
SpamapSsmoser: I think we should try to fix both then.00:00
SpamapSsmoser: seems nova-volume is the only thing that rdeps on tgt00:00
smoseri wonder if it starts tgt00:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #977621 in tgt (main) "tgt does not start after installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97762100:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #977629 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in rep_strlcpy()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97762900:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #917906 in nautilus-share (main) "Can't determine shared folders" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91790600:51
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smoserSpamapS, if you want to review: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/precise/tgt/lp977621-start-on-install/+merge/10132102:56
smoserand feel free to fix the other open bug there also with a better upstart job if you'd like02:56
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smoserSpamapS, tomorrow perhaps i need your upstart genious help a bit04:33
smosercloud-init seems to be slow to start if networking is up before root filesystem mount (iscsi root)04:33
brando753you know I have always manually installed my server files, though using tasksel seems alot easier, is there any reason not to use tasksel? I always have heard its better to install packages manually so Ive never really used it.06:04
mgwcan anyone point me the right direction as to how to apply a patch while buidling a .deb? Specifically, it needs to be done after configure is called.06:06
twbmgw: why after configure is called06:07
twbIf the answer is "because it edits the makefile", the right solution is to patch makefile.am or configure.ac instead06:08
mgwtwb, i was asking on behalf of another developer, I think he figured it out06:12
twbI bet "figured it out" means the wrong way06:13
mgwhe's applying a patch before configure — it's not our source, so we want to apply minimal patches06:13
brando753you know I have always manually installed my server files, though using tasksel seems alot easier, is there any reason not to use tasksel? I always have heard its better to install packages manually so Ive never really used it.06:16
twbtasksel is for noobs06:18
twbThere is absolutely no reason to use it if you are familiar with apt06:19
mgwwhat's it for? installing collections of packages?06:20
twbBasically it's for people who go "can haz mail?" instead of "I need postfix and dovecot please"06:21
mgwok, no wonder i never noticed it06:21
brando753ok, but is there a reason not to use it?06:21
brando753it can take a while to setup all the packages06:21
mgwhow many systems are you setting up?06:22
brando753and I wonder if it just does the same things automatic06:22
mgwif you're setting up more than a few, you'll want to automate it anyway06:22
mgwor even if you're setting up one and expect to need to rebuild it anytime soon in a predictable way06:23
twbmgw: there is a tasksel prompt at install time06:39
twbbrando753: all tasksel does is associated a list of packages with a convenient name, like "LAMP server"06:40
brando753so why wouldnt somone use it?06:40
twbbrando753: if you know what underlying packages you want, there is no need for tasksel.  There should not be any harm, either, except maybe it will e.g. install postfix when you wanted exim06:40
twbOr install stuff you didn't want at all06:40
brando753is it bloated?06:40
twbI've just explained to you exactly what it is.06:41
mgwany way to install dpkg-scanpackages without the whole dpkg-dev system?07:26
twbdpkg-dev isn't that bloated, surely07:36
twbAlso no07:36
mgwyeah, i figure dit out07:37
mgwall that's needed is the perl script itself and libdpkg-perl07:37
mgwthis is for a production system, don't want the developer toolchain on it07:37
twbdpkg-dev isn't a developer toolchain07:38
twbThat's build-essential (i.e. gcc, g++, cpp, etc)07:38
mgwit installs gcc07:38
mgwThe following extra packages will be installed:07:38
mgw  build-essential fakeroot g++ g++-4.6 libalgorithm-diff-perl07:38
mgw  libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl libstdc++6-4.6-dev07:38
twbRecommends: gcc | c-compiler, build-essential, fakeroot, gnupg, gpgv, libalgorithm-merge-perl07:38
twbOpt out of it07:38
twbaptitude -R or apt-get --no-install-recommends07:39
twbOr to opt out of specific cases, aptitude install foo bar- baz-07:39
twbActually bar: baz: would be better; otherwise it might uninstall an already-installed bar and baz07:40
linociscohi all07:40
linociscohow do you all think about zentyal server?07:43
mgwtwb: thanks for that tip07:44
mgwit works07:44
lynxmanmorning o/08:21
=== smb` is now known as smb
mgwlynxman: morning08:26
lynxmanmgw: morning!08:26
mgwI hope you're in europe08:27
mgwor somewhere in a similar timezone08:27
koolhead11hi lynxman08:28
lynxmankoolhead11: hey :)08:28
koolhead11lynxman, :(08:29
koolhead11adam_g, jamespage around?09:15
koolhead11when i do sync_db user/tenant gets created, what is the pwd for admin user :P09:16
koolhead11*keystone i meant09:16
swwhat's the best system to use with mirroring users around servers, ldap or ...?09:17
* koolhead11 modifys user-pwd then :(09:18
Davieysw: ldap is pretty well supported.09:20
swDaviey: I'll give that a shot09:22
* koolhead11 scratches his head09:31
koolhead11adam_g, jamespage am i hitting a bug? why should db_sync create user/role/endpoints09:32
koolhead11isn`t it supposed to simply add DB schema09:32
koolhead11am i doing something wrong with keystone ?09:33
GeronUbuntu and iSCSI. When (if?!) will Ubuntu support multiple initators on a single target?!10:04
DavieyGeron: Are you using tgt?10:05
koolhead11sorry guys i had connected wrong db in my keystone.conf and it was already populated with certain tenant/user.10:08
DavieyGeron: iscsi?10:08
GeronDaviey: yes, iSCSI..10:09
GeronI have one machine acting as a target, "sharing" a large drive.10:09
DavieyGeron: okay.. i'll come back when you can tell me if you are using tgt.10:09
GeronCant tell right now (no access to the target machine)10:12
GeronBut previously when configuring two initiators to use the same target. Only one got read/write access. The other machine got a broken kind of "read only"10:12
GeronAnd I later noticed the "MaxConnections" stuff in /etc/ietd.conf10:13
DavieyGeron: Ah, using iscsitarget.. try tgt10:13
GeronWhich must be set to 1, and to my understanding. This limits the number of initiators per target to 1...10:13
GeronAaah, ok. Will investigate... Using tgt might fix my problem here then?10:14
DavieyGeron: We think it's a better target.10:22
lynxmanDaviey: would it be wise to try to upgrade a production server now to precise? It's my personal one so I don't really mind if something breaks :)10:52
Davieylynxman: yep!  Testing appreciated10:56
lynxmanDaviey: cool! will do then :)10:57
* koolhead11 says hi to Daviey :)11:04
ludo89Hello, does anyone knows freeradius ?11:08
ludo89i need to install it on a wired lan.11:08
ludo89without NAS.11:08
ludo89can my transparent proxy be the NAS (my transparent proxy intercept port 80 connexions).11:09
zulDaviey: do you want a FFE, debdiff, changelog in  a bug report for swift?11:55
Davieyzul: all of the above please.12:00
zulDaviey: ack12:02
