
blnkI would think that 22 would have to be open for it to connect?00:00
reCAPTCHA_Muelli: Ha ha! This is horrible. It segfaults when trying to use ubuntu-bug00:00
vltblnk: Port 22 has to be open on the server, not on the client.00:02
Muelliugh. well reCAPTCHA_. You seem to be screwed then. Have you (manually) installed any newer or older libraries like glib or GTK+? I.e. can you do an "apt-get dist-upgrade" w/o it wanting to install or remove anything?00:02
blnkah, okay. So why would it be timing out? My suspicion is that my service provider might be blocking the port. but thats only speculation00:03
KM0201blnk: it sounds like you've forwarded port 22 to the wrong machine, as said, it has to be open on the server, not the client00:03
KM0201blnk: why is it timing out? because you're hitting a brick wall due to port 22 not being open00:04
MuellireCAPTCHA_: I'm off, so my last hints are: run gdb and see where it crashes, i.e. in which library. Then try to figure out why that is and reinstall the library plus its bindings.00:04
blnkI forwarded port 22 to port 22 on the same IP i see when I put "ifconfig" in the terminal00:04
joebodoGoogle: ssh home server howto - About 9,020,000 results (0.28 seconds)00:04
KM0201i agree, you need to do some reading on port fwarding and SSH00:05
blnkI've already googled and read several how-tos that dont work00:05
blnkI guess the only thing I can try is have a friend try to connect to see if my "brick wall" is on my phone carriers end00:07
=== Acid190 is now known as canon
whoeverneed some help with eclipse it isn't using openjdk i tried export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd6400:08
whoeverwith no luck can someone assist00:08
scuthow do i connect to wifi via console ?00:08
DennisRasL3top: Sorry had to reboot. Not a good idea to stop the service even though forum posts said so :P00:08
Muelliwhoever: don't do that. Use update-alternatives or "update-java-alternative" or the like.00:08
scutwifi is wpa2 with password00:08
L3topDennisRas: what gave that error on display 0 thing00:09
L3topDennisRas: trying to create an xorg.conf?00:09
whoevermeganerd: not workin' spdate-alternatives  --auto jsst spits out help00:13
scuthow do i know an ip for my router ?00:14
BatshuaOkay, smart people! Why is my screen locking if power management has been instructed never to sleep the computer or the display?00:15
whoeverMuelli: not workin' spdate-alternatives  --auto jsst spits out help00:16
briankbbatrick, Have you checked under System Settings > "Brightness and Lock"?  http://askubuntu.com/a/112182/3745000:18
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whoeverMuelli: this is what i get from update-java-alternatives http://pastebin.com/qieZ0ptY00:19
whoeverMuelli: if you like i can run java just to show that yes thre is output00:19
jason_fridayhow do i register my id00:20
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yummy1type /msg nickserv register help00:21
jason_fridaythank you yummy100:21
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yummy1np my friend.. if u are good with linux.. help me in future lol00:22
mvHow do I remove the sound Ubuntu makes when a tab completion is not available in the shell? I've googled and couldn't find anything00:24
diodexHello, I installed KDE-Plasma in Ubuntu and now I can't log in.00:24
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kevins[webchat]mv: I don't know how, but try turning the bell off00:24
kevins[webchat]mv: depends on the terminal app you're using00:25
diodexI can only log in to the guest account00:25
wassy121_mv: If this is in gnome-terminal, it is in the preferences00:25
wassy121_mv: If you are talking about the one on TTY1 (the raw console), you have to turn off a kernel module00:25
mvIm talking emulator like gnome-terminal.. i think i found it00:26
wassy121_mv: And if you use screen, it is in /etc/screenrc :)00:26
mvthank you kevins[webchat] and wassy121_00:26
whoeverneed help been at this all day thank you to sun  get eclipse to use openjdk , get the error from ecipse that there isn't a jvm but when i try to change to the alternate java , here is what i get http://pastebin.com/qieZ0ptY00:26
mvi was thinking it was a 'set' command00:26
CarsonI have a very slow internet connection with low monthly bandwidth, but I have access to a better location. Can I put a ubuntu computer there and access it over the internet from my place? For the most part I'd be downloading torrents and from webpages. After, I need some method of transferring the files to my macbook over the network. Any suggestions?00:26
briankbmv, maybe setterm -blength 000:27
wassy121_whoever: did you install a java alternative?00:27
yummy1yah Carson00:27
yummy1get seedbox00:27
diodexHello, I installed KDE-Plasma in Ubuntu and now I can't log in.00:27
yummy1and use rtorrent00:27
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kevins[webchat]diodex: Could you provide a more detailed description of the problem?00:29
wassy121_whoever: so, that command fails in the same way for me, and I have Java working just fine00:29
diodexkevins[webchat]: I installed KDE-plasma-desktop using synaptic, and logged off.00:29
diodexNow I can't log into my account00:30
diodexthe screen goes black and then back to the user accounts screen.00:30
wassy121_whoever: so, look into whether or not "java -h" returns anything.  If so, re-configure eclipse, and manually tell it where java is00:30
Carson@yummy1 thanks. But what's wrong with a normal Ubuntu setup that I use remote screen to get to?00:30
kevins[webchat]diodex: can you log into a raw console?00:30
diodexkevins[webchat]: yes, but it'd close irc, hold on, lemme start it on my phone00:31
yummy1•Carson• you can install free-nx00:31
yummy1and control u'r server00:32
CelltechAre updates really mandatory? I'm back on 10.04 and last time I did updates it screwed over my system00:32
MonkeyDustsacarlson  i live quite comfortably without phpmyadmin00:32
MonkeyDustoops lag00:33
whoeverwassy121_: no but i cant get eclipse to launch i keep getting error that it can't find jvm00:33
wassy121_whoever: is the eclipse installation new?  It should launch even without finding the jvm, to give you a blank project00:34
whoeverwassy121_: thats my prop telling eclipse how to find it00:34
wassy121_whoever: maybe there is a .eclipse folder errantly in your home directory, messing it up00:34
whoeverwassy121_: yep new00:35
wassy121_whoever: what's your java version, ubuntu version, and eclipse version/install path.  That might help pinpoint00:35
yummy1guys is there way to install new version to rtorrent without comiling?00:35
whoeverwassy121_: no i get a meesage box telling me that it cant find a jvm and when i click ok it quits00:35
yummy1i orignally compile the version 0.89 myself long time ago and now want to update00:36
MonkeyDustyummy1  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:36
kevins[webchat]someone tell diodex| that I have to go, anyone willing to pick up from where we are? test his desktop environment settings.00:36
whoeverwassy121_: 700:36
yummy1•MonkeyDust• 0.9.0 isn't in apt-get update00:36
kevins[webchat]diodex|: sorry about that.00:36
CarsonSo will that allow me to restart the server and such? Problem with the rtorrent idea is that I need to download more than just torrents. I want to go FreeNAS and download that for example.00:36
diodex|And I'm back.00:36
MonkeyDustyummy1  what's wrong with the version in the repo?00:36
yummy1some trackers don't support it.. its old00:37
kevins[webchat]diodex|: can you log in? If you can't, consider backing up and reinstalling a copy of ubuntu.00:37
yummy1•Carson• you use the frontend called rutorrent00:37
whoeveror wassy121_ java -version won't return anything bud javac will00:37
diodex|I am in tty00:37
kevins[webchat]diodex|: success?00:37
diodex|But I can't log in to gui00:38
diodex|I get a black screen then I'm kicked back to the login00:38
wassy121_whoever: look for a file called "java_home" in $ECLIPSE_INSTALL_PATH/etc or maybe /etc/eclipse00:39
kevins[webchat]diodex|: try removing plasma.00:39
whoeverwassy121_: ubuntu 11.10  eclipse -version brings up that error message00:39
wassy121_whoever: and note the output of `which java`00:39
diodex|Eh, how do I exit tty?00:39
whoeverwassy121_: should i delete the ~.eclipse folder00:40
wassy121_whoever: you can also use tricks like "dpkg -S $(which java)" or "dpkg -S $(which eclipse)"00:40
kevins[webchat]diodex|: run shutdown. or alt-f1 (i think)00:40
wassy121_whoever: I would move it, not delete it.  In case it holds something you want later.00:40
wassy121_whoever: won't hurt to be empty/non-existant either way00:40
mezodis there any way to specify a file to a .sh when it doesnt find it automatically?00:41
yummy1.sh filename.sh ?00:42
osirisx11i installed studio precise beta and then i installed and started using gnome classic mode, now there is still a bunch of stuff from the other window manager left over, how do i remove that?00:42
Batshuabriankb: No. But I just checked screensavers and discovered it's supposed to lock when the screen is inactive, so thanks!00:42
petrovv_what is the official, Canonical supported, website downloader for Ubuntu?00:42
briankbBatshua, ah. glad you found it then00:42
whoeverwassy121_: eclipse 3.7 which java  not installed , which openjdk not installed00:42
wassy121_whoever: http://isharapremadasa.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-install-eclipse-indigo-37-in.html00:43
DennisRasL3top: You still around? Sorry. Been trying to keep fighting with this issue so had to reboot a couple of times. Anyway I finally got an xorg.conf file now00:43
wassy121_whoever: looks like it is named "eclipse.ini" .  Find that file, point it to the right Java VM00:44
L3topDennisRas: I'm here00:45
L3topwhat is the result of having an xorg.conf, and does grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg return a result as intel or vesa (ignoring those not applicable)00:45
whoeverwassy121_: when i was looking to see what openjdk calls there vm i couldnt find it00:46
L3topDennisRas: also please give me the output of lspci | grep VGA00:46
wassy121_whoever: I don't understand what you mean by that.00:46
diodex|I installed kde and stopped being able to log in. Removing kde did not help00:47
diodex|I can log in to root, but not my account00:47
DennisRasL3top: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)00:47
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whoeverwassy121_: i removed the .eclipse folder and nothing changed00:48
whoeverwassy121_: should i reinsall eclipse00:48
wassy121_whoever: the vm binary path is shown by "which java".  Look for eclipse.ini, I think it's in /etc/eclipse maybe?00:48
wassy121_whoever: you don't need to.00:49
wassy121_whoever: try "dpkg -L eclipse | grep ini"00:49
whoeverwassy121_: openjdk, i don't know what they named there vm00:49
whoeveri don't think they named it jvm00:49
DennisRasL3top: /etc/X11/xorg doesn't exist00:49
L3topso sorry, /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:50
wassy121_whoever: The "name" of the vm doesn't matter.  You just need the answer to "where does java live", which can be found with "which java"00:50
diodex|Hello, after installing kde, I can no longer log in to my account00:50
DennisRasL3top: http://pastebin.com/4WbPQyvF00:51
mezodyummy1 yes00:51
L3topthat was a terrible grep. DennisRas: apt-get install pastebinit if you have not already, and lspci -vv | grep VGA |pastebinit00:51
DennisRasWas that an autoresponse?00:51
L3topI expected a bit more detail from the original grep I asked for00:52
DennisRasOh I see00:52
diodex|So, can nobody help me?00:52
whoeverwassy121_: dpkg-L eclipse | grep ini returns nothing00:52
L3topthat xorg.conf is totally hosed00:52
mezodi'm running a .sh that says can't find a file that is on the folder :S any clues?00:52
wassy121_whoever: how about look through "dpkg -L eclipse | less" , and just look for something that looks like a conf file00:53
L3topor... you have one of those weirdo boards with two gpus00:53
DennisRasI have no idea00:53
wassy121_whoever: maybe grep for etc, or conf, or something like that00:53
L3topplease do the previous request. Then please pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:53
DennisRasI just got the laptop and I wanted to give Ubuntu a try as a developer. Just having issues with the graphics (black screen as mentioned before)00:54
DennisRasYeah sure00:54
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whoeverwassy121_: nothing so reinstalling eclipse00:55
DennisRasL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/921119/00:55
thecandystoreWhen I change the vm swappiness. Do I just add it anywhere in the config file?00:55
diodex|Hello, after installing kde I can't login to my account00:58
diodex|Removing it didn't help00:58
DennisRasL3top: I keep reading something about setting i915 modeset to 0, could this be it?00:58
whoeverwassy121_: just to give you a heads up it didn't recreate the .eclIpse folder and still no sign of a .ini or .conf01:00
whoeverso will have to do some purging01:00
DennisRasL3top: nevermind. Apparently when I use nomodeset it's the same as setting i915 modeset to 0, but apparently I'm using vesa now instead of the intel driver?!01:00
terr_I'm trying to get KDE ubuntu running.  It sees the KB but the KB does not work properly.  Its an IBM PC104 but I have another and while it also does not work properly it works differently.  Any ideas?  Should I ask in KDE?01:01
mezodi'm running a .sh that says can't find a file that is on the folder :S any clues?01:03
L3topSorry DennisRas, I have a lot going on here. This was why I wanted the xorg.conf... to fix this oddball use of both intel and vesa drivers and whetever the hell fbdev is.01:04
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L3topI needed the verbose version of your lspci to determine if your chipset uses two gpus01:05
DennisRasL3top: don't worry. I got time and I appreciate your time01:05
DennisRasL3top: Do you still need something from me or?01:06
diodex|Hello, after installing kde I can no longer log in to my own account01:07
DennisRasI'm flying around the forums, but no luck there. Most I don't understand, rest is not related to this machine01:07
terr_diodex|:   I have a KB problem.  Some of the keys do not work right.  Might be the same.01:08
L3topIt is possible that I missed it, but I need your full /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:08
terr_diodex|:  two (2) different KB's and they do NOT work as expected01:08
diodex|Terr_ : no, my problem is that I am literally unable to log into that account01:09
L3topDennisRas: It is possible that I missed it, but I need your full /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:09
terr_diodex|:  can you log into anything else?01:09
ax562anyone have timidity problems?01:10
diodex|I am currently in root01:10
DennisRasL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/921132/01:10
terr_diodex|:  see if you cna get root access adn create a alternate useer ID for now.  Try moving your /etc/passwd or the shawdow and re-create your password... also check inside amd make sure its still corect01:11
terr_I'm trying to get KDE ubuntu running.  It sees the KB but the KB does not work properly.  Its an IBM PC104 but I have another and while it also does not work properly it works differently.  Any ideas?  Should I ask in KDE?01:11
ax562@diodex, you have timiditty problems?01:11
romulobrhi, i want to configure an email server in order to only send emails from it. I  followed  ubuntu server guide to a point where postfix is installed and working with dovecot, but i don't really know what to do next. Can you help, please?01:11
L3topDennisRas you said this was an onboard chipset yes?01:13
DennisRasI believe it is01:13
DennisRasQuite sure yeah01:13
L3tophow many monitors do you have attached?01:14
DennisRasJust the laptop itself01:14
whoeverwassy121_: still no conf or ini, and didn't recrate the .eclipse file, any ideas01:14
DennisRasI used an external with windows7 though01:14
ZenGuy311what are some small cool projects i coudl do with a vps?01:14
techopI'm running some java app but cant see the buttons01:14
techopwhat do I need to do?01:15
L3topOk... can you please use pastebin? I don't want to log in to anything to get the raw text, nor do I care to edit out each line numberrr01:15
DennisRasL3top: I don't understand the 3 monitor part either01:15
L3topwell... chances are there is a vga/DVI/hdmi port on the laptop01:15
L3topnow that I know it is a laptop01:15
techophi any one know about this problem?01:16
DennisRasL3top: there is and it's used when I boot win701:16
L3topwin has no power here. (said with English accent)01:17
DennisRasL3top: http://pastebin.com/mUuLdV7101:17
terr_I'll ask a different way.  When I press / on the keyboard I get ./  When I press c" I get cd and when I press d I get dc.  Why?  Is this a mapping problem?01:17
ax562anyone know or have had experience with timidity problems??01:17
L3topDennisRas: before I give you this, for fun, please cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bu01:19
DennisRasL3top: done, already got several backups01:19
kevdogWho's great idea was it to finally do away with the Tutorials and Tips section on the forums to further fragment the Ubuntu experience?01:19
DennisRasAnd can't really screw it up, because this is a fresh installation with 0 configuration so it's just a reset in case01:20
ZenGuy311what are some small cool projects i coudl do with a vps?01:20
shammancerCan you use a separate boot partition for multiple distros?01:20
cihhanhi! im trying to use socket programming examples on the net. i have two computers for that. i can use computer A as server and B as client; but I cant use computer A as client and B as server (I receive "Couldnt bind to port" error). Do you have any suggestions?01:20
kevdogIf this isn't the appropriate channel for discussion, let me know and I can take my gripes elsewhere01:20
had_matterhello.  im stuck.  for some reason i cannot connect to the LAN internet through router. but can through WLAN.01:22
L3topDennisRas: please give http://pastebin.com/0v95g0Sr a shot as /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:22
shammancerCihhan is there a firewall between the computer01:22
had_matterI can however connect through my ISP's router via LAN01:22
ZenGuy311kevdog: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=100 it's still there01:22
L3topIf it has disasterous results, tell me it went swimmingly and see if anyone else can help you further, it is my best guess01:22
cihhanshammancer: hmm good question -- im new to linux, how can i understand if there is a firewall activated?01:23
DennisRasL3top: changed all 3 to intel?01:23
L3topthats how I roll. Using the actual hardware supplied and identified01:23
ZenGuy311what are some small cool projects i coudl do with a vps?01:23
kevdogZenGuy311: Yes I know -- its slated for destruction in the future at some yet unspecified date01:23
ZenGuy311kevdog:  citation please?01:23
shammancerCihhan: How are the computers connected with watch other?01:23
terr_#KDE guys say X is misconfigured in the KUBUNTU install.  This should be a standard generic IBM PC 104 KB.  I don't see anthing in the sytem settings list of KB's which look to be more correct than Generic PC 104.  (Its a PS/2 KB)01:24
ZenGuy311kevdog:  forget it .. i'm reading the sticky01:24
techophi anyone01:24
cihhanthey are just connected to internet01:24
kevdogZenGuy311: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194902701:24
cihhanand im trying to connect them with their IPs01:24
techopI'm trying to run a java app but the gui brings up only the frame01:24
shammancercihhan Are both are connected to seperate modems?01:25
had_matteri've edited my /etc/network/interfaces file for eth0. when i restart the system I get network not managed01:25
DennisRasL3top: rebooting, brb01:25
had_matterany thoughts?01:25
cihhanshammancer: hmm they are in the office -- they are using the same router01:25
Dr_willishad_matter,  its not managed by the network manager any more because you overrode it by editing that file perhaps?01:26
Dr_willishad_matter,  what are you trying to acomplish?01:26
shammancer|Did you install any firewall packages or anti virus software?01:27
Dr_williswork time for me.. be back laters.01:27
kevdoghad_matter: Whats the problem?  I jumped in late to the conversation01:27
had_matterDR_willis: i kinda thought that, so i went back to the original file contents. "network not managed" disapears but i cannot access the internet through lan.01:27
cihhanshammancer|: i havent, but maybe someone else did -- let me check it01:28
had_matterthe trouble is this.  i can connect to the internet via WLAN.01:28
cainushey all... can anyone tell me how, after a recent upgrade, browser audio is distorted (but audio in other apps isn't)?  Is this a common problem?  is there a known fix?01:28
had_matterI can connect to the internet directly through modem01:28
had_matterbut i cannot connect to the internet LAN through router. other computers can01:29
shammancer|Had_matter are your is your computer plugged into a lan port on your router01:29
had_matteryes. both are in front of me01:29
had_matterif i unplug the ethernet coming from the modem direct into the laptop no problem01:30
Gneahad_matter: why did you edit /etc/network/interfaces?01:30
shammancer|Had_matter Ok open the terminal and enter ifconfig01:30
shammancer|Ok laptop lan port wan port modem01:31
had_matterbut if i connect through the router, nfg01:31
richardlxchello ,this morning ,i find this message in /var/log/auth.log01:31
Gneahad_matter: more importantly, what did you change the interfaces file to say?01:32
had_matterifconfig entered01:32
whoeveris there a date for 12 to get relesad , i head that it was this month01:32
Gnea!12.04 | whoever01:32
ubottuwhoever: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:32
richardlxc"Address maps to, but this does not map back to the       CompyThe~ address -              Pici       POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!"01:32
ax562anyone know or have had experience with timidity problems??01:32
richardlxcwhat's wrong?01:32
had_matterthe interfaces file was updated for auto dhcp01:32
xmlsI need some help. Is there any possible way that I can setup my system to autokill a proccess if it reaches 100% ? I'm having some troubles with minecraft.01:33
guest-0rXPsiwhat does a beginner of ubuntu practice?01:33
Gneahad_matter: then you realize that the use of wicd or NetworkManager is no longer possible, right?01:33
Gneaguest-0rXPsi: using the system to do something useful01:34
had_matteri gathered that.01:34
Gneahad_matter: wasn't sure.01:34
whoeverwassy121_: still herre? any i deas after removing purging eclipse , it didnot recreate the .eclipse folder and still the same error that it cantt find jvm01:34
had_matterwhat would cause something like that.01:34
techopI'm trying to run some java app but the gui only displays the screen, no buttons01:34
xubuntu_malHello everyone01:35
Gneahad_matter: if it's set to dhcp, then you should get an IP after rebooting the system01:35
xmlsDoes anyone know how to autokill a java process (minecraft) if it reaches more than 100% CPU ?01:35
joebodoimo - better to install eclipse from eclipse download page instead of repo01:35
xubuntu_malI am having some trouble with xubuntu beta2 installer01:35
Gneahad_matter: you say that the ubuntu system is connected via ethernet to a LAN port on the cable modem?01:35
xmlsis there any way to setup my system to do that?01:35
FrankJamesoxmls, have you considered the use of nice when starting minecraft?01:35
xmlswhat's nice?01:36
Gneaxmls: it cannot attain more than 100% cpu usage01:36
kevdoghad_matter: Lets just get some basics straight -- you got a computer (wired or wireless?) connecting through router to the world at large01:36
xmlsGnea, yesterday it was using 201% CPU.01:36
FrankJamesoman nice in terminal01:36
xmlsand it became unresponsive.01:36
Gneaxmls: what program told you this?01:36
Gnea!nice | xmls01:36
ubottuxmls: 'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.01:36
kevdoghad_matter: You've tried dhcp I take it -- what happens?  You don't get assigned an address via the router, or is your network card not even working?01:36
xmlsso how would I exactly run minecraft with nice?01:37
Gneaxmls: the manpage will tell you how01:37
xmlsman page.01:37
loticdescant77got a problem with cd/dvd rom01:37
xmlswhy cant it be a womanpage.01:37
loticdescant77the cdrom will mount a disc with content on it01:37
Gneaman is short for 'manual'01:38
loticdescant77but if i put in a blank disk it does nothing01:38
DennisRasL3top: Didn't help. Couldn't even boot with nomodeset so had to recover xorg.conf.bu01:38
loticdescant77well this is problem if i launch brasero to burn an iso it cant find a disc01:38
SirShmoopyDo i need to reinstall silly games in order to run a stable operating system?01:39
xmlsthank you for helping me ~01:39
xmlsbut does this solve my problem?01:39
arooni-mobileaccording to disk utility; i'm seeing a SMART warning that disk failure is imminent.  i'd like a second opinion as this lenovo t420 is less than a year old and powered on time is only 94.3 days.  apparently there are 1446 bad sectors and the reallocated sector count is 1444.  its a 500gb drive.01:39
LirthSo I asked this earlier but was interrupted before I could get help. I can't seem to get my headset to run in its 7.1 surround sound mode (the option doesn't even display). I can do it in 5.1 and everything else works well, I'd just like to be able to use the headset's full capabilities. My mobo can run 8 channel and my headset actually has its own sound card built in, so I can't understand why it isn't working.01:39
xmlsif it reaches 100%, it'll autokill itself?01:39
loticdescant77this is an annoying problem01:41
SirShmoopyi have done this three times so far today: install ubuntu 11.10 x64, dist-upgrade, reboot, install nvidia through jockey, reboot, install gnome and gnome-shell, install cinnamon, dist-upgrade, remove games and banshee/gwibber01:41
loticdescant77im guessing it has something todo with firmware01:41
Gnealoticdescant77: have you tried k3b?01:41
had_matterback. unplanned reboot01:42
SirShmoopypanels and window borders all go away, so i log into gnomeshell, which is glitchy. if i try to search it kicks me back to desktop, a few tries and i lose everything but the wallpaper and have to log out/in01:42
loticdescant77nah didnt want to install all those kde depends01:42
SirShmoopylast time i left gwibber and banshee because it wanted to remove ubuntu core and something else, still crashed01:43
loticdescant77ill give it a shot but dont think itll work01:44
techopI'm trying to run some java app but the gui only displays the screen, no buttons01:44
loticdescant77ill have to muck around and figure out what the dvdrom verion is and see if i can install firmware or now01:44
wassy121_whoever: what exact version of eclipse are you using?  You need to find out where it puts the config file.  http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-11.10/ubuntu-universe-amd64/eclipse-platform_3.7.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb.html seems to indicate it is in /etc/eclipse.ini .  Where did you get the package?  "dpkg -L eclipse | grep etc" should reveal something?01:45
had_matterok here's my situation. i can connect to internet via wifi through router.  I can conect to internet via ethernet through modem.  i cannot connect to internet via ethernet though router on this unit (others can).01:47
had_matterany thoughts?01:47
ax562Setting up timidity-daemon (2.13.2-39build1) ...01:48
ax562runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory01:48
ax562 * Stopping TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...                                   No timidity found running; none killed.01:48
ax562                                                                         [ OK ]01:48
ax562runlevel:/var/run/utmp: No such file or directory01:48
FloodBot1ax562: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
ax562 * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...                            [fail]01:48
brianp1992can i install .yum in ubuntu01:49
ax562new to irc...01:49
L3topsorry DennisRas. I find your chipset confusing.01:49
wylde!pastenib | ax56201:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:49
ax562I have been getting this error and packages that need timidity will not install correctly01:49
L3topThis is not a sandy bridge by chance is it DennisRas01:49
DennisRasWhat's that?01:50
arooni-mobileaccording to disk utility; i'm seeing a SMART warning that disk failure is imminent.  i'd like a second opinion as this lenovo t420 is less than a year old and powered on time is only 94.3 days.  apparently there are 1446 bad sectors and the reallocated sector count is 1444.  its a 500gb drive.... here is output of smartmontools: https://gist.github.com/234077301:50
L3topAn intel graphics chipset which keeps me up at night.01:50
DennisRasL3top: Nah I doubt it01:50
brianp1992wylde, hey rhytmbox is working great for me01:51
DennisRasBut can't you like force Ubuntu to use the intel driver? I don't get why it goes back to vesa01:51
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
wyldebrianp1992: gald to hear :) No problems with djmount either?01:53
osirisx11i installed studio precise beta and then i installed and started using gnome classic mode, now there is still a bunch of stuff from the other window manager left over, how do i remove that?01:53
brianp1992wylde, nope it all works perfect, but hey do you know anything about flash and chromium?01:54
L3topXorg is evidently suggesting that for certain operation, vesa and the one I have never encountered are the best choice for the given output. I find it no more logical than you... however without the safety of the platform I develop on, I am unfortunately out of answers01:54
wyldebrianp1992: not really no. I haven't had any issues, so I haven't had to deal with it "yet". lol01:55
brianp1992wylde: it says that i need adobe flash, so i guess ill look around lol01:56
DennisRasL3top: Any suggestions as to what I do ? Can't believe I can't use Ubuntu... that would be pretty lame considering the fact that Win7 is running just fine01:56
guest-0rXPsihow do I change my name01:57
microp11testing56: test01:57
wyldeguest-0rXPsi:  /nick newnick01:57
kevdogDennisRas: having problems with intel driver?01:58
DennisRasYes I guess01:58
guest-0rXPsiWhere can I find bash?01:58
sacarlsonarooni-mobile: I've had one disk that pre warned a smart failure and later it did completely fail about 4 weeks or so later.  it just had video and stuf on it so I ignored it.  I later realized it had some other data I needed.  I got it working by just removing and reconnecting all connectors.  it's now been working for months01:59
kevdogDennisRas: I guess?01:59
microp11testing56: test01:59
DennisRaskevdog: Well then it's a yes.01:59
kevdogguest-0rXPsi: /bin/bash01:59
dimitri7Hi guys, I know this is not an ubuntu question but just to know: have you managed a SAP module?01:59
DennisRaskevdog: if I knew what the problem was I would look for a solution, so that's why I say "I guess"01:59
wyldemicrop11: perhaps you should be doing that in #test01:59
kevdogDennisRas: whats the problem02:00
arooni-mobilesacarlson, so if its under warranty from lenovo i should just replace it hh02:00
DennisRasBlack screen after the logo. A problem with x02:00
kevdogDennisRas: Ok -- I've had that too -- Can you at least hit f6 to get to a terminal to type commands?02:01
guest-0rXPsiWhat do I do after I open the Terminal?02:01
kevdogguest-0rXPsi: What do you want to do?02:01
DennisRaskevdog: same as ctrl+alt+f1 you mean? and yes02:01
kevdogDennisRas: sure whatever works -- do you know the video driver you are using?02:02
guest-0rXPsiI don't know where to start.02:02
wifioregonhi. I'm giving instructions to someone to boot to an ubuntu usb. They are in but need to test the sound. Whats the easiest way for me to tell them to test the sound? (I'm using 10.04,, so I cant give good instructions for unity) THanks02:02
DennisRaskevdog: use or want to use?02:02
kevdogDennisRas: lshw -C video will give you the name of the driver the OS is trying to load automatically.  What is it?02:03
LirthSo I asked this earlier but was interrupted before I could get help. I can't seem to get my headset to run in its 7.1 surround sound mode (the option doesn't even display). I can do it in 5.1 and everything else works well, I'd just like to be able to use the headset's full capabilities. My mobo can run 8 channel and my headset actually has its own sound card built in, so I can't understand why it isn't working.02:03
DennisRasL3top: actually.. now the driver is unknown02:03
DennisRaskevdog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/921178/02:05
kevdogDennisRas: What's it listing as your VGA controller?02:05
kanhhi,all .how can I get the Precise packages by the apt-get way, where it the package list uri for precise?02:05
DennisRaskevdog: What do you mean?02:06
kevdogDennisRas: What does lshw -C video give you?02:06
DennisRasI just pasted it to you (the link)02:07
BryanRuiz... how the hell did my file system just switch to read only?02:07
BryanRuizim low on disk space02:07
BryanRuizdf -h is showing space though02:07
BryanRuiz(afraid to restart)02:08
DennisRaskevdog: I'll get back to you later if you're on, gonna try a couple of things.02:09
kevdogDennisRas: Aw-- I see that -- wow I'm going to have to look up what the product you are looking is?  You say you can boot into windows -- does it give you any info on the model #?02:09
testing56numbus: cow test02:12
brianp1992is it possible to install android apps (.apk) in ubuntu02:12
numbustesting56 OH yeah cow! :)02:12
testing56black on black, not good, one more color to fix02:12
curiousxbrianp1992: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pZUCKt0RKc02:12
z1lla1992 was a good year for someone i used to know02:13
DanDarebrianp1992, just if you have some android "emulator" or something, I guess02:13
kevdogbrianp1992: Only if using an emulator02:13
numbustesting56: also the green on black not too good02:13
testing56numbus: black on black, not good on .me02:13
brianp1992are there good emulators out there?02:13
numbustesting56: the same02:13
testing56numbus: strage there shouldn't be any green on black, strange02:14
curiousxbrianp1992: http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r15-linux.tgz02:14
testing56numbus: no worries, will further look into02:14
z1llawhat os does it run on?02:14
z1llaoh wow02:14
z1llagentoo probably isnt compatible02:15
brianp1992android sdk is really heavy and compicated ive looked in to it, are there any other options?02:15
curiousxbrianp1992: http://www.honeynet.org/downloads/Android.tar.gz02:16
curiousxbrianp1992: http://redmine.honeynet.org/projects/are/wiki02:16
numbustesting56: just a "Sans" looks good for me02:16
brianp1992alright thanks02:16
BryanRuizok i need to do a restart and NEED fsck to run on startup02:17
BryanRuizhow do i go about doing that?02:17
wylde!fsck | BryanRuiz02:17
ubottuBryanRuiz: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:17
* BryanRuiz is afraid my hard drive is about to fial02:18
BryanRuizi cant do that02:19
BryanRuizbecause my system is locked in read only for some reason02:19
* BryanRuiz sighs02:20
brianp1992well yeah i guess thats one way to do it, virtualbox02:20
kevdogBryanRuiz: log in as root and then run the command02:21
brianp1992sudo -s02:21
skypcehello people02:21
skypcecan you provide me the file ubuntu.session?02:21
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Shirakawasunais the flash plugin stuttering for anyone else (flash videos)?02:22
wifioregonCan someone please help? I need to find a quick way to play audio in ubuntu 11.10. I just need to play something but be able to give someone easy instructions to do it.02:22
Shirakawasunanot all youtube videos work w/ the html5 player and/or youtube keeps forgetting that I prefer the html5 player02:22
gear4Hi, why apache2 always downloads stuff ?02:22
Shirakawasunawifioregon: is there something keeping you from playing audio, or do you want a recommendation for what to use on a working installation?02:22
gear4PHP files, at least02:23
gear4I installed and enabled php502:23
gear4but, I go to the folder, it downloads something called "download" (happened 5 times?)02:23
sacarlsongear4: did you try installing phpmyadmin ?02:23
curiousxShirakawasuna: use a plugin for firefox called "flashvideoreplacer"02:24
gear4sacarlson, no02:24
brandonhello, i am trying to setup a ircd but when i boot it up i get a bind error saying permisson denied however when i ran another daemon as root it binded perfectly, how can i change it so users can run servers?02:24
gear4should I ?02:24
Shirakawasunacuriousx: I use chromium02:25
wifioregonShirakawasuna:  Nothing is keeping me from playing audio. Im giving a newb instructions...but I want to give him easy instructions on how to play something02:25
sacarlsongear4: it always seems to fix that problem for me.  so it's worth a try02:25
gear4sacarlson, kk02:25
gear4I'll try02:25
brandonany idea's on how i can allow users to bind02:26
gear4sacarlson, no, never changed anything02:26
Shirakawasunawifioregon: well default install of 11.10 comes with banshee, a music player. That should work.02:27
gear4Also, sacarlson: The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server.02:27
sacarlsongear4: what method did you use to install apache?02:27
Shirakawasunawifioregon: there are tons of options, though. I prefer clementine myself for playing music from my library and vlc as a swiss army knife for any video/audio02:27
gear4sacarlson, apt-get02:27
gear4sacarlson, phpmyadmin works, nothing else with PHP02:28
sacarlsongear4: oh so you can now bring up phpmyadmin site?02:28
gear4sacarlson, yes02:28
gear4sacarlson, but, not my work ..02:29
wifioregonShirakawasuna:  The person is just testing the audio card...they dont want to have to download a song or anything...in windows you can just change the volume and hear something...you cant do that in ubuntu?02:29
sacarlsongear4:  and what url did you use to try to access phpmyadmin?02:29
gear4sacarlson, http://localhost/phpmyadmin/02:30
curiousxwifioregon: if you go in to the sound preferences, you'll find a test sound02:30
sacarlsongear4: that won't bring up the login page?  what version of ubuntu are you running?02:30
gear4sacarlson, I said, phpmyadmin works. Not my other stuff02:31
sacarlsongear4: oh then it must be your files then.  php is working fine02:31
techoprunning a java app02:31
gear4sacarlson, it's index.php02:32
techopbut it does not display components such as buttons02:32
techopwhat can I do?02:32
sacarlsongear4: did you try a php file with the test line?02:32
wifioregoncuriousx: THANKS02:32
gear4sacarlson, yes02:32
gear4sacarlson, even empty doesn't work02:33
wyldegear4:  can you pastebin the contents of index.php02:33
sacarlsongear4: and that also fails?  maybe it's a permision problem02:33
techopanyone know my java app does not work ????02:33
gear4sacarlson, can't be02:33
gear4wylde, there's nothing in it02:33
sacarlsongear4: why can't it?02:33
gear4sacarlson, it's in /var/www , made by root02:33
sacarlsongear4: what's the test line in your php test file?02:33
wyldegear4: ok, so what happens when you connect from your browser? It should show a blank page.02:34
gear4sacarlson, there's nothing in it02:34
gear4wylde, replied that to sacarlson02:34
sacarlsongear4: well add the test line you want me to look it up for you?02:34
gear4look up how to add something ?02:34
gear4phpinfo(); ?02:35
gear4Now not even phpmyadmin works -_-02:35
sacarlsongear4: how could phpmyadmin work and stop working?  what did you change?02:36
gear4sacarlson, I change nothing02:36
techophere is a screenshot of the application02:36
sacarlsongear4: yes phpinfo but what do you add around it?02:36
gear4sacarlson, apparently PHP wasn't installed ?02:36
wyldeit's <?php phpinfo(); ?>02:36
techopIt does not display its buttons such that I can navigate it02:36
gear4sacarlson, the tags02:36
gear4wylde, yes02:36
gear4OK, now, sacarlson, wylde: in phpmyadmin (logging in): "Unable to load the web page because the server sent no data."02:37
sacarlsongear4: when phpmyadmin is installed it has dependancy on php so it had to be installed02:37
techopcan anyone have a look02:37
wyldegear4: try retstarting apache sudo service apache2 restart02:38
gear4wylde, I did02:38
techopwhy are there 1496 people in ubuntu and no one to answer for why it does not work as usual02:38
gear4OK wait02:39
gear4I didn't ^^02:39
sacarlsongear4: very confusing you say it works then it's not.  you don't tell us what you changed for these things to happen02:39
wylde!php | gear402:39
ubottugear4: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html02:39
gear4wylde, I know what PHP is -_-02:40
sacarlsonwylde: php must work as gear4 got to the login page of phpmyadmin02:40
gear4I know how to script it, how to bend it02:40
gear4sacarlson, it logged in now ..02:40
gear4Stupid Ubuntu -_-02:40
