
adam_gusing PPA, is 'instance-state' meant to reach the 'started' state, or stop at 'provisioned' ?00:33
hazmatadam_g, started00:40
hazmatrobbiew, cool, good to know thanks00:41
adam_ghazmat: hmm. at least the bootstrap node of this new environment only made it as far as 'provisioned' with orchestra,but seems otherwise fine00:43
hazmatadam_g, hmm.00:43
hazmatadam_g, looking at the orchestra provider, it looks like its either 'provisioned' or 'pending'00:45
hazmatso no 'started' staet..00:45
hazmatprobably worth a trivial for consistency00:45
hazmatexcept its not really checking that the machine is started00:46
adam_ghazmat: right, i knew it hit 'provisioned' as soon as it finishes its preseeded install. thought it went to 'started' in the past, though, after first boot00:46
hazmatadam_g, apparently not.. does orchestra provide that info?00:48
hazmatthe code reads.. state = "pending" if d["netboot_enabled"] else "provisioned"00:48
hazmatnot sure what other info is available from cobbler wrt to the actual state00:48
hazmatinteresting yet another cobbler fork.. http://code.google.com/p/madhatter/00:50
hazmati don't see anything more appropriate for actual status looking over the internal data struct.. https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/blob/master/cobbler/item_system.py00:53
SpamapScobbler only knows that it has been setup for pxe boot00:54
SpamapSand can be asked what the power state is *if* it has power control setup00:54
jcastroSpamapS: hey, my mini proliant came in00:54
jcastroyou want one00:54
jcastroit is SO cute.00:54
jcastroI think everyone should have one00:55
marcoceppiI know what the charm contest winners can put their gift card towards00:57
adam_gthose mini proliants are great01:01
adam_gand cheap01:01
bkerensaadam_g: but are they energy efficient?01:13
bkerensaoo 150W01:15
bkerensatwo PCI slots so you could turn it into a little RADIUS box01:15
=== Furao_ is now known as Furao
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== TheMue_ is now known as TheMue
yolandahi, can i get some help with a charm? i have a db-relation-joined hook with postgresql, and seems that my hook hasn't been called. If i debug and call it manually my charm is working, if not, seems that the code isn't triggered08:38
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
yolandahi m_3, are you available? i found a problem in the openerp&postgres hooks09:25
_mup_juju/trunk r521 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com10:12
_mup_[trivial] merge provider-error status fix [a=bac][r=hazmat]10:12
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
yolandahi, what's correct way of restarting a service in a juju charm?12:03
yolandai have something like that:12:03
yolanda# restart service12:03
yolandaservice openerp-core start || service openerp-core restart12:03
yolandahowever, it doesn't seem to be stopping openerp-core, it says that the process doesn't exist. If i find it manually using a ps -ef, do a kill and start the service, then works12:04
yolandahi, need help with a juju charm, i'm having problems restarting a service12:17
sc-rmyolanda: where does your restart part of you gem look for the pid of the process and is that pid stored there when startet through your charm?12:26
yolandasc-rm, there is an openerp-core service, that is started on the install hook12:26
yolandaand in the db-relation-changed, i try to restart it12:26
yolandabecause i need some changes to be applied on a config file12:27
marcoceppiyolanda: How is it started in the start hook?12:28
marcoceppierr, in the install hoook*12:28
sc-rmyoulanda: so openrp-core is a standard script in the init.d ? aka you are able to do /etc/init.d/openrp-core start|stop|restart and it works?12:28
yolandasc-rm, yes12:29
yolandathe service is started automatically when installed the package12:30
yolandahowever, do i need to also provide an start hook that starts the service? or if it's done in the install is enough?12:30
sc-rmyoulanda: okay, but if you log into that machine are you then able to do /etc/init.d/openrp-core stop and the process stops?12:30
yolandasc-rm, not at first try, if i do it it says that the process doesn't exist, but i can do a "ps -ef | grep openerp" and kill it12:35
