
thumperomg... setting up a new family PC00:11
thumperhas windows 7 on it00:11
thumperalready rebooted 3 times00:11
thumperand I've not even installed the first bit of software00:11
* thumper will make it dual boot with precise00:11
ajmitchthumper: and then you'll have to install updates for each piece of software you install00:33
* ojwb wonders if ajmitch is talking about ubuntu or windows 7 there00:38
ajmitchboth, especially if you install ubuntu from a 12.04 beta 2 ISO00:38
ojwbit seems maverick dies today00:39
* ajmitch upgraded his desktop at home to precise in the weekend00:40
ajmitchwork desktop still runs lucid00:40
* ibeardslee shudders to think what people have floating around here00:41
ojwbthe update tool does at least prompt you00:42
* ajmitch doesn't use the update tool00:42
ojwbunless you disable that00:42
ibeardsleeit does .. but sometimes those being prompted go 'ahh dunno'00:42
ajmitchso I get all sorts of interesting upgrade bugs to file & fix00:42
ibeardsleeso who are Blue Systems?19:53
snailmōrena koutou20:11
snailhow was your break?22:44
chiltsgood, lovely weather22:44
snailchilts: the web page I was talking to your wife about is http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz/menu (not sure if you can access that without a password from off campus) the software is http://www.oclc.org/ezproxy/23:24
chiltsyeah, can't get into the first link, but looking at the 2nd now23:26
snailcan you get to http://helicon.vuw.ac.nz.helicon.vuw.ac.nz/menu ?23:28
chiltsit redirects me to https://login.helicon.vuw.ac.nz/login23:56

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