wyldegear4: visit the link? Try any trobleshooting methods it suggests.02:40
gear4sacarlson, phpmyadmin login works, but nothing else in PHP02:41
gear4wylde, I don't use 10.04 ?02:41
sacarlsongear4: phpmyadmin is writen in php so it works fine02:41
gear4sacarlson, I guessed02:41
sacarlsongear4: so focus on your custom php files and there permisions02:42
gear4their *02:42
sacarlsongear4: ya they'er02:42
techoprunning a java app on UBUNTU but it does not display components such as buttons02:43
gear4sacarlson, I changed permissions to 755 AND 777, changed user to root, my normal user, and another user. Still no change02:44
DropsOfSerenityfirefox bookmark bar too tall: screenshot from windows - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/windows.png screenshot from ubuntu: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/Screenshot%20at%202012-02-20%2021%3A09%3A46.png obviously ubuntu is using more space vertically, how can I change this?02:44
sacarlsongear4: ok show me the single line of the test.php  file that I assume you ran after phpmyadmin install02:45
gear4sacarlson, <?php phpinfo(); ?>02:45
sacarlsongear4: ok and it's file location ?02:46
gear4sacarlson, /home/dev/web/graphox/home/phpinfo.php02:46
BlueClawHow do I link a binary to /use/local/bin02:46
sacarlsongear4: that looks like a problem if you didn't modify apparmor02:47
nina666hi... I'm trying to install vmware on my machine.. but Virtual Machine Monitor as well as Virtual Ethernet fails... when I try to start it in GUI as well it says serveral modules should be installed and then the Virtual Network Device fails... I looked through internet, seems to be problem with vmnet and seems that kernel 3.2.6 has lots of problems with vmware... anyone has any suggestions for me how to fix it..??02:47
gear4sacarlson, apparmor ?02:47
gear4lemme see /var/www02:47
sacarlsongear4: yes I think appache is an application that Is or was a part of aparmor so try your test file in the real directory at /var/www02:48
gear4sacarlson, you're right02:48
babbleis there a way to pass a script as an option to run on chroot?02:49
gear4sacarlson, works perfect02:49
gear4sacarlson, problem is, I want quick read and write acces02:49
sacarlsongear4: so modify apparmor settings or move your files02:49
gear4sacarlson, kk02:49
gear4sacarlson, how ? :302:49
gear4!apparmor | gear402:50
zrutyMy updater says: "W: Failed to fetch http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng12-0_1.2.42-1ubuntu2.4_i386.deb02:50
zruty  404  Not Found"02:50
zrutyShould I be worried?02:50
sacarlsongear4: guess you'll have to google apparmor02:50
gear4sacarlson, thing is, it worked perfect in ubuntu 11.0402:51
gear4Then I get 11.10, and this happens02:51
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor02:51
ubottugear4, please see my private message02:52
=== bilby is now known as cvr
CAZ_auCan anybody here reset my Ubuntu forums password? i tried resetting using all my current email addresses but it must have been registered with an old one. I havnt used the account in ages. Id rather not have to register again with a different username.02:53
gear4sacarlson, could I remove/disable apparmor ?02:53
sacarlsongear4:  yes you can disable it02:54
sacarlsongear4: but if you ever get hacked like I did you would be glad you had it02:54
gear4sacarlson, nevermind02:55
gear4sacarlson, apparmor for apache2 isn't installed02:55
sacarlsongear4: so that's not the solution then?02:56
gear4sacarlson, not as far as I can see02:57
=== Goku is now known as Aguay
sacarlsongear4: did you try your test file at the location /var/www ?02:57
gear4sacarlson, yes. it works02:57
sacarlsongear4: oh it's php that has apparmor then02:58
gear4sacarlson, any way I can remove it ?02:58
sacarlsongear4: well you can disable it,  it's built into the kernel02:58
gear4sacarlson, I mean, the php armor02:59
sacarlsongear4: just disable all of it to prove it's the problem02:59
sacarlsongear4: fix it later02:59
gear4sacarlson, I think I know how02:59
CAZ_auso no forum admins or mods online?02:59
sacarlsongear4: ya it's simple sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop03:01
gear4sacarlson, no03:01
gear4to disable the PHP apparmor03:01
jumpurhow do I connect to any random irc server?03:02
jumpurit seems like someone is running an unreal irc server on my computer03:02
jumpurnot sure how they got in03:02
=== EricAndr_ is now known as EricAndrews
sacarlsongear4: remind you the apparmor is only a theory until proven03:04
gear4sacarlson, yes03:04
gear4sacarlson, not apparmor03:05
sacarlsongear4: and what has proven that?03:06
gear4sacarlson, I stopped apparmor, moved apache's web root, and still doesn't work03:06
sacarlsongear4: and restarted appache2 ?03:07
gear4sacarlson, yes03:07
sacarlsongear4: I guess stoping apparmor is more difficult then I thought03:07
gear4sacarlson, maybe, invoke-rc.d apparmor stop03:08
gear4Just done, doesn't work03:08
sacarlsongear4: or it's not apparmor some other setting in php configs03:08
gear4sacarlson, maybe03:08
indystormHey anybody here use Zorin-os? it's based on ubuntu but without all the bloatware-- anyone have a good experience with it?03:09
sacarlsongear4: I would have to reboot to bring up ubuntu 11.10 to duplicate03:09
gear4sacarlson, :/03:10
psycho_oreos!offtopic| indystorm03:10
ubottuindystorm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
KaizenDoes anyone know an equivelant to Jailkit that's an Ubuntu package?03:10
sacarlsongear4: I'm sure I could isolate in 1 hours not two days so I'll take a wak at it03:11
gear4sacarlson, kk03:11
LirthI can't seem to get my headset to run in its 7.1 surround sound mode (the option doesn't even display). I can do it in 5.1 and everything else works well, I'd just like to be able to use the headset's full capabilities. My mobo can run 8 channel and my headset actually has its own sound card built in, so I can't understand why it isn't working.03:14
emperorcezarAnyone know why I have to register an account to watch the video at https://juju.ubuntu.com/ ?03:16
The_Java_Noobhey anyone up?03:18
The_Java_NoobHow would I add my .jar file to Startup Applications using the command line?03:18
nina666anyone here sees my msges?03:22
wifioregonHow do I find out what my audio card is in ubuntu?03:23
holaseenyorehi nina03:23
nina666oh thank god...03:23
nina666I have a problem... I'm trying to install vmware on my backtrack.. but Virtual Machine Monitor as well as Virtual Ethernet fails... when I try to start it in GUI as well it says serveral modules should be installed and then the Virtual Network Device fails... I looked through internet, seems to be problem with vmnet and seems that kernel 3.2.6 has lots of problems with vmware... anyone has any suggestions for me how to fix it..??03:23
MooNSpellhi 2 all03:23
=== TML-prv is now known as smit5898
holaseenyorei can see your message, but I am afraid I am not knowledgeable about that subject. i have used virtual box only.03:24
Wingedenina666: why don't you change the adapter from vmnet to e1000 ?03:24
=== pcggone is now known as pcg
=== microp11 is now known as microp11|t
=== microp11|t is now known as microp11
holaseenyoreissue: after a reinstall of ubuntu on a pc-laptop, the wireless network is not working. i had installed this for a friend on the same machine with the same disk, and wireless networking was available and worked. now it doesn't. what should I do to make it work again? (i bought the machine from the friend and reinstalled to wipe his data)03:29
holaseenyorehello glide03:30
haikaidodoes anyone in here have a ubuntu setup with ALC889a audio?03:30
glidei want to learn the ins and outs of ubuntu. where do i start?03:32
holaseenyorei am doing the same. i think here is a good place, and you may also want to try the ubuntu web forums03:33
holaseenyorehave you played around in terminal?03:33
techopIm not able to start a java application on ubuntu03:33
techopfor some reason it does not display the gui components03:33
techoponly the main window03:34
holaseenyoreglide: http://www.ubuntu.com/community03:34
holaseenyoretry that03:34
glideyeah, i have spent time in terminal but it's hard to do interesting things because i know so little.03:34
glidethanks holaseenyore03:35
holaseenyoresure. i learned a few things from this site as well: http://linuxcommand.org/03:36
glidehah. me too03:36
dillon58078how would i go about installing ubuntu via usb?03:36
haikaidothats all over google dillon03:37
haikaidolots and lots of guides for that03:37
holaseenyoreglide, what are your goals?03:37
celthunderdillon58078: dd iso to usb and boot from it use common sense rest of the way03:37
techopIm not able to start a java application on ubuntu03:37
techopfor some reason it does not display the gui components03:37
techoponly the main window03:38
glidemy goal is to make the most of computers and the internet. i hear that requires linux and knowledge of programming.03:38
=== microp11 is now known as microp111
holaseenyore"ins and outs" and "make the most" are vague ways of describing specific goals...03:40
holaseenyorebut I think I understand where you are coming from03:40
celthundertechop: didnt click the links but open or closed java install?03:40
celthunderaka oracle/sun java or no03:40
glideyeah i don't know exactly what's possible.03:41
techopI have open jdk installed03:41
techopjava version "1.6.0_23"03:41
techopOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.2)03:41
techopOpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)03:41
Xabstertechop, did you make the app yourself?03:42
holaseenyorei think that you are onto something with respect to linux. FOSS is the way to go, in my opinion03:42
Xabstertry running it from console03:42
techopthis is a ubuntu problem03:42
techopalready running from terminal03:42
Xabsterno error outputs?03:42
holaseenyoreso, what devices do you typically use day-to-day?03:42
techopthe app is fine03:42
Xabsterwhat app is it?03:43
techopthere is a problem in the way gome or ubuntu is displaying it03:43
techophave had this problem in the past03:44
Xabsterwhat app is it?03:44
techopis it a client side to access a server03:44
nina666thx holaseenyore...03:45
nina666Windege: that would solve my issue?03:46
holaseenyoreIssue: wireless networking is not working in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. it was working on this machine prior to a reinstall (same LiveCD used). Any ideas of how to fix?03:46
techopso any one any information on how to fix a java gui in ubuntu03:46
holaseenyoreglide: np03:47
guest-0rXPsiso what am I able to do in Ubuntu?03:48
guest-0rXPsiWhere could I find a guide to change my nick03:48
AcidRain2012now when talking about xterm, what exactlly is that?03:49
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holaseenyoreNetworking not working in 10.04LTS...any ideas? It was working prior to a re-install on same machine, same LiveCD03:51
holaseenyoreI have tried multiple reboots and re-installs to no avail.03:53
holaseenyoreI tried to run "uupdate" from the CLI but "package devscripts" is not available but referred to by another package03:55
holaseenyorethis seenyore would appreciate some help :)03:56
holaseenyorethere is no Cat-5 available, either, at this point...03:57
liberalwho is his seenyore you speak of? i see him not.03:57
holaseenyorehola liberal03:57
liberalwhat is this hola you speak of?03:57
holaseenyorethat is "hello"03:57
pisschristI AM MEL GIBSON03:57
liberalwhy not just say hello?03:57
liberalwhy must you use codewords?03:58
holaseenyoreare you familiar with fixes to networking in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS?03:58
liberalHI MEL GIBSON03:58
holaseenyorevariety, I suppose03:58
techopfound some one with the same problem03:58
liberalI AM DOG03:58
FloodBot1liberal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
xangua!ot | liberal03:58
ubottuliberal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:58
pisschristubuntu is good04:01
pisschristi like it alot04:01
pisschristi like ipv6 personally04:02
pisschristit has potential04:02
holaseenyoreIdeas/Solutions to issue: no network connection in Lucid Lynx? Have tried several avenues to repair to no avail.04:03
alexluyaHello,my chrome got transparent,how to disable it04:07
microp111testing56 test04:08
testing56microp111: test04:09
Guest6565how is everybody?04:14
wyldesudo apt-get update04:14
wyldewhoops, wrong window focused >.<04:14
mario_hi guys04:14
Guest6565hey mario04:14
Guest6565and he quits04:15
Guest6565mango irc is a pretty good application04:16
Guest6565hey man04:16
Guest6565what is new?04:16
Eneergeis there anyway to customize the desktop icons now, so you can modify the hovering effects and the background color for the text?  gnome-color-chooser doesn't appear to do the trick anymore04:17
ibmi wanted to install office 2007 and after some changes over the terminal manage, update manager is now corrupt for  version 11.1004:19
ibmHI, everybody is quit, quit, quit ?????04:21
* pehden is away: I'm busy04:23
* pehden is back (gone 00:00:01)04:23
Jordan_Upehden: Please disable that script (noisy away and back).04:24
=== jestesledzie is now known as niejestezledzie
=== niejestezledzie is now known as niejestesledzie
funnyhahahow do i remove a program04:32
gear4funnyhaha, sudo apt-get remove program04:32
ActionParsnipfunnyhaha: use software centre if you like too04:33
funnyhahait says it can not find it04:33
gear4ActionParsnip, or that04:33
funnyhahai just installed cowpatty and i installed the 4.3 but i wanted the 4.604:34
funnyhahacan i just install the 4.6 will it install over the 4.3 and remove it04:34
gr33n7007hwhat u tryin to crack funnyhaha04:35
terr_I'm looking for help with a keyboard.  I've got it running now but the keymap is wrong.  I've got the locale set for en-us utf-8 and some of the keys are not in the right place04:35
funnyhahawell im more trying to learn04:36
gr33n7007haircrack-ng better04:36
dj_segfaultterr_: In the menus go to System/Preferences/Keyboard04:36
funnyhahaim trying the hash list04:36
funnyhahaits a wpa04:36
terr_Keyboard type is generic PC-104.  Its a real IBM from teh 386/486 days.  Nice KB!04:36
terr_dj_segfault: I've done that.04:37
gear4terr_, lol nice kb04:37
holaseenyoregoing to try again tomorrow. g'night all04:37
terr_gear4: it took me HOURS to get it going however.  Some of the keys would not work.  I think they were oxidized a bit.  Works now.04:38
gr33n7007hterr_, go to layout in keyboard04:38
funnyhahaso can can i remove cowpatty 4.3 somehow04:38
dlentzyou can have my mechanical PS/2 keyboard whe you pry it from my cold, dead hands04:38
gr33n7007hjust reinstall over it04:39
funnyhahaor do i just install 4.604:39
gear4terr_, ^^ ^^ ^^04:39
terr_gear4: also for some reasoin the up arror key was stuck.  I took it appart and I cannot see a problem.  I swapped it with another KB (same model of course) and now they both work!  But I used the stuck one for years.  I never used the one I robbed04:39
gear4terr_, "robbed" lolll04:39
terr_gr33n7007h: I've done that.  Let me look again04:39
gr33n7007hthen go to add then choose your layout04:39
=== microp111 is now known as microp11
gr33n7007hterr_, or keyboard model04:40
ibmupdate manager and terminal manager not recognizing some commands04:40
laserbeak747how can i connect to mint help network? normal approach isnt working here :(04:41
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:42
MooNSpellhi 2all04:42
terr_gr33n7007h: I don't know.  Do I have to reboot or reload X?04:42
funnyhahai cant fond cowpatty in software center to remove it ????04:42
terr_gr33n7007h: Kubuntu BTW.04:43
gr33n7007hshouldn't do should be active straight away04:43
gr33n7007hsame diff04:43
ibmupdate manager not working and terminal manager not recognizing some commands04:43
terr_gr33n7007h: I cliked configure layouts and it came up witn Canada.04:43
ActionParsnipfunnyhaha: you could close software centre and run:  sudo apt-get --purge remove cowpatty04:43
ActionParsnip!info cowpatty04:43
ubottuPackage cowpatty does not exist in oneiric04:43
terr_So I tried to configure in USA and I applied it but still no joy.04:43
ChamunksI've got two radeon saphire hd 6850's and three monitors what package would you suggest to best suit my situation.04:43
ActionParsnip!ati | Chamunks04:44
funnyhahatryed that did not find package04:44
ubottuChamunks: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:44
gr33n7007hand keyboard definently working04:44
Chamunksthanks parsnip04:44
ibmdo we have restore point in ubuntu like in win04:44
ActionParsnipfunnyhaha: if you right click it in software centre, is there an uninstall option there?04:44
terr_gr33n7007h: yes... Now it is.  I think the KB's had lain idle for too long... like maybe 5 years.04:44
ChamunksI asked that question about 5 times on #linuxmint-help @ spotchat04:44
ActionParsnipibm: no but you can take a backup yourself04:44
terr_Chamunks: ask again.  I'll try to help04:45
funnyhahaits not in software centre04:45
ActionParsnipChamunks: mint isn't supported here04:45
juanloi suggest you backup with CLONEZILLA04:45
ChamunksActionParsnip, i know i just figured the drivers would be fairly similar.04:45
ActionParsnipChamunks: no, its channel policy. Not ubuntu..not supported here04:45
Chamunksterr_, you know mint? you in that channel.04:45
ChamunksI wasnt asking for mint support just driver support for a deb package04:46
terr_Chamunks: I've never looked into it.  I'll meet you in mint04:46
ActionParsnipChamunks: yes, for mint....04:46
Random832just because it uses deb packages doesn't mean it's the same04:46
ibmactionParsnip: i messed my update manager by trying to install office 2007. Now update manager is corrupt. any idea?04:46
Chamunksits ok the stuff you sent me is all that i needed regardless.04:47
ActionParsnipibm: that wil install using wine, so as long as wine is installed the office 2007 won't affect it04:47
OerHeksfunnyhaha, so how did you install cowpatty in the first place?04:47
terr_gr33n7007h: since I have never configured X in this way... do I have to reload X after using the system->preferences system?  I always used vi04:47
ActionParsnipChamunks: please respect the channel policy in future04:47
Chamunksim not breaking channel policy04:47
Chamunkseven remotely I asked an agnostic question04:47
ActionParsnipChamunks: asking for mint support...04:47
ryannathansIf I have multiple folders in /var/www/ and I have the code in /Here should I symlink or hardlink?04:47
funnyhahai downloaded the file and then cd and put the dir in and make make install04:48
ryannathansi want the code to go in each of those folders04:48
gr33n7007htry it04:48
ActionParsnipibm: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get udpate; sudo apt-get upgrade04:48
gr33n7007hdo no harm04:48
ryannathansActionParsnip: you spelt it wrong04:48
ryannathansibm: sudo apt-get update04:48
ActionParsnipryannathans: gah04:48
OerHeksfunnyhaha, ah, so you compiled it yourself, did you make uninstall too ?04:48
gear4udpate ^^04:48
ChamunksActionParsnip, but thanks for your diligence in alerting me of channel policy. have a good night.04:48
ActionParsnipibm:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade04:48
funnyhahawill that work04:48
ActionParsnipChamunks: np man :)04:48
ActionParsnipibm: use http://pastie.org or similar to host the output please04:49
funnyhahano that does not work04:49
ibmActionParsinip: i have tried sudo apt-get update and it brings up error04:49
funnyhahacant make uninstall wont let me04:50
littlegirlHey there, when did Ubuntu stop using GNOME2?04:51
funnyhaha No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.   thats what it told me04:51
Chamunksterr_, its ok I'm gonna crash i just mainly needed to know package names so that I could know where to start and ubuntu documentation is starting to pull together more lately :)04:51
OerHeksfunnyhaha, sorry can't help you, contact the writer of the cowpatty-thing.04:51
xangualittlegirl: since 11.10, it uses gnome3 now04:52
littlegirlxangua: Thanks! (:04:52
funnyhahacan i install the 4.6 do you think it will install over the 4.3 or will it just make it worse04:52
gear4When will Ubuntu include Red Eclipse ?04:52
hiro__Hi all04:52
hiro__In openbox, when I use alt-tab to cycle windows I have them set to focus, but it doesn't show minimized windows. is there any way to change this?04:53
laserbeak747how to connect manually to linux mint help server or network?04:53
laserbeak747how to connect manually to linux mint help server or network?04:53
ActionParsniplaserbeak747: what client?04:53
ActionParsniphiro__: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc04:54
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha, do you want me to send you the file04:54
gear4When will Ubuntu include the Red Eclipse Sauerbraten-based game ?04:54
ActionParsniplaserbeak747: try:      /server irc.spotchat.org04:55
funnyhahai have the 4.6 file is that what you mean04:55
gr33n7007his it compiled04:55
funnyhahai have to do that04:55
funnyhahai am new to this04:55
laserbeak747where should i put this?04:56
ActionParsnipgear4: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.co.uk/2011/04/install-red-eclipse-game-in-ubuntu.html04:56
terr_funnyhaha: without haqving don it - its supose to work.  May I suggest you get a 2nd machine.  Either that or go to VM's04:56
ActionParsniplaserbeak747: where you just typed "where should i put this?"04:56
gr33n7007hill send you a pre compiled 1 easy just put in /usr/bin etc04:56
ActionParsnipgear4: took me all of 70 seconds to find....04:56
hiro__gear4: oneiric04:56
gear4ActionParsnip, I have the game. I'm  creating a modification based off it. But, when will it be included in the repo's ?04:56
terr_gr33n7007h: LOL  I know you mean well but are you going to include a root kit too LOL.  I can't resist.04:56
ActionParsnipgear4: you could make a suggestion in http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com04:57
gr33n7007hdon't be silly04:57
gear4ActionParsnip, kk04:57
hiro__ActionParsnip: oneiric04:57
ActionParsniphiro__: are there any bugs reported?04:57
funnyhahahow do i make your name red when i type04:57
hiro__I believe this is the normal function of openbox alt-tab04:58
ActionParsnipfunnyhaha: tpe the first few letters of a name and press TAB, it will highlight the user04:58
hiro__ActionParsnip: I believe this is the normal function of openbox alt-tab04:58
ActionParsniphiro__: gotcha04:58
funnyhahagr33n7007h: will your file write over my old one04:58
gr33n7007hyou can execute from terminal ./cowpatty04:59
Al_nz1after setting static IP can you restart just that interface?04:59
gr33n7007hjust erase the older version04:59
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: don't see why not, or you could just restart the networking service04:59
funnyhahagr33n7007h: i want to remove the old one so it works as it should04:59
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha, this is 4.605:00
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: remoted into a machine so dont want to restart networking05:00
gr33n7007hjust delete it then05:00
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: ifconfig eth0 down then up?05:00
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: makes sense, if you run them in the same line (seperate with a semicolon) it should be ok05:00
funnyhahagr33n7007h: thats the one i want but what do you mean erase the old one05:01
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: if its far, far away I'd just reboot05:01
gr33n7007hjust delete it05:01
funnyhahagr33n7007h: search and del05:01
funnyhahaok im on it05:02
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha, have you earsed it05:03
funnyhaha1 mon05:03
funnyhahaits gone05:03
gr33n7007hi'll send you this one05:04
funnyhahai am on the web irc05:05
funnyhahai dont think that works for web05:05
gr33n7007his it possible from there?? i don't know05:05
gr33n7007hwhats the link05:05
gr33n7007hwhat is exeactly05:06
gr33n7007his it webchat05:06
curiousxwebchat freenode05:06
osirisx11i could use some small help with jack and virtual keyboard05:07
=== jmn is now known as Guest70268
osirisx11i would like my virtual keyboard (and for that matter, other midi devices) to appear in the jack midi tab, but they only appear in alsa tab and not all programs support me connecting midi to alsa, i need to do midi to midi on jack on the midi tab, and i can't do that because the device does not appear on the midi tab05:07
funnyhahaim new to all this i can install something05:07
funnyhahaand irc05:07
gr33n7007hyou'll pick it up05:07
funnyhahawhat do you use for irc chat05:08
gear4same here05:08
gr33n7007hi like xchat the best05:08
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha, better idea05:09
gear4looks great in GNOME3 on my 1920x1080 HD screen05:09
gr33n7007hi'll run my apache server then grab it from there05:10
GatorAlliHello, I am using update-rc.d to run an init.d script. The init.d script is chmodded to 755 and it was set for startup as "update-rc.d script defaults". However, when I reboot my server, I find that the script was never executed. Is there  way to debug why this is happening?05:10
gigglefighti have transferred files in a win7 os and taken the drive into an ubuntu os. i can't find the files. quick solution. either command line or gui is fine. i did google some solutions. however it hasn't worked.05:19
gigglefightcontrol+h has been done, no luck there. checked preferences to show hidden files.05:20
Frankie2Hello... I could use some help with screen resolution.05:20
gigglefightthe hard drive is formatted as fat32.05:21
gigglefightformatted the hard drive within windows OS. in ubuntu, folders show, not the files.05:22
ActionParsnipFrankie2: ask away05:22
gigglefightwelcoming anyone to help. thanks.05:22
ActionParsnipgigglefight: did you unplug the device from Windows OS?05:23
gigglefightit's a sansa clip usb device.05:23
Frankie2Basically this is my first day with any sort of Linux. Finally got everything working (as far as I know). Problem is, the resolution is super small and annoying. I try to change it in the display settings but the dropdown menu only shows the current setting.05:23
ActionParsnipgigglefight: did you use the safe remove function in the OS, or did you just pull it out?05:23
gigglefightpulled it out.05:24
gigglefight:P there was no option to safe remove it.05:24
OerHeksgigglefight, put it back in the windows OS pc, can it read the files?05:25
gigglefightwithin windows. this has happend before. the files in ubuntu would show on ubuntu, however, windows files would not show. and vice versa. the files are there but unable to see them in either os05:25
gigglefightyes. windows can see the files. it's an avi file. i am looking for that i've transferred to the device w/in windows05:25
DaemonFCsome files are beign added in MTP mode and some in MSC is probably what is going on05:25
DaemonFCyou should not use MTP with media players since it has a tendency to not function properly and it hides everything you added in MSC mode05:26
DaemonFCMTP is a Microsoft thing they created as part of their windows media digital restrictions management05:27
DaemonFCit has no legitimate reason to exist and you should avoid it if possible05:27
gigglefightyes. i'm familiar with the warning. i got it from windows os too. even though its a general .mp3 or an .avi file? wow.05:27
gigglefighthow about if a regular usb. cause this has happend with a regular usb flash drive also.05:28
DaemonFCMTP doesn't directly expose the file system05:28
DaemonFCit's a pseudo file system on top of FAT05:28
gigglefightany solutions or work arounds?05:28
Al_nz1whats reboot? sudo shutdown -restart now05:28
DaemonFCmount it as MTP, back up anything you don't already have a copy of on that system, delete the files off the device05:29
gigglefightshut down from what i remember is "halt"... am i corret? i hope i helped.05:29
DaemonFCunplug the device, set it to use MSC only05:29
DaemonFCcopy over the files in MSC mode, which directly exposes the file system05:29
gigglefightDaemonPC you05:30
gigglefightare great.05:30
DaemonFCMTP is a gigantic pain05:30
ActionParsnipgigglefight: there is a safe remove option, its in the taskbar, near the clock05:30
gigglefighthow to do msc or mtp?05:30
DaemonFCGoogle went insane and forces it on Android users05:30
ActionParsnipgigglefight: its been in the OS since windows XP05:30
DaemonFCit should be in the system settings on the device05:30
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: you done much with IP tables?05:30
DaemonFCwhile in one mode, you can't see files that were added in the other mode05:30
bawnhey, I can't get my graphics card to make 11.10 to start after my upgrade05:31
DaemonFCSansa players have an "auto detect" by default, so it was putting the device in MTP mode in Windows and MSC mode elsewhere05:31
gigglefightsorry. please tell me what MTP is an ackronym for?05:31
DaemonFCMicrosoft's Media Transport Protocol05:31
gigglefightand msc?05:31
DaemonFCit's a really really really horrible thing to deal with05:31
DaemonFCMass Storage Class05:31
gigglefightnice. i'll google from there.05:31
DaemonFCsame as an external hard drive or flash drive05:31
Frankie2anyone see my problem regarding resolution? I'm relatively certain I've gone through the process of updating my driver but I'm not positive. It's only giving me the current option05:31
bawnI start up to only text of starting and stopping cron and such after upgrade to 11.1005:32
syddrafHow can I get Japanese text working under Wine? They show up as blocks.05:33
gigglefightdaemonPC is there a platform that can use both ubuntu and win05:33
gigglefighti do have wine.05:33
DaemonFCWindows knows what an MSC device is05:33
bawnsyddraf: install the japanese language pack from the microsoft website. It should be either .exe or .msi05:34
DaemonFCif you use the device in MSC mode only, it will work anywhere05:34
ActionParsnipgigglefight: I suggest you plug it back into Windows, chkdsk the partition then safely remove the device and you'll find it'll work05:34
DaemonFCeven on Windows 9805:34
gigglefightwill look up msc05:34
gigglefightand how to format it as that.05:34
DaemonFCyou don't format it05:34
bawngigglefight: it's not a format05:34
bawngigglefight: it's a mode05:34
ActionParsnipgigglefight: crap file systems like fAT32 don't handle unplugs well, and NTFS willbe marked as 'dirt' if you don't use the unmount functionality. Basically you are abusing your hardware05:34
Al_nz1is there a way to probe for devices other other subnets? I know the other device uses bonjour05:34
gigglefighthow to get to the msc mode? the hard drive is in fat3205:35
DaemonFCactually, FAT handles random unplugs better than NTFS05:35
bawnI can't boot into the recovery mode, all I get is a blank screen05:35
gigglefighti didnt format it as ntfs because it can be read on mac also05:35
ActionParsnipDaemonFC: its still garbage05:35
DaemonFCbut that's just because NTFS has an implementation of delayed allocation and FAT doesn't05:35
syddrafbawn: There don't seem to be any downloads by MS since it all runs through Windows tools now.05:36
DaemonFCif you use a file system with delayed allocation, then there's a good chance something won't be written when you go to remove the external drive, because as the name suggests, it can wait a while to write the data05:36
gigglefightfound it! http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61/~/enabling-or-forcing-msc-mode-on-your-sansa-player05:37
bawnsyddraf: I am sure an answer lies somewhere in the internet05:37
DaemonFCthe risk of data loss on flash drives though is less than with a removable hard drive because it's not waiting as long to find an optimal place to write the data to05:37
DaemonFCif you're worried about it you should "eject" or "safely remove" the storage05:38
DaemonFCthe system will refuse to unmount it if there are outstanding writes05:38
Al_nz1So I added a static IP to eth0 which is plugged into a IP Camera. They are both on 192.168.70.x - do I need to set the gateway IP? cause in this scenario,  direct connection gateway makes no sense05:38
gigglefighti have the file backed up on the computer's internal no problem at all.05:38
funnyhaha_im bach05:38
gigglefightuntil another time. thank you05:39
funnyhaha_is it working05:39
jayaris there a ventrilo server for ubuntu?05:40
=== bawn is now known as Bawn
funnyhaha_i did05:40
funnyhaha_try again05:40
gr33n7007h1 sec05:40
ActionParsnipjayar: may help http://rocketeerbkw.com/content/installing-ventrilo-server-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala05:41
jayarcool thnx05:41
ActionParsnipjayar: Linux i386 - 32bit (Version 3.0.3)05:41
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha, you accept05:42
funnyhaha_it says connect05:42
gr33n7007hwhats going on?05:42
funnyhaha_its just not working05:43
gr33n7007hwhats it say your end05:43
funnyhaha_under status05:43
gr33n7007hill be bk in 305:44
Bawnanybody know how to make a failsafe x session in 11.10 without recovery mode?05:44
Bawnhere's a seperate question: I moved my windows NTFS partition, and did fixmbr fixboot and bootcfg /regroup, and now it wiped out my grub boot. I dual boot. What do I do?05:47
ActionParsnipBawn: reinstate grub05:48
BawnActionParsnip: how?05:49
ActionParsnipBawn: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/05:49
BawnI don't have a working graphic interface05:49
Bawnon any of my computers05:49
gr33n7007hfunnyhaha_, im bak05:50
gr33n7007hguess it's not working05:51
ActionParsnipBawn: it uses the liveCD / USB...05:51
Bawni have the grub restore>  or something dialog05:51
funnyhaha_me to05:51
gr33n7007hshould i try 1 last time05:52
Bawnlet me check05:52
funnyhaha_well i just downoaded it from a web sight05:52
BawnActionParsnip: I have the grub rescue>   screen05:52
funnyhaha_but thanks the x chat is nice05:52
ActionParsnipBawn: boot to liveCD and you can fix grub there05:53
Bawnoh, okay, what do I do there to fix grub?05:53
ActionParsnipBawn: read the guide I gave. I gave it so I don't have to sit and explain it all to you....05:54
BawnI don't have an internet browser for command line05:54
Bawnwhat is one of them so i can install05:54
ActionParsnipBawn: do you have web access in liveCD?05:54
ActionParsnipBawn: solved the issues then05:55
Bawnokay, then.05:55
pawan_tejwanianybody installed openstack horizon on ubuntu 11.10 successfully ?05:55
BawnI updated to 11.10 on a seperate computer, and now I don't get any gui at all05:56
ActionParsnipBawn: if your grub is screwed, the kernel isn't even getting loaded..05:56
Bawndiff computer05:56
Bawni screwed up 2 computers (all i have) in one night05:57
ActionParsnipBawn: try the guide05:58
Bawnfor what?05:58
ActionParsnipBawn: fix grub05:58
BawnI go through grub on different computer after update  to 11.10 and all I see is text of what started up05:58
Bawni have nvidia btw05:59
ActionParsnipBawn: uninstall the proprietary driver, then reboot and get the desktop, then reinstall it05:59
Bawnwhat would be the name of the driver for nvidia?06:00
ActionParsnipBawn: nvidia-current06:01
kgemini22isn't there a nice script for adding users ?06:02
soreaukgemini22: Why not just use the useradd command?06:03
kgemini22because i had it lol06:03
kgemini22hate it *06:03
kgemini22permissions, directories, all that etc06:04
habananyi need help , just installed ubuntu 11.10 on a usb via unebootin and at boot prompts me with a menu to install, how can i boot live mode ?06:04
soreaukgemini22: You just have to learn it. These are all factors in creating a user06:04
kgemini22tru, will do and brb06:04
Guest88558I tried installing ubuntu on my friend's PC but there's no option to install with windows(dual boot).06:04
Guest88558He has windows.06:05
kgemini22have some questions about wep, I just tested cracking a few in a lab got 3 out of 3 so far, but ... im not able to "surf" although I am connected and can also sniff the network traffic , it's weird....06:05
ActionParsniphabanany: i believe the install option is ok. Could try making a bootable USB with usb-creator in Ubuntu06:05
taipreskgemini you are in the very wrong channel my friends06:05
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habananyActionParsnip i tried that too but unsucesful06:07
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BawnActionParsnip: it didn't work06:07
ActionParsnipBawn: care to expand on that...?06:07
kgemini22wrong channel? Why do u say that?06:08
ActionParsniphabanany: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?06:08
Bawnthe uninstallation of nvidia-current did nothing to change what happens when I boot up06:08
Bawnit just lists things like initializing cron       [okay]06:08
Guest88558install alongside windows option not there eventhough I have windows 7 installed.06:08
ActionParsnipBawn: did you also run:   sudo apt-get --purge autoremove06:09
Bawnno I didn't but what would that do?06:09
ActionParsnipGuest88558: resize the NTFS inside Windows, then install to the free space06:09
ActionParsnipBawn: uninstall the other packages that it would have dragged in, if you run:  dpkg -l | grep nvidia     you ONLY want nvidia-common06:10
Bawnlemme see what I get06:11
Guest88558Free space as in unformatted space.06:11
KartookNeed a help 1 . where i can terminal server client on ubutnu 11.10 for connecting windows box06:12
ActionParsnipGuest88558: yes, it will make unpartitioned space. I sugget you run a full backup in case of catastrophe06:12
ActionParsnipKartook: rdesktop06:12
ActionParsnipKartook: tsclient06:13
Kartookon ubuntu 11.10 ?06:13
Kartookohh thanks06:13
ActionParsnip!info rdesktop oneiric | Kartook06:13
ubottuKartook: rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.0-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 141 kB, installed size 496 kB06:13
Bawnah, I do see nvidia-17306:14
ActionParsnip!info tsclient oneiric | kartook06:14
ubottukartook: Package tsclient does not exist in oneiric06:14
Kartookthanks anction parnip06:14
ActionParsnipBawn: then remove that too06:14
Guest88558the catastrophy has already taken place. hard disk got formatted last time to ext3. had to use Testdisk. Thanks I will try it now.06:14
Kartook2 . where i can find connect-to-server ( i need to mount the windows shared from ubutn  11.1006:15
sacarlsonKartook: I guess that would be nautilus06:17
Kartooki am using ubun 10.10 . plamn to switch 11.1006:17
Kartooksi have a lot fo silly doubts may be :)06:17
ActionParsnipKartook: there is 'network' icon in the left panel in nautilus06:18
ActionParsnipKartook: Maverick is EOL super soon06:18
Kartookthis month yesp :(06:18
Kartookmost of time i need to do RDP or connect to windows folders for file copy06:18
Kartooki need this doubts is major06:19
Kartookothers i can manage06:19
redscareI installed gnome shell, uninstalled it, and now I have a gnome-classic option available on the login screen. can I get rid of this?06:19
ActionParsnipKartook: could just use samba in windows, no need for RDP06:19
Kartookhow do i mount the windows folder in my ubuntu06:20
ActionParsnipKartook: usenautilus06:20
ActionParsnipUse nautilus06:20
Kartookany ref link pls06:20
Kartookkartook googling06:21
Kartookokie i hope coming few days i will be in IRC for lot of help .. thanks for your time and upport .. thanks06:24
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Kartookin 2 hours i will be start using ubun 11.1006:24
redscareAlso, does anyone know how to customize unity's keybindings?06:25
Bawnoh no06:26
Bawndid actionparsnip leave?06:26
Kartagisredscare: you mean what shortcut to start off software?06:26
redscareKartagis: nope, like shortcuts for alt-tab, expose, docking windows, etc.06:27
Bawnokay, so I start up my ubuntu 11.10 after the upgrade from 11.04, and the desktop manager and login screen do not come up. what to do?06:27
rajwhich ubuntu do I download to put it on a thumb drive and install off of that?06:28
Bawnraj: the livecd iso06:28
sacarlsonredscare: take a look at system settings>Keyboard>Layout Settings06:28
Bawnraj: use unetbootin or another iso>usb installer to make it work06:29
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rajBawn, win32diskimager?06:29
redscaresacarlson: how about stuff like making expose only show current workspace windows?06:30
Bawnraj: I have no clue. If it puts .iso files onto a usb drive and makes it bootable, then yes. Try it out06:30
sacarlsonredscare: if theres a keyboard in it then its in syste settings>Keyboard06:30
BawnSomebody please help me! I've gotta pay bills before it's too late!06:32
sacarlsonraj: from windows?  I think it's http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/06:34
sacarlsonBawn: desktop manager don't come up so what do we see then?06:38
newtothisworldAny advice on a Free IRC client for windows.06:39
sacarlsonnewtothisworld: everything in ubuntu is free so take your pick06:41
newtothisworldI want a free "windows" IRC client.06:41
sacarlsonnewtothisworld: I prefer pidgin  but there must be about 10 more06:41
sacarlsonnewtothisworld: yes it runs as a gui app06:41
newtothisworldok I'll try Pidgin.06:42
sacarlsonnewtothisworld: but if you asked the question in the wrong channel then you might have got the wrong answer06:44
brezHi, does anyone use minidlna on Ubunt?06:44