yolandathen if i do the service openerp-core start it works, and after that i can restart correctly12:35
yolandaseems that there is some problem between install and db-config-changed hooks12:36
sc-rmyoulanda: ahe, there is the problem, the way the service is started is not storing the pid in the same place as the start script expect it to be located12:36
sc-rmthe openrp-core script in init.d is that something you created and is it public accessible?12:37
yolandasc-rm, the openerp-core is a package that we are writing for openerp 6.1 version12:42
yolandai can send you the url for you to check it12:42
yolandasc-rm, code for the package is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-community/openerp-tools/yolanda.robla-openerp-core12:53
yolandasc-rm, any idea?13:10
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
yolandahi, any help with the openerp start script, please? i'm just blocked with that, only i need to restart service correctly to finish the charm13:46
sc-rmyoulanda: it seems okay to me, if you do install do you then see the same pid in /var/run/openerp-server.pid as when doing ps ?13:46
yolandalet me test13:47
yolandasc-rm, pid is the same in /var/run/openerp-server.pid as the ps14:17
al-maisanCan I use environment variables in environments.yaml? E.g. for secret keys?14:22
yolandasc-rm, but when i run the db-relation-changed hook, i see different pid in /var/run/openerp-server.pid and in ps14:22
yolandaso i'm not able to kill old process and start new14:22
yolandasc-rm, i found some problem. I have this line in my db-relation-changed hook: service openerp-core start || service openerp-core restart14:27
yolandawhen i run it, pid in ps remains the same, but pid in /var/run/openerp-server.pid changes14:27
yolandaand process isn't restarte14:27
avoineyolanda: it should not be: service openerp-core start && service openerp-core restart14:36
avoinebecause you want to restart only if the start doesn't worked14:36
yolandawell, the start should not work because process should be already started by the last step14:37
avoineoh no, your right14:37
avoinemy logic fail in the morning14:38
yolandaavoine, the probem i face is that when i do it, pid in ps isn't changed, but pid in /var/run/openerp-server.pid changes14:39
al-maisanhmm .. did anubody see a "ERROR Invalid SSH key" upon sudo juju status -e oneiric-aws? The bootstrap command finished successfully14:40
al-maisananybody even14:40
yolandasems that the process isn't restarting correctly, but if i kill process by hand and then run it, it starts to behave correctly, and also starts/stops correctly14:40
marcoceppial-maisan: do you have either an id_rsa.pub or id_dsa.pub in your .ssh folder?14:41
avoineyolanda: maybe a permission problem14:41
al-maisanmarcoceppi: I have a symbolic link as follows: " id_rsa.pub -> juju_rsa.pub"14:41
al-maisanin ~/.ssh14:41
yolandaavoine, the process is running as openerp user, perhaps is that?14:42
yolandabut it's the same also if i run as root14:42
marcoceppial-maisan: that error is usually indicative of your public key not be copyied to the bootstrap14:42
avoineyolanda: if it's an upstart script it should not be a problem14:42
al-maisanmarcoceppi: removed the symbolic links and renamed the files, trying again14:43
yolandayes it is14:43
marcoceppial-maisan: if it works, what you can do then is add just juju_rsa.pub to authorized-keys in the stanza if you wish to segregate it from your standard id_rsa14:43
avoineyolanda: have you try  start openerp-core || restart openerp-core just in case14:44
al-maisanmarcoceppi: will try14:44
yolandaavoine, unknown job14:45
al-maisanhmm .. marcoceppi .. made no difference .. still getting "ERROR Invalid SSH key"14:46
marcoceppial-maisan: are you using the juju PPA?14:46
al-maisanI am on 12.04 and using the juju package14:46
al-maisanmarcoceppi: I also get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/924951/14:47
al-maisanis that normal?14:47
marcoceppial-maisan: yes14:48
al-maisanhmm .. no luck .. I get the "ERROR Invalid SSH key" no matter what I try14:52
al-maisan.. and I am supposed to demo this in 2 hours :-P14:53
al-maisanmarcoceppi: I see that jdstrand had a similar problem http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/03/22/%23juju.txt14:55
