
hamitronso sort of excited00:00
* BigRedS wonders if dogmatic69 has ever seen a mac ;)00:00
dogmatic69I dont know if its my SSD, but its lightning quick00:00
BigRedSI used one last weekend. It wasn't a lot like Unity :)00:00
dogmatic69its close enough, closer than 10.1000:00
dogmatic69anyone see the electron microscope images on reddit?00:04
dogmatic69pretty cool http://egotvonline.com/2012/03/13/25-everyday-objects-under-an-electron-microscope/00:05
dogmatic69the maggot is NSFL00:05
penguin42dogmatic69: Yeh saw those - been a bit heavily coloured for my liking, but still neat - I like micrographs00:05
dogmatic69ye, the colouring is a bit off. almost CG like00:06
dogmatic69figured out with screen, you can actually ctrl+a [ then use the scroll wheel, no need for page up/donw00:12
BigRedSdogmatic69: oh!00:12
dogmatic69its just like scrolling in man etc00:13
BigRedSah yeah00:13
dogmatic69git diff those type of scrolling00:13
dogmatic69I would like to have scrolling by default and the ctrl+a [ to do the command scroll, that would be nice00:14
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jacobwgood morning all06:18
* dwatkins hands mumper a spetzi08:00
mumperOh boy - a spetzi - just what I wanted to repair my shed!08:29
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SuperEngineerHave just sent a report of the following to the mailing list - damn rumour mongers are at it already!08:33
daubersA page that never connects?08:35
SuperEngineerdaubers, hmmm -trying it now08:37
SuperEngineeryup - it does now seem to having trouble - here's the page the "headline" story links to http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/04/04/should-you-be-worried-about-ubuntu-desktops-privacy-settings/08:38
daubersIs this the zeitgeist privacy settings thing?08:38
daubersurgh, more FUD nothing to see here, move along08:40
SuperEngineer Doesn't mention it specifically - just the Privacy settings option but...."the part that needs to be explained. Is the collected “anonymous information” limited to those related to crashed programs or does the system send all recorded activity from the other tabs to Canonical’s servers?"08:41
dauberssimple answer.... grab the source?08:42
daubersSuperEngineer: It'll just be crash reports. The other tabs relate to zeitgeist08:43
SuperEngineerdaubers, it's the damn rumour mongering that's getting me irked ;)08:44
gordanything that gets sent in a crash report to lp gets made private fwiw. only project maintainers and a few highly privileged users can see it. they check and make sure there is no private information before making the bug public08:44
daubersSuperEngineer: Then don't help them by passing it around08:44
* SuperEngineer giggles & accepts... fair comment!08:45
daubersSuperEngineer: You could just google around http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-12-04-to-ship-with-enhanced-privacy-controls-1468182.html08:45
daubersSuperEngineer: Even the EFF liked it....08:46
SuperEngineeryeh but they're Electronic - I'm super human08:47
matttany python experts here?  :P08:58
daubersdefine: expert?08:59
matttneed a hand w/ optparse (yes, i'm using an older version of python) :)09:00
SuperEngineerdaubers, expert: "x" is an unknown quantity, "spurt" is simply a drip under pressure09:01
matttdaubers: ah well, thanks anyway :)09:03
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:51
dwatkinshiya bigcalm09:52
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:52
dwatkinsello brobostigon09:53
brobostigonmorning dwatkins09:53
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ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] Potton in 2012, a video drivearound - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2012/04/09/potton-in-2012-a-video-drivearound12:02
popeybug 96705612:25
lubotu3Launchpad bug 967056 in activity-log-manager (Ubuntu) "The privacy section should be renamed, oneiric users think confidential data is sent because there is no option to inhibit this" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96705612:25
mgdmThis Cinnamon desktop thing is quite nice13:06
mgdm(I may have been banging on about it before)13:06
BigRedSI've a machine with an initrd that doesn't have ext in it somehow. Should I be able to boot up a LiveCD, mkinitrd, then copy that onto the disk and boot with that?13:32
BigRedSI know initrds are way more fragile than they should be, but I'm hoping that if I get the kernel version right there's not a lot else to be wrong?13:33
