
snap-lHoliday is over00:06
snap-lnow it's time to think about going to work tomorrow00:07
rick_hyea, ugh00:08
brouschrick_h: what'd you put on heroku?01:09
rick_hbrousch: http://readable.bmark.us/01:10
rick_hdoing pretty well, tested with seige to get aroud 27req/s with the async url fetcher01:11
rick_hconsidering I'm doing another http call and I'm limited to the upstream server it works cool01:11
brouschso you broke out the parser into its own app?01:11
rick_hbrousch: yea, so in order to scale it out I thought it'd be cool to make it its own app and just have bookie call it when it does backgroud processing/etc01:13
rick_hplus it gives me something to tinker with heroky with, it's very limited in scope, and doing it with tornado/async to play with that as well01:14
rick_hshould help reduce some code overhead in bookie, make this potentially useful01:14
rick_hI can do a bookmark that just feeds the current url to the /view/ call and you can get readable text without bookmarking01:15
rick_hand running on one heroku instance is free, so you could very quickly setup your own vs the bookie install01:15
rick_hanyway, something to tinker with, having fun with new stuff01:15
rick_hfor those of you that need more books: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/603/11:05
snap-lGood morning11:36
snap-lrick_h: NOOOOOOOOOO11:36
rick_hsnap-l: I never loaded the page, I don't want to look lol11:42
brouschThis sounds like Penguicon to me http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/04/09/hermetically-yours11:52
snap-lOr just about every conference11:53
snap-l"Hi, it's a pleaseure to meet you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go fumigate my hand in Purell"/11:53
brouschthis is crazy http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=176049912:50
brouschyou need to do all of that crap just to run your own code on your own ipad?12:50
snap-lRemind me to blokc informit at the router level as well13:07
snap-lMan, but they have the worst articles.13:07
snap-lALmost as bad as PC MAgazine13:09
snap-lAny time I read some BS half-researched article, it's usually from infoworld, informit, or PC magazine13:09
snap-lThat said, Doug Hellman and WEsley Chun are the exceptions13:10
brouschi am feeling more dense than usual this morning13:31
brouschhow do i put my ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim in a repo on gihub? do i have to git init my ~ dir?13:32
rick_hso I check my stuff out to ~/configs13:32
rick_hand have an install.py that symlinks it to ~13:32
brouschah, so you put it in a separate dir and symlink to where it belongs13:33
snap-lI have a .git directory in my .vim directory13:33
brouschsnap-l: but that wouldn't get .vimrc13:33
snap-lwhich has vimrc and gvimrc in there with a link to ~/.vimrc and .gvimrc13:33
rick_hbrousch: yea, and it let me keep all my dotfiles/ssh files/vim in one place for updating/etc13:33
rick_hbrousch: https://github.com/mitechie/pyvim13:34
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, and you put .zshrc and other foo in there.13:34
snap-lACtually, I'm surprised you don't have .zshrc in configs13:35
brouschwow, that's just for vim?13:36
rick_hyea, I've got the same setup for git reops for email config, dotfiles, vim, ssh, and ~/bin13:41
rick_hso it's a bit copy/paste13:41
rick_hbrousch: but that's installing all my pathogen bundles as well13:41
rick_hsnap-l: don't you want to go scripting tmux now? :)13:42
brouschi think this will work13:43
brouschput the vim stuff in ~/configs/vim and have a simple install.sh to symlink where they belong13:43
jrwreni have to admit, i'm not sure that I like that solution, but I've not come up with anything better :(13:43
rick_hyea, I like it well enough13:44
rick_hbut yea, I've got a bunch of repos since my vim is published it can't have anything private in it13:45
rick_hmy ssh is it's own config so that the private keys only get installed on my main system, etc13:45
rick_hnot all my systems need to do email, so no sense having my email acct passwords on every machine13:45