brezSorry - Will put whole comment on one line -- am using miniDLNA on ubuntu11.10, it's installed, I set the dir's correctly, I check on my LG smart TV and it find the server, however it shows all the folders as empty?06:45
bluefrogbrez, medi_dir is correct?06:45
bluefrogbrez, and it takes time to scan I believe06:46
brezbluefrog: shouldn't be over an hour, right? -- I set the dir to /home/brez/Music06:47
brezI placed some .mp3's in there, yet when I check on the TV I can't see the song, however I do see folders such as "albums" which are not evident on the ubuntu vox.06:47
sacarlsonbrez: I did note this The official version of MiniDLNA in the Oneiric repositories  (1.0.21+dfsg-1) is flawed (possibly because it hasn't been compiled with  'libavcodec' support).  With this version you will not be able to play  mp4 video files, display pngs, and possibly other things.06:49
sacarlsonbrez: as seen here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA  not sure that's your problem or not06:49
tj600hi ihr da06:50
brezsacarlson: thank you -- would you recommend any other type of DLNA software I could use? I basically have a Ubuntu box with 1TB HDD, 4 GB RAM dual core processor with it's primary use being for streaming movies/music to my 60" LED in my lounge room.06:50
mogajMy cd rom not ejecting ... my os ubuntu 11.1006:51
sacarlsonbrez: might take a peak at ppa if they have added any changes06:51
brezsacarlson: it's just weird that everything picks up OK, can view it on the TV, but shows folders as empty.. and also shows folders on the TV which aren't on the box. ;x06:52
mogajMy cd rom not ejecting ... my os ubuntu 11.1006:52
sacarlsonmogaj: can you try umount  it?06:52
mogajsacarlson: how can i unmount it?06:52
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sacarlsonmogaj: I'm not sure were it's mounted but its like sudo umount /path/to/mount/point06:53
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sacarlsonwhere do cd's normaly default mount?  some place in /media/??06:54
brezI assume so?  was hopping to stream music directly from the HDD06:55
brezIE: ~/.music06:55
DropsOfSerenityfirefox bookmark bar too tall: screenshot from windows - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/windows.png screenshot from ubuntu: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/Screenshot%20at%202012-02-20%2021%3A09%3A46.png obviously ubuntu is using more space vertically, how can I change this?06:56
DropsOfSerenitycurrently using class compact, but was wondering if there was a better way to decrease the vertical spacing, perhaps in userChrome.css06:56
diverdudeHow do i check if its libmagickwand2  libmagickwand i have installed ?06:57
DropsOfSerenitydiverdude, dpkg -l | grep -i libmagickwand06:57
mogajthis my output for mount command http://paste.ubuntu.com/921394/  pls tell if cdrom/dvd is mounted or not06:58
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, doesn't look like it.06:58
mogajDropofSerenity: how to mount it?06:59
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, sudo mount /dev/sr006:59
jayaranyone here installed ventrilo server?07:00
humanoismdarmok and jalad at tanagra07:00
DropsOfSerenitymogaj although it should automount when you insert it if you are running ubuntu07:00
mogajDropOfSerenity: the out put am getting is   mount: can't find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:00
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, run this command pls: ls /dev | grep -i sr07:01
pawan_tejwanihow to horizon and keystone not getting configured ... please help07:01
jayari cant run it07:01
pawan_tejwani** horizon and keystone not getting configured ...07:02
jayari got it installed, followed the whole install and online directions... wont run from /init.d/07:02
mogajDropOfSerenity; sr0   this is the output07:02
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, sudo mkdir /media/cdrom          sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom07:02
DropsOfSerenityrun these 2 commands and it should mount it07:02
mogajDropOfSerenity:  mount: no medium found on /dev/sr007:03
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, and you are sure theres a cd in your drive?07:04
dr_willisyou do have a data disk i . ;)07:04
dr_willisnot music cd07:04
mogajDropOfSerenity ; i am using laptop there is cd/dvd rom ... am trying to open it to put a cd07:05
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, sudo eject07:05
mogajDropOfSerenity: that too not working :)07:05
dr_willisthat is weird07:06
DropsOfSerenitymight be stuck07:06
DropsOfSerenitythere should be a hole in the front of it, about needle sized, if you stick a paperclip in it it will open.07:06
dr_willisyep.. clippy to the rescue07:06
dadanopanbest method (safiest) to erase data from an extern ssd?07:06
dr_willisdadanopan:  just delete it.07:07
ActionParsnipmogaj: try:   sudo eject /dev/sr007:07
DropsOfSerenitydadanopan, look into dd07:07
jayardrag it to trash07:07
DropsOfSerenityyou can write 0's over the entire disk, or random data07:07
DropsOfSerenitythat's the most secure way07:07
JermBobhey people07:07
dr_willissecure deletion tools exist. but are normally overkill07:07
dadanopani'm new to linux, i've read something aoub 'wipe' and 'shred' i don't get dd..07:07
jayarhow do i run somethin as a daemon07:08
dr_willis!info shred07:08
ubottuPackage shred does not exist in oneiric07:08
JermBobwhen i use tasksel to install samba file server i get an error tasksel: aptitude failed (100)07:08
ActionParsnipdadanopan: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/drivename07:08
DropsOfSerenitydadanopan, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb(this would be whatever your drive is)07:08
jayar!info daemon07:08
ubottudaemon (source: daemon): turns other processes into daemons. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1 (oneiric), package size 81 kB, installed size 244 kB07:08
ActionParsnipJermBob: why not just use apt-get?07:08
DropsOfSerenitydadanopan, more to read on http://www.marksanborn.net/howto/wiping-a-hard-drive-with-dd/07:08
JermBobActionParsnip: will it get all the related packages ? i tried that before and had some issues.07:09
ActionParsnipJermBob: yes, that's apt-get's job...07:09
ActionParsnipJermBob: sudo apt-get install samba07:09
dr_willisJermBob:  nervr had issues that way07:09
JermBobso sudo apt-get samba ?07:09
jayarinstall samba07:10
ActionParsnipJermBob: you missed the word install,07:10
dr_willisyou may want smbfs also07:10
jayarsudo apt-get install samba07:10
JermBoboh yeah my bad07:10
JermBobjust was after confirmation on the package07:10
ActionParsnipJermBob: np07:10
JermBobdr_willis: smbfs ?07:11
dr_willis!info smbfs07:11
ubottusmbfs (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package. In component main, is optional. Version 2:5.0-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB07:11
JermBobwill the name server be installed too ?07:11
ROYALHello, I will wait until JermBob is done, and then I will ask about my issue07:11
JermBobim done. ROYAL go for it07:11
dr_willisname server?07:11
ROYALI have an audio issue07:11
bkkrocksI'm have a clean install of Ubuntu 11.10.  When I do an apt-get upgrade I get a bad header line.07:11
ROYALstatic is produced from speakers, really loudly07:12
JermBobnmdb ?07:12
ROYALIt is coming from an unused input jack07:12
JermBobsomething like that07:12
ROYALbut, I can only mute it in HDA-Analyzer07:12
ROYALbut my settings are lost after a reboot07:12
dr_willisbkkrocks:  you did an apt-get update    first?07:12
ActionParsnipROYAL: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh07:13
JermBobi did the sudo apt-get install samba and got : E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:13
ROYALdid who do an apt-get update?07:13
ActionParsnipJermBob: do you have updates installing or software centre open?07:13
JermBobwill check07:13
JermBobim sshing07:13
ActionParsnip!aptfix | JermBob if not07:14
ubottuJermBob if not: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »07:14
JermBobhaha i did07:14
ActionParsnipJermBob: thats why then07:14
ActionParsnipJermBob: let it finish07:14
JermBobActionParsnip: i just had software centre open on the gui07:14
JermBobill try again07:14
ROYALYour ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=74a57bf6f2248e37396b650d9eededce10998f7907:14
JermBobdam it didnt work again07:15
JermBobill reboot07:15
bawnhey, guys, I fixed my problem07:15
ActionParsnipROYAL: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 help07:15
bawnAll I had to do to make it so i could get back into the gui was replace xorg.conf with xorg.conf.failsafe  thanks for your efforts07:16
ROYALWell, I understand this chat is not for 12.04, but, it happen(d/s) in 11.10 also07:17
ActionParsnipROYAL: your current release is pre-release, so not supported here until it is released07:17
mogajNow i opened the cd drive and kept the disc but its not mounted07:18
mogajDropOfSerenity: Now i opened the cd drive and kept the disc but its not mounted07:20
boumai'd like to know how Mr Teo En Ming got the latest xen tools with oneric. i see xm not xl on my system. is there a recommended ppa for pci passthrough or should i be ok with oneiric's repos07:21
ActionParsnipmogaj: if you run:  mount     is it listed?07:21
boumahis pdfs for hvm'ing is a help07:21
mogajDropOfSerenity:  mount output http://paste.ubuntu.com/921412/07:22
DropsOfSerenitymogaj, now try those same commands I gave you earlier07:23
DropsOfSerenityif those don't work there might be something wrong with your cd drive07:23
boumai've managed to get things cludging , and actually vnc'ed to a live linux iso which was very satisfying07:24
boumabut firstly my system isnt working properly. gdm comes up with an empty desktop the window manager must be crashing and i cant see any ttys?07:24
bkkrocksYes, I did an apt-get update first07:25
bkkrocksBut I'm getting errors GPG errors07:26
Chriskhello i would like some help with installing java jre 7 on ubuntu 12.04  i googled a lot about this and the only ways i found were with this " oracle-java7-installer " but althought i installed it it always returns an error and it wont install java.Also i cant uninstall it  it returns always the same error. Any ideas would be welcome.07:26
ActionParsnipChrisk: ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support07:26
ChriskThank you :)07:26
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mogajDropOfSerenity: mount: no medium found on /dev/sr007:31
aviraldgHi. I don't have root access to a box running Ubuntu Server 11.10, I messed up the sudoers file, so I obviously can't get the permissions required to fix it. Any solution?07:41
mmmfungogood morning! im having an issue with my usb ports and was hoping for some help...i recently installed a firewire/usb/audio front panel and the ports are only recognized as usb 1.1, even though the board and panel both support 2.0..the output of lsusb and lspci as well as the motherboard and front panel info can be seen here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/921401/  .. lsmod here : http://paste.kde.org/454208/ .. the chipset, according to the07:43
mmmfungomanual is an Intel 82801GH 1/O Controller Hub (ICH7DH) and im using 11.10..any help in getting the ports up to speed and running as 2.0 would be greatly appreciated07:43
arvind_khadriHi, when am asked to type my ssh passphrase am shown a gui dialog.  How can I configure it to ask for the passphrase on the terminal?07:43
ActionParsnipaviraldg: boot to live CD and restore the file, then stop messing with stuff07:44
aviraldgActionParsnip: anything which doesn't require physical access?07:44
ActionParsnipaviraldg: well you've screwed the sudoers and so you'll have issues07:44
Kirk__hello can't update anything error -- dpkg: error processing debconf (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 207:47
sdhello .how can i disable my computer  wake by USB mouse?07:49
SeveasKirk__, please pastebin the complete output07:53
Seveasarvind_khadri, unset DISPLAY; ssh foo.bar.com07:53
arvind_khadriSeveas, where should I put it to make it permanent? ~/.bashrc ?07:55
Seveaswell, you really should just be using the keyring so they keys are unlocked when you log in07:56
Kirk__installArchives() failed: Can't locate package Tie::StdHash for @POSIX::SigRt::ISA at /usr/lib/perl/5.12/POSIX.pm line 71. debconf: Perl may be unconfigured (Can't locate auto/POSIX/SigRt/TIEHASH.al in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4 /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.12 /usr/share/perl/5.12 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/lib/perl/5.12/POSIX.pm line 71 Compilation07:56
SeveasKirk__, ooh, that looks ugly07:56
arvind_khadriSeveas, I see07:56
Seveasreal ugly07:56
SeveasKirk__, but that's not all output. Put the entire output on a pastebin please07:56
Kirk__sudo apt-get upgrade [sudo] password for kirk:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following packages have been kept back:   linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic The following packages will be upgraded:   aptdaemon aptdaemon-data chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra firefox firefox-globalmenu firefox-gnome-support   firefo07:58
SeveasKirk__, use a pastebin....07:58
Seveas!pastebin | Kirk__07:58
ubottuKirk__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:58
ElijahHey guys, I just got to Romania from the US, in the Ubuntu software center I am trying to download pidgin, when I click install it attempts to do something and then quits without error and then I click install again and it gives the error "failed to download package files - check your internet connection". I tried with a paid proxy service also but no luck, do you think it is just the pidgin package or because of my location? How can 08:03
SeveasKirk__, ok, I'm giving up now. You're *still* not providing all the output08:03
SeveasElijah, that message got cut off after 'how can'08:04
ElijahWhat method of connection does the software center use? http, https?08:04
SeveasElijah, you may get more info in the terminal when you try these commands: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pidgin08:04
ActionParsnipElijah: try:   sudo apt-get install pidgin    close software centre first08:05
ActionParsnipKirk__: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc08:05
=== _zeta is now known as ubuntu_
Kirk__ lsb_release -sc oneiric08:07
ActionParsnipKirk__: i'd uninstall the 32bit packages you have, may help08:08
ElijahSeveas: ...because of my location? How can I circumvent? Thanks08:10
ActionParsnipKirk__: also try:   wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage08:10
SeveasElijah, sorry, I don't understand that. What kind of errors did you get in the terminal?08:11
ElijahSeveas: Your tip to sudo apt-get update worked, it installed fine after that08:11
SeveasActionParsnip, his perl is broken, breaking dpkg. None of those commands will work. He's also refusing to give full output of commands, so we can't see *why* it's broken.08:12
SeveasElijah, ok, maybe hitting the 'refresh' button in the software center would have worked too08:12
ActionParsnipSeveas: gotcha08:12
ElijahSeveas: thanks guys08:14
intorehi, i want boot my ubuntu 10.10 using console and am trying to configure wireless connection in /etc/network/interfaces08:19
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intorehi, i want boot my ubuntu 10.10 computer using the console and am trying to configure /etc/network/interfaces about the wireless connection08:29
intoreit doesn't work08:29
ActionParsnipintore: sounds reasonable enough. I'd suggest using wicd-curses instead. Bit easier08:29
intorewhy it doesn't work?08:30
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101008:31
MCR1Hi :) Please help testing our release candidate for version v2.4 of UFO:Alien Invasion, one of the best games available on Linux. Download a fresh .deb here: http://ufoai.org/wiki/index.php/Download08:32
intoreActionParsnip: do you already an idea about my problem?08:32
inflexhiya, while fixing up the desktop issues on 11.10, we jumped to xubuntu-desktop and now back to ubuntu-desktop, but our startup/shutdown screens still show Xubuntu,  any idea how to truly revert back to normal Ubuntu ?08:32
coder2i have installed gnome3 on ubuntu 11.10,but on restarting the machine for second time gnome3 option is gone ,i am ony left with gnome-classic,any one help?08:35
intorefolks, could you help me please about interfaces file configuration to boot using console?08:35
intoreiwlist scan command doesn't run08:38
pentagonpieintore: what is the error message?08:41
intoreeth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument08:41
pentagonpieI'ts usually eth0, I think.08:41
intoream sorry08:42
pentagonpiefind what network cards you have by running ifconfig08:42
sacarlsonintore: you must mean wifi I think I recall?08:43
sacarlsonintore: I just pluged my wifi device in with network-manager stoped08:46
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
overshiftHi! I'm selling an account with benefit of: 500 proxies + a tip on how to pay 15$ and have unlimited proxies :). who is interestered private me08:57
Kirk__http://paste.ubuntu.com/921508/   [10:10] <ActionParsnip> Kirk__: also try:   wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage08:57
MetaHow do I turn off some of the visual BS in Unity?08:58
MetaI'm using a netbook and Unity makes it slow as wet week, but when I use xfce, my sound doesn't work.08:59
oCeanovershift: don't advertise here08:59
intoream sorry09:03
intoreinternet is very bad here09:03
intorei lost your message if something09:03
sacarlsonintore: so ifconfig  shows like no wlan0  devices?09:04
intoreit shows eth0 and eth109:04
intoreeth1 is wireless09:04
intoredo you want a paste of interfaces, wpa_supplicant and ifconfig?09:05
intorenow am connected by cable09:05
sacarlsonintore: ok so what does sudo iwconfig eth1  show?09:05
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
goerHi all. A general question. (I hv a 'ubuntu' system:) With an amazing script called 'burneronfire' I can burn 4 DVDs simultaneously with no coasters! Can someone hellp/direct me to a script/app that will enable me to print one file to 2 printers simultaneously pls?  Thnx in advance.09:07
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
intoream pasting09:07
jean_brat Hi i am running ubuntu studio 11 and just downloaded the Nvidia .run driver package09:08
jean_brat it gives me an error msg You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For further details..........................09:08
jean_brat i did not had issues installing my previous AMD drivers. may i know what seems to be the issue?09:08
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
sacarlsonintore: good start but what does iwconfig eth1 ;  show us?09:09
stefanivarsson@goer: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/cups-and-samba-to-print-one-print-job-to-2-printers-tutorial-added-756040/09:09
goerstefanivarsson, many thnx friend. Will check it out09:10
intorenow eth1 is down09:10
MetaI'm going to ask again09:10
intorehave to bring up it?09:11
MetaHow do I turn off the graphical stuff in Unity? I'm using a netbook and it's making me lag.09:11
intoreis the same result09:11
sacarlsonintore: ok and so we should still have results from iwlist scan; unless you have ap set to invisible09:12
stefanivarsson@Meta: Unity or Unity2D?09:12
GirlyGirlMeta: What netbook is this?09:13
sacarlsonintore: what command are you using to bring eth1 up and down?09:13
s3r4f1mhy everyone09:15
s3r4f1mcan anyone help me with one thing?09:15
torbadajean_brat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:15
Xabsterlast time i had my computer started I didn't change anything except install LAMP. Now when i log into my desktop I no longer have the "Applications" and "places" at the top left - instead I have File Edit View Go Bookmarks - what happened?09:16
goerstefanivarsson, Thnx. I checked it out but it is not what I'm after. I do not use network printers, only 2 USB Canon printers attched to my Puter. How to print 1 file to both at same time pls?09:17
s3r4f1mmy laptop has ubuntu installed and yesterday my mother knocked him down while i was using it09:17
s3r4f1mand after that came with this message : "hd0, 1 read error     grub rescue09:18
s3r4f1mwas it the HDD that died?09:19
s3r4f1mor bad sector09:19
goers3r4f1m: it's dead I think :(09:19
s3r4f1mbut can i retrieve the data inside, still?09:20
jiltdilPLease see this whay it is not extracting http://pastebin.com/1H6riG7G09:20
s3r4f1mi have to connect him to another PC no?09:21
goers3r4f1m: I wld use a live CD and try to recover data IF the HDD works!09:21
oCeans3r4f1m: you can try booting from an other disk, or live CD and then mount the broken(?) disk to retrieve any data09:21
s3r4f1mok...ill try to make a boot flash drive09:21
oCeans3r4f1m: but if the hdd is really broken (i.e. it won't even spin up any more) then there will be no easy way to access it09:21
sarujiok, pulling my hair out, please?! does anyone know where the error log file is in ubuntu for apache?09:22
goers3r4f1m: all the best...09:22
oCeansaruji: /var/log/apache2/09:22
s3r4f1mthe disk is still working09:22
intorehere i am09:22
intoream sorry09:22
sarujithank you oCean09:22
s3r4f1mi hear him working09:22
intoreis impossible work09:22
goers3r4f1m: ok, use live CD then09:22
intorehave you seen my paste?09:23
sarujialso does anyone know how to check what version of linux I am running from command prompt?09:23
oCeansaruji: lsb_release -a09:23
biggi_matMora like cat /etc/issue09:23
s3r4f1mwhere can i get the live cd?09:23
s3r4f1mubuntu main page?09:23
sarujioCean, thank you so much09:24
s3r4f1mthks for the help09:24
oCeans3r4f1m: http://www.ubuntu.com/download, the installer cd == the live cd09:24
goers3r4f1m: ur installation CD shld be fine09:24
intoreneed help!!!09:24
oCeanintore: ask your question detailed in single line.09:24
s3r4f1mthank you both very much oCean and goer09:24
goer:)   but I must go for now. Cya09:25
intoream configuring /etc/network/interfaces for bring up network interfaces at boot using a console but it doesn't run09:25
biggi_matYou really should give more info.09:26
intoream pasting09:26
travelmateil portale italiano?09:26
oCeanintore: again, try to keep the description (and pastebin links etc) in single line09:26
oCean!it | travelmate09:26
ubottutravelmate: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:27
intorei did it09:27
sacarlsonintore: yes I did see the pastebin it all looks good so far other than is that a type on the file name /etc/wpa_supplicant  it's missing .conf09:27
sacarlsonintore: in your pastebin it doesn't match the file name in your  interfaces file09:28
sacarlsonintor: typo?09:28
intoreit's .conf09:28
sacarlsonintore: ok and results of iwlist scan eth1 ;09:29
sacarlsonintore: interface must be up to run that09:29
jiltdilhttp://pastebin.com/1H6riG7G Any idea?09:30
XabsterMy pc automatically logs in when starting as it's supposed to, but my desktop is wrong - There are no "Applications" and "Places" at the top left and I can't alt-tab between programs... any ideas what happened?09:30
Xabster 09:31
cvrXabster: are you running wheezy?09:31
ecthienderjiltdil, try sudo and then the command09:31
jiltdilecthiender,  nothing happend, befor this i was doing more extraction but there was no problem09:32
Xabstercvr, i don't know what that is09:33
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cvrXabster: sorry thought I was in different channel, are u running unity then?09:33
Xabsterno, it used to be gnome classic09:33
Xabsterbut i don't know what i'm running now09:34
Xabsterif i try to log out with ctrl+alt+del is stops at some point and i can do ctrl+alt+del again to restart09:34
sacarlsonintore: oh I have to reboot to access one of my encrypted files be back in about 5 minits09:34
xylohi folks.  i'm using a 64 bit ubuntu and was trying to install acroread.  however, the package cannot be installed since the dependent package libogg0:i386 conflicts with libogg0.  is this a bug?  what can i do?  i cannot remove libogg0.  too many package depend on it.09:34
xyloi forgot to mention that i'm using ubuntu 12.0409:35
ecthienderjiltdil, then i'm out of ideas09:35
bekksxylo: Thn please ask in #ubuntu+109:35
=== Aguay is now known as Goku
=== sattu94 is now known as satyanash
azertyihello there  ?09:43
CFHowlettazertyi   greetings09:43
=== marco is now known as Guest66835
azertyihow long it takes when you mount an NFS filesytem over network ?09:44
azertyiis there any technical problem here ?09:46
monserhi guys09:57
monserwhen I try to put my usb wifi card up I get SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory09:57
monserifconfig -a shows the interface wlan109:58
bekksmonser: Then how do you try to "get it up"?10:00
monserifconfig wlan1 up10:00
Xabsterdo you know the name of an application that can test if my DVD was burned without errors? i checked the .iso's checksum, but the disc took a long time to write and my drive sounded funny while burning10:00
=== xarth is now known as help
bekksXabster: md5sum the iso and md5sum the burned dvd.10:01
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=== Guest67934 is now known as Yul
bobweaverXabster,  K3b ?10:02
bekksK3b just uses md5sum too.10:02
monserhow to get a firmware for a device10:12
bekksmonser: Depends on the device.10:13
monserits a rt7310:13
monsersomehow it is gone10:13
bekksmonser: Which Ubuntu version is it?10:13
bekksWhich LTS?10:14
nik54come funziona qui?10:15
bekks! it | nik5410:15
ubottunik54: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:15
hidensofthow i can run a command in background ?10:16
lukibenihidensoft just type "&" at the end of the command10:17
hidensoftlukibeni, hm , its showing output ,  i don't wanna see any output10:18
drounseis mbps, megabits or megabytes?10:19
drounseper second10:19
ecthiendermega bits10:19
ecthienderMB is mega bytes10:20
drounsethen verizon sucks, i have comcast and get 25 megabits and verizon only offers up to 1510:20
lukibenihidensoft > /dev/null ?10:20
hidensoftlukibeni, i got some output but not all10:21
XPS-L502xto install ubuntu in dedicated paticion do i need to convert my hd in a dinamic disk??10:22
bobweavermaybe   var=$(some command 2>&1)>/dev/null  ; echo "$var" ;   ?10:23
hidensoftlukibeni, nohup ;) tnx10:24
bobweaveror you could do in a if statement also correct     if some-command;then   echo "" else echo "" fi10:26
lapionanyone else having inverse color and stocky sound problems with flash player on 64bit ubuntu natty ?10:26
bobweaverso that it is echoing nothing10:27
lapionthe stocky sound is on all flash contents, the inverse colors only on certain videos10:27
GreatDantondoes anybody know how to solve this:Apr  9 12:06:37 jan-laptop kernel: [ 3472.164061] [drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung10:30
GreatDantonApr  9 12:06:37 jan-laptop kernel: [ 3472.164088] render error detected, EIR: 0x0000000010:30
GreatDantonApr  9 12:06:37 jan-laptop kernel: [ 3472.164600] [drm:i915_do_wait_request] *ERROR* i915_do_wait_request returns -5 (awaiting 222518 at 222514)10:30
GreatDantonApr  9 12:06:39 jan-laptop kernel: [ 3474.412067] [drm:i915_gem_idle] *ERROR* hardware wedged10:30
FloodBot1GreatDanton: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:30
XPS-L502xto install ubuntu in dedicated paticion do i need to convert my hd in a dinamic disk??10:32
sw!partitions | XPS-L502x10:33
ubottuXPS-L502x: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap10:33
B112358VERIFY REGISTER B112358 siuvhhbiarep10:34
MuelliB112358: better pick a different password now.10:35
GreatDantondoes somebody know how to solve GPU hung?10:36
wondermanhi, shouldnt (recovery) have failsafeX mode?10:36
bekksGreatDanton: Define "GPU hung".10:36
wondermanor does it only have 4 options,   resume, fsck, root and 1 other i cant remember10:36
derebeljust upgraded to 11.10, the ubuntu-classic option is no longer available at login, how can i get the standard gnome desktop back, i hate this launcher10:41
drounsederebel, i think you need to download gnome classic10:42
venkatmangudiderebel: desktop or server?10:42
derebelvenkatmangudi, desktop, i dont install a gui on servers10:43
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap10:43
venkatmangudiderebel: install gnome shell in synaptic.10:43
venkatmangudiyou'll get ubuntu-classic or gnome shell at login the next time10:43
=== bitmonk_ is now known as bitmonk
derebeldrounse, really? the dist-upgrade would have removed that? gotta say i was hoping that the ubuntu devs would realize this was a bad idea and kill it after 11.0410:44
mydogsnameisrudygnome-shell-classic i think its called10:44
mydogsnameisrudyno gnome-session-classic10:44
derebelmydogsnameisrudy, thanks10:45
mydogsnameisrudysomething like that10:45
drounseyea im getting sick of ubuntu, there is so much uneccesary change thats happening10:45
derebelvenkatmangudi, thanks, got it10:45
* mydogsnameisrudy moved to kde10:46
* drounse moved to arch for a while10:46
falken-rotorasup nigga10:46
CFHowlettfalken-rotora   wrong channel for that10:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:47
derebeldrounse, agreed. i really only stick with ubuntu for netbooks and laptops because finding drivers for debian can be rough, i cant even recommend ubuntu for new linux users any more, the classic gnome was great for noobs, this sucks10:47
drounsederebel, actually i feel like ubuntu is a bad place to start, after using arch you learn so much that should be done first10:47
drounseno offense to ubuntu10:48
derebeldrounse, up to 10.04 i recommended ubuntu as a good place for windows users with no interest in development or administration, it was great for the average computer user10:48
bekksarch is the place to learn things that you do not need in first place to have a system to work with.10:49
firai'd have a question10:49
bekks! ask | fira10:49
ubottufira: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:49
CFHowlettfira   ask away10:49
wondermanwhere is failsafeX is 11.10 recovery?10:50
=== fred_ is now known as Guest39595
firaI installed a Gentoo alongside my Ubuntu, and as such used the update-grub to automatically generated the GRUB2 config. It detected my Gentoo disk/kernel/etc fine.10:50
wondermanim trying to help a friend who boots into blackscreen10:50
wondermanassuming is some graphical issue as its a fresh install10:50
firaNow, i want to add a kernel option to my booting entry... Can i do that somehow, or do i need to get rid of the automatically generated one and manually add it?10:51
wondermanwhat version of ubuntu ?10:51
wondermanhave you looked in grub.cfg?10:52
wondermanyou can edit grub there, then run update-grub10:52
firathe grub.cfg is auto-generated by update-grub10:52
cvrfira: you need to edit the /etc/default/grub file then update-grub10:53
firaso i have to put the entry manually, instead of using the one added by update-grub ?10:53
wondermancvr where would he add it in that file?10:53
cvrwonderman: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=10:53
wondermancvr, recovery mode10:54
cvrif im understanding what ur wanting todo?10:54
wondermanthere is no failsafeX in 11.10 ?10:54
firalet me look that up, looks good10:54
wondermanif he clicks 'root'10:57
wondermanthere seems to be no networking running10:57
wondermantrying to install nvidia drivers as 'nomodeset' didnt work, or so he said!10:58
firacvr: Well, that's not exactly what i wanted, but it should work too10:58
firaGonna give it a try, thanks lots10:59
derebelok i have my classic desktop back (it's uglier but i'll live) but my system drawer on the panel is gone11:01
chiklazyDoes anyone here know about greg nargs?11:01
chiklazyRigg ass graggan  Arewenoo..  Arwenoo zee-oo zaya.  Chinna 2olombia adaa wella shrek raflood lool.  Ground rearing some groans.  I'm huff tuff reffa leffa lurf nords.  I'm just like... vanilla ice  foe davvity wheel barow  Exparly ex preggo  Is anyone out there a rig ass graggan?  lelly in mah kellar  WRESTLING'S FAKE!11:02
chiklazyPargastian wildly nig nargs.  smeggalty dellets  Far foo faqqin  Digital damage.  Where wally niqqs.  It's coast to coast night.  Hoke a lup!  Free faq fornag!  Puck a leek a lup to lup round tround.  Wormser marrial niqs.  El delphin trilaxal.  Blanking bluck to the black a lickel bleck narge.11:02
chiklazyPuggy muggle maggity ass riggle ma hole.  Buck a waath ess wheel wall!  Bustin' room past tin!  Buckin' room past in!  A harnaly scrary o mep.  Rons raplaisher pa noans  rebble dibby dump dimp gabble dak.  A wristafiable pluckin'  Blacking it up to the reng teng blickhole.  I kleb to the sand of the blicka rickin time.11:02
FloodBot1chiklazy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
chiklazyRekkal theh mick thuck the rep tep taistral.  Wallif ma wallis wallets.  Is anyone here a jelly-o shkrapper?  Bam glacky I'm mega man!  Has anyone here ram baisted before?  The koost a heeckil pludgeon.  Feathers round rick gring air!  Liquid cereal's good for you.  The mummified goblin.  Pallaj oh plex.11:02
ubottuchiklazy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:02
kcinis unity works with ati catalyst driver?11:03
wondermankcin: yes, not perfect though11:03
kcinwonderman: how much not perfect? ^_^11:04
wondermanpretty perfect11:04
wondermanbut i get issues upgrading kernels11:04
wondermanseems i have to reinstall ATI drivers after this, and ubuntu yet to respond with reasons as to why11:04
kcinwonderman: ahhh, but it's still usable right, just need a little work?11:05
wondermanalso depends i guess on how you install the ATI drivers11:05
wondermanyou probably should generate distro packages, but i had issues this way so left the isntaller to it11:05
wondermanyes its fine11:05
kcinwonderman: cool, I'll try my luck :)11:06
wondermanthink latest are like 12.3 or something now ?11:06
kcinyeah, it's 12.311:06
wondermanjust run the install script11:07
wondermanbut run11:07
wondermanaticonfig -f initial11:07
wondermani think thast the command11:07
wondermanbefore you reboot11:07
wondermanaticonfig --initial -f11:08
nicofsI just installed "bittorrent-gui" - but i don't know how to start it. It's not in the applications menu and the command "bittorrent-gui" does not exist - any ideas?11:08
wondermanroot has to do this also11:08
wondermanso use sudo11:08
kcinwonderman: thanks11:08
wondermannicofs: you didnt like transmission?11:08
NiBiHi , Im using ubuntu 11.10 and trying to emulate playstation game fifa12 with software PCSX ... it still answers with error openning cd plugin do you known how to solve this ?11:09
nicofswonderman, it permanently crashes.11:09
wondermanwith what error ?11:09
wondermanive never had it crash11:09
lukibeniwonderman +111:09
wondermanNiBi: contact the software dev?11:10
lukibenialthough i use it as a daemon...11:10
venkatmangudiderebel: the loss of system drawe is the worst, IMHO.11:10
derebelvenkatmangudi, anyway to get it back?11:10
wondermannicofs: did you install it from repos?11:11
wondermanhave your tried launching it from terminal ?11:11
cvrnico: dpkg -L bittorrent-gui and have a look at the files in /usr/bin11:12
venkatmangudiderebel: have tried a lot. Nope, no way. However, in 12.04, it is in  the Apps menu11:12
nicofswonderman, yes... let's just say i don't want to use transmission but something else - if only because that's the idea behind linux and free software - to have the choice... and get back to how i start this "bittorrent-gui"... please...11:12
wondermananswer the questions put to you11:12
wondermanis that yes to both?11:13
pentagonpiecan't pause rhythmbox using terminal, help?11:13
nicofscvr, /usr/bin has only *.bittorrent files...11:14
derebelvenkatmangudi, well that's the last straw, im done with ubuntu, i'll deal with finding and/or writing drivers for debian. this is just rediculous11:14
nicofswonderman, launching what from terminal? transmission?11:15
bekksderebel: Good luck then :>11:15
wondermanwondering if your trying to launch from terminal, or from unity start menu or something11:15
nicofswonderman, terminal11:15
wondermansudo aptitude search bittorrent-gui11:15
wondermanthat says its installed?11:16
wondermannot broken ?11:16
nicofswonderman, the command "bittorrent-gui" does not exist.11:16
venkatmangudiderebel: I was the same way. 12.04 is not bad, trust me. Still sucks because of Gnome 3.2. But way better that 11.1011:16
wondermannicofs: have you tried opening a .torrent file ?11:18
nicofswonderman, what with - it's nowhere in any application menu...11:19
wondermanim asking you.11:19
wondermanive never used it11:19
wondermanhave you googled your problem ?11:19
wondermanwhere is the official website for the client ?11:20
swnicofs: what are you actually trying to do?11:20
wondermani think you may want to pick a better client11:20
nicofswonderman, i have no idea, to be honest... i found it by synaptic...11:20
wondermanlooks like apos11:20
nicofssw, install a torrent client...11:20
swnicofs: and you haven't installed it yet, no?11:21
bekkswonderman: That are the details for the debian packages.11:21
nicofssw, i have - via synaptic11:21
oCeanwonderman: this isn't debian11:21
wondermanbekks: oCean its all i found in 2minutes11:22
bekkswonderman: I found this in 10s: http://www.bittorrent.com/11:22
wondermanpackages.ubuntu.com/  is still loading...11:22
swwonderman: you're in #ubuntu. and users come here for live support rather than being pointed to a website. they're capable of doing that themselves11:22
wondermansw clearly not11:23
swnicofs: so '$ dpkg -L bittorrent' and '$ dpkg -L bittorrent-gui' show the packages are installed, yes?11:23
wondermannicofs: the devs website seems to be redirecting11:23
wondermani would use another client11:23
bekkswonderman: Please take a look at your link. That are the details of the Ubuntu packages - but NOT the official website of the client.11:23
wondermanbekks review my last link11:23
wondermanfuck im trying to help him, and you all turn up flaming me11:24
fishcookerwhat is the buzz abt PP than OO version11:24
oCeanwonderman: control your language here, please11:24
FloodBot1wonderman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
swnicofs: you'll need both the 'bittorrent' and 'bittorrent-gui' packages installed if you want the GUI, can you check that?11:24
oCeanfishcooker: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (now beta). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion11:24
nicofssw synaptic was clever enough to install both... http://paste.ubuntu.com/921670/ is the output of dpkg11:25
saulotoledohello all. I need create 3 chrooted machines to run different Apache + PHP versions/permissions/services in my network. Since all machines wil share the home directory, at main machine I want create the users and share this users between all machines, to avoid the same UID at different machines. What's the best way to do this?11:25
swnicofs: let me take a look11:26
saulotoledoIn other words, I need share some users at different machines11:26
bekkssaulotoledo: Then you have to create the users on all machines, and share the "main" home using NFS, e.g.11:27
swnicofs: I can't replicate your problem my end. can you try installing another client to test, for example Transmission by doing: '$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install transmission'?11:30
saulotoledobekks: The schroot system will automatically share the home dir, but if I create the users in each virtual machine they will have different IDs. I need them with the same ID to avoid mistakes11:30
swnicofs: that's probably a better choice anyhow as it's regularly maintained11:30
bekkssaulotoledo: Then create them having the same IDs.11:31
nicofssw starting point for my quest was that transmission isn't working properly... oO11:31
saulotoledobekks: Only editting /etc/passwd and /etc/groups, correct?11:31
wanderingiI have a windows xp drive that im trying to get files from before it's changed. I have been able to get most things through ubuntu but when i open the Documents and Settings folder, i no icons are shown11:31
bekkssaulotoledo: Just creating them with useradd and -u and -g11:32
wanderingiwhen i use the terminal, i get a number of directories listed but get i/o error when i try to view the contents11:32
saulotoledobekks: Ah ok! thanks11:32
saulotoledobekks: let me try11:32
nicofssw, i could just install something else - i can live with any client... i just thought there was something obvious i may have overlooked...11:33
IridiumScaffoldok I'm having a weird problem: my ubuntu box is acting as a router, and internet access is working fine, but I can't log on to anything on the server itself. the login gets stuck after "logging as <user>..."11:33
saulotoledobekks: This users will run from Apache, If I don't create passwords with useradd they will login at system?11:35
bekkssaulotoledo: Without a password set, you cant login. And the user running apache is not intended to be used for login.11:36
saulotoledobekks: It's this wha I want, thanks!11:37
saulotoledobekks: *what11:37
