
BarkingFishnow I really smell troll. User SUPREMEBEING @ #ubuntu+1 - if this guy isn't a troll, I'll eat my trousers/00:17
pangolinBarkingFish, keeping my eyes open, thanks for looking out :)00:20
BarkingFishno problem pangolin :)  I've got a few things going here, watching some trolls elsewhere who are gonna get it in the neck in a minute :)00:21
bazhang<mkultra_> sorry i have turrets too02:30
elkylol ur lies.02:50
elkyat least pick something that actually works like whatever you're doing.02:51
pangolinwhat do we think about editing the !help factoid and adding...02:53
pangolin-!no help is <reply> Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience |  you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:53
pangolinmakes it really long I know.02:54
=== jtrucks is now known as zombiestaff
=== zombiestaff is now known as jtrucks
Jordan_UShould I be setting ban durations with uBOTu-fr? Until someone tells me otherwise, I'm going to comment on bans with uBOTu-fr and eir, and set ban durations with only eir.05:36
daxas far as I know, eir's the only one of the bot trifecta that does ban removal05:36
Jordan_UI know that there are plans to eventually use uBOTu-fr, or code derived therefrom, for ban removal as well. I just don't know how far along those are, or if anybody wants that tested in #ubuntu at the moment.05:38
daxubotu-fr doesn't appear to have +o on the chanserv ACL, so I'd guess it's not being tested right now05:38
Jordan_UGood point :)05:39
daxalthough perhaps it does ban expiration nagging. iono.05:39
Jordan_UIf it does do ban expiration nagging I don't want to be nagged, so the end result is the same :)05:40
Jordan_UDaskreech: Hi. How can we help you?08:21
DaskreechDont' know08:24
Daskreechhow come I'm in this chan?08:24
Daskreechthought i left days ago08:24
ubottuIn ubottu, sw said: player is Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based), deadbeef.  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:25
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:42
Pricey!info deadbeef08:42
ubottuPackage deadbeef does not exist in oneiric08:42
* Pricey messages08:43
PriceyApparently he was just demonstrating edit suggestions to tanath.08:46
PriceyAlso, deadbeef is in a PPA only so hesitant to edit that.08:48
=== LjL is now known as Over9000
=== Over9000 is now known as LjL
GirlyGirlCould you guys have a word with jewjitsu in #ubuntu+1. His language is getting out of hand http://paste.kde.org/454772/11:36
MyrttiGirlyGirl: he left ages ago11:46
Myrttiwell, few minutes ago11:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu, philipp_ said: ubottu: cant... unmet dependency... is ther some command to rewrite the /etc/apt/sources.list ? mine is a mess -.-11:54
bazhanganother two weeks of this:  The VERSION does not matter: it's UBUNTU problem14:26
Paddy_NIHey Myrtti , would you be available to talk briefly at all?14:30
Myrttier, sure...?14:31
Myrttimind you I'm trying to fix an irc client at the same time so it's not totally optimal but we can make do14:31
Paddy_NIOh Okay14:32
Paddy_NIWell I am actually here to try to apologise for my past sins from about 2 or so years ago that resulted in me being banned from ubuntu offtopic14:33
Paddy_NIWell I don't really know where to begin.. Lots of things in my life has changed over time like getting married/buying a house and inheriting a daughter :-)14:37
Paddy_NIMuch has changed with regards my mental health14:37
Paddy_NII miss the ubuntu community from offtopic and feel like I took the entire thing for granted14:38
Paddy_NIHad it not been for the offtopic I would be still very dense regarding many things14:38
Paddy_NII am actually a little sick at the moment with migraine but I just did not want to leave this any longer14:39
Paddy_NII believe I am truly ready to be a more productive and generally friendly member of the community now.. I cringe upon reading the logs that are immortalised forever of myself14:40
Paddy_NIMostly anti religious rants and anti american anger that was so misdirected and is certainly not how I feel at all14:41
Paddy_NIhell I am married to a Born again Christian14:42
Paddy_NII however am still a deeply religious non believer :-)14:42
LjLPaddy_NI, are you sure you're actually still banned anyway? 'cause i don't see the ban14:43
Paddy_NII know but I believe I would have been klined on sight14:43
LjLPaddy_NI: i think at this point, after so much time and with the ban no longer being there, you can safely join and behave and not get banned again14:44
Paddy_NInot that I did not deserve to be14:44
Paddy_NII think its over 2 and a half years14:44
mneptokPaddy_NI: your religious beliefs had better be extremly deep, as if the reservoir spills over none of us will be happy.14:45