jrwrenyou put private keys on github?13:45
rick_hno, I don't13:45
jrwrenah, i see.13:45
rick_hthat's why I have 5 different repos in ~/configs13:45
snap-lrick_h: Oh yeah13:46
snap-lIt's the only reason I considered making a configs directory. :)13:46
jrwrenrick_h: making any progress on moving all the bzr stuff to git there? :p13:46
rick_hjrwren: heh, I wish...not a bzr fan13:47
rick_hbrousch: and then you start to get stuff like: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/604/ :)13:47
brouschi suppose that has its own repo too13:48
rick_hthere's more to that: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/605/13:49
rick_hbrousch: yea, a new repo called 'install'13:49
brouschrick_h: where do you keep all these repos?13:49
rick_hbrousch: so yea, the idea is to git clone install from my local server, and then it runs the rest of the install steps via make commands there13:49
rick_hbrousch: public ones are on github, one private one is on github, and a couple others are copied on a local machine and a backup remote machine so I've got two copies13:50
rick_hgits is a alias for one of my local machines basically13:51
brouschi'll probably put it in a bitbucket private repo13:51
rick_hthis is 3 installs (so 1.5yr?) in the making. Each install I automate/document a little more and a little more13:51
rick_hthis last install took really just over an hour to get most things back up13:52
rick_hmost of that downloading things :)13:52
brouschis that setting up awesome or unity?13:56
rick_hwell it installs awesome and my dotfiles has my awesome config in it13:56
rick_hbut you choose what to log into at boot time13:57
rick_hso I can logout/in to unity any time13:57
brouschwhat's with using make instead of bash?13:58
brouschor zsh13:58
rick_hso make uses bash13:59
rick_hit's using shell commands to perform the steps13:59
rick_hthe nice thing is I can rerun parts13:59
rick_hso when I install a package, to make sure my install keeps up to date, I add it to my makefile command and rerun that13:59
rick_hand you get deps, so when I make configs, the ~/configs directory is auto created as a dep14:00
rick_hthat kind of stuff14:00
jrwrencan't you SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh at the top of your make file? :)14:02
rick_hyea, but not doing anything that really needs it14:02
brouschwoohoo, it works!14:10
jrwreni think today I'll go to precise.14:18
jrwrenupdate-manager -d here I come.14:18
jrwreni'll do it remote even.14:18
jrwrenthat is how confident I am.14:18
brouschjrwren: that's because you do your work on a different machine14:19
jrwren*its working*14:19
jrwrenbrousch: um, yes and no.14:19
jrwrensaid machine runs a lot of "production" services for me.14:19
jrwrene.g. if it is down, i hear about it from my wife pretty quickly.14:19
_stink_anyone use this badboy? http://mosh.mit.edu/15:00
rick_hI hate bzr...damn thing...15:00
rick_h_stink_: nope, never heard of it15:00
_stink_do i win a prize for hearing about something terminaly before rick_h?15:01
ColonelPanic001you should.15:02
rick_h_stink_: you can have a bookie badge at penguicon if you're there :P15:03
snap-lI'm curious what the protocol they use is15:07
snap-lapparently I fail at scrolling15:07
snap-lSo, you have to expose the server in order to connect to it. Not sure I trust that.15:08
* snap-l loves his SSH tunnels15:09
jrwreni love snap-l's ssh tunnels too15:11
rick_halways love it when people don't know vim so they write their own crap for it http://vimbits.com/bits/35115:11
jrwrena replacement for ssh? this does not sound good.15:12
* brousch has no interest in snap-l's love tunnels15:12
snap-ljrwren: It's not quite as bad as it first appears15:12
jrwrenlol @ local echo as a selling point.15:12
snap-lbut it looks like you lose key auth15:12
jrwrenit certainly looks interesting15:13
rick_hbwuhahaha beat into submission! http://ramblings.timgolden.me.uk/2012/04/09/pep8-it-is-then/15:14
