
bschaeferthomi, ping03:25
bschaeferhey I saw your awesome work using valgrind!03:26
thomiheh. It's not finished yet :)03:26
bschaeferand was trying to see what I could find but I kept getting these python 2.7 errors03:26
bschaeferand nothing relating to unity :(03:26
thomiI'm starting to think I've gotten most of the easy ones.03:26
thomiThere's a bug in pango / fontconfig that leaks every time we cann pango_get_text_extents... I haven't had time to follow that up with the gtk folks yet03:27
bschaeferI keep getting this when I run valgrind03:27
bschaefer==7515==    by 0x815749B: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (in /usr/bin/python2.7)03:27
thomibschaefer: how are you running valgrind?03:27
bschaefer alias valgrind-unity='G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --trac    k-origins=yes --log-file=unity-valgrind.20120409T160245.txt unity --reset 2>&1 | tee ~/logs/unity-valgrind.20120409T160245.log'03:28
thomiheh, exactly the same as me03:28
bschaefertim provided that a few months ago03:28
thomibschaefer: and unity is in your PATH and everything?03:28
thomiactually, mine is slightly different - I make it output an XML log so I can view it with valkyrie03:29
bschaeferwhere I install it?03:29
bschaeferhmm I don't see /opt/unity there03:29
bschaeferIll add it and see if that helps03:29
thomibschaefer: if you do 'which unity' does it tell you the correct one?03:29
thomiand BTW: ewwww... installing to /opt is icky :)03:29
bschaeferI just take the output and use a python script to parse it :) I love parsing for some reason haha03:30
bschaeferhaha, it was something I followed a while ago stuck with it!03:30
thomidoes your python parsing script show you the source code for each line in the stack trace?03:30
bschaeferpfft, no. It just parses useless stuff from the log file haha nothing fancy yey03:31
bschaeferthomi, hmm I think it was running the wrong one. The top of the log says "/usr/local/bin/unity --reset"03:43
thomithat could be the issue03:43
bschaeferbut Im still not getting anything around unity :(. Ill take a better look at this tomorrow. Thanks!03:43
bschaefergood luck with the ones you have found!03:44
thomibschaefer: still around?04:35
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
bluefrogif not mistaken, bash meta key is used by the HUD and/or by the dash. any way to set another meta key in gnome-terminal?09:14
bluefrogor change the meta key used by the HUD and/or dash09:15
seb128davidcalle, hey09:36
davidcalleseb128, hey09:37
seb128davidcalle, how are you?09:37
davidcalleseb128, fine and you?09:37
apwis the dash not normally resizable ?09:38
seb128davidcalle, I'm good thanks09:38
seb128davidcalle, sorry for assigning you a music lens rhythmbox scope bug, I though you were the one who wrote the rb scope this cycle for some reason09:38
seb128davidcalle, do you know who did? ;-)09:38
seb128didrocks, mhr3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-music/+bug/964347 is in the top3 duplicates from april, could you have a look (there is some dee function in there)09:40
davidcalleseb128, I did, with mhr3. We have a divergence of opinion on how to solve the bug in question. And as he has more experience than me...09:40
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 964347 not found09:40
seb128davidcalle, so I should assign the bug to mhr3?09:40
didrocksmhr3: do not hesitate to unblock that ^09:40
davidcalleseb128, mhr3, the bug in question : album art is present, but not for everything.09:40
seb128davidcalle, well in my case album art is present for everything embedded in the mp3s and not showing09:41
davidcallemhr3, you know, the awkward tdb database.09:41
seb128davidcalle, I did add the art to all the albums in the dir I use using itunes by then for ipod enjoyment09:41
mhr3davidcalle, i see a crash bug, no mention of album-art09:42
mhr3seb128, that was fixed in latest dee09:42
davidcalleseb128, rbox uses several ways to store album art. And there is still one place we are not looking for.09:42
seb128mhr3, good, can you close it?09:42
seb128mhr3, sorry cross discussion09:42
mhr3seb128, sure, looking for the original bug #09:42
seb128mhr3, 96399109:43
mhr3seb128, yep09:43
seb128davidcalle, mhr3: so yeah, the second bug is bug #97606709:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 976067 in Music Lens "unity music lens pictures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97606709:43
