
cjwatsonright, I think that's enough cross-build hacking for tonight01:13
cjwatson(db4.8, insserv, dpkg, shadow, iproute, doxygen, and gperf are all cross-build fixes, mostly for problems on http://people.linaro.org/~wookey/buildd/precise/sbuild-ma/status.html)01:15
micahgcjwatson: if you02:04
* micahg fishes for infinity02:07
* ScottK starts reviewing the queue.02:27
ScottKOK.  Did the ones I think I understand.  Left a few for whoever's up next.02:32
micahginfinity: cjwatson: unping06:48
LaneyFYI, it's very possible that I won't be online this week: going to a caravan which may not have mobile signal to sustain internet.10:14
tumbleweedLaney: enjoy10:29
Laneytumbleweed: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2649463 — hmm :P10:35
stgraberLaney: isn't that the usual UK weather? :)10:36
tumbleweedand I thought we'd been having cold weather10:37
Laneyit is a sterotypical british seaside holiday10:38
* Laney heads off10:42
Laneyhave a good week, and remember to NACK hard10:42
=== ara_ is now known as ara
ScottKReviewing qt4-x11.11:55
ScottKAnd pushing out unseeded stuff.11:56
ScottKNow nfs-utils.12:07
* ScottK will review networkmanagement once it gets diffy.13:45
jdstrandskaet: hi! fyi, with all the MIRs going on, I took the liberty of adjusting the package mappings spreadsheet for of the 'unknown' ones in http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html15:15
skaetthanks jdstrand.  :)15:16
jdstrandskaet: I didn't do all of them or anything, but thought I'd mention it so you could prease whatever buttons to apply the spreadsheet to that page15:16
* skaet ^ wondering who's just done the accepts...16:08
skaetjdstrand, new version of the spreadsheet has been uploaded,   should be showing up on reports this afternoon.16:24
ScottKskaet: Did you see the mails on the release team list about the pad?16:24
* skaet looking16:25
ScottKskaet: I did the Universe ones.16:25
ScottKSince Unseeded Universe isn't frozen yet, I thought we didn't need to discuss them.16:25
ScottKThe fact that they need approval at all is an artifact of LPs limitations and not policy.16:26
skaetthanks ScottK for handling.   agree in general,  just wasn't sure if banshee-community-extensions was seeded or not (cli-mono)16:27
ScottKcli-mono is an uploading packageset, not a seed for a flavor.16:27
skaetok,  all good then.16:28
skaetre: pad16:28
skaetyes,  I encounter this as well.16:28
skaetseems to have been happening for at least a month,  I encounter it on the ubuntu-release pad as well.16:28
ScottKI think it makes the use we've planned for it quite problematic16:29
ScottKYou can check the pad and still not know if you've really checked it or not.16:29
jbichait's that Ubuntu SSO proxy they put in front of the pad, I think I've had the timeout problem for months16:30
skaetI guess I've gotten into the habbit of clicking refresh on it.    Although I agree its not ideal (by a long shot)16:30
skaetthanks jbicha,  that would explain it.   Do you know if there's an RT ticket about it?16:31
jbichaskaet: I haven't submitted an rt ticket and rt's not public16:37
bjfslangasek: when you pocket copied the kernel packages for me last week, everything seems to have gone to universe instead of main17:02
jdstrandskaet: thanks17:15
skaetScottK,  timeout behaviour has been tweeked by the sysadmins,  let them know in #canonical-sysadmin if its still misbehaving for you.17:45
ScottKskaet: Thanks.17:49
* ScottK looks at akonadi.17:54
* ScottK looks at calligra.18:07
Riddelljings ScottK, you're on the ball today :)18:10
ScottKWaiting for the diff.18:10
slangasekskaet: so I've rejected the update-notifier with the broken source package build; but I've also seen that update-notifier-common is one of the packages leaving stale conffiles around on upgrade from lucid, per https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Upgrade%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/ARCH=amd64,LTS=lts,PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/lts-ubuntu-amd64/obsolete_conffiles.lo18:14
