
jcastroman snap-l01:05
jcastroand/or jono, whoever is around01:06
jonojcastro, hey01:06
jcastroI think I have found the most beautiful 3 minutes of metal01:06
jonojcastro, show me :-)01:06
jcastrograb JUSTICE01:06
jcastro"To live is to die"01:06
jcastroand when you hit 4:21.01:07
jcastrofrom then until 7:2101:07
jcastrogreatest 3 minutes ever.01:07
jcastroI only just figured this out01:07
jcastrowhile creating my "Instrumental masterpieces" playlist.01:07
jonooh yeah, I love this bit :-)01:07
jcastroI immediately emailed all my metallica friends01:07
jcastroMy mailer almost autocompleted dave CAMP to jim CAMPbell, that would have been hilarious01:08
jonomy new fave song is Time Is Running Out by Muse01:08
jcastrohmm, this song is too long, they should have trimmed the front and then01:08
jcastroerrr, the end01:09
jcastrothis is also like the only song on the whole album where you can make out the bass player01:09
jcastrohah, poor jason01:09
jonojcastro, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIqPbZ20EXI01:10
jcastroon it01:10
jcastrohey! this drummer sounds like he was recorded in your studio!01:11
jcastroheh, I jest.01:11
jcastrohmm, this turned real good01:11
jcastroit was awesome until he started singing01:12
jcastrowhy death metal, WHY.01:12
jonojcastro, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjFxdzTD9BE01:12
jonothe video is a bit stupid (not official) but the song is *nutS*01:12
jcastrois that a dog01:13
jcastrokind of looks like Daviey01:13
jonoI love the drumming on this tune01:13
jcastrooh god, what is this01:13
jcastrook audio only from now on from this band, lol01:14
jcastrojono: tell me more about your rush education, what are you into right now01:14
jcastrohopefully not the modem song still01:14
jonojcastro, it is continuing, there is a lot to get through01:14
jonothis is the drummer I want to be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eemKIvrA-3w01:15
jcastrooh we saw this last sprint01:16
jcastrodoesn't think just make you want to quit?01:16
jcastroI love how he has these skinny arms01:17
jcastroand can just smoke that01:17
jcastroyou'd think he'd have huge muscles just by keeping up01:17
jonodeath drummers dont move a lot01:18
jcastrothey don't seem to hit as hard as say Lombardo01:19
jcastro(not to take away from them)01:19
jonojcastro, so are you coming to see Severed Fifth play when you are out here?01:20
jonowe are playing on the Sat night01:20
jonobefore UDS01:20
jcastrooh whew01:20
jcastroof course man01:20
jcastroI didn't know until now01:20
jonowe are supporting a band that has Paul Bostaph (drummer for Slayer) and an ex-Anthrax singer01:20
jononot sure price yet01:20
jcastrowhich anthrax guy?01:21
jonowe only confirmed the show yesterday01:21
jonoDan Nelson01:21
jcastrooh, not the other guy01:21
jonohe was after John Bush01:21
jcastroI actually liked the other guy01:21
jcastroyeah john bush, I didn't even know a dude came after him01:21
jonoyeah and then Bush came back01:21
jcastrobut yeah, I'm in, I'll see if Chuck has to come early too01:21
jonoand the 80s poodle guy came back01:21
jcastrohe did come back01:22
jcastroand now they made the best album they have ever made01:22
jcastroI just can't stop listening to it01:22
jcastroyou should see this thash picture book I have01:22
jcastroit has all the old bands01:22
jcastroeven overkill01:22
jcastrois there a metal museum in SF?01:23
jcastrothere should be01:23
jcastroI would go01:23
jonohah, I don't think so01:24
jcastroCount me in though, I did just blow through 2 years worth of concert budget for The Wall though01:25
jcastroI already know how much I am spending on merch too01:25
jcastrotell me that is not the coolest shirt01:25
jonothat is wicked01:27
jonohey nigelb01:33
nigelbHey jono. How'd your day go? :)01:35
jononigelb, well, actually not a particularly good day01:36
jonobut hey, we have have crappy days :-)01:37
jononigelb, hows things with you, pal?01:37
nigelbNot bad. Yesterday was "not fun". I had some medical stuff to finish.01:40
nigelbSo, I spent my morning at a clinic, hungry, and waiting for a blood draw :)01:40
nigelberr, not hungry for blood :P01:40