DropsOfSerenityfirefox bookmark bar too tall: screenshot from windows - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/windows.png screenshot from ubuntu: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/Screenshot%20at%202012-02-20%2021%3A09%3A46.png obviously ubuntu is using more space vertically, how can I change this?11:38
DropsOfSerenity currently using class compact, but was wondering if there was a better way to decrease the vertical spacing, perhaps in userChrome.css11:38
fishcookerthankyou ocean for quick response11:39
fishcookerhappy easter too11:39
airtonixit is?11:39
swnicofs: it appears in my menu list my end, so I'm not sure what's happening your end, sorry11:41
nicofssw maybe reinstalling and rebooting will fix it...11:41
swnicofs: possibly. I'd suggest using Transmission anyway, but it's user preferance11:41
carl__xdcc send #12611:42
nicofssw, doesn't work... I'd love to use transmission... but it crashes permanently...11:42
Fizziki have major issues with speeds using bitorrent clients in linux for some reason11:42
xnixan Hi, any idea, how to sync android contacts with ubuntu?11:43
=== moge is now known as ter_83_doa
airtonixxnixan: without google?11:44
xnixanairtonix, yes!11:44
rAg3-nixcant you just export the contacts in csv and import it in ubuntu ?11:45
airtonixxnixan: i imagine it starts with finding an android program that exports to vcf11:45
Fizzikhow does one disable auto dhcp and put a auto static ip to connect with using my wireless card11:45
airtonixxnixan: then import the vcf into thunderbird/evolution11:45
rAg3-nixxnixan: what version of android are you using ?11:45
p`pFizzik, settings in the network manager11:46
xnixanairtonix, 2.311:46
airtonixxnixan: infact on my samsung galaxy nexus running cyanogenmod 9, i can just export with the default contacts program11:46
rAg3-nixandroid 2.3 has inbuilt feature to export contacts11:46
p`por you could go on onto your router and set your laptop to automatically get that ip address11:46
rAg3-nixare you using a custom mod ?11:46
p`pitd be under the dhcp services section11:46
Fizzikp`p: i just did that and i reconnected and it gave me the same prior ip address11:46
xnixanairtonix, thanks :-)11:46
p`pyou may have to go onto your router11:47
p`pand set the laptop to have a static ip address11:47
Fizzikp`p: no my router doesnt work that way11:47
p`pwhich kind is it11:47
Fizziki have to set manual dhcp and the ip i want from the laptop11:48
FizzikActiontec R1000H11:48
p`pyeah it works like that11:48
p`pheres a tutoria11:48
Fizzikthere is no option in my router to have auto mac address ip signing11:49
p`pyeha this is rediculous confusing and composed of people on a forum post11:50
p`pgoto your wifi card settings in the network manager for that network11:50
p`pand click on the settings for that network and theres a part to set your ip address and hostname and other stuff11:51
Fizzikyea i just found it i believe i just figured it out11:51
wanderingiI have a windows xp drive that im trying to get files from before it's changed. I have been able to get most things through ubuntu but when i open the Documents and Settings folder, i no icons are shown11:52
wanderingiwhen i use the terminal, i get a number of directories listed but get i/o error when i try to view the contents11:52
Fizzikp`p: this network manager window is a pain in the ass and confusing, im still reconnecting with auto dhcp for some reason11:53
p`pim able to view miene just fine11:54
Fizzikim able to view mine but it doesnt seem to be taking what i put in11:54
Luftihi ;)11:55
LuftiI accidentally deleted my /etc/init.d/proftpd file. Any advice to get it back? ;D11:56
BOSSiDobrý den, jsou tu nějací češi? :) Hledám příkaz do bashe, který vygeneruje hodnotu indikující procentuální vytížení interface v PC. Existuje něco takového?11:56
LuftiI did reinstall it via apt-get remove/install but still doesn't exist11:56
Fizziki turn the wireless device off p`p i enter in the new changes as manual then turn the wireless back on an it reverts back to old changes as auto dhcp11:57
p`pyou probably didnt save them11:57
Fizziki did11:57
p`pthey are back to the  old settings now when you view them11:57
p`pdo it again11:57
=== will is now known as Guest65946
=== MG is now known as Guest9654
Guest9654can any one help me repairing my desktop manager?!12:00
pentagonpieask your question12:00
=== wangdong is now known as _wdd
xanderHi everyone.12:03
Guest65946i can't get ati vedio driver work on my system,can anyone help me?12:04
sacarlsonLufti: did you try  apt-get purge proftpd ;  or whatever the package name is?12:05
Guest65946i'm using ubuntu 10.04,my vedio card is ATI redeon mobility HD 3400.12:05
Guest65946i active the video driver by using driver manager, i got a black screen after reboot12:08
HytredghGOOD EASTER12:08
Guest65946can't even go recovery mode12:09
HytredghHAPPY EASTER12:09
Guest65946i download driver from amd.com manually, didn't work either12:10
icerootwhat is the best way to use a package from the 12.04 repos in 11.10? (dependencies are small and not important). apt-pinning on multiverse of 12.04? or someone has a better idea?12:11
bekksiceroot: You shall not mix that. It will break your box most likely.12:12
icerootbekks: it will not12:12
=== N7 is now known as n7
icerootbekks: as i said, small dependencies on unimportant stuff12:13
n7i just installed ubuntu12:13
n7and when i alt tab not all the programs are in the list12:13
n7(programs i'm using)12:14
Kartagisn7: you see only the ones running12:14
xanderDoes anyone have working front panel audio with VIA 1708S codec and an AC'97 cabinet?12:14
bekksiceroot: You have to pin all other packages (the ones you want to keep on 11.10) when introducing 12.04 repos to your box.12:14
icerootbekks: ah ok, i thought i pin the hole 12.04 repo12:15
planon777hello!  help.s my!12:15
n7Kartagis, well i only see firefox12:15
taherhi there12:16
=== anonymous is now known as Guest45021
taherplease i want to download videos from youtube ..... i want program to do this12:16
planon777i m russia!!!!12:16
n7wtf i have like 6 xchats loaded up12:17
sacarlson!ask | planon77712:17
ubottuplanon777: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:17
xandertaher: VideoDownload Helper extension in Firefox.12:17
iceroottaher: youtube-dl (cli)12:17
planon777я из россии12:17
LjL!ru | planon77712:17
ubottuplanon777: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:17
iceroot!ru | planon77712:17
planon777как востановить систему?12:17
icerootway to fast for me :)12:17
xanderDoes anyone have working front panel audio with VIA 1708S codec and an AC'97 cabinet?12:22
Guest65946after installed fglrx video driver,i got black screen,can't even boot from recovery mode,ctrl+alt+f1 didn't work. i can only boot from LIVE cd, then rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get going again    how to fix it? plz12:22
jiltdilPlease see this http://pastebin.com/ADbjjGpR   in terminal it is not creating symlink. Also how to close this after executing as it is not closing itself.12:22
Picijiltdil: you're missing a ` on the secondline.12:23
jiltdilPici,  oh sorry but i am doing it with  double ' but still not creating symlink12:25
jiltdilPici,  Done :)12:25
Picijiltdil: working now?12:25
jiltdilPici, hm12:26
DropsOfSerenityno one ever is going to address vertical screen space issues in ubuntu ever huh? :S12:27
DropsOfSerenityfirefox bookmark bar too tall: screenshot from windows - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/windows.png screenshot from ubuntu: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16248423/Screenshot%20at%202012-02-20%2021%3A09%3A46.png obviously ubuntu is using more space vertically, how can I change this?12:27
DropsOfSerenity currently using class compact, but was wondering if there was a better way to decrease the vertical spacing, perhaps in userChrome.css12:27
FloodBot1DropsOfSerenity: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:27
bekksDropsOfSerenity: And whats the problem with that?12:28
sacarlsonseems I've lost the gpg decryption/encryption method plugin that was available in gedit when I ran ubuntu 10.04,  now in ubuntu 11.10 it seems no longer exists.  what is a replacement for this?12:28
DropsOfSerenitybekks, unnecessary vertical padding, where on widescreen monitors vertical screen space is the most important.12:28
DropsOfSerenitybekks, a full 14 pixels higher12:29
bekks14 of how much pixels?12:29
planon777Hello! I'm from Russia in our chat ubuntu does not help those who can not .. can you help? turn off the light ... and then decided to run a computer run and he does not run ubuntu (visna) in the early boot after the name and picture is presented dramatically black screen, and then as usual it starts downloading displayed (letters, etc.) comes somewhere to sirediny and ostanavlivaetsya ...) what problemma??12:29
DropsOfSerenitybekks, of only 1050, it's important on widescreen monitors especially for those that have screens even smaller than mine, 1280x800, even 1650x900, this is very very bad12:30
bekksDropsOfSerenity: So we are talking about 1-2% of screen heigth, ok :)12:30
DropsOfSerenityi don't want to hear that it's not important, I want a solution and  a reason as to why gtk is padded so much.12:30
DropsOfSerenitythere is a large amount of padding especially around the bookmark bar, the bookmark "buttons" are extremely large, it is unnecessary and it's not in any other OS and a waste of space.12:33
four-20HOw do i nadd my shortcuts on top bar of ubuntu 11.1012:33
bekksDropsOfSerenity: Personally, I never noticed that, since I am always disabling the bookmark bar. MAybe someone else has an explanation for that kind of gtk behaviour for you.12:35
four-20hey all12:36
four-20I like to add my application shortcuts on my top menu bar . how do i do that on ubutnu 11.1012:36
four-20i am kind a new user to ubuntu :)12:36
mezodhello, i am following this tutorial: http://www.torrent-invites.com/operating-systems/74772-ubuntu-seedbox-rtorrent-rutorrent-security.html and in the "rtorrent" section, when i try to ./autogen.sh I get "aclocal not found". Any clue of what can i do? there is an aclocal.m4 in the folder12:36
DropsOfSerenityI would love to know, it's been a long standing issue in ubuntu, fonts, vertical screen space, has never been as effeciently managed as in windows or mac os x. The Ubuntu font helped a bot, but gtk still has a large amount of padding.12:36
planon777Разрешить написание латиницей Hello! I am from Russia .. Can you help? turn off the lights ... And then decided to start up your computer to work, and it is not working Ubuntu (visna) in the early boot after the title and images are sharp black screen, and then, as usual, starts loading displayed (letters, etc.) occurs somewhere sirediny and ostanavlivaetsya ...), what problems?12:37
gdanedid someone try julius + pulsaudio?12:38
planon777есть кто живой12:38
gdaneда есть12:38
planon777вы америкосы бля12:38
gdaneэто американский канал12:39
planon777я в курсе)))12:39
planon777они ебанутые не понимают не хера12:39
planon777Разрешить написание латиницей Hello! I am from Russia .. Can you help? turn off the lights ... And then decided to start up your computer to work, and it is not working Ubuntu (visna) in the early boot after the title and images are sharp black screen, and then, as usual, starts loading displayed (letters, etc.) occurs somewhere sirediny and ostanavlivaetsya ...), what problems?12:39
=== spider is now known as Guest36571
planon777айм русскии ваня12:40
=== Guest36571 is now known as esteven
SergeyITplanon777, Yes! you are!12:41
nesusvetPlease ban him12:41
planon777how to restore boot ubuntu? I will give $ 100)))12:42
bekksplanon777: Using your backup.12:42
sacarlsonI also don't see encrypt/decrypt in nautilus in ubuntu 11.10  did they change the name of the package for that?12:42
gdanehow to make work julius with pulsaudio?12:43
planon777mode does not work repairing the recovery12:43
gdaneor i have to delete puls and use oss4 instead off?12:43
sacarlsonplanon777: I would google for grub2 recover mbr12:45
jamjamBoot-Repair >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair12:47
sacarlsonplanon777:  you can just  deposit the $50 in my bitcoin account 1Nwjora7Ps87yVdpGH8JfhqdsFepDbrLwC now if that fails I'll return it.12:47
planon777Google what? you say? you tell me how to restore the system at 11.1012:47
blaskhow can I install ubuntu on MacBook Pro?12:48
sacarlsonplanon777: I don't speak rusian so google " grub2 recover mbr"  in google translate to rusian so you understand12:49
planon777всем привет ! я из россии у нас в чате убунту не кто помочь не может.. может вы поможете? отключили свет ...после чего решил запустить комп запускаю а он не запускает убунту (виснит)в начале загрузки после названия и картинки резко появляеть12:50
bekks! ru | planon77712:50
ubottuplanon777: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:50
planon777I'll start with the ass and mouth otymeyu member of blockages in the face will give you a rotten naked rhino and then translate $ 5012:51
bekks! ops-alarm | planon77712:51
* sw blinks12:51
sacarlsondarn I didn't get my $50 deposit yet12:52
sacarlsondoesn't anyone use gpg anymore?  what gui tools we got left if no gedit plugins and no nautilus plugins?12:56
swsacarlson: there's seahorse, not sure if you're looking for that though12:58
sacarlsonsw: no I have seahorse and do use it but that's for keys create and management unless they added something to it?12:59
maslenI'm on ubuntu 11.10 x64 with a 3.0 Ghz C2D, and xorg appears to be consistently using around 10% of my CPU just when I move around my mouse12:59
maslendoes anyone have any recommendations on how to improve the performance of xorg?13:00
swsacarlson: you're right. so what do you want these tools to do?13:01
gadiendoes anyone know where I can get info on a drive with no partition table?13:01
sacarlsonsw: I want to encrypt an decrypt gpg files as I did in gedit,13:01
maslengadien: File carving techniques - take a look at scalpel, for starters13:02
sacarlsonsw: I have a file that was encrypted with gpg in gedit on ubuntu 10.04  and I want to decrypt it some how,  and if posible encrypt it again13:02
gadienmaslen, thanks13:02
OinsI have an audio file from a dictation machine with the file-ending *.s32. Anyone a clue how i can import, play this file? Audacity and SOX was not able to convert. Also the raw import failed. Is there a s32 audio codec? Google & Co. was not able to help me ;)13:02
swsacarlson: oh, not sure sorry, I misread you initially. although it's easier to just use CLI, a simple --encrypt or --decrypt is simpler than using a GUI13:03
swsacarlson: '$ gpg --decrypt filename.gpg'13:03
sacarlsonsw: it was just a right click and pick decrypt before, don't know how it could be any easier than that13:03
wutangHow do I run Ubuntu on my iPAd13:03
swwutang: you'd have to Jailbreak it, which is something that isn't supported here as it's illegal and also would be the wrong channel13:04
sacarlsonsw: I may be forced to do just that if no gui tools are left13:04
mikislavhello, a would like ask.....13:04
swsacarlson: no idea on the GUI side sorry, but that command should help you!13:04
wutangI have jail broken it13:04
maslensw: I thought jailbreaking was determined to be legal, by some decision in congress13:04
wutangAnd jailbreaking isn't illegal13:04
wutangWhat is the right channel?13:05
sacarlsonsw:  ya it can't hurt thanks any input is good13:05
wutangYou Americans13:05
mikislavI have xubuntu 11.10 and I want xubuntu 12:04 beta. Have 2 partition (/, home)13:05
wutangThink everything is illegal13:05
wutangDon't mess with the Wu13:05
wutang'cos the Wu Tang clan ain't noting' to fuck with13:06
mikislavhow to reinstall, to have pure Home with all files, but without apps13:06
swwutang, maslen: ok not illegal but you'd have to write a bootloader and drivers for all of the proprietary hardware. good luck13:06
sw!minimal | mikislav13:07
ubottumikislav: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:07
bazhangwutang, no cursing here13:07
wutangmy dad works at ARM13:07
jribmikislav: 12.04 is still beta; a final release hasn't been made yet.  Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:07
wutangHe'll write up a boot loader in no time13:07
jribwutang: stop. please.13:07
bazhang!ot | wutang13:07
ubottuwutang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:07
sacarlsonwutang: ya well my dad has 2 LEGS13:07
wutangYes but my daddy caught a bullet with his bare hands13:08
Agent_Xi got a q13:08
Agent_XDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 013:08
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.13:08
jribAgent_X: you're a few years late...13:08
maslenI wonder if it actually worked though...13:09
jribmaslen: some routers used to disconnect you13:09
swjrib: yet people still didn't update it seems ...13:09
maslenjrib: Oh, I know that, it was just the timing of rayne's departure13:09
jrib!dcc | maslen13:09
ubottumaslen: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse certain bugs that cause unintended behavior. When bitten by these, #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit and more about a recent bug at http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1132-1/13:09
ZaitzevI just installed PlayOnLinux, and when starting it I get a warning message saying "You don't seem to have 3D acceleration! We advise you install and enable it." - I thought I had, since I installed the newest nvidia driver version just days ago.13:12
swZaitzev: #playonlinux13:13
hplcis there any easy way to get the right-click --> "create shortcut" back to the desktop?13:16
=== niejestesledzie is now known as DaZ
ggherdovhi all. Ubuntu Natty down here. My Grub doesn't countdown (i.e. I have a standalone server who doesn't want to boot, basically). How to give Grub a countdown? better: how to skip the Grub boot menu?13:18
metallicoggherdov, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-the-grub-menu-timeout-on-ubuntu/13:19
ggherdovmetallico: thx.13:20
maslenIf someone could take a look at this, xorg is using around 50% when I type in Lyx!  http://ideone.com/Go8vI13:20
=== xpert is now known as zmaj
gadienis my flash drive f*&^ED?13:23
mikislavhello everybodie, a would like to ask... I have xubuntu 11.10 and I want xubuntu 12:04 beta. But I have 2 partition (/, home) how to reinstall, to have home with all files, but without old apps13:24
kalelhi guys, is possible to insert a daemon wicd in gnome shell like applet?13:26
pentagonpiehow can i log out of user from terminal when inside GUI?13:27
schnufflemikislav: You can upgradeto 12.04.If you want a clean reinstall then reinstall create a new user and copy the contents from your old user13:27
schnufflepentagonpie: ctrl+d13:28
Pl3nar1usHow can I switch users from the command line?13:28
jribPl3nar1us: su - USER13:29
Pl3nar1usThank you.13:29
pentagonpiectrl+d doesn't work, i want to get back to gui user selection from using a terminal commend13:30
schnufflepentagonpie:  sudo service lightdm restart13:31
jribpentagonpie: how did you get to a terminal?13:31
pentagonpieGNOME terminal13:31
gnuskoolhi guys, got a problem, which may or may not be directly caused by ubuntu, but hope you can help nonetheless, my router loses its dns settings every 10 minutes or so, active or not -why is this so?13:32
kalelhow can I do13:32
schnufflegnuskool:  what type of router?13:34
FrozenMindgnuskool: what type of ubuntu are you using? Dsektop 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.10 or Server 10.04/10.10/11.04/11.1013:35
gnuskoolschnuffle: netgear wgr61413:35
=== AgentC is now known as roomwatcher
schnufflegnuskool: and how do you realize  that it looses DNS settings?13:35
gnuskoolFrozenDesktop 11.0413:35
gnuskoolschnuffle: if i lose internet, all i have to do is log into the router admin page and change the dns from auto to googles dns , restart - so I switch back n forth between the two13:36
sacarlsonnautilus-pastebin seem to not be working for me anymore in ubuntu 11.10  with a right click on text files I see no pastebinit entry13:37
a4uhi all13:37
Quantum_IonWe are having solar windstorms today13:37
FrozenMindthat is a new distro there gnuskool :p lol ok... i know with server there is a way to force take over of the DNS, that was why i was asking :)13:37
Quantum_Ionsometimes signals get lost13:37
schnufflegnuskool: so for sure that doesnt have to do with your OS13:37
=== MartinS is now known as Guest30331
a4uanyone  from pl13:38
gnuskoolschnuffle: thought as much, but on the off chance that someone here might know a solution, just thought I'd ask13:38
bazhang!pl | a4u13:38
ubottua4u: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:38
schnufflegnuskool: why not just keep the google dns and check if theres a update for your router13:38
gnuskoolFrozenMind: thanks anyway13:38
gnuskoolschnuffle: just uploaded latest firmware, but problem persists13:39
schnufflegnuskool: hmm, normally the netgear stuff isn't bad. Have you tried using another router to see if the problem persists13:40
mikislavHello, I have two linux distro on boot, but I want first remove. Problem is that First linux have bootloader. How to change bootloader to my second linux?13:40
bazhangmikislav, what are the two13:41
Quantum_Ionmikislav, You might need a hard drive partitioner to destroy one of the linux partitions13:41
schnufflemikislav:  boot into the second and update grub13:41
Pl3nar1usgnuskool: Have you tried updating the drivers, or perhaps re-installing them?13:42
Quantum_Ionmikislav, Sometimes Ubuntu has a crazy way of splitting up your harddrive when you upgrade to a new distro of Ubuntu13:42
mikislavhow it works? "update grub" sorry for my skills, I am fu-king new:(13:42
bazhangQuantum_Ion, thats not right13:42
Quantum_Ionbazhang, What do you mean ?13:43
bazhangQuantum_Ion, if you dont know, just dont answer13:43
gnuskoolPl3nar1us: might try, but all has been well for almost 2 years13:44
insane-gvahi guys!13:44
CAZ_auI like how ubuntu/nautilus shows text inthe icons of text files. But i dont want this to happen in HTML documents. Is there a way to disable this for html documents and show them instead as a normal icon, or icon such as the default firefox HTML icon in WINdoze13:45
Pl3nar1usgnuskool: Have you recently had any major upgrades?13:45
insane-gvai'm trying to use my secondary display for fullscreen, and google is not helping so far... I have an nvidia graphic card, and application running is custom made.13:45
schnuffle!fr| Buz2713:46
ubottuBuz27: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:46
gulzar Please help. How to put this menu in menu.xml (openbox)  http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=openbox.git;a=blob;f=xdg-menu;hb=HEAD . In which format to save this file and which command to use in .xml file?13:46
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schnufflegulzar: the script will output xml13:49
mneptokmikislav: the "grub-install" and "update-grub" apps are the 2 you will use to move the bootloader.13:49
tigersHello... im having trouble shrinking a partition in gparted. It refuses to shrink past a certain point.. how do i fix?14:00
sacarlsontigers: add a biger disk drive14:00
FrozenMindtigers: what type of partition is it? EXT2/3, EXT4, NTFS, FAT12/16/32, exFAT?14:01
walidvbhi guys!14:01
tigersExt4.. Frozenball14:01
walidvbi'm using a custom app, that needs fullscreen on the secondary display. I just can't get it to work..14:01
walidvbtried playing around with metamodes, and more, but no chances... any clue?14:01
tigersSorry. FrozenMind14:01
walidvbi have an Nvidia card14:02
FrozenMindtigers: don't be sorry :) just asking to help the question get answered :D14:02
tigersSo is there anything i can do?14:03
ivan__Hi peeps. I have a problem with sound on the g930, it works when i test it in audiospeaker test, but not a sound when try yt or other music. anyidea?14:03
ivan__tryed find an answer for days but no luck.14:03
DasEiivan__: alsamixergui installed ? check, if nothing is muted14:04
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ivan__yes alsamixer installed, couldnt see anything muted. i'll check again.14:05
Shant_BIs this the right place for problems with Ubuntu installation?14:05
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schnuffleShant_B:  Yes just ask14:05
l3dwas wondering if11.10 of 12 for that matter  will have ubuntu classic in the login options or would i have to install it use synaptic first14:06
FrozenMindtigers: what could be happening is that you have a file at that certain cluster boundary. what you can do is make a back up of the partition and dump the current partition to allow you to move everything back in after the resize.14:07
Shant_BFirst off: I'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu on an HP system with Windows 7 preinstalled, And I wanted to know if anyone has a way of guaranteeing that if anything goes wrong I can revert Win7 back to how it was, like a recovery disk or something14:07
tigersFrozenMind, thats the problem. I have no space to backup, the partition in question is some 309 gigs big14:08
schnuffleShant_B:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot14:08
ivan__DasEi: no muted as i can see, still no sound yt. Gah this is odd i'm most likely doing something wrong.14:09
FrozenMindShant_B, when you install Ubuntu, you over write the partition handler with a new bootmenu (example Grub). from there, you can get windows 7 back with a recovery disk, but you will not get ubuntu :)14:09
Shant_BThank you, but my main problem is this: the Windows partition is in "dynamic drives". I have researched this, and many people have had the sae problem as I, accidentally converting their drives to dynamic. Most support forums say you must completely format drive (since I only have one). Does anyone here have experinece with reverting from dynamic?14:10
FrozenMindtigers: aah, how much space is free on the EXT 4 you want to resize? you might still be hitting that cluster boundary... do you know if you have large files like 10gig+?14:10
tigersHow do i see which file is in which cluster? Or how do i move all files to the beginning of the drive?14:11
schnuffleShant_B:  sorry no reliable experience with that14:11
tigersFrozenMind,there is around 32 gigs free, im trying to merge two partitions by shrinking and moving14:12
ivan__anyone else had/have sound problem with spotify/youtube in 11.10? as i understand i dont it should work but..14:12
zthhow do i use chmod to set permissions for a folder, and every subfolder+item in the folder? shortly, the whole tree under the folder + all files14:13
Kaizenanyone know how maxlogins really works? if i set a hard limit of 3 and the limit gets hit and everyone logs out then nobody can log back in.. i thought it was meant to limit concurrent logins14:13
schnufflezth:  use the -R option14:13
phong_hi guys, why i can't connect as bridge mode?14:13
phong_i use vmware14:13
schnufflephong_:  to get an answer you'll need to provide a lot more info14:14
Shant_Bschnuffle, Okay, I was half expecting no one to know since the forums seem not to have answers :S14:14
FrozenMindtigers: the thing is, with EXT4, it crams everythign as close together, this is why you do not need to defragment your os/files in linux because is mashes everything as tight as it can, unlike windows.14:14
zahidfacebook game are not running on ubunto14:14
Shant_BAnyways, in the event where I would start from scratch, is it better to install ubunut or Win7 first?14:14
omkar_hey guys14:14
phong_schnuffle, i use vmware, it used to work with bridge connection, when i updated something, i can't connect with bridge, but can only with NAT14:14
FrozenMindtigers: so you might be hitting a rather large file that was placed at the end, it would seem to me...14:14
schnuffleShant_B:  first win then ubuntu14:15
omkar_i have a monitor connected to my acer laptop, i m running ubuntu 11.1014:15
Shant_Bschnuffle Thanks14:15
tigersFrozenMind, i've shrunk it as far as i can to the nearest 100MB(if that makes sense)... so if its a stray cluster then it is at the very end of the partition..14:15
omkar_the resolution the monitor is taking is not proper14:15
schnufflephong_:  what did you update?14:15
omkar_if i mirror the image then to the image is improper14:15
phong_just like ubuntu update14:15
DasEi!resolution | omkar_14:15
ubottuomkar_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:15
phong_i justclick update14:15
omkar_monitor supports 1920x1080 display in windows14:15
schnufflephong_:  the host the vm?14:16
phong_the ubuntu14:16
phong_and also the host vmware14:16
phong_vmware tools14:16
FrozenMindtigers: looking at it like that, I would suggest that you should do a search ro use a tool that finds all the files as well as their sizes (sorry, i do not know of any) and then from there you would need to either copy it out onto a flash drive or delete it..14:16
DasEiomkar_: though empty, by default, can still use /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:16
phong_reguardless, can we get this work again?14:16
omkar_how to create a xorg.conf14:16
tigersFrozenMind,i just checked, largest file is 4 gigs large14:16
omkar_also would it override the default xorg in /usr/bin/?14:17
DasEiomkar_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:17
tigersFrozenMind,ok will try that14:17
sw!xorgconf | omkar_14:17
ubottuomkar_: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.14:17
FrozenMindtigers: it does make sense :) and hmm... that is odd...14:17
tigersBut are there defragging tools for ext4?14:17
DasEiomkar_: which graca ?14:17
schnufflephong_:  of course, but i forgot my  crystal ball at home14:17
LjLtigers: there is one in Precise14:17
caB00T@ schnuffle Big greetings, hope your doing good! :)14:18
omkar_yeah sw reading the link14:18
schnufflecaB00T: Hi doing fine14:18
tigersLjL,im on lucid14:18
LjLtigers: then none14:18
omkar_graca in the sense?14:18
tigersOh boy14:19
schnufflephong_:  imagine you have to answer following question:  my pants fall off, what to do?14:19
phong_pull up14:19
phong_pull my pants up14:19
LjLphong_: please refrain from the off-topic comments14:19
schnufflepeople in here need info to sort out problems, so try to give as much info as possible.14:20
numbiehey , is there a nice programm to learn c++ ?14:20
schnuffleokay back to your problem. vmware player worked with a VM in bridged network setup, you did updates to the host and the VM and now it's only working in NAT mode? is that right?14:21
FrozenMindtigers: this might help you, i have not used this  but seems like the same kind of idea you are having :)14:21
FrozenMindtigers: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=23277314:21
walidvbi'm having trouble with fullscreening on my 2ndary display with my NVIDIA graphic card14:21
schnufflenumbie: there're a lot of tutorials or what do ouy mean with program?14:21
walidvbgoogle and #nvidia are not helping.14:21
numbielearning by doing14:22
tigersFrozenMind,it looks promising... i'll try it.14:22
schnufflenumbie:  so get the code of some editor, like gedit14:23
numbiea programm with code included so i can shift things around and tsee what does what14:23
FrozenMindtigers: good luck, not needed to do this so i hope for the best!14:23
numbieim a noob14:23
Picinumbie: ##c++ probably has some resources for learning.14:23
schnufflenumbie: http://www.howtoforge.com/beginners_guide_to_cplusplus14:24
fiermannow.. what is this shit with clutter gui being used overnight?14:25
c__chpnumbie see these tutorials http://www.voidrealms.com/tutorials.aspx?filter=cpp14:25
fiermansuddenly half of my machines is not able to run default applications anymore14:25
fiermanfuck this shit14:25
bazhangfierman, stop the cursing14:26
ivan__i checked again asalmixer messed around with it and cant see no muted. Still it only plays sound when i test the speakers in the sound options. No sound in vlc or i-nett. Help would be appriciated indeed14:26
Unknown0BCHow can I add evolution email to the email icon on the top navigation bar of oneiric ?14:27
Unknown0BC( I removed thunderbird )14:27
fiermanbazhang: i am sorry.. but this stuff is unexpected.. laid out a roadmap for production.. and now we are forced to start all over again14:28
fiermanwithout being able to use ubuntu14:28
fiermanover 120 lost man hours already14:28
swUnknown0BC: have you set Evolution as the Default Application for mail?14:28
swUnknown0BC: System Settings -> Default Applications -> Mail14:29
fiermanunless we decide to purchase new hardware.. but that;s way out of budget14:29
schnufflefierman: so what is the problem?14:29
fiermanschnuffle: problem is that a lot of applications need clutter now..14:29
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, anyone know why NONE of my iso have the "install along side" option in the installer?14:30
fiermanand clutter only works on direct rendering capable hw14:30
fiermanno recent nvidia card = no clutter = no applications14:30
Unknown0BCsw, yes. Does that mean its suppose to appear on the navigtion bar by the email icon ? Cuz its not...14:30
schnufflefierman:  which application are you talking about?14:30
innocivI need to verify an email address to use it with Amazon Simple Email Service.  What's the simpliest way I can set up my ubuntu server to receive said email?  I installed postfix with email set to confirmation@domain.com, not sure what else I'm missing.14:31
Picifierman: I don't understand why you say that this is something that happened 'overnight'. Did you upgrade to a new release of Ubuntu or?14:31
innocivif i sudo mail it says command not found..14:31
innocivI need mailutils14:31
swUnknown0BC: no. '$ sudo apt-get install evolution-indicator mail-notification mail-notification-evolution'14:31
Unknown0BCsw ah :)14:32
swUnknown0BC: ... I was just checking that you'd done that first14:32
Unknown0BCsw, yeah :)14:32
schnuffleinnociv: you want a smtp server listening on port 25 and waiting for a incoming mail from amazon?14:32
T3CHKOMMIEanyone know why all of my attempts to install ubuntu along side windows doesnt give me the "install side by side" option?14:32
innocivSo I can verify I own that address and then shut it off and use Amazon SES14:33
schnuffleinnociv: to own an address you need to own the domain14:33
innocivI do14:33
innocivdns points to this server14:33
schnuffleinnociv: so where's problem?14:34
swinnociv: you have mx records setup too?14:34
numbiek .. i'll just do it the hard way ... what should i use to compile and write stuff?14:34
innocivMaybe i'm missing needing to allow an amazon server.14:34
innocivright now it's a matter of how to read the mail, but that might be because i didn't have mailutils installed.14:35
swUnknown0BC: working now?14:35
schnuffleinnociv: check the mail.log, you'll see at least that the mail was rehected14:35
innocivOh. God damn it.  What IPs do I need to allow for ubuntu's repos?14:35
schnufflenumbie: thats a question of flavor14:35
numbiedoes gedit sense c++ ?14:36
innocivI block all traffic to my server except my ip, and cloudflare, which is a bit of a problem. I need to open a bit more.14:36
schnufflenumbie: it has plugins to do code high light14:36
swinnociv: that's your problem then. once you've done that check mail.log to see if the mail is receieved and where, and then just open that mailbox using mutt or whatever mail client you use et voila14:37
schnuffleinnociv: check your sources.list, resolve the hostname and you have the IP14:37
numbieschnuffle, python console?14:37
Unknown0BCsw , thanks have it working :)14:37
innocivNeed to figure out amazon's ip too. ;/14:37
swUnknown0BC: :-)14:37
schnufflenumbie: ? ipython14:37
Luftihow can i see which program is listening on port 21?14:37
schnuffleLufti: use lsof14:38
jpdsLufti: sudo netstat -ltnp14:38
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numbieschnuffle, i dont see that in the plugin menu14:38
swLufti: FTP?14:38
innocivHow do I give my user permissions to read 640 adm:syslog files?14:39
jpdssw: That's protocol, not program.14:39
Piciinnociv: easiest way would be to drop the in the adm group.14:39
schnufflenumbie: i think there's a gedit plugin package you need to install: gedit-plugins14:39
innocivA user can be in more than one group?14:39
schnuffleand gedit-developer-plugins14:39
Piciinnociv: yes.14:39
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swjpds: FTP uses port 21, so it'd be listening on it - no?14:40
LuftiI'm confused. Why does `netstat -ltnp`tell me that inetd is on port 21 and not my proftp?14:40
schnuffleLufti: becasue you apparenlty start your ftp with inetd14:40
jpdssw: Yes; he wants to know the program.14:40
Luftiah, .. oh14:40
innociv"sudo usermod -a -G adm myuser"? Still can't open it without sudo.14:41
mogajI am trying to install ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop ... harddisk 500gb Ram 2GB ... how should do the partitions ??14:41
swjpds: aha, sorry14:42
Luftiis there a command to verify that? A command to ask inetd for the status of my proftp (if it is proftp what is listening on 21)14:42
schnuffleLufti: that is okay if ftp is not under heavy usage14:42
FrozenMindsw: i can make a ftp call out through port 1395 if i wanted... 21 is just the default... :) hence why hackers attack common open ports, like 80, 21, 22, etc... because people do not change/port forwards//turn them off14:42
tigers50 for root,4 for swap,the rest for home... imho14:42
compdocmogaj, let ubuntu decide14:42
FrozenMindtigers: so i am guessing you got it figured out?14:43
mogajcompdoc: ?? means14:43
schnuffleto check which process is on port 21. lsof –i :2114:43
swFrozenMind: yes ...14:43
bekksftp will listen on port 21, and will use port 20 tooo, by default.14:43
tigersIm busy shrinking again.. hoping it will work this time FrozenMind, i'll know soon enough14:44
schnufflemogaj: my prefered is 500MB for boot, the rest as LVM14:44
FrozenMindtigers: good luck14:44
tigersFrozenMind, domo domo14:44
schnuffleLufti: when inetd controls the ftp port its inetd that is listening on that port. When a connection comes in, it start the configured process14:45
schnuffleLufti: which is apparently proftpd14:46
Luftiah, i understand14:46
numbiei dont know what does highlight the code :/14:46
Luftiso it's better for the memory or performance?14:46
schnuffleLufti: proftpd can run in inetd mode and standalone14:46
bekksLufti: It doesnt matter for performance.14:46
Teajoin #tremulous14:47
schnuffleLufti: for memory its a bit better, cause the ftp process is only launched when needed, for performance its not so good14:47
physically_fiti know a dog called Lufti14:47
TeaIgnore that.14:47
schnuffleLufti: the difference will surly not matter in your setup14:48
innocivAnd I'm trying to sudo cat /dev/null > sudo /var/log/mail.log and that's not emptying the log14:50
LuftiThanks for your help! ;)14:50
mneptokFTP on this channel is a serious pet peeve of mine. use SFTP. in 90% of cases, it's better.14:50
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schnufflemneptok: true statement, but wont change the need for FTP14:50
derebeli have a drive that is detected and works for cds but is not detected when i put in a dvd, works ok on another box (not ubuntu), it's an hp usb cd/dvd writer14:50
derebelmneptok, agreed14:51
mneptokschnuffle: most users do not need it, they are just ignorant of the better alternatives.14:51
nesusvetohh sorry14:51
mneptoknot to mention the ease of setup of sftpd when compared to FTP14:51
nesusvetI mixed up windows14:51
LuftiI figured out my proftp wasn't started, though inetd listening on port 21. Killing the process and starting proftp in standalone mode worked and I could connect to the server. No Problem.14:51
LuftiAny idea how I can figure out was was wrong with inetd?14:52
derebelschnuffle, ftp is almost never needed, only when you have a need to implement an older bootstrap protocol or boot from network do you really -need- ftp, even then there are better alternatives14:52
bekksUsing inetd mode, you'll never see proftpd running when no user is connected to ftp.14:52
mneptokderebel: and anonymous access14:52
newtothisworldDoes anyone know any new features of ubuntu 12.04?14:52
schnufflederebel: tell that all the poeple that have a website hosted somewhere14:53
mneptoknewtothisworld: ask in #ubuntu+1 where people are actually using it14:53
mneptokschnuffle: a hosted website has no need of an ftpd on a users machine.14:53
numbiei think i need an inbuild compiler so i can easily run stuff :/14:54
Picinumbie: As I suggested earlier, you'd be better off asking for beginner help for C++ in ##C++ (its an irc channel here)14:55
swnumbie: if you're going to be building things: '$ sudo apt-get install build-essential'14:55
schnufflei see  im misunderstood. FTP is not needed at all but required by the ignorance or better the unflexibility of the customer14:55
DeLorean731if I switch between consoles with control+alt+f# how do I get back to X?14:57
schnufflebut thats all ot sorry :)14:57
PiciDeLorean731: ctrl+alt+F7 or F8 should get you back to X14:57
DeLorean731thank you sir14:57
aviraldgHey, can someone help me understand the concept of runlevels, especially in the context of upstart?14:58
aviraldgAfter doing some research I kind of figured out that a runlevel is like a "mode of operation" of the OS. So there's a runlevel for single-user-operation, shutting down, restarting etc.14:58