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phaidrosis it possible to have chrooted sftp/scp users (openssh) editing cronjobs/their crontab? a symlink is obviously useless, but is there a way?12:41
zulgood morning12:41
rbasakphaidros: run a chrooted cron. otherwise you might as well not bother chrooting, since a user can enter a cron entry that will run outside the chroot.12:42
phaidrosrbasak: right ..12:43
rbasaksmoser: I've been doing some investigation into squid-deb-proxy. I think I get what's going on but it's a bit complicated. Got time to sync?12:48
smoserdo i have time ? no.12:49
smoserdo i want to to? yes.12:49
smosergive me 5 minutes ? you want to set up a hangout?12:49
rbasakOK I'll set one up12:50
rbasaksmoser: invite sent12:54
gary_posterhallyn, morning.  When you've started work...13:05
gary_posterMy squad is talking about adding a script for ourselves, and we're wondering whether it would be good to have in the general lxc package.  The idea is an "lxc-ip" command.  "lxc-ip NAME_OF_CONTAINER" would return the ip address of the container, so you could do things like "ssh `lxc-ip NAME_OF_CONTAINER`".  The implementation would be exactly like what is in lxc-start-ephemeral right now (looking at the dhcp leases)13:05
gary_poster.  This would be an alternative easy way to connect to a container if hooking up the local nameserver is not desired (or even broken--it's been unreliable for us, or at least our setup of it has been).  What do you think?13:05
SpamapSgary_poster: tell me again why you're not focusing on improving juju for this?13:18
SpamapSgary_poster: juju has juju status for this kind of stuff.. :)13:19
gary_posterSpamapS, we are using lxc alone, in addition to using it with juju13:25
SpamapSgary_poster: we were talking the other day about adding ephemeral support to the local provider13:27
gary_posterSpamapS, cool.  hallyn has some thoughts on refactoring/rewriting lxc-start-ephemeral for 12.10, so maybe that would be a good opportunity to sync up and make sure that the lower-level lxc bits can be usable for juju too13:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #977765 in nova "Image registration (ec2) is broken using deprecated auth" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97776513:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #977770 in openssh (main) "package openssh-server 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: 새로운 pre-installation 스크립트 하위 프로세스가 오류 1번을 리턴했습니다 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97777013:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #977783 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: 새로운 pre-installation 스크립트 하위 프로세스가 오류 1번을 리턴했습니다 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97778313:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #977795 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: 새로운 pre-removal 스크립트 하위 프로세스가 오류 1번을 리턴했습니다 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97779513:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #961871 in swift "Use of python-swift on Ubuntu buildd fails, attempts to access /dev/log" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96187113:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #977772 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: 새로운 post-removal 스크립트 하위 프로세스가 오류 1번을 리턴했습니다 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97777213:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #974460 in cobbler (main) "cobbler-ubuntu-import does not check gpg signatures" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97446014:31
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hallynjdstrand: drat, tried to push my changes to qa-regression-testing, but got http://paste.ubuntu.com/923384/14:39
jdstrandhallyn: weird. can you just give me a diff for now?14:41
hallynjdstrand: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qrt-libvirt-precise-fix.patch14:42
jdstrandhallyn: thanks. why the two calls to _destroy_vm()?14:44
hallynbecause i mis-handapplied the patch14:45
hallyn(i blame the instance i was working on which had about a minute lag-time to keystrokes)14:45
hallyn(cause it can't be *my* fault)14:45
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
hazmatutlemming, thanks14:46
hallynjdstrand: i was considering putting that into the same original function, but it's so much shorter...14:47
hazmatutlemming, one more for you if you've got time.. at this point its not critical for precise.. but cloud-init's config doesn't end up running in the cloud-image container due to rsyslog's failure to start in the container14:49
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
lynxmanjust updated to precise, there's a process that is self executing and sleeping almost eating one of my CPUs http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/923408/15:00
lynxmanany idea where to start looking at?15:00
aciculalynxman: the 0.0 would suggest its not using cpu at all?15:02
zullynxman: fuser?15:04
ikonialynxman: why do you think that's eating your cpu15:04
lynxmanzul: hmm could be15:05
ikoniacould be ???????15:06
ikonialynxman: why do you think that is easting your cpu15:06
lynxmanikonia: a machine that was 0.05 is now solidly on the 1.00 after reboot15:06
ikonia0.05 where ?15:06
ikoniawhat are you using to measure15:06
lynxmanzul: any suggestions where to look at?15:06
lynxmanzul: I reckon this is one of those upstart scripts gone wrong bug15:07
zullynxman:  no idea i would start stracing15:07
lynxmanzul: the process lasts a second, I'll try to capture one15:07
ikoniahow can it be eating your cpu if it only lasts a second15:07
lynxmanikonia: it's a fork bomb, a slow one though :)15:07
ikoniawhat ?15:07
ikoniait's a fork bomb in an init script....please15:08
ikonialynxman: 1.) why do you think this is eating your cpu15:08
lynxmanikonia: you clearly don't understand what I'm looking at, stop being so agressive please15:08
ikonia2.) how can something that spikes for a second be "eating your cpu"15:08
ikonialynxman: just explain yourself then15:08
ikoniathen we can work out what's going on15:08
lynxmanikonia: chillax ;)15:08
ikoniaI am chilled15:09
ikoniaI'm just asking you for information15:09
lynxmanikonia: that is not relevant to the problem15:09
ikoniait is15:09
ikonia2.) what are you doing to measure/show this15:09
ikonialynxman: 1.) why do you think this is "eating your cpu"15:09
ikonia3.) how are you rationalising something that's spiking a cpu for a second as "eating" your cpu15:09
ikoniathen we can understand the problem and move forward15:09
lynxmanikonia: no need for your help, thanks15:10
ikonialynxman: then don't ask for help if you can't give basic information to help get it resolved15:10
lynxmanikonia: again, stop being so agressive, thank you very much15:11
lynxmanzul: it's the mysql post-script respawning like crazy15:11
lynxmanzul: acording to strace15:11
ikoniaI'm not being agressive, stop wasting peoples time, if you ask for help then refuse to give information to help get it resolved15:11
zulSpamapS: ^^^15:11
lynxmanzul, SpamapS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/923424/ (the script) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/923425/ (the strace)15:12
hallynjdstrand: gah!  as i'd feared, on a diff machine the 'info block' output through json is ordered differently15:12
lynxmanikonia: go have a tea and come back later when you acept not jumping to conclusions ;)15:13