snap-lnice to know that the energy trail mix I was eating that has soybeans and other nuts "Contains: Soy, Nuts"15:15
snap-lI'd be downright pissed if it didn't.15:15
jrwrenTIL: bash supports loadable builtins15:16
snap-lrick_h: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920024057.do?sortby=publicationDate15:17
rick_hsnap-l: cool15:17
rick_hbut honestly, I've not run across much where I'd need the stuff.15:18
snap-lMe either, but that doesn't keep my "buy it now" finger from itching.15:18
rick_hheh, I'm starting to lose the trigger...15:19
* rick_h hides the Go and Ruby books he recently picke dup on whims15:19
snap-lrick_h: *coughbullshitcough*15:19
rick_hneed to get those meds going snap-l :)15:19
rick_hI am running out of light reading stuff. I like to read a bit before bed and getting tough15:19
rick_hso I just start up more code projects :P15:19
rick_hhey, I picked up that tornado book and now using tornado on readable.bmark.us :P15:20
* snap-l wonders what a 5 * book is for rick_h15:20
rick_hsnap-l: you know my wife's rule :P15:20
rick_h"rick_h isn't picky...he's just easily displeased"15:20
rick_hI don't give perfect ratings unless I'm blown away15:21
rick_hit makes review season at work hard15:21
rick_hbrousch: have you scaled anything on heroku? Used multi workers?15:22
brouschi only have grpug on there, and it is tiny15:22
brouschrick_h: as usual, you are on the cutting edge15:43
rick_hbrousch: well just curious more than anything how it works for scaling out. Just launches more instances of your app/proxies I'd imagine15:44
rick_hI'll write up a bunch of test urls and try siege at it15:44
brouschi am weak and resort to GAE for scale15:45
rick_hyea, don't need to scale out much at the moment, but it seems interesting that I might be able to runa heroku command to fire up 3 more dynos, run my background cron job, and then shut them down again15:46
rick_hto help scale out the readable processing backend15:47
rick_hit's a bit more appealing than setting up multiple/larger ec2 instances15:47
brouscheven with juju?15:47
rick_hhmm, interesting thought. The issue I have with juju is I need to fire up more boxes15:48
rick_hone to run juju on, one for each app15:49
rick_hI guess with this app it's just n+115:49
brouschwell i assume whatever machine is requesting the readable version would fire up the instances/turn on moar dynos15:50
rick_hyea, since it's a cron job the idea is just that scale up, process cron job, go back down to free tier15:51
rick_hI guess it needs the heroku tools and my ssh key in order to do that15:51
brouschah, i was thinking it was a queue15:51
brouschseems reasonable though15:52
rick_hanyway, stuff to tinker with15:52
snap-lfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck15:52
rick_hbecause att is awesome?15:53
snap-lI hope this doesn't include the White Pages15:53
snap-lbecause if it does, I hope that the FTC steps in to ensure that Cerberus doesn't start marketing the hell out of that data.15:54
rick_hI wonder if I'm even in the white pages15:54
brouschbah, switch to mobile15:54
snap-lI know I am15:54
snap-lmy phone number is listed as a FAX number.15:54
snap-lWOW gave me the option, so I took it. ;)15:55
snap-lAlso, for those playing at home, Cerberus was the company that purchased Chrysler from Daimler15:56
rick_hlol https://twitter.com/#!/davidsiegel/status/18938089869581107415:56
snap-land ended selling Chrysler to Fiat15:56
snap-lrick_h: I think that's the 5th or 6th sign of the apocalypse15:57
rick_hyea, they're coming in big batches lately15:57
brouschwell, it is 201215:57
jrwrenis there a way to get apt to allow me to merge changes between changed configuration files?16:43
jrwrene.g. my php.ini file has changed. I want to merge the changes that apt is suggesting.16:43
jrwrennot overwrite16:43
snap-ljrwren: I thought there was an option for that16:44
snap-l ie: if it's possible, it'll offer it16:44
jrwrenhttps://gist.github.com/2344650  you can see a diff16:44
snap-lbut usually I just obliterate the config with whatever the package maintainer had, and apply afterward16:44