seb128davidcalle, mhr3: in my case all my mp3 have the artwork embedded in the file (done by itunes back then) so it's nothing specific to rb09:44
seb128the artwork should show09:44
seb128it does show on an ipod in rb or in banshee09:44
seb128but not in the lens09:44
seb128can I help debugging?09:44
mhr3davidcalle, so wrt to the album art bug, the issue was that there is nothing i had known of to parse that thing, last time we talked about it you said you'll check with rb devs to see what they use to parse it, correct?09:46
davidcalleseb128, the artwork would show... if we were looking for it. We don't, we rely on where the music player stores it.09:46
seb128ok, well currently the lens is a bad experience for me, all my mp3 have the artwork showing everywhere and the lens is a full grid of no artwork icons :-(09:46
davidcallemhr3, correct, I've seen a few ml discussion of people having the same question, without answers. There is a reliable way to extract the info... But it's kind of hack-ish.09:47
mhr3davidcalle, it's either reliable or hackish, so which is it? :)09:48
davidcallemhr3, heh, hackish because we parse the raw db file. Reliable, because it's been working for the python scope for six months.09:49
mhr3parsing raw db files cannot be reliable, db systems have locks and we're just lucky that it works most of the time09:50
davidcallemhr3, if we parse the file, there is no lock issue. We can still duplicate it before messing with it.09:52
mhr3i'm sure we'd see issues if we unleashed that to all ubuntu users09:52
mhr3ranging from crashes to subtle incorrect string termination bugs09:53
davidcallemhr3, crashes can be fixed, we need the data. And from what I've seen, there are no vala bindings for tdb.09:57
mhr3davidcalle, what does rb use to work with it?09:58
mhr3the crashes will be bound to the way you're getting the data, so the only fix is to use a library that can work with those dbs09:59
davidcallemhr3, it has a dep on libtdb1. And I've just noticed tdb-tools.10:01
mhr3davidcalle, then a proper fix is to write a quick libtdb binding and use that10:03
davidcallemhr3, you?10:06
mhr3me what? :)10:08
davidcallemhr3, I'm obviously unable to do this kind of magic, so I'm asking if you are?10:08
mhr3there go my plans to work on libunity docs10:09
bluefrogif not mistaken, bash meta key is used by the HUD and/or by the dash. any way to set another meta key in gnome-terminal? or change the meta key used by the HUD and/or dash ?10:23
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krnekheleshJohnLea: ping10:52
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128gord, mhr3, jaytaoko: is it known that the lens selection doesn't react well to mouseover in the dash?11:12
seb128like often the right "rectangle" doesn't get highlighted when the mouse enter it and clicks don't work11:12
seb128it gives a buggy feeling11:12
mhr3seb128, selection of what?11:13
mhr3the items in the search resultset?11:13
gordseb128, "clicks don't work", are you clicking on the rectangle or on the icon? looks like clicking on the rectangle doesn't work here, but the icon does11:14
seb128mhr3, no, the lens icons at the bottom of the dash11:14
seb128gord, I'm clicking on the rectangle :p11:14
mhr3yea, i can reproduce what gord says11:14
seb128well sometimes the rectangle doesn't display as it should on mouseover too11:14
gordcan't reproduce that though11:14
seb128like if I do left-right with the mouse at a moderated speed I can "enter" areas that don't get highlighted11:15
mhr3yea, i see that too, if you enter mouse from the top but you go to the middle of two icons, there's no rect11:16
mhr3although it appears once you move over an icon11:16
seb128well the behaviour is not consistant, sometimes the selection change when entering the "rectangle"11:17
seb128mhr3, ok, you are right, it just change when mouseovering the icon11:18
seb128but in most my "normal" moves I overshot enough that I touch the icon it seems11:18
seb128where sometimes I stop just before11:19
mhr3nonetheless i have zero idea of that parts of the code :)11:19
seb128gord, do you know if it would be complicated to make the clicks work in the selection rectangle out of the icon as well? the current behaviour feels buggy since often you are not over the icon and the click seems to not work11:19
gordpotentially, i never actually did any work with those buttons so i'm not sure, would have to take a look later in the week11:20
seb128gord, should I ping jaytaoko or somebody else rather? ;-)11:21
seb128well it's not a blocker in any way11:21