hallynso i'll make some more changes to go through piece by piece.  do you happen to know whether you cared about every one of those pieces?15:13
lynxmanjdstrand: oh btw, I wanted to talk with you re puppet15:13
ikoniaI'm not jumping to any conculsions, I'm asking for information15:13
ikonialynxman: provide the information15:13
* lynxman ignores ikonia for the time being15:13
hazmathallyn, is /dev/log containerized.. i was noticing that the app armor profile prevents rsyslog from starting in an lxc container, but it appears to work okay if i disable the profile (no container messages in host)15:14
zulikonia: seriosly?15:14
hazmatikonia, that's a bit over the top15:14
lynxmanikonia: abusing power now, great15:14
ikonialynxman: it's really simple, I'm asking you for information, if you don't want to give it that,s fine, just say "I don't know how to give it/don't want to give it" rather than coming up with nonsense about me jumping to conculsions and talking about fork bombs in init scripts15:15
ikonialynxman: if you want help - ask for it and give information, to help people get it resolved15:15
lynxmanikonia: and zul has seen my issue and was already helping me solve this one while you were abusing me verbally, with all due respect15:16
lynxmanzul, SpamapS: This could be the issue I reckon http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/923432/ looks like the upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5 was rocky15:16
ikonialynxman: that's great, so all you need to say is "I think zul has it"15:16
ikonialynxman: I'm not abusing you in the slightest, all I have done is asked you for information15:16
* zul gets his popcorn out15:16
zulikonia: and then you kicked him from the channel is not abuse at all15:17
jdstrandhallyn: bummer. not to hard to fix though with a for loop and search (the test-libvirt.py script should have examples, but others in qrt do too)15:17
lynxmanikonia: by not abusing you mean "kicking me out"15:17
hazmathallyn, nm.. it looks like its just the app armor profiel that's causing the issue15:17
ikonialynxman: then stop wasting peoples time15:17
zulikonia: he wasnt thats the point sheesh15:17
hallynjdstrand: yup, i'm looping15:17
lynxmanikonia: Was I wasting anyones time? I don't think I have, and I've been active in this channel for the last 1+ years15:18
SpamapSsorry what did I miss about the mysql post-start ?15:18
ikonialynxman: the time you've spent active doesn't change anything15:18
zulSpamapS: seems to be eating up cpu cycles15:18
SpamapSikonia: kick was over the top. Period.15:19
lynxmanSpamapS: it cycles over and over and shows itself as a sh proc/self with a sleep 115:19
ikoniaSpamapS: you're welcome to your opinion15:19
zulikonia: seriously dude it was very very over the top15:19
lynxmanSpamapS: also looks like the mysql-server-5.1 package didn't finish deinstalling itself15:19
ikoniazul: that's great, thanks15:19
SpamapSikonia: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct "When we disagree, we consult others."15:19
SpamapSwe don't kick them out of the channel.15:19
ikoniaSpamapS: I wasn't disagreeing15:20
zulikonia: you were being an ass15:20
ikoniazul that is uncalled for15:20
SpamapSlynxman: oh? mysql-server-5.5 breaks and replaces it, so apt should have fully removed it15:20
zulikonia: well you were15:20
ikoniazul: do not insult people15:20
lynxmanSpamapS: mysql-server-5.1 shows as rc15:20
hallynhamzat: sorry, i missed your q15:21
SpamapSlynxman: probably a conffile that wasn't replaced by mysql-server-5.515:21
hallynhazmat: no, it is not.15:21
zulanyways im done with this15:21
SpamapSlynxman: can you pastebin dpkg -L of it?15:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #978107 in php5 (main) "not parsing form data as multidimensional variables into $_POST" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97810715:21
lynxmanSpamapS: hmm let me try to stop and start the process again then, see where it stands, get some more logging15:21
koolhead11ikonia, kick was uncalled15:21
lynxmanSpamapS: sure15:21
hallynhazmat: rsyslogd running int he container will catch syslog(2) calls from userspace,15:21
ikoniakoolhead11: I suggest you drop it15:21
hallynhazmat: but the syslog system call is not containerized.  yet.  unfortunately15:21
lynxmanSpamapS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/923442/15:22
hazmathallyn, ic, thanks15:22
hallynhamzat: how mcuh of a problem is that for you?15:22
SpamapSlynxman: whoa, lots more than I would have expected..15:23
SpamapSlynxman: looks though like the logcheck dir is a problem15:23
lynxmanSpamapS: I can try to run the procedure again and see what it complains about15:26
SpamapSlynxman: still /etc/init/mysql.conf should belong to mysql-server-5.5 so thats not "the problem"15:26
lynxmanSpamapS: yeah that's a secondary one, I do agree15:26
lynxmanSpamapS: mysqld process won't stop either, it's stuck in the script :/15:28
SpamapSlynxman: I do see where the mysql upstart job needs to check for -x on mysqld and exit gracefully if its not there for the 'rc' state .. but you say mysql-server-5.5 is installed?15:28
lynxmanSpamapS: yes, definitely installed15:28
SpamapSlynxman: mysqld may be in a state of flushing to disk...15:28
SpamapSthat can take a long time15:29
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SpamapSlynxman: what does 'status mysql' show ?15:29
lynxmanSpamapS: ah yes finally it did :)15:29
lynxmanSpamapS: just starting again, as soon as it's started I'll get you the status15:29
SpamapSlynxman: the post-start should only run once per respawn.. and if it respawns even remotely fast, upstart should give up on it because of the limit of 2 times in 5 seconds15:30
hazmathallyn, well in this context it prevents juju from just using the ubuntu-cloud template as is so we can ditch our libvirt network usage and container customization shell script.. in particular because rsyslog fails to start in the container, cloud-init's config doesn't run, and juju relies on cloud-init to get the container initialized with juju... there's probably valid work arounds though including just leaving the implementation as is or adjusting15:30
hazmatthe app armor profile.. i'm not terribly concerned with  the host isolation from the container as a result, as effectively this is already an issue.15:30
lynxmanSpamapS: mysqld started and it's working, but upstart is not returning to prompt and again in the loop15:30
SpamapSlynxman: is mysqladmin --ping not working?15:31
lynxmanSpamapS: nope :/ you reckon it's a permission problem?15:31
SpamapSits running as root, so no15:32
SpamapSyou removed the debian-sys-maint user15:32
SpamapSthat will force mysqladmin ping to fail 30 times and then just give up with exit 115:33
hallynhamzat: rsyslog shouldn't fail to start ina container i don't think15:33
hallynhazmat: are you running it in libvirt-lxc, or lxc-start?15:33
lynxmanSpamapS: The user doesn't exist (debian-sys-maint) but never did on my system15:34
lynxmanSpamapS: this is an upgrade straight from an oneiric default one15:34
lynxmanSpamapS: doesn't create /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock I reckon that's the problem15:34
hazmathallyn, lxc-start15:37
hazmathazmat, if we could use the cloud template (which i think we could if we can get past this) there would be no more libvirt usage by juju.. we currently just use that for ancillary functionality to setup the network, which lxc precise already does atm15:38