jrwrenbut you cannot merge16:44
jrwreni'll keep local and look at the .dpkg-suggested later16:45
snap-lI <3 how this spam uses a news article to trick the bayes filters.16:49
rick_hheh, groupon has struck me as just a unsavory company from day one16:55
snap-lYEah, they're like Entertainment Books16:56
greg-gI keep trying to convince Carrie that Groupon/Livingsocial are not worth our time, but she keeps vetoing me17:02
rick_hthankfully my wife hasn't found/messed with them yet17:03
greg-gI can't believe I'm being vetoed after the shenanigans Groupon pulled, and the fact that we have at least two that we'll never use because we bought them pre-baby17:04
snap-lJoDee looked at them, but frankly there were only a handful that seemed interesting17:08
snap-land all of them felt like a deal with the devil17:09
snap-l(Groupon, not Living Social)17:09
snap-lAnd the 6th seal breaks: http://allthingsd.com/20120409/breaking-facebook-to-acquire-instagram-for-1-billion/?mod=tweet17:10
rick_hholy crap...17:11
rick_hcan you freaking imagine? 2yrs of work, and sure, work your @#$#@ off, but 2yrs of work and bought out for that kind of $$?17:11
rick_hno kidding, not that it'd ever be a freaking billion dollar anything17:12
rick_hbut hell, I'd just like to earn a living hacking on stuff I want to hack on17:12
snap-lI'm sure Yahoo will be back in the market for a bookmarking application17:12
rick_hgeeze...that's crushing.17:13
rick_hI should stop reading these startup books and such.17:13
greg-gstartups are toxic17:13
rick_hyea, definitely, but appeals so much to the builder in me17:14
rick_hgrrr, stupid thing17:14
greg-gbuilding is great17:15
greg-gthe startup mentality/ethic(or lack there-of) is toxic17:15
greg-gsorry, after moving to the mecca of startups, I can confirm all bad press17:15
rick_hah, yea having never done/worked with that stuff I don't have experience for that stuff17:15
rick_hfor me I just see people that have a passion for just building cool stuff and that's what I love.17:16
rick_heven my woodworking/etc is all about just making things17:16
* greg-g is also in a bad mood re most investors that anything that smells like one he'll probably not like17:16
rick_hso I romanticize it I'm sure17:16
rick_hlol: https://twitter.com/#!/rands/status/18940092917337292817:16
greg-gglad I didn't install the app17:17
jrwrenhow are startups toxic?17:17
greg-g:) heh, I knew I would troll jrwren with that comment17:17
greg-gsorry, see the /me comment above17:18
jrwrenfair enough.17:18
greg-ggeneralizations+stereotypes+some first hand experience ;)17:18
greg-gI work in the same building as 500 Startups17:19
greg-gthe group, luckily there aren't 500 startups here17:19
greg-g(also, did you know that 500 startups has only worked with ~200 startups? heh)17:19
rick_hlol, going to say that must be a big building or some small startups17:19
greg-gone startup per child17:19
jrwrensome startups are great.17:19
greg-gright, totally. startup just means 'burgeoning business' which can be anywhere on the good/bad ethical/unethical whatever/not-whatever spectrum17:20
greg-gbut, given certain inputs, certain outputs tend to come to pass17:20
rick_hyea, but I think a lot of people, especially outside certain circles automatically throw up some filters when they hear 'startup'17:20
jrwreni hear "low paid"17:21
greg-gthat's one of them :)17:21
rick_hlong hours, some blinders on the head, and partially salely17:21
rick_hto start17:21
snap-lI think the big thing that drives me nuts about startups is this thought that every startup has to conform to this notion of 25 hour days, adrenaline-fueled binges, and no money for the promise of a big payout17:26
rick_hyea, I really respect what guys like the pinboard guys do. Gary Bernhardt as well. Setup something to earn a living.17:27
snap-lI would love to make something to earn a living off of17:28
snap-lunfortunately, outside of a lifestyle kickstarter, I'm not sure how to go about that. ;)17:28