slangasekskaet: so if it's alright with you, I'll fix that and include both changes when reuploading18:14
infinityslangasek: Sounds reasonable to me.18:28
* infinity goes back to pretending he's not here today.18:28
infinityI have a sneaking suspicion, I'll be working non-stop from tomorrow until the end of the month, I figure I'll gorge myself on leftover ham and enjoy the holiday. :P18:31
skaetslangasek,  sounds good to me as well.18:34
* skaet thinks leftovers sound like a good idea.... lunch time.18:34
slangasekok, update-notifier 0.119ubuntu4 uploaded18:34
bjfslangasek: did you see my earlier msg?18:35
slangasekbjf: don't think so; had a power outage here18:35
bjfslangasek: when you pocket copied the kernel packages for me last week, everything seems to have gone to universe instead of main18:36
slangasekoh, grr18:36
slangasekI rather expected the magic script in ubuntu-archive-tools to take care of that for me18:36
slangasekbjf: remind me which suite we were in? oneiric?18:36
bjfslangasek: yes, oneiric18:37
slangasekand it was linux, linux-meta, and linux-backport-which?18:37
* ScottK looks at update-notifier.18:37
bjfslangasek: bug 974368 has complete list in comment #218:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 974368 in linux "linux: 3.0.0-19.32 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97436818:38
slangasekwhoa, why is launchpad offering to let me download the full comment instead of letting me look at it in the browser? :P18:39
slangasekbjf: promoted the three source packages to main with all binaries (after checking that they're all in main in oneiric-updates)18:41
bjfslangasek: thanks18:41
ScottKMuch better.18:41
cndskaet, following up from last week, I tracked down the crasher to xserver-xorg-input-synaptics bug 97401718:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 974017 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Crash when touching Apple trackpad with 11 fingers" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97401718:41
cndI've attached a patch that fixes the issue18:41
cndI don't know what the process is for getting this handled right now18:42
cndin the frozen archive, but not release frozen, state18:42
cnddo I just upload it and someone on the release team will review?18:42
cjwatsonslangasek: magic script> it should be able to do so after I get queue override API exposed18:42
ScottKcnd: Yes.18:42
infinitycnd: 11 fingers?18:42
cndinfinity, yes...18:43
cjwatsonslangasek: but, no interface for it just now18:43
slangasekcjwatson: gotcha18:43
cndinfinity, I use my nose for testing :)18:43
* infinity snorts.18:43
slangasekoh, I thought that was a contrived example when someone asked about it :)18:44
slangasekinfinity: since you're declining to go away, do you want to review my eglibc merge proposal that I subscribed you to? ;)18:45
cjwatsoncnd: there's a story about Mozart like that ...18:46
cndslangasek, the use of a puppy paw was contrived, but the real issue wasn't :)18:46
infinityslangasek: Do you need it in today?  Cause I still have eglibc things to fix when I'm back to work anyway.18:46
cndcjwatson, that he used his nose?18:46
slangasekinfinity: no, I'm just trying to give you added incentive to make yourself scarce ;)18:46
cjwatsonthe story goes that Mozart and Handel challenged each other to write something that the other couldn't play18:46
infinityslangasek: Har.18:47
infinityslangasek: Running away, then.18:47
cndcjwatson, hmm, interesting..18:47
cjwatsonwhen Handel attempted Mozart's offering, he found that at one point it required 11 fingers18:47
cjwatsonso declared it impossible18:47
cjwatsonto prove him wrong, Mozart sat down to play, and when he got to the offending passage, he pecked the extra note with his nose18:48
cjwatsonI suspect the story is apocryphal :-)18:48
cndthat would be physically hard to do even by itself18:48
cndthe length of keys is only so long18:48
cjwatsonit would indeed18:48