hallynhazmat: so just 'lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n p1' should reproduce this?15:39
hallynutlemming: ^ ring any bells?  (I will test as soon as i'm done with qrt)15:40
utlemminghallyn: I've confirmed yesterday that cloud-config doesn't start under lxc.15:41
hallynutlemming: well fooi.  it used to.  wonder if apparmor is involved.15:42
utlemminghallyn: I was leaning towards apparmor as the cause yesterday, but I ran out of time to dig on it15:43
hallynutlemming: ok, thanks for confirming.15:43
utlemminghallyn: apparmor is generally unhappy about a couple of things, like dhcp15:43
hallynhazmat: do you mind opening a bug, mark it high or critical prio and confirmed?15:43
hazmathallyn, sure15:44
hazmathallyn, i reproduce with.. lxc-create -n cloud-unit-x -t ubuntu-cloud -- -r precise -S ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub -u cloud_init.txt  .. but that's testing the end goal of cloud-init working, the cli invocation you had should reproduce the rsyslog issue, there's another bug that utlemming addressed with the cloud-template itself that needs a fix to be able to run -u..15:46
hallynjdstrand: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qrt-libvirt-precise-v2.patch just passed for me.15:46
hallynbut i still can't check it in :)15:47
jdstrandhallyn: you still have the _destroy_vm() in there. is that intended? if so, can you comment in the patch why it is needed?15:48
hallynjdstrand: it's there bc self._run_qemu_command_and_kill_vm does it for us in teh other branch, so we need to15:51
SpamapSlynxman: debian-sys-maint is created on installation15:51
SpamapSlynxman: the socket is created when mysqld starts15:51
SpamapSlynxman: unless you change /etc/mysql/my.cnf15:51
jdstrandhallyn: in the other branch? you mean yours that you can't commit? can you give me one big patch to get this working for you?15:52
hallynjdstrand: no,15:52
hallynjdstrand: I mean if release < 12.04,15:52
hallynif release > 12.04, we manually talk tot he monitor then kill the vm;  otherwise we call _run_qemu_command_and_kill_vm.  either way the tests expect the vm killed afterward15:53
hallynso we have to kill it manually if release < 12.0415:53
hallynuh, > 12.0415:53
hallyni'll add a comment, then post v3, one sec15:53
* jdstrand was just reading the diff15:54
lynxmanSpamapS: hmm I'll see what I can do to fix, since my my.cnf has changed a bit I reckon this is not an issue that should be bug reportable then15:54
hallynjdstrand: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/qrt-libvirt-precise-v3.patch15:55
jdstrandhallyn: thanks! committed15:58
jdstrandhallyn: not sure about the bzr issue-- we have usually kept our trees compatible with earlier releases, which might be a clue if you upgraded your side15:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #978147 in lxc (universe) "rsyslogd fails to start in cloud template " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97814716:01
adam_gkoolhead11: im not sure what keystone packages your using, ours do not create any of that stuff16:01
koolhead11adam_g, it was my fault. i realized that.16:01
hallynjdstrand: upgraded which?  it's a new precise install (hd crash) if that's what you mean.  i didn't do anything to the bzr tree on purpose16:01
hallynmaybe i shou'dve tried in a lucid chroot16:02
zulDaviey: swift uploaded16:02
jdstrandhallyn: upgraded the tree. I'm using precise with the tree. I am not a bzr expert. I do know that bzr will sometimes ask you to upgrade to improve performance, etc. I was merely suggesting that if you did that, maybe that was the cause16:03
hallynjdstrand: yeah i've seen that q before, but it didn't ask me that (and it's a fresh checkout).  <shrug>16:03
jdstrandhallyn: maybe just redownloading the tree would work, or asking in #bzr (iirc)16:03
hallynjdstrand: thanks for pushing it!16:03
jdstrandnp :)16:04
jdstrandhallyn: thanks for working on it :)16:04
hallynjdstrand: oh!  maybe it's bc i did "bzr init-repo qrt; cd qrt; bzr branch lp:qa-regression-testing"16:04
hallynmaybe that forces the new format16:04
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hallynhazmat: thx for opening that bug16:16
hallynhazmat: utlemming: stgraber: d'oh!  rsyslog isn't starting bc of /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load usr.sbin.rsyslogd in pre-start16:28
lynxmanSpamapS: I think I found it, the debian-sys-maintainer user wasn't created because I had already some other users created and the dist-upgrade process, this looks like it stoped the mysql package from creating the debian sys maintainer user16:31
SpamapSlynxman: I hope to revamp the mysql packages entirely over the next 2 cycles. They're kind of ridiculously old fashioned and weird.16:33
zulSpamapS: im shocked that you called them old fashioned16:33
roaksoaxsmoser: do you have any fix to cobbler in a branch to be merged?16:34
SpamapSzul: sorry, "Old school"16:34
roaksoaxsmoser: or can I just go ahead and upload the fix for the tfpt bug16:34
SpamapSzul: or would you prefer "ridiculously out of date with modern packaging" ?16:34
smoserroaksoax, i just uploaded yesterday.16:34
zulSpamapS: back in my day we used magnest for packaging16:34
roaksoaxsmoser: ok ;)16:35
SpamapSzul: and speling?16:37
zulSpamapS: spelling wasnt taken into account16:37
sierton oneiric I have the issue that IPv6 stops working after about two minutes after the boot. I do have autoconf & ra disabled for 'default,all,eth0,lo' ... what could be the cause or what whould be a good starting point for research?16:48
roaksoaxsmoser: so distro-info --supported will also list the development release?16:53
roaksoaxsmoser: hehe ok :)16:53
smoserit will do that in all of the 6 implementations available.16:53
roaksoaxsmoser: right, but I just wanna make sure that as soon as Q is out, it will automatically detect it16:54
roaksoaxwhen doing --suppoerted16:54
smoserit shoudl, yes.16:57
smoseryour maas-improt-isos logic...16:57
smoseryou should look at that.16:57
smoseri'm kind of ocncerned about it failing and starting to use the development release... well, i didnt' really read it, but just be careful ther.e16:57
ivoksam i mistaken, or maas doesn't support multiple interfaces yet? it assumes it's running on eth0, right?16:58
itgeohello guys, when i m trying to send email16:58
itgeohello guys, when i m trying to send email from my webserver, its always failling. I can receive and send to people outside of my network16:59
ivoksitgeo: have you looked at the logs at all?17:00
itgeoivoks: not yet but i have the undelivery message with me17:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #899276 in cobbler (main) "Release versions of cobbler don't automatically support the next development release" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89927617:02
ivoksitgeo: then check the logs; you also haven't said which MTA you are using17:02
itgeoivoks: I am using iRedMail give me 2min i have to connect to my server I am not at home17:03
ivoksi have no idea what iredmail is17:04
ivoksand it's not in the archives; not sure how to help you17:04
itgeoivoks: its Postfix, Dovecot, Apache, MySQL, Amavisd, ROundcube, Awstats and Fail2ban17:06
itgeoivoks: http://www.iredmail.org/17:07
ivokswhat was wrong with mail-stack-delivery from ubuntu?17:07
itgeoivoks: well here is what i received after 24h that i sent my mail from my gmail account http://paste.ubuntu.com/923611/17:09