seb128one of those lack of polish that it would be nice to fix for the lts :p11:21
gordi think everyone has a bunch of priority stuff to fix today, i know jay does ;)11:22
gordhe may not know it yet but he does ;)11:22
seb128hehe, indeed11:22
seb128I wil come back in a few days with all the small nitpick :p11:23
gordbut yeah i agree it would be good to fix, just need to get a few scary bugs off our plate first11:23
seb128gord, SRU0 or SRU1 will do11:23
Cimiseb128, andyrock could fix this11:23
andyrockCimi, what?11:24
seb128Cimi, that would be nice ;-)11:24
Cimiseb128, it was supposed to work as andyrock implemented by design11:24
seb128andyrock, hey11:24
Cimiseb128, I agree with you though, keep JohnLea in the loop11:24
seb128andyrock, run! work is coming :p11:24
andyrockseb128, cool :)11:24
seb128andyrock, we were discussing how selecting a lens with the mouse feel buggy because you have to click on the icons11:24
seb128andyrock, i.e you can't click in the rectangle out of the icon11:25
andyrockseb128, got it11:25
seb128andyrock, do you think it's something you could look at once you are out of blocker bugs?11:25
andyrockseb128, of course11:25
seb128andyrock, thanks, I also assigned you bug #973386 not sure if you noticed11:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 973386 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] The keyboard shortcuts overlay bottom is truncated." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97338611:26
seb128Cimi, andyrock:11:26
seb128the bottom part of the frame is missing11:26
Cimithat is weird11:26
andyrockseb128, Cimi I've not changed anything in the overlay11:27
Cimiandyrock, maybe it's not vertically centered11:27
andyrockmaybe the bug is in Nux11:27
Cimiandyrock, or does not fit in11:27
krnekheleshandyrock, sorry to intrude but I was the one who submitted that bug...11:27
Cimiwell no, the screenshot is clipped11:27
andyrockCimi, if it doesn't fit we don't show it11:27
krnekheleshandyrock, it started to happened after a compiz update11:28
seb128Cimi, andyrock: I can confirm that on my 1920x1080 screen, it's not a space issue11:28
Cimiandyrock, krnekhelesh I can reproduce11:28
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andyrockI can reproduce too11:28
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krnekheleshCimi, yeah it is not a space issue...the bottom is clipped on all resoultion monitors11:28
Cimikrnekhelesh, thanks for filing the bug11:28
Cimikrnekhelesh, I have serious difficulties in spelling your nickname :D need to teach me how at the UDS :)11:29
andyrockCimi, seb128 ok i'll fix the lens bar bug and then the overlay one11:29
krnekheleshCimi, I keep changing my nickname to nik90...but it keeps changing back :P11:29
seb128andyrock, you rock, thanks ;-)11:29
andyrocklunch time :)11:29
Cimiseb128, only didrocks really rocks11:29
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seb128andyrock|lunch, I've opened bug #977961 for the lens clicking issue for tracking11:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 977961 in unity (Ubuntu) "lens selection should work when clicking in the rectangle outside of the icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97796111:31
didrocksCimi: well said! :)11:31
seb128Cimi, ^11:32
krnekheleshseb128, can you give the bug low or medium priority?11:34
seb128krnekhelesh, which one? yours?11:34
krnekheleshseb128, no the bug you filed just now11:35
seb128krnekhelesh, ok, put it medium, though it might be high11:35
krnekhelesh bug #97796111:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 977961 in unity (Ubuntu) "lens selection should work when clicking in the rectangle outside of the icon" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97796111:35
seb128it's very disturbing from an user perspective, it's one of those details that make you think the system isn't responsive or is buggy11:36
krnekheleshyeah...I was a bit surprised to see it happen11:40
krnekheleshthough I am personally so happy to see so many multimonitor bugs being fixed in Unity 5.1011:41
jbichaCimi: I redid the ubuntu-docs screenshots after all with the new default wallpaper12:16
Cimijbicha, wohoo12:20
Cimijbicha, awesome12:20
jbichaCimi: I wrote a script to mostly automate taking the screenshots so it's a bit easier to re-do them or to translate them12:20
Cimijbicha, on a different task, I don't need updated screenshots for this, but I'd like to have your +1 if possible12:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 977974 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "Improve background colorization" [High,In progress]12:21
