
dpmgood morning all07:13
Atlantic777Hi! In my language, when you want (need) to be polite when you talk to somebody, you talk to him in plural. Yeah, I know, it's maybe silly. :) Should I be so formal when I translate or it is better to be "a friendly computer"?08:11
yurchorAtlantic777: Hi! It's up to the rules of your team. Our team (Ukrainian) always use plural (polite) form.08:15
Atlantic777yurchor: there's barely a team so probably there are no rules. :D I 'm looking forward to somehow kickstart again Serbian team so it's kind of similar with Ukrainian, at least those forms. Thank you!08:21
yurchorAtlantic777: np. There are KDE and GNOME Serbian teams that have cosistent rules of this kind. It is better to follow them. ;)08:23
artnaydpm: hi, ping?08:23
dpmhi artnay, good morning08:24
dpmhi Atlantic777, great to hear you are planning to revive the Serbian team!08:24
artnaydpm: do you still have update manually?08:24
dpmartnay, yes, but I've been away until today and I haven't been doing it. Give me 5 mins and I'll update it.08:25
yurchorAtlantic777: KDE Serbian website (some useful tips and style hints): http://sr.l10n.kde.org/08:26
artnaydpm: ok, thanks08:26
dpmartnay, update running...08:28
artnaydpm: so if we want to have localized screenshots, do we need to have those ready by the 12th?08:30
dpmartnay, I haven't caught up with e-mail yet, so I'm not sure if the docs team has mentioned a date, but I would think that the localized screenshots deadline should be the same as the translations, i.e. the 19th08:32
artnaydpm: -docs translations should be ready by the 12th, right? or was the deadline moved?08:33
artnayhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule still says April 12th08:34
dpmartnay, there was a discussion on the mailing list a few weeks ago about that: they requested an extension of the string freeze to finish the docs, it was granted, and thus the translation deadline was also extended by a week, so that translators wouldn't be affected08:35
dpmartnay, ok, should now be up to date08:35
artnaydpm: great, I guess I missed that somehow (although I'm subscribed) - too many emails flying around08:36
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andrejzdpm if untranslated strings are found in gnome control center, does it make sense to report it in Launchpad or should i just report it upstream?15:11
dpmhi andrejz, I'd do both: generally it's best to report upstream if they're going to be fixed there, but it might be that the untranslated strings are introduced by an Ubuntu patch15:12
dpmSo I'd report it to LP first, and then investigate if it needs to have an upstream bug reported and linked to15:12
andrejzok thx15:13
gotwigkelemengabor: hey, I am now Ubuntu Member.15:15
sagaciwell done gotwig15:16
gotwigsagaci: thanks15:16
kelemengaborcongrats gotwig :)15:16
gotwigkelemengabor: thanks ;)15:16
gotwigwaiting for my ubuntu mail ;)15:16
gotwiggonna translate harvest now into German..15:19
gotwigkelemengabor: still waiting till me someone adds to the launchpad group :P15:22

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