greg-ghelp me fund my beer fridge17:29
greg-ghelp me buy a new mattress17:29
snap-lHelp me stick it to the man17:29
snap-lfor $100,000, I will tatoo your name on my ass.17:30
jrwrenlike SRT as a "startup" ?17:30
rick_hhow do you cleaim that income lol17:31
snap-lrick_h: hobby17:31
rick_h"Ass defamation: $100,000"17:31
rick_hjrwren: yea, I suppose, but it seems that in that kind of setup you're really dependant on the types of work/projects you can get your hands on17:32
snap-lWell, you could take the tattoo iteself off as a business expense.17:32
rick_hthis is kind of crazy http://techcrunch.com/2012/04/09/right-before-acquisition-instagram-closed-50m-at-a-500m-valuation-from-sequoia-thrive-greylock-and-benchmark/17:33
jrwrenrick_h: yes, you are VERY dependant.17:33
jrwrenbut it does have the "make a place we want to work" value17:34
rick_hjrwren: yea, definitely has potential to be really cool17:34
jjesseinstagram worth $1 billion dollars or equal to purchasing 4 boeing 777's17:34
rick_hand seems that they've acomplished that there17:34
rick_hhah, well when you put it that way17:34
jrwreneven that $500M valuation is nuts.17:34
rick_hactually, wasn't the new Giants/Jets stadium 1B to build?17:34
rick_hthat's crazy17:35
jrwrenwtf would you say flickr is worth?17:35
jjesseis it the community behind instagram or the app they are after?17:35
snap-ljrwren: To the people who host photos there, lots17:35
greg-gjjesse: community17:35
snap-ljrwren: To the people searching for photos there, lots17:35
rick_hI don't know, evidently I suck at these maths...I missed "hyperbolic valuations theory" when I was taking calc 317:35
greg-gnow a-days apps are a secondary thought, you can always throw 30 more devs at a problem. But community (ie: personal data to monetize with ads or sponsorshis or whatever the fuck) is where the money is17:36
snap-ljrwren: To everyone else who couldn't care less, nothing.17:36
snap-lgreg-g: Which is fascinating to see the number of people looking to cancel their instagram accounts.17:37
jrwreni'm trying to find what yahoo paid for clikr17:37
rick_hwell, facebook is a pretty binary ecosystem17:37
jrwren* paid for flickr17:37
snap-lbut that's to be expected17:37
greg-gsnap-l: they are? I doubt it'll be any sig percentage17:37
snap-lgreg-g: I think it'll be 5-10%17:37
snap-lBut I think Facebook just wants the community to be on Facebook17:37
greg-gfacebook really seems like it is going to win the web war from google17:38
rick_hjrwren: Yahoo! acquired Ludicorp and Flickr in March 2005. The reported acquisition cost was $35 million17:38
rick_hI have to agree with most people, I don't see how this buys anything for Facebook.17:38
jrwrenI'd suggest that flickr then was more valuable than instagram is now.17:38
rick_hFacebook has more resources, more talent, more tech know how, more customers.17:38
jrwrenbut pros disagree with me :)17:38
snap-ljrwren: The mobile component is what's adding the crack-frosting to this cake17:39
greg-gjrwren: and now you see why the JOBS Act is dumb17:39
* greg-g chuckles17:39
jjessethe mobile part is the key17:39
snap-lOMG, I CAN POST FROM MY PHONE?!?!?!?!17:39
* greg-g is on a jrwren trolling party bus today17:39
jrwrengreg-g: fuk no.17:40
jrwrenjobs act means I could have got in on the double my money overnight action :)17:40
jrwrenthe flickr phone app is pretty good. maybe better than instagram.17:40
snap-ljrwren: I have a charity you can support17:40
jrwrenbut... but... trendy filters!17:40
jcastroInstagram! Powered by Ubuntu17:40
snap-lit's the Society for the prevention of the buying power of idiots.17:40
snap-lJust send us your donation, and we'll see that idiots everywhere won't be able to make stupid purchases.17:41
snap-lAsk your friends to make matching donations.17:41
greg-git DOUBLES the effect of your contribution!17:42
rick_hcool, found a local clarkston dev, node.js fanboi it appears, but still.17:42
jrwrensnap-l: so your goal is the destruction of walmart?17:42
greg-grick_h: ???17:42