Cimioh just seen12:21
Cimithanks jbicha12:21
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mhr3seb128, could you give lp:~mhr3/unity-lens-music/rb-parse-tdb a try?13:41
seb128mhr3, sure13:41
seb128mhr3, not perfect but much better!13:50
mhr3seb128, what's missing?13:51
seb128mhr3, I think I need to play the songs once in rb for the artwork to be listed13:52
seb128mhr3, so half my songs have no artwork13:52
seb128so it seems to fix itself by playing stuff and restarting the lens13:52
mhr3seb128, sucks that restarting the lens is needed though :/13:53
seb128mhr3, well sucks to start that I need to play stuff to have their artwork in the dash :p13:53
seb128like new install, plug your ipod, import your music -> not artwork13:54
mhr3seb128, i dont think we're trying to turn the dash into a music player that fetches artwork for everything you have, generates thumbnail etc.13:55
seb128mhr3, ok, well then consider that vcs of yours to fix the issue ;-)13:56
seb128mhr3, it's stable and works great for stuff I played13:56
seb128mhr3, you would get a bonus point if it was picking new artwork without a lens restart though ;-)13:56
mhr3seb128, that reminds me, rb is stupid and it updates its xml only on close, so your ipod use case wouldn't work properly anyway14:04
mhr3seb128, we should push for some more sane data store14:05
seb128mhr3, oh ok, well get your merge request in and I'm happy ;-)14:05
mhr3xml... ffs14:05
davidcallemhr3, so the .vapi file is what generates the vala bindings, right?14:06
davidcalleOk, I'm trying to understand what you did.14:07
mhr3also the .vapi *is* the binding14:07
gotwigmhall119: hey15:14
mhall119gotwig: hey,  congrats on membership!15:14
gotwigmhall119: thanks ^^15:14
=== Pici is now known as Guest42174
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
elopiogreyback: ping.16:37
htorquehi all! is there already a bug report about an invisible launcher popping up when (re)loading flash content (i think it's labeled "exe")? short clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQpOL61Kwk16:38
andyrockseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-977961/+merge/10139716:47
htorqueandyrock: \o/ thanks16:48
didrocksandyrock: hey, while you are working on small issues, do you work on the overlay being cut off?16:53
didrocksandyrock: the shortcut dialog is cut of at the bottom16:53
greybackelopio: pong16:53
andyrockdidrocks, i'm working on it right now but I've no idea why we have this regression16:53
elopiogreyback: hey. I'm copying a lot of things from your tests. But testhelper.rb has no license. Can I copy it without issues?16:55
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greybackelopio: you can yes, it's made of 2 chunks of ruby code I found. There are links to original sources, both of which are made available with a CC-type licence16:59
greybacka few changes were made to suit our needs17:00
seb128andyrock, nice, thanks!17:01
elopiogreyback: great. Also, is there a way to use the same startup and teardown for tests in separate files? I would like all my tests to open the u1 control panel and  log in. But as a ruby newbie, I don't know how to do it.17:05
elopiogreyback: in fact, I've just understood half of your code. But, now I have things running: http://ur1.ca/8z54h :)17:06
greybackelopio: hey, sorry but I had to go afk.18:22
greybackelopio: right now we use 'startup' and 'shutdown' methods, which run before and after (resp.) the whole test suite18:23
greybackelopio: to have them in separate files, hmmm, certainly possible, just need to figure out how18:24
greybackelopio: I'm no Ruby guru either18:24
elopiogreyback: well, if I find something I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'll be putting everythin in the same file.18:45
elopiogreyback: just another question. Is tdriver_visualizer working for you on precise? I get Aborted (core dumped)18:45
greybackelopio: curses, it's crashing on me too18:53
greybackelopio: I'll push a fix to the ppa18:53
elopio:) thanks greyback.18:54
greybackelopio: yw18:54
greybackelopio: It'll become an official package in Q-series18:55
bschaeferthomi, ping, hey! Im on now19:26
thomibschaefer: uhhh, I forgot what it was.19:46
thomiwhat timezone are you in again?19:46
bschaeferumm 21 hours behind you :)19:46
thomioh ok19:46
thomiI'm still not used to Americans going to sleep while I'm eating my breakfast19:47