itgeoand this one when i send a mail from my webserver to my gmail http://paste.ubuntu.com/923620/17:10
hallynjdstrand: have you seen http://paste.ubuntu.com/923623/ with test-qemu.py?17:12
hallyn(trying reverting to older qemu-kvm to make sure...)17:12
ivoksitgeo: this is cause by your mail server configuration17:13
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itgeodo you have any idea, because when i send user1@itgeo.info to user2@itgeo.info its working17:14
ivoksaliases probaby is broken17:17
ivoksso it doesn't know how to get username from jamil.slim@itgeo.info17:17
gary_posterhallyn, hey.  did you see my question from today, before you started, about us putting together a small "lxc-ip" script for the lxc package?17:18
hallyngary_poster: no, i did not.17:20
hallynis that to insert an ip into the container?17:20
gary_posterhallyn, no, to get the ip of a container.  it would extract the dhcp bit from lxc-start-ephemeral17:20
hallynplease feel free to open a bug.  do you have a patch by chance? :)17:20
hallyngary_poster: is there any way you can do this another way, i.e. by querying yoru dhcp server?17:21
hallynor preallocaing mac->ip in the dhcp server17:21
gary_posterhallyn, well, querying: I don't know of a way other than what we're doing, but I can investigate.  preallocating: the intent of the tool would be to help with arbitrary jobs on a container...a developer tool.  preallocating would be more constraining than what we're looing for17:23
gary_posterthe intent would be to abstract the querying question17:23
gary_posterwe could implement it with the ugly grep now17:23
gary_posterand convert it to a query later17:24
gary_posterbut being able to sat17:24
gary_poster"ssh `lxc-ip NAME`17:24
gary_posteris an example of the kind of convenience we are interested in17:24
hallyngary_poster: I'm not opposed.  Perhaps we should ask stgraber (as the creator of our current dns setup in precise :) for ideas too17:25
gary_posterhallyn, cool.17:26
hallyngary_poster: note that if we add '-q' to lxc's dnsmasq then we can get the ip addr from syslog17:26
hallynbut i don't see any way to send just the mapping to a file under /var/run/lxc17:26
hallyngary_poster: I also don't know if it's too late to get this into precise.  did you want it there?17:26
hallyn(pretty sure it is, as it's a feature)17:26
gary_posterhallyn, yeah, I was wondering about that17:27
hallyndo you need it in precise?17:27
gary_posterit would be convenient, not necessary17:27
gary_posterwe can add it to our own packages17:27
hallynjdstrand: re-running got past those errors.  Now only a usb one.  I asssume taht's what you'd filed a bug for before?17:27
hallyngary_poster: cool, thanks.  Yeah please open a bug.  Would be nice to "do it right".  WOudl be useful for non-ephemeral containers too.17:28
hallyngary_poster: btw did you ever look at teh lxc server guide?17:28
hallynit's only in the bzr branch so far as precise one hasn't been posted afaik17:29
gary_posterhallyn, cool.  useful for non-ephemeral: agree.  lxc server guide: no, I hadn't seen it.  http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc.serverguide.pdf ?17:29
hallyngary_poster: it's merged into lp:serverguide.17:30
gary_posterhallyn, cool, will look at it.  thanks for pointer.17:30
hallyn(the one on p.c.c is probably out of date)17:30
hallyncool, I suspect you may have some helpful comments on better ways to do things.  thanks.17:31
rbasakSpamapS: bug 968753 please!17:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 968753 in openssh "ssh crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96875317:33
hallynthat sounds bad17:34
SpamapSrbasak: so this is just an upload of openssl, not openssh, right?17:37
rbasakSpamapS: yes17:37
rbasakSpamapS: I wasn't sure what to do with the openssh bug task. I thought it might help people not file dupes17:38
jdstrandhallyn: sorry, was in a meeting. I have not seen that-- but it shouldn't happen unless a vm was still running in the bg17:38
SpamapSrbasak: sure, I thinkw e can mark that as Invalid though17:38
rbasakSpamapS: sure17:38
hallynjdstrand: so you get 0 failures?17:38
rbasakSpamapS: or should I have changed the existing bug task to openssl instead, rather than adding a new one?17:38
hallynre-running right now, but i think it was usb camera that caused the error?17:39
jdstrandwell, let me try. I haven't done it in a long time (haven't prepared an qemu uploads)17:39
SpamapSrbasak: no its cool to show the Invalid to make it clear that openssh is a red herring17:39
jdstrandvirsh list17:39
rbasakSpamapS: ok, thanks!17:41
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hallynjjohansen: stgraber: any input on bug 978147?  should we just allow the transition?  or ask rsyslog to not do it in a container?  or create a container-rsyslog domain and ask it to enter that?18:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978147 in lxc "rsyslogd fails to start in cloud template " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97814718:33
jjohansenhallyn: hrmmm, for this cycle, I would try to keep the diff down so probably just ignore.18:36
stgraberhallyn: is there any good reason to prevent rsyslog from starting when apparmor fails to load the profile?18:37
stgraberhallyn: if not, I'd drop the pre-start, move the apparmor-profile-load to script and add a || true after it18:37
jdstrandrsyslog should not have an enforcing profile18:37
stgraberhallyn: that'll even save an extra fork from upstart (as it won't need a pre-start then)18:37
hallynjdstrand: oh?18:38
jdstrandstgraber, hallyn: it is supposed to be disabled on boot since /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.rsyslog should exist18:38
hallynjdstrand: ok so there's probably a bug that prevented that link being made (i'll check) but meanwhile,18:39
hallynwhat straber suggests is even more useful in that case then right?18:39
jjohansenjdstrand: hrmm, I have it loading here, in complain mode18:39
jdstrandjjohansen: it doesn't load in a vm here18:40
hallynmy laptop has it unconfined18:40
hallynwonder if postinst does anything "interesting"18:40
jdstrand$ sudo apparmor_parser -r -T -W /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.rsyslogd ; echo $?18:42
jdstrandSkipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd18:42
jdstrandbut that is postinst, not /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load18:42
hallynjdstrand: so what should be setting the disalbed link?  i don't see it in the package (rules/postinst)18:43
jdstrandthe upstart job was modified to use /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load (like we normally do) in case the user wanted to enable it18:43
hallynoh preinst18:43
jdstrand(that is standard procedure)18:45
hallynjjohansen: /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.sbin.rsyslogd exists.  here is the console output from start: http://paste.ubuntu.com/923775/18:47
jdstrand$ sudo /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load usr.sbin.rsyslogd  ; echo $?18:48
jdstrandSkipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd18:48
hallynthere are complaints about inability to write to /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/.replace18:48
hallynjdstrand: jjohansen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/923780/18:49
hallyn(in a container)18:49