schnuffleaviraldg: maybe that is a good introduction: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html14:59
aviraldgBut quite a few upstart scripts I've seen look like they're using arbitrary runlevels like "1234"14:59
aviraldgWhat's up with that?14:59
aviraldgschnuffle: I've read that already.14:59
aviraldg:) obvious.14:59
L3topThe startup scripts indicate that they are running at various run levels, regardless of the current runlevel.15:00
L3tops/are running/run/15:00
aviraldgI mean I understood the significance of running at runlevels 0-6. What about ones beyond that?15:00
L3topthere are no run levels beyond that15:01
mneptokaviraldg: Ubuntu does not use anything past runlevel 615:01
Piciaviraldg: They are likely setup that way because in Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal, but upstart was created to be compatible with other distributions as well.15:01
beanyeah, 0-6 are the only run levels15:01
mneptokaviraldg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel15:01
aviraldgmneptok: I've seen that too.15:02
mneptokaviraldg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel#Ubuntu15:02
mneptokaviraldg: seen that? because it explains that Debian and Ubuntu do not use anything past runlevel 6.15:02
aviraldgFor example, here's an upstart script https://gist.github.com/970181 for running gunicorn. 2345 sounds like it's completely random and above 6.15:02
derebeltrying to manually mount a dvd that ubuntu didn't automount, just hangs, drive spins and mount hangs15:02
tigersFrozenMind, alas.. it didnt work15:02
L3top2, 3, 4, 515:02
L3topnot 234515:03
mneptokaviraldg: 2 and 3 and 4 and 515:03
aviraldgOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... O_O15:03
aviraldgThanks a lot.15:03
aviraldgSo this basically says, "start gunicorn when the system boots up, stop it when it shuts down", right?15:05
mneptokaviraldg: "start this thing up as long as the system is not in single-user mode or rebooting,:15:05
intore_i've problems connecting to local wireless network using network manager15:06
innocivHow do I empty my /var/log/mail.log file?15:06
innocivI tried sudo cat /dev/null > sudo /var/log/mail.log15:07
intore_could you tell me about checks15:07
FaskarÏðèâåòñòâóþ âñåõ, òóò åñòü ëþäè êîòîðûå çíàþò ðóññêèé?15:07
schnuffleinnociv: how about using logrotate?15:07
innocivIt's already used by default, no?  I have a mail.log.115:08
innocivBut I want the log emptied just so I can read changes from here out better15:08
genii-around!ru | Faskar15:08
ubottuFaskar: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:08
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geirhainnociv: sudo sh -c '>/var/log/mail.log'15:08
Piciintore_: checks?15:09
geirhainnociv: Though, just run  tail -F /var/log/mail.log to see changes from now and onwards15:09
intore_if you can help me to find the problem15:09
innocivEh I know, but still.15:09
innocivAnd thanks15:09
geirhainnociv: You may want to delete the file named "sudo" created from the failed command earlier15:10
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intore_no ideas?15:11
schnuffleintore_: do you see yourd wifi in NM?15:12
aviraldgOkay, so another related question (I'm quite a newbie when it comes to all this):15:12
aviraldgWhen rebooting via a terminal, or shutting down, I get to see a lot of messages indicating that a runlevel is being switched or that a KILL message is being sent to all processes, etc etc. That's in accordance with upstart scripts and init.d scripts, am I right (specifically, the "stop on" directive)15:12
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intore_i think nm doesn't start15:12
schnuffleintore_: can you start it in a terminal: nm-applet?15:13
aviraldgL3top: ^15:14
schnuffleaviraldg: yes15:14
intore_mmm, is already running but i can't ping nothing15:15
schnuffleintore_: what is running?15:15
whoeverhi all, i got eclipse up but now my prevouly compileable programe gives me a major minnor version error. Can some one assist in fixing so i don't screw this up15:15
innocivWhy am I not getting an IP when I "dig NS security.ubuntu.com"?15:16
intore_an instance of nm-applet is already running15:16
whoeveri know it has to do with jdk/jre versions15:16
L3topthe "stop on" is what sends the kind disconnect and exit commands (stop), kill happens to stuff leftover, I believe.15:16
innocivoh wait i dont want NS15:16
schnuffleintore_: and does it has a wifi connection configured?15:16
L3topThis way processes are not left locked open when you boot again, so they do not hang/cause all sorts of problems15:17
intore_yes, in system->preferences->network connections15:17
schnuffleinnociv: why should you get an ip when you do a DNS resolve?15:17
schnuffleintore_: and is the connection active?15:18
WHAT_UPthis might be a dumb question, but is it possible to check from within ubuntu if i have any available hard drive bays in my case?15:18
innocivyeah oops. Though i'd still expect ip from the dns, eh?15:18
intore_yes, am using it with another pc15:18
dirigiblego to disk management15:18
intore_which log file could i check?15:19
FrozenMindwhat_up: are you referring to the mounting of hard drives or connections on the motherboard?15:19
spartan2276How can I make my logitech Webcam C270 mic work? I tried looking it up on google but only found this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1860715.html but it is not working15:19
schnuffleintore_:  you mean you have another pc which can connect and has an active connection? thats good to know but doesn't tell if your own PC has a wifi connection active15:19
WHAT_UPFrozenMind: ideally both :)15:19
spartan2276So my Cam works but not the Microphone15:20
intore_am sorry, i didn't understand. yes is active15:20
L3topspartan2276: are you sure that it is not simply muted?15:20
FrozenMindwhat_up: clerification, my version of mounting hard drives would be the space in the case for the hard drives, not the mount command lol my bad15:20
spartan2276huh? muted how can that be I went into the Sound manager an nothing15:20
mneptokFrozenMind: s/mounting/installing15:21
whitekidneyHi there, my harddisk says I'm using 170GB out of 220, but I only have like 96GB on it? http://i.imgur.com/ygwl4.png15:21
spartan2276it seems like is fine15:21
schnuffleintore_: paste the output of ifconfig15:21
WHAT_UPFrozenMind: right. i want to find out if i still have physical space inside the case to (usefully) put a hard drive in without opening it up15:21
FrozenMindmneptok: thanks haha, my bad... :)15:21
spartan2276L3top, how can I tell if its muted?15:21
intore_i just restarted and it runs15:21
intore_i don't understand how15:21
L3topin a terminal type sudo alsamixer   scroll left and right and make sure nothing with mic has an "m" in the box. If it does, press the letter m and it will unmute... assuming you have alsa-utils. I deal more with cli stuff, perhaps someone has better advice on the GUI.15:22
schnuffleintore_: open a terminal and type ifconfig | pastebinit and paste the url here15:22
spartan2276L3top, I looked at the sound manager in Systems Settings and it does not seem to be? is it a command line issue, if so can I get the command so I can fix it15:22
mneptokWHAT_UP: you could set up a webcam that points inside your case to determine free drive bays. other than that, no.15:22
WHAT_UPmneptok: thanks for the suggestion.15:22
FrozenMindwhat_up. to find out about the case you can either look it up online or sudo apt-get screwdriver && take out screws && remove case :) (and no that is not a real command)15:22
whitekidneycan anyone explain how this makes sense? http://i.imgur.com/ygwl4.png - harddrive space15:23
WHAT_UPFrozenMind: agh. lame15:23
schnuffleintore_: if pastebinit is not installed: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:23
FrozenMindwhat_up: haha, sorry :)15:24
intore_schnuffle: after restarting it runs15:24
intore_i tried many times15:24
WHAT_UPFrozenMind: i ran your command and got "This apt has screwdriver powers. Have you unhinged today?"15:24
schnuffleintore_: you mean you have an internet connection15:24
intore_i'll connect with him, i'll come back15:24
intore_but i've others things to ask you15:25
intore_i'll come back15:25
U_Crazywhat is pastebinit15:25
FrozenMindwhat_up: epic :D now, get a screwdriver... and open up your case15:25
schnuffle!paste | U_Crazy15:26
ubottuU_Crazy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:26
spartan2276L3top, nope that did not work15:26
meadhikarihello, how to change volume with keyboard in "nvlc" please help15:26
Kaizenwhere do i go to report bugs15:28
LjL!bugs | Kaizen15:28
ubottuKaizen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:28
intore_could you explain me a thing. now am using internet but in the /etc/network/interfaces, eth1 interfaces is not listed. how is possible it runs?15:29
schnuffleintore_:  /etc/network/interfaces is for manual configuration, network-manager has its own configuration15:30
debsanintore_, do you use Network Manager ?15:30
L3topspartan2276: what didn't work? The command? Unmuting?15:31
intore_now yes but i'll want use only manual configuration and configure some wireless connection15:31
spartan2276L3top, unmuting15:32
spartan2276L3top, everything was unmuted already15:32
L3topNow that it is unmuted, there is likely a volume meter?15:32
spartan2276right I put that up to 100%15:32
intore_i've seen this http://nixcraft.com/ubuntu-debian/13278-etc-network-interfaces-wireless-wifi-example.html and is fine15:32
L3topreboot and check again.15:32
L3topJust to be sure15:33
intore_but it doesn't run15:33
whitekidneycan anyone explain how this makes sense? http://i.imgur.com/ygwl4.png - harddrive space15:33
swintore_: '$ sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf', change managed=true and then configure /etc/network/interfaces15:33
L3topWhat do you not understand whitekidney? The space evaluation of the items in various folders?15:33
swintore_: that's if you want to disable Network Manager and use the traditional method of /etc/network/interfaces15:33
swintore_: if you're having issues with your configuration, can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces?15:34
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whitekidneyL3top: I don't have 170gb of crap on the disk, only like 100GB.15:34
whitekidneyI don't know why it says 170gb used15:34
L3topwhitekidney: df -h in terminal15:35
whitekidneyHold on, currently overwriting free space15:35
jarray52lspci -vvv shows VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Seymour [Radeon HD 6400M Series] for the graphics card. AMD Catalyst installs but doesn't recognize the graphics card. Any suggestions?15:36
Joe_KD2AKUJust got a W520, what is the best way to install Ubuntu-11.10 with LUKS Full disk encryption? Alt or Desktop?15:36
intore_ok, thanks but i've a complication. the main problem is i want to login using ldap account and i've problem with gdm so i want to use a simple console to login and then startx.15:36
L3topjarray52 apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Installed15:37
whitekidneyL3top: /dev/sda1             206G  159G   47G  78% /media/Storage25015:37
Andy80anyone know why, even if my iPod Shuffle contains many song and even Nautilus can see the files, if I access it with Rhythmbox it detect 0 songs?15:38
whitekidneyL3top: Nevermind, Windows is derpy and decided to use my storage disk as a trashcan.15:38
jarray52L3top: Installed: 2:8.723.1-0ubuntu615:38
ubuntu-studioHi everybody, i am trying to install ubuntu 12.04b studio, on a already partitioned hd, i would like to install it where the older versions were before, without formating the whole hd because i have still data storage in some partitions. i get the message "no root file system is defined" can anybody help me?15:38
whitekidney/dev/sda1             206G   90G  116G  44% /media/Storage250 - Much better :) Thanks15:38
ggherdovhi all. what is the metapackage for all development things? smthg like devtools... I mean C++ compiler, profiler, debugger, everything.15:39
beandogI don't think there is one15:39
HeadHi all15:39
HeadCan someone explain to me what unity --reset actually does?15:40
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L3topjarray52 lspci | grep VGA | grep -E '((9|X|ES)(1|2?)([0-9])(5|0)0|Xpress)'15:40
beandogggherdov: here's the base ones I install: http://paste.pocoo.org/raw/578512/15:40
diamondshi http://screencast.com/t/kBDCFyunapbX15:40
diamondshaving some trouble with the minimal installer15:40
beanggherdov: build-essential15:40
diamondsbut I'm not getting the "select software" screen15:40
L3topIf that returns a result, then you cannot use the fglrx driver.15:40
ubuntu-studiocan anyone help me with this:  i am trying to install ubuntu 12.04b studio, on a already partitioned hd, i would like to install it where the older versions were before, without formating the whole hd because i have still data storage in some partitions. i get the message "no root file system is defined" can you help me?15:40
L3topIf it does not, then we will have to figure out what is going on15:41
* L3top is very bad about using enter as punctuation. I have got to work on that in this chan.15:41
beandogbean: ooh, nice15:41
jaimeI need help15:42
jarray52L3top: I cut and paste your command line. It returned nothing. lspci | grep VGA returns the following.15:42
jaimeI finally got the Studio beta set up, but the wireless isn't scanning for networks. I can't connect through wireless15:42
jarray5200:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)15:43
jarray5201:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Seymour [Radeon HD 6400M Series]15:43
ubuntu-studiohi jaime!15:43
Piciubuntu-studio, jaime: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+115:43
L3topyeah... then you should be good for fglrx. type aticonfig15:43
jaimeHello xD15:43
diamondshere is my system debug log: http://www.hastebin.com/raw/tucededojo15:43
ubuntu-studiocan you help me with my studio 12.04b installation?15:43
ubuntu-studioi am lost with these partition...15:43
Piciubuntu-studio, jaime: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1, not #ubuntu15:43
L3topYou have one of those dual gpu things. It is likely trying to utilize the wrong hw.15:43
diamondsI'm having the "select and install software" step fails on installer issue15:43
jaimeI had a problem with the partitions too15:43
ubuntu-studioi get the message no root system defined15:44
jarray52L3top: What does that mean?15:44
diamondsI also have the partman and hardware-summary, if those are useful15:44
L3topbaby... brb15:44
diamondsIt's frustrating that it doesn't give any debug output in the installer itself15:44
jaimeJust make sure you have a partition to install to, swap space, and since there's no setting yet to set up a BIOS partition in installation, install without it. Then go back to live CD and reinstall to repair and it'll work fine15:44
LoRezwhat's the InRelease file for and why is it not available on archive.ubuntu.com for precise?15:45
jaimeJust have a third partition that CAN be set up for BIOS and the repair will set it up for you15:45
jaimeThat's what happened with me15:45
jarray52L3top: I presume you mean that the system doesn't know which graphics card to use. I'm not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?15:45
xanguaLoRez: #ubuntu+1 por pangolin15:45
diamondsdoes the minimal install also require 15gb?15:46
jaimeCan anyone help me with the wireless problem I'm having?15:46
jarray52L3top: I'll try disabling one graphics card in the BIOS.15:46
tigersIs there a tool to show which file is in which cluster of a file system?15:47
Picijaime: With 12.04?15:48
Picijaime: then you need to ask in the #ubuntu+1 channel, that is the only place where 12.04 is supported at this time.15:49
jaimeThank you, I didn't see your post before15:49
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linux-ninjais anyone of you running ubuntu in a box with magny cours?15:50
schnuffletigers: filefrag -v <file>15:51
martianlinux-ninja: what is magny cours?15:51
tigersschnuffle, i'll try that, thankz15:52
compdocmagny cours is a cpu15:52
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rocketsIs there a way to apt-get install all *security updates* only15:52
martiancompdoc linux-ninja: oh, you hardware people :)15:53
sacarlsonis there any working nautilus-pastebin ppa version for ubuntu 11.10 ?  my google search has found none,  so no pastebinit from nautilus15:53
sacarlsonI think I will have to move back to ubuntu 10.0415:53
compdocbad idea15:54
martianIs there a way to 'spy' on an SSH session (a tunnel)? It's my own user; I just want to see if my android is actually tunneling all traffic :)15:54
tigersschnuffle, Filefrag works on files... i specifically want to see which files are at the end of me filesystem...15:55
whitekidneymartian: no.. it's ssh :P15:55
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schnuffletigers: but if gives you the block from which should be able to find the location15:56
sacarlsonmartian: you can watch packet move but they will be encrypted so ??  you can monitor trafic with wireshark15:56
tigersWhat if i have a few thousand files?15:56
martiansacarlson: yeah, I was just hoping that there was a way to like, hook the post-decrypted activity via the ssh daemon or something. I suppose packet count is good enough though15:57
schnuffletigers: i see so you  want:  list files written in a certain area of hdd?15:57
tigersschnuffle, precisely.15:58
netbusi run ubuntu in a virtual machine.  how do i ensure i am running it most efficiently?  how do i speed up my ubuntu?15:58
sacarlsonmartian: you can login on another ssh and see the files deposited from your android ssh sesion,  I'm not sure what kind of data it is so???15:59
martiansacarlson: wifi tethering with my rooted phone; I'm attempting to tunnel all traffic between my phone and my ubuntu server, to prevent verizon from sniffing activity to look for foreign user agents. I'm basically using the server as a proxy :)16:00
asd2012Recently i have purchased BSNL EVDO Card (Internet Data Card) and tried to install in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.04 OS but failed. can anybody help me out?16:01
jarray52L3top: There is no way to disable one graphics card in the BIOS. Do you know how I deal with this dual graphics thingy?16:01
Priceyasd2012: What did you try. What did/didn't work?16:02
Pl3nar1usIs there an irc channel that talks about rooting a smartphone?16:02
PriceyPl3nar1us: What smartphone?16:02
haylonetbus, the best way to speed up ubuntu is to do a netinstal with it and then just add a lightweight window manager like TWM or OB, xorg , and alsa for sound.16:02
asd2012i am unable to open internet in Ubuntu 11.0416:02
Pl3nar1uspricey: Droid x16:02
jarray52Pl3narlus: Do you work at Newscorp?16:02
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thillERboyasd2012: don't know about EVDO card, 3G BSNL works if you enable mobile broadband under wireless connections16:03
asd2012i have Internet Data card (BSNL EVDO Card) with me but unable to open16:03
satyanashBSNL data card is a USB dongle for internet through EVDO wireless...16:03
Pl3nar1usjarray52: Newscorp?16:03
haylonetbus, people act like the size of the operating system doesnt matter- but they are just mistaken netbus16:03
asd2012but i am unable to open internet now in Ubuntu 11.0416:04
satyanashasd2012, I got that.16:04
netbushaylo: i agree.  thanks for the suggestions.  ill looking into a "netinstall"16:04
Pl3nar1usNo, I don't.16:04
PriceyPl3nar1us: try #android-root16:04
jarray52Pl3nar1us: Sorry... bad joke... they've been implicated in lots of phone hacking.16:04
boumai just realised that usb transfers only half show under iotop16:04
L3topno I don't jarray52. It is looking more and more like something I am going to have to start dealing with though. Becomming more common. I will see what I can dig up after I finish debugging this thing I am working on.16:04
boumafrom a hdd to a usb16:04
tigersasd2012, if its a usb dongle,try installin usb-modeswitch16:05
boumait seems to show the read but not the write16:05
Joe_KD2AKUCan the desktop version install LUKS full disk encryption?16:05
Pl3nar1usjarray52: Ah.16:05
asd2012i have tried but failed16:05
asd2012yes it is a usb dongle16:06
sacarlsonJoe_KD2AKU: I think you will need to install with the alternate ubuntu iso to support LUKS at all16:06
satyanashasd2012, you could try this, It might work.. http://www.techzim.co.zw/2011/06/how-to-ubuntu-and-mobile-broadband/16:06
itgeohello guys, i installed iRedMail as mailserver on my server, everything is working, except that i cant send and receive mail to and from people who are outside of my domaine. For exemple if i send an email with my gmail account to myemail@mydomaine.com, i dont receive this email16:06
sacarlsonJoe_KD2AKU: or I should say to boot from a LUKS partition16:06
jarray52L3top: Any suggestions on what should I Google?16:06
tigersDoes it go on after you plug it in?16:06
diamondsmy disk may have just been too small16:07
diamondsI made a 12gb virtual disk; I thought that would be enough for minimal16:07
Joe_KD2AKUsacarlson: Ya, work requirement is full disk encryption so both / and swap need to be in LUKS16:07
diamondsanyway I'm trying again with a larger disk16:07
asd2012no i am stuck16:07
satyanashtigers, most have a software..that automatically runs when you plug it in.16:08
JCMavGuys there was this kernel update like on friday. My ubuntu on my laptop is running sluggishly since then, how to fix?16:08
asd2012ok wait a minute i have an another problem !16:08
FrozenMindPl3narlus: I personally go to XDA Developers for Rooting/Customizations16:08
sacarlsonJoe_KD2AKU: there are totorials on full encryption I think you will find they us the alternate boot disk16:08
tigersSoooo,is there really no way for me to visualize clusters of a filesystem?16:08
asd2012i forgot the Password of "su" in Ubuntu 11.04 now how can i recover this16:09
tigerssatyanash, most of that software is windows and mac only16:09
asd2012when i open the gnome-terminal in Ubuntu 11.04 i type su16:09
satyanashtigers, I know.16:09
asd2012but forgot the password of "su"16:09
Joe_KD2AKUsacarlson: Yes, thank you, I've done it before, but in the past with Alt, was wondering if the GUI installer would do it, I like easy ;-)16:09
asd2012now what can i do16:10
asd2012can anybody help me out16:10
JCMavsudo su?16:10
satyanashtigers, wvdial might _just_ work.16:10
burnerasd2012: there is no su password... use sudo :P16:10
haylonetbus, ethernet cable will work fine but for wireless on a system you use yourself i would reccomend installing wicd for wireless fi you need it16:10
tigersAs long as it goes on, and he has usb-modeswitch installed and it doesnt work. Then the problem is something else16:10
itgeoasd2012: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword :)16:10
haylosystem you makes yourself* sorry netbus16:10
sacarlsonJoe_KD2AKU: never know things change no reason they couldn't support luks at some point if not already16:10
tigerssatyanash, i'll look into it, thanks.16:11
diamondswhere can I find information on the "software" listed to install on OS install?16:11
umerahmadcan anyone tell me how to run autodesk 3Ds max through wine in ubuntu 11.1016:11
diamondssorry, afk http://screencast.com/t/QOAbVx7hQrH16:11
diamondslike "basic ubuntu server" not sure what this refers to16:11
asd2012is there any easy way (Graphical way)16:11
tigersAhh, that was for a different problem,not mine16:11
JCMavguys, guys, still the kernel update on friday or so, which was the kernel before? I want to use the older one again I uninstalled maybe.... without having to reinstall.16:11
JCMavasd2012: use sudo su16:12
asd2012but when i type "su"16:12
asd2012the the system ask me for password16:12
JCMavsu never works for me.16:12
JCMavdo sudo su.16:12
umerahmadcan anyone tell me how to run autodesk 3Ds max through wine in ubuntu 11.1016:12
asd2012the i am unable to locate16:12
haylook you can use any kernel you guys. a server is a linux, unix machine that is set up to take people users in from web- it has only to do with permissions of flders and wether your router allows outside access16:13
satyanashasd2012, do sudo su and out your own password.16:13
satyanashasd2012, put*16:13
asd2012is "sudo" and "su" are SAME ???16:13
diamondscan anyone tell me why the "some steps failed to complete: select and install software" step on install doesn't give any information on *what package* caused the failure?16:13
asd2012is it?16:13
haylosu get root sudo gets temporary root16:13
diamondsone is left to removing packages oneXone and trying again16:13
Kaizenanyone bored want to help test this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/97731316:13
ubottuError: launchpad bug 977313 not found16:13
haylosudo is like "false root"16:13
asd2012if "su" is root then how to get the password of "su" after forgotten it??16:14
Pici!root | asd201216:14
ubottuasd2012: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:14
FrozenMindsudo -s will get you into "root" to allow you to constantly work as root with no password time out asd201216:14
rebewhy my terminal uses "/media/sda5/" in path to other partitions, instead of drive letters ?16:14
Priceyasd2012: su stands for 'switch user'. It lets you switch (normally to root)16:14
haylook well dont forget that passwor dnot ever to get you need advanced security skills16:14
hayloroot* passwd16:14
Priceyasd2012: sudo gives your user "root" permissions... i.e. pretty much anything. Though that is configurable.16:15
Priceyasd2012: check the link above.16:15
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KaizenOops, it's public now https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/97731316:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977313 in Ubuntu "Too many logins - sessions not cleared" [Undecided,New]16:16
asd2012so that is the reason16:16
asd2012By default, the Root account password is locked in Ubuntu16:16
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irenicus09oops wrong window :|16:17
asd2012so i can never know the password of "su"???16:17
asd2012it will be locked forever?16:17
bekksThere is no root password.16:17
haylowell acrually the root password is just not set. do sudo su and then passwd to set it16:17
bekksIt isnt locked.16:17
bekksJust use sudo instead of su16:17
haylojust use sudo16:17
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asd2012but "sudo" and "su" are different16:17
hayloroot is too easy to move wrong foder and lose it16:18
sontek_I'm on the Ubuntu LiveCD and it detected that I needed a different wireless driver, and activated it, but the wireless wont activate16:18
Alanjoneshi all16:18
sontek_iwconfig shows it16:18
bekksasd2012: Both give you a root account if necessary.16:18
sontek_but iwlist scanning says wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down16:18
Headis there a quick code to disable quick launcher altogether ??16:18
bekksYou dont have to have password set on the root account, and the root account isnt locked.16:18
danielkoprowskiI don't know...16:18
danielkoprowskiI'm still fairly new to linux.16:19
hayloHead, a lighter window manager wil probably not activate your unnecessary programs16:19
Alanjoneshow do i stinall handbrake on 11.10?16:19
stianhjWhat version of GLX does Ubuntu 11.10 have? does anyone know?16:20
asd2012then if anybody wants to write su in terminal and the system ask for password then we simply have to neglect it16:20
Head@haylo how do you mean?16:20
bekksasd2012: You dont need su. You should use sudo.16:20
hAcKtHewAyhow to disconnect frm the IRC chat16:20
asd2012ya of course i will use sudo16:20
asd2012but if anybody wants to open "su" then he simply cant16:21
asd2012open it16:21
umerahmadhey guys can anyone tell me how to run 3ds max in linux....16:21
sstanot directly usually16:21
asd2012no body wants "su"16:21
JCMavasd2012: if you want to open it, do "sudo su"16:21
bekksasd2012: You dont use su on Ubuntu. Period.16:21
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:21
sstabekks: umm, not true...16:21
hayloHead most programs are started up with a graphical display. if you log in text and then into a window manager enviornment you choose- you will have less startup programs16:22
bekkssudo su is ... useless use of su :) sudo -i does the same.16:22
haylosudo su gets you root that is ridiculous to say it is useless16:22
bekkshaylo: Then read what sudo -i16:22
sstabekks: that's true. but a LOT different from "never use su in ubuntu"16:22
haylook i will sorry bekks16:22
wbullockEnter text here...16:23
bekksBEfore accusing people of being ridiculous.16:23
bekksssta: Ack.16:23
sstabekks: and two commands that do the same thing are interchangeable16:23
hayloum well it is actually and we both know it16:23
hayloil just leave16:23
wbullockI have an ubuntu machine which will not connect to the repositories for software updates16:23
KaizenStop the religious war please, if people want to login as root with no password it's up to them :)16:23
asd2012so as we dont need "su" so we dont have the right to know the password of "su"???16:23
Resistancehaylo:  bekks:  you two should stop arguing.  using 'su' in ubuntu is not advised, for decent reasons.16:23
bekksResistance: I already quit argueing.16:24
wbullockI recently changed the IP address and now it refuses to pull in updates16:24
wbullockI'm able to ping everything on the internet just fine16:24
asd2012but why nobody is interested to know the password of "su"16:24
sstaResistance: umm, *please* clarify that to "using su to gain root".  To say otherwise is misinformation!16:25
L3topjarray52: google blacklist video card ubuntu, and try and blacklist the intel side16:25
L3topThat would be my first line of attack16:25
asd2012pls tell me16:25
asd2012why nobody is interested to know the password of "su"16:25
bekksasd2012: Because there is no password set.16:25
bekksAnd everybody uses sudo.16:26
hayloResistance, didnt say that ssta . lets just stop the root discussion it is silly16:26
asd2012did ever anybody have tried to open the famous "su" in Ubuntu 11.0416:26
bekksasd2012: root has no password, so thath will fail.16:27
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:27
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:27
sstahaylo: he was loose and fuzzy.  Commands like su aren't a good place for being loose and fuzzy.  "su" is a perfectly good and useful command.  IN fact, there are LOTS of uses of it in every ubuntu system by default (grep for su in /etc sometime)16:27
Artemis3by default you can't use su, if you need a root session you use sudo -i or assign a password to the root account, but its not needed if you use sudo16:27
asd2012so i can confirm that no body has ever been able to open the "su" :-)16:27
bekksasd2012: Not by default.16:28
asd2012and also nobody is interested in it16:28
asd2012isn't it?16:28
Artemis3the point is not having people remember 2 passwords, and instead consider their first account their "admin" account (able to sudo).16:28
Libertadcan somebody call me if you can change the menu set-up, like to make it transparent or anything else16:28
asd2012but u know what16:29
haylossta if you are telling    me   how to use grep and su  , you are really wasting you time. i could wget your whole life and then sed and grep it into my own16:29
hayloyou are just troll16:29
hayloin my opinion16:29
PiciCan we get back on-topic folks?16:29
asd2012i was trying to open "su" by guessing the password of it for the last 30 minutes !!!16:30
asd2012and FAILED16:30
sstaasd2012: by default there's no valid root password16:30
intore_here i am16:30
Artemis3su will not work by default16:30
Resistance!root | asd201216:30
ubottuasd2012: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:30
asd2012so that's why i was unable to open it16:30
Artemis3use sudo -i to achieve the same16:31
asd2012now i have realised it16:31
beandogsudo su - -c passwd16:31
asd2012from now i will use sudo16:31
Artemis3or define a root password as beandog said16:31
dubioswhy so many bugs in 12.04?16:32
sstathere aren't many use cases where defining a root password is a good thing...avoid it generally16:32
Artemis3but sudo will avoid you from having 2 passwords16:32
Picidubios : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:32
asd2012will it be beneficial16:32
Picibeandog: please do not suggest enabling a root password without adequate warning.16:32
beandogPici: meh16:32
beandogroot is not to be feared16:33
asd2012if i define a password for root then will it be beneficial ???16:33
sstaasd2012: no16:33
bekksasd2012: no16:33
asd2012so i must use sudo16:33
asd2012for all my works16:33
danger89Why is bookmark in de HUD under Firefox not at the top of the list?16:33
Piciasd2012: I think we've been over this a number of times already.  Please stop asking.16:33
Artemis3the warnning is, don't use root priviledges unless you really really need it, don't go around starting browsers or irc clients or such, just stick to administrative tasks only such as installing/removing packages or reconfigure system wide settings etc.16:34
intore_i disabled NetworkManager, i configured /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant.conf, i restart using console but it doesn't keep ip address. in /var/log/syslog there is a message: can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com. could you help me please?16:34
haylodefining a root passwd is not neccessary ubuntu is not hiding anything from you guys- they just ant fix everyones mistakes16:34
Kaizenhow can i find out which ubuntu package this error message relates to? pam_limits(sshd:session)16:34
asd2012but now i am stuck will my previous problem (A BIG PROBLEM)16:34
Libertadwhat's the best lightweight browser that support flash player?16:34
Artemis3asd2012, you can just use sudo -i once16:34
hayloyes exactly dont start browsers in root and def no irc16:34
asd2012which i am facing for the last 6 MONTHS16:34
Artemis3asd2012, do your administratives tasks then exit16:34
sstaunless you're an expert, in which case you know the risks already and can ignore warnings (but experts aren't Ubuntu's target demographic really)16:34
=== nikolja is now known as nikolja|odsutan
asd2012but what about my previous problem16:35
asd2012i am facing it for the last 6 months16:35
asd2012can i share my problem pls ???16:35
L3topYou would have to define the problem asd2012. You have just been going on and on about su.16:35
bekks! ask | asd201216:36
ubottuasd2012: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:36
asd2012so my problem goes like this16:36
L3topOne line.16:36
Artemis3!es luis_16:37
asd2012One day16:37
wbullock8can anyone help me with an issue I'm having regarding and IP Address change and using apt-get update16:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:37
asd2012i purchased16:37
asd2012wait pls16:37
* bindi figures asd2012 is a troll16:37
asd2012everybody wait pls16:37
asd2012my problem goes like this16:37
asd2012one day i purchased16:37
asd2012a BSNL EVDO Card16:37
asd2012then i16:37
bekksasd2012: one line please. Dont use enter as a punctuation sign.16:37
asd2012purchased a16:37
FloodBot1asd2012: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:38
wbullock8I changed the IP address on my server and now apt-get update won't connnect, the moment I change it back to the old IP everything works fine... any help would be greatly appreciated16:38
asd2012i will say in one line16:38
asd2012but pls pls wait for me16:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:39
asd2012now i want to say it16:39
asd2012one day i purchased a Samsung Laptop then i purchased a BSNL EVDO Card (Internet Data Card) and tried to install in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.04 OS but failed. can anybody help me out?16:39
Artemis3asd2012, before purchase, always research linux support for hardware, many devices work but many don't, you might have help searching "ubuntu and model/brand"16:39
asd2012now i have 3 things16:40
wbullock8does anyone know why apt-get won't connect after just changing the IP address of the server?16:40
bekkswbullock8: Is it a home based server?16:40
asd20121 Samsung Laptop 2) Ubuntu 11.04 3) BSNL EVDO Card (Internet Data Card)16:40
FrozenMindasd2012: just speak your mind with the question.... then you will not need to keep asking for people to wait as well as pls over and over again... just ask the question(s) in an orderly fashion, we will get to you if we know the answer to your questions16:40
asd2012and all in vain16:40
wbullock8no it's setup at work16:41
wbullock8I'm running ubuntu server 11.10 on it16:41
AllanLinuxhi all =)16:41
bekkswbullock8: a physical one or a virtual machine?16:41
compdocAllanLinux? Are you the guy they named Linux after?16:41
asd2012:-( :-(  :-)16:42
intore_i disabled NetworkManager, i configured /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant.conf, i restart using console but it doesn't keep ip address. in /var/log/syslog there is a message: can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com. could you help me please?16:42
kaspircould somebody please help me with using my tv as a monitor for my laptop, the tv is not detecting any input, and the laptop detects the tv as "unknown"16:42
Artemis3asd2012, this guy seems to have your device: http://www.care4tech.com/care4internet/browser/how-to-connect-mobile-internet-in-ubuntu-11-04-operating-system/1079/16:42
asd2012i am not happy for the last 6 months (really)16:42
jarray52Anyone know which kernel module is used by the: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller?16:42
wbullock8all i did was edit the interfaces file and change the IP address and now apt-get update fails to connect every time16:42
bekkswbullock8: So to which IP did you change the IP of the server? To a valid IP from the network the server is in?16:42
Artemis3asd2012, http://www.care4tech.com/ubuntu-2/connecting-step-bsnl%E2%80%99s-evdo-in-ubuntu-11-04/1260/16:43
wbullock8yes I went from .45 to a .2616:43
wbullock8on a 10.x.x.x network16:43
AllanLinuxexact ;)16:43
bekkswbullock8: And that IP isnt blocked in the firewall, etc?16:43
monkeymatingsI have a toshiba satellite a505d s6968 running ubuntu 11.10 and the wifi isnt working. the wifi shows up but pages dont load and things dont download16:43
asd2012its not so easy friend i have tried this16:44
GirlyGirlkaspir: Can you set a resolution for the tv and apply?16:44
Artemis3asd2012, in short it seems network manager works with it just fine.16:44
umerahmadcan i run autodesk 3ds max in ubuntu?16:44
wbullock8no as a matter of fact everybody can see the server just fine and I can also initiate connections out... but for some reason apt-get wont work16:44
bekksumerahmad: No. It is a Windows Application.16:44
genii-around!appdb | umerahmad16:44
ubottuumerahmad: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:44
wbullock8if i change the IP back to what it was everything works fine16:44
GirlyGirlumerahmad: Virtualbox could help too16:45
sstawbullock8: do you have an apt-proxy set or something maybe?16:45
GirlyGirl!virtualbox | umerahmad16:45
ubottuumerahmad: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:45
bluefrogwbullock8, if memory serves, apt-get is caching some info. everything should be  ok after a reboot (don't how to "clean" apt's cache)16:45
monkeymatingsim also a noob to ubuntu16:45
umerahmadyes i know about wine and virtual box16:45
wbullock8no I didn't setup apt-proxy16:45
intore_i disabled NetworkManager, i configured /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant.conf, i restart using console but it doesn't keep ip address. in /var/log/syslog there is a message: can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com. could you help me please?16:45
AllanLinuxI need help. Need to migrate a mailbox that is in the ubuntu thunderbird thunderbird for the trash-windows, does anyone know how to do this?16:45
umerahmadthats what i want to know if i can run it through wine16:45
kaspirGirlyGirl: I can but it doesn't effect anything. I read somewhere that my video card could not be sending out a signal, is there a way to change that?16:45
wbullock8I did a reboot and I also tried apt-get clean16:46
genii-aroundumerahmad: Thats why I pointed you at the database of apps which run under wine. Check to see about Max there16:46
GirlyGirlkaspir: Normally if the refresh rate and resolution are valid an image should form16:46
bluefrogwbullock8, so what is the error message of apt-get?16:46
wbullock8hold on I'll run the command and paste the result16:46
bluefrognot here16:47
umerahmadi have been asking this question in the #winehq but no one is answering there | <genii-around>16:47
monkeymatingscan anyone help me?16:47
bluefrogwbullock8, strace apt-get update might be even better16:47
wbullock80% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to securit ...16:47
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
wbullock8just sits there on that status and eventually times out16:47
kaspirGirlyGirl: in past experience it has. But not with this tv and on a different install of ubuntu. But same laptop16:47
AllanLinuxDoes anyone know help me?16:48
monkeymatingsim also using wubi16:48
