleia2bkerensa: summaries are done for the weekend, it's already been passed along to editors01:23
JoseeAntonioRok, the Spanish version is ready, only the stats, updates and security and in this issue sections are missing.03:56
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: I'll try to connect at 10am your time to get that ready, if it's posted03:59
JoseeAntonioR /clear04:22
JoseeAntonioROops :)04:22
pleia2akgraner: were you going to do stats, or should I?04:46
akgranerpleia2, I have them - I just need to paste them in04:46
pleia2ok great :)04:46
akgranerI'll add them before I go to bed so you have them tomorrow04:47
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: ^^ stats should be ready by morning04:47
akgranerI just got busy with some slides :-)04:47
pleia2I know how it goes :)04:47
akgranerI pulled them then started working on these slides and I'm on  a roll :-)  but I'll get them added before I call it a night though04:47
pleia2always a nice feeling when you end up on a roll when doing something like slides04:48
pleia2(it's not my favorite task in the world)04:49
akgranernods - this is the first time in years it's taken me longer than a couple of hours to do them04:49
akgranerlike 3 days I've been doing and redoing - now I have all my content - just tweaking them now04:49
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks04:51
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: good luck with the slides, I know they will be great04:51
akgranerThanks! :-)  Let's hope my boss thinks so too :-)04:52
* passstab added his first link to uwn!14:21
akgranerpassstab, yay!14:27
passstabdid i do it right?14:27
akgranerpassstab, when did you add it?14:28
passstabjust now14:28
akgranerthe OpenStack link?14:28
akgraneror the other one - either way that's fine14:28
* passstab waches a demo14:29
akgranerpassstab, :-)14:31
akgranerdid you see the changes I made?14:32
akgranerjust formating really, but the way you did it was fine as well14:32
passstabok cool14:32
akgranerthank you :-)14:32
passstabnp :)14:33
pleia2passstab: thanks for articles :) just keep in mind we want *news* and for them to be Ubuntu-specific (openstack is related, so if it's actually news we may put it in "Other Articles of Interest" but probably not in the main blogosphere section)16:55
passstabthat wasn't me17:18
passstabi did the kvm one17:18
pleia2ah, ok17:18
pleia2thanks :)17:18
passstabwhich got moved to blogosphere?17:19
pleia2yeah, phoronix is a blog, not a big news site17:19
passstabso what is "big news site"?17:19
pleia2it's somewhat subjective, but you can get an idea by looking at past issues17:20
pleia2this week's has ZDNet, CRN.com, BusinessInsider, MyBroadband.co.za17:20
pleia2so huge tech sites and mainstream publications tend to fit the bill17:21
pleia2New York Times, Huffinton Post, etc17:21
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I'm planning on publishing in just under 4 hours, stats are in so you can move them whenever you're around :)17:21
passstabblog is a linux site news is not?17:23
passstab(as a rule of thumb)17:23
pleia2well, linux.com is news17:23
pleia2as I said, subjective :) the editors even tend to move each others stuff around between these sections17:24
pleia2but generally linux-specific sites aren't really big enough to have the volume of articles that something like ZDNet would have17:24
SilverLionhi there19:20
SilverLionhey passstab19:29
passstabyou gonna tell me to stop leaving and coming back?19:30
SilverLionpassstab, i am not going to tell you anything ;) just saying "hi"19:31
SilverLionhi myrtti20:02
=== SilverLion_ is now known as Silverlion
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
IWantFroyoHello all.20:22
Silverlionhi pleia220:29
Silverlionhey Froyo20:29
passstabis this what we do on this channel?20:40
pleia2passstab: "this"?20:42
pleia2we share news stories, coordinate release of UWN, when news comes out a fridge editor will say that they're working on it (or needs someone else to work on it)20:42
passstabgreet each other20:42
pleia2ah, yes, we're friendly too ;)20:42
pleia2there isn't constant traffic here, we just use the channel when we need to20:42
Silverlionbkerensa, wishing happy easter to have had ;)21:08
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: Adding stats to the Spanish wiki right now.21:11
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: great, stats added. just the in this issue section missing21:24
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: great! releasing now21:41
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: perfect, first time in time :)21:42
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR, i see you have found a "home" where your skills are needed ;)21:46
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: yep, it's great to find a team where I can help on21:48
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR, like me who develops source-codes for ebooks now ;)21:49
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue26021:52
JoseeAntonioRAnd the Spanish version is also released now21:53
* Silverlion gives an applause21:54

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