sbeattiehallyn: yes, rsyslog gets skipped correctly, but tcpdump and and dhclient are failing due to permissions.18:49
jdstrandit is the tcpdump profile that is the problem18:49
jdstrand(and dhclient, like sbeattie said)18:49
hallynthey are a problem, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/92378018:49
jdstrandwe ship default enforcing profiles for those18:49
hallyns/,/, but/18:49
jdstrandhallyn: can you sudo sh -x /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load usr.sbin.rsyslogd18:50
jdstrandit is probably failing on this line:18:50
jdstrand[ -w $aafs/.load ]           || exit 1 # fail if cannot load profiles18:50
hallynjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/923785/18:51
jdstrandah, the next one down18:51
hallynhm.  that shouldn't be -eperm18:51
jdstrandthat translates to /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled18:52
hallynok, our profile has18:52
hallyn  deny @{PROC}/sys/kernel/** wklx,18:52
hallynbut i'd think read would be allowed.  do we need x?18:52
jjohansenhallyn: no18:53
jjohansenhallyn: err, no read shouldn't need x, and directory traversal x is different than apparmor x18:53
hallyndo i need CAP_MAC_ADMIN for that?18:54
hallyni can't read any files under /sys/module/apparmor/parameters18:54
hallynnothing in syslog18:54
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jjohansenhallyn: CAP_MAC_ADMIN should not be needed for enabled, but is needed for some of the other files18:55
hallyni suspect it just has to do with my hacky /sys/fs/cgroup set of deny's18:56
hallynbut i don't understand why18:56
jjohansenhallyn: if you suspect apparmor is denying it set audit to noquiet18:56
B14CKB0XCan someone help me? How to do to keep MAC address after a reboot of ubuntu server 11.04?18:57
jjohansen  echo -n "noquiet" > /sys/modules/apparmor/parameteres/audit18:57
jjohansenerr make that /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/audit18:57
hallynwill do - but can i suggest that apparmor-parser-load should return success if a prfile is disabled, even if it can't check apparmor's enabled status? :)18:57
jjohansenhallyn: yeah that does sound reasonable, jdstrand^18:58
patdk-wkB14CKB0X, how did you *loose* the mac address?18:58
hallynjjohansen: still no audit msgs, so maybe it's not apparmor!18:59
B14CKB0Xjust need to replace it with a certain order to use Internet18:59
hallynGAH!  jsut powered off the instance istead of the container18:59
jjohansenhallyn: well barring bugs any way :/18:59
hallynjjohansen: going to try with all capabilities19:00
B14CKB0Xand then restart each time you need to switch to an internet19:00
jdstrandjjohansen: so we short-circuit /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load right after '[ -z "$1" ]'?19:00
hallyneah that did it19:00
jjohansenjdstrand: yeah I think so19:00
hallynjjohansen: either cap_mac_admin or cap_sys_module is needed19:01
jdstrandjjohansen: seems reasonable to me. sbeattie-- can you add that to your list of things to do for the next apparmor upload19:01
jjohansenhallyn: okay, that is a bug then :(19:01
jdstrandhallyn: can you file a bug and assign it to sbeattie?19:01
jjohansenhallyn: release critical?19:01
jdstrandhallyn: the bug I am referring to is for the short-circuiting19:01
jjohansenhallyn: I might be able to sneak a release critical kernel patch in today, otherwise we are waiting for the post release sru19:02
hallynsys_module is needed19:02
jjohansenhallyn: the userspace portion can go in today19:02
hallynjjohansen: i think so.19:02
hallynjdstrand: oh19:02
jdstrandjjohansen: is the userspace portion even needed with your kernel side fix?19:02
hallynjdstrand: ok, will do19:02
jdstrandhallyn: well, hold on19:03
hallynjdstrand: not needed for this particular problem.19:03
hallynthough seems sensible...19:03
jdstrandwell-- maybe19:03
hallynbut, under time crunch, ... i'll hold off :)19:03
jdstrandit mean it does exit 019:03
jdstrandand would with the kernel fix19:04
jjohansenjdstrand: hrmm, well no, iff and thats a big if I can get the patch in, as kt already asked me if I had release critical kernel patches and I said no19:04
jdstrandjjohansen: well, this would only fix rsyslog-- there is still dhclient and tcpdump19:04
jdstrandjjohansen: so seems the kernel side is the real fix, no?19:04
jjohansenjdstrand: but the userspace change should go in regardless because there are other reasons that access may be blocked19:04
hallynjdstrand: those will need package updates.  different problem19:05
jjohansenjdstrand: uh, those failing to load won't be fixed19:05
jdstrandjjohansen: yeah, but the userspace side only fixes disabled profiles...19:05
hallynright.  but if the package insists it needs an enabled profile, then there is no fix we can do in precise for it19:05
jjohansenjdstrand: they can't load because there is no CAP_MAC_ADMIN granted, because the container can not load policy19:05
hallyni'm about to open bugs for dhclient and tcpdump btw19:05
jdstrandI'm wondering why this was only noticed just now?19:06
jjohansenhallyn: right we need a fix for that, but the only thing the kernel could do would be silently fail profile loads, which isn't good either19:06
jdstrandhallyn: you could file those, been then you would have to for everything that ships a profile, no?19:07
hallynjjohansen: or lxc could be allowed to transition19:07
jdstrandtcpdump does not use /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load19:07
hallynto those19:07
hallynjdstrand: yup19:07
jdstrandit is loaded by the initscript19:07
jdstrandthis seems incredibly late to be changing 15+ packages19:08
jjohansenhallyn: lxc could be allowed to transition?19:08
hallynjjohansen: to dhclient profile, yes19:08
jjohansenhallyn: sure it could be allowed to transition, by adding that in the profile but I thought the problem was the other profiles failing to load.19:09
jdstrandhallyn: does 'sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor start' exit non-zero?19:09
hallynjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/923819/19:10
hallynjjohansen: well, actually, it's not a problem.  dhclient runs fine :)19:10
hallynso let's forget about that and just focus on rsyslog/disabled19:10
hallynjjohansen: jdstrand: so sorry, should i open a bug for the kernel piece?  or is that handled?19:11
jdstrandwouldn't it be better to have something in /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load and /etc/init.d/apparmor to exit 0 if it is running under lxc?19:11
hallynshould i be on #ubuntu-harded for this?19:11
hallynjdstrand: we could do that for now, but eventually of course we'll want to re-enable it19:12
jjohansenhallyn: I haven't opened a bug yet, I was thinking of opening one with a kernel and userspace component19:12
hallynwhen we have stacked profiles19:12
jdstrandhallyn: well, eventually containers will be able to load profiles, iiuc19:12
jdstrandyeah, so this is just for precise19:12
hallynif we do that for precise,19:13
hallynand we fix the kernel for disabled profiles,19:13
hallynwill rsyslog still fail to start then bc now the profile is unknown?19:13
hallynor will it check the disabled file inuserspace first19:13
jdstrandI guess rsyslog is failing because /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load is exiting non-zero19:13
hallynright, which right nwo is bc it can't check if apparmor is enforcing,19:14
jdstrandif we adjsut /lib/init/apparmor-profile-load to exit 0 if in lxc, then it should work fine19:14
