
ppisatijanimo: where is the git repo for the ac100 kernel package?07:56
janimoppisati, on zinc, jani/linux-ac100 I believe07:57
ppisatijanimo: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=jani/ubuntu-ac100.git;a=summary ?07:57
janimoppisati, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=jani/ubuntu-ac100.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/packaging-chromeos-ac100-3.008:00
janimonot the master branch08:00
ppisatijanimo: than you forgot to push something08:00
ppisatijanimo: debian.linaro/changelog08:01
janimoppisati, most definitely, last upload was not pushed, sorry08:01
ppisatijanimo: 3.0.19-1.108:01
ppisatijanimo: ok08:01
janimoI will. Are you doing some changes to all arm kernels or reviewing something08:01
ppisatijanimo: just reviewing08:01
janimook, thanks for the notice.08:02
janimoppisati, uploaded (after the obligatory fight with git push and configs)08:07
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onemanI'm an omap n00b and I am trying to find the right info on how to get 3d desktop working, I am on a fresh install of ubuntu on pandaboard, with omap extras installed08:30
onemanso do I have to use linero if I want composited desktop?08:56
jeremiahoneman: Linaro has Linux kernels for ARM boards, like the OMAP 4 (Pandaboard)09:00
jeremiahoneman: If you want compositing, you'll likely want some kind of compositor09:00
jeremiahWhich is higher up from the kernel in userland09:00
onemanI'm just not finding any information on this beyond "install the linero image"09:01
jeremiahCheck the graphics capabilities of the OMAP 4, see if there is the ability to do 3D graphics. I know they use a mostly closed driver from Imagination.09:01
jeremiahfor at least some of their graphics.09:01
onemanyeah there was more nasty blob action than I originally thought09:02
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prpplagueogra_: ping20:48
=== DWonderly is now known as Darkwing
lobotonyhi! where can I find a ubuntu version for my Pandaboard Es with omap 4460 that runs with hardware accelerated OpenGL?23:40
lobotonyor do I have to get drivers separately from somewhere else? I've now tried various installations (Ubuntu 11, 12.03, 12.04, Linaro) and neither did the job out of the box23:41
lobotonyI also tried to install the TI omap4 extras for Ubuntu 11 I think, but that didn't work as well23:41
lobotonyany ideas?23:41
lobotonyI'd really like to know if omap4460 support is still problematic, or if I'm missing any packages?23:42
ZaEarllobotony,  I would think 12.04 beta 2 with ubuntu-omap4-extras-graphics would do it for you.23:47
lobotonyZaEarl: thanks! Do you mean one of these Ubuntu images? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/current/23:49
ZaEarlthose are similar. the beta is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/beta-2/23:50
lobotonyawesome! re: gfx extras, do I install these via adding a ppa?23:50
ZaEarlprobably in https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev23:52
lobotonyok, great, I've done this before, but with a different ubuntu version23:53

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