cjwatsonpointy nose, maybe18:48
cndor you'd have to turn your head sideways18:49
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=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
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micahgwill the final ISOs be affected by -security uploads?20:01
hallynhi - just pushed a workaround for non-accelerated qemu.  not sure if i need to beg for that here?20:02
cjwatsonmicahg: by default, and unless we agree otherwise and go to some lengths to make sure of it, yes20:09
micahgcjwatson: so, pushing security issues to -security before release is an option (where we don't care if it's on the ISO or not?20:10
jdstrandmicahg: in the past we have just queued them up in our various ppas for 0-day updates20:11
jdstrandmicahg: (where it didn't make sense to push earlier)20:11
micahgjdstrand: yes, I"m aware, but was wondering if we have the option to push out to -security during that last week for stuff that doesn't matter if it makes it on the ISO (and we don't want to risk breaking the ISOs)20:12
slangasekmicahg: I think you may have misread - packages pushed to -security *will* be seen by the ISO building scripts20:13
jdstrandmicahg: we could if we knew there wouldn't be a respin, but we usually don't which is why we need to coordinate. bottom line, when generating isos they pull from -security20:13
slangasekso "doesn't matter and don't want to risk" != "push to -security"20:13
micahgslangasek: ah, yes, I did :)20:13
micahgthat's too bad :(20:14
jdstrandmicahg: is there a particular problem you are trying to solve are is this purely for understanding?20:15
cjwatsonthe problem with hacking things to avoid building from -security is that there's a non-trivial risk of building images that never get security updates on installed systems as a result20:16
cjwatsonI wouldn't want to try it20:16
micahgjdstrand: well, wéve got the Firefox release 2 days before precise release (no idea how bad the CVEs are), with the frequency of recent chromium releases, therés bound to be one or 2 after final freeze20:16
micahgcjwatson: that's fine, therés a good chance it won't make a difference20:16
micahgerr..rather, wouldn't be necessary in any event20:16
jdstrandmicahg: you are saying you expect 1 or 2 firefox updates between now and precise release?20:17
micahgjdstrand: for Firefox, therés the planned release on Apr 2420:17
* jdstrand didn't understand the chromium reference20:17
micahgjdstrand: probably 1 or 2 chromium updates after thursday20:17
jdstrandmicahg: I guess there are isos with chromium on them you are worried about?20:18
micahgjdstrand: yes, mythbuntu and lubuntu :)20:18
micahgjdstrand: I"m more concerned with not updating the release than the ISOs, keeping the ISOs up to date for CVEs is a losing game20:18
jdstrandmicahg: I see. well, for firefox it seems easy enough-- we publish firefox with a -2 for precise only on release day (people running precise just have to wait)20:19
jdstrand(thems the breaks)20:19
jdstrandmicahg: for chromium-- it you could stage in proposed I guess and have the people responsible for testing comment on if they want it in a respin. if all do, then you can do it, if not, they wait for a 0 day20:20
jdstrandand by 'do it', I mean do a pocket copy20:20
micahgjdstrand: ok, sounds good, after Final Freeze, I"ll do precise just like that stable releases for Chromium20:21
micahgwell, save the final copy to -security :)20:21
* jdstrand nods20:21
cjwatsonstaging in -proposed is fine, yes20:24
hallynstgraber: an lxc including your fix has been pushed (waiting approval) to archive, fwiw20:46
stgraberhallyn: cool, thanks20:48
hallynhm, does Unapproved mean rejected?20:58
hallynstgraber: ^ then again maybe not20:59
skaethallyn,   Unapproved means its been loaded to the unapproved queue.21:02
skaetyou'll see Unapproved: accepted or Unapproved: rejected after its been reviewed.  :)21:02
hallynskaet: ok, thanks.  it sounded scary :)21:03
ScottKLooking at update-notifier21:04