marcoceppial-maisan: can you log in to ec2 get the address for the bootstrap and try to ssh -vv ubuntu@ec2url ?14:55
al-maisanwill try14:55
al-maisandebug1: connect to address port 22: Connection refused14:56
marcoceppial-maisan: that looks like a bug, but it might already be fixed in the PPA14:57
al-maisanI am running Version: 0.5+bzr504-0ubuntu114:58
al-maisanshould I install from the PPA?14:58
marcoceppiTry the ppa, and add "origin: ppa" to the environments stanza you're using14:58
hazmatal-maisan, can you pastebin the console output from the instance?14:58
marcoceppi*in the interest of getting it ready for your demo*14:58
al-maisanI try "ec2-get-console-output i-84af18e3"14:59
al-maisanOnly getting:14:59
al-maisanquietsch ~ $14:59
al-maisanignore the last line please15:00
al-maisanOK .. upgraded to 0.5+bzr519-1juju5~precise115:01
marcoceppial-maisan: make sure to update your environments.yaml file to use ppa as well15:01
yageymonring.  is there a way to juju ssh into the bootstrap host?   I apparently need to run some lxc apt updates15:13
marcoceppiyagey: juju ssh 015:13
al-maisanmarcoceppi: when I try to connect to the instance from the aws web page it says: "Instance is not associated with a Key Pair. "15:14
yageythat's what I hoped.  ^Cyagey@yagey-VirtualBox:/tmp$ juju ssh 0 2012-04-11 08:13:51,250 INFO Connecting to machine 0 at localhost ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused15:14
al-maisanmarcoceppi: "juju ssh 0" gets me into  the aws instance..15:15
marcoceppial-maisan: does juju status work?15:15
al-maisannow it works15:16
marcoceppial-maisan: success! you should be good to go for your demo15:16
al-maisanyeah !!15:16
marcoceppiyagey: have you restarted since the last time you tried to connect?15:16
al-maisanmarcoceppi: thanks for your help!15:16
yageyrebooted? I'm using lxc, won't that kill the bootstrap instance?15:17
marcoceppiyagey: it will, I was just making sure you haven't15:19
al-maisanmarcoceppi: I think I know what went wrong all the time: I was using *sudo* with juju all the time :-P15:19
marcoceppial-maisan: ah! that would probably be the reason, good to know it wasn't a bug *bug* :)15:20
al-maisanyeah .. sorry for the noise :-/15:20
yageymy mongo install is failing with: 2012-04-11 08:09:56,966 Machine:0: twisted ERROR: The following packages have unmet dependencies: 2012-04-11 08:09:56,966 Machine:0: twisted ERROR:  ubuntu-minimal : Depends: netcat-openbsd but it is not going to be installed - any suggestions  please?15:22
yageyhow about this one? juju deploy tomcat7 Invalid options specification: options.multicast.type: expected 'string', got 'boolean' 2012-04-11 08:39:14,215 ERROR Invalid options specification: options.multicast.type: expected 'string', got 'boolean'15:39
marcoceppiyagey: one of your charms isn't updated properly.15:44
marcoceppiOr the tomcat7 isn't updated. Let me check it15:44
marcoceppiInteresting, which version of juju are you using yagey?15:46
yageywhichever apt-get installed15:49
yageyhow can I tell?15:50
marcoceppidpkg -l | grep juju15:52
yageydpkg -l | grep juju ii  ensemble                               0.5+bzr398-0ubuntu1                     transition package for rename to juju ii  juju                                   0.5+bzr398-0ubuntu1                     next generation service orchestration system15:52
marcoceppithat's a pretty old version of juju, I don't think it has the updated types since boolean was added later15:55
marcoceppiwhich is why it's saying expected string when it got boolean for the multicast configuration option in tomcat715:55
yageyok.  upgrade from the ppa?15:56
marcoceppiupgrading juju from that version to latest will likely break your current deployment though15:56
marcoceppiso if you're okay with re-boostrapping then yes15:56
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
imbrandonSpamapS: ok so you have a conf file in /etc , you change a value of that conf , should you not place the whole tested conf in the charm vs potentially untested conf with sed vaules changed after install when the maintainer of a package changes values16:33
imbrandonlike the example given is 8 months from now the maintainer changes a default value, i would think just as in package management you would not want that default value altomaticly propigated to the charm untill its been tested against your charm16:35