Paddy_NImneptok, sorry but I don't fully understand what you are saying.. but I think it's basically.. behave?14:47
Paddy_NIwhich I will do with all my heart14:47
mneptokPaddy_NI: "don't get sucked into discussions of faith and belief, as they rarely end well."14:47
Paddy_NIYes I know this sooo well14:47
Paddy_NImarried to a born again christian remember :-)14:48
Paddy_NImneptok, And yes I have prepared myself for what may come.. I am not looking to fight with anyone14:48
mneptokPaddy_NI: so /join14:49
Paddy_NII just miss everyone14:49
Paddy_NIwell okay this is great.. I think I shall be back in about 10 minutes or so as I need to sort the fam out a sec :-)14:50
Paddy_NIbut thank you soo much14:50
Paddy_NII owe soo many people apologies.. I should handle this separately outside of the main channels14:51
Paddy_NIokay later :-)14:51
* mneptok fires the herring cannon14:52
mneptokbazhang: newer model herring cannon. only accepts IPv6 for targeting coordinates.14:53
bazhang70.231.233.177  --- distractions now (above is the +b)14:53
bazhangdemonboy refuses to ask in the correct channel14:54
bazhangeven PMd just now and he says: but nobody answers!!!114:54
mneptokspeedtest.net. the most accurate network performance analytics suite.14:57
StaffRingedSealarp arp15:04
=== StaffRingedSeal is now known as Myrtti
GirlyGirlBonjour, je n'arrive pas á rejoindre #ubuntu-fr-offtopic et je suis identifiée sur freenode. Ça me redirige sur #ubuntu-fr-lire-le-topic.15:34
Tm_Tsame in english?15:35
PiciGirlyGirl: I think you want #ubuntu-fr-ops15:35
GirlyGirlPici: ah yes sorry ... I thought I was there15:35
bazhang<yandex> phong_: a/s/l?15:37
bazhangzul, hi15:41
bazhanglynxman, hello15:41
zuldont mind me im just lurking15:41
lynxmanHello everyone, I would like to know what would be the procedure to present a complaint due to misbehaviour by a current ubuntu irc operator?15:41
ikonialynxman: I suggest you contact the ubuntu IRC council15:41
bazhangzul, please dont idle here15:41
lynxmanikonia: thanks for the information15:43
Tm_Tzul: hello?15:44
=== Pici is now known as Guest42174
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
GirlyGirlThe topic in #ubuntu says "Currently supporting 10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10" but didn't 10.10 just go EOL?17:31
Tm_Tnot yet17:34
PiciGirlyGirl: Indeed17:34
Tm_Tit did already?17:34
PiciI got an email 2 hours ago, haven't gotten a chance to go through factoids yet though.17:34
Pici(or the channel topic)17:34
PiciGirlyGirl: Thanks for your attentiveness, we'll take care of it today :)17:35
Tm_Toh right, it was this perfect ten release17:35
Myrttiamazing how time flies17:37
Pici!no maverick is <reply> Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.17:38
ubottuI'll remember that Pici17:38
Piciaugh "u're"17:53
LjLPici: u r intolerant17:53
LjLPici: it's a duty to be tolerant17:53
LjLsorry, "almost" a duty17:53
PiciLjL: do I get anything for being tolerant?17:54
LjLPici: you can put it in your CV17:54
Myrttihow did the @mark work again?18:35
Pici@help mark18:35
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg18:35
MyrttiI tried that in pm :-(18:36
Myrttistupid bot18:36
Myrtti@mark #lubuntu frankken see Mr__ of ubottu id: 48139 Saga continues, same attitude18:37
Myrttiright so it doesn't mark then18:38
Tm_TMyrtti: I'd just ban based on recent attitude /:18:39
Piciis ubottu in #lubuntu?18:39
Myrttiwas on the 8th18:39
Myrttishould be still18:39
Myrttiyes, it is18:39
beuno"what could possibly go wrong"?  :)20:42
MyrttiI don't like the POS acronym.20:42
Myrttiplease don't use it in the future :-)20:42
scientesno, somebody has that nick20:42
scientesin #ubuntu20:42
Myrttiyes, I know20:43
Myrttiand you used acronym POS which I don't like.20:43
Myrttiwe're watching #ubuntu like hawks, so if he misbehaves, we'll mute/ki...20:43
Myrttioh well20:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Scott_Z said: ubottu: thanks that is exactly what i was looking for.22:38
BarkingFishMorning guys, Can we have MacSeal out of #kubuntu please? Posting racist remarks in Italian23:30
BarkingFishclaims it was his cat on his keyboard :P23:31
ubottupangolin called the ops in #kubuntu (MacSeal racist comments)23:32
tsimpsonBarkingFish: done23:35
BarkingFishthank you :)23:35
ubottuIn ubottu, BarkingFish said: !releasenames is A list of all of Ubuntu's development names is posted on the internet, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames23:39
Unit193MacSeal ban evade, but shouldn't be able to talk.23:42
Unit193(In #kubuntu)23:43
ubottuIn #xubuntu-devel, malaverdiere said: ubottu: zenity is the package I should file the bug against?23:53

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