ScottKslangasek: In update-notifier, was moving the removal of /etc/update-motd.d/20-cpu-checker to later in the postinst intentional?  It's not mentioned in debian/changelog.21:05
slangasekScottK: yeah, it's to avoid needlessly calling it again in the trigger case21:06
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  Accepting.21:06
slangasekScottK: thanks21:07
ajmitchfor libsamplerate, I'd like to sync it to fix #969957 which bit me on upgrade, however the changelog says it has hardening build flags, should this get an FFe?21:25
ajmitchdebdiff of the change at http://paste.ubuntu.com/922496/21:25
joshuahoovercan someone look at this sru for oneiric? bug #869920 ...it's fixed in p already21:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 869920 in ubuntuone-client "Files in new UDFs are not uploaded due to filtering" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86992021:28
micahgjoshuahoover: someone just needs to propose a merge into the oneiric-proposed branch and it'll go into the sponsorship queue or add a debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors21:33
joshuahoovermicahg: ah, ok, thanks :)21:33
micahgcjwatson: would it be worth making an autogenerated lubuntu packageset since it's an official flavor (and to make it easier to keep track of what failures/uploads affects what images)21:55
micahgoh, and can someone review/release chromium please :)21:58
infinitymicahg: Grr, thanks to the tarball-in-tarball packaging, that's completely unreviewable from the UI.22:07
* infinity downloads...22:07
micahginfinity: yeah, I would love to get rid of that, but don't have the time right now, maybe for Q22:08
Laneyajmitch: yes we ask for it for that, but it should be easy to approve22:08
infinityajmitch: Looks fine to me.22:10
ajmitchright, thought I'd clarify since "I suppose so" wasn't very definite :)22:10
infinityajmitch: Don't need FFe bugs, per se, just approval.22:11
ScottKinfinity: Thanks to being unseeded universe, it's  not frozen.22:11
infinityScottK: Oh, there's also that.22:11
ScottKMakes it much easier.22:11
ajmitchinfinity: righto, will sync then22:11
infinity(Looks fine regardless)22:11
infinityAnd it doesn't hurt to ask for reviews. :P22:11
ScottKNever hurts to ask.  Sometimes hurts to do them though.22:12
ScottKActually I was wrong.  It's in the Mythbuntu packageset anyway.22:12
infinityajmitch: Just remind me what it was when you sync, so I can accept.  I have a short memory.22:13
ScottKLooking at network-manager-pptp.22:13
ajmitchinfinity: libsamplerate has been synced, queuebot should pick it up soon22:14
ajmitchthere we go22:14
infinitymicahg: FWIW, your debian/rules is broken when run by hand.22:17
micahginfinity: awesome :)22:17
infinitymicahg: (It uses DEB_BUILD_ARCH, but never sets it, which I assume works under dpkg-buildpackage)22:17
* micahg thought that was one of the guaranteed var22:17
infinityAnyhow, only throws warnings in the case I cared about (debian/rules patch), but it was entertaining to see it claim my arch was unsupported.22:17
infinitymicahg: Nothing is guaranteed when you run it by hand. :P22:17
infinitymicahg: Note that I said "outside of dpkg-buildpackage"22:18
infinityOr, implied it.22:18
ScottKinfinity: Except the interface with the package build systsem is debian/rules, so assuming dpgk-buildpackage is a bug.22:18
infinityScottK: I agree.22:18
infinityI often use debian/rules clean/build/binary directly for testing purposes.22:18
* ScottK too.22:19
infinityThough, I'm also in the "if it works on the buildds, it's only a minor bug".22:19
micahginfinity: I assume it works on teh buildds otherwise we'd never get a successful arm* build :)22:20
infinityOr amd64, in this case. :P22:21
infinityBut yes, debian/rules being canonical is one of the reasons for backing out dpkg-buildpackage setting CFLAGS and moving to dpkg-buildflags, for instance.22:22
infinityBehaviour shouldn't change because you use a different wrapper (or none at all).22:22
