
astraljavaHmm... archive got frozen already, so I suppose it'll be harder to get anything in anymore. micahg, could you take a look at -meta, there was the mixer change revision that hasn't crept in yet? I fear the mute/unmute thing will enter as a SRU.08:43
micahgastraljava: final freeze isn't until Thursday for images14:01
astraljavamicahg: Ok, just saw the /topic on #u-devel.14:15
micahgarchive is frozen, yes :)14:16
astraljavaI'm still on the fence whether to just use the patch Lionel included for Xubuntu, even though it doesn't fix all unmuting problems. But it seems I don't have time to enhance it in time anyway, so it's better than nothing, I suppose.14:18
scott-workastraljava: micahg: do we have a plan to refresh the meta's at before Thursday?  would it even be required?15:33
scott-workplease remove the word 'at' in the previous sentence15:33
astraljavascott-work: Yeah it's required for the mixer change.16:09
scott-workokay, good to know, just wanted to make sure that micahg is onboard with this16:10
scott-workif not, then we need to find an alternative16:10
astraljavaWell I haven't had his promise on the matter, so I don't know yet who'll do it.16:10
len_scott-work, I was talking to a user yesterday on #ubuntustudio who needed help getting a2j working. Claimed that the seq option in jack didn't work.16:14
len_Said he was using the 12.04 beta. seq works for me, so I am not sure what went wrong.16:14
scott-worklen_: is this the email you sent to the list yesterday or today?16:15
len_It seems for most uses it is not needed16:15
len_but, for when it is, it is not obvious how.16:15
len_scott-work I am thinking even though the use is low, it may be worth while making it start with jack by default.16:16
len_Next cycle though.16:17
len_check the irc log for our talk.16:18
scott-workwe might wait until they clear up jackdbus, there is an interesting email on jack-devel right now about it working well with qjackctl and jard16:20
scott-workbut we can certainly look at it for next cycle16:20
len_Ya jackdbus is a bigger problem16:20
len_But it is not something I can do anything about... the jackd developers get to worry about that one :-)16:21
len_scott-work, I think 12.04 is pretty good as it is. A great place to move forward from.16:27
scott-workaye, i agree, we should all be proud of our involvement in this release :)16:27
len_I am going to work on adding a record mode(s) to my workflow platform.16:27
len_My plan is to run US 12.04 on both of my machines.16:28
astraljavaAgreed, it's a pretty solid release. Just unhappy about the mute/unmute issue, but it happens. I'll add the other patch tonight, so it works for some at least.17:12
micahgastraljava: is it all ready to go ?  I am short on time this week, but I can try to fit it in17:48
ttoinehi all17:55
ttoineJust a question : I tried to install Unity on Ubuntu Studio, just to try17:59
ttoineBut I can't find it in the list at login : there is only Ubuntu Studio and Xfce...18:00
ttoineany idea ?18:00
micahgttoine: did you just install unitỷ18:01
ttoinemicahg, yes18:01
ttoineand unity 2D too18:02
ttoinemicahg, any idea to have unity in the list of DE ?18:06
micahgit should be Ubuntu or Ubuntu 2D, not Unity18:07
scott-workmicahg: i would like to fix the clock plugin display tonight (about six hours hence)18:12
astraljavamicahg: Actually, yeah the -meta is done. I realized the other patch is for xfce4-volumed.18:12
scott-workoh, i guess that really doesn't affect the meta though, does it :P18:12
ttoinemicahg, I can only choose between ubuntu studio or xfce 4, even after installing Unity and Unity-2D packages18:15
micahgnot sure18:16
micahgmaybe ask in #ubuntu+1 if yoúre on precise18:17
ttoineyep ! here with a fresh Ubuntu Studio install, and from Unity in order to test how it works20:35
ttoineScott-work, just to tell you that gparted is still missing on the iso, and that I filled a bug against the ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme package20:37
micahgttoine: scott-work_: gparted missing is  seed issue, so, should be against ubuntustudio-met20:41
ttoinemicahg, in case you are interested, I documented a way to install unity on ubuntu studio20:43
scott-work_ttoine: is the lightdm bug related to gparted missing?20:44
scott-work_micahg: tonight when i update the -default-settings package i will also add gparted to the desktop seed20:45
micahgscott-work_: no, it goes in the live seed20:45
scott-work_oh yes, i would have missed that20:45
micahgthat would be similar to how where it's seeded elsewhere20:45
ttoinescott-work_, not at all. this is two separate thing but as you are at work I was thinking that one line for two problems would be better20:58
ttoinescott-work_ Just have a look at the bug report I did. lighdm theme can't remember the desktop choice of a user, and is not able to auto log in21:00
ttoinemaybe we should use the unity-greeter as a base and change the colors and themes21:01
scott-work_ttoine: are you experiencing this after installing unity?21:04
scott-work_however, i have to admit that i haven't changed the xsession or have auto login , so i haven't tested these functions actually21:04
ttoinescott_work_ yes after installing unity21:12
ttoineI solve the problem by uninstalling ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme and installing unity-greeter21:12
micahgttoine: well, unity-greeter would replace lightdm-gtk-greeter21:13
ttoinemicahg, yes, and it works great21:15
micahgttoine: well, you should be able to use whatever greeter you want for any of the DEs21:15
ttoinescott_work_ at home the main workstation use the 40" flat tv as screen. Unity is better than xfce for this kind of use. And second point, I really would like to check that Unity can run on Ubuntu Studio without problem21:16
ttoinemicahg, yes, but every greeter should have the same behaviour, no ?21:17
micahgttoine: that depends on the behaviour21:17
ttoinemicahg, in that case, there  should be a checkbox "remember my choice as default session", like on good old gdm21:25
micahgttoine: that should be the default21:26
ttoinebut the current ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme doesn't have such a checkbox21:27
micahgttoine: no, it21:30
micahgit's the default behaviour IIRC21:30
len-1204Yes it has been for me.21:31
len-1204The DE has to be on the list first though..21:32
micahgyes, that's true, if Ubuntu isn't listed in anything except Unity Greeter, I would think that's a bug (which may or may not be fixable for precise)21:34
ttoinemicahg, ubuntu is listed if you add the package "gnome-session"21:48
ttoinethe problem is that with ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme, there is no way to set another default desktop than ubuntustudio21:49
micahgttoine: hmm, seems like another bug :)21:54
ttoinemicahg, anytime you restart, any time the default is ubuntu studio22:03
ttoinemicahg, perhaps you should start from the unity-greeter and just change the theme...22:04
ttoineFor what I see on forums, this bug happend on Xubuntu too22:06
micahgso, it might be an issue with the gtk greeter or a config option, I am not sure, mr_pouit would be better to speak to about this22:07
ttoinemicahg, sometimes I don't understand developpers... instead of rewriting everything, why not use something working welll and just change what you just really need ???22:12
ttoinescott-work_, do you have some news from the bug about the menu icon ?22:13
astraljavabah... I'm not too positive about the unmute resolution. I can't get xfconf to return anything pulse-related by default on two machines precise freshly installed. If there's no easy way to change it so that it finds pulse out-of-the-box, we're stuck with what we have right now.23:59

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