jacobwwhat about kernel options, like ext?13:49
jacobwi think if its the same kernel, the initrd will be the same13:51
jacobwhow did the machine come to have an initrd without ext?!13:51
jacobwafternoon hamitron13:52
hamitronhi :)13:52
BigRedSjacobw: I'm not entirely sure, I just got given it to fix :)13:53
BigRedSext kernel option?13:53
jacobwoption to build ext support13:56
BigRedSas an argument on the command line?13:57
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currymonsterCan anybody recomend a itunes replacement, that will work with ipods?16:16
Azelphurcurrymonster: afaik rythmbox does16:17
currymonsterAzelphur: Thanks16:17
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cocoa117currymonster, nothing can replace it if you still want to buy music from iTunes, just do RemoteApp with it, so you keep everything16:53
cocoa117even play the music out of it16:53
Myrttithat's interesting, the latest RC vanilla kernel labeled on the website as 64-bit shows up as 32-bit in package management17:02
currymonstercocoa117: thanks, it's just the music sync feature im after17:25
currymonsterremote app?17:26
cocoa117currymonster, if it's the sync you are after then that's fine. iTunes wasn't great on them17:31
currymonsterthanks again17:38
bigcalmCan anybody think of a web interface for setting up email address forwarding? My father is part of a club that has a domain and wants to set up address that forward for council roles.17:48
bigcalmI can set it up at a domain registrar level, but I'd rather I wasn't a dependency17:48
penguin42what mail system are you running?17:49
bigcalmI may have to set up the MX, that's ok17:50
bigcalmThat's an idea. Become the MX and write an interface to manage forwarding17:52
penguin42yeh, or some ISPs have their own domain setup like that17:52
bigcalmIf there's a simple system already out there, all the better17:52
AlanBellevening all17:54
bigcalmHi AlanBell17:55
AlanBelleveryone get sufficient eggs?17:56
jacobware they cheap yet?17:58
jacobwi don't understand this easter stuff :(17:58
avelldirollbigcalm: not sure about what you are searching for exactly ... but phamm might suit your needs17:58
OmNomDePlumeEmile "The Punisher" Heskey is on the pitch.18:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Sign your life away - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/04/09/sign-your-life-away/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sign-your-life-away19:02
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majster-plCould anyone tell me if I install Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 and keep updating the system would it finely become Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on 26.04.2012 ?? or I will need to download new iso and install it again ?19:43
AlanBellit will be the same19:44
mgdmNo, just keep doing the updates19:44
majster-plthank you :)19:44
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ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Accomplishments Localized Documentation Update - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/09/ubuntu-accomplishments-localized-documentation-update/20:02
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ali1234what you say "it will be the same"20:24
ali1234*when you say20:24
ali1234... you actually mean "it is supposed to be the same"20:24
ali1234but in reality there is every chance that an upgrade will break the system basically until 12.04.1 comes out20:25
ali1234see this picture http://s3.amazonaws.com/instagram-static/images/home/screenshot1.png20:36
ali1234it really looks like the guy in the middle is handing the other two cigarettes20:37
ali1234and they are like "wow cigarettes"20:37
dwatkinsor amazing chalk20:44
ali1234it just reminds me of terrible 80s anti smoking ads with the creepy guy giving kids cigarettes20:45
ali1234like that ^20:46
kitsosHello guys i just installed warcraft via wine and it works well but i want to find a path "/maps/download" how can i find it?21:13
kitsosno one?21:18
* popey tickles CrimsonSoul 21:28
CrimsonSoulHowdy Mr Popey21:29
dwatkinsali1234: wow, I remember those - shame I couldn't understand them at the time21:33
phezoI just moved to the UK21:34
dwatkinswelcome to the isles, phezo :) whereabouts are you?21:35
phezoin london21:35
phezowhere are you?21:35
* dwatkins is in Edinburgh21:35