jdstrand/etc/init.d/apparmor would fail later19:14
hallynok.  should i open a bug for /etc/init.d/apparmor to do nothing in lxc?19:14
hallyn(and submit a patch)?19:14
jdstrandand anything upstartified with an apparmor profile would fail19:14
hallynmore than it does now?19:15
hallynwe knew there would be thinkgs we couldn't do in precise w/out stacked profiles, but the point was that things can run contained by container profile, and not by their own profile19:15
jdstrandhallyn: well, it depends on the upstart job. but if the upstart job doesn't have '|| true' after apparmor-profile-load <foo>, then yeah, it would fail exactly like rsyslog19:16
hallynunless we disable the profile19:16
jdstrandhallyn: you mean lxc just adds the symlinks automatically?19:16
hallynno not really :)  just thinkin19:17
hallyni prefer to have apparmor-profile-load do nthing in container19:17
jdstrandjjohansen, sbeattie: what do you think of apparmor-profile-load and /etc/init.d/apparmor exiting 0 if inside a container for now? it seems to make sense since apparmor doesn't do profiles in a container well now anyway. this would be removed when apparmor does support that19:18
hallynand then we'd need no other fixes at all in precise?19:18
jjohansenright now that looks like the best solution19:19
hallynNote I expect other things to break due to the inability to read /sys/module/apparmor/**19:19
hallynbut at least ubuntu-cloud containers should work then19:20
sbeattiejdstrand: yes, that should be okay, I think.19:20
jdstrandhallyn: if we change apparmor-profile-load and /etc/init.d/apparmor, I would be surprised if anything else broke-- nothing should be fiddling around in /sys/module/apparmor/** typically19:21
jdstrandsbeattie: would you be able to incorporate tested patches from hallyn in your next upload?19:21
jjohansenjdstrand: we can do that if we delay the upload to tomorrow19:22
* jdstrand doesn't particular care when the upload happens, so long as it is before final freeze19:22
hallynnote i'm ducking out soon for kid's practice19:22
jjohansenjdstrand: okay, lets plan for tomorrow and I can test tonight19:22
jdstrandhallyn: ok, can you file a bug, then supply tested patches updating apparmor-profile-load and /etc/init.d/apparmor?19:23
jdstrandjjohansen: well, I was hoping hallyn would do most of the testing :)19:23
jdstrandbut whatever you guys decide19:23
hallynjdstrand: should i re-use bug 978147 and mark it affecting apparmor?19:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978147 in lxc "rsyslogd fails to start in cloud template " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97814719:23
hallynor do you prefer a new bug?19:23
jdstrandhallyn: that seems fine. I think you might want to make the title more general19:24
hallynok.  thanks.  will hop to.  ttyl :)19:24
jjohansenjdstrand: well sure if hallyn can do testing great but /me and still need some time and I would like to give it at least a once over in both a container and outside, just to make sure we didn't break something19:25
jdstrandjjohansen: absolutely :)19:25
hallynhm, i'll create a new bug19:25
hallynhm, one q19:28
hallynjdstrand: jjohansen: note that users can have containers run unconfined and with CAP_MAC_ADMIN19:28
hallyndo we accomodate that with complicated checks, or just say "if in a container, no apparmor loads' ?19:29
jjohansenhallyn: for now I am think just if in a container, no apparmor loads19:29
hallynok thanks19:31
hallynopened bug 97829719:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978297 in upstart "apparmor should quietly return success in a container" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97829719:32
hallynDaviey: can you add release tags to that?19:32
balachmarI am trying to setup postfix using gmail relay. Following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GmailPostfixFetchmail19:35
balachmarecho 'test mail' | mail -s 'testing this' myemail@gmail.com works fine, however, sendmail -bv myemail@gmail.com does not19:35
guntbertbalachmar: in what ways does it not work? What do the logs tell you?19:36
balachmarguntbert: It seems to be creating the connection  setting up TLS connection to smtp.gmail.com[]:58719:38
balachmarstatus=deliverable (250 2.1.5 OK m55sm1243768eei.1)19:38
balachmaruberNAS postfix/local[4554]: 7191354CF8: to=<myUserName@localhost>, relay=local, delay=0.45, delays=0.11/0/0/0.34, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)19:39
guntbertbalachmar: mind you, I have no great knowledge about this configuration (and my last mail sever was configured severl years ago...)19:39
balachmarSo it seems that it (also) delivers something (other id?) to the local mailbox19:40
balachmarNo worries, any help or thinking is appreciated19:40
guntbertbalachmar: the "delay" is an over all value ( if I remember correctly )19:41
balachmaryeah, put I don't think that is a problem. as long is it is not 0.45 hours :)19:41
guntbertbalachmar: in my experience it doesn't pay to obfuscate account names and the lot in a support dialog19:42
balachmarpoint taken :)19:43
balachmarbut aren't these logs also logged somewhere?19:43
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/19:44
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guntbertbut still - 1) there is the extra effort  2) we cannot know if you hide just the crucial error :)19:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #978301 in apache2 (main) "Apache mod rewrite leads to 404" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97830119:46
hallynstgraber: can you remind me, did we decide that inuserspace it's ok to just [-f /run/container_type ], or that we should use /bin/running-in-container?19:48
stgraberhallyn: I think it's more likely for us to keep running-in-container in the few next releases than /run/container_type, so running-in-container is safer19:50
hallynstgraber: too bad, was hoping to reduce forking :)19:50
hallynok thanks, will do that19:50
hallynactually hopefully this hack will be dropped after precise, but still19:50
balachmarguntbert: Well I now found out some more. It just seems to be a problem with checking if it should be delivered locally or externally. logcheck is now able to send mails successfully19:51
balachmarguntbert: And that was my main goal :)19:51
stgraberhallyn: you could use the horribly ugly:19:52
stgraberexit() { echo $*; }19:52
stgraber. /bin/running-in-container19:52
stgrabersaves the fork ;)19:52
guntbertbalachmar: fine - so sometimes a few questions from a "helper" can lead to the right answers from yourself - congrats19:52
hallynstgraber: hm.  pass, thanks :)19:53
balachmarguntbert: Yes, that is what I meant with thinking :)19:53
hallyndash messes me up enough as it is19:53
gary_posterzul or adam_g are you around for a question about openstack dns names?19:54
zulkind of19:55
gary_posterzul, thanks.  In canonistack, it would be great to have dns names reported as *.canonistack.  IS changed nova.network.linux_net's dhcp_domain value (/etc/nova/nova.conf:--dhcp_domain=canonistack), which did part of the job it seems.  However, publicDnsName and privateDnsName now have no suffix at all.19:57
gary_poster(as opposed to, say, *.novalocal)19:58
gary_posterwe need the *.canonistack to be reported properly in the dns names.19:58
zulgary_poster: right i think it might be something to do with dnsmasq, you might want to talk to canonical-is people19:58