imbrandon( or anyones feedback )16:36
marcoceppidropping a configuration file from 8 months in the past against an updated package is just as reckless16:36
imbrandonno, not if there is no abi change16:36
marcoceppiwith a greater chance for breakage as it does not account for changes to the package16:36
imbrandonmuch less chance, its been tested, the latter way has not, thus less16:37
imbrandonif i have a config with show-errors off even if thats the default, then i know errors are off, if the maintainer changes that default to on, then errors are shown in my charm and it is then broken imho16:42
imbrandonif i have a known state for the software in the charm, not the full system, but what your provinding then you should own it all16:42
imbrandonnot the package mantainer16:43
marcoceppiimbrandon: if you know you always need show-errors off then you should make sure it's set via the install hook16:44
imbrandonsure, and i do as well as every other value16:44
imbrandonby the whole conf16:44
imbrandonknown state16:44
marcoceppiwon't scale, and does not smell like a best practice to me16:44
imbrandonit scales every day16:44
imbrandonits called debian packageing16:44
imbrandonit works the same way16:45
imbrandondamn near every deb drops their config in place16:45
imbrandonfor much the same reason16:46
imbrandonlike i said if thats the default now, i cannot garentee its the default alwys16:46
imbrandonjust as you point out16:46
imbrandonso i need to make sure by setting all values16:46
imbrandonthats why you get the little popup when debconf see's changes to files in /etc16:48
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hazmatthere's a reason that charms have series in their qualified name17:13
imbrandonhazmat: sure thats holds up if all the software is installed via the package mgmt sysxtem and not git or gotdeb or src :)17:29
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SpamapSimbrandon: for my oney, you store the whole config in the charm17:45
SpamapSand for my money toocurse you high latency17:46
_mup_txzookeeper/managed-watch-and-ephemeral r57 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com19:29
_mup_session renewal notification, don't track eph sequence nodes, speling comments from review19:29
_mup_txzookeeper/managed-watch-and-ephemeral r58 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com19:35
_mup_use a separate container node for the no track ephemeral test19:35
_mup_txzookeeper/trunk r47 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com19:37
_mup_merge managed-watch-and-ephemeral a new auto reconnecting client that recreates presence nodes and triggers watch handlers on session expiration [r=fwereade,jimbaker]19:37
hazmatm_3, ping19:49
m_3hazmat: pong19:50
hazmatm_3, i just saw r28 on charmrunner.. why did the relation check need to be disabled?19:50
hazmatthat's sort of the whole point..19:50
m_3hazmat: I'll re-enable it wrt the new schema once environments are working (lp:~mark-mims/charmrunner/with-environment)19:55
m_3hazmat: it was choking on status19:56
hazmatm_3,  on the new status?19:58
m_3hazmat: yup20:12
m_3sorry... latency probs atm20:12
m_3hazmat: there's no relation state there if the relation's good... only on fail20:13
m_3hazmat: not a hard change, just in the way at the time20:13
hazmatm_3,  right but that seems orthognal to the env stuff20:13
m_3yup... only related by the serial processing queue :)20:14
hazmatm_3, if you use go i'm sure you could do it in parallel ;-)20:56
m_3need go for wetware20:57
=== Furao_ is now known as Furao
m_3whoohoo!... charm in ec2 is testing charms in ec2... not quite automated yet23:46
m_3gotta probably write a separate zombie killer script to clean up if there are accidental danglers23:47
SpamapSm_3: and maybe use a limited access key that can only spawn a few machines? ;)23:57
m_3SpamapS: unhuh23:57
SpamapSm_3: I'd hate for the graph runner to get crazy with the cheeze whiz and cost you $500 ;)23:57
SpamapSprecise is changing faster now than it has all cycle23:58
SpamapSevery day I sbuild-update and get 15 packages in the base install23:58
m_3gotta wait until I get a fatter pipe to update23:58

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