dwatkinsI hear it's nice down there this time of year, although the seasons seem to be in the process of swapping over between Scotland and England at the moment.21:40
dwatkinsWe had snow here last year, and this year it's been colder down south than it has here in most of Scotland, I think.21:40
phezoLondon seems quite interesting, still adjusting.21:42
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Myrttimeh, I don't understand launchpad sometimes22:04
Myrttior the bots22:05
popeywassup Myrtti ?22:05
lubotu3Launchpad bug 927284 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: Bad page map in process firefox pte:0f544065 pmd:216e2067" [High,Incomplete]22:05
MyrttiI'm trying to be a good Precise tester and file bugs and test stuff but sometimes it all just goes over my understanding22:06
popeyyeah, looks like using the mainline one from the kernel ppa would be good to test22:09
Myrttiyeah, I'm running it now I think22:11
Myrttibut I don't know how I produced the previous kerneloops so I don't know how to test if this isn't affected22:12
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ali1234heh, kernel developers22:32
gordonjcpwhat's the current favourite for running virtual machines in Ubuntu?22:32
ali1234it depends you want to run as guest22:33
gordonjcpa variety of different things22:33
ali1234virtuabox is best all rounder22:33
gordonjcphm, I had a look at that22:33
gordonjcpI don't fancy waiting for all 2TB of the Qt libraries to download22:34
gordonjcpand it looks too confusing and difficult22:34
popeyits probably the most straightforward, best documented, most well supported22:35
gordonjcppopey: but it seems to require a GUI22:35
popey"not having a GUI" wasn't in your original list of requirements22:35
gordonjcpwell, that was pretty much a given22:35
gordonjcpthe less GUI-based crap I have to deal with the better22:36
popeynot really22:36
popeyheh, ok22:36
popeyyou can run it headless22:36
popeyanyway, bed22:36
gordonjcpsince, y'know, I can't actually see them22:36
ali1234if you don't already have Qt installed you're an idiot22:37
ali1234i mean what are you using instead for GUI development?22:37
ali1234Tkinter? lol22:37
gordonjcpI avoid GUIs because they don't make sense to me22:37
ali1234gtk? LOOOOOOOOOOOL22:37
gordonjcpali1234: if you're not going to be helpful, shut up22:37
ali1234oh, well you won't want virtualbox then22:37
ali1234because all of the power of virtualbox is that it is really easy to set up using the GUI22:38
ali1234if you want something totally command line driven, you should try kvm instead22:38
ali1234it's much harder to use and it can't really do anything that virtualbox can't do, but hey, at least nobody else will be able to understand anything you make with it22:38
gordonjcpghod Qt is a mess22:40
ali1234try qemu-kvm, it has no gui at all except for the guest display window22:47
ali1234maybe you can do what you need the VBoxHeadless22:48
ali1234i think that can only start and stop vms though, mainly22:48
ali1234you could write the machine configuration by hand22:49
ali1234but it uses XML and i'm guessing you hate that too22:49
hamitronanyone know some good software that can automatically load playlists of music from the web browser. maybe integrated into a browser22:51
hamitronwith skip track and clear queue buttons22:52
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hamitronbasically an mp3 player with FIFO style queue, with basic controls22:53
user_hi there23:39
user_I'm new to irc and new to ubuntu commands - can anyone help with an iphone?23:39
popeyuser_: depends on the question23:44
agoodmjoin #ubuntu+123:48
popeyuser_: you can ask your question in here rather than im PM23:50
agoodmI have a strange issue :-/ at boot something is causing a massive amount of swapping and eventually dieing23:56
agoodmonce my system boots and I log on its 4 minutes of solid hdd activity before I can move my mouse23:57
* agoodm ask this in the ubuntu full channel doh23:57
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hamitronagoodm, how much memory you have?23:58
agoodm4 gig23:58
agoodmit was fine until yesterday23:59
hamitronjust checking ;)23:59
agoodmI looked in top and typed capital M to sort by ram usage and whatever the culprit is has already died23:59
dogmatic69agoodm: 10.10?23:59
agoodmfully updated23:59
hamitrontried a fresh user?23:59

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