gary_posterzul, they did not know and sent me out to do research.  Any other ideas on people to ask?19:59
zulgary_poster: i think it might be openstack specific but ill have a look20:00
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TylerWhitneySomeone feel like helping me with pptp server?20:08
RoyKTylerWhitney: server? why do you use it for?20:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:09
TylerWhitneyUsing Ubuntu and install pptp vpn server; mainly to connect to a samba share/internal site on it; works great for those purposes, but cannot connect to the internet through the vpnm20:11
TylerWhitneytried iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source P.P.P.P where P is my public IP and is the network of IPs the pptp gives out via dhcp20:12
TylerWhitneyno avail20:12
TylerWhitneyoh, also, fwiw I also tried editing /etc/ppp/pptp-config and uncommenting ms-dns and giving it a dns server there as well20:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #978329 in cloud-init (main) "stack trace in cd_landscape if /etc/landscape is not a directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97832920:21
hallynjjohansen: i'm about to run out, but i'm having success in containers with20:30
jjohansenhallyn: okay thanks20:30
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uvirtbotNew bug: #978356 in squid3 (main) "squid3 crash at startup with dnsmasq and no networkmanager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97835621:06
itgeohello guys, i need help to set my webserver. I m using iRedmail (its Postfix, Dovecot, apache, mysql, Amavisd, ROundcube, Awstat Fail2ban). In Intranet its working but its not working outside of my network. I cant send email to my gmail account and I cant receive mails on my gmail account from my mailserver21:23
itgeohello guys, i need help to set my webserver. I m using iRedmail (its Postfix, Dovecot, apache, mysql, Amavisd, ROundcube, Awstat Fail2ban). In Intranet its working but its not working outside of my network. I cant send email to my gmail account and I cant receive mails on my gmail account from my mailserver21:38
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patdk-wkitgeo, what is your domain?21:40
itgeopatdk-wk, itgeo.info21:41
patdk-wknot good21:42
patdk-wkubuntu.itgeo.info doesn't exist21:42
patdk-wktherefor, no email :)21:42
itgeoubuntu.itgeo.info is my hostname21:42
patdk-wkthat doesn't matter at all21:42
patdk-wkI am unable to locate it21:42
patdk-wktherefor the internet is unable to locate it21:43
patdk-wktherefor no one can send email to you21:43
patdk-wkfix your dns21:43
patdk-wkwhat ip address should it be? and I can keep looking for more issues21:43
itgeoits because i set ubuntu.itgeo.info as cname, now i set it as dns host21:45
patdk-wkya, cname isn't valid to be reused in other dns entries21:45
patdk-wknext issue would be your isp21:46
patdk-wkthey block incoming port 2521:46
itgeopatdk-wk oh ok ok :S i unlocked it from my modem it surprise me21:47
patdk-wklots of isp's block it21:47
patdk-wknormally cause they are blocking outgoing port 2521:47
patdk-wkbut sometimes they actually do mean to block incoming too21:47
patdk-wkor maybe they aren't and something else is21:48
itgeooh ok ok21:48
patdk-wkbut I can't connect to you on port 2521:48
patdk-wkso either your isp is blocking it21:48
patdk-wkor your firewall or postfix isn't working right21:48
itgeoI didnt set a postfix policyd is it because of that ^21:48
itgeoi dont have the file /etc/postfix-policyd.conf21:49
patdk-wkheh? that is a totally different program21:49
patdk-wkthat isn't related to postfix21:49
itgeooh ok ok21:50
itgeoi though it would be because of that because i even dont know how to turn off the greylist21:51
RoyKhttp://lwn.net/Articles/491516/ <-- oops21:54
RoyKany idea if there's a fix available for that yet?21:54
patdk-wkroyk, making the channel rounds? :)21:54
RoyKpatdk-wk: had to ask here...21:54
patdk-wkI haven't seen anything yet21:54
RoyKpatdk-wk: I have rather a lot of ubuntu servers21:55
RoyKnot too many with samba, though21:55
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RoyKbut that crappy old s10 machine with samba from the bronze age may need an upgrade...21:55
patdk-wkroyk, nothing about it in launchpad yet, so that includes ppa's too22:00
patdk-wkprobably be done tomorrow would be my guess22:01
patdk-wkkind of late for eu today22:01
RoyKwell, it just turned wednesday...22:01
RoyKI doubt a samba root exploit will make me stay awake22:02
patdk-wkheh, I have 1 samba server22:02
patdk-wkand if someone gets root, they won't get anything they don't already have22:02
patdk-wknothing on that server except samba22:03
itgeothe port 421 is smtp+ssh right ?22:09
patdk-wkmail only uses two ports, port 25 for incoming email22:11
patdk-wkand port 587, for user submitted email22:11
itgeook so i guess i have to use 2525 for smtp22:13
itgeoi have a timeout exceeded when i use telnet on my domain22:14
itgeoand the port is blocked by my isp even if i have the option to unlock it from my modem22:15
itgeopatdk-wk my isp is not blocking 587, do you think i can use it instead of 25 ^22:20
adam_gzul: did swift get accepted?22:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #978419 in squid3 (main) "squid binary package includes /etc/logrotate.d/squid which fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97841922:41
Patrickdkitgeo, for incoming email? from that use a domain other than yours? no22:48
zuladam_g: not yet...daviey hasnt accepted it yet22:51
itgeoI m sent a mail from my gmail account to my domain mail and its the same, i didnt receive it Patrickdk22:52
Patrickdkwell, is gmail you? therefor it REQUIRES port 2522:52
itgeowell my webserver is itgeo.info. user1@itgeo.info to user2@itgeo.info its working. but me@gmail.com to user1@itgeo.info is not working :S22:53
Patrickdklike I said22:53
PatrickdkIF the email is coming from someone OTHER than your domain, it won't work, without port 2522:54
Patrickdkfix port 25, or no email :)22:54
Patrickdkport 25 is REQUIRED for email to work, port 587 is OPTIONAL22:54
itgeoi uncommented the line submission inet n       -       -       -       -       smtpd22:55
itgeo in /etc/postfix/master.cf to make it work on 587 but looks like its not working22:55
Patrickdklike what isn't working?22:56
PatrickdkI can connect to it fine22:56
zuladam_g: accepted now22:56
itgeothe port is open but i have a time out22:56
Patrickdkbut that port, submission/587 is only for use by YOU, not anyone else22:56
Patrickdkonly people with mail accounts on YOUR mailserver will ever use that port22:57
itgeooh ok ok22:57
Patrickdkfor people OTHER than your and your users, port 25 is required22:57
itgeoso the port 25 MUST be open22:58
Patrickdkto receive email, yes22:58
itgeois there a way i can change it for another port or make a port redirect ^22:58
Patrickdkif you did, it wouldn't be port 2522:58
itgeook, so i have to get mailbox option in a compagny or a vps to make it work ?22:59
Patrickdkpretty much23:03
Patrickdkor find someone that will forward the email to you23:03
itgeowhat do you think about mail reflector from no-ip http://www.no-ip.com/support/guides/email/blocked_port_25.html23:03
itgeosorry here is the right link http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_mail/inbound_port_25_unblock.html23:05
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