
DaskreechIs there a way to search for source packages with ubottu02:50
FlannelDaskreech: If you do `!info package` then the line that comes back will include the source package name02:52
daxI don't know of a way to search for source packages directly, though. !find only takes binary package names02:52
Flannel!info irssi02:53
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.15-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 911 kB, installed size 3104 kB02:53
DaskreechRight I was looking for packages and they seem to be source only02:53
daxErm... source packages (in Ubuntu's repositories, at least) build at least one binary package from a source package. that's kinda the point02:54
daxwhat is it you're looking for?02:54
FlannelIf you're looking to search for a source package name based off of terms instead of finding it's binary package, etc.  You can do so with packages.ubuntu.com, it has a source package search option.02:55
FlannelI know it's not IRC based, but it's there!02:55
Daskreech:-) I know I was just wondering how smart the bots are02:56
daxnot very02:56
daxI don't see any non-library wayland stuff in precise. which is odd, because I thought I heard there was some02:57
FlannelI don't think there's really any use-case for it, so I doubt the bots would include that.  If you need a source package of a binary one, that's already there, and I imagine that's the only thing that would be useful.02:57
DaskreechFlannel: Yeah just didn't want to tell someone that Ubuntu didn't provide something they they do becuase of a gap in knowledge02:59
dax!info weston precise02:59
ubottuweston (source: weston): reference implementation of a wayland compositor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.85.0-1build1 (precise), package size 178 kB, installed size 437 kB (Only available for linux-any)02:59
dax(renamed from wayland-demos, which is what I was remembering. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wayland-demos/+bug/954722 )03:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 954722 in wayland-demos (Ubuntu) "Please remove wayland-demos from the archive for precise" [Undecided,Fix released]03:00
DaskreechKDE is a wayland compositor client as well03:00
DaskreechWell I'll just answer to what I know then do backup checks in future03:02
ubottukilrae called the ops in #kubuntu-offtopic ()05:31
Unit193Just a ##fix_your_connection call.05:40
bazhang* [humanoism] (~dude@2001:470:26:83:308b:be72:3f5c:cfc7): fnordistus07:00
bazhangvery familiar07:01
GirlyGirlHi, I can't send to #ubuntu09:00
GirlyGirlI get the following "== Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu"09:00
Myrtticould you leave the channel for a while?09:05
MyrttiI'll try to poke the bot09:05
GirlyGirlMyrtti: ok09:05
Myrtti#ubuntu, that is09:05
dax08:53:15 -!- GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl => I forget, do nick changes confuse FloodBot's exempting?09:07
oCeanGirlyGirl should be able to join now, and an exempt will be set for that nick09:08
GirlyGirlMyrtti: oCean: ok thanks09:09
oCeanexempt set09:09
oCeanwell, before leaving you could try...09:09
MyrttiI can't see when the exempts are set09:09
MyrttiI wonder why09:09
MyrttiI don't seem to have any ignores09:09
daxbecause you're not opped09:10
ubottuCFHowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (chiklazy)11:02
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (chiklazy)11:03
Myrttiassume other channels will be hit soon11:04
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:08
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:08
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)13:08
bazhang* [sk0tie] (sk0tie@CPE-60-224-33-160.tnyt1.lon.bigpond.net.au): ...13:10
bazhangsame IP as agent_x13:10
bazhang<Quantum_Ion> We are having solar windstorms today13:38
bazhangwhy dns settings are lost13:38
bazhang@mark #ubuntu Quantum_Ion giving more nonsense "advice"13:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:47
mneptokand i thought MY brain was lagging this morning15:04
* genii-around tries to imagine 2300-something runlevels15:04
* mneptok jots down notes for forwarding to Keybuk next April 115:04
Picineed to step away for a bit16:35
jrib2300-something runlevels... genii-around if you had thought of that sooner you could have saved the upstart devs so much time!17:23
genii-aroundjrib: Earlier there was a user going "2345 sounds like some arbitrary runlevel thats not from 0 to 6!" or so17:25
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
BarkingFishYou might want to watch User_ in #ubuntu+1 - I either smell troll, or he's not entirely on the level.23:55

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