jcastroI suppose vampire beats undead.01:40
bkerensajono: hopefully tomorrow will be better01:44
jcastrobkerensa: congrats on winning that Amazon Card01:51
jcastrodid you tell your subway buddies yet?01:52
jonobkerensa, hopefully01:56
jonobkerensa, its rare that I have a crappy day, I usually get over it01:56
mhall1191w 4103:07
snap-ljcastro: Yeah, that section of To Live Is To Die is amazing03:32
jcastroI KNOW RIGHT03:33
jonomhall119, around?04:34
cjohnstonjono: I think he was off for the night about an hour ago04:35
jonothanks cjohnston04:37
jonodo you know if I need to do anything special in a new Quickly app to display translations once I have my po/ dir working correctly and ahve wrapped the strings in _("") ?04:37
cjohnstonI'm not familiar with quickly, but that looks right from what I know04:37
dholbachgood morning06:46
dpmgood morning all!07:32
bkerensagood morning07:35
sensegood morning!07:42
dholbachmhall119, james_w: could you have a look over my Harvest merge proposal please? I'd appreciate it :-)    http://pad.lv/mps/harvest08:40
mhall119dholbach: _length isn't being treated as a length, it's being treated as an index for the last item12:23
jussimhall119: oh there are so many ways I could misinterpret that statement :P12:23
mhall119jussi: and none of them good12:24
jussimhall119: exactly12:24
mhall119dholbach: what whould happen if _start=500 and _length=5 ?12:24
dholbachmhall119, ugh, you're right12:24
mhall119maybe get _start first, setting to 0 if not defined, and then define end as start + _length12:25
dholbachyes, let me mull over it for a sec and play around with it12:26
dholbachmhall119, ok, I updated the merge proposal again - I hope it's a bit clearer now :)12:33
mhall119dholbach: looks good now12:35
* dholbach hugs mhall11912:35
dholbachthanks muchly12:35
dholbachdevopportunities lens here we come12:35
nigelbWs 2712:41
dholbachRT filed12:42
dholbachtime to walk the dog12:43
dholbachsee you later :)12:43
popeyI want a currency converter lens where I just type something in like "100 USD" and it throws back a load of results in various currencies (with certain ones at the top like GBP and EUR) make it so. Thanks!13:17
mhall119popey: might be better added to davidcalle's utility lens?13:18
* popey googles13:19
jcastrojono: does the hangout work for you?14:58
jcastroI get "I'm sorry, you are not invited"14:58
mhall119jcastro: he has to join before we can14:58
jcastrooh ok14:58
jcastromy G+ is all whitespace now, heh14:59
jonojcastro, mhall119, dholbach, balloons, dpm hangout started15:00
dpmjoining in!15:00
dholbachwow, I have this new interface now - let me see if I can find it in there15:01
dpmhelp, I'm lost in the new UI to!15:01
jonoI dont see you guys15:01
dholbachthank god15:02
balloonsi want pancakes15:02
bodhi_zazenwb s-fox15:13
s-foxThank you.15:24
jonodholbach, can you respond to my recent email ASAP16:00
jonodpm, mhall119 lets roll16:01
dholbachjono, done16:01
mhall119jono: loading everything back up now16:01
dpmjono, mhall119, ok joined and waiting in the room16:03
jonoI am there16:04
dholbachmhall119, james_w: it turns out I will need a brown-paper bag release of Harvest - I just ran into an issue with the small patch earlier today16:50
dholbachsorry about that16:51
dholbachalright, I've got to go, see you tomorrow *HUGS*16:57
jonojcastro, hey18:12
jonojcastro, gonna call your phone18:13
jonocant do G+, Erica needs the bandwidth18:13
jcastroI am at the PC if you want to G+18:13
jcastroah ok18:13
jonojcastro, will call your phone if that is OK18:13
jonothere is the side benefit of I can eat something while we talk18:13
jcastronom noms18:14
jussiI can just see it, jono munching loudly in jorges ear...18:19
cjohnstonjono: you got a few minutes of free time so that I can walk you through a demo of some new features of summit that should help us out19:28
cjohnstonjcastro: you too ^^19:29
jonocjohnston, can you summarize it in an email, I am pretty slammed this week19:32
cjohnstonnot completely, but ill try19:32
jonothanks cjohnston19:47
bkerensajcastro: you going to get a Cobalt Qube next?20:34

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