bluefrogwbullock8, what the route in place right now? netstat -rn16:48
sstawbullock8: paste the contents of /etc/apt/apt.conf  ?16:48
Artemis3umerahmad, i would say the reason is, you need to check their appdb page to know if something works or not with wine.16:48
bluefrogwbullock8, then same when you revert back the IP16:48
GirlyGirlkaspir: Does the tv work on another OS like windows or OS X?16:48
wbullock8no when I revert back IP it works fine16:49
umerahmad<Artemis3> thanks16:49
kaspirIdk i only have ubuntu16:49
kaspirGirlyGirl: idk i only have ubuntu16:49
GirlyGirlkaspir: Is your graphic card an Intel one by any chance?16:49
asd2012no no the problem is not solved :-(16:49
=== nikolja|odsutan is now known as nikolja
intore_no ideas?16:50
=== q-rban is now known as q0rban
wbullock8ssta: I don't have that file but rather a directory for configuration16:50
asd2012i am stuck for the last 6 months16:50
kaspirGirlyGirl: I think so. How do I check?16:50
monkeymatingshow long does it usually take for someone to answer?16:50
sstawbullock8: hmm, okay.  can you ping us.archive.ubuntu.com?16:50
asd2012can anybody help this helpless fellow16:50
GirlyGirlkaspir: in terminal lspci16:50
asd2012one day i purchased a Samsung Laptop then i purchased a BSNL EVDO Card (Internet Data Card) and tried to install in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.04 OS but failed. can anybody help me out?16:50
kaspirGirlyGirl: yep16:51
wbullock8when I ping us.archive.ubuntu.com I get: 64 bytes from cursa.canonical.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=50 time=108 ms16:51
L3topasd2012: Your attitude makes me not care to help you at all. Go try kppp.16:51
GirlyGirlkaspir: Because on my GMA 950 my Tv detects as unknown and detects only 1024x768 as working res. Used to work in Ubuntu 9.1016:51
asd2012but what is "kppp"?16:52
kaspirGirlyGirl: ever find a fix?16:52
L3topGirlyGirl: have you installed libva-driver-i96516:52
L3top!info kppp16:52
ubottukppp (source: kdenetwork): modem dialer for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 761 kB, installed size 3832 kB16:52
GirlyGirlkaspir: Are you using hdmi or vga?16:52
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kaspirGirlyGirl: vga to hdmi16:53
GirlyGirlL3top: Yes16:53
sstawbullock8: wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/project/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg16:53
GirlyGirlkaspir: There is a way to manually set it in xorg.conf that works16:53
ssta(smallest file I could find quickly)16:53
asd2012ok i am going16:54
asd2012but one day i will solve my problem16:54
kaspirGirlyGirl: awesome link me or tell me what to do. Whatever you prefer :D16:54
asd2012yes i will learn Ubuntu 11.0416:54
wbullock8Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com||:80...16:54
asd2012then i will solve my problem16:54
asd2012and i will come to this place16:54
bluefrogwbullock8, strace apt-get update16:55
GirlyGirlkaspir: That is something that someone else told me ... never tried it myself16:55
asd2012and solve the needy16:55
GirlyGirlasd2012: What is the problem?16:55
asd2012like me :-(16:55
asd2012one day i purchased a Samsung Laptop then i purchased a BSNL EVDO Card (Internet Data Card) and tried to install in my newly installed Ubuntu 11.04 OS but failed. can anybody help me out?16:55
bluefrogwbullock8, strace sudo apt-get update16:55
gameidasd2012: spare your enter key a bit, stop repeating yourself and state any errors you are getting or what exactly the issue is that you are having. I'm sure there will be people willing to help you then.16:55
monkeymatingscan anyone help me please? not rushing dont hate me16:55
L3top!ask | monkeymatings16:55
ubottumonkeymatings: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:55
asd2012i have wrote my problem16:55
kaspirGirlyGirl: bittersweet lol16:55
wbullock8I got a connection refulsed on the wget command I tried to run earlier16:56
asd2012i have wrote my problem16:56
asd2012which is above16:56
wbullock8running strace command now16:56
L3topdon't encourage him GirlyGirl. he is a troll.16:56
GirlyGirlasd2012: What is the exact manufacturer and model of the card .. bsnl is an isp I believe16:56
asd2012yes yes16:56
asd2012BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) EVDO Card (Internet Data Card)16:57
intore_hi, i disabled NetworkManager, i configured /etc/network/interfaces and wpa_supplicant.conf, i restart using console but it doesn't keep ip address. in /var/log/syslog there is a message: can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com. could you help me please?16:57
mfilipe_hi! I'm using 12.04-beta2 and I choose the option to crypt my home folder but the installer crypts my swap area! how do I do to uncrypt the swap and crypt my /home?16:57
asd2012i have it16:57
sstamfilipe_: #ubuntu+1 for precise16:57
wbullock8strace command seems to be stuck with this output: 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]) = 109 select(7, [5 6], [], NULL, {0, 500000}16:57
Resistanceasd2012: that's only the card info of the ISP, not the actual make/model of the card.  You may want to check with the ISP for help finding drivers, most dont come with drivers16:57
asd2012u know my BSNL EVDO Data Card works fine in Windows 716:57
mfilipe_ssta, thanks16:57
GirlyGirlmfilipe_: Fo to #ubuntu+116:57
monkeymatingsok. i have a toshiba satellite a505d-s6968 with Ubuntu 11.10 and the wifi isnt loading pages. the signals appear but nothing loads16:57
asd2012my Bsnl EVDO Data Card works fine in Windows 716:58
sstawbullock8: pastebin the output of "route -n"?16:58
asd2012but when i open the Ubuntu 11.04 it does not work16:58
asd2012why this is so???16:58
erraticwhere does php5-dev install to16:58
sstawbullock8: may as well do /etc/network/interfaces while you're there16:58
kaspirGirlyGirl: how would i find the refresh rate of my laptop?16:58
swintore_: the 'can't find host ntp.ubuntu.com' is just because you didn't have an Internet connection at the time when it tried to connect to sync your time16:58
wbullock8Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface16:59
wbullock80.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth016:59
sstawbullock8: pastebin16:59
GirlyGirlasd2012: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163709016:59
swerratic: '$ dpkg -L php5-dev'16:59
wbullock810.10.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth016:59
GirlyGirlkaspir: Refresh rate of the tv not laptop16:59
sw!pastebin | wbullock816:59
ubottuwbullock8: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:59
pentagonpieProblem when installing anything using apt-get: Errors were encountered while processing:  samba416:59
erraticwhere does php5-dev install to16:59
asd2012ok i am going17:00
erraticsw thnkx17:00
Resistance!repeat | erratic17:00
=== jgay_ is now known as jgay
ubottuerratic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:00
asd2012but i will come again17:00
GirlyGirlasd2012: http://linuxers.org/howto/how-configure-bsnl-evdo-linux17:00
kaspirGirlyGirl: the laptop's refresh rate is irrelevant?17:00
GirlyGirlkaspir: Yes17:00
bluefrogerratic, dpkg -S php5-dev  should tell17:00
GirlyGirlkaspir: Unless you are changing settings of the laptop flat panel17:00
swerratic: I already answered your question17:00
asd2012ok a very very thanks to all of u17:01
kaspirGirlyGirl: In ccsm >  composit i changed the refresh rate to that of the tv. still nothign17:01
asd2012for all of your support17:01
asd2012thanks a lot17:01
asd2012i am now going17:01
asd2012good bye to all of you17:01
GirlyGirlkaspir: ccsm isn't that for compiz??17:01
swasd2012: I seen that you asked the same question yesterday. it might be worth posting it on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu to see if any users have your answer there17:01
asd2012good bye17:02
asd2012bye bye17:02
asd2012good night17:02
monkeymatingsi have a toshiba satellite a505d-s6968 with Ubuntu 11.10 and the wifi isnt loading pages. the signals appear but nothing loads17:02
sstawbullock8: are you sure that the router is set to allow that IP out?17:02
GirlyGirlkaspir: I don't have an idea of gnome setting locations but it should be in the control panel or something17:02
kaspirGirlyGirl: yeah17:02
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
asd2012ok now i am quitting17:02
GirlyGirlkaspir: as I use kde17:02
wbullock8I'm pretty sure it is17:02
intore_sw: what can i do?17:02
asd2012i say good bye to all of u17:02
bastidrazorasd2012: are you leaving?17:02
sstawbullock8: do you have /etc/network/interfaces both the working and non-working version?17:03
kaspirGirlyGirl: I'm using the unity desktop now, but ccsm still works for a number of things17:03
GirlyGirlkaspir: Is ccsm used to configure displays??17:03
jeremiah_how do i check for hdd errors? then how do i fix them?17:03
KompulsaHas anyone here used any of the Amazon Kindle devices with Ubuntu? I just need to know if it works with Ubuntu?17:03
wbullock8the only difference between the two is the IP address instead of .45 (working) I'm using .26 (which isn't working)17:03
Kompulsabefore I buy it17:03
jribKompulsa: works in the sense that it just appears as usb mass storage, yes17:04
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
L3topintore_: what I do is drop the whole process into /etc/rc.local before the exit 0, so it starts up and connects every time I logon, and can be run independently from cli if it breaks connection for whatever reason. Some might suggest this is poor form however.17:04
swKompulsa: what do you mean "used with Ubuntu"?17:04
kaspirGirlyGirl: to an extent. there is a menu item called "displays" used more oftenly i think. but it lacks any customization besides possition and resolution17:04
sstawbullock8: all I can think of is that it's your router blocking it.  Sorry17:05
wbullock8If the router wasn't allowing traffic out then I wouldn't be able to ping anything like google.com right?17:05
ScumbagKangercan anyone help me with a question regarding internet speed in ubuntu 11.10?17:05
intore_am blocked. iwlist eth1 scan doesn't run17:05
sstawbullock8: not necessarily.  Depends how it's setup.  ICMP is different to TCP.  It might be allowing ICMP out but not TCP17:06
sw!ask | ScumbagKanger17:06
ubottuScumbagKanger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:06
intore_please give me help17:06
mcb_wbullock8: What is your router vendor and model? Some of them you have to configure your DHCP range, and if the IP is not in that range, it will not route. Dont ask me why, but i have come across a couple of those....... have you tried to configure with IP 47? Or something near the one that is working.17:06
whitekidneymount.ntfs using 105% CPU, is that normal ?17:06
L3topchances are, intore_ that eth1 is not up.17:06
nooblyHey, can someone help me.. I am having trouble installing a USB wireless dongle on my 10.04 LTS. I keep getting [modules] Error 2 when I try to make the drivers.17:06
ScumbagKangerI can only get about 40-50% of my connection speed in ubuntu, when I get 100% in windows17:06
kaspirGirlyGirl: but that would conclude that it's not my refresh rate thats preventing the display right? So what else could it be17:06
wbullock8it's a sonicwall17:06
nooblyUSB wireless = USB wifi/17:06
GuesT2375I've just set up my samba server. I have no printer but windows still sees the shered printer icon17:08
wbullock8I'll have to take a look at the router... perhaps that is what's happening17:08
intore_is not possible to insert the lan password interactivly?17:08
GuesT2375does anybody know how to hide it?17:08
wbullock8thank you all for the help I really appreciate it17:08
mcb_wbullock8: I think i had those issueis with a tenda, but i realy cant recall. But you can give it a try. Dost your router comes if a Firewall? You should look if there is anything in there.17:08
compdocGuesT2375, you can disable it in smb.conf, I think17:08
ScumbagKangerAnybody know how I can configure ubuntu 11.10 to allow my internet down speed to be used fully?17:08
GuesT2375compdoc: i tryed a lot of things but ... nothing17:09
GirlyGirlkaspir: Not necessary ... how do you know if ccsm is setting refresh rate on the tv and not the notebook display17:09
L3topIt is possible, but you seem to have trouble doing it... so I was suggesting hardcoding it on boot. You have been here several days asking about it. You said it worked swimmingly, and that setting wpa2 was your new task. You seem to have figured out how to do that, but now you want it to be both persistent, and interactive. I am not clear what you really want it to do.17:09
akemhi, is the Compiz VSync issue fixed in last release?17:09
ScumbagKangerI'm guessing that's a no?17:10
L3topwhat kind of connection is it ScumbagKanger... lan or wifi?17:10
francesco__msg CM|NeWs|42 xdcc send #2117:10
L3top!patience | ScumbagKanger17:10
ubottuScumbagKanger: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:10
kaspirGirlyGirl: I thought the laptops refresh rate just had to match the tv's refresh rate so I changed it to 60 in ccsm.17:11
uni4dfxDoes anyone know how to configure Exim for multiple domains on Ubuntu?17:11
intore_ok, am in the console, i want use internet connection from the console for the moment but eth1 doesn't keep ip address17:11
GirlyGirlkaspir: It does not have to match17:11
ejvScumbagKanger: two connected devices, for example, your network card and your modem, will auto-negotiate transmission parameters per the IEEE spec; look beyond Ubuntu.17:11
akemwith NVidia at least, not sure for others, i remember posts saying it was because of the drivers so they wouldn't do anything about it...not sure.17:11
ScumbagKangerI've searched that and google all morning with no answers17:11
kaspirGirlyGirl: now that I looked at it, I don't think composit is for extenal displays. looks to be just for the laptop17:11
GirlyGirlkaspir: I don't think ccsm can control refesh rate of either display ... might be some other kind of refresh rate17:12
ScumbagKangerIt has to be a setting in ubuntu because I get 100% of my down speed with windows, but not ubuntu. Wouldn't that be a logical assumption?17:13
kaspirGirlyGirl: any ideas?17:14
dpachey guys, ubuntu is heating my laptop too much. Windows runs pretty cool, but ubuntu is atleast 15-20 degrees hotter. What can I do to fix it? Where do I start?17:14
GirlyGirlkaspir: Is there a refresh rate setting in the menu option thing?17:15
nooblyHey, can someone help me.. I am having trouble installing a USB wifi dongle on my 10.04 LTS. I keep getting [modules] Error 2 when I try to make the drivers.17:15
kaziwebI'm facing problem installing VLC media player--- it's giving message of "failed to download package file-- Check your Internet connection" Can anyone help me on this?17:15
kaspirGirlyGirl: like system settings you mean?17:15
GirlyGirlkaspir: yes17:15
S4nD3rIm running 11.04, and I got a message to upgrade to oneiric. What is better to do, install oneiric or upgrade from 11.04?17:16
gameiddpac: you may have something using up too much cpu17:16
kaspirGirlyGirl: not that I know of. this is my first time having to try anything with the displays17:17
kaspirGirlyGirl: normally its an automatic connection thing17:17
dpacgameid: Nope. top shows nothing17:17
dlentzS4nD3r, i personally would wait for 12.04 (coming in a few weeks) and do a fresh install of that17:17
bastidrazorS4nD3r: upgrades sometimes fail but i've upgraded this box from 11.04 all the way to 12.04 and no issues. in my opinion if you don't want to chance it, do a fresh install17:17
kaziweb I'm facing problem installing VLC media player--- it's giving message of "failed to download package file-- Check your Internet connection" Can anyone help me on this?17:17
GirlyGirlkaspir: which version of Ubuntu do you have?17:17
GirlyGirlkaziweb: try "ping google.com"17:18
kaspirGirlyGirl: 11.1017:18
GirlyGirlkaspir: Search "display" in the unity dash and see what it comes up with17:18
kaziwebGirlyGirl:ok let me check17:18
S4nD3rOh... Thank you. My friend started his upgrade. He's in my house, is it possible to stop upgrade process?17:18
kaspirGirlyGirl: lol17:18
GirlyGirlS4nD3r: Where has the upgrade reached17:19
bastidrazorS4nD3r: just let it upgrade then. its best not to stop it.17:19
S4nD3rIt's downloading packages17:19
jribbastidrazor: if it's still downloading packages, it should be safe to stop17:19
jribS4nD3r: ^17:19
francesco__xdcc send #2117:19
kaziwebGirlyGirl: Yes this is pinging. My Internet connection is OK and I'm browsing fine.17:20
GirlyGirlkaziweb: Try "sudo apt-get update"17:20
S4nD3rThanks for all GirlyGirl, dlentz and bastidrazor17:20
Unknown0BCHi, do any of you guys get that your broadband connection disconnects and disappears from the networkmanager list ? ( oneiric )17:20
Unknown0BCMine does so with non specific intervals.17:21
S4nD3rlol. He is crazy. Stopped the downloading process17:21
crfHi. Has Shotwell dropped their photo-viewer application?17:21
Zaitzevhiya, I want to install a game using wine/winetricks, how do I proceed?17:22
kaziwebGirlyGirl: Ok its updating17:22
GirlyGirlkaziweb: Now try installing vlc again17:22
GirlyGirlkaziweb: Also do you have a vlc ppa or something?17:23
pentagonpieZaitzev: you download exe of game, right click, and "open with wine"17:23
kaziwebGirlyGirl: Ok let me try. no I don't have any vlc ppa17:24
SecTecis there an equivalent to device manger in Ubuntu?17:24
GirlyGirlSecTec: Not really as drivers work differently ... but you can try "restricted driver manager"17:25
kaziwebGirlyGirl: after updating I tried to install it from ubuntu software center. It is not installing.17:25
GirlyGirlkaziweb: Try with apt-get and produce the output17:26
GirlyGirlkaspir: Did you find a display setting?17:26
Unknown0BCHi, do any of you guys get that your broadband connection disconnects and disappears from the networkmanager list ? ( oneiric )17:26
kaspirGirlyGirl: not that controls refresh rates17:27
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: is is adsl over Ethernet?17:27
Kompulsasw: Connected it and synchronized it with an Ubuntu computer.17:27
Kompulsajrib: Are you able to simply copy books from the computer to it as pdf files with no problem? and which Kindle is it? The touch (which I want), keyboard, or fire?17:27
kaziwebGirlyGirl: I'm very new user. I don't know how to do that. could you please give me step by step solution?17:27
jribKompulsa: yes, it's a kindle 3 keyboard17:27
GirlyGirlkaziweb: Open terminal17:27
GirlyGirlkaziweb: type "sudo apt-get install vlc" without quotes17:28
Unknown0BCActionParsnip,  its a 3g phone.17:28
jribkaziweb: (PDFs generally suck on the kindle though)17:28
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: or do you use a router which manages the link17:28
jribKompulsa: (PDFs generally suck on the kindle though)17:28
ejvSecTec: lspci -k17:28
ejvSecTec: voila, device manager ;)17:28
Kompulsajrib: Why? This is important to me because I have mostly PDFs. What format does it normally use?17:29
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: when the link drops, run: dmesg | tail    it may give clues17:29
Unknown0BCActionParsnip, It disconnects, not always, but when it does ( and it does to many times ) the connection dissapears from the Network manager list.17:29
GirlyGirlkaziweb: That is strange.17:29
ivan__hi, anyone can help me with a soundproblem in 11.10? sound is working in testspeakers on the g930 but not in other formats such as vlc..17:29
Unknown0BCActionParsnip,  I see other people on the net with the same problem in oneiric. But don't see a resolution yet.17:30
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: try precise live CD, see if its better17:30
hetrinityHowdy folks...17:30
jribKompulsa: well amazon tries to push it's own format (azw) but you can also use .mobi .  While the kindle can read many formats including PDF, PDFs won't be restructured to fit on your kindle (so you'll have to zoom and pan).  Or you can restructure the PDFs using some 3rd party tool.17:30
Unknown0BCActionParsnip, to big a download for me now...17:30
=== David is now known as dahtheman
ActionParsnipivan__: do other apps work ok?17:31
ActionParsnipivan__: try totem17:31
Kompulsajrib: Ok, so the PDFs will at least be clear as long as I zoom?17:31
jribKompulsa: yeah17:31
ivan__i might try one ofc, ye sure i can try it thanks.17:31
hetrinityI'm still quite new to Linux, though, I've been trying several different distros. I have a question regarding Ubuntu when someone has a minute. 8)17:32
ActionParsniphetrinity: ask away17:33
jribKompulsa: honestly I can't use it effectively to read PDFs (math articles).  Something like the larger kindle DX may be better suited then.  My advice would be to try with a friend's first to see if it works well enough fo r you17:33
sstaKompulsa: calibre is an application that can convert pdf to mobi17:33
GirlyGirlkaspir: The setting looks like this http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/04/09/09/34/8337879_1024x600.png17:33
GirlyGirlkaspir: should be something similar17:34
kaspirGirlyGirl:google produced this tho; xrandr -s 1280x1024 -r 7517:34
kaziwebGirlyGirl: ok opened terminal17:34
aaa801Is there a way to forward sound from a ubuntu x64 box without a soundcard, to a windows pc ?17:34
kaspirGirlyGirl: so what should i change the refresh rate to then?17:34
kaziwebGirlyGirl: it is working means installing through terminal.17:34
kaziwebGirlyGirl: it is done. thanks a lot dear.17:34
dlentzUnknown0BC, what LAN (wireless?) chipset do you have?17:34
Unknown0BCI get this strangest thing that my desktop icons disappear in oneiric. Sometimes they come back one time I had to reboot.17:34
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waxstonehello, under 11.10 how do I get unity's preferences17:34
Unknown0BCdlentz, Why would you like to know ? I am talking about a broadband connection through a cellphone.17:34
skelaaa801: take a look at www.nomachine.com they've got a remote access solution that forwards sound as well as display and usb devices etc17:34
dlentzUnknown0BC, oh. certain chipsets are know to have issues with dropping connection17:35
ActionParsnipUnknown0BC: sounds like nautilus crashed. Running it again will bring them back17:35
ivan__ActioParsnip: The thing is also, that sound aint working on youtube or spotify either, so dl that app wont be much help tbh17:35
kaspirGirlyGirl: I have that but it doesn't have the refresh rate setting. I found a command that will change it though. So what should it be changed to?17:35
hetrinityCool 8)  I purchased a couple things in the Ubuntu Software Center a couple days back... I then decided to try the 12.04 beta out... I have two questions regarding the beta... (1) If I wanted to continue using the beta version until the final is released, will it become an actual 12.04 then, or will I have to reinstall at that time?17:35
robinsmidsrodis it possible to get casper livecd persistence on nfs?17:35
GirlyGirlkaspir: check the tv manual17:35
robinsmidsrodI haven't been able to pin down if it's possible, all the docs seem to focus on usb sticks17:36
Unknown0BCActionParsnip, yes that makes sense. Nautilus crashes often on my new installation.17:36
ActionParsnipivan__: if run: alsamixer      are all levels cranked and unmuted17:36
dlentz!final | hetrinity17:36
Zaitzevpentagonpie: sounds easy enough, except the game won't run after install.17:36
ubottuhetrinity: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.17:36
kaspirGirlyGirl: I'm confused. I thought you said the laptop refresh rate needed to be changed. Not the TVs17:36
hetrinity(2) I tried downloading the two things I bought in Ubuntu Software Center from in the beta release, but they didn't show up to even install.17:36
kaspirGirlyGirl: the TVs refresh rate is 60.17:36
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ActionParsniphetrinity: #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support please17:37
HeadHi guys, how do I get out of idle mode in terminal17:37
Headstays hanging and can type but can give no commandos17:37
DasEirobinsmidsrod: you could have a pxe-boot on a netshare, yes17:37
kaspirHead: try ctrl + q or quit17:37
Headctrl + q = negative17:38
Headquit also = -17:38
hetrinityOh, sorry about that... thanks for your input 8)17:38
ivan__ActioParsnip: All are up, exept the 2nd one <headpho>, but it wont go up with the arrow keys.. odd17:38
DasEiHead: terminating a command ? ctrl+c17:38
Headyep, worked17:38
Headthank you DasEi17:38
DasEiHead: welcome17:38
littletinybabyHow am I supposed to write relative path names?17:39
HeadDasEi, how do I acknowledge a message straight to you?17:39
robinsmidsrodDasEi: I already have my ubuntu livecd booted over pxe, now I'm trying to coerce casper into giving me COW persistence17:39
Headnot @DasEi but..17:39
littletinybabyI have a folder within my source folder called "sounds" and I've tried "sounds/sound.mp3" but it don't work17:39
DasEirobinsmidsrod: I see, I'm overasked there, a hint: try by dd and a following sync on the share17:39
dlentzlittletinybaby, maybe ./sounds/sound.mp3 ?17:40
ant__Anyone is coding in Python language?17:40
TynachHey, I'm getting this error when I run updates: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 2836CB0A8AC93F7A Launchpad Kubuntu Updates17:40
pentagonpieor sounds/sound.mp317:40
DasEiHead: pm'ed you , see new tab17:40
littletinybabydlentz: yup that was it17:40
TynachI've tried deleting the the 2836CB0A8AC93F7A key, and re-adding it from the server.17:40
littletinybabydlentz: gracias17:40
TynachDoesn't work.17:40
GirlyGirlkaspir: Ask someone here about where you can find a control setting for changing refresh rates in ubuntu. Its bound to be there! I don't know where as I use kde. There has to be a setting like this http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/04/09/09/34/8337879_1024x600.png in gnome17:41
Tynachant__, I would recommend going to the #python channel if you want to learn or talk about Python.17:41
swant__: #python maybe?17:41
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ant__;o thx17:41
ActionParsnipivan__: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:41
ant__didn't know lol17:41
DasEiActionParsnip: ivan__: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh17:42
jtyskahello guys17:42
swant__: ALIS is rather helpful on that front. read '/msg alis help list'17:42
TynachAnyone know how to fix the BADSIG error in Apt?17:42
jtyskai've upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 beta using update-manager -d17:42
dlentzjtyska, see #ubuntu+1 for help with 12.0417:43
swTynach: can you pastebin the error in full, please?17:43
JoseMourinhohi guys, is possible to insert a daemon wicd in gnome shell like applet?17:43
jtyskadlentz: ok, thanks17:43
ivan__DasEi: domene link?17:43
kaspirGirlyGirl: Could you explain the refresh rate thing a little more. I a little confused because it seems like a couple things you said contradicted each other or I misunderstood.17:43
DasEiTynach: prbly missing pgp-key ?17:44
TynachDasEi, I'm not missing a key because it's not saying NO_PUBKEY, it's saying BADSIG.17:44
DasEiivan__: I just repeated ActionP, because I saw you where off a second, repeat the output to him17:44
GirlyGirlkaspir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refresh_rate#Computer_displays17:45
ivan__ah i see17:45
swTynach: did you try re-importing it?17:45
JoseMourinhodo you help me?17:46
DasEiask | JoseMourinho17:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:46
swDasEi: he's asked already, see above17:46
swwhat you're looking for, is !patience17:46
Tynachsw, yes I did. I tried deleting it with sudo apt-key del <key>, then added again with sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key>.17:46
Kompulsassta: Ok, does it fit the .mobi to the screen properly after conversion?17:47
JoseMourinhodasei! i had ask17:47
DasEisw: oh yes17:47
sstaKompulsa: no idea, sorry.  I ust know it can convert between different formats17:47
sstaI don't have a kindle17:47
JoseMourinhohi guys, is possible to insert a daemon wicd in gnome shell like applet?17:47
ivan__none the wiser of that line anyways, o well. DasEi: you dont know why the <headpho> in alsamixer cant be moved? since its at 00 now17:48
ivan__might be the problem prhaps?17:48
DasEiJoseMourinho: sry, didn't see, you want the daemon automatically started ?17:48
kaspirGirlyGirl: ok so why would the refresh rate of the laptop determine whether or not it's displayed on the tv if ,like you said earlier, the two refresh rates don't have to match17:48
JoseMourinhodasei i want the daemon in up bar17:49
JoseMourinholike gnome 2.0 for example17:49
DasEiivan__: can't say, you are sure the speaker icons above the faders are on=couloured ?17:49
DasEiJoseMourinho: wicd-gtk17:50
GirlyGirlkaspir: They don't have to match I never said they do ... but you need to set the correct setting for the tv to work17:51
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bobo37773JoseMourinho: Daemon? Do you actually mean a notification icon?17:51
TynachDasEi, I think he's less asking what package to install to get a wicd applet, and asking more if he can put a notification icon on the top bar instead of... Wherever Gnome3 puts them now.17:51
kaspirGirlyGirl: what would be considered the correct setting?17:51
ShooterMGdoes 11.10 ship with a utility to extract files from a .iso? I don't have enough disk space to mount the .iso and copy the files, but if i could somehow remove the files from the .iso as i copy them out, that would work. is there anything like this?17:52
dillon58078anyone had any issues installing ubuntu with a bluray drive?17:52
JoseMourinhodasei,part of the program with that command, I would that I appeared status as an applet or as extensions to gnome shell. in the bar at the top right17:52
sddhrthrtTynach: Gnome3 Doesnt put t anywhere!17:52
GirlyGirlkaspir: The correct refresh rate of the tv set in display options17:52
sddhrthrtTynach: Does that solution, of adding wicd to the 'Whitelist' work for Gnome3 too?17:52
JoseMourinhobobo37773 yes17:52
dillon58078anyone had any issues installing ubuntu with a bluray drive?17:52
Tynachsddhrthrt, I thought it put it in some weird panel that you accessed by moving the mouse in the bottom right corner, or something weird like that.17:52
Tynachsddhrthrt, at any rate, it's not my question - I have no interest in Gnome 3.17:53
ivan__DasEi: if you mean in alsa, it's green 0017:53
sddhrthrtTynach: Well, i was suggesting a unity solution, faced the same problem there17:53
DasEiJoseMourinho: maybe in a minute, I Think my lappy has such , will look, second, booting it now17:53
salariaHi, I have a package which is in compress file .tar.gz, how can i install that program! im using ubuntu 10.04 plz help17:53
sddhrthrtTynach: Anyway chuck17:54
bobo37773JoseMourinho: I do not think it will show up in the top. It should show up where the rest of your notification icons are though. I think they may be in the bottom right or something. Not 100% sure as I do not use gnome. I do know that you will probably need to unload networkmanager before loading wicd though17:54
sstasalaria: tar zxvf foo.tar.gz17:54
sstasalaria: generqally though, prefer to install software from the repository (software centre I suppose)17:54
TynachShooterMG, I don't think it comes with it by default, but you can install iso mounting software in Ubuntu from the repositories.17:55
bekks"iso mounting software"?17:55
bekksWhat is that besides mount -o loop ...?17:55
dlentzTynach, s/he already said that there's not enought disk space to mount the iso17:55
ShooterMGTynach: basically my problem is that i have a .iso that i need to extract, but i don't have enough space for temporarily storing two copies of each file17:56
Tynachbekks, it's different in that you have a fancy interface.17:56
sstaumm, mounting an iso takes no diskspace17:56
salariassta, tar zxvf is used to extract files of install?17:56
sstasalaria: yes17:56
salaria*or install?17:56
JoseMourinho<bobo37773> and dasei. I installed the program into practice. PC connects, but unlike gnome gnome shell 2 in the icon does not appear that detects an internet connection.17:56
TynachShooterMG, mounting does not take any disk space. You can mount the iso, select files, hit 'Cut', and then paste them where you want them.17:56
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TynachShooterMG, I think. It may be that mounted ISO files are read-only. I don't know.17:56
salariassta,  I want to install the package not extract?17:57
bekksTynach: A gui for mount?17:57
bekksMounted iso files are read-only, of course.17:57
Tynachbekks, I think the ISO mounting software I've seen uses FUSE.17:57
sstasalaria: extract it, then look inside there for a README or INSTALL file or something.  They all install differently17:57
bekksThats not necessary at all.17:57
dlentzsalaria, there is no package, it's source code17:57
dlentzsalaria, what are you trying to install?17:57
bekksTynach: You can just use mount -o loop ... without installing additional software.17:57
sstasalaria: but installing from the repository is generally much better17:58
salariai have wampserver's package17:58
Tynachbekks, I know I can, but maybe ShooterMG doesn't want to use the command line?17:58
salariado i need to compile the source code17:58
sstaI thought archive mounter could mount them GUIwise?  That's default installed I believe?17:58
sstasalaria: is that a LAMP stack?17:59
salariassta,  yes it is but few softwares are not available under ubuntu software center17:59
salariaits wamp17:59
DasEiJoseMourinho: yes in luvbuntu it's just wicd, that starts automatically and then has an icon in the right downsode corner17:59
Tynachsalaria, 'wamp' basically means "Windows Apache MySQL PHP". The key word there is Windows, which means it's meant to run on Windows.17:59
swsalaria: wamp is for Windows, lamp is for Linux18:00
sw!lamp | salaria18:00
ubottusalaria: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:00
ShooterMGbekks: actually I'm using that command and I have the image mounted, but now I don't have enough space to copy everything out of it. if i could somehow do an mv on these files, that'd be great, but it seems like .iso is readonly18:00
Tynachsalaria, the Linux equivalent (and original) is LAMP, "Linux Apache MySQL PHP". You can just install the Apache and other files.18:00
sstasalaria: LAMP is the same thing, but for Linux I believe.  You can install a LAMP stack from the software centre18:00
TynachI actually took a class on how to install/configure LAMP software (albeit on RedHat), and have plenty of practice doing it on Debian and Ubuntu. If you need help, you can ask me :)18:01
bekksShooterMG: You cant do that, because a mounted .iso file is read-only.18:01
salariai went to wamp's website and found that they have a linux package as well... so i downloaded... well, its all ok I ws just keen to know about installing tar.gz like files and got solution i believe.18:01
Wardencan somebody help me with a black screen problem?18:01
WardenI'm trying to use ubuntu for the first time and I cant fix the black screen18:01
salarianow I have configured web server manually using apt-get install apache218:02
sstasalaria: sudo tasksel install lamp-server18:02
Tynachbekks, do you know if opening a .iso file with an archive manager will allow you to 'cut and paste'? For that matter, ShooterMG, why are you out of disk space? Is this just a small thumbdrive, or is your HD just cluttered?18:02
sstasalaria: as easy as that...and you have all the package managed advantages and none of the heartache18:02
sw!source | salaria18:02
ubottusalaria: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:02
ShooterMGTynach: i'm trying to set up a call of duty server on my dedicated virtual, and my account only allows for 10GB :P18:02
TynachShooterMG, do you have FTP/SFTP access?18:03
bekksTynach: I know. An .iso file is always read-only from its content. You cant cut out files from an .iso file.18:03
swsalaria: above is a guide for installing software from source, although it's discouraged if the software is in the repositories18:03
WardenI need help with the black screen problem can anyone help???18:03
ShooterMGTynach: yeah, my next resort is to upload the files individually if i can't somehow get them out of the .iso18:03
salariacool.. seems interesting. thank you geeks!18:04
Tynachsw, that link talks about how to compile from source from a debian package containing source code, it has little to do with compiling from a .tar.gz file.18:04
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`BF3
salariaone more thing i would like to ask is about compiling linux kernel and booting it from USb.. any help?18:04
TynachShooterMG, why don't you extract the files on your desktop, and then use FTP to just send them all over at once? You know, drag/select all the files, drag them over to the FTP?18:05
ivan__it is really odd, since i get sound in sound>hardware when checking the speakers on the headp.. clueless atm18:05
Tynachsalaria, you don't need to compile the Linux kernel to boot it from USB. You need to download a bootable .iso file for Ubuntu (or other distribution), and then use "Startup Disk Creator". It should come with Ubuntu, or it will be available in the software center.18:06
cargo23Stupid customization question:  How do I add mini icons to the top bar in 11.10.  I mean next to the mail/chat, network connections, sound, clock, etc.  I want to have calculator and system resouces up there.18:06
=== greenwolf_ is now known as greenwolf
kaziwebHi can I get help in installing "Gyache Improved" for Yahoo chatting and video conferencing. I've installed it and can do chat. But I cannot do audio and video chat. Please help me.18:06
kaziwebHi can I get help in installing "Gyache Improved" for Yahoo chatting and video conferencing. I've installed it and can do chat. But I cannot do audio and video chat. Please help me.18:06
Tynachcargo23, they disabled letting you do that in 11.10. You have to add your little icons to the Unity bar on the left side.18:06
xskydevilxHow do I change fonts globally in all GTK apps? When I set the ones I want they don't seem to apply. I'm using MATE.18:07
cargo23Tynach:  boo, but thanks.18:07
ShooterMGTynach: yeah, that's what I'll do. thanks :)18:07
dustinspringmanAny Dell M6600 users in the crowd..18:07
=== broc93_ is now known as Broc93
xangua!info gnome-tweak-tool | xskydevilx18:08
ubottuxskydevilx: gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 656 kB18:08
Tynachkaziweb, last I used Gyache Improved, I barely managed to get it working fully. That was probably about 2 years ago... I really do see the need though. Try looking around for JPEG 2000 and a few other libraries. I know the video thing used weird codecs. As far as audio, I have no idea.18:08
sw!ask | dustinspringman18:08
ubottudustinspringman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:08
=== bluemoon44 is now known as bluemoon4
ivan__anyone useing logitec g930 on 11.10 that works in here?18:08
xskydevilxxangua: Tried it, not working right.18:08
Tynachsw, any ideas on my problem with BADSIG?18:09
xanguaTynach: cargo23 there is a system indicator http://askubuntu.com/questions/30334/what-application-indicators-are-available18:09
salariaTynach, hi, i dont want to boot complete ubuntu os from pendrive. just the kernel and a shell program in that18:09
WardenI need help with installing ubuntu. I've never used it before and I'm getting the black screen. The forums on the net don't seem to be helping me18:09
dustinspringmanmy question is: are there any Dell M6600 users in the crowd, I am interested in some help on some very specific desktop configs and verifying my settings to ensure I have the best performance..18:10
JVizis there an ubuntu equivalent to windows terminal server?18:10
Tynachsalaria, then you probably want to install a stripped-down Linux distribution, like Debian without any GUI. The Linux kernel by itself doesn't even have a command line - it's a very raw kernel. And bash with the kernel still doesn't have any basic utilities... You need the GNU userland tools at least.18:10
cargo23xangua,  sweet.... got the multiload running.  Right up my alley, thanks.18:11
kaziwebTynach: Thanks dear. is there any solution to use yahoo for voice and audio chat?18:11
bekksJViz: Take a look at the "LTSP" project.18:11
=== aslkdfghalwrifu is now known as raidhtc
cargo23salaria, tynach:  there is damn small linux (dsl) and trinity rescue kit that fit that bill.18:11
xskydevilxHere's what I'm talking about. The top one is in the font I selected. The bottom one is not: http://i.imgur.com/kpeOT.png18:11
JVizbekks: thank you18:12
sharewhere is located get_dvb_firmware script?18:12
Tynachkaziweb, that would be using Gyache Improved... And I don't know enough about the situation right now to say how to get that working properly. I myself have moved to GTalk and Skype.18:12
kaziweb Is there any solution to use yahoo for voice and audio chat?18:12
salariacargo23, I have used trinity rescue kit. same like that, im looking for another program to work on. Have they used kernel too?18:12
salariaTynach,  can u refer me any link to download?18:13