bschaeferIt was about 11:30pm my time, which im on sometimes19:47
bschaeferIt's only 12:48 pm here now, so if Im going to sleep when your eating breakfast then that would be odd19:48
bschaeferthomi, o yeah I wanted to ask you how about using valgrind.19:50
bschaeferso you just have that alias and type "valgrind-unity"19:50
bschaeferI ran the autopilot tests after that get as many things used as possible19:51
thomibschaefer: for me the autopilot tests don't run since unity is too slow19:51
thomiso I do things manually19:51
thomiopen the dash, hud, switcher etcx19:51
bschaeferhmm nothing really slows down when Im running valgrind19:51
bschaeferthat could be a problem, but I know my .log file is getting updated19:51
thomibschaefer: ok, you're doing it wrong then :)19:51
thomiI have a blinging laptop, and it slows to a crawl for me19:52
thomiI suspect you're running valgrind over the python script, not the compiz child19:52
bschaefero and im on a VM sooo yeah. Im guessing valgrind might be crashing19:52
thomican you paste your valgrind alias again?19:52
bschaeferalias valgrind-unity='G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --t    ool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --log-fi    le=unity-valgrind.20120409T160245.txt /opt/unity/bin/unity --reset 2>&1 | te    e ~/logs/unity-valgrind.20120409T160245.log'19:52
bschaeferthomi, that is what it seems like!19:53
thomiahhh, I see the issue19:53
thomiYou need this instead:19:53
thomialias valgrind-unity='G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --xml=yes --xml-file=unity-valgrind.`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.xml compiz --replace 2>&1 | tee /home/thomi/unity-valgrind.`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log'19:53
thomiobviously change the paths19:53
thomiI'm running compiz, you're running unity.19:53
thomiunity is just a python script that restarts compiz.19:53
bschaeferI changed it because I had been using that command19:54
thomiThere may be an option to tell memcheck to trach child processes...19:54
thomibschaefer: at some point (maybe @ UDS) I'd love to get you to show me how to run Unity3d inside a VM. I've never been able to get it working19:54
bschaeferThat would be awesome, I have to talk to thumper about that19:55
bschaefero and Ill be getting my laptop today, sooo no more VM yay19:56
bschaeferThanks for your help! Now hopefully I can fix something :)19:57
bschaeferyou seemed to have fixed a lot of things yesterday haha19:58
thomibschaefer: yeah, there's plenty more20:09
htorquethomi: \o/ thanks for fixing so many leaks!20:31
thomihtorque: uuhhh, you're welcome.20:32
thomithere's a few more left, I hope to get them today.20:32
thomi...unless bschaefer beats me to it ;)20:32
thomiI have the timezone advantage though, so I think I'm safe20:33
bschaeferthomi, haha I hope, I just had to go get some coffee20:36
bschaeferplus I have class later!20:36
bschaeferthomi, o I also stole your alias and will learn how to parse xml with valkyrie20:37
thomibschaefer: just open valkyrie, and inside the UI get it to open the XML file.20:37
thomiit somehow automatically finds the right source code to laod as well....20:38
bschaeferawesome, thanks.20:39
davidcallemhr3, for some unidentified reason, tonight I have rb updating the xml without restarting it.21:29
mhr3davidcalle, lol, that's nice of it :)21:30
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thomibschaefer: still around?22:39
bschaeferthomi, yeah22:39
bschaeferman there is a lot of stuff in these logs...22:39
thomicould I get you to review another valgrind fix please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/panelmenuview-fix-invalid-read/+merge/10145222:39
thomibschaefer: yes, most of it is pango / fontconfig though22:39
bschaeferthomi, looks good22:41
bschaefernp! If you have anything else that needs review let me know22:42
thomithere's something similar happening with the hud controller, but I can't work it out22:42
bschaeferI think I saw that, I was working through the uninited vars22:42
bschaeferI found that there are A LOT of new icons made in LauncherController and views and they don't seem to get delete22:43
bschaeferwell the model_ it self doesn't seem to get delete but I have to figure out if it gets done some how...22:43
thomibschaefer: views are usually deleted by nux22:47
bschaeferhmm well thats good, but valgrind seems to complain about some views not getting deleted22:55

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