rick_hgreg-g: sorry, just surprised there are other real techy people in my local area.17:43
snap-ljrwren: If I could take in what walmart takes in, I'd be very happy.17:43
snap-lrick_h: It's not like you live in the boonies17:43
rick_hgreg-g: especially condering all the driving I do to hang out with you techy folks :P17:43
snap-lyou have an ice cream stand that isn't attached to a cow, for God's sake.17:43
jrwrensnap-l: ha! hahahahah!17:43
greg-grick_h: ah, thought you got inspired by instagram and hired a second bookie employee ;)17:43
jrwrencooks farm dairy!  nom nom nom17:43
rick_hgreg-g: lmao, now you're talking17:44
rick_hjrwren: the local place started service cook's ice cream17:44
snap-lrick_h: There you go: put in an ad in Craigslist for a developer17:44
rick_hand then respond to it myself?17:44
snap-l"The internet is booming, and we need to grow our business"17:44
snap-l"looking for qualified rockstar developers to help take us to the next level"17:45
snap-l"Must be willing to swear your soul to the company. Pay is upwards of $8 an hour, commesurate with experience"17:45
snap-ldhh: Dude, it's so not like last time. Those were desktop eyeballs. Everyone knows they ain't worth shit. These are MOBILE eyeballs, PLAYA!17:46
greg-gthey have a point that mobile eyeballs are worth more (more situated data, and easier access to your other data eg contacts)17:48
greg-gyou thought Google just wanted to make an "open source" alternative to iphone to be the "good guy"? :)17:49
rick_hhttps://twitter.com/#!/garybernhardt/status/189409227767427072 lol17:49
jrwren<3 Gary17:50
snap-l@benhjacobs: Kodak goes bankrupt and Instagram is worth a billion dollars. 2012, y'all.17:57
jrwrenfukin crazy.17:58
jrwreninstagram doesn't even have a website.17:58
jrwrenjust the app.17:58
jrwreni've no idea where it even posts to.17:58
jrwrenno WAY is it worth a billion17:58
jrwrenthis is insane.17:58
snap-lRT @hasanahmad: @jeffjarvis now all fb has to do is acquire tumblr and the hipster suicide watch will begin17:58
greg-gjrwren: that's the point (no web, just app) that way you control ALL data17:59
snap-lgreg-g: I value that answer at $500 internet bucks17:59
brouschinstaram is worth so much because it runs on django18:00
rick_hclearly :P18:00
brouschand gunicorn18:00
brouscha good stack http://instagram-engineering.tumblr.com/post/13649370142/what-powers-instagram-hundreds-of-instances-dozens-of18:01
snap-lAlso, now that INstagram is $1B, I look forward to Polaroid suing for trademark infringement18:04
jrwrenhow is that a good stack?18:08
jrwrensome WEIRD choices there.18:08
jrwrenI'm sure they had their reasons.18:08
jrwrennot that I'm knocking the python/django/gunicorn choices.18:09
brouschwhat is weird?18:09
rick_hno, but 25 app servers and 12 db servers?18:09
jrwrenthey complain about EBS spindles.18:10
jrwrenwhy not just store images in S3 ?18:10
jrwrenits literally for what S3 was made18:10
rick_h"The photos themselves go straight to Amazon S3"18:10
jrwrenlol, i missed that then!18:10
jrwrenreading fail.18:11
jrwrenty rick_h18:11
rick_hnp, was just reading that line myself so had it handy :)18:11
jrwrenin that case, its a damn shame to hear that their pg on ebs is so slow.18:11
rick_hwell ebs disk is known to have issues18:11
jrwrenbecause meta data for users and photos for only a few TB of photes should NOT be that much.18:11
rick_hthere's a LOT of posts out there trying to hack on that18:12
snap-lAlso, Microsoft apparently bought some Netscape patents18:14
jrwrenfrom whom?18:14
jrwrenfrom AOL?18:14
rick_hyea, a whole "realizing the value of our patent portfolio" deal18:15
brousch$1billion dollars worth18:15
rick_hthe articles coming out of that were nuts18:15
snap-lSo, at what point does the bubble burst again?18:16
jjesseexcept AOL kept the Netscape URL and the Netscape ISP18:16
jjessewtf Netscape ISP is i don't know but it is apparently out there18:16
snap-lI mean, we have patent portfolios that are essentially just a lot of hot air18:17
