
=== BotenAnn1 is now known as BotenAnna
philipballew_Just sent out the announcement for the Ubuntu San Diego hour.03:41
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
DWonderlyMorning everyone.16:01
raevolDWonderly: mownin'16:02
DWonderlySorry I have not been around much guys... :/16:02
DWonderlyWhen Canonical drops... people believe in the Kubuntu Project. :D http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-to-be-sponsored-by-blue-systems16:22
pleia2Canonical still hosts the kubuntu site and hosts the whole development infrastructure, doesn't it?16:30
pleia2I thought they just stopped paying a kubuntu dev16:31
philipballewI think they gave the individual new stuff to work on?17:07
pleia2and they don't ship kubuntu CDs anymore17:11
DWonderlyNope not anymore.17:11
DWonderlyBlue systems have hired Riddell. They will be providing servers, webserver, swag, and sponsorship monies.17:12
* philipballew sees a new market for bootleg Kubuntu cd's17:12
DWonderlyPlus, they will continue the commercial support for companies.17:12
pleia2will kubuntu no longer be a recognised derivitive if it's not using the release infrastructure anymore?17:12
DWonderlyThat's up to Canonical...17:12
DWonderlyThey also have to release the use of Kubuntu trademark.17:13
DWonderlyBut, we have over 250 commercial support contracts that Canonical walked away from.17:13
DWonderlyand it is the #1 used distro in Brazil including the government...17:13
DWonderlySo, Riddell who was the Kubuntu Dev for canonical is quitting so he can continue to work with Kubuntu.17:14
* pleia2 nods17:14
DWonderlyThat is a good writeup on it.17:15
DWonderlyI'll finally get some Kubuntu swag :D17:16
philipballewits interesting pleia2 how "fella" is a word that is said without a thought to its meaning.17:24
pleia2philipballew: maybe for some people17:25
pleia2it's pretty obvious and odd to me when people address a mixed gender room with gendered words ;)17:26
DWonderlyI notice the same.17:26
DWonderlyand I refuse to use what my wife tried to teach me with y'all17:26
DWonderlyI forgot how flipping annoying creating a build environment was.17:27
akkI hear "guy" and "dude" used as mixed-gender, but I'm not sure I've ever heard "fella" that way.17:27
akkI'd assume fella=male if I heard it.17:27
DWonderlyYeah, new hard drive and install.17:28
DWonderlytherefor it takes a while for the first setup... I wonder how much space is required...17:28
philipballewYeah, I agree. I wonder if they are used without a thought to the gender they are implying or if they just think its not a mixed gender room.17:29
DWonderlyhmmz, I think it's time to put the old HD back in and try and sell my smaller SDD.17:29
pleia2I wrote a script that installs everything on a debian system I need and builds the initital sid chroot17:29
pleia2life is better now :)17:29
pleia2except for the part where I hardly do any debian dev anymore17:29
DWonderlyOnce I get my new home server or we got our build server from blue systems this will be simplier.17:29
pleia2at some point in my career I needed to choose sysadmin or debian developer, I took the sysadmin path17:30
pleia2I still make packages for work, but am only co-maintainer on one package in debian itself these days17:30
philipballewwhat package?17:30
DWonderlyI only play with one package a release at this moment... that will change but, right now it's just my docs package.17:31
philipballewWould anyone here like to lead a open week session?17:35
philipballewIm getting people together this week17:35
philipballew_one less person in the president race18:43
=== DWonderly is now known as Darkwing

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