micahginfinity: ok, but FTR, I didn't write most of that file :)22:23
infinityDidn't imply that you did.22:23
infinityMerely that it's your problem now. ;)22:24
infinityI believe that's known as the "neener neener" principle.22:24
micahgreally, it's not my problem, but I have quite got the person's who's problem it is to accept responsibility yet :)22:24
infinityI'm sticking with my neener.22:25
infinityHoly crap, I just realized that compose+^+2 gives me ².22:25
infinityI'm a bit embarrassed about that, given that I've been using VT terminals with compose keys since high school.22:27
infinityThough, that's probably a more recent extension.22:27
ScottKBTW, someone may want to look into another amd64 builder.  amd64 has fallen significantly behind i386 in the rebuild.22:29
infinityI can rebalance.22:29
ScottKCan you resurrect rothera?22:29
infinityrothera's dead for good.22:29
infinityThey're replacing it rather than fixing it.22:29
ScottKThat's dead all right.22:30
infinityShould see about bouncing nasl and shedir, though.22:30
micahginfinity: let me see if we can steal back the lpia builder again, it was supposed to go back for the weekend, but that never happened22:30
infinitymicahg: Meh, rebuild's only a couple more days anyway, I'll just snag a random machine.22:30
infinityActually, they're not that far out of whack.22:30
infinityARM's going to beat them both. :P22:31
micahginfinity: yeah, but I figure with the lpia builder, i386 will finish 2 days ahead, then you can throw roseapple at the amd64 builds22:31
infinityOr you could just give the lpia one to amd64. :P22:32
infinityThat would make slightly more sense.22:32
infinityBut molybdenum's 32-bit.22:32
infinityI can give roseapple to adm64 now.22:32
infinitymicahg: If I bounce molybdenum to i386, can you take responsibility for watching for security uploads needing it?22:34
micahginfinity: yeah, can you flip rothera to lpia, that should take care of that issue (at least where I can see if therés something needed)22:35
infinityAhh, I may as well just do that semi-permanently.22:35
infinityUntil IS kills it.22:35
micahgright, we only need this for a few more days anyways :)22:36
infinitySure, but I mean we can just keep rothera there as a placeholder, and bounce $some_other_machine when security builds are needed. :P22:37
micahginfinity: yes, exactly :)22:37
infinityThere.  Done.22:37
cjwatsonmicahg: sure, if the DMB tells me that's OK22:39
micahgcjwatson: for the packageset?22:39
micahgcjwatson: it doesn't have to grant upload rights at present22:40
* micahg forgets if that toggle was ever implemented or not22:40
* infinity still loves the 11-finger touchpad bug.22:58
micahginfinity: so, getting back to my chromium upload :)23:01
infinitymicahg: Yeah, I'm doing others while yours diffs. :P23:01
infinity-rw-rw-r-- 1 adconrad adconrad 643232 Apr  9 16:59 chrome.diff23:01
micahginfinity: what needs to happen also is I need to take an axe to that .orig tarball23:01
* infinity sighs and has a glance.23:02
infinity 121 files changed, 3828 insertions(+), 1654 deletions(-)23:02
infinityThis seems like one of those plug my nose and pray reviews.23:02
* micahg kinds gave up on reviewing the upstream changes23:02
micahgwe push major versions and there isn't any hope of manually patching23:06
ajmitchyou just hope that upstream knows what they're doing?23:06
micahginfinity: I will start looking more closely during Final freeze though :)23:06
micahgajmitch: well, that's almost irrelevant, we have a small test suite we run the SRUs through before theýre released to the wild23:07
cjwatsonmicahg: mm, ok, I can do an autogenerated packageset with no upload rights.  mail me a reminder?23:45
micahgcjwatson: sure, thanks23:45
cjwatsonreminds me, I need to sort out the bug in distroseries initialisation miscreating packagesets before we open Q23:46
cjwatsonand figure out if there's any damage from that left in the precise data23:47

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