Tynachxskydevilx, I know this will sound retarded, but try setting the proper fonts in gnome-tweak-tool, then log out/back in.18:13
xskydevilxTynach: Fine, I'll try it for the 10th f***ing time.18:14
xangua!language | xskydevilx18:14
ubottuxskydevilx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:14
xskydevilxI didn't swear. I put little asterisks.18:15
Tynachxskydevilx, I just know that Gnome isn't the brightest desktop environment, and sometimes I've had to log out/back in to make it do what I want.18:15
xskydevilxTynach: Blimey.18:15
xskydevilxTynach: Alright.18:15
Sarahi all i am sara http://www.facebook.com/sara.devilwitch18:15
xanguaxskydevilx: don't think a gnome2 fork is supported here, already ask the ones that maintaine it¿18:15
tranzistorsIs Ubuntu non language pack translation deadline on tomorrow?18:15
kaziwebTynach: I'm also using skype and GTalk but there are lots of people using yahoo chat. I've converted 5 windows user to Ubuntu. Now all of them asking for yahoo chat. because all of them were using yahoo for voice and video chat. I don't know how can I help them.18:15
ActionParsnipkaziweb: there is gyache but I believe its dead.18:16
Tynachkaziweb, yeah, I know that situation quite well >.< Hmm. I'll play around in it, see what I can do.18:17
TynachActionParsnip, that's what we're talking about. Gyache Improved.18:17
GirlyGirlSara: How is your facebook profile relevant here?18:17
Sara1 !18:17
dustinspringmani was wondering who was going to say it.. XD18:17
kaziwebActionParsnip: Tynach: I'm really in problem now converting all those people from windows to Ubuntu only because of yahoo voice and video chat. Please help me. My email: kazibd@kaziweb.com18:19
ActionParsnipSara: age, sex, creed, colour and belief are moot here. This is pure support18:19
ubuntu_german support?18:19
ivan__so if osund in alsamixer on the <headphones> are at 00 it's muted i assume? anyidea to get it up? cus it wont.18:19
mneptok!de | ubuntu_18:19
bekksubuntu_: #ubuntu-de18:19
ubottuubuntu_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:19
mneptokubuntu_: bitte schoen.18:19
especially-corndoes installing ubuntu and removing unity to install a different DE defeat the purpose of having ubuntu on your machine? i mean everything is pretty much connected and configured for unity18:20
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Harri
=== Harri is now known as cr0wD
ActionParsnipkaziweb: i'm not going to email you. Support HERE will get you far more support. Think about it18:20
Tynachespecially-corn, no, it does not defeat the purpose. I myself run KDE as well as Unity. Ubuntu is more about the software availability and the utilization of the Debian package manager, than the user interface.18:21
sconstantinehelp with make error on Ubuntu 12.04?18:21
xanguasconstantine: #ubuntu+1 for pangolin18:21
ActionParsnipespecially-corn: not at all. You can install as many desktops as you can store and choose at login18:21
kaziwebActionParsnip: That would be great dear.. Please help me on this here.18:21
mneptok!precise | sconstantine18:21
ubottusconstantine: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:21
i7cfollowing scenario. i have a hard drive with linux mint (ubuntu derivate) complete installed, running fine, another hard drive with win7. the installations were made independent. can sombebody tell me if GRUB will manage it alone to configure correctly, or is it gonna be difficult to run those HDs together in one machine?18:21
Wardencan somebody help me with a black screen problem?18:22
mneptok!mintsupport | i7c18:22
ubottui7c: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:22
sstai7c: Mint isn't supporterd here, but in general, yes, grub will work fine18:22
i7cthanks for the answers!18:22
ActionParsnipkaziweb: gyache is all I know. I've not used Yahoo! chat for ages. Surprised anyone still uses it18:22
especially-cornActionParsnip, i know you can, i did it myself a couple of times but it always seamed like ubuntu didn't want me to have a different de, i had problems with weird sound, font too small (dpi issues), mounting privilleges problems, the list goes on and on18:22
especially-cornActionParsnip, instead of settings being configured system-wise it seamed to be configured de-wise18:23
ActionParsnipespecially-corn: could settle on a DE then install Kubuntu if you like KDE, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and so forth. Makes a cleaner OS too18:24
kaziwebActionParsnip: Don't know. but people are still using yahoo.  which is rubbish to me as well.18:25
sstaespecially-corn: hopefully as unity matures, it will be easy to have it installed alongside other DEs.  At the moment that's not as easy as it ought to be...18:25
especially-cornActionParsnip, that's still avoiding the issue of things being configured only in one de and if you want to switch you have to repeat the job of setting a lot of things up18:26
especially-cornthings that you shouldn't, as i mentioned earlier dpi or sound or privilleges to name the most important18:26
evitI've got to upgrade to Windows 7 on a Dual boot - Win7/Ubuntu 11.10 machine.  How do I put grub back on there after I upgrade?18:26
especially-cornssta, this seams to be a problem in lubuntu or ubuntu pre-unity18:26
ActionParsnipespecially-corn: you have a point, its all I can suggest personally18:26
share./get_dvb_firmware does anything?18:26
bobo37773especially-corn: Different des wms act differently reguardless of the distro. What are you trying to do?18:26
babbleis there a way to pass a script as a command to run on chroot? (i.e. chroot /path/to/root and run build-this.sh when it's there?)18:27
especially-cornActionParsnip, i know that this conversation won't change ubuntu's policies but i just wanted to share my thoughts18:28
sstaespecially-corn: yep, it's always been a problem in Ubuntu.  multi-user systems with different DEs just don't work as well as they should sadly.  THe easiest way I've found to have it all work reasonably well is to have different DEs in different chroots18:28
bobo37773babble: If your root path is independent you can use a .bashrc / .zshrc to accomplish that probably.18:29
sstaespecially-corn: sadly that makes it harder to start them from the DM...it's easiest to login on console and chroot and startx manually...which is really messy imo18:29
evitIf I boot off a live CD can I do an update-grub?18:29
ActionParsnipespecially-corn: try a few DEs, choose one then reinstall wifh only that DE - to summarize18:29
babbleoh, hm. I didn't think of putting it in .bashrc :)18:29
especially-cornstar314, i pretty much always startx manually18:29
marxudoes anyone know what Places>Connect To Server>Windows Share"18:30
marxuactually does?18:30
bobo37773babble: But if it's your main .bashrc it will always run. Find a way to specify a different one just for chroot18:30
marxuthe 'mounts' aren't showing up in mount output18:30
especially-cornActionParsnip, i am a openbox user but and it was absolutely impossible for me to use it without issues without loading this gnome-settings(whatever it was called) app that pretty much had all the proper settings in it18:30
ActionParsnipEvit: sure, using a chroot. Omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub18:30
babblethis is a separate chroot (I'm building the prerelease Xfce in a chroot so I can package it when it's done and don't need to have its build dependencies in my regular system)18:31
especially-cornssta, i pretty much always startx manually, not such a big problem but i miss the simplicity of just having a .xinitrc and whenever you want to load a different de you just change one line in that file and you're good to go because settings were done system-wise18:31
bobo37773especially-corn: Are you trying to get gnome keyring working in openbox?18:31
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sstaespecially-corn: yeah, ubuntu fails in making that easy sadly.  If you wanted to work on it, I'm sure that resources would be made available to you to do it with18:32
especially-cornbobo37773, no, i was just trying to have a usable dpi size, and get rid of sound issues, every time i would open a menu i got this annoying click which only got fixed if some gnome process was running in the background, i don't remember the name but basically when i loaded that gnome process the dpi was right, no sound issues, i was allowed to mount18:32
CoJaBoIs it possible to escape the hang that happens when dragging a control on a remote X window, other than killing the remote application?18:33
kaspirGirlyGirl: I can't find anything about the refresh rate in the manual18:34
bobo37773especially-corn: Just put whatever process you want to run in your openbox autostart file or in your .xinitrc (or set a custom .xinitrc per wm type setup)18:34
kaziwebHi is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?18:34
GirlyGirlkaspir: Should be listed as "modes" or something e.g 60Hz18:34
CoJaBoI do this at least 3 times a week.. Accidentally drag something -> Entire local X session hangs -> Have to find another computer to log into the remote machine and kill that app -> Go back to first and re-do whatever was lost. :/18:35
evitActionParsnip, so I can use the live CD18:35
kaziwebHi, is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?18:35
especially-cornbobo37773, well of course that's what i ended up using at the time but that is a completely unnecesary process18:35
kaspirGirlyGirl: It says 60hz at the top of the screen when i turn it on18:35
kaspirGirlyGirl:  Wait i found a chart18:36
especially-cornssta, i'm pretty sure they're doing this on purpose18:36
bobo37773especially-corn: I guess you could simplify it by creating a conditional if then statement in your .xinitrc18:36
especially-cornssta, because debian has that functionality built in18:36
GirlyGirlkaspir: Note some tv's can't go to there max res and refresh rate with vga but only with Hdmi18:37
=== vijeshm_ is now known as vijeshm
sstaespecially-corn: I don't know about that.  Unity is quite new, and the easiest way to get stuff working they want is to infect gtk with it.  I have hopes that it will be less intrusive in time...18:37
kaspirGirlyGirl:  it says for the resolution that I'm in, I have the correct refresh rate18:38
especially-cornbobo37773, a good workaround would be to move all startup (or the essential ones) processes to a global autostart list instead of the default de-s list, however that is just that, a workaround,it completely avoids the issue of why the settings are held in this gnome process and not as a bash script18:38
bobo37773especially-corn: No scratch that. I do not think it would work correctly since the wm hasnt started yet18:38
sstaespecially-corn: this discussion is getting somewaht off topic though...the zealots will start to shout at us :)  We can continue it in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want18:38
GirlyGirlkaspir: So you have selected a resolution and refresh rate in Ubuntu display settings?18:38
xskydevilxI changed the gnome-tweak-tools' fonts and nothing. Still no changes.18:38
bobo37773especially-corn: Openbox has its own startup script anyways.18:39
especially-cornbobo37773, /etc/xdg/autostart starts processes after the session started, that would be a good place to place scripts to name one18:39
kaziwebHi, is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?18:39
especially-cornssta, it's ok, i never really wanted any real solution just to complain about it and maybe someone else agrees and the complaining continues till someone does anything about it, thank you for having this discussion with me :)18:40
especially-cornbobo37773, you are right, openbox does have it's own startup script but i think that should be for openbox-specific configurations such as what taskbar you want here and the environment variables not for dpi and sound problems18:41
=== yigit is now known as Artemius23
especially-cornbobo37773, thanks for trying to help tho, i appreciate it18:41
Tynachkaziweb, I can't get GyachI to compile here. What all did you install to get it to work?18:42
bobo37773especially-corn: Put whatever you want in there. It does not matter. I have my ~/.config/openbox/autostart start gnome-keyring and all kinds of junk I need.18:42
kaziwebTynach: yes I've installed it. and I can do chat. But I cannot do voice and video chat.18:43
Tynachkaziweb, I know. But I can't get it to install at all on my end. So I'm asking you how you did it18:43
=== van is now known as laiam
kaziwebTynach: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adilson/experimental --> sudo apt-get update -->sudo apt-get install gyachi18:46
evitI've got to upgrade to Windows 7 on a Dual boot - Win7/Ubuntu 11.10 machine.  How do I put grub back on there after I upgrade?18:46
xangua!grub2 | evit18:46
ubottuevit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:46
kaziwebTynach: Please check the web link---> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html18:47
kaspirGirlyGirl: In the manual it said I had to use a specific HDMI port for PC connections. Now my laptop is acting like it's sending the signal to the tv but nothing coming through the tv18:49
GirlyGirlkaspir: Has the tv detected input?18:50
kaspirGirlyGirl: no18:50
dr_willisonly special hdmi on a tv ive seen is  one that uses an audio in unstead of hdmi audio. but video should work18:50
railsraiderhi i am trying to figure out what's running ntop on one of my servers?18:50
GirlyGirlkaspir: So the computer detects the tv and lists its available resolution modes?18:51
evitrailsraider, Find out who? or on what server?18:52
kaspirGirlyGirl: yes, and i can even drag windows over to where the tv display would be18:52
railsraiderevit: which software or service is runnig this thing on the server18:52
ivan__Found out the soundproblem, dl pulseaudio... :) - thanks for action and DasEi for help though!18:52
plusEVsounds like problem on the tv side of things.18:52
GirlyGirlDoes the tv say "no pc plugged in" or something?18:52
evitrailsraider, Huh?18:52
kaspirGirlyGirl:  what was the picture website you used for the screenshot earlier18:52
evitrailsraider, is it your server only?18:53
sparky-kaspir: nvidia or radeon card?  (or something else?)18:53
bekksrailsraider: Probably, some user.18:53
GirlyGirlkaspir: http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/04/09/09/34/8337879_1024x600.png18:53
evitrailsraider, or is it shared?18:53
railsraiderevit:  my server not shared, maybe someone installed some monitoring software on it18:53
kaspirGirlyGirl: check signal cable" when idling, and "source is not connected" when selected18:53
kaspirsparky-: intel18:53
evitrailsraider, how would that happen if you are the only one with root access?  Did you get hacked?18:54
Griweshello, I'm trying to upgrade to 12.04 beta. however, do-release-upgrade -d gives error, saying it can be caused by update to pre-release version. how should I convince (:P) it to upgrade anyway?18:54
sparky-kaspir: what does X say about the hdmi port?  check the X server log file first18:54
pastillegirlhello, i have a stupid question.. can i remove a windows xp partition from ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake that *used to* have vm ware, but no longer have any use for it?18:54
GirlyGirlpastillegirl: Windows xp is on a physical disk or virtual disk?18:55
sparky-kaspir: my tv also said to use HDMI1 for pc, but that port is busted so I use HDMI2 ... still works fine18:55
GirlyGirlpastillegirl: Also 6.06 is eol18:55
GirlyGirl!eol | pastillegirl18:55
ubottupastillegirl: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:55
pastillegirlvirtual GirlyGirl18:55
railsraiderevit:  i'm not sure, this is a load balancer (HAProxy)that failed and what i could find is the eth0 went prmosicious which means all traffic is accpeted18:55
GirlyGirlpastillegirl: Just delete the vbox virtual disk file18:55
kaspirGirlyGirl: this is what I have for resolution config  http://www.picamatic.com/view/8338027_Screenshot_at_2012-04-09_14:52:09/18:55
GirlyGirlpastillegirl: But seriously you have to upgrade18:56
kaspirsparky-:how do I check x18:56
sparky-kaspir: /var/log/Xorg.0.log, read it, near the end.  paste it online maybe?18:56
pastillegirlok, thank you, i'm such a noob but thought i would ask anyway :)18:56
pastillegirlthanks :)18:56
evitrailsraider, Ntop will give you stats on a network segment just like Wireshark but with much more detailed statistical breakdowns and it can produce output in the form of a web interface via HTML18:57
GirlyGirlkaspir: ccsm has no control over refresh rate of display ... it just likes to know the refresh rate for compiz to work18:57
GirlyGirlkaspir: It is not a monitor setting tool18:57
railsraiderevit:  yes it also opened up all traffic to eth018:57
evitrailsraider, opened up?  did it change firewall rules?18:58
GirlyGirlkaspir: There has to be a gnome equivalent to the one I showed you18:58
evitrailsraider, it didn't open up anything unless you got hacked18:58
evitrailsraider, ntop doesn't open ports or make your server "insecure"18:58
railsraiderif eth0 switched to promiscuous  ?18:58
kaspirGirlyGirl: There is but with the last distro upgrade they took out the refresh rate option18:58
railsraiderPromiscuous mode is when your ethernet card accepts ALL traffic it receives. It's used when you're running a program like Wireshark to listen to the network (most effective in a hubbed network, or on a mirror port on your switch).18:58
evitrailsraider, it is when Ntop is running18:59
evitrailsraider, I know what that means18:59
dohbhi, is there any lenovo thinkpad t60p users? i'm using ubuntu 12.04 beta2 with unity on this machine. and psensor program shows 90 degree celcius at gpu. Is it normal? Or should i choose a lighter DE, or clean the fan and other hardware?18:59
GirlyGirlkaspir: That sounds stupid .. Glad I'm on KDE18:59
Arnoldkaspir, what graphics drivers are you using?18:59
railsraiderso is it the reason my load balancer failed?18:59
kaspirArnold: IDK18:59
GirlyGirlArnold: He has an Intel GPU18:59
xanguadohb: #ubuntu+1 for pangolin18:59
evitrailsraider, we cannot determine that without looking at the logs.18:59
evitrailsraider, why not make sure that HAProxy isn't on the same port as Ntop19:00
ArnoldHmm. So that means it's an open source driver then. That's a shame. Both ATI and NVidia have their own tool to configure the resolution, refresh rate, and more!19:00
jbsWillkommen im Schmuddel-Web19:00
railsraiderevit: i will be gratefull if you can help me fid out why it failed19:00
evitrailsraider, or stop ntop and just investigate the logs19:00
dohbxangua: ok.19:00
railsraiderwhat should i look for evit19:00
evitrailsraider, it might be better to go to the Haproxy channell19:01
jbsWo windige Webmaster neben geklauter Pornografie und raubkopierter Film- und Musikware gern auch an ertrickster Markenwerbung verdienen19:01
jbsIhren Besuchern Tracking-Cookies, Trojaner und andere Schadsoftware unterschieben.19:02
railsraiderevit:  the whole server went down / unresponsive19:02
railsraiderhad to hard boot it19:02
evitdo you have any local access to it?19:02
GirlyGirlkaspir: By your screenshot, ubuntu believes that the external monitor works. Problem must be with the TV19:02
GirlyGirlor graphic card19:02
evitrailsraider, do you have a backup?19:02
Jordan_U!de | jbs19:02
ubottujbs: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:03
evitrailsraider, why not do a DD of that drive and then restore it elsewhere to see what is up19:03
evitrailsraider, then restore from backup to a known working configuration19:03
jbsJordan_U, Oder ihre Seiten überhaupt nur betreiben, um Werbegelder von zahlenden Kunden zu kassieren, für die sie nie eine Leistung erbracht haben.19:03
kaspirGirlyGirl: Can't be the TV, it's brand new, it supports this, and other displays go through that port everyday19:04
railsraideri have another server not in use and i can copy the HAprpxy config to it19:04
jbsDer ach so heiße Tipp am Telefon ist keiner, das Phänomen seit langem bekannt. Gut möglich, dass da nur eine Krähe der anderen das Auge aushacken will.19:04
evitrailsraider, is this on Ubuntu server/19:04
railsraiderthere's nothing really on it beside the load balancer19:04
Jordan_Ujbs: Nur English hier.19:04
jbsOder verpfeift sich da jemand selbst, um per Presse mehr Seitenaufrufe zu bekommen?19:04
evitrailsraider, You may want to look at a HID19:04
LjLjbs, dieses kanal ist auf English19:04
jbsEs tut mir leid19:05
railsraiderevit:  what is that?19:05
jbsPech gehabt, wir nennen keine Namen, keine Internetadressen.19:05
GirlyGirlkaspir: Could you test the laptop with a different external display?19:05
DJones!de > jbs19:05
ubottujbs, please see my private message19:05
jbsEinen Bericht ist die Sache trotzdem wert: Zum einen, weil es um einen besonders krassen Fall geht.19:05
sparky-kaspir: you have lvds, vga, displayport and tv on your card right?  two of those are connected according to the log.  is lvds your panel?  (is this a laptop or desktop?)19:05
mikislavhello, after removing compiz (xubuntu 12.04) still have setings and shortcuts from compiz19:05
xangua!pangolin | mikislav19:06
ubottumikislav: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:06
Frankie1can someone please help me instill spotify on ubuntu? I've never done this before.19:06
evitrailsraider, host based intrusion detection19:06
kaspirGirlyGirl: No my desktop monitor doesn't have an hdmi port19:06
sparky-kaspir: so lvds is probably your native panel.  how are you hooking it up to the tv then?  vga port?19:06
LjLjbs: ich verstehe nicht was du sagt, aber ich muss dir sagen, das du sollst nach #ubuntu-de gehen, um Deutsch zu sprechen. nur Englisch hier.19:06
kaspirsparky-: vga (laptop) to hdmi (tv)19:07
sparky-kaspir: wait wait ... how?19:07
GirlyGirlkaspir: You have a vga to hdmi convertor?19:07
evitrailsraider, go check out the haproxy documenation to troublshoot the issue(s) you see19:07
railsraideri read so much of them they are not that clear, i've been looking for additional info all over the web19:08
xanguaFrankie1: http://www.spotify.com/int/download/previews/19:08
i7cquestion: 500 GB HD. i think like 2-3 GB will be swap, how much system, how much storage?19:08
kaspirGirlygirl: Yes I do. I said that earlier. And I used a monitor cable to connect my laptop to my desktops monitor and it connected right away19:08
kaspiryou guys seem suprised maybe im not using the correct term19:09
User850help us out http://natureconservency.bbnow.org/19:09
LjLUser850: not the right channel for this, sorry19:09
xanguaUser850: no spam please19:09
railsraiderevit:  this server is ubunutu karmic 9.1019:09
kaspirim using a cable that connects from a monitor port to an hdmi port19:09
Frankie1xangua: I found that, but I don't really understand how to do the terminal commands yet. I'm only on my second day of linux and i don't wanna mess it up19:09
sparky-kaspir: describe the "vga to hdmi converter"19:09
xanguarailsraider: karmic is no longer supported, better upgrade19:09
GirlyGirlkaspir: Sometimes these convertor things don't work in linux ... can you connect to tv using vga?19:09
lapionkaspir is the input of the monitor thats connected to the laptop vga or hdmi ?\19:10
sstawhy would you mispell the domain?!19:10
kaspirGirlyGirl: sadly no19:10
evitrailsraider, did u automate patching on it?19:10
tigersi7c, legend says twice your ram for swap, a few tens of gigs for root,the rest for home19:10
kaspirlapion: the one im trying to connect to you mean?19:10
evitrailsraider, might want to do that next time so you don't get hacked19:10
i7ctigers: thanks.19:10
railsraideri personally didn't do anything to it, previous sys dude may did19:10
sparky-kaspir: i'm much more interested in how you hook things up ... i am betting you are doing something "creative"19:11
GirlyGirlkaspir: I've a strong feeling the converter is the problem here. How does this converter work? is it like a cable with a vga end and another hdmi end?19:11
lapionkaspir you are using dvi or hdmi ?19:11
evitrailsraider, you should replace it after doing some investigation to the system and any other systems related or on the same network19:11
railsraiderevit:  it's a production servr19:12
lapionvga and hdmi are not compatible19:12
kaspirlol. 1 sec i'll take a pic19:12
railsraideri think its the oldest machine19:12
sparky-kaspir: why can't you just describe it?19:12
evitrailsraider, oh.  Well you've got some investigating to do19:12
railsraiderhow do i start? what should i look for in the logs19:12
railsraiderI'm sorry if i sound like a newbie19:13
lapionkaspir is the hdmi connector bigge or smaller then the vga connector ?19:13
evitrailsraider, look at systems logs and then the haproxy logs http://haproxy.1wt.eu/19:13
sacarlsonI can't get eather of my wifi usb rt73 chip set to work in wep mode in ubuntu 11.10,  tried network-manager and wicd,  they both work ok in ubuntu 10.04 with wicd.19:13
ldleworkAfter changing the proxy in gnome-network-properties how do you get it to force apps to start using the new proxy settings?19:13
ldleworkI turned off the proxy and yet still nothing can access http19:14
evitrailsraider, Google Ubuntu server security or go to the wiki /community documentation19:14
kaspirsparky-: because I did and nobody understood19:14
swebis it possible to ubuntu have a keylogger ?19:14
railsraiderevit: there's fail2ban installed on it19:14
swebhow can i track it19:15
evitrailsraider, lock down ssh and move away from passwords to key based auth with passphrase, use a firewall, maybe a HID, maybe centralize logging19:15
sparky-kaspir: try me.  i have to go soon, so please be quick.  i can just tell you to do something else instead, but that doesn't do much for you19:15
evitrailsraider, did you use conventional passwords?19:15
evitfor ssh?19:15
railsraiderevit: no passwords for ssh only keys19:15
sparky-kaspir: if everything else fails, the route you SHOULD go is displayport -> hdmi cable19:15
sacarlsonsweb: yes19:15
ldleworkAfter changing the proxy in gnome-network-properties how do you get it to force apps to start using the new proxy settings?19:15
railsraiderarno-iptables firewall is installed and configured19:15
swebsacarlson: how can i track it ?19:15
sparky-kaspir: i can pretty much guess you're doing some kind of vga<->hdmi cable with a gender bender ... that's my guess19:15
railsraiderand chkrootkit19:16
sparky-kaspir: and that's what i mean by "creative"19:16
Frankie1trying to instal spotify. how do I add a line to my repositories? I found /etc/apt/sources.list but it wont let me save changes to it19:16
sacarlsonsweb: I forget but I've done it before just to test, found that in xorg that any user can read the xsession keyboard19:16
kaspirsparky-: it's a cable i bought that has a 15pin on one side with the little screws on both sides, and the other side is an hdmi19:16
sparky-kaspir: that is exactly the wrong thing to do :-)19:17
sstaFrankie1: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:17
sweb sacarlson: my mean is somthing like spyware or trojan19:17
evitrailsraider, yes19:17
evitrailsraider, also you should be in #ubuntu-server19:17
sparky-kaspir: that cable is meant to go from the side with more information (hdmi side) to the side with less information (the vga side)19:17
railsraiderthanks evit19:17
Frankie1ssta: i don't know what that means19:17
kaspirsparky-: oh19:17
evitrailsraider, no problem19:17
sacarlsonsweb: well only an authorized user can do it19:17
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sparky-kaspir: the reason is that hdmi side also has analog vga signals ... so if you had HDMI signals to begin with, you can derive only the analog VGA signals out19:17
Persona24Hey, I cannot install gimp. I'm having some problems. My Software Center won't load and if I use the terminal to download Gimp my computer can't fetch the files19:17
lapionkaspir not possible hdmi and vga are not compatible..19:17
evitrailsraider, good luck, I'm sure it will all work out. =)19:17
sstaFrankie1: you need to have root privs to write to /etc/apt/sources.list.  THat will run gedit as root.  Type it in a terminal19:18
GirlyGirlsparky-: I've seen some chinese devices that convert vga to hdmi or dvi before. They have a chip in them though not just a direct cable.19:18
sparky-kaspir: but if ALL you had are analog signals, you can't get to HDMI signal *unless* you buy a (expensive) conversion box19:18
giuseppe_saluti a tutti19:18
sparky-girlygirl: may be displaylink ...19:18
plastichi there, i'm using ubuntu 11.04 and my problem is that i am not able to play youtube videos altough i installed adobe flash plugin installer19:19
ivan__Hi, a small sound question. How come i can't turn down the sound with the icon top right courner in 11.10 but can adjust it in pulse?19:19
sacarlsonsweb: I also wrote a trojan script but I call it a client aid19:19
sparky-kaspir: so what you need to do is look for displayport (digital) cable to hdmi (also digital) cable.  they're getting hard to find.19:19
lapionkaspir how many pins does the hdmi side have ?19:19
sparky-lapion: give it up dude :-)19:19
lapionsparky-, it's probably a vga to dvi cable19:20
sparky-kaspir: locate a port on the side of your laptop that looks almost like hdmi port but with a notch at the corner.  this is your digital displayport output19:20
GirlyGirllapion: sparky- DVI to hdmi is common19:20
sparky-girlygirl: not dvi, displayport19:21
Frankie1ssta: I think I got it working, thanks!! Kind of exciting. Question tho: is that command that you told me to run something that I should memorize?19:21
kaspirsparky-: I think i see it. Looks kinda like a usb and hdmi mixed19:22
GirlyGirlsparky-: I've seen dvi too19:22
sstaFrankie1: probably, yes.  The idea behind it anyway (gksu to get root priveleges when you need them)19:22
lapionwell it si possble to fit a chip in a hdmi connector19:22
sparky-kaspir: show me a picture of that port19:22
kaspirbut you guys saw the cable right? Im not just twisting wires together19:22
rafihi guys i have just uploaded ubuntu10.04 i can not find my hardware drivers i have been download the Nvidia drivers but its not working i tried update and reboot still not working please help me Thank you19:22
sparky-kaspir: yeah, it's probably a passive cable.  how much did you pay for it?19:22
sparky-kaspir: no way in heck is it going to be an active cable at that price :-)19:23
GirlyGirlkaspir: Is there some kind of box that can hold a chip in the cable?19:23
lapionkaspir make a picture in which the complete cable is visible and not only the ends of what could be 2 cbales19:23
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lapionGirlyGirl, there might be a chip in the hdmi or the vga socket19:23
kaspirGirlyGirl: no it's just a cab;e19:24
sparky-kaspir: well, i told you what you need to do ... you just have to do it or not :-)19:24
kaspirsparky-: im uploading the pic now19:24
GirlyGirlkaspir: Did you ever use this cable with anything and get a working output on screen?19:24
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kaspiri bought it specifically for this. first time using19:25
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GirlyGirlkaspir: I've a feeling this cable is useless. It is not technically possible to connect vga directly to hdmi!19:26
GirlyGirlkaspir: But most hdmi tv's also have a vga socket19:26
kaspirWell i did buy it off the internet so that's what i get. Yeah I was suprised mine didn't have one19:27
sparky-kaspir: http://goo.gl/A91VB19:27
lapionGirlyGirl, there are chips small enough to fit in a hdmi socket19:27
sparky-kaspir: now the limitation here is hardware19:27
sparky-kaspir: shall i go on about hardware?19:27
kaspirsparky-:i don't think i have a port for that on my laptop19:27
lapionkaspir, have you tried the cable and gotten it to work ?19:27
GirlyGirllapion: Doesn't seem like a $7 cable would have one19:28
kaspirlapion. no this is what i bought the cable for19:28
sparky-kaspir: you said you have something that looks like hdmi+usb :-)19:28
lapionGirlyGirl, there was a lawsuit between the consortium and a cable producer about this..19:28
kaspirsparky-: yeah pic was bad19:28
lapionkaspir, have you tried it since buying it ?19:28
kaspirlapion: this is the first time19:28
lapionkaspir, so go try it before you chat in here over onproven technology19:29
plusEVI think his cable works if the out signal is hdmi and in signal is VGA. But not the other way around.19:29
kaspirlapion: isn't this chat room for giving and getting help? I needed help, I asked for it.19:30
lapionkaspir, what do you need help with ?19:30
dr_willispatience is a virtue19:30
GirlyGirlplusEV: You might be having a point there. or it may be a useless cable. A lot of chinese goods are made just so that people buy them not for actual usage19:30
rafihi guys i have just uploaded ubuntu10.04 i can not find my hardware drivers i have been download the Nvidia drivers but its not working i tried update and reboot still not working please help me Thank you19:30
kaspirconnecting my laptop to my tv19:30
lapionso connect them allready..19:31
plusEVGirlyGirl: yea lols19:31
lapionyou won't need help connecting them, it's a physical thing.. just as we can't help you holding it when you have to go19:32
kaspirjust what I needed. now everything is so much more clear. thanks friend19:32
sparky-kaspir: already gave you the help you needed ... you got sidetracked19:32
GirlyGirlkaspir: I think your cable is useless . you will be better of using a USB to HDMI adapter and an hdmi cable19:32
dr_willisive never seen a hdmi to vga  befor.. seen dvi to hdmi..19:32
kaspirsparky-: no we were talking about a port.im uploading a pic19:32
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sparky-kaspir: the way it went .. i asked for the log, you posted the log, i saw the connection, inferred about your lvds panel and vga, asked about the cable, and bingo problem identified19:33
GirlyGirlkaspir: http://www.amazon.com/Cables-Unlimited-Wireless-Adapter-Audio/dp/B0030C9V3C19:33
sparky-kaspir: after the problem was identified i said to go with displayport to hdmi :-)19:33
sparky-kaspir: trust me, you have a displayport port19:33
kaspiris this the port i need to use19:33
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sparky-kaspir: but there is a hardware limitation (that we didn't get around to because you got sidetracked)19:34
GirlyGirlkaspir: That is LAN!19:34
kaspirGirlyGirl: I know that! The one next to it19:34
=== boy`` is now known as girl``
GirlyGirlkaspir: Not clear .. is it hdmi?19:35
plusEVkaspoi: what is the brand of your computer and the model number?19:35
lapionkaspir, you dolt that's ESATA19:35
=== girl`` is now known as car``
sparky-kaspir: next to the lan port is probably proprietary out.  is there another cable in the box somewhere?19:35
plusEVkaspir: even19:35
GirlyGirlkaspir: Does the pc have an HDMI or DVI port?19:35
lapionsparky-, it's ESata19:35
Lars__Hey, something wrong with the daily 64bit ISO, as I am unable to to get a working live USB out of it?19:35
lapionlalalala it's ESATA19:36
sparky-lapion: yeah, the bottom looks large ...probably from the angle19:36
Lars__Tried with UnetBootin and Ubuntu's own live creator19:36
GirlyGirlLars__: I just got a working live usb for the kubuntu daily ... also #ubuntu+1 is the place19:36
Lars__GirlyGirl: I tried with yesterday's and todays (twice)19:36
OerHeksLars__, check the md5sum19:36
OerHeks!md5sum | Lars__19:37
ubottuLars__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:37
kaspirYou guys started out pretty nice, then turned into a bunch of assholes. There's no reason to make fun of me for not knowing this stuff. I asked you because I didn't know. Not because I'm an exper19:37
GirlyGirlLars__: dd the iso to the usb device and boot19:37
GirlyGirlI don't remember saying anything bad to him19:38
plusEVwho made fun of him?19:38
oshekfehHello, I am running ubnuntu as virtual machine for simulation issues, how can I make it run in command mode, not in GUI mode?19:38
=== car`` is now known as nough``
auronandace!text | oshekfeh19:38
ubottuoshekfeh: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode19:38
nibbler__oshekfeh, or press ctrl-alt-f119:39
oshekfehnibbler: many thanks19:39
oshekfehubottu: many thanks also ;)19:39
ubottuoshekfeh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
GirlyGirlLars__: e.g dd if=ubuntu-11.10-cloud-live-amd64.img of=/dev/sdb19:40
oshekfehubottu: you are really intelligent19:40
ubottuoshekfeh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:40
ulrichard_Hi, I have a bluetooth keyboard, that doesn't have the F-1 to F-10 keys. I'm looking for how I coule emulate them with something like Ctrl+1 = F1. The keyboard shortcuts that I can configure execute commands. What command would I execute to emulate an F1 keypress?19:45
=== nough`` is now known as nif
Lars___GirlyGirl: No luck with dd either19:47
Lars___zsynced image, so should be good19:47
puneetgoyalhey, I wanted to know if I can restore the data from back in time on newly installed distro19:48
sparky-ulrichard: there isn't one.  you sure the keyboard doesn't have keys that function first as multimedia keys but will generate regular F<> keys with Fn keypress combo?19:48
Wyatt_Gillettehi all :)19:49
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
pentagonpiepuneetgoyal: you want a Time machine back up like in Mac OS?19:50
Wyatt_Gillettesomeone italian here?19:50
puneetgoyalpentagonpie: I dont know about the time machine backup, I used the back in time software for backup, but now I can't get it working, so I guess I have to install it all again and I need the installed files back...so can I use that backup again?19:51
Pici!it | Wyatt_Gillette19:52
ubottuWyatt_Gillette: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:52
puneetgoyalpentagonpie: thanks, I guess I am gonna try it once19:53
=== a is now known as Guest91365
Guest91365my systems graphics ok for compiz ??19:55
pentagonpie<puneetgoyal> I am not familiar with your program, so i can't help you.19:55
Guest91365compiz fusion ??19:55
lapionulrichard_, if you press esc followed by a numeric key you get the equivalence of the function key with the number19:56
lapionulrichard_, do not press them simultaneously esc -> 1 == f119:57
ulrichard_lapion: thanks for the hint. Esc is a bit special on that keyboard as well. I have to press Fn+the key where Esc is normally to get Esc behavior, but if I then press a number kez, nothing happens. I just tested that with a regular kezboard, and Esc followed by a number key also didn't emulate the function key. Do I have to enable that behavior somewhere?20:01
lapionulrichard_, sorry its a terminal only thingy20:04
lapionulrichard_, are you shure fn+1 doesn't equal f1 ?20:05
ulrichard_lapion: yes, the number keys in combination with Fn are assigned multimedia functions.20:05
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
kaziwebHi, is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?20:17
CobaltTiger'Evening. Got a fairly inane question that my Google-foo is not helping me solve.20:18
kaziwebHi, is there any solution that I can do voice and video chat with yahoo messenger users?20:18
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: wassup?20:19
CobaltTigerTrying to set up a ramdisk, and I'm instructed to use the "ramdisk" command.20:19
CobaltTigerWhiiiiiiiiich does not exist?20:19
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: you can set one up using fstab20:19
CobaltTigerSo I would need to just drop that at the end of /etc/fstab20:19
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: none /var/ramdisk tmpfs mode=1777,size=500M 0 020:19
ubottup407: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:19
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: that's the entry in my fstab to make a 500Mb ramdisk20:20
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: obviously the folder /var/ramdisk must exist20:20
CobaltTigerSo I could change it to any existing folder name though20:20
CobaltTigerLike, for example20:20
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: I use it for my browser cache :)20:20
CobaltTigerIE, /opt/bukkit/world ? :P20:20
CobaltTiger(oh god I've revealed my true intentions :V)20:21
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: wherever you want, just not in /dev or /proc20:21
beandogor /tmp20:21
CobaltTigerHeard one more thing: tmpfs uses Swap on occasion when there's not enough RAM to go around. Any way I can force it to use RAM exclusively? I think ramfs is a thing?20:21
ActionParsnipbeandog: well, a subfolder in /tmp :)20:21
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: tmpfs and swap are seperate things20:22
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: you can make the OS use ram more by setting vm.swappiness quite low.20:22
CobaltTigerAnd where would I find that property20:23
CobaltTiger(I'm sllliiiiightly new to Linux, pardon.)20:23
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: have a search online, you'll find stuff :)20:23
CobaltTigerTrue, true.20:24
ylmfosNoob bot20:24
ylmfoshi floodbot 1,2,320:25
FloodBot1ylmfos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
KanerixI'm guessing that he won't be returning anytime soon20:27