snap-land companies who have a freemium business model18:17
snap-lWondering if Groupon will be this generation's Pets.com18:17
brouschlinux-magazine makes me want to kick puppies18:34
brouschthey always have a small, interesting abstract then you have to download a PDF for the full article18:34
snap-lbrousch: And you have to subscribe too, if it's a more recent article.18:35
rick_hgrrrr.."to cancel please call out special number...and wait on hold forever!! bwuhahaha!"18:42
snap-lrick_h: What are you canceling?18:44
rick_hwe never use the land line phones at all, just give verizon our $$ and skip this fake land line18:45
snap-lrick_h: Ah, lovely.18:46
rick_hdamn! 15min hold, say I want to cancel...and transferred back on hold18:47
snap-lMy only worry with that is having all lines of communicaion cut in an emergency18:47
snap-lsays the man with a VOIP service that goes AWOL when the power is cut.18:48
rick_hyea, but I can google voice through my laptop the same as this broadvoice voip setup18:48
rick_hand I have my stuff on battery backup for some of that18:48
snap-lYeah, same here18:49
rick_hthe only thing was the nice ability to put phones across the house and for the wife doing call to not have to keep around her cell phone18:49
rick_hbut she's gotten to where she never uses the 'land' line so done with it18:49
snap-lYeah, we use our land line a lot18:49
snap-lour cell phones are essentially messaging terminals18:50
rick_hwhen the route went boom I left it un hoooked up, think that was 3mo ago18:50
snap-land for mobile.18:50
rick_hheh yea, even my MIL is texting18:50
snap-lMy parents are luddites18:50
snap-lMy dad's phone doesn't accept texts, I learned this weekend.18:50
rick_horly, wow18:50
snap-lANd my mom could probably well served with a brick18:52
snap-lso she could threaten someone to use their cell phone in case of an emergency.18:52
jrwrenyou could always get a google voice account and hook that up to your land line.18:56
jrwrenfor the cost of a ATA18:56
rick_hjrwren: yea, end of the day, we use our cells for everything so not a lot of point other than to let the boy play with the land line phones18:58
rick_hhe loves that18:58
jrwreni'm still paying $17/mo for vonage for no good reason.18:58
brouschwe dumped landline 18 months ago18:59
brouschhaven't had any problems18:59
jrwrenthe nice thing about a land line is that it will potentially keep working in a MAJOR power outage.19:00
jrwrenlike the aug 2001 blackout.19:00
jrwrenwas that 2001?19:00
jrwrenerr, 203319:00
brouschwell you still have 911 service on your landline19:01
jrwreni don't think even a 1500VA UPS will last for 3-4 days powering a router, cable modem and ATA19:01
rick_hno, you're in generator area there19:01
jrwrenbrousch: you might. My wires aren't wired to ATT in my walls19:01
jrwreni should run some tests and see just how long a UPS can power the cable modem router and ATA19:02
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, that was the only thing that was working19:02
jrwrenjust thinking about the 2k3 blackout makes me want to eat icecream.19:06
jrwrenhad to clear out the freezer :)19:06
snap-lhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-czZr2e-pl0 <- Neurotech's latest EP19:32
brouschthat is so 2 hours ago19:35
snap-lbrousch: You're on their mailing list, aren't you? :)19:47
brouschof course19:48
snap-lhttp://askubuntu.com/a/101634/1614 <- This is very useful information19:55
snap-lI give the poster $500 internet bucks19:55
brouschheh. it is silly how often people ask that19:58
brouschi think 3/4 of my reputation points are from similar questions19:58
rick_hgeeze, this freaking nas has a 'desktop'21:12
waldo323_the Penguicon schedule is available http://penguicon2012.sched.org/ it is still a work in progress and there is still time for some additions as well21:30
waldo323_they/we are looking for feedback so we can solve issues before it goes to print21:31
rick_hso pushing 4-5MB/s across gigabit so far in rsync backup22:23

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