
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi
=== bodhi is now known as bodhi_zazen
=== bodhi_zazen is now known as morpheus
=== morpheus is now known as bodhi_zazen
xi23when you go to edit a page and click show editing options and then there isn't anything but logout... what does that mean? is the wiki broken? or is the page just locked (temporarily?)? is it some security measure for abuse based on ip range?04:17
bodhi_zazenwhat page xi23 ?04:19
bodhi_zazensec . logging in now04:20
bodhi_zazenyou asking about the "show editing options" tab at the bottom right ?04:23
bodhi_zazenIt just shows / hides the menu at the bottom04:24
xi23right- but when you click show.... there is nothing but logout for me.04:24
xi23on the menu04:24
bodhi_zazen"Edit  Page_History Subscribe Attachments More Actions recent_changes wiki_guide Preferences Logout"04:25
bodhi_zazenThose are the menu options I see ^^04:25
xi23yea- i'm not seeing that04:25
bodhi_zazenThe entire bar disappears if I click "edit"04:26
xi23when the bar is up i don't see anything other than logout04:26
bodhi_zazenyou blocking cookies or java script ?04:26
xi23i got a feeling i am blocked or maybe my ip range or something.04:26
xi23i don't think so04:26
bodhi_zazenwhat browser ?04:26
xi23i tried in firefox and chrome with ubuntu 11.0404:27
xi23actually- i changed ip addresses  (range too)04:27
xi23i can't conceive of why i would be blocked though04:28
xi23unless somebody was confused about a change i made maybe... and complained? i don't know.04:28
bodhi_zazenNoScript ?04:28
bodhi_zazenProxy ?04:28
xi23i tried with chrome too remember04:29
xi23i'm going to disable all plug-ins though to see what happens04:29
xi23with all plug-ins disabled it still doesn't work04:30
xi23i just tried with a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 on a different system and it does the same thing04:34
xi23https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed?action=edit says You are not allowed to edit this page.04:41
sagacixi23, make sure you're logged in04:44
xi23i have04:45
xi23it literally says log out on the editing bar04:45
sagacixi23, well I'm able to edit it05:40
xi23yea- i think i'm banned for some reason. that is my suspicion. although i have a way to test it i think.05:40
xi23frustrating. now i have to figure out who and why.05:40
xi23i would think they would be less liberal... although it could be nothing to do with me. maybe all non-admins or something like that are having this problem.05:41
jbichadpm: feature request for - include translated screenshots if they're available15:31
dpmhi jbicha, good point, it should be easily doable by modifying the Makefile that builds the html (right now it just copies the original screenshots IIRC). I'll see if I can have a go at it tomorrow15:34
dpmit should be a matter of fixing this make target:15:36
jbichaah ok15:42
=== DWonderly is now known as Darkwing

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