
qwebirc74712Hi - I'm hoping to find somebody to confirm a Unity/Ayatana bug that I filed.  It's LP #958833.  Happy to explain here.  Anyone have five minutes?  :)00:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 958833 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Launcher opens Trash with wrong apps, because it uses xdg-open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95883300:04
qwebirc74712ok, maybe another time.00:35
nloewenThe latest unity release in the ppa is leaking a lot. is this a known issue?00:47
Daekdroomnloewen, I saw a bug report about that earlier, but no developer commented about it.00:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 976647 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz memory leak?" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:51
nloewenah, I'm getting mem usage of about 1gb over about 12 hours.00:52
DaekdroomI restarted unity less than one hour ago and it's at 238MiB already.00:54
nloewenDaekdroom: I think it was filling up swap too. I don't know how much was there.00:56
nloewenThe compiz --replace command seems broken.03:15
nloewenIt seems to wait indefinitely for the previous instance to end.03:15
nloewenIf I switch to a tty and kill compiz, the command goes through and compiz starts up again.03:16
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mfilipehi! I'm using Precise Pangolin and I see that default behaviour is Launcher always visible but before was hidden. Why did you change that behaviour?14:06
mfilipeThrough Super+Tab is possible I open a NEW window of application?14:09
krnekheleshmfilipe, the dodge behaviour was removed...hence it was wise to keep the launcher always visible as default to aid new users14:09
krnekheleshmfilipe: you can change the setting to autohide if you want in system settings -> Appearance -> behavior14:10
mfilipekrnekhelesh, thanks!14:14
krnekheleshmfilipe, np14:16
mfilipeabout open new window through super+tab, I saw it's possible using Super+Shift+Number but I want through Super+Tab navigation. Is possible?14:19
krnekheleshmfilipe, I am afraid opening a new window using supet+tab is not possible when you already have one instance of that application already running14:32
krnekheleshbut you can super+tab to open application or focus that applications14:32
mfilipeunderstood, thanks again14:34
mfilipethe last question14:34
mfilipeI use two monitor (top and down) and I want move a window from top monitor to down. Can I do that through keyboard?14:35
mfilipecongratulations about ctrl+super+left/right shortcut, it was very good14:37
mfilipemuch better than use grid plugin, because I use a thinkpad that needs press Fn to access NumLock14:38
krnekheleshmfilipe, I do not think there are any shortcuts to move an application from 1 monitor to the other... :(14:43
krnekheleshI only know of shortcuts to move an application from one workspace to the other14:44
bluefrogif not mistaken, bash meta key is used by the HUD and/or by the dash. any way to set another meta key in gnome-terminal?16:53
ace__I am having a bug17:26
ace__where some apps17:26
ace__show as panel17:26
ace__that is Ogre apps (openmw), SFML apps (my  tests) , OpenTK apps(also my tests),glxgears17:26
ace__also show as panel in launcher17:27
* jussi wonders if mhall119 is about?18:56
* mhall119 is about19:07
mhall119jussi: ^^19:08
jussimhall119: how does one get content in the community lens?19:12
mhall119jussi: there are 2 external scopes for it, one reads events from loco.u.c, the other reads news from planet.u.c19:13
jussimhall119: oh, ok19:19
jussimhall119: do you know if there is a lens/scope for LP bugs ? or am I misunderstanding the purpose...19:19
mhall119jussi: the problem is that the LP api doesn't let you query bugs "for all projects", you can only do it on a per-project basis19:21
mhall119there has been talk about a LP or "bugs" lens, it just needs a good source19:22
mhall119dholbach's harvest will feed low-hanging bugs (not sure how it determines those) for multiple projects at a time, and it has an API, just needs somebody to write it19:22
jussicould it be set up for ajust a few sources? ie. bugs for projects Im a member of - or subscribed to or something?19:24
mhall119you could do that, yeah19:26
mhall119the code would still have to do individual queries for each project, but you can at least get a list of projects you're invovled in19:27
mhall119(I think)19:27
mhall119if anybody can help translate Hello Unity, I would very much appreciate it: https://translations.launchpad.net/hello-unity20:52
htorquemhall119: "Change this text to whatever you want it to be" - is this "you" formal (like "sir") or like addressing a buddy?21:38
mhall119htorque: hmmm, like a buddy I suppose21:43
mhall119I certainly wouldn't consider it formal21:43
mhall119should be tu instead of vous then?21:44
htorquemhall119: no idea, i'm not french. :-P  i was asking, because "you" can be translated to both forms in german.21:45
mhall119ah, ok, same for French21:46
mhall119htorque: did you do the German translations for the accomplishments system?21:47
htorquei very rarely do translations21:47
htorquebut the german translation team is big and quite active :-)21:48
micahgdoes Bug #977534  look like a unity bug or chromium specific?22:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 977534 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Cannot Drag-ReOrder Tabs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97753422:06
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