Bisu[Shield]I am using 11.10 and want to restore a single file from backup but ubuntu will restore the entire backup with all the folders.  Is there a way to restore a single file?20:27
ActionParsnipKanerix: guessing by the nick, probably not supported here either ;)20:28
ActionParsnipBisu[Shield]: what backup method did you use?20:28
=== filBlau is now known as filBlau_away
CobaltTigerHah. Mildly terrified of tossing echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness into a terminal with absolutely no confirmation or assurance that I did that right. :D20:29
vbth_Does anyone know if its possible to print from Ubuntu webserver to a USB print server on a  different network? (With LPD/LPR for example)20:29
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ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: if you run:  echo "vm.swappiness = 2" | sudo tee -a /etc//sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p    it will stick20:33
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: delete one of the slashes in the command20:33
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger:  sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p20:34
Cobalt_Firfox derped.20:35
Cobalt_Anyway. Could echo "vm/swappiness=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf also work?20:35
MirrakorI don't want to start a flamewar, but where do you think ubuntu is superior to openSUSE? (Please just the advantages, I'll ask the same question in #opensuse, so they get their chance too :) )20:35
Cobalt_That's how I read to get it to stick20:35
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: no as sudo doesn't traverse the redirection20:35
ActionParsnipCobaltTiger: it's also vm.swappiness20:36
fox1ciao a tutti20:36
fox1italiani? english?20:36
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:37
fox1thank you :)20:37
Cobalt_Remind me what the other command was? >_>20:37
Cobalt_There was a bit to it, I didn't recall it all, and as I said, firefox derped on me.20:37
ActionParsnipCobalt_: what other command?20:39
Cobalt_The correct way to get swappiness to stick20:39
Cobalt_Instead of being root and sticking vm.swappiness=0 into sysctl20:40
chris_mhwhat is the best way to install a minimal commandline system?20:40
skelchris_mh: can you provide some more context around what you're doing?20:40
ActionParsnipCobalt_:  echo "vm.swappiness = 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf; sudo sysctl -p20:41
drPoOchris_mh, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/20:41
chris_mhI'm looking at ubuntu core, but I'm unsure whether that will have much, if any, of the usual commandline utilities20:41
skelchris_mh: all default ubuntu installs have a pretty extensive command line system20:41
auronandace!mini | chris_mh20:41
ubottuchris_mh: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:41
ActionParsnipchris_mh: there is a minimal ISO (12Mb), it's not the best but it's one way20:41
chris_mhif minimal is not core, then which should I use?20:41
drPoOi cant get my openvpn connection to start automatically on 11.10. Any ideas?20:41
ActionParsnipchris_mh: minimal install kernel+drivers+boot loader+some CLI tools. That's it20:42
ActionParsnipCobalt_: the file has a lot of power20:42
chris_mhhow does that differ from this? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/12.04/beta-2/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core20:42
Cobalt_Apparently so.20:43
ActionParsnipCobalt_: you can tweak it to use more resources for networking, make the LAN a bit smoother20:43
Cobalt_Which would benefit me trying to run a minecrack server.20:44
drPoOi cant get my openvpn connection to start automatically on 11.10. Any ideas?20:44
Escherialminecraft is unnecessarily resource-intensive...i recall there being an implementation in C++ that's a lot more performant20:44
Cobalt_Oh I will -definitely- agree with that, Escerial.20:45
Cobalt_Can't deny I enjoy it though. :<20:45
Cobalt_Kind of a guilty pleasure, really.20:45
Escherialagreed :) it's quite fun, even if you do feel a little funny after mining for six hours20:45
ActionParsnipwhat is the point of mionecraft anyway?20:45
Escheriali'm scared that 0x10c might be even more of a timesink :\20:45
EscherialActionParsnip: it's an existential statement about the pointlessness of existence20:46
ActionParsnipEscherial: I thought right then :)20:46
Cobalt_ActionParsnip: Out of curiosity, what were the properties you mentioned that could allocate more resources to keeping networking running smoothly?20:47
n233g16Good evening everyone. My terminal stopped working out of notghing. I've already restarted and no sucess in starting it again. Is this a known issue? I've searched on the web for people with the same problem bu I can't seem to find anyone.20:47
EscherialCobalt_: on the topic of running a server, i was thinking about giving this a shot: https://github.com/SpaceManiac/Glowstone20:47
Escherialbut network optimizations will of course help, too20:47
ActionParsnipCobalt_: how much RAM does your system have?20:48
Escherialactually, never mind, this looks somewhat abandoned20:48
ejvnot to be *that guy*, but this is hardly the channel to be discussing any of Notch's games, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ;)20:49
n233g16No one with info on "terminals that vanish out of no where"?20:50
Escherialright, i'm done :)20:50
Xgateshey guys20:50
Xgateswhat apps/packages does Ubuntu include to give better laptop support, anyone know?20:50
Cobalt_ActionParsnip: At the moment, I'm working with an old laptop with 4GB in it20:50
ActionParsnipCobalt_: I add this to all my systems: http://paste.ubuntu.com/922447/20:50
ActionParsnipCobalt_: I don't have a rig over 3Gb, helps a lot.20:50
XgatesI'm on another distro trying to figure these out and maybe porting them over if possible...20:50
ejvyou don't have to be done Escherial, you just have to talk over there ;P20:51
ActionParsnipXgates: I doubt it will work well moving stuff between distros20:51
sharkmonkeyWill the minimal cd allow me to do a minimal install without installing gnome, unity, and the like? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:52
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: yes, it install a CLI install by default. It will offer the DEs to be installed but simply decline20:52
auronandacesharkmonkey: of course, thats what its designed for20:52
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: its fun to install minimal then install slim and openbox :)20:52
XgatesActionParsnip: well if all we're talking is source then it should unless there has to be something specfic in Ubuntu that is not available, but do you know what apps/packages Ubuntu adds in for the support, because I know they add in a few packages for laptops20:53
sharkmonkeyauronandace: The page seemed to be giving me the impression that it was only designed so that it would install the latest packages20:53
sharkmonkeyminimal in the small download sense20:53
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sharkmonkeysmall initial download20:53
auronandacesharkmonkey: it meant to be minimal so you only download what you need and want20:55
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: indeed, it's pretty tiny. It will upgrade the minimal install too if a web connection is available20:55
auronandacesharkmonkey: like archlinux20:55
Krikkit_CatHey ubuntu guys, got an error through wubi, tried it twice. Error reads "An error occurred unsubscriptable object" wubi-11.10-rev245.log is here http://pastebin.com/XNfPqHUE20:55
Krikkit_CatIt's like linux just doesn't want me.20:56
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: do you need wubi? why not go for a proper install?20:56
ActionParsnipKrikkit_Cat: did you just download wubi, or did you download the whole ubuntu ISO?20:57
Krikkit_Catauronandace When I tried a proper install from USB, I get an error of Nouveu drivers and vesa drivers.20:58
HeadAnyone know how to download entire youtube clips to HD??20:58
Krikkit_CatActionParsnip I just downloaded wubi20:58
Krikkit_CatI used unetbootin before20:58
=== DangerOnTheRang1 is now known as DangerOnTheRangr
ActionParsnipKrikkit_Cat: download the Ubuntu ISO and MD5 test it, then mount it using magicdisk or daemontools20:59
oshekfehwhat is the command which allow me to change network IP address21:00
auronandace!nomodeset | Krikkit_Cat21:00
ubottuKrikkit_Cat: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:00
Krikkit_Catauronandace What's !nomodeset, a bootflag?21:00
ActionParsniposhekfeh: you can use ifconfig21:01
anli__How do I change the window border width in gnome so I dont have to see for a pixel wide line every time I want to resize a window?21:01
Krikkit_CatThat's not the problem auronandace, it hangs on boot with driver conflictions21:01
erinaceus_Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to show the programs running with a gui on the console. So it would replace a taskbar.21:01
oshekfehActionParsnip: thanks, but can you give me an example???21:02
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: what drivers are installed?21:02
madsHi, I am using 11.10 on a toshiba w. nvidia graphic card. When using Wings3d some rendering options are missing out although the packages are installed ... any suggestions on how to fix that ?21:02
Krikkit_Catauronandace it is a fresh install21:02
ActionParsniposhekfeh: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/03/ifconfig-7-examples-to-configure-network-interface/21:02
ActionParsniposhekfeh: found useing websearches...21:02
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: that is odd, what version?21:03
MestreLionI need help browsing launchpad: how can i see the patches applied *by ubuntu only* in a package imported from debian? Case in point is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/reportbug/+bug/39512621:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395126 in reportbug (Ubuntu) "*** ERROR: "Ubuntu" BTS is currently unsupported" [Medium,Fix released]21:03
Krikkit_Catauronandace Every distro, every version. From scientific linux, to backtrack, ubuntu to mint.. it hangs.21:03
oshekfehActionParsnip:  :D21:03
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: what hardware do you have?21:03
ActionParsniposhekfeh: try searching a little rather than immediately asking for clarification21:04
Krikkit_Catauronandace it's a 540m non optimus21:04
anli__Where is the custom metacity theme xml file stored?21:04
oshekfehActionParsnip: :P21:05
MestreLionOr, in another way: when I see "* Merge from Debian testing.  Remaining changes:" in an Ubuntu changelog, WHERE can I find the diffs/patches applied by ubuntu when merging?21:06
ActionParsnipKrikkit_Cat: mint, ubuntu and backtrack are hugely similar so you aren't really testing much by 'trying' those.21:06
oshekfehActionParsnip: Anyway, thanks21:06
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: how recent is that? do you have more specs handy?21:06
Krikkit_Catauronandace http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/pdet.to?poid=200001108421:07
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: wow, 3d laptop21:08
Krikkit_Catauronandace It's so asum~21:08
Krikkit_Catauronandace I saved for like a year for it, it's basically like a 3ds mashed with a kinekt to make 3d21:09
auronandaceKrikkit_Cat: i wouldn't be suprised that nouveau doesn't support it, it seems brand new21:09
Krikkit_CatWhat' I'm hoping though, is that the third party IR, IC drivers aren't the problem21:09
SindriavaHi! Is there some Indicator expert here?21:10
ActionParsnipKrikkit_Cat: try the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=121:11
Krikkit_CatOkay ActionParsnip, I'll try that VIA USB, will return with results21:11
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ActionParsnipKraln: if you are wanting wubi, you don't need external storage. Just mount the ISO in windows21:15
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trismMestreLion: the info is in the bzr branch, bzr branch lp:ubuntu/oneiric/reportbug; then check bzr log --include-merged | less; find the merge you want to look at (for instance 5.1.1 to 5.1.1-1ubuntu1) and: bzr diff -r5.1.1..5.1.1ubuntu1 | less;21:16
MestreLionthank you trism !21:17
jwtiyari have all codes , but i dont know how to create file to run the script21:18
MestreLiontrism: meanwhile, I was able to find (after a LOT of googling) http://patches.ubuntu.com21:19
auronandacejwtiyar: touch /where/you/want/it/nameoffile.sh21:19
dillon58078hey guys21:19
jwtiyarauronandace, i saved it with .sh but said command not found21:20
ActionParsnipjwtiyar: the file extension doesn't mean anything21:20
dillon58078anyone able to help out with some install issues i seem to be facing?21:20
ActionParsnipjwtiyar: did you merk the file as executable?21:20
ActionParsnipdillon58078: what issues?21:20
auronandacejwtiyar: ./nameofscript21:21
dillon58078well i just threw this computer together bout 3 weeks ago been trying to get it to dualboot ever since with no success21:21
auronandacejwtiyar: make sure you've: chmod +x nameofscript21:21
dillon58078first i thought it was the motherboard and i heard of people installing linux on it with no problems then maybe i thought it was the bluray drive21:22
gsrCan I disable a key on my keyboard?  A key I never use (the delete/period key under the numeric keypad) seems to be damaged, because at random times it will just start pressing - either deleting text/files randomly, or inserting tons of "."s.  Can I just tell ubuntu to completely ignore this key?21:22
dillon58078i start the install it makes it to the copying files part of the installation and then i get an error and install quits says something about try burning it at a slower speed blah blah blah i know thats not it cuz i used the disk to install ubuntu on my laptop with no problem21:23
anli__gsr: Maybe you can remove the key21:23
ActionParsnipdillon58078: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:23
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swgsr: yes, '$ xev' and press the key to obtain the key code, and then '$ xmodmap -e 'keycode <key code> = NoSymbol''21:24
gsranli - my screen sometimes goes green, and a few other problems like that make me think that when I dropped my laptop (on numerous occasions), its caused some connections to the board to short in an out.  that seems more likely, because ive cleaned and checked the key21:24
swgsr: or alternatively, rip the key out21:24
gsrsw: ahh, ill give that a shot (the first one, not the second :))21:25
* n7 is away: n7 away1!!!!121:26
dillon58078im not the most experienced linux user bro but its not the disk for sure cuz i used it to install ubuntu on my laptop21:26
dillon58078<dillon58078> im not sure if 8 core cpus are compatible with linux yet or if its the bluray drive im using21:26
sw!away | n721:27
ubottun7: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»21:27
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n7i accidently turned it on21:28
auronandacedillon58078: linux runs on 90+% of supercomputers, 8 cores is no problem21:28
christian__hey, i have a short question, how can i see what version a speicifc library is at21:28
ActionParsnipdillon58078: the desktop kernel supports up to 32 logical cores21:28
ActionParsnipdillon58078: so your 8 is easily handled21:28
christian__i have libnids installed, but i want to know which version ^^ isnt there something like apt-get cache show or so21:28
ejv32 should be more than enough for... oh nvm. :)21:28
ActionParsnipchristian__: apt-cache policy library21:28
christian__thank you ActionParsnip21:28
wart___lilstevie: hi.  have you managed to post more complete instructions on booting into ubuntu on the transformer prime (or any linux, for that matter)?21:28
ActionParsnip!md5 | dillon5807821:29
ubottudillon58078: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:29
dillon58078i got the iso from the official website and burned it with nero its good21:29
wart___lilstevie: or can you post some links to the kernel + modules you liberated from honeycomb?  (or ICS)?21:30
sharkmonkeyIs there an equivalent to /etc/debian_version?21:30
ActionParsnipdillon58078: source is moot, it can get mangled in transit21:31
thebwtdillon58078: it's a common problem, burning an operating system at default speeds can yield a bad cd. Did you run a checksum on the disk after burning it?21:31
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: cat /etc/lsb-release21:31
dillon58078i used the same disk to install ubuntu on my laptop21:31
dillon58078worked perfectly21:31
sharkmonkeyActionParsnip: cool. thanks again.21:31
dillon58078i even tried installing mint 12 and fedora21:32
DelphiWorldhello guys21:32
DelphiWorldhow to ensure that my sound card is installed?21:32
DelphiWorldi don't have /var/dsp21:32
DelphiWorldi want to use OSS module21:32
auronandaceActionParsnip: rather ironic its called lsb-release, doesn't the linux standard base use rpm?21:33
DelphiWorldbonois23: salut Yacine !21:33
ActionParsnipauronandace: afaik yes ;)21:33
thebwtdillon58078: tried a different cd drive? could be a bad drive/cable. Have you tried intalling froma  usb flash drive?21:33
dillon58078tried installing from usb and it wont boot off it says prefetch is not set or some shit and sits there21:35
dillon58078i used universal usb tool that everyone recommended.21:35
thebwtdillon58078: so it works on everything except that computer?21:35
thebwtdillon58078: nice.21:36
thebwtdillon58078: okay but you can liveboot everything just fine?21:36
ActionParsnipdillon58078: whay GPU do you use?21:37
dillon58078it wont let me liveboot linux mint but it lets me liveboot ubuntu but when i try to install it from within the liveboot it gets an error while copying files and stops21:37
ActionParsnipdillon58078: have you tested the RAM of the system using the install media?21:37
dillon58078no. it runs windows 7 just fine why would i test the ram?21:38
thebwtrunning an os installation from ram (livebooting) is a bit more ram intense21:38
dillon58078i have 16 gb of ram it shouldnt be an issue21:39
thebwteither the ram is acting up, or the Harddrive is. it isn't about the amount21:39
thebwtit's about one weak link in a rather massive chain21:39
pangolindillon58078, you said you can boot ubuntu usb fine?21:39
thebwtpangolin: no, he couldn't actually21:40
dillon58078cant boot it usb gives me a prefetch error21:40
ActionParsnipdillon58078: thats not a memory test, the memory test on the CD will test it fully21:40
DelphiWorldi don't have /var/dsp...how to diagnose that?21:40
thebwtDelphiWorld: is the sound device recognized by pulseaudio?21:41
DelphiWorldtheborger: any command please ?21:42
DelphiWorldtheborger: that's a gigaByte Sound card21:42
dillon58078so if it was you guys where would u start troubleshooting my issue?21:42
thebwtDelphiWorld: it's actually just the sound options  menu, off the launcher icon21:42
DelphiWorldoh theborger i use console;)21:42
theborgerDelphiWorld: why are you pinging me?21:43
theborgerDelphiWorld: i am not answering your questions21:43
DelphiWorldtheborger: tab completion error and idiot screen reader21:43
theborgerDelphiWorld: :D21:43
DelphiWorldthebwt: so... i use only shell du to accessibility issue21:43
dillon58078im running asus 990 fx amd fx 8120 16 gb ddr3 1600 bluray/dvd/cd combo drive ati radeon hd saphire 697021:44
thebwtDelphiWorld: that's a bit beyond my power level, sorry.21:44
ActionParsnipdillon58078: try the boot option: nomodeset21:44
DelphiWorldno problem thebwt at least thank you for your atempt21:44
DelphiWorldanyway if someone can help that would be fun.21:45
ActionParsnipdillon58078: what do you need 16gb RAM for?21:45
blzIs there a filepath to access SMB shares at the command line?21:45
ActionParsnipblz: ~/.gvfs if you run a desktop21:45
dillon58078lmao what would anyone need an 8 core for? lol cuz i wanted it thats why21:45
ActionParsnipdillon58078: strange21:46
trismDelphiWorld: you can try running your program with padsp, but it may or may not work depending on the program21:46
blzActionParsnip, thank you.  I'll give that a try21:46
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DelphiWorldtrism: what is padsp ?21:46
dillon58078how do i go about trying the boot option : nomodeset?21:46
dv310p3rMy main drive is an SSD. I have a separate hard drive that is much bigger. I'd like my Home folder to stay on the SSD while my pictures folder, videos and music are on the bigger drive. How can I accomplish this?21:46
dillon58078im kinda new to linux21:46
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | dillon5807821:46
ubottudillon58078: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:46
ActionParsnipdv310p3r: use symlinks from the home folder to the platter based storage21:47
dv310p3rActionParsnip, yup, that'll do it. Thanks.21:47
ActionParsnipdv310p3r: I advise you also put your browser cache and /var and swap on the platter based drive too21:47
dv310p3rActionParsnip, why's that?21:47
trismDelphiWorld: it redirects access to oss compatible audio devices (such a /dev/dsp) to pulseaudio. For instance: padsp python; then I can open /dev/dsp in python and write to it21:48
ActionParsnipdv310p3r: less wear on the SSD, plus you don't need speed for those things really21:48
markssAnyone know if Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid will upgrade from Thunderbird 3.1 to 11 ?  (Without a PPA)21:48
dv310p3rActionParsnip, makes perfect sense. I'll do that. Thanks!21:48
DelphiWorldtrism: fail :(21:49
DelphiWorldtrism: padsp darkice21:49
ActionParsnipmarkss: you can use the comressed archive from the thunderbird site21:49
markssActionParsnip: Right. I guess I mean does anyone know if Ubuntu will update Thunderbird to 11 in their 10.04 Lucid repository.21:50
ActionParsnipmarkss: extract the folder to /opt and then symlink the binary to run thunderbird into /usr/bin  you will then need to manually make a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications to run it, or you can just use the ppa21:50
thebwtmarkss: likely not, you would need a backport repository.21:50
DelphiWorldi don't evean see my sound card on lspci21:50
blzActionParsnip, .gvsf/ seems to be empty... Normally all smb shares should be there?21:51
markssthebwt: ActionParsnip:   Thanks21:52
ActionParsnipblz: if you mount them first with nautilus, yes21:52
blzActionParsnip, That would be the problem =)21:52
Krikkit_CatJust an update ActionParsnip the flag that I got it to go past the error was nomodeset21:54
scwizardis there any supported method for running vlc headless?21:54
Krikkit_CatActionParsnip after I got it to get past the nouveau error I ended up with a genaric no live installation found, trying wit a second ISO21:55
JAHGoVegThis is getting on my nerves21:56
ActionParsnipKrikkit_Cat: make sure you MD5 test the ISO21:57
ActionParsnipscwizard: you can run vlc-nox in cli and control it in CLI21:57
DelphiWorldhow do i know my Ubuntu release?21:57
ActionParsnipDelphiWorld: lsb_release -sc21:58
scwizardActionParsnip, ok, so vlc-nox is what it is called, ty21:58
JAHGoVegIt's been a long time since I've used ubuntu... Anyone know how to open a folder as root?21:58
ActionParsnipJAHGoVeg: gksudo nautilus21:58
JAHGoVegI hate you for making me feel stupid. lol21:58
ActionParsnipJAHGoVeg: its all learning dude, so it's ok21:58
JAHGoVegI'm lazy there used to be a way to do it through GUI, right click on it and something21:59
ActionParsnipJAHGoVeg: I believe there is a nautilus script for it but it's not something I use21:59
=== Aguay is now known as Goku|Away
StepNjumpHi guys, when I try to download the updates using the update manager, I get an error now that prevents to download them. It says: Requires installation of untrusted packages and in the details, it says: libnm-glib-vpn1 libnm-glib2 libnm-util1 network-manager network-manager-gnome. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks.21:59
JAHGoVegwell, your way was a lot easier22:00
JAHGoVegand Thanks22:00
JAHGoVegcommon sense seemed to get away from me22:00
ActionParsnipStepNjump: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get update    use: http://pastie.org please (or similar)22:00
=== daz_ is now known as Guest93153
kfizzI'm trying to mount a single drive from a NAS (which died) set up as RAID1 but not having any luck. I've pastebin'd the output of fdisk, mke2fs, e2fsck and mount commands along with some more info if anyone would be kind enough to take a look: http://pastebin.com/Aqshc4Pv22:01
mbeierlI'm trying to use ubuntu 11.10 with persistence from a live usb.  I see the -- persist flag being passed on the boot line, but for whatever reason, my changes are not being persisted.  Any help in troubleshooting is greatly appreciated.22:01
wuzangany linux geeks here?22:01
kfizzQuite a few wuzang, if you have a question go ahead and ask.22:02
wuzangFT232 drivers22:02
wuzangI here that this should work straight off the bat with > 2.6 kernel22:02
wuzangis that correct?22:03
wuzangI'm trying to use a bus pirate22:03
Rienzillahey everyone22:03
StepNjumpThanks ActionParsnip I think you put me on a path... GPG error http://ppa.launchpad.net22:04
RienzillaI'm probably at the wrong address here, but i'm using a fresh install of ubuntu with the (installed by ubuntu) proprietary ati driver. However, the driver does not allow me to set the resolution for my display to its native resolution (only other resolutions) how can I correct that?22:04
mbeierlThe issue with the live usb is, of course, the laptop I'm trying it on requires restricted drivers for broadcomm wireless, which require a reboot.  On reboot, they're gone22:04
Kanerixwuzang, probably. You can always recompile it if you're missing something22:05
wuzangdo I really need to recompile?22:05
mbeierleven doing a simple test like: touch been.here, reboot, ls -al shows that the file disappears across reboots22:05
kfizzwuzang what is your kernel version? ("uname -r" in the terminal)22:05
wuzangseems like a pretty standard SPI device22:05
Kanerixwuzang, I did mention that you should try it first ;)22:05
wuzangit's > 2.622:05
Kanerixmaybe I didn't22:05
Kanerixtry it first22:05
FloodBot1Kanerix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:05
ActionParsnipStepNjump: you missed the number off the pastebin link22:06
mneptokwuzang: if it's not auto-detected when connected, try booting the kernel with the device attached. might help to have the hardware available during initial probe.22:06
rriveraSo, I just realized Ubuntu has an incorrect version of the Windows flag on their site (looks flipped) -- anyone with access to Canonical folks? (e.g. http://www.ubuntu.com/download)22:06
ActionParsnipStepNjump: can you pastebin the entire text as I asked and give the link. Thanks22:06
wuzangmneptok, thanks for your answer22:06
wuzangI powered my machine on22:06
Kanerix2.6.24 is pretty old, but that should be older22:06
kfizzWuzang, it's only included in 2.6.31 and above.22:06
wuzangwhilst the device was connected22:06
Kanerixthere you go22:06
wuzangI shall update22:06
ActionParsnipKanerix: 2.6.24 is a hardy kernel22:07
wuzangI just wanted to check with you linux geeks22:07
kfizzFrom this driver page: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm Double check that that is the correct hardware to which you're referring.22:07
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wuzangyes it is kfizz22:07
scientesi saw system76.com advertising for pre-built ubuntu laptops22:07
scientesand i was like "advertising systemd with ubuntu"....whaaaaa22:07
ActionParsnipscientes: yeah they do that <322:07
wuzangi opened up the device22:07
kfizzwuzang, then hopefully a kernel update will help you out.22:07
wuzangand that chip is in there22:07
wuzangyeh I will22:07
wuzangyou geeks really are knowledgable22:07
FloodBot1wuzang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
wuzangyou deserve more credit22:07
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=== wuzang is now known as wutang
StepNjumpActionParsnip: no need. by telling me to do apt-get update, I realized that one repo is not compatible. Thanks. It's working now. Didn't realize that apt-get update was the same as running the update manager in X. I learn as we go. ;)22:09
ActionParsnipStepNjump: np man22:09
mrcokehi guys22:10
StepNjumpActionParsnip: I know you guys like it when we, newbies,  do 'some' of the work.. lol22:10
ActionParsnipStepNjump: its appreciated :)22:10
DelphiWorldgood ubuntu night22:11
ActionParsnipStepNjump: makes users more autonymous22:11
Guest81724how do i register a nickname?22:12
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:12
thebwtGuest81724: type /nick an choose a anme first22:12
StepNjumpbest way to learn!22:12
ActionParsnipStepNjump: absotively22:12
=== Guest81724 is now known as Injunire
Injunirejust installed xubuntu 12.04, looks pretty good so far22:13
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mrcokeInjunire: any major changes,22:14
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:14
shomonhi, a friend of mine has an acer aspire one with ubuntu on it but little linux knowledge. It has an external cd/dvd drive that won't work. How can she diagnose it or how can I figure out if ubuntu even supports it?22:14
GodFthertry a booting with a usb key22:15
forbiddenjutsudoes putty have a word search?22:15
shomonyou mean that might work, but not on the ubuntu one?22:15
shomonyou want to search in the scroll text of an xterm session forbiddenjutsu ?22:16
shomonyou could "select all" maybe, and paste it into some editor that can search?22:16
shomonnot sure if putty can...22:16
GodFtherim sorry i misread your question22:17
shomonGodFther, that's okay.. I just meant.. how can I check if a particular external cd drive works with ubuntu?22:18
ActionParsnipshomon: boot with the device detached, log in and let the OS settle, plug it in and wait 10 seconds, then run:  dmesg | tail   may give clues22:18
shomonah okay22:19
shomonso check if it appears on dmesg, and then maybe search according to that name...22:19
OerHeksif you can boot from it, it works.22:19
ActionParsnipshomon: it will give clues as to what is going on22:19
shomonno, acer aspires don't let you boot from their external cd drives apparently22:19
shomonthis one never did.. I had to make a live usb to get it going22:19
shomonok thanks ActionParsnip - do you know if there is a guide of some kind for diagnosing external harddrives?22:20
Fyodorovnashomon, mine does you try f12 at starting the computer?22:20
ActionParsnipshomon: dmesg is all I can suggest. Once its been in a while you may see it if you run:  sudo lshw -C disk; sudo lshw -C drive22:21
shomonokay. thanks. Taking notes and will go and see her tomorrow :)22:21
LirthI asked this earlier but my internet connection weirded out. I have a headset for 7.1 surround but it only will display 5.1 on my desktop. I checked it on my laptop and it has the 7.1 option. Any idea why it works on one but not the other?22:21
sharkmonkeyDoes the alternate cd let you do the equivalent of a minimal install?22:22
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: it will install in text mode and give a desktop OS22:23
sharkmonkeyIs there a minimal cd for the new beta release?22:23
shomonI guess there are lots of small distros based on ubuntu or bits of it22:24
shomonlike lubuntu - a light ubuntu22:24
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso22:25
sharkmonkeyActionParsnip: Thanks. Did you find that by exploring/renaming the directories?22:26
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: went to the minimal website, copied the link for oneiric then changed the word 'oneiric' in the link to 'precise'22:27
ActionParsnipsharkmonkey: thats the 32bit minimal ISO btw22:27
cmicallef /part #ubuntu22:28
sharkmonkeyAh. Right. I found the 64 bit version. :)22:30
redscareis there a way to search for window titles in expose? i.e. if i have firefox, thunderbird, emacs open, if i start typing emacs and hit enter emacs will be selected?22:31
innocivGah.  How can I clear out a log again?  Something like su '>/var/log/mail.log'.  cat /dev/null > /var/log/mail.log won't work22:38
SolarNRGDoes anyone in here know how to convert a .stl Openscad file into a .dwg autocad file?22:39
ActionParsnipredscare: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764636  #5 may help22:39
biohazard135Hey, I seem to have messed up unity. It's a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10. Everytime I pin an app to the launcher, after closing and reopening it duplicates itself.22:40
redscareActionParsnip: any good way to get that to actually bring the window to the front?22:40
ActionParsnipredscare: http://superuser.com/questions/183680/gnome-ubuntu-how-to-bring-a-program-window-to-the-front-using-a-command-line22:42
ActionParsnipredscare: simple websearching found that....22:42
redscareActionParsnip: thanks for your help. I was aware of the command-line options but was hoping there was something built-in to compiz/switcher. it would be cool to start typing a window's name and have the switcher dynamically narrow the windows it shows22:44
redscareActionParsnip: if interested, i found what i was looking for: compiz-plugins-extra22:49
UbuntuNewbieNot sure if im being rude here but,  im in need of help in recovering lost files (music photos etc) from a deleted os (windows xp) and i want to know if there is any program in helping me recover those files22:49
ActionParsnipredscare: nice :)22:49
=== dmogle is now known as Guest80715
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewbie: try scalpel or foremost22:50
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewbie: why do you not have a backup?22:50
shomonAnother question from my friend: she has a usb 3g modem, and it won't unmount: it says "stop unit failed: no such file or directory"22:50
innocivWhen i'm trying to copy something from nano, what do I do about the end-line $ being copied instead of the actual line?22:50
shomonhow can I diagnose that, and is it okay for her to just ignore that message?22:50
UbuntuNewbieActionParsnip i literlly  forgot to do it ^^"22:51
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewbie: try foremost and scalpel. Get a backup22:52
UbuntuNewbieUnderstood and thankyou I originally wanted to dual boot but it seems that i can only get one os alone lol22:53
UbuntuNewbieNot really tech-savvy with this22:54
ActionParsnipUbuntuNewbie: if you can copy data to a USB drive, you are tech-savvy enough to backup22:58
UbuntuNewbieUnderstood lol Thankyou!22:59
beandogso true23:00
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
mouth1hi, what drivers do i need for the HD6850?23:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:06
mouth1thank you23:07
beandoghow good are ATI's linux drivers these days?23:07
beandogdoes nvidia still win out every time?23:07
mouth1wondered that too23:07
ActionParsnipbeandog: imho, yes23:07
* ActionParsnip always buys nvidia23:08
beandogyah same here23:08
miceiken_How do I make my ubuntu server obtain the correct time and date?23:08
mouth1i dont have ubuntu right now and wanted to know how good my graphics card would work23:08
mouth1if anyone has a hd 6850 i would love to hear some reviews :)23:08
beandogmouth1: just google the model # and linux23:08
beandogyou'll find something23:08
=== Guest88380 is now known as Termana
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
Reisshey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my windows 7 machine using the windows ubuntu installer, and I'm having some issues, can anyone help me?23:23
gdanedoes ubuntu tv have list of tv channels&23:25
gdaneor i have to find this list?23:25
gdanei think to set up ubuntu tv to my ubuntu 11.1023:26
BarkingFishgdane, that's depends. How do you receive television?23:26
BarkingFishBy satellite, cable, DTT?23:26
gdanei think to use internet tv23:26
gdaneohh no, i dont have satellite or cable23:26
BarkingFishAh. Then I can't help you.  I used to have a TV card with inbuilt digital television, which gave me an onscreen program guide23:27
gdanei am not tv fan, but i would like to use internet tv23:27
gdaneactually i have mythtv frontend and backend23:28
kfizzI'm trying to mount a single drive from a NAS (an iOmega ix2-200 which died, but HDD are good) set up as RAID1 but not having any luck. I've pastebin'd the output of fdisk, mke2fs, e2fsck, testdisk and mount commands along with some more info if anyone would be kind enough to take a look: http://pastebin.com/DxkSCyqV23:29
=== Khayven is now known as derp
colby_trying to make mincraft easy to run for my son23:30
colby_problem is23:30
colby_if i run it from cli and lock it to launcher it doesnt work23:30
ActionParsnipcolby_: make a script, then make a .desktop in /usr/share/applications to run the script23:31
colby_i think if i could launch it by double clicking then the launcher would work23:31
ActionParsnipcolby_: yes, that's what you will have, it will appear just like every app you already have23:32
colby_i set permissions to allow executing23:32
colby_but it wants to laucn with archive app23:32
colby_and i cant seem to choose the appropriate app to launch it with23:33
colby_i have openjdk7 installed but cant figure out how to tell the system to automatically use it for .jar files23:34
ejvmiceiken_: setup ntpd23:38
ActionParsnipcolby_: make a script to run the command you need23:40
ActionParsnipcolby_: what command do you run to make it run:23:43
Ironsightumm, can anyone install libsdl-image1.2-dev? I'm getting some error about dependency issues.23:45
Ironsightkinda need it to compile something23:45
trismIronsight: installable here, pastebin the error23:47
RockapellaHello, i love ubuntu and i wonder if it's possible to show my love for Ubuntu with a cloak?23:48
SolarNRGBeddy byes for Snoozy pies23:48
[deXter]Rockapella, Sure, contact freenode23:48
Ironsighttrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/922656/23:49
Logan_Rockapella: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks23:49
gr33n7007hhow do you totally kill a program dead23:49
scott_zcan anyone point me to a HOWTO upgrade from 32 to 64bit? (not server)23:49
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: is it a GUI app?23:49
ActionParsnipscott_z: you need to reinstall, its not an upgrade23:50
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: press ALT+F2 and run:  xkill    click the app23:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
gr33n7007hActionParsnip, thanks buddy23:50
trismIronsight: what is the output when you try to install libtiff4-dev?23:50
ActionParsnipgr33n7007h: np :)23:50
* hylian waves hello to all in #ubuntu23:50
scott_zActionParsnip: What will happen to all my stuff? Will it port over or will it be a new install and I will have to start all over?23:50
scott_zlike formating?23:51
ActionParsnipscott_z: you need to start over, run a final full bnackup before you start. If you have a seperate /home partition this is especially easy23:51
ActionParsnipscott_z: you need to remove the 32bit OS to put in a 64bit OS23:51
gdanecan i make my own unity lens and how to find right tutorial about?23:51
ActionParsnipgdane: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses23:52
Ironsighttrism: thanks ^_^23:52
ActionParsnipgdane: also I'd contact guys whom have already made lenses23:52
gdaneok thanks23:52
Ironsighttrism: had to install libjpeg, then libtiff, then libsdl-image23:52
Ironsightweird, usally apt pulls that crap for you23:52
scott_zguess i could shrink my HD, make a new partition to backup my ~ directory and reinstall. And then redownload all my software. Does this sound like a plan?23:52
Ironsightwonder if apt-get broke on me23:53
IronsightI might want to use aptitude or something23:53
trismIronsight: there are occasionally situations where apt-get gets confused even when the problems are resolvable, glad you fixed it23:53
scott_zIs LibreOffice and OpenOffice the same thing or are the compatible?23:56
* irbinix is away: Gone away for now23:56
ActionParsnipscott_z: libreoffice is a fork, its pretty much the same deal from a user perspective23:56
=== JacksterE is now known as JacksterD
ActionParsnipscott_z: why do you not have a backup of $HOME? Is your data not important to you?23:57
UbuntuNewbieActionParsnip i have another problem! I apologize if i'm being rude,  but every-time i try to watch a youtube video i can only get a solid black screen :/23:58
scott_zActionParsnip: are the file formats compatible? or should I also install Open Office. I have to be compatible with my kid who runs open office on a windows platform.23:58
hylianscott_z, they are very similar, but not exactly the same. Libre Office's license is now completely free open source, OpenOffice.org had some elements owned by individuals. that's the main difference, and the look has changed a little,23:58
ActionParsnipscott_z: yes the file formats are the same23:58
scott_zActionParsnip: thought ~ was $HOME.. sorry newbie..23:58
ActionParsnipscott_z: ~ == $HOME == /home/$USER23:59
nopoliticahello! can u help me with finding console util to check all the connections where flv or mp3 files are? thank you23:59
scott_zActionParsnip: so if I back up $